We have received numerous reports from players whose sound will suddendly disappaer but have been unable to locate the source of this issue. This thread is being created to centralize available information so, if you have experienced this issue, please provide the following info:
- Platform
- Location in-game where sound disappeared
- Date and time when this happened
- How/when did sound come back? If you needed to take certain steps to bring back audio, please let us know
- How often has this happened?
- If you have experienced this multiple times, has been in the same location or in different locations?
Thank you!
- Leadership Team
- PC
- No specific location, although most recently I was in Cradle of the Death God
- Multiple times throughout the past couple weeks, no specific time of day
- Had to restart the game. I've heard that switching from 64 to 32 bit fixed the issue entirely for some users.
- It has only happened to me a handful of times, but some friends have experienced it up to a few times a day
- Different locations
Also notable - I've noticed that sometimes the sound fades before cutting out completely. It gets very quiet, or I can only hear certain sounds (for example, enemy/environment noises disappearing, but I can still hear my own powers). I have also had it cut out, then return on its own a minute later, and then cut out again a bit later (at that point I had to restart the game).From the scenarios I've experienced/seen mentioned, it seems that sound cuts out the most when around numerous other players. Perhaps the sound system/driver/whatever its called gets overloaded on the 64 bit version. (I don't know anything about how that works, but it's just a theory.)
Silv3ry on YouTube
- PC
- Tyrant BHE in Omu
- 6/4/18; ~3:45PM PST
- Hasn't come back yet
- First time experiencing this
Platform: HP zBook 17 G1
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
RAM: 32 Gb
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Omu Tyrannt BHE, Bickering Beholders, No Sympathy BHEs and Dragonflight in stronghold. King of Spines BHE. All of the dragon BHEs in the siege of neverwinter event. Dragon BHEs in Well of Dragons.
No specific date/time. Happens any time of day that I've done any of those.
Only way I've gotten sound back is by completely logging out and restarting the client.
It's been happening pretty consistently for the past couple weeks. Seems to be a problem when there's just a bunch of players in the same area using lots of powers. But I never had this problem until recently. So my guess is a recent patch broke something.
- PC
Location in-game where sound disappeared
- Cradle of the Death God
Date and time when this happened
- No timestamp handy, but almost every time this instance is entered; character and environmental sounds usually begin to stutter each time monsters are spawned, and these sounds often stop before the elevator phase is over. Music will continue until completion of current track and then stop.
How/when did sound come back? If you needed to take certain steps to bring back audio, please let us know
- Sound did not return until client was closed out and relaunched.
How often has this happened?
- At least 3/4 runs in Cradle. IOW, very frequently.
If you have experienced this multiple times, has been in the same location or in different locations?
- Same location for me. Have not experienced it so severely elsewhere.
Note: I had not experienced this issue until recently. I want to say it began for me with or shortly after the 64-bit client patch.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Location: Playing from Switzerland
Timestamp: not handy but happens every time of the day, all day long last weekend
Sound: only happening in large groups, not 5 men dungeons. First combat sounds disappear, toggle in and out several times. When I leave direct combat sound may come back, but I soon as I get back into range it disappears. Background music stays, but not for long. It will disappear latest 30 sec after combat sounds are gone. Maybe there is a loop playing for the background music and after it expired, it does not refresh.
Getting sound back: Relog/Swapping chars is not enough, I have to close the NWO completely and restart.
How often: 3/4 of my CoDG runs and Tyrannt BHE's
Location: CoDG and Tyrannts. I did not run many KOS lately, so no information there.
My gut feeling: When there is too much "combat" sounds going on from powers and enemy attacks, the sound just gives up, maybe an overflow in the sound card/file from too much data to process.
- Platform: PC
- Location in-game: mainly in CoDG & during BHE in Omu (Tyrant)
- Date and time: It's happening on different times during a day (morning, evening and night)
- How often: It's totally random, sometimes w few times a day, sometimes 0
- How/when did sound come back: The sound comes back after restarting the game
I've managed to deal with this problem on my computer by switching from 64 to 32 bit in launcher options. Since then, the sound have never disappeared. However, when I play on my laptop the sound disappears randomly in CoDG and during Tyrant BHE. Unfortunately, I'm not able to switch to 32 bit on my laptop (I don't have that option available).Carmen - DC
Carmen- - CW
Valerie - OP
codg starting mobs kill sounds gone.
Location: Well Of Dragons.
Date and time when this happened: June 5th 10:50 AM GMT-3
How/when did sound come back? If you needed to take certain steps to bring back audio, please let us know: Restarting the game.
How often has this happened?: Almost everytime that i'm in a BHE or Trial ( Heralds of Tiamat, Demogorgon and its Epic version, Rise of Tiamat, Tyrant BHE.
Multiple times.
Location:Any Bhe location, Omu, WoD, new trial Cradle of the Death God.
Date and time: doesn't depend on time, heppens pretty often.
How/when did sound come back? If you needed to take certain steps to bring back audio, please let us know
How often has this happened?: Sound comeback only after restart the game.
If you have experienced this multiple times, has been in the same location or in different locations?
Thank you!: Mostly happens to me in Cradle, at first some effects disappaer and only music stays, in a minute or smth music goes off too.
Dragon Server-Essence of Aggression
Drider Server- TheWolves
youtube channel
- Platform: PC Windows 7 (my husband ran a test and happens in Linux too!)
- Location: Well of the Dragons
- Date and time: Too numerous and varied. Always and only on a dragon run.
- How/when did sound come back? Shut down and restart of game. Not related to PC as it still has sound.
- How often has this happened? Almost every time during a dragon run, multiple players in chat would also comment they lost sound too.
It happened to me once while sorting through sound FX on the Foundry. I tried to make it happen again but it didn't work. Both my husband and I conclude there is something wrong in your sound FX that kills the audio. A few times in the Well of Dragons I only lost the sound FX and still could hear the music playing. Sometimes the FX cut out first followed by the music. But I never had the music stop first.You are Welcome!
[For other players - Click the options link before you click PLAY and change to 32 bit client to test if it helps you]
Location in-game where sound disappeared: Omu during Tyrant HE, Well of Dragons during a Dragon Run.
Date and time when this happened: In the evening Central European Timezone. Next time it happens I'll make a more specific report.
How/when did sound come back? If you needed to take certain steps to bring back audio, please let us know: Sometimes the sound only disappears for a second or two then comes back, but if it's not back within two seconds it completely disappears and does not come back. I've once for the hell of it waited for ten minutes in game to see if it would come back, it didn't. Only solution is to close the game down and restart it, that has so far solved the issue with a 100% success rate.
How often has this happened? Hmmm, I'd say about 95% of my Tyrant runs (maybe 75% in the 32-bit client) and about 50% of my DR runs.
If you have experienced this multiple times, has been in the same location or in different locations? Yes, see above.
Today 6/5 at 19:50 (local) during Tyrant HE (#7). Had to reload game to get sound back.
I have had this happen during Marauders HE in my guild's SH. I do not have the time/date, but it would seem it has to do with groups.
PC/Windows 10
Something I noticed today (sorry, not connected to the sound bug) is that my utility key, shift, is bringing up the arc client streaming beta instead of activating the ability, ie my rogue's dodge. I asked the guild about it, and the only way people have fixed it is to reset keybinding to defult and then redo them to how you want. I do that later but wanted to mention it. If it happens on the frequency the sound bug does, resetting and redoing will get tedious.
Will test this next time I do BHEs in Omu.
using 64 bit client
I too am losing sound each and every time in WoD during "dragon runs". Also have lost sound during Tiamat instance and Tyrant BHE in Omu. Seems like only when large groups of players are in same area or instance. This has been happening since after maintenance approximately 5 weeks ago or perhaps six. I have submitted bug reports to no avail.
Only way to regain sound is to completely exit client and restart client. Simply logging out or changing characters does not correct the issue. Seems I am not alone on this one, I hear complaints about it almost daily during WoD dragon runs.
Hope you get it fixed! Good luck and be well.
about 10 min ago. (14:06 GMT+2)
restart client to fix.
has happened before in CODG & Maurauders
Location in-game where sound disappeared: Fighting tyrant in Omu
Date and time when this happened 10-06-2018 about 13:00ish GMT
How/when did sound come back? If you needed to take certain steps to bring back audio, please let us know: It didnt, had to restart game
How often has this happened? Every now and then, especially with new players. When it goes, it seems to start struggling for a few secs, getting less and less sound channels until none
If you have experienced this multiple times, has been in the same location or in different locations? Multiple times before, different locations, but does seem to be more common when there's more people around.
I have not in this testing period had the sound cut out at all as long as I stayed well away from the center of the fighting.
So to everyone else, what class(es) are you playing when this happens and how close are you to the thick of the fighting when it does?
While my main is a CW I use some encounter powers that often depends on being pretty close, so often I'm in the thick of it.
I've yet to experience the sound cutting out on my DC but then she's always far away from the fighting as I can keep her.
My OP is still wee and have only really done Demonic HEs in Dread Ring and Icewind Dale. So far nothing there, but then there's rarely more than a handful of people involved. Number of people fighting does seem to have an effect too.
- Omu Tyrant heroic
- 2018-06-11 ~10am UTC (~3.5 hours ago)
- Restarted client to solve it
- First time it happened
Due to the timing of when it happens we suspect it may be linked to a sound effect for a stun the dragons do but have no data to back that up at this point. Like others have said the background music continues to the end of the current track then the whole game is silent until restarting it.
Location in-game where sound disappeared Well of Dragons
Date and time when this happened on each and every 'Dragon Run' Either the Blue dragon gets it with it's stun/tinnitus attack, or the Red one gets it if it survived Blue
How/when did sound come back? If you needed to take certain steps to bring back audio, please let us know: Restart client
How often has this happened? Every Dragon Run I can remember, with no exceptions
If you have experienced this multiple times, has been in the same location or in different locations? Yes, same
The same as others have reported the music lasts to the end of the current track, but everything else goes all at once. Once the music ends all is silence.
Location in-game where sound disappeared - various
Date and time when this happened - cant remember, sorry but this happens frequently for me
How/when did sound come back? If you needed to take certain steps to bring back audio, please let us know - restart client has worked every time
How often has this happened? Usually 3 or 4 times in a week (over about 12 hours worth of play)
If you have experienced this multiple times, has been in the same location or in different locations? Different locations, seems random