Hear me out. I believe I have come up with the best AD sink this game can possibly come up with. They should start to make all the most BIAS armor in this game fugly. Nothing will get the player base more willing to freely spend more AD, than to transmute a piece of fugly armor that they cannot live without. Not everyone will have the time and or money to be BIAS but all most everyone will find the time and or money to avoid being fugly. But for me, I am just glad I could help.
R.I.P. neverwinter. period. worst EVER proposal to limit all AD to account wide earnings to the measly amount ONLY 1 toon can earn. 20-30k in a realistic amount of time. Most people see the 100k limit and don't see the mt. everest high climb to reach that 100k. The wallet warriors will only have each other to play with. My daughter's characters are also on my account so there will no longer be any way for each character to earn AD. Game breaking. I suppose all campaigns, boons, companions, mounts and gear will still be bound to character and NOT shared like astral diamond earnings. Real low-ball s*it move. Even if it started raining legendary mounts, I don't think the game will recover from this nerf. Sure, people have said that before about previous nerfs, however, there will no longer be anything to play for if the only realistic way to progress a character is with loads of cash. Well, it was fun while it lasted. P.S. for the offended, regarding free to play vs. pay to play argument, most players have spent more money on this game than a console title. With this considered, I believe the financial requirements have been met between player and company. Apparent corporate greed has drawn a clear line in which can be heard echoing the current challenge to players without prosperity. "NONE SHALL PASS!"
there are other ways to make money in this game and prices will fall on everything due to this. prices won't be what they are today. people will have less money so things will cost less. it will all work out. real money will not be required to succeed here. there has been less money in the game before and it's been quite prosperous. there was a point in this game where cryptic just flat out gave everyone 100k ad because there wasn't enough. they added a lot of ways to get ad and I think they just found themselves too far over on the other side this tiem
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
Personally, I think the AD sinks should be necessary, repeat-buy items; like the Pres Wards that are needed since the change they made to the RP system.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
I think i will be fine with this nerf, I got 52 toons and i will just farm the weekly quest and be done with the whole week. HAHA!! If they remove AD from those quest then I will just move on. That is the last straw for me. This is the lowest of the LOW of a game nerf.
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
R.I.P. neverwinter. period. worst EVER proposal to limit all AD to account wide earnings to the measly amount ONLY 1 toon can earn. 20-30k in a realistic amount of time. Most people see the 100k limit and don't see the mt. everest high climb to reach that 100k. The wallet warriors will only have each other to play with. My daughter's characters are also on my account so there will no longer be any way for each character to earn AD. Game breaking. I suppose all campaigns, boons, companions, mounts and gear will still be bound to character and NOT shared like astral diamond earnings. Real low-ball s*it move. Even if it started raining legendary mounts, I don't think the game will recover from this nerf. Sure, people have said that before about previous nerfs, however, there will no longer be anything to play for if the only realistic way to progress a character is with loads of cash. Well, it was fun while it lasted. P.S. for the offended, regarding free to play vs. pay to play argument, most players have spent more money on this game than a console title. With this considered, I believe the financial requirements have been met between player and company. Apparent corporate greed has drawn a clear line in which can be heard echoing the current challenge to players without prosperity. "NONE SHALL PASS!"
there are other ways to make money in this game and prices will fall on everything due to this. prices won't be what they are today. people will have less money so things will cost less. it will all work out. real money will not be required to succeed here. there has been less money in the game before and it's been quite prosperous. there was a point in this game where cryptic just flat out gave everyone 100k ad because there wasn't enough. they added a lot of ways to get ad and I think they just found themselves too far over on the other side this tiem
what prices will fall? ah? wondorous bazaar? they are limiting free to play player demand of ad to zen, that way casher will have an advantage. ah prices cant be limited by the company, the player decides the price of the ah items, at the end of the day it will be pay to play players playing this game.
here is something that can be done on live: 8 chars, 1 of each class, the cap is 36k daily, 8*36000=288000 ad daily every 5 days you make 1mil+ ad and thats the amount needed to upg companion from epic to legendary, that makes 5 days of grinding go away in a blink of an eye.
with the mod 14 ad cap you need to grind 10 days to upgrade ur pet from epic to legendary, this is just 1/5 pets, you may say you can use tokens, well the way the rng drops/amount drop is too low to wait for them to pop, people dont have time for that, these pets ad upgrades is a good ad sink.This ad change will kill the enjoyment of progressing as a new player because the new player is capped on a 100k ad/day income, "end game" players wont suffer any blows because they can grind t9g/codg and sell ues for a good income + other sellable drops and use the salvage drops from it to cap toon new daily cap.
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
if they bta the zen store pres wards and coalwards would it make any changes to the bots in game?
It has been mentioned that with this change, the relatively short lived Seal of the Protector will be replaced by the Seal of the Brave.
Can you explain the details to this.
i.e. Will the cap of 400 EARNED per week remain? Or will that cap be shifted as per all previous Seals to be a cap of CARRIED Seals? Will the reward to effort of HE, Skirmish, Dungeon, etc, etc... be similar in regard to currently using Protector seals to buy salvage? For example, will running two EToS give roughly enough Seals of the Brave to buy a ring worth 4000RAD? If a cap does persist, will it be per character or account wide?
R.I.P. neverwinter. period. worst EVER proposal to limit all AD to account wide earnings to the measly amount ONLY 1 toon can earn. 20-30k in a realistic amount of time. Most people see the 100k limit and don't see the mt. everest high climb to reach that 100k. The wallet warriors will only have each other to play with. My daughter's characters are also on my account so there will no longer be any way for each character to earn AD. Game breaking. I suppose all campaigns, boons, companions, mounts and gear will still be bound to character and NOT shared like astral diamond earnings. Real low-ball s*it move. Even if it started raining legendary mounts, I don't think the game will recover from this nerf. Sure, people have said that before about previous nerfs, however, there will no longer be anything to play for if the only realistic way to progress a character is with loads of cash. Well, it was fun while it lasted. P.S. for the offended, regarding free to play vs. pay to play argument, most players have spent more money on this game than a console title. With this considered, I believe the financial requirements have been met between player and company. Apparent corporate greed has drawn a clear line in which can be heard echoing the current challenge to players without prosperity. "NONE SHALL PASS!"
there are other ways to make money in this game and prices will fall on everything due to this. prices won't be what they are today. people will have less money so things will cost less. it will all work out. real money will not be required to succeed here. there has been less money in the game before and it's been quite prosperous. there was a point in this game where cryptic just flat out gave everyone 100k ad because there wasn't enough. they added a lot of ways to get ad and I think they just found themselves too far over on the other side this tiem
what prices will fall? ah? wondorous bazaar? they are limiting free to play player demand of ad to zen, that way casher will have an advantage. ah prices cant be limited by the company, the player decides the price of the ah items, at the end of the day it will be pay to play players playing this game.
here is something that can be done on live: 8 chars, 1 of each class, the cap is 36k daily, 8*36000=288000 ad daily every 5 days you make 1mil+ ad and thats the amount needed to upg companion from epic to legendary, that makes 5 days of grinding go away in a blink of an eye.
with the mod 14 ad cap you need to grind 10 days to upgrade ur pet from epic to legendary, this is just 1/5 pets, you may say you can use tokens, well the way the rng drops/amount drop is too low to wait for them to pop, people dont have time for that, these pets ad upgrades is a good ad sink.This ad change will kill the enjoyment of progressing as a new player because the new player is capped on a 100k ad/day income, "end game" players wont suffer any blows because they can grind t9g/codg and sell ues for a good income + other sellable drops and use the salvage drops from it to cap toon new daily cap.
supply and demand is both the price in the zax and the ah. if there is less money in the economy there will be less demand. thus people will ask less so their item will actually sell.
It has been mentioned that with this change, the relatively short lived Seal of the Protector will be replaced by the Seal of the Brave.
Can you explain the details to this.
i.e. Will the cap of 400 EARNED per week remain? Or will that cap be shifted as per all previous Seals to be a cap of CARRIED Seals? Will the reward to effort of HE, Skirmish, Dungeon, etc, etc... be similar in regard to currently using Protector seals to buy salvage? For example, will running two EToS give roughly enough Seals of the Brave to buy a ring worth 4000RAD? If a cap does persist, will it be per character or account wide?
Thank you in advance.
this was already answered. cap will be removed and placed on new seals.
It has been mentioned that with this change, the relatively short lived Seal of the Protector will be replaced by the Seal of the Brave.
Can you explain the details to this.
i.e. Will the cap of 400 EARNED per week remain? Or will that cap be shifted as per all previous Seals to be a cap of CARRIED Seals? Will the reward to effort of HE, Skirmish, Dungeon, etc, etc... be similar in regard to currently using Protector seals to buy salvage? For example, will running two EToS give roughly enough Seals of the Brave to buy a ring worth 4000RAD? If a cap does persist, will it be per character or account wide?
Thank you in advance.
this was already answered. cap will be removed and placed on new seals.
Cheers, I must have missed that.
So, the value of the number earned per content will stay (roughly) the same? In essence Protector simply changes its name to Brave, and Brave changes to... whatever the new one's called?
So, the value of the number earned per content will stay (roughly) the same? In essence Protector simply changes its name to Brave, and Brave changes to... whatever the new one's called?
Roughly. It's not a name change, though - you'll still be using Brave Seals to buy Primal gear and weapons, making those the new "fresh 70s run dungeons to get these" baseline instead of the SKT armor that the current seal vendor sells.
supply and demand is both the price in the zax and the ah. if there is less money in the economy there will be less demand. thus people will ask less so their item will actually sell.
Prices aren't going to go down. High priced items in the AH are already selling at a discount relative to the cost to produce them. If AD becomes more valuable due to less supply, players are less likely to take a loss on a sale for the sake of convenience/"I want something else *NOW* resulting in inflated AH prices.
A few days ago, I did an environmental scan, and based on the cost of production, including AH cut, prices for items such as Unparalleled Weapon enchants would need to adjust by about 45% upward in order for players to break even.
Ultimately, however, I really don't think you will see much change in prices either way. What is most likely to happen is akin to economic stratification and the barrier to BiS will become more pronounced, if not actually require Pay2Play for all intents and purposes. That said, this game can still be a lot of fun even if you aren't BiS geared. My HR is basically running through Chult and Omu in their underwear....
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
supply and demand is both the price in the zax and the ah. if there is less money in the economy there will be less demand. thus people will ask less so their item will actually sell.
Prices aren't going to go down. High priced items in the AH are already selling at a discount relative to the cost to produce them. If AD becomes more valuable due to less supply, players are less likely to take a loss on a sale for the sake of convenience/"I want something else *NOW* resulting in inflated AH prices.
A few days ago, I did an environmental scan, and based on the cost of production, including AH cut, prices for items such as Unparalleled Weapon enchants would need to adjust by about 45% upward in order for players to break even.
Ultimately, however, I really don't think you will see much change in prices either way. What is most likely to happen is akin to economic stratification and the barrier to BiS will become more pronounced, if not actually require Pay2Play for all intents and purposes. That said, this game can still be a lot of fun even if you aren't BiS geared. My HR is basically running through Chult and Omu in their underwear....
The price in general will drop but it may not be the specific item you are looking for. One can keep on stashing the stuff without selling for short term. In long term, one will eventually be annoyed by the inventory management and just want to get rid of them. What I am talking about is something like RP, enchantment, etc, when you have a few hundreds stack of them. People will convert their fleet of characters to earn AD (not rAD) some other ways that they did not do.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
supply and demand is both the price in the zax and the ah. if there is less money in the economy there will be less demand. thus people will ask less so their item will actually sell.
Prices aren't going to go down. High priced items in the AH are already selling at a discount relative to the cost to produce them. If AD becomes more valuable due to less supply, players are less likely to take a loss on a sale for the sake of convenience/"I want something else *NOW* resulting in inflated AH prices.
A few days ago, I did an environmental scan, and based on the cost of production, including AH cut, prices for items such as Unparalleled Weapon enchants would need to adjust by about 45% upward in order for players to break even.
Ultimately, however, I really don't think you will see much change in prices either way. What is most likely to happen is akin to economic stratification and the barrier to BiS will become more pronounced, if not actually require Pay2Play for all intents and purposes. That said, this game can still be a lot of fun even if you aren't BiS geared. My HR is basically running through Chult and Omu in their underwear....
The price in general will drop but it may not be the specific item you are looking for. One can keep on stashing the stuff without selling for short term. In long term, one will eventually be annoyed by the inventory management and just want to get rid of them. What I am talking about is something like RP, enchantment, etc, when you have a few hundreds stack of them. People will convert their fleet of characters to earn AD (not rAD) some other ways that they did not do.
I can see things like P Wards and C Wards reach parity with the Zen store rather than the 25-30% markup you see now.....
supply and demand is both the price in the zax and the ah. if there is less money in the economy there will be less demand. thus people will ask less so their item will actually sell.
Prices aren't going to go down. High priced items in the AH are already selling at a discount relative to the cost to produce them. If AD becomes more valuable due to less supply, players are less likely to take a loss on a sale for the sake of convenience/"I want something else *NOW* resulting in inflated AH prices.
A few days ago, I did an environmental scan, and based on the cost of production, including AH cut, prices for items such as Unparalleled Weapon enchants would need to adjust by about 45% upward in order for players to break even.
Ultimately, however, I really don't think you will see much change in prices either way. What is most likely to happen is akin to economic stratification and the barrier to BiS will become more pronounced, if not actually require Pay2Play for all intents and purposes. That said, this game can still be a lot of fun even if you aren't BiS geared. My HR is basically running through Chult and Omu in their underwear....
The price in general will drop but it may not be the specific item you are looking for. One can keep on stashing the stuff without selling for short term. In long term, one will eventually be annoyed by the inventory management and just want to get rid of them. What I am talking about is something like RP, enchantment, etc, when you have a few hundreds stack of them. People will convert their fleet of characters to earn AD (not rAD) some other ways that they did not do.
I can see things like P Wards and C Wards reach parity with the Zen store rather than the 25-30% markup you see now.....
They will always sell on the AH at a relatively higher price than the cost of Zen. People use Zen +15% voucher to buy Ward. They sell at a higher margin because a) Zen is hard to get on PC, and b) because people STILL don't realise that its cheaper to trade AD for Zen on console and buy from Zen market. And that's how they make a profit. So the price of Wards may well come down as a result of this, but never by more than the relative reduction in how many RAD are refineable/the current price on the ZADX.
Here's a suggestion. If you aspire to owning Armour Kits, buy them before these changes come in. Because the cost of making them in an artificially depressed economy will make them too expensive relative to most other items on the AH, unless there are people happy to spend 100k + Unified Elements on crafting and charge less than the price it cost to make them when selling.
And if there are such people, and any of them are reading this... I have a bag of magic beans you might be interested in buying.
So, the value of the number earned per content will stay (roughly) the same? In essence Protector simply changes its name to Brave, and Brave changes to... whatever the new one's called?
Roughly. It's not a name change, though - you'll still be using Brave Seals to buy Primal gear and weapons, making those the new "fresh 70s run dungeons to get these" baseline instead of the SKT armor that the current seal vendor sells.
Thats interesting. I'm surprised they'd make the Primal Gear so easily available so soon. Not complaining though...
So, the value of the number earned per content will stay (roughly) the same? In essence Protector simply changes its name to Brave, and Brave changes to... whatever the new one's called?
Roughly. It's not a name change, though - you'll still be using Brave Seals to buy Primal gear and weapons, making those the new "fresh 70s run dungeons to get these" baseline instead of the SKT armor that the current seal vendor sells.
Thats interesting. I'm surprised they'd make the Primal Gear so easily available so soon. Not complaining though...
It gets better: Opening Ravenloft gives a *complete set* of blue level 460 gear, in every slot including shirt and pants and Artifacts, with every gem slot filled with free R8s, and a set of green Omu-tier (so, best-except-Exalted) artifact weapons (with a CHINCHILLA set bonus but HOLY GERBIL COMPLETELY FREE.)
Ravenloft has an entire new tier of catchup to it. And that's fine.
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
new zone seems to have mobs drop blue rad salvage gear?
salvage rad should also increase. 1 rung of codg will net us around 8-10k rad of salvage at least with the use of 1 key. 1 legendary key is around 22-25k. Doing a negative profit when running the latest dungeon can make players loss some interest.
> @lowjohn said: > So, the value of the number earned per content will stay (roughly) the same? > In essence Protector simply changes its name to Brave, and Brave changes to... whatever the new one's called? > > > Roughly. It's not a name change, though - you'll still be using Brave Seals to buy Primal gear and weapons, making those the new "fresh 70s run dungeons to get these" baseline instead of the SKT armor that the current seal vendor sells. > > > Thats interesting. > I'm surprised they'd make the Primal Gear so easily available so soon. > Not complaining though... > > > > It gets better: Opening Ravenloft gives a *complete set* of blue level 460 gear, in every slot including shirt and pants and Artifacts, with every gem slot filled with free R8s, and a set of green Omu-tier (so, best-except-Exalted) artifact weapons (with a CHINCHILLA set bonus but HOLY GERBIL COMPLETELY FREE.) > > Ravenloft has an entire new tier of catchup to it. And that's fine.
Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
> So, the value of the number earned per content will stay (roughly) the same?
> In essence Protector simply changes its name to Brave, and Brave changes to... whatever the new one's called?
> Roughly. It's not a name change, though - you'll still be using Brave Seals to buy Primal gear and weapons, making those the new "fresh 70s run dungeons to get these" baseline instead of the SKT armor that the current seal vendor sells.
> Thats interesting.
> I'm surprised they'd make the Primal Gear so easily available so soon.
> Not complaining though...
> It gets better: Opening Ravenloft gives a *complete set* of blue level 460 gear, in every slot including shirt and pants and Artifacts, with every gem slot filled with free R8s, and a set of green Omu-tier (so, best-except-Exalted) artifact weapons (with a CHINCHILLA set bonus but HOLY GERBIL COMPLETELY FREE.)
> Ravenloft has an entire new tier of catchup to it. And that's fine.
Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
There are many reasons to have alt. People has 50+ alts way before queue gave AD.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
>>Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
Absolutely not. One toon gets you one set of weeklies, and one days worth of invoke bonus RAD. Say you run all your weeklies on day one. How are you going to get anywhere near 100k the next six days? 8 toons... cycle through one per day on the RQs and weeklies, with 8 days of stockpiled invoke RAD. Even if that toon can only run the 9k RQ, its still only a few extra salvage runs to hit 100k.
That way each toon only needs to earn 66.6k on its active day. About 45-50k of which will come from weeklies and two lowest RQs. If you are doing the 15k reward RQ on top of that your base salvage with free daily key from PE should take you close or over the 66.6. Your 8 days worth of invoke RAD bonus will take care of the rest.
Anyone who runs 1 or 2 toons and thinks, "Wehey... I'm in the money" needs to have a think about just how hard it will be for them to come within a country mile of the new super improved RAD cap.
But of course, they don't expect people to think about that stuff. Bigger number = "Look at the shiny shiny. Don't look over there, look here... its shiny... look... it will be all yours... just keep posting about how cool it will be to see those whales get harpooned."
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
>>Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
Absolutely not. One toon gets you one set of weeklies, and one days worth of invoke bonus RAD. Say you run all your weeklies on day one. How are you going to get anywhere near 100k the next six days? 8 toons... cycle through one per day on the RQs and weeklies, with 8 days of stockpiled invoke RAD. Even if that toon can only run the 9k RQ, its still only a few extra salvage runs to hit 100k.
That way each toon only needs to earn 66.6k on its active day. About 45-50k of which will come from weeklies and two lowest RQs. If you are doing the 15k reward RQ on top of that your base salvage with free daily key from PE should take you close or over the 66.6. Your 8 days worth of invoke RAD bonus will take care of the rest.
Anyone who runs 1 or 2 toons and thinks, "Wehey... I'm in the money" needs to have a think about just how hard it will be for them to come within a country mile of the new super improved RAD cap.
But of course, they don't expect people to think about that stuff. Bigger number = "Look at the shiny shiny. Don't look over there, look here... its shiny... look... it will be all yours... just keep posting about how cool it will be to see those whales get harpooned."
If your only reason to have alt is to run RQ to earn rAD, one toon probably will be as good as 10 toons. Use alt to earn AD and to help cut down some cost of why you need AD to begin with. I virtually did not run RQ to earn rAD since the introduction of RQ. My AD income is okay.
If you can only earn rAD, your daily magic number is 66666 rAD because you should always take advantage of invocation AD bonus. Well, your main can only add ~3000 AD bonus daily. That means your AD bonus pool would be empty usually. What else can help? Alt. Alt has its own AD bonus pool.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I think the real gripe that people have regarding this change is that it will actually take *time* to save up for end game items.
As far as I'm concerned, that is a "good thing."
Players who refine millions of rAD/week to buy end game items, but don't know how to actually play their class are about as annoying as the bots in the low level dungeons.
> It gets better: Opening Ravenloft gives a *complete set* of blue level 460 gear, in every slot including shirt and pants and Artifacts, with every gem slot filled with free R8s, and a set of green Omu-tier (so, best-except-Exalted) artifact weapons (with a CHINCHILLA set bonus but HOLY GERBIL COMPLETELY FREE.)
> Ravenloft has an entire new tier of catchup to it. And that's fine.
Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
And every fresh 70, and every new player, will get handed a full suit of decent gear, with a full set of decent enchantments, and a current-top-tier weapon. This will get them into the current content faster and let them avoid needing to work hard to grind older content.
It's a good thing. Even if they've made "playing your favourite toon through actual content" more profitable than "running alts you don't care about through underlevel content".
>>Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
Absolutely not. One toon gets you one set of weeklies, and one days worth of invoke bonus RAD. Say you run all your weeklies on day one. How are you going to get anywhere near 100k the next six days? 8 toons... cycle through one per day on the RQs and weeklies, with 8 days of stockpiled invoke RAD. Even if that toon can only run the 9k RQ, its still only a few extra salvage runs to hit 100k.
That way each toon only needs to earn 66.6k on its active day. About 45-50k of which will come from weeklies and two lowest RQs. If you are doing the 15k reward RQ on top of that your base salvage with free daily key from PE should take you close or over the 66.6. Your 8 days worth of invoke RAD bonus will take care of the rest.
Anyone who runs 1 or 2 toons and thinks, "Wehey... I'm in the money" needs to have a think about just how hard it will be for them to come within a country mile of the new super improved RAD cap.
But of course, they don't expect people to think about that stuff. Bigger number = "Look at the shiny shiny. Don't look over there, look here... its shiny... look... it will be all yours... just keep posting about how cool it will be to see those whales get harpooned."
If your only reason to have alt is to run RQ to earn rAD, one toon probably will be as good as 10 toons. Use alt to earn AD and to help cut down some cost of why you need AD to begin with. I virtually did not run RQ to earn rAD since the introduction of RQ. My AD income is okay.
If you can only earn rAD, your daily magic number is 66666 rAD because you should always take advantage of invocation AD bonus. Well, your main can only add ~3000 AD bonus daily. That means your AD bonus pool would be empty usually. What else can help? Alt. Alt has its own AD bonus pool.
Two toons will only ever have two days worth of invoke bonus if you are playing every day. Meaning the required "earned" (as opposed to "bonus" from invoke) will always be closer to 90-95k depending on VIP etc. Two toons will only allow 2 sets of easy weekly RAD forage. Run 7 or 8 toons, one per day, and every time its that toons turn, they have all their weeklies and at least a weeks worth of bonus invoke RAD. Once you get to ten or more its a moot point as long as they all have the access to weeklies.
But up to that point, more toons make it easier than fewer toons.
If you can earn 100k RAD per day every day without running RQs, or the need for a good wedge of invoke bonus RAD then well done indeed.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
>>Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
Absolutely not. One toon gets you one set of weeklies, and one days worth of invoke bonus RAD. Say you run all your weeklies on day one. How are you going to get anywhere near 100k the next six days? 8 toons... cycle through one per day on the RQs and weeklies, with 8 days of stockpiled invoke RAD. Even if that toon can only run the 9k RQ, its still only a few extra salvage runs to hit 100k.
That way each toon only needs to earn 66.6k on its active day. About 45-50k of which will come from weeklies and two lowest RQs. If you are doing the 15k reward RQ on top of that your base salvage with free daily key from PE should take you close or over the 66.6. Your 8 days worth of invoke RAD bonus will take care of the rest.
Anyone who runs 1 or 2 toons and thinks, "Wehey... I'm in the money" needs to have a think about just how hard it will be for them to come within a country mile of the new super improved RAD cap.
But of course, they don't expect people to think about that stuff. Bigger number = "Look at the shiny shiny. Don't look over there, look here... its shiny... look... it will be all yours... just keep posting about how cool it will be to see those whales get harpooned."
If your only reason to have alt is to run RQ to earn rAD, one toon probably will be as good as 10 toons. Use alt to earn AD and to help cut down some cost of why you need AD to begin with. I virtually did not run RQ to earn rAD since the introduction of RQ. My AD income is okay.
If you can only earn rAD, your daily magic number is 66666 rAD because you should always take advantage of invocation AD bonus. Well, your main can only add ~3000 AD bonus daily. That means your AD bonus pool would be empty usually. What else can help? Alt. Alt has its own AD bonus pool.
Two toons will only ever have two days worth of invoke bonus if you are playing every day. Meaning the required "earned" (as opposed to "bonus" from invoke) will always be closer to 90-95k depending on VIP etc. Two toons will only allow 2 sets of easy weekly RAD forage. Run 7 or 8 toons, one per day, and every time its that toons turn, they have all their weeklies and at least a weeks worth of bonus invoke RAD. Once you get to ten or more its a moot point as long as they all have the access to weeklies.
But up to that point, more toons make it easier than fewer toons.
If you can earn 100k RAD per day every day without running RQs, or the need for a good wedge of invoke bonus RAD then well done indeed.
As I said, I don't do rAD much. My main income is from AD.
I do not and will not exceed 100K rAD daily refinement cap in average. I will do it in burst that will exceed the daily cap and will take a long while for them to be refined.
When I earn rAD, I make sure my toon has enough AD bonus pool to cover the amount (otherwise, I just don't earn it until it does). I try to maintain my toon to be in 90K AD bonus range so that they are in the striking zone of 100K AD bonus. Then, the AD bonus can be fully consumed in 2xRefineStone event such as this Thursday. Then, it will take a long while for them to be digested and a long while to get those AD bonus pool filled up.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
>>Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
Absolutely not. One toon gets you one set of weeklies, and one days worth of invoke bonus RAD. Say you run all your weeklies on day one. How are you going to get anywhere near 100k the next six days? 8 toons... cycle through one per day on the RQs and weeklies, with 8 days of stockpiled invoke RAD. Even if that toon can only run the 9k RQ, its still only a few extra salvage runs to hit 100k.
That way each toon only needs to earn 66.6k on its active day. About 45-50k of which will come from weeklies and two lowest RQs. If you are doing the 15k reward RQ on top of that your base salvage with free daily key from PE should take you close or over the 66.6. Your 8 days worth of invoke RAD bonus will take care of the rest.
Anyone who runs 1 or 2 toons and thinks, "Wehey... I'm in the money" needs to have a think about just how hard it will be for them to come within a country mile of the new super improved RAD cap.
But of course, they don't expect people to think about that stuff. Bigger number = "Look at the shiny shiny. Don't look over there, look here... its shiny... look... it will be all yours... just keep posting about how cool it will be to see those whales get harpooned."
If your only reason to have alt is to run RQ to earn rAD, one toon probably will be as good as 10 toons. Use alt to earn AD and to help cut down some cost of why you need AD to begin with. I virtually did not run RQ to earn rAD since the introduction of RQ. My AD income is okay.
If you can only earn rAD, your daily magic number is 66666 rAD because you should always take advantage of invocation AD bonus. Well, your main can only add ~3000 AD bonus daily. That means your AD bonus pool would be empty usually. What else can help? Alt. Alt has its own AD bonus pool.
Two toons will only ever have two days worth of invoke bonus if you are playing every day. Meaning the required "earned" (as opposed to "bonus" from invoke) will always be closer to 90-95k depending on VIP etc. Two toons will only allow 2 sets of easy weekly RAD forage. Run 7 or 8 toons, one per day, and every time its that toons turn, they have all their weeklies and at least a weeks worth of bonus invoke RAD. Once you get to ten or more its a moot point as long as they all have the access to weeklies.
But up to that point, more toons make it easier than fewer toons.
If you can earn 100k RAD per day every day without running RQs, or the need for a good wedge of invoke bonus RAD then well done indeed.
As I said, I don't do rAD much. My main income is from AD.
I do not and will not exceed 100K rAD daily refinement cap in average. I will do it in burst that will exceed the daily cap and will take a long while for them to be refined.
When I earn rAD, I make sure my toon has enough AD bonus pool to cover the amount (otherwise, I just don't earn it until it does). I try to maintain my toon to be in 90K AD bonus range so that they are in the striking zone of 100K AD bonus. Then, the AD bonus can be fully consumed in 2xRefineStone event such as this Thursday. Then, it will take a long while for them to be digested and a long while to get those AD bonus pool filled up.
Which is lovely, and you're clearly very good at what you do. But I believe the discussion is about how the new RAD cap affects those who gain their AD via the refinement method...
I could be wrong, but those AD that you make through other means make their way into the economy via other people refining them? Therefore their future availability to the super shrewd business gurus may be impacted by their reduction in availability?
let me prove you wrong. https://imgur.com/a/KoEtBYS
here is something that can be done on live: 8 chars, 1 of each class, the cap is 36k daily, 8*36000=288000 ad daily every 5 days you make 1mil+ ad and thats the amount needed to upg companion from epic to legendary, that makes 5 days of grinding go away in a blink of an eye.
with the mod 14 ad cap you need to grind 10 days to upgrade ur pet from epic to legendary, this is just 1/5 pets, you may say you can use tokens, well the way the rng drops/amount drop is too low to wait for them to pop, people dont have time for that, these pets ad upgrades is a good ad sink.This ad change will kill the enjoyment of progressing as a new player because the new player is capped on a 100k ad/day income, "end game" players wont suffer any blows because they can grind t9g/codg and sell ues for a good income + other sellable drops and use the salvage drops from it to cap toon new daily cap.
It has been mentioned that with this change, the relatively short lived Seal of the Protector will be replaced by the Seal of the Brave.
Can you explain the details to this.
Will the cap of 400 EARNED per week remain?
Or will that cap be shifted as per all previous Seals to be a cap of CARRIED Seals?
Will the reward to effort of HE, Skirmish, Dungeon, etc, etc... be similar in regard to currently using Protector seals to buy salvage? For example, will running two EToS give roughly enough Seals of the Brave to buy a ring worth 4000RAD?
If a cap does persist, will it be per character or account wide?
Thank you in advance.
this was already answered. cap will be removed and placed on new seals.
So, the value of the number earned per content will stay (roughly) the same?
In essence Protector simply changes its name to Brave, and Brave changes to... whatever the new one's called?
A few days ago, I did an environmental scan, and based on the cost of production, including AH cut, prices for items such as Unparalleled Weapon enchants would need to adjust by about 45% upward in order for players to break even.
Ultimately, however, I really don't think you will see much change in prices either way. What is most likely to happen is akin to economic stratification and the barrier to BiS will become more pronounced, if not actually require Pay2Play for all intents and purposes. That said, this game can still be a lot of fun even if you aren't BiS geared. My HR is basically running through Chult and Omu in their underwear....
People use Zen +15% voucher to buy Ward.
They sell at a higher margin because a) Zen is hard to get on PC, and b) because people STILL don't realise that its cheaper to trade AD for Zen on console and buy from Zen market. And that's how they make a profit.
So the price of Wards may well come down as a result of this, but never by more than the relative reduction in how many RAD are refineable/the current price on the ZADX.
Here's a suggestion. If you aspire to owning Armour Kits, buy them before these changes come in. Because the cost of making them in an artificially depressed economy will make them too expensive relative to most other items on the AH, unless there are people happy to spend 100k + Unified Elements on crafting and charge less than the price it cost to make them when selling.
And if there are such people, and any of them are reading this... I have a bag of magic beans you might be interested in buying.
I'm surprised they'd make the Primal Gear so easily available so soon.
Not complaining though...
Ravenloft has an entire new tier of catchup to it. And that's fine.
> So, the value of the number earned per content will stay (roughly) the same?
> In essence Protector simply changes its name to Brave, and Brave changes to... whatever the new one's called?
> Roughly. It's not a name change, though - you'll still be using Brave Seals to buy Primal gear and weapons, making those the new "fresh 70s run dungeons to get these" baseline instead of the SKT armor that the current seal vendor sells.
> Thats interesting.
> I'm surprised they'd make the Primal Gear so easily available so soon.
> Not complaining though...
> It gets better: Opening Ravenloft gives a *complete set* of blue level 460 gear, in every slot including shirt and pants and Artifacts, with every gem slot filled with free R8s, and a set of green Omu-tier (so, best-except-Exalted) artifact weapons (with a CHINCHILLA set bonus but HOLY GERBIL COMPLETELY FREE.)
> Ravenloft has an entire new tier of catchup to it. And that's fine.
Don’t be fooled. They only give this away because you don’t need it anymore. There is no reason to have alts unless it’s to fill more roles.
Absolutely not.
One toon gets you one set of weeklies, and one days worth of invoke bonus RAD. Say you run all your weeklies on day one. How are you going to get anywhere near 100k the next six days?
8 toons... cycle through one per day on the RQs and weeklies, with 8 days of stockpiled invoke RAD.
Even if that toon can only run the 9k RQ, its still only a few extra salvage runs to hit 100k.
That way each toon only needs to earn 66.6k on its active day. About 45-50k of which will come from weeklies and two lowest RQs. If you are doing the 15k reward RQ on top of that your base salvage with free daily key from PE should take you close or over the 66.6. Your 8 days worth of invoke RAD bonus will take care of the rest.
Anyone who runs 1 or 2 toons and thinks, "Wehey... I'm in the money" needs to have a think about just how hard it will be for them to come within a country mile of the new super improved RAD cap.
But of course, they don't expect people to think about that stuff. Bigger number = "Look at the shiny shiny. Don't look over there, look here... its shiny... look... it will be all yours... just keep posting about how cool it will be to see those whales get harpooned."
Use alt to earn AD and to help cut down some cost of why you need AD to begin with.
I virtually did not run RQ to earn rAD since the introduction of RQ. My AD income is okay.
If you can only earn rAD, your daily magic number is 66666 rAD because you should always take advantage of invocation AD bonus. Well, your main can only add ~3000 AD bonus daily. That means your AD bonus pool would be empty usually. What else can help? Alt. Alt has its own AD bonus pool.
As far as I'm concerned, that is a "good thing."
Players who refine millions of rAD/week to buy end game items, but don't know how to actually play their class are about as annoying as the bots in the low level dungeons.
It's a good thing. Even if they've made "playing your favourite toon through actual content" more profitable than "running alts you don't care about through underlevel content".
Two toons will only ever have two days worth of invoke bonus if you are playing every day. Meaning the required "earned" (as opposed to "bonus" from invoke) will always be closer to 90-95k depending on VIP etc.
Two toons will only allow 2 sets of easy weekly RAD forage.
Run 7 or 8 toons, one per day, and every time its that toons turn, they have all their weeklies and at least a weeks worth of bonus invoke RAD.
Once you get to ten or more its a moot point as long as they all have the access to weeklies.
But up to that point, more toons make it easier than fewer toons.
If you can earn 100k RAD per day every day without running RQs, or the need for a good wedge of invoke bonus RAD then well done indeed.
I do not and will not exceed 100K rAD daily refinement cap in average. I will do it in burst that will exceed the daily cap and will take a long while for them to be refined.
When I earn rAD, I make sure my toon has enough AD bonus pool to cover the amount (otherwise, I just don't earn it until it does). I try to maintain my toon to be in 90K AD bonus range so that they are in the striking zone of 100K AD bonus. Then, the AD bonus can be fully consumed in 2xRefineStone event such as this Thursday. Then, it will take a long while for them to be digested and a long while to get those AD bonus pool filled up.
I could be wrong, but those AD that you make through other means make their way into the economy via other people refining them? Therefore their future availability to the super shrewd business gurus may be impacted by their reduction in availability?