Just in case somebody wondered whether the community manager announcing this (seems to be the French one) just used poor wording or something: he/she did not. The announcement has -exactly- the same content in the german forum. The discussion there got closed off after just a few posts (mainly in orange color)...as if -that- would help...instead of infuriate players even more. I agree with some that decisions and inept communication like that (and there have been so many more lately) seem to be utterly incomprehensible unless you start on the premise they actually want to run the game into the ground. So maybe it´s true that the new PWE chieftain is a former Goldman Sachs moron who sees advantage in insolvency. Good grief- at this point- you deserve the conspiracy theories.
And I also believe in fairies and the image of a lot of devs (who put good work in this game) banging their heads on their keyboards right now. They have no reason to go on self-sabotaging in this way and see the fruits of their labor go to waste.
"We are pleased to address this bug because it resolves an inequity between the minority of players who knew about it and the majority who did not.."
Utter Bs. I was told about this when I was a tiny newb. ..as were each of my friends. Everyone knows about this functionality.
This is also no bug. It works with every chest out there except one that I can think of that is excluded as a different mechanic. Thats the arcane coffer chest in the dread ring towers.
I will not be renewing my VIP. This game had been playing a line of painful but tolerable decisions, but this is just too blatant a money grab with an utter BS explanation. Fix some real bugs, dont increase the grind in an already grind intensive game for no tolerable reason.
done the fishing is effing rediculous for bis gear acquisition, and should only be opt in not must do in dnd this is dungeons and dragons.... not dungeons and dragons and fishing
done the fishing is effing rediculous for bis gear acquisition, and should only be opt in not must do in dnd this is dungeons and dragons.... not dungeons and dragons and fishing
No this is B & B (Bugs and Bots) and Bad Decisions xD
1. In the beginning, we never had the option to '2. DECLINE' a chest. Keys were used, we got loot. Sometimes good loot, sometimes bad loot.
Yeah, But we could see what's inside the box and choose the gear we wanted. I lost the count of how many times I did Throne of Idris or Dread Vault just to get the last piece of my gear set...
Avestruz.Q.T.Seduz - Rogue, natural born assassin.
And Xeltey is the EU Community Manager - filling in for Andy while he's on vacation.
I live in the EU and this is the first time I have ever heard of @xeltey. As far as I knew, @strumslinger was the only community manager. Good to know we have a second person 'looking out for us' and hopefully we will see and hear more from him [when is your next live stream] (although after having to make that post I wouldnt be surprised if not) as we see and hear very little from Strumslinger anymore. In fact knowing there are 2 Neverwinter community managers just makes the fact that we rarely hear from them in the 'community' even more disturbing.
As for keygate I cant really add what hasnt already been said apart from reiterating how completely stupid this decision is. This, for me, is worse than coalgate and dungeons are really the only thing that keeps most people playing these days. As a X1 GH20 (well in the next 2 days) Guild Leader I can say that this change will have a massive impact on our player numbers and I wouldnt be surprised if we lose 50% of our players or even more than that if this goes live.
It has to be one of the worst "bugs" in a video game ever. For a "bug" to happen that adds a decline option and a mechanic that allows you to push a button to not claim the reward to materialise in game is incredible unlucky.... ah cut the HAMSTER - its not a bug and saying so is huge disrespect to us all.
We were just getting into a period with a good buzz with @mimicking#6533 on board and an increasingly positive outlook for the future after the whole coalgate mess and some sub=par Mod releases. Things were starting to look positive for the future them BAM you hit us with this. Plus left it up to a community manager hardly anyone has heard of to make the announcement. No balls by one of the lead team to make it themselves
Go forth with this """""bugfix"""""" and I promise not to spend a single € for this game anymore. Normally I wouldn't mind tossing few bucks here and there but this is outrageous. I have hard time keeping my post civil.
lordseth1985Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 319Arc User
@emilemo have you tried Star Wars the Old Republic? it's a nice mmo, and for Star Wars fan it's full of references
Avestruz.Q.T.Seduz - Rogue, natural born assassin.
1. In the beginning, we never had the option to '2. DECLINE' a chest. Keys were used, we got loot. Sometimes good loot, sometimes bad loot.
Yeah, But we could see what's inside the box and choose the gear we wanted. I lost the count of how many times I did Throne of Idris or Dread Vault just to get the last piece of my gear set...
Ahh Throne of Idris the first Dungeon I ever soloed at Epic level, those were the days, remember those when this game was fun!
jaysun1977Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 177Arc User
@kreatyve so you are sayin that you were abusing this bug aswell ?
I mean i had 99x greater demonic keys in which i consumed them all in CN, i never once declined the chest, but based on what you typed you were declining the chest, weren't you ? So in this case what does that mean you were doin for so long? I guess you were havin' some sort of advantage over legit players, if so we can safely assume that you exploited the chest in your advantage as others were always accepting the chest reward, while exploiters were just pickin the good loot. I guess you must be apart of the "minority" of what xeltey is speaking.
You really need to start using sarcasm quotes. People might mistake your sarcasm for an actual opinion and mistake you for an idiot.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
What if they change the key pack and give 25 keys for 250 zen? ehh? that could be something done by a company who not treat his customers like idiots.... hell 5000 ADs AND A run time is not enough for this HAMSTER rewards?
I love this game (PS4), but this change will force me out once VIP expires (if not before) and I will not be putting any more cash into the game.
I farm CN & ELOL to death, with never getting a single good drop, sometimes I will just use a key just to get 6k salvage, so unless the loot tables are changed prior to the key change, there is no point buying keys to open chests that contain refinement items, that drop readily from fey/dark enchantments and daily quest rewards.
The RNG sucks too much, in real life there is laws about gambling/lotteries, imo these laws are now needed in the virtual world to stop companies exploiting the user base.
To be truthful I agree with the concept that key should be consumed (same as lock boxes), but the rewards and chance need to be far better. I appreciate the company needs to make money but the players also need to make masses of AD, currently r12 bonding stone on PS4 is around 3m AD!
Until there is some amendment to this intended change, I will be keeping for money.
Skyrim with mods being released on pS4 this month and is looking very tempting compared to the ever increasing cost of Neverwinter.
And Xeltey is the EU Community Manager - filling in for Andy while he's on vacation.
I live in the EU and this is the first time I have ever heard of @xeltey. As far as I knew, @strumslinger was the only community manager. Good to know we have a second person 'looking out for us' and hopefully we will see and hear more from him [when is your next live stream] (although after having to make that post I wouldnt be surprised if not) as we see and hear very little from Strumslinger anymore. In fact knowing there are 2 Neverwinter community managers just makes the fact that we rarely hear from them in the 'community' even more disturbing.
As for keygate I cant really add what hasnt already been said apart from reiterating how completely stupid this decision is. This, for me, is worse than coalgate and dungeons are really the only thing that keeps most people playing these days. As a X1 GH20 (well in the next 2 days) Guild Leader I can say that this change will have a massive impact on our player numbers and I wouldnt be surprised if we lose 50% of our players or even more than that if this goes live.
It has to be one of the worst "bugs" in a video game ever. For a "bug" to happen that adds a decline option and a mechanic that allows you to push a button to not claim the reward to materialise in game is incredible unlucky.... ah cut the HAMSTER - its not a bug and saying so is huge disrespect to us all.
We were just getting into a period with a good buzz with @mimicking#6533 on board and an increasingly positive outlook for the future after the whole coalgate mess and some sub=par Mod releases. Things were starting to look positive for the future them BAM you hit us with this. Plus left it up to a community manager hardly anyone has heard of to make the announcement. No balls by one of the lead team to make it themselves
xeltey is the French community manager and you´ll be surprised to know there is even another EU cm -> pwfero (german). The national subforums -not surprisingly- all have their own cm. They all wrote the same stuff though so this got handed down to them to write... edit: xeltey seems to be responsible for the Italian forum, too...
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Its not just the keys, its just the tip of the iceberg, the vehemence you see has been building up for weeks.
The grind/gating level of mod 10 and apparently whatever you want to call the new mod 10.5 or 11 or whatever.. has been feedbacked on ad nasuem, it shouldve been tinkered with already.
Removal of gateway, made professions , ad swapping and other quality of life things ten times worse, aggravating many players.
Inventory issues are abundant and needed reworks for ages , yet this is ignored enterily.
Now you release a new mod in a few weeks that only require this bought key basically (you can make a few sure) behind massive rng walls for the new weapons.
Since its such massive rng, most poeple dont release how uncommon those weapons will be, maybe , MAYBE 50-100 people will have them at the end of the mod.
This isnt really something for the vast player community to work for, so hence many of us have already decided to skip it, fishing and other junk (including getting more of that hated vblood) is over the top.
So you decided to force this key issue, at a time when the game feels like its back at MOD 6.. in terms of quality.
Somehow or another you need to get it through your thick skulls, that we are not lying to you, that you need to take some of this feedback and fix some QOL and Grind/gating issues in your game.
Barely anyone runs FBI.. 1-2 runs at a time, not that it isnt fun, its just so RNG gated at the end and GATED at the front to get in. All of which is pretty unnecessary,
People should be able to play and advance in your game without buying keys, I think I cant state it more simple then that. It will be very difficult going forward to be able to do that.
The definition of insanity and addiction will apply to dungeon runners who buy keys now....
Do the same thing over and expecting to come out on top....dungeon keys will be an AD/Zen sink....that will leave the players on mass poorer but Cryptic potentially richer...
inyawayupdeepMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 206Arc User
Feels like someone made the village idiot Mayor of Crazytown. In what way will this make the game better? Are you trying to reduce the load on your servers by reducing your playerbase. You guys are heading down the wrong path again.
I came back to this game a few months ago and all I have seen is a blatant kick to the face to the community over and over again. Invoke changes, Salvage nerfs and now this with the keys? Unbelievable!
The only logic that businesses like this understand is $$$. It is time for the people of Faerun to say no more to this bull. Moving on from the game is the only way to make them change things for a brighter future, or shut the game down completely. Since they want to cater to the botting epidemic so much I say we let the bots have the game once and for all.
What a slap in the face to your community...
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
We didnt make our AD from salvage to start the game.. we made it from little armies .. and well dungeon and skirm hours and stuff. The game varied itself with a rotating schedule of how and when we made AD, it wasnt all about the chests.
i cant even relaly describe to you the halycon days when you just sort of did whatever, whenever.. the keys freed up the schedule, but now that they are monetizing them to the nth degree, it really sort of sucks.
But again, its not just the keys, its everything that has been leading to this for weeks and weeks since mod 10 release + gateway removal.
Grinding/Gating is out of control, QOL issues are not working atm.
Your game is in desperate need of some internal review and fixing, but of course you dont have time for that do you.. because it doesn't directly make you any money.
I agree with some that decisions and inept communication like that (and there have been so many more lately) seem to be utterly incomprehensible unless you start on the premise they actually want to run the game into the ground. So maybe it´s true that the new PWE chieftain is a former Goldman Sachs moron who sees advantage in insolvency. Good grief- at this point- you deserve the conspiracy theories.
And I also believe in fairies and the image of a lot of devs (who put good work in this game) banging their heads on their keyboards right now. They have no reason to go on self-sabotaging in this way and see the fruits of their labor go to waste.
Utter Bs. I was told about this when I was a tiny newb. ..as were each of my friends. Everyone knows about this functionality.
This is also no bug. It works with every chest out there except one that I can think of that is excluded as a different mechanic. Thats the arcane coffer chest in the dread ring towers.
I will not be renewing my VIP. This game had been playing a line of painful but tolerable decisions, but this is just too blatant a money grab with an utter BS explanation. Fix some real bugs, dont increase the grind in an already grind intensive game for no tolerable reason.
I am leaving when my VIP is up.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
this is dungeons and dragons.... not dungeons and dragons and fishing
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
As for keygate I cant really add what hasnt already been said apart from reiterating how completely stupid this decision is. This, for me, is worse than coalgate and dungeons are really the only thing that keeps most people playing these days. As a X1 GH20 (well in the next 2 days) Guild Leader I can say that this change will have a massive impact on our player numbers and I wouldnt be surprised if we lose 50% of our players or even more than that if this goes live.
It has to be one of the worst "bugs" in a video game ever. For a "bug" to happen that adds a decline option and a mechanic that allows you to push a button to not claim the reward to materialise in game is incredible unlucky.... ah cut the HAMSTER - its not a bug and saying so is huge disrespect to us all.
We were just getting into a period with a good buzz with @mimicking#6533 on board and an increasingly positive outlook for the future after the whole coalgate mess and some sub=par Mod releases. Things were starting to look positive for the future them BAM you hit us with this. Plus left it up to a community manager hardly anyone has heard of to make the announcement. No balls by one of the lead team to make it themselves
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
I farm CN & ELOL to death, with never getting a single good drop, sometimes I will just use a key just to get 6k salvage, so unless the loot tables are changed prior to the key change, there is no point buying keys to open chests that contain refinement items, that drop readily from fey/dark enchantments and daily quest rewards.
The RNG sucks too much, in real life there is laws about gambling/lotteries, imo these laws are now needed in the virtual world to stop companies exploiting the user base.
To be truthful I agree with the concept that key should be consumed (same as lock boxes), but the rewards and chance need to be far better. I appreciate the company needs to make money but the players also need to make masses of AD, currently r12 bonding stone on PS4 is around 3m AD!
Until there is some amendment to this intended change, I will be keeping for money.
Skyrim with mods being released on pS4 this month and is looking very tempting compared to the ever increasing cost of Neverwinter.
edit: xeltey seems to be responsible for the Italian forum, too...
The grind/gating level of mod 10 and apparently whatever you want to call the new mod 10.5 or 11 or whatever.. has been feedbacked on ad nasuem, it shouldve been tinkered with already.
Removal of gateway, made professions , ad swapping and other quality of life things ten times worse, aggravating many players.
Inventory issues are abundant and needed reworks for ages , yet this is ignored enterily.
Now you release a new mod in a few weeks that only require this bought key basically (you can make a few sure) behind massive rng walls for the new weapons.
Since its such massive rng, most poeple dont release how uncommon those weapons will be, maybe , MAYBE 50-100 people will have them at the end of the mod.
This isnt really something for the vast player community to work for, so hence many of us have already decided to skip it, fishing and other junk (including getting more of that hated vblood) is over the top.
So you decided to force this key issue, at a time when the game feels like its back at MOD 6.. in terms of quality.
Somehow or another you need to get it through your thick skulls, that we are not lying to you, that you need to take some of this feedback and fix some QOL and Grind/gating issues in your game.
Barely anyone runs FBI.. 1-2 runs at a time, not that it isnt fun, its just so RNG gated at the end and GATED at the front to get in. All of which is pretty unnecessary,
People should be able to play and advance in your game without buying keys, I think I cant state it more simple then that. It will be very difficult going forward to be able to do that.
Do the same thing over and expecting to come out on top....dungeon keys will be an AD/Zen sink....that will leave the players on mass poorer but Cryptic potentially richer...
The only logic that businesses like this understand is $$$. It is time for the people of Faerun to say no more to this bull. Moving on from the game is the only way to make them change things for a brighter future, or shut the game down completely. Since they want to cater to the botting epidemic so much I say we let the bots have the game once and for all.
What a slap in the face to your community...
i cant even relaly describe to you the halycon days when you just sort of did whatever, whenever.. the keys freed up the schedule, but now that they are monetizing them to the nth degree, it really sort of sucks.
But again, its not just the keys, its everything that has been leading to this for weeks and weeks since mod 10 release + gateway removal.
Grinding/Gating is out of control, QOL issues are not working atm.
Your game is in desperate need of some internal review and fixing, but of course you dont have time for that do you.. because it doesn't directly make you any money.