@beckylunatic - the intended meaning of the previous statement was clarified in the last response.
When RQ'ing alone players will not know who they will be grouped with and a character being of higher level (70) the player in control will probably more than likely prefer to complete the content as fast as possible meaning if they are grouped with lower level characters that type of progress could be impeded.
Players that don't RQ or don't RQ epic/trial content will have more time to do other things in-game or IRL. It will about half the time to run 1 RQ dungeon and skirmish than it did to run 2 of each before with respective changes to RAD yields.
I am not sure what you are saying, but the avarage return on the time invested will be lower under random queve because the suboptimal party composition being forced by the queve will slow down the run and because not all dungeon are equal length. ETOS, ELOL, & VT take only a few minutes to run at the moment. You can complete any of them 3 or 4 time in the time it takes to run EGWD. How much long will it take to run a t3 with a suboptimal party like the random queve requiors vs. ETOS: 10x, 20x, more? The drastic differces in completion times of some dungeons vs. the quick 3 ETOS, ELOL, and VT mean that on avarage you will get less for your time invested under random queve even with its higher RAD payout because the avarage amount of time invested to complete a dungeon will increase by a much greater factor than the increase to RAD from random queve.
If you mean to get AD from dungeon, what you need to do is to do a 10 to 14 minutes 3-man (prefer all level 70 and do door to door) pre-made RQ level dungeon. Do that one level dungeon, you will get the daily AD from dungeon. Yes, it is no fun but it should be faster than any epic dungeon.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I wont be using the random que feature it sounds lame, and if thats the only way for us to get ad then i think its time to move on to another game... Its hard enough grinding for the special keys and saving up the epic keys as it is without geting shafted by this
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
If you mean to get AD from dungeon, what you need to do is to do a 10 to 14 minutes 3-man (prefer all level 70 and do door to door) pre-made RQ level dungeon. Do that one level dungeon, you will get the daily AD from dungeon. Yes, it is no fun but it should be faster than any epic dungeon.
TOS and CT certainly are faster. I am not sure that is universally the case due the time it takes to run down or through the halls of a few lvling dungeons. The lack of seals and salvage drops in lvling dungeons also adversly impact return on time invested.
I have known people that farmed TOS 2x a day on 30+ alts. I just cant bring myself to do that
Just for the hack of it, I send an alt to solo run Caverns of Karrundax and TOS. CoK 11 minutes. TOS 8 minutes. I got 2 quests fulfilled since these alt did not do them before. I probably send all 5 main to do them all before mod 12b so that they can solo it, get some AD and got the quests done.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
@asterdahl Well, unlocking dungeons account-wide once unlocked is a great QoL move, but it changes little about the misplaced dungeon groupings. Malabog and Mod 10+ dungeons being in the same queue group is not going to go well. Moving FBI and mSP to Hero's Accord would certainly straighten things out. You could even move them back where they are now sometime down the road. If that's just not going to happen though, I guess everyone will just blast through a random leveling dungeon for the AD then start non-random real dungeons after.
With the wild swing in difficulty this system will pick from randomly, it would be foolish for anyone to ever random queue for an epic dungeon. I think this is a cool idea in general. I also think it would be cool if it anyone ever actually used it, which they won't for epic dungeons.
@asterdahl NWO players are mind washed to see DPS as the most important thing in the game, if you ever want to do anything with Life steal consider make it something like life craving, instead of healing a full hit like now now, hit again for a % of the base damage and heal the player for that hit, this way people will feel the lack of survival but will be presented with more damage, which will make them less revolted. Now when it comes to solo content, I've heard people say "so just because I'm full dps i will need a healers companion to do campaign of my IL", of course yes, it makes sence, healer companion supports big dps player that cannot take much damage as big dps companions support low dps tanky characters because if we take a big picture of the 3 main protective stats some classes life steal contributes way more to solo survival than either defense or hit points, tuning it down will only make it on pair.
So... make it like similar to classic lifesteal?
I think he has a Lillend Fetish. He will not rest until we all must use one to do our dailies.
My joke is that Treeclimber's suggestion sounds similar to classic style Lifesteal (ie, Lifesteal affects Lifesteal Severity rather than % chance).
Which, if it happened, is yet another thing returning from Mod6/being brought up to Mod12 par.
See Item Level, Augment + Runestone, and weapon enchantment changes.
Ya, and the mass exodus like that of Mod 6 would be even worse with a nerf to Lifesteal on top of all of the other changes hitting us at once. Too soon! The enemies have to be reworked. I would love healing to return to endgame dungeons, but having to carry a pocket cleric to do dailies is just stupid on its face. I wonder how much I would have to pay a healer to follow me around all day.
You have to like the idea of being able to summon 2 companions though - one defensive, one offensive?
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
@asterdahl@terramak@mimicking#6533 these random queue just killed the game for me for the amount of dailies player will have to do and still have to get stuck in a random queue to earn good reward and waste more than estimated time to complete the dungeon making me lose interest on playing the game, because i no longer neeed to inv guild/alliance/friends list player to do dungeon, social interaction with other players(guild/alliance/friends list) will be NONE, because everyone will be getting busy/frustrated with random queue or frustrated with the pugs in random queue party/time wasted with pug, stop making the game a table top game, if i want to get involved in a dnd table top/rp game i watch dnd table top streams on twitch......
First of all, sorry if this post touches on topics covered already, but i am not reading 27 pages of people criticising this change. I would, however point out that a thread that's 27 pages long where absolutely no one except you and the resident yesman has a positive opinion of this feature should tell you that people whose lives you claim to want to improve do not feel this to be an improvement. A good company would look at that and reassess their goals.
Now, that said, I'd go aheand and say that I don't think anyone will run random queues for the fun of it. It's a thing we as players will want to get out of the way asap to get to whatever it is they do enjoy doing in the game. Hence the etos gold rush, once players secure their daily farming of ad, they can play the rest for fun.
With this change, I simply don't see why I should run a random queue for an epic instead of going to the leveling dungeons, blaze through them and ruin the fun of a newbe by trivializing the content. Is it fun? no, but it's me getting my daily quota out of the way before doing what I have fun doing. And yes, that includes dungeons, but ones of my own choosing. I don't mind spending an hour in a dungeon with a suboptimal team if that is something that I willingly choose to do and can call it off at my own choosing as well. I won't queue up for a chore that can either take me ten minutes or 90. I'll be doing it to tick a chore off my list, and being so, I'd much rather do a leveling dungeon which is less time consuming. Which will ruin the fun of those legitimally running that content with their under 70 builds. But this seems to be what you want.
Which brings the next class specific question. I am a paladin. A devotion paladin, to be more precise. I am a great asset to teams on all content up to Castle Never, and very much a hindrance on anything beyond that, through no fault of my own. but the way the difficulty is designed makes healing pretty much obsolete. No matter how good or attentive a healadin is, no matter if my guild actually chooses me to break new tanks into their first CN, I can't heal what's instantly killed. For this reason, whenever I run FBI as a healadin, I run it privately with a DC and I play the role of support dps. That leaves me and all others who play my class with a conundrum with these queues: either we use our tank loadouts, in which case the game is forcing me to play a certain way that is not the one I have the most fun with, or I brave dungeons where my abilities are very suboptimal because you guys seem to think difficulty is solve simply by giving one hit kills. Neither option is appealing. Now that the bondings are being nerfed making that content even harder under the current meta, are there plans to reevaluate the situation and return relevance to those who, like me, invested over a year's time into a class that engame rendered obsolete?
Yea ok ...straightforward healing and damage are much better than complicated buff/debuff stuff...for a gaming vegetable. But since you're not going to make healing a thing again without major effort and pissing off the better part of players what seems to be the most likely thing to happen is this: we' all end up going from a 2dc mega to a 0 DC meta...yay.. " healers" will be the only ones cheering the new random q system because it gets them into a party. The party is over HAMSTER. Buckle up! Aw hell -_-
Yea ok ...straightforward healing and damage are much better than complicated buff/debuff stuff...for a gaming vegetable. But since you're not going to make healing a thing again without major effort and pissing off the better part of players what seems to be the most likely thing to happen is this: we' all end up going from a 2dc mega to a 0 DC meta...yay.. " healers" will be the only ones cheering the new random q system because it gets them into a party. The party is over HAMSTER. Buckle up! Aw hell -_-
I wonder if people asked themselfs , what happens when you will not have DCs as they are now. Nerf the powershare- that is fine ... The healing in this game , from DCs is long gone. It is dead. No amout of healing will save you from getting one shot by the bosses or mobs, cos face it,that happens a lot. That is why mass scrolls of life are here. We said the same thing when there was that whole AA nerf talk. As a player who does play a DC as my main i accepted that. Nerfing the bondings , fine we will adapt with the change as any other class. Shortening the period of effect for AS , okay.
Experimental change: Astral Shield's Empowered bonus no longer reduces the damage taken from attacks by a fixed number. Experimental change: Astral Shield's Empowered bonus now increases incoming healing by 10% for each stack consumed.
And then what ? What kind of a rehaul of a DC do dps mainers expect ? Should we all go full faithfull build and pretend like that actually works and is useful ? I wonder if people are expecting a nerf to the damage of the bosses , with this. Lets all slot warding flame and geas and go with it. I am sure people will love it.
~~ A Fairytale ~~ [...] After this day he walked back to the Protectors Enclave and his pockets were as empty as at the beginning. Only some Protector Seals jingles in a small pouch hanging on his girdle. "Maybe i can use them for something." He walked to the seal vendor but he hadn't enough seals to get anything. [...] ~~ The End ~~
Bonus: If he DOES have enough Seals to buy something? Say, that awesome-looking high-level armor that's on the front page of the Seal Store?
He gets an unrestored Relic piece. That he can't use until he A) farms up a LOT more seals to buy restoration materials visits the longest, hardest zones in the game and farms voninblood (not doing quests, just farming) for HOURS.
This is the story about Lowbi. Lowbi is an upstart hitting level 70 recently. He is very exited and can't wait to run dungeons: "Yeah, no more leveling dungeons, now i can play with the big guys!" he's yelling. "Okay, where to start? Are, there - epic dungeon random queues. Sounds nice! Oh.. I do need to fit the requirements, huh." He was sad for a moment but then he carried on. "Hey, more queues! What's this? Private epic dungeon? Could be nice!". He asked some friend to take him with them and so they made some private runs. The first time he passed a dungeon he ran to the chests and wanted to open them. "You need keys for this!" his friends were saying. But Lowbi doesn't have any keys. So they made some other runs to get their friend some salvageable drop loot but again he had no luck. After this day he walked back to the Protectors Enclave and his pockets were as empty as at the beginning. Only some Protector Seals jingles in a small pouch hanging on his girdle. "Maybe i can use them for something." He walked to the seal vendor but he hadn't enough seals to get anything. Lowbi once again opened the queues and talked to himself "Well, guess i need to run skirmishes and level dungeons over and over again to gain some cash..". After two days Lowbi left Neverwinter and decided to never come back to this town.
~~ The End ~~
Just before he left Neverwinter, for the very last time, he took a look at his purse and see there are 50K AD got from last 2 days and other times. Just for the hack of it, he went to Auction House to say the last goodbye. Then, he found out he could buy a pair Wootz main hand and off land for less than 30K AD. ......
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
This is the story about Lowbi. Lowbi is an upstart hitting level 70 recently. He is very exited and can't wait to run dungeons: "Yeah, no more leveling dungeons, now i can play with the big guys!" he's yelling. "Okay, where to start? Are, there - epic dungeon random queues. Sounds nice! Oh.. I do need to fit the requirements, huh." He was sad for a moment but then he carried on. "Hey, more queues! What's this? Private epic dungeon? Could be nice!". He asked some friend to take him with them and so they made some private runs. The first time he passed a dungeon he ran to the chests and wanted to open them. "You need keys for this!" his friends were saying. But Lowbi doesn't have any keys. So they made some other runs to get their friend some salvageable drop loot but again he had no luck. After this day he walked back to the Protectors Enclave and his pockets were as empty as at the beginning. Only some Protector Seals jingles in a small pouch hanging on his girdle. "Maybe i can use them for something." He walked to the seal vendor but he hadn't enough seals to get anything. Lowbi once again opened the queues and talked to himself "Well, guess i need to run skirmishes and level dungeons over and over again to gain some cash..". After two days Lowbi left Neverwinter and decided to never come back to this town.
~~ The End ~~
Just before he left Neverwinter, for the very last time, he took a look at his purse and see there are 50K AD got from last 2 days and other times. Just for the hack of it, he went to Auction House to say the last goodbye. Then, he found out he could buy a pair Wootz main hand and off land for less than 30K AD. ......
Green one ftw. And in order to restore it he nedeed : ________ amount of refinment + other stuff he did not have money for.
@beckylunatic - the intended meaning of the previous statement was clarified in the last response.
When RQ'ing alone players will not know who they will be grouped with and a character being of higher level (70) the player in control will probably more than likely prefer to complete the content as fast as possible meaning if they are grouped with lower level characters that type of progress could be impeded.
Players that don't RQ or don't RQ epic/trial content will have more time to do other things in-game or IRL. It will about half the time to run 1 RQ dungeon and skirmish than it did to run 2 of each before with respective changes to RAD yields.
If you mean to get AD from dungeon, what you need to do is to do a 10 to 14 minutes 3-man (prefer all level 70 and do door to door) pre-made RQ level dungeon. Do that one level dungeon, you will get the daily AD from dungeon. Yes, it is no fun but it should be faster than any epic dungeon.
I highlited it for u.....whats the point in playing games?
This is the story about Lowbi. Lowbi is an upstart hitting level 70 recently. He is very exited and can't wait to run dungeons: "Yeah, no more leveling dungeons, now i can play with the big guys!" he's yelling. "Okay, where to start? Are, there - epic dungeon random queues. Sounds nice! Oh.. I do need to fit the requirements, huh." He was sad for a moment but then he carried on. "Hey, more queues! What's this? Private epic dungeon? Could be nice!". He asked some friend to take him with them and so they made some private runs. The first time he passed a dungeon he ran to the chests and wanted to open them. "You need keys for this!" his friends were saying. But Lowbi doesn't have any keys. So they made some other runs to get their friend some salvageable drop loot but again he had no luck. After this day he walked back to the Protectors Enclave and his pockets were as empty as at the beginning. Only some Protector Seals jingles in a small pouch hanging on his girdle. "Maybe i can use them for something." He walked to the seal vendor but he hadn't enough seals to get anything. Lowbi once again opened the queues and talked to himself "Well, guess i need to run skirmishes and level dungeons over and over again to gain some cash..". After two days Lowbi left Neverwinter and decided to never come back to this town.
~~ The End ~~
Just before he left Neverwinter, for the very last time, he took a look at his purse and see there are 50K AD got from last 2 days and other times. Just for the hack of it, he went to Auction House to say the last goodbye. Then, he found out he could buy a pair Wootz main hand and off land for less than 30K AD. ......
If he looked some more, he may have gotten a piece of League gear or two with the AD he had left...
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
@beckylunatic - the intended meaning of the previous statement was clarified in the last response.
When RQ'ing alone players will not know who they will be grouped with and a character being of higher level (70) the player in control will probably more than likely prefer to complete the content as fast as possible meaning if they are grouped with lower level characters that type of progress could be impeded.
Players that don't RQ or don't RQ epic/trial content will have more time to do other things in-game or IRL. It will about half the time to run 1 RQ dungeon and skirmish than it did to run 2 of each before with respective changes to RAD yields.
If you mean to get AD from dungeon, what you need to do is to do a 10 to 14 minutes 3-man (prefer all level 70 and do door to door) pre-made RQ level dungeon. Do that one level dungeon, you will get the daily AD from dungeon. Yes, it is no fun but it should be faster than any epic dungeon.
I highlited it for u.....whats the point in playing games?
You mean what is the point doing that and not about playing the game? You don't need to do the no fun part of the game. It is your choice.
If one is looking for AD only, there is an alternative. I for one will not do it because it no fun. I do not do it now and I will not do that in the future.
There are many things in this game that is no fun and it is way more than 10 minutes. Somehow, we have been doing that. Was there any fun grinding relic? Were there any fun doing N times of RD HE, portal runs? Is there any fun open lockbox? Is there any fun doing refinement RNG? Mod 12b did not exactly add much more to that if one cannot bear 10 minutes of funless moment. We have been doing that for hours.
Post edited by plasticbat on
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
This is the story about Lowbi. Lowbi is an upstart hitting level 70 recently. He is very exited and can't wait to run dungeons: "Yeah, no more leveling dungeons, now i can play with the big guys!" he's yelling. "Okay, where to start? Are, there - epic dungeon random queues. Sounds nice! Oh.. I do need to fit the requirements, huh." He was sad for a moment but then he carried on. "Hey, more queues! What's this? Private epic dungeon? Could be nice!". He asked some friend to take him with them and so they made some private runs. The first time he passed a dungeon he ran to the chests and wanted to open them. "You need keys for this!" his friends were saying. But Lowbi doesn't have any keys. So they made some other runs to get their friend some salvageable drop loot but again he had no luck. After this day he walked back to the Protectors Enclave and his pockets were as empty as at the beginning. Only some Protector Seals jingles in a small pouch hanging on his girdle. "Maybe i can use them for something." He walked to the seal vendor but he hadn't enough seals to get anything. Lowbi once again opened the queues and talked to himself "Well, guess i need to run skirmishes and level dungeons over and over again to gain some cash..". After two days Lowbi left Neverwinter and decided to never come back to this town.
~~ The End ~~
Just before he left Neverwinter, for the very last time, he took a look at his purse and see there are 50K AD got from last 2 days and other times. Just for the hack of it, he went to Auction House to say the last goodbye. Then, he found out he could buy a pair Wootz main hand and off land for less than 30K AD. ......
Green one ftw. And in order to restore it he nedeed : ________ amount of refinment + other stuff he did not have money for.
What is the difference between now and the future? In the future, he can at least consolidate all RP (instead of 4 types and 2 he can't use for Artifact weapon) and put them into it.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
starheretic70Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 52Arc User
Quote : "The meta encouraging bringing 2 clerics to a 5 man is not something we are happy with for various reasons and so that is something we plan to address sooner rather than later. When we do make changes, we will absolutely attempt to ensure DO and AC are both viable builds, and that in a 10 man it would be best to have 1 of each. This is just a heads up that the days are numbered on 2 cleric groups. "
This is completely disrespectful towards the players. DEVs do not play this game, players do. Intelligent players put time to run the last dungeon in the best way possible and Cryptic dont want us to play like we want to play. So with this, I can not run the last dungeon with my friends. This is completely moronic from their part. I never seen this level of stupidity in a game. I never seen this level of stupid decisions.
Paladins and CWs can heal, with life steal stats, DC as a healer is not necessary. DC will be needed to proc gift and that's it. Why to I write this, Neverwinter could have potential, but patch note after patch note the DEVs mess it up every time. DEVs should stop listening to their stupid friends to get stupid ideas and create group of high end players of each class and have honest discussion with them.
well , i play daily limited time 2 hrs may be . doing some dungeon if any friend ask for me , may be skirmish . my main was not even unlock FBI or MSP . dose that means i won't get to play random que ?? if it's then why ? i don't want to play FBI ot srom king camping . i don't like that map or doing those task . i don't like the V Blood thing . why DEV ??? why u want to force me to do those camping ??? my main was TR and i like to play normal thing like did make build up a DC for Guild mate when ever they need help . never done any camping on that DC. why u trying to make me do my main TR play that frozen map i don't Like that . my account was more than 3-4 year old . i did many recharge . i like to play normal no rush no annoying camping . i like to do daily normal thing fighting guild DF some influ run 1 or 2 skirmish may be dungeon if my friend need to .
i understand Random QUE is good thing when so may ppl struggling for fellfull team . dose that mean they need to done all camping ??? make it possible what dungeon they unlock QUE can go that Limmit ..
anyway that's just my tought and prob .
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
well , i play daily limited time 2 hrs may be . doing some dungeon if any friend ask for me , may be skirmish . my main was not even unlock FBI or MSP . dose that means i won't get to play random que ?? if it's then why ? i don't want to play FBI ot srom king camping . i don't like that map or doing those task . i don't like the V Blood thing . why DEV ??? why u want to force me to do those camping ??? my main was TR and i like to play normal thing like did make build up a DC for Guild mate when ever they need help . never done any camping on that DC. why u trying to make me do my main TR play that frozen map i don't Like that . my account was more than 3-4 year old . i did many recharge . i like to play normal no rush no annoying camping . i like to do daily normal thing fighting guild DF some influ run 1 or 2 skirmish may be dungeon if my friend need to .
i understand Random QUE is good thing when so may ppl struggling for fellfull team . dose that mean they need to done all camping ??? make it possible what dungeon they unlock QUE can go that Limmit ..
anyway that's just my tought and prob .
You can get into at least one RQ, the level dungeon RQ. Personally, I don't know if anyone will play Epic dungeon RQ. People wants to play the dungeon of their choice. I predict people will spend 10 minutes for ONE level dungeon RQ to earn AD of the day. Then, move on to do their prefer Epic dungeon afterward.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
Does anyone remember that dc needed the power share nerfed, well guess what with that power share nerfed 1 single dc cant keep up the new content with the 1dc 1tank 3dps party making the run of TONG a 1h+ run, player use 2 dc now to compensate the the power share lost+do damage boost(do class feature).
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
Total fail
I cannot ever use this system for several reasons.
1) My DPS GF does NOT want to queue as a tank for anything harder than a T1 or EToS 2) Elol and FBI are so buggy for me that effectively my party would be playing with 4 for bits of them, I need to be able to blackball these dungeons 3) few people do the harder dungeons with Tank/healer/3xDPS and particularly with the bonding nerfs there will be many FBI groups created that simply cannot succeed in any reasonable time
Suggestions/observations: Allow queuing like "any T1 except elol", any T1/T2 etc. Forcing alts to possibly queue for FBI when they're not up to it is silly New unguilded 70s who could do with random Q to get T1s can't use this system when they're the ones that most need it Putting a screen up that says "you are queued for EToS, do you accept ?" and allowing you to decline with say a 5 minute penalty rather than half an hour would be much more acceptable to avoid dungeons you REALLY can't/don't want to do.
Do that one level dungeon, you will get the daily AD from dungeon.
Yes, it is no fun but it should be faster than any epic dungeon.
I probably send all 5 main to do them all before mod 12b so that they can solo it, get some AD and got the quests done.
Well, unlocking dungeons account-wide once unlocked is a great QoL move, but it changes little about the misplaced dungeon groupings. Malabog and Mod 10+ dungeons being in the same queue group is not going to go well. Moving FBI and mSP to Hero's Accord would certainly straighten things out. You could even move them back where they are now sometime down the road. If that's just not going to happen though, I guess everyone will just blast through a random leveling dungeon for the AD then start non-random real dungeons after.
With the wild swing in difficulty this system will pick from randomly, it would be foolish for anyone to ever random queue for an epic dungeon. I think this is a cool idea in general. I also think it would be cool if it anyone ever actually used it, which they won't for epic dungeons.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
First of all, sorry if this post touches on topics covered already, but i am not reading 27 pages of people criticising this change. I would, however point out that a thread that's 27 pages long where absolutely no one except you and the resident yesman has a positive opinion of this feature should tell you that people whose lives you claim to want to improve do not feel this to be an improvement. A good company would look at that and reassess their goals.
Now, that said, I'd go aheand and say that I don't think anyone will run random queues for the fun of it. It's a thing we as players will want to get out of the way asap to get to whatever it is they do enjoy doing in the game. Hence the etos gold rush, once players secure their daily farming of ad, they can play the rest for fun.
With this change, I simply don't see why I should run a random queue for an epic instead of going to the leveling dungeons, blaze through them and ruin the fun of a newbe by trivializing the content. Is it fun? no, but it's me getting my daily quota out of the way before doing what I have fun doing. And yes, that includes dungeons, but ones of my own choosing. I don't mind spending an hour in a dungeon with a suboptimal team if that is something that I willingly choose to do and can call it off at my own choosing as well. I won't queue up for a chore that can either take me ten minutes or 90. I'll be doing it to tick a chore off my list, and being so, I'd much rather do a leveling dungeon which is less time consuming. Which will ruin the fun of those legitimally running that content with their under 70 builds. But this seems to be what you want.
Which brings the next class specific question. I am a paladin. A devotion paladin, to be more precise. I am a great asset to teams on all content up to Castle Never, and very much a hindrance on anything beyond that, through no fault of my own. but the way the difficulty is designed makes healing pretty much obsolete. No matter how good or attentive a healadin is, no matter if my guild actually chooses me to break new tanks into their first CN, I can't heal what's instantly killed. For this reason, whenever I run FBI as a healadin, I run it privately with a DC and I play the role of support dps. That leaves me and all others who play my class with a conundrum with these queues: either we use our tank loadouts, in which case the game is forcing me to play a certain way that is not the one I have the most fun with, or I brave dungeons where my abilities are very suboptimal because you guys seem to think difficulty is solve simply by giving one hit kills. Neither option is appealing. Now that the bondings are being nerfed making that content even harder under the current meta, are there plans to reevaluate the situation and return relevance to those who, like me, invested over a year's time into a class that engame rendered obsolete?
Nerf the powershare- that is fine ...
The healing in this game , from DCs is long gone.
It is dead. No amout of healing will save you from getting one shot by the bosses or mobs, cos face it,that happens a lot. That is why mass scrolls of life are here.
We said the same thing when there was that whole AA nerf talk.
As a player who does play a DC as my main i accepted that.
Nerfing the bondings , fine we will adapt with the change as any other class.
Shortening the period of effect for AS , okay.
Experimental change: Astral Shield's Empowered bonus no longer reduces the damage taken from attacks by a fixed number.
Experimental change: Astral Shield's Empowered bonus now increases incoming healing by 10% for each stack consumed.
And then what ?
What kind of a rehaul of a DC do dps mainers expect ?
Should we all go full faithfull build and pretend like that actually works and is useful ?
I wonder if people are expecting a nerf to the damage of the bosses , with this.
Lets all slot warding flame and geas and go with it. I am sure people will love it.
He gets an unrestored Relic piece. That he can't use until he
A) farms up a LOT more seals to buy restoration materials
Just for the hack of it, he went to Auction House to say the last goodbye. Then, he found out he could buy a pair Wootz main hand and off land for less than 30K AD. ......
You don't need to do the no fun part of the game. It is your choice.
If one is looking for AD only, there is an alternative.
I for one will not do it because it no fun. I do not do it now and I will not do that in the future.
There are many things in this game that is no fun and it is way more than 10 minutes.
Somehow, we have been doing that.
Was there any fun grinding relic? Were there any fun doing N times of RD HE, portal runs?
Is there any fun open lockbox? Is there any fun doing refinement RNG?
Mod 12b did not exactly add much more to that if one cannot bear 10 minutes of funless moment.
We have been doing that for hours.
This is completely disrespectful towards the players. DEVs do not play this game, players do. Intelligent players put time to run the last dungeon in the best way possible and Cryptic dont want us to play like we want to play. So with this, I can not run the last dungeon with my friends. This is completely moronic from their part. I never seen this level of stupidity in a game. I never seen this level of stupid decisions.
Paladins and CWs can heal, with life steal stats, DC as a healer is not necessary. DC will be needed to proc gift and that's it.
Why to I write this, Neverwinter could have potential, but patch note after patch note the DEVs mess it up every time.
DEVs should stop listening to their stupid friends to get stupid ideas and create group of high end players of each class and have honest discussion with them.
my main was not even unlock FBI or MSP . dose that means i won't get to play random que ?? if it's then why ?
i don't want to play FBI ot srom king camping . i don't like that map or doing those task . i don't like the V Blood thing . why DEV ??? why u want to force me to do those camping ??? my main was TR and i like to play normal thing like did make build up a DC for Guild mate when ever they need help . never done any camping on that DC. why u trying to make me do my main TR play that frozen map i don't Like that . my account was more than 3-4 year old . i did many recharge . i like to play normal no rush no annoying camping . i like to do daily normal thing fighting guild DF some influ run 1 or 2 skirmish may be dungeon if my friend need to .
i understand Random QUE is good thing when so may ppl struggling for fellfull team . dose that mean they need to done all camping ??? make it possible what dungeon they unlock QUE can go that Limmit ..
anyway that's just my tought and prob .
Personally, I don't know if anyone will play Epic dungeon RQ.
People wants to play the dungeon of their choice.
I predict people will spend 10 minutes for ONE level dungeon RQ to earn AD of the day.
Then, move on to do their prefer Epic dungeon afterward.
I cannot ever use this system for several reasons.
1) My DPS GF does NOT want to queue as a tank for anything harder than a T1 or EToS
2) Elol and FBI are so buggy for me that effectively my party would be playing with 4 for bits of them, I need to be able to blackball these dungeons
3) few people do the harder dungeons with Tank/healer/3xDPS and particularly with the bonding nerfs there will be many FBI groups created that simply cannot succeed in any reasonable time
Allow queuing like "any T1 except elol", any T1/T2 etc.
Forcing alts to possibly queue for FBI when they're not up to it is silly
New unguilded 70s who could do with random Q to get T1s can't use this system when they're the ones that most need it
Putting a screen up that says "you are queued for EToS, do you accept ?" and allowing you to decline with say a 5 minute penalty rather than half an hour would be much more acceptable to avoid dungeons you REALLY can't/don't want to do.