Once you complete the first "Investigate X" campain task, a couple of things happen. First you get a quest (this one is For Gyrion, the Nostura one is similar and I assume the Kabal one is too).

Also, at the same time, the "Resist the Rituals" and "Secure the District" task rewards change - you get an additional drop:

If you open the Ornately Carved Box, you get a choice of portal stones, corresponding to those "Investigate X" tasks you have completed.

In this case I only get the Abolethic (Gyrion) stone, as that is the only one I have unlocked on the Live server. When I use the stone, I get the "Behind the Mask" quest again.
What does not happen, however, once you complete the "Investigate X" task is the unlocking of the weekly - I had sort-of assumed it would, but maybe you need to unlock a "Confront X" task for that.
Here is the weekly from Preview - I will assume it is the same on Live
About the Portal Stone, what is the rewards if you get it from Resist the Rituals and Secure the District ? The same as "Behind the Masks" ?
Can you repeat it and have same rewards ?
But that's good to hear, guess I can finally grind some BHE knowing what I grind, for Essence of Evil. Let's hope the chance is reasonable and doesn't have an absurd 5%.
I hope there will be some Abandoned Treasure sink, I already have 7k+ without even grinding
Here is what you need for one offhand, for example:
- 2500 Abandoned treasures
- 15 Petrified dust, that you need a portal stone to get (this is for Fey, but for Aboleth it should be Tainted Soil, Constructed Iron for Lifeforged and Fleece for Mirage weapons.
- 20 Vial of Fey Blood (or for the other weapons, Volatile Ichor, Spell Amber or Ground Jade)
- 45 Arcane Magical Weitings
- 40 Arcanic Focus
Main hand is similar.The composant amount looks ok to me, it is fairly easy to obtain.
However, you might want to farm the lairs for a different reason - if you want the Blue Fire Eye, but then again, it is just 35K on the AH, so why bother?
No the portal stone doubling makes no sense to me either.
edit: fixed after game restart
I actually ended up picking up all of the "Defeating X" quests, and finished all three of them except for the campaign tasks associated. I'm totally confused as I don't have any of these portal stones or quests to defeat anyone.
No one has any more available quests for me, I've completed the dailies, but I don't have enough EoE to do any of the campaign tasks in that area again. I screwed up, I guess, and ran one of the ones along the bottom, too. And I got started late, so I'm already behind. There's nothing left in my journal to do - I think that campaign task ate my resources and didn't give me the completed flag.
It does, however, sound like you have a different problem, if it does not list "Investigate Nostura" as completed. I can only suggest trying to do it again...although that will delay you by 3 or 4 days.
has anyone done Confront Kabal ? got the reward but then no weekly quest?
seems no one has the weekly
so to recap:
1: BHE's bugged
2: Server performance in River district worse than ever
3: Quests bugged
4: Merchant Bugged
Moderator edited out rule violation.