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Server Not Responding when entering Zones: Can't log in



  • alucardthenlk#9925 alucardthenlk Member Posts: 3 New User
    > @balrog#5175 said:
    > I keep getting booted from the "history Lessons" quest area before I can even get in. It sends me back and my character is locked locked out for about 20 mins. No fix yet?

    So, it isn't just me then. Good to know, I guess. Still, it's pretty annoying that it happens at all. Especially, when you consider how long the game has been available.
  • shockpoint83#6613 shockpoint83 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Having the same problem but in different area of the map
  • vangarian#7939 vangarian Member Posts: 3 New User
    > @alucardthenlk#9925 said:
    > "I can't seem to get into the Artisan's Tomb. I've been trying for about the last 45 minutes, or so, and every time I try to go into the Tomb I get the server not responding message and kicked back to the title screen. I try to go back in, server still not responding, and I wind up having to turn off the game, turn off my console, unplug it, and wait for about 5 minutes before I plug it back in. After that, the game will start and it'll load me up to the point just before I tried entering the tomb, but it winds up doing the same thing when I try to go back in, repeat steps 1 - 4, and absolutely no change. Am I the only one whose had this problem?"

    While I do not have to go to the extremes to log back into the game as listed above, a 15 - 20 minute wait suffices, the Artisan's Tomb times out if I try to enter and complete the History Lesson quest line. Rather frustrating when, instead of being able to enjoy the game content, you find yourself staring at the main title screen. Playing tiddlywinks with a fingerless gnome would be time better spent than seeing 'Press A on any controller" pop up time and time again instead of dungeon content unfolding before your eyes. Quite the dungeon master's trap if I do say so myself. Sadly there is no saving roll offered.
  • vangarian#7939 vangarian Member Posts: 3 New User
    > @alucardthenlk#9925 said:
    > > @balrog#5175 said:
    > > I keep getting booted from the "history Lessons" quest area before I can even get in. It sends me back and my character is locked locked out for about 20 mins. No fix yet?
    > So, it isn't just me then. Good to know, I guess. Still, it's pretty annoying that it happens at all. Especially, when you consider how long the game has been available.

    I would expect server crashes if we were beta testing Ultima Online in 1998/99. To have issues like this occurring in 2016 shows a lack of attention to detail and a propensity for not learning from the examples of past MMORPGs.
  • darkraz88#5045 darkraz88 Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited October 2016
    See next post
    Post edited by darkraz88#5045 on
  • darkraz88#5045 darkraz88 Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited October 2016
    Linkletters home troubled times quest. Every time I try to investigate and enter it kicks me from the game... I can't finish this bc I can't enter the home. I can't post my bug Because I'm new to forum. now when i try and log in it gives me server timed out i see numbers counting to 10 seconds and back to login screen. waiting a wile seems to let me back in at the place where i was trying to enter. 3 time trying with no luck 10+ mins each time locked out of log in.

    Edit : I fixed it by abandoning it, logging out then in. And the marker re acquired. And worked this time
    Post edited by darkraz88#5045 on
  • Is there a way to bring this up to the developers? I mean, it seems like these kinds of bugs can be fleshed out, or maybe they need to add another server to account for the issues. I'll try darkraz's method see if it fixes it. I don't think I logged out of the game, but I did try abandoning the quest and taking it up again. I had a similar issue earlier on in my "travels," and that seemed to fix the issue, although I don't think it was server timeout problem I was having at that point.
  • vangarian#7939 vangarian Member Posts: 3 New User
    Thank you for fixing the Artisan's Tomb with this latest maintenance cycle. Hopefully the other issues mentioned in this thread have been addressed as well.
  • onlymatonlymat Member Posts: 350 Arc User
    I have the same Problem.
    Maybe it's a Problem with DS-lite? My Provider gives only DS-lite and all IPv4 traffic is overcrowded and slow. IPv6 Traffic is fast.

    Will this game get IPv6 soon?
  • asc#5598 asc Member Posts: 1 New User
    I'm able to log in, but there's a red counter in the middle of the screen saying "Server not responding". Can't move, can't give orders, although I can move around in the menu.
    This goes on since yesterday.
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