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Server Not Responding when entering Zones: Can't log in

mushtheroommushtheroom Member Posts: 3 Arc User
edited October 2016 in Bug Reports (Xbox One)
I attempted to use a signpost from "Mielikki Shrine" in Lonelywood to "Bryn Shander Epicenter."
When I attempted the teleport I was kicked from the server.
Since this happened, I am unable to log that character into the server at all.
(my other characters are all able to log in)
Post edited by zebular on


  • iccyasdiccyasd Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    i think its a common issue that 1/10 that queues up for demogorgon get kicks out of the game during loading, then that player would not be part of a group when they re login.
    Main - IccyAsd Lvl70 (GF 4249)
    Alt - Freaya Lvl70 (CW 33XX)
    Alt - Demonic Iccy Lvl70 (TR 27XX)
    Guild - Windows Central (GH14)
  • mushtheroommushtheroom Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    after several game reloads, I managed to get it to connect again...
    However, any time I attempt to use a signpost to reach Bryn Shander Epicenter, the lockout is repeated until I restart the game.
  • ijsimdocijsimdoc Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    how bout fixing this I cannot progress any further if it aint costing yall money it doesnt matter huh greedy bunch of liars
  • exidusozz#6665 exidusozz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Is this quest bugged, I am unable to travel to the epicenter after finishing Shire.
    Post edited by exidusozz#6665 on
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
    I assume you mean "Shrine" instead of "Shire" which originally got me interested in this thread (bummer).

    After you complete the Shrine of Mielikki you should be able to go to Bryn Shadar Epicenter by way of the world travel map. In the Ice Wind Dale zoomed-in view, there will be an option to travel to the epicenter.

    As far as I know, the quest is not bugged.
  • exidusozz#6665 exidusozz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    After finishing "protect the shrine"
    "Harvest thistle" I am unable to travel to the epicenter to "Free Artus Cimber" in the quest line. Server times out and sends me back to log in screen where I have to wait approximately 10 minutes before in reverts me back to Lonelywood or Bryn where I have attempted to enter from
  • exidusozz#6665 exidusozz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Server times out every time I try to enter
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
    That's a new one. Although server timeout when you try to enter epicenter more points to an issue with the server creating new instances of maps (epicenter creates a new instance when you travel there) rather than a problem with the quest line.

    I know I had issues traveling to epicenter before but I was using sign post from strange places (traveled from Shrine to Epicenter timed out, but traveling from Bryn travel node to epicenter worked fine)

    I assume you've tried restarting everything on your end just in case it's a bad connection (unlikely). But if you haven't it's also worth a shot. At this point I think you just wait and try again in a few hours.
  • exidusozz#6665 exidusozz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Restarted abandoned and restarted quest. Tried sign post, ice wind dale mini map. Both Lonelywood travel areas, straight from Bryn Shandar.
  • jgwilsonjgwilson Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Having same issue with travel to epicenter from any spot.
  • doug#5725 doug Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Same here. I've tried porting using sign post as well as riding to travel point. I've abandoned the quest and started over only to have it happen again. I've changed instances before travel as well. Nothing worked and I can't progress until this quest completes.
  • exidusozz#6665 exidusozz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Travel from the docks, it just worked for me
  • exidusozz#6665 exidusozz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Use dock travel, it just worked for me.
    When you get the thistle leave shrine and go to the dock travel portal. It should be the 1st command on the list when you open in it
  • knitwhit#3581 knitwhit Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I have the same issue and tried traveling from the docks and it didn't work.
  • leyenda85#2008 leyenda85 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I am experiencing the exact same problem. Any devs care to comment on this issue?
  • mtkestlermtkestler Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    same here. been unable to advance an already time gated quest line because of this. very annoying.
  • zixxer636zixxer636 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Same trouble here. Tried sign post and various travel gates but get the same server not responding kick. Then I have to log in with an alt character to reset the log in on the character that is bugged.

    Anyone seen any kind of response or confirmation that its being looked into?
  • clockers20clockers20 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I am having the same problem. Have tried all the ways to try to get around this still coming up with the timed out. Please fix. Can't progress in the game.
  • tokoloshe87tokoloshe87 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Same problem here. Ive waited more then 10 minutes and it just keeps trying to join the epicenter and failing. Alternate character logins in fine but doesnt fix my issue on my main.. basically i cant play my main account until this is fixed.
  • hickslive001hickslive001 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    yep same here tried in every area
  • dartola#6625 dartola Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Same exact issue. Dropped quest. Re tried it. Relogged. Reset console. Reinstalled game. Tried on another level 70character. All to no avail it appears to be a hit and a miss. Some people are able to complete while others are not. This is putting a huge damper on rep for storm king. It gives a server timeout and then your character is not even able to be logged into for a solid 5-10mins until the server kicks you back into the previous zone.
  • nerika#8250 nerika Member Posts: 1 New User
    Same here. I messaged the Support Team yesterday, and they're apparently working on it.
  • knitwhit#3581 knitwhit Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I was able to go to the epicenter after today's server reset.
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    We have a few people in my guild with similar issues traveling from either inside the shrine or from a travel post outside the shrine back to the BS Epicenter. It seems to not mind leaving to another zone and then traveling to BS. I dont know everyone's exact steps to produce this but these were my steps:
    Joined a two person group, the other player and group lead had the quest for the shrine and I did not.
    We entered the shrine together, killed all the stuff and left the shrine.
    Outside the shrine he put down a travel post to go to the epicenter and it asked for all group members, so I stepped in the circle
    We were both kicked out of the game with a timeout message and could no longer log into that character
    After playing other characters for about 30 minutes, I was able to use my previously stuck character again with no issues
    The other player can log his character but reported that he still not travel to the epicenter from anywhere, he says it locks up again.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • dartola#6625 dartola Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Fixed after resets for me as well. Ty ARC
  • dankbudz#6528 dankbudz Member Posts: 4 New User
    Hey there, apparently I have come across a bug that doesn't have a solution yet. It originally started with doing the quest Shrine of Mielikki, which I tried to complete, but as soon as I went to Bryn Shander Epicenter it gave me "Server Not Responding" in the loading screen and then kicked me off not allowing me to log back into the same character until turning off Xbox for 10 minutes then taking me back to Lonelywood. I waited for a reply for some time and didn't receive anything so I tried abandoning the quest hoping it'd help and now I can't do any daily quests in Bryn Shander nor Lonelywood, the NPC's in Bryn Shander say "Obtain or complete the quest, Defending the Dale." which I can't find anywhere to at least get some dailies done for Reputation. Hopefully I'm posting in the right section since the link Customer Support gave me was for Star Trek, any help would be appreciated.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Edit: Disregard, I understand now. You are not asking about the repeatable/weekly version, but the initial time you do it. After you collect the thistle and travel to epicenter, the future version do not use this step.

    A little confused as Shrine of Mielikki, in Lonelywood, is nowhere near or connected with Bryn Shander Epicenter which for the "Blizzard" quests and main storyline. So, I can't conceive of any reason you would travel from one to the other trying to complete it.

    Defending the dale is obtained in Bryn Shander at the campfire and you probably know requires the completion of 3 dailies, but it changes and may require 3 dailies in Bryn or 3 in Lonelywood, or 1 in Bryn and 2 in Lonelywood and possibly other combinations as we progress further. You need to look in your journal to see if you have the quest and which variant you need to complete.
    Post edited by zephyriah on
  • dankbudz#6528 dankbudz Member Posts: 4 New User
    Yeah lol
  • dankbudz#6528 dankbudz Member Posts: 4 New User
    Any other way to get Rep? I've just been farming Voninblod for the last couple of days
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    I thought of one other thing, there was another step that wasn't obvious. You need to enter that building that you go into to "take shelter from the storm" to trigger the epicenter portion.
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