Yesterday did 3 dig sites, got 2 AF, today did 7 dig sites, 0 AF.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
the kicker is the time it takes as a support class.. double of a dps one..
its a crying kick in the teeth , when my DC gets zero for the day..
Just up the rate and call it good.
Obvoiusly nothing is getting patched tommorow at this point..
I wish they would spend some time addresses this core mechanic issue, im sure they are busy.. im trying my hardest not to go rambot 3000 on them.. but frankly im quite disappointed about the lack of communication and dialogue.
I dont see the big issues. I only did the dig sites to do my daily task and have arround 25-30 arcane focus on each char (playing 4 chars in he campaign atm). I think if you unlock esp first you should have the amount of arcane focus to make 1 weaponset by the time u can buy them. Or im just insanely lucky then nvm.
You are lucky.
I do all of the dig sites every day. From the second day this started. And the guard posts. And the ritual. And the fey portal . ( opened it 3 days ago or more ) And both upper tasks . Twice every day. And at least 2 big heroics. And 1 of each all three small heroics. And the maps too. Since i do a circle of all of the dig sites.
People with Non DPS classes that don't do much damage, this HAMSTER cap for Arcane Focus is complete and utter garbage. My DC (which is all I play now thanks to the HAMSTER grind), takes longer to drill down mobs. We cant fly through these dig sites like some DPS classes might. On top of that I work a full time job so I don't have the hours to put in to "MAYBE" get the cap limit that day. I feel the frustration of falling behind. This kind of ridiculous grind is what made me skip Mod 10/10.5.
This needs to be fixed. If it stays status quo, I may find my self skipping this one too.
Oh, and stop having live streams if you are not going to address our concerns and opinions.
@beckylunatic ...Great post +1 @araneax ...Thanks for bringing such a valid point to the table
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
I just hope they are not planning mod 11.5 for at least 6-9 months out , we will need AT least 3 months just to get weapons on alot of toons.. then we also need to get boons and such.
This is shaping up to be longest ever mod for many of us.
at this point i'm ready to give up on the new weapons so river district will become the same as Sea of moving ice, got the boons, unlocked the dungeons, never enter it again...
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
We have heard zero..
its not even just 3 a day thing.. its that WE havent even been getting 3 a day.. that is the real issue.
They need to up it to 5 and make it more reliable to catch up on all the failed rng we have been having.
They simply are some of the biggest jerks around.. refusing to converse with thier own playerbase.. im sure they will be shocked when we get more and more frothed up about this..
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited March 2017
Reclaimed Runes are capped at 3/day because you get one from each daily SoMI quest. You know exactly how many you're getting, exactly what you need to do, and have a general idea of how long it will take. No RNG involved. Grindy, but ultimately unproblematic.
another way to avoid some grinding - most players will have a surplus of Abandoned Treasures and Ground Jade. Trade those to the Traveling Vendor for Reclaimed Magic, and trade that in turn for and Ornately Carved Box with a portal stone.
Where is the Traveling Vendor? i cant find him...
Just to the left of the entrance, jump off the side and go forward, you can't miss it. Right on the pier.
Thnx big help but its buged...
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
another way to avoid some grinding - most players will have a surplus of Abandoned Treasures and Ground Jade. Trade those to the Traveling Vendor for Reclaimed Magic, and trade that in turn for and Ornately Carved Box with a portal stone.
Where is the Traveling Vendor? i cant find him...
Just to the left of the entrance, jump off the side and go forward, you can't miss it. Right on the pier.
Thnx big help but its buged...
The bug is that the campaign UI should tell you that you need to do the first two tasks to even unlock the merchant.
another way to avoid some grinding - most players will have a surplus of Abandoned Treasures and Ground Jade. Trade those to the Traveling Vendor for Reclaimed Magic, and trade that in turn for and Ornately Carved Box with a portal stone.
Where is the Traveling Vendor? i cant find him...
Just to the left of the entrance, jump off the side and go forward, you can't miss it. Right on the pier.
Thnx big help but its buged...
The bug is that the campaign UI should tell you that you need to do the first two tasks to even unlock the merchant. a lot but i keep my eoe.
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
another way to avoid some grinding - most players will have a surplus of Abandoned Treasures and Ground Jade. Trade those to the Traveling Vendor for Reclaimed Magic, and trade that in turn for and Ornately Carved Box with a portal stone.
Where is the Traveling Vendor? i cant find him...
Just to the left of the entrance, jump off the side and go forward, you can't miss it. Right on the pier.
Thnx big help but its buged...
The bug is that the campaign UI should tell you that you need to do the first two tasks to even unlock the merchant. thnx a lot i keep my eoe then.
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
For the second day in a row my DC went 0/5 focus. And today was extra brutal also, drawing all the tough mobs like packs of fell trolls at nearly every dig sites. With the focus being, by far, the limiting resource, it was pretty much a wasted two hours over the two days. Could have watch a movie instead. Even a bad movie would have been more satisfying.
But my DC with 12 focus so far is lucky compared to my GF who has only 7 focus due to dig sites taking twice as long to do. I keep asking myself WTF am doing.
arcticblitzMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 126Arc User
why could'nt they just did'nt make it 1 arcane focus every run! at the end of the day you'd still have to run the dig sites 85 times and you still have to get all the other materials and then refine the weapons. Just seems like it is grind for grinds sake.
Blitzy : PVE only Barbarian
Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger Guild Founder: -HunterS-
therealprotexMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 526Arc User
edited March 2017
A bad idea (I'm sure they'd use the term "fantastic idea" for it) came to my mind. Imho it is not unlikely that on top of all this grind, they will implement more steps to the restauration process in future mods and for future weapons/armours. So you'd need to complete step A, before you can start step B and only after step B the weapons/armours are usable. Of course, each step has a huge grind wall for completion. But in the end, when you have the item, you'll have the "good feeling that you achieved something great" (as they put it in mod 10).
(And yes, now that the idea is thought, it WILL happen, you know that. ;-) )
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
I had previously dismissed the claim that there was a daily cap of 3 Arcanic Focus, but then I thought a bit about it and started noting down when they dropped. The day before yesterday I got 5 drops in one session - however, that session extended past midnight, and three of the drops happened after midnight, so technically they were "yesterday".
Then, yesterday, I did 5 rounds of dig site farming - 45 attempts. I seem permanently locked out of 4 dig sites (see a thread in the bug forum about that issue), so only 25 successful attempts. Not a single Arcanic Focus dropped.
So, now it does indeed seem to me like there might be a 3/day cap, and if you miss a day or if your gaming time is mostly on weekends - well, in those cases it just sucks to be you.
My opinion - if the is indeed a 3/day cap, whoever made that decision should be fired for incompetence and replaced with someone who actually understands the game - not just how to use a spreadsheet.
Hoping for improvements...
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
can someone tell me where i find out how many Arcanic Focus I have - just got 1 on the last two dig sites I ran, but cant find them anywhere
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
can someone tell me where i find out how many Arcanic Focus?
They are in your Profession resources.
Thnx, didn't look hard enough the first couple of times.
Considering their arcane nature this might not be your fault. They might vanish from time to time, change location in your inventory and other arcane nonsense.
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
I do dailies on 3 characters: 2dps and 1 DC. Clearing dig sites is easy with my dps characters. Clearing dig sites on DC is .... not fun for me. I resigned to accept that my DC does not actually need the new weapons to be effective in a party. My dps characters, arguably, need new weapons, to be competitive. Since DC is much more in demand than dps classes, its likely I will only do spellplague on my DC. Decision: I will do only 5 dig sites every day, on my 3 characters, just to unlock spellplague, and eventually to get boons. If I'm lucky, they will all have new weapons before module 12. I feel better now, not worrying about those new weapons. How about you?
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
So something needs to change I just looted 24 dig sites over 3 hours and got zero arcane focus with my SW, I started with 20 still have 20. This is very frustrating since I'm picking up the weapons tonight and run roughly 10 sites per day, but still have to wait another 6-8 weeks until I have enough focus....
I'm not sure if there is an account wide max you can get, but my pally(alt) got 5 focus out of 8 sites before I started the sw grind.
Welcome to the new Svardborg!
I have only been doing the daily and now the weekly in River District and have 16, so I feel lucky so far. Unlike SOMI weapons it's at least a slow but sure thing for Mod 11 weapons. (Still trying to get my last four Ild Marks!)
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
the thing of it is..
due to the rng nature.. whatever this personal timer is out.. people are going days without a focus at all.
All they need to do is up drop rate.. extend cap to 5 and make it server reset.
this fixes pretty much everything...
BUT as of yet.. they refuse to EVEN comment on this.. which is crazy..
I dont think these requests are otherwordly.. considering how bad the rng and orginally we didnt know how they were gated.
come on.. why are they not EVEN commenting on this thread.. crazy.
checkmatein3Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 525Arc User
edited March 2017
Suggestions to fix Arcanic Focus Grind:
1) Remove the RNG or server-timing effect of Arcanic Focus drops. Since Arcanic focus are character bound, there is no way a bot could ever profit from focus. So, it is completely unnecessary.
2) Reduce the amount of Arcanic Focus needed to restore MH and OH by half. Perhaps preview was a bit to light on the grind side with 10 and 15, but increasing the amount by 4x PER PC is excessive. Happy players = happy customers. If players can play multi toons, the content remains fresh. Don't overload with excessive grind.
3) Make at least ONE Arcanic focus part of the Daily. And ONE Arcanic focus part of the weekly. And ONE Arcanic focus a reward for each step of campaign completed.
4) Cap Arcanic Focus at 5/day. This means it will take about 8-9 days MAX to get the Focus needed to get BOTH weapons (assuming #2). Multiply this by X number of alts, and a player can gear up 5 toons in 40-45 days, or the amount of time for the whole absolute MAXIMUM. It also keeps the gear set relative to other sets: Free arti gear from EE campaign; Professions or big HE grind for Burning/Drowned...etc (2-3 days per), and Relic Gear (gated with the Runic Pieces requiring about 3 weeks for both). It sets the new MH and OH in difficulty to achieve based on where it fits as to its bonuses.
5) Correctly publish where one can obtain Focus.
6) Add an exchange for Focus with the travelling Merchant. 1000 abandoned treasures (full price) per focus. As market is finished, cost goes down. This will help non dps toons that want to use small HEs and big HEs or running group content with Wizards to trade excess treasures to help restore, rather than solo grind vaults (which might be more difficult).
With these suggestions, I would guess that a player could obtain the full set with about 30-45 minutes of play in RD per day for a maximum of 9 days PER TOON. Not unreasonable...
Also, for those that want to collect all 4 sets (achievement, fashion, whatever reason), it would take the whole campaign for 1 character. Not unreasonable...
I am 100% convinced its a 3 per day cap on a personal timer.
THE issue was that was never revealed to us.. so while we were wasting huge amount of time trying to get more.. + competely didnt understand timer.. it DESTROYED the start of the process..
It should take you 29 days total to complete for restore.. but due to them NOT revealing any of this to us.. plus if you got bad RNG on a couple of toons and couldnt get all 3 a few times (or zero because of not knowing about timer on a few days)
it was competely screwed up.
NO PERSONAL timers.. they are BAD BAD BAD.. not everyone can always remember the last time they played or got a focus.. OR play at the same time.
In addition because of how badly they implemented this.. some poeple will be going 40-50 or more days before they get enough.
They should. in all honestly imo to fix this situation do the following.
Up the cap to 5..
get rid of personal timer..
make rng a little less involved..
THIS would help us and theese small tweaks would get us the weapons by the double RP..
PLEASE for the love everything this needs to happen.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Here's the smart way they should have approached the Arcane focus drop rate:
Make it dependant of the number of players in the dig site: 5-man team 100% - 1 person 20% Cap it to 5/day reset same as prayers
then you could have a party of 5 doing their daily quest by exploring 5 sites, and get their 5 focii... and it would incite player to play together... sometime simple ideas seem to elude the thinking heads at Cryptic...
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
Its getting a little vexing logging in every day and not seeing any sort of update.
I can assure you that it's being looked into. I don't personally have any other info than that, but I'll try to get someone to comment with an update either today or tomorrow (patch day today, so things are kinda busy).
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
its a crying kick in the teeth , when my DC gets zero for the day..
Just up the rate and call it good.
Obvoiusly nothing is getting patched tommorow at this point..
I wish they would spend some time addresses this core mechanic issue, im sure they are busy.. im trying my hardest not to go rambot 3000 on them.. but frankly im quite disappointed about the lack of communication and dialogue.
This !!!
People with Non DPS classes that don't do much damage, this HAMSTER cap for Arcane Focus is complete and utter garbage. My DC (which is all I play now thanks to the HAMSTER grind), takes longer to drill down mobs. We cant fly through these dig sites like some DPS classes might. On top of that I work a full time job so I don't have the hours to put in to "MAYBE" get the cap limit that day. I feel the frustration of falling behind. This kind of ridiculous grind is what made me skip Mod 10/10.5.
This needs to be fixed. If it stays status quo, I may find my self skipping this one too.
Oh, and stop having live streams if you are not going to address our concerns and opinions.
@beckylunatic ...Great post +1
@araneax ...Thanks for bringing such a valid point to the table
This is shaping up to be longest ever mod for many of us.
its not even just 3 a day thing.. its that WE havent even been getting 3 a day.. that is the real issue.
They need to up it to 5 and make it more reliable to catch up on all the failed rng we have been having.
They simply are some of the biggest jerks around.. refusing to converse with thier own playerbase.. im sure they will be shocked when we get more and more frothed up about this..
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
But my DC with 12 focus so far is lucky compared to my GF who has only 7 focus due to dig sites taking twice as long to do. I keep asking myself WTF am doing.
Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger
Guild Founder: -HunterS-
(And yes, now that the idea is thought, it WILL happen, you know that. ;-) )
Then, yesterday, I did 5 rounds of dig site farming - 45 attempts. I seem permanently locked out of 4 dig sites (see a thread in the bug forum about that issue), so only 25 successful attempts. Not a single Arcanic Focus dropped.
So, now it does indeed seem to me like there might be a 3/day cap, and if you miss a day or if your gaming time is mostly on weekends - well, in those cases it just sucks to be you.
My opinion - if the is indeed a 3/day cap, whoever made that decision should be fired for incompetence and replaced with someone who actually understands the game - not just how to use a spreadsheet.
Clearing dig sites on DC is .... not fun for me.
I resigned to accept that my DC does not actually need the new weapons to be effective in a party.
My dps characters, arguably, need new weapons, to be competitive.
Since DC is much more in demand than dps classes, its likely I will only do spellplague on my DC.
Decision: I will do only 5 dig sites every day, on my 3 characters, just to unlock spellplague, and eventually to get boons.
If I'm lucky, they will all have new weapons before module 12.
I feel better now, not worrying about those new weapons. How about you?
I have only been doing the daily and now the weekly in River District and have 16, so I feel lucky so far. Unlike SOMI weapons it's at least a slow but sure thing for Mod 11 weapons. (Still trying to get my last four Ild Marks!)
due to the rng nature.. whatever this personal timer is out.. people are going days without a focus at all.
All they need to do is up drop rate.. extend cap to 5 and make it server reset.
this fixes pretty much everything...
BUT as of yet.. they refuse to EVEN comment on this.. which is crazy..
I dont think these requests are otherwordly.. considering how bad the rng and orginally we didnt know how they were gated.
come on.. why are they not EVEN commenting on this thread.. crazy.
1) Remove the RNG or server-timing effect of Arcanic Focus drops. Since Arcanic focus are character bound, there is no way a bot could ever profit from focus. So, it is completely unnecessary.
2) Reduce the amount of Arcanic Focus needed to restore MH and OH by half. Perhaps preview was a bit to light on the grind side with 10 and 15, but increasing the amount by 4x PER PC is excessive. Happy players = happy customers. If players can play multi toons, the content remains fresh. Don't overload with excessive grind.
3) Make at least ONE Arcanic focus part of the Daily. And ONE Arcanic focus part of the weekly. And ONE Arcanic focus a reward for each step of campaign completed.
4) Cap Arcanic Focus at 5/day. This means it will take about 8-9 days MAX to get the Focus needed to get BOTH weapons (assuming #2). Multiply this by X number of alts, and a player can gear up 5 toons in 40-45 days, or the amount of time for the whole absolute MAXIMUM. It also keeps the gear set relative to other sets: Free arti gear from EE campaign; Professions or big HE grind for Burning/Drowned...etc (2-3 days per), and Relic Gear (gated with the Runic Pieces requiring about 3 weeks for both). It sets the new MH and OH in difficulty to achieve based on where it fits as to its bonuses.
5) Correctly publish where one can obtain Focus.
6) Add an exchange for Focus with the travelling Merchant. 1000 abandoned treasures (full price) per focus. As market is finished, cost goes down. This will help non dps toons that want to use small HEs and big HEs or running group content with Wizards to trade excess treasures to help restore, rather than solo grind vaults (which might be more difficult).
With these suggestions, I would guess that a player could obtain the full set with about 30-45 minutes of play in RD per day for a maximum of 9 days PER TOON. Not unreasonable...
Also, for those that want to collect all 4 sets (achievement, fashion, whatever reason), it would take the whole campaign for 1 character. Not unreasonable...
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
I am 100% convinced its a 3 per day cap on a personal timer.
THE issue was that was never revealed to us.. so while we were wasting huge amount of time trying to get more.. + competely didnt understand timer.. it DESTROYED the start of the process..
It should take you 29 days total to complete for restore.. but due to them NOT revealing any of this to us.. plus if you got bad RNG on a couple of toons and couldnt get all 3 a few times (or zero because of not knowing about timer on a few days)
it was competely screwed up.
NO PERSONAL timers.. they are BAD BAD BAD.. not everyone can always remember the last time they played or got a focus.. OR play at the same time.
In addition because of how badly they implemented this.. some poeple will be going 40-50 or more days before they get enough.
They should. in all honestly imo to fix this situation do the following.
Up the cap to 5..
get rid of personal timer..
make rng a little less involved..
THIS would help us and theese small tweaks would get us the weapons by the double RP..
PLEASE for the love everything this needs to happen.
Do you have a update on where this is?
Its getting a little vexing logging in every day and not seeing any sort of update.
Make it dependant of the number of players in the dig site: 5-man team 100% - 1 person 20%
Cap it to 5/day reset same as prayers
then you could have a party of 5 doing their daily quest by exploring 5 sites, and get their 5 focii... and it would incite player to play together... sometime simple ideas seem to elude the thinking heads at Cryptic...
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!