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30-day VIP Codes Contest!



  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    Oh had another great one Tuesday night. I am apparently the only one of my friends NOT grinding the Lostmauth set, but I'm always in LoL with them because I'm the healer. So they distributed necklaces (which one guy had gotten several of) and I'm just listening to the four of them go on and on about the horn and how to get it. We go trucking through and demolish the place (I can't jump so I was just happy that the door on the right opened). Right before slaying Lostmauth I get ping ponged by 4 fireballs, a rock and end up way out in the lava to my demise. I find myself at the fire as they finish the job. I'm putzing through my inventory as they all check their treasures and are commenting on not getting whatever they are looking for.

    I portal back in to grab my chest and find a horn on the ground. Not expecting to find things laying on the ground I ask "What is the thing I'm looking for?"

    They all go silent and one says "The horn - you got it didn't you?"
    Me "Yeah, what's it do?"
    The other guildie in the chat who isn't in the dungeon with us through howls of laughter "The only person in there who never said a thing about getting it finds it"
    Me "so I want this?"
    Guildie 1 "Only Raven stumbles over the hardest things to get in every game and doesn't even want them"
    Me "But I can't get cute companion or mount to drop for anything"

    RNG is a cruel mistress
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • exc4135#5743 exc4135 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Getting my first hard earned beholder tank! Weeeee!!
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User

    Getting my first hard earned beholder tank! Weeeee!!

    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • ironoyoruironoyoru Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Meeting various character from the D&D licence and venturing with them. Always a pleasure.
  • saidencloudsaidencloud Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    My favorite moment was booting up Neverwinter for the first time on ps4, I just had to have the early access. I'd been waiting for that moment since they announced Xbox was getting Neverwinter. Honestly felt like I was a kid again unwrapping my first PS1 next to the Christmas tree. I couldn't wait to play.
    <SHADRA> Guild House currently open: NW-DBSTUHWLT
  • Favourite memory was when I got to level 60 and got my first Elemental Evil set. Went to test my power on a few maps and thought I was op, until I realized that this was just weakest set out of the many in the end game. ^^

    Want to join the guild? PM Me (PSN:Malfunction-3000) or post here
  • omegafraz#3871 omegafraz Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    my favorite going through social areas with my guild while all using the gelotinous cube mount and slime companion
  • alvator3alvator3 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    My favorite memory is the moment I enter Neverwinter city for the very first time, after the tutorial. It rembembers me when I start to play the game, during the beta on the PC years ago! I loved the game but some days after the "Caturday" Catastrophe my PC broke down, so I never got to play the game that much. Now my adventure in Neverwinter starts again, on PS4 :-)
  • wyrmlaza#1367 wyrmlaza Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I heard about Neverwinter, downloaded it on PS4.. then never touched it for a while. Then few days later, I figured.. lets give it a real chance to see what ARC can do here.

    Devs knows, and the PS4 community knows there is still a lot of work to do on PS4. However, despite the shortcomings... I've had ample moments that made me very happy to support/play a game such as this.

    Coming into Well of Dragons, hearing the sound of dragons landing all over. Being given an invite to participate in a fight against the horde. This is the moment for me. The map was alive, players were laughing, communicating, having a good time.

    Dragons coming down stomping people, reminding you what you're fighting for in this world.

    I hope this game continues to see improvements on PS4, because its awesome. More memories to come I hope!
  • shyuuga#2380 shyuuga Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Finally joining a good guild! Somewhat serious ftw!
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    that moment when I realized the hecklers in this event weren't the actual hecklers. it was the game devs for making the things drop like demonic candies into your bag unseen... hundreds and hundreds of them like tribbles.

    the master troll!
  • vidgamrjvidgamrj Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Favorite memory so far is of a couple friends and myself when we were still young and thought we were invincible. We were questing in the Drowned Shore and came across the heroic with the crabs. They were brutal, but we were winning. Finally we beat all the crabs and won the encounter...so we thought. We were stunned when a giant crab spawned, one shorted the cleric, and a hundred little crabs swarmed my buddy and I to finish us off. We were laughing about that for a long time, the element of surprise and our quick, humiliating defeat was gold.
  • lordlurker#5456 lordlurker Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Realizing Minsc and Boo are in the game.... brought back memories from Neverwinter Nights :)
  • sylana#7063 sylana Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Finally getting my Jester fashion outfit. It was my first major purchase. I was slowly grinding and saving up to get it. It doesn't sound that exciting but I was super stoked about it. Took screenshots, showed it off, and everything.
  • aerinn#7498 aerinn Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Being in Neverdeath Graveyard, when I saw Charthraxis spawn for the 1st time
  • My favorite memory overall is my first time starting the game. I was never really interested in MMORPG's, than there came Neverwinter to introduce me to my new found liked genre. Neverwinter opened me up to the luxuries of an adventurer alongside those he could call a friend. When I first started I was lost like a newborn, soon I ventured forth into the game. Seeing new realms and landscapes to be discovered as I progress, to me it all felt like a true discovery. I remember I was worried because I couldn't find the companion I was promised, discovering only after submitting a ticket about the issue that it was always in my inventory, unbeknownst to me the item would appear as an image of a scroll. I was delighted by the kind response I was given by the person who answered my question and thanked them. This just as an example of how lost I was when I first began Neverwinter. The best moment I had was when I went to the moonstone mask and discovered the emotes, there I spoke with entertaining others and danced constantly, enjoying myself in the fun interior of the place and the amazing players. Still considered my favorite location. I am now level 70 and look forward to endgame, and I still find it all very exciting. Though I can only choose one favorite, and from the beginning to the still ongoing end, I choose the start. Thank you for taking time to read this.

    ~The Zany Spirit. God of Destruction and Spirit of Death.
  • kash3180kash3180 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    My favorite moment was when my guild took down Valindra the first time. I was so happy to see her go down, especially after fighting the undead private what's his face from the beginning of the game that she killed.
  • muz82#4889 muz82 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    My favorite (ongoing) memory is being able to finish work and then kick back with my wife and 3 teenage children on a game that encourages us to work together, interact with each other and basically bring us all closer together.
  • nic4restnic4rest Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    first time doing ELOL.. and failing to make the jump over the lava rivers..
  • My favourite memory is when everyone in our new guild took on the red dragon during the early access week, while we were all between level 20-40. We all got stomped in 5 seconds flat, but we laughed and decided one day we would come back and beat it. We all worked hard, learned our classes and geared up, and then got our revenge.
    Best feeling ever!
  • tones#0720 tones Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    My favorite memory is from one of the CTAs, as a guild we were running it like mad for a chance drop at the pet and then we all stopped when fighting the boss and died. respawning at the top we simply left the boss for about 15 mins and it had spawned 50 or so minions. we left it longer and there was even more! If we entered the mob even at level 70 we got taken down in seconds but it was so fun! It got so laggy that we had to abandon the cta! Still got the screenshots! Sorry for the formatting, on mobile! :)
  • bbrightstonebbrightstone Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Best memory is playing since Mod 5 on PC, then logging in to PS4 and seeing the ZAX at 120 AD/Zen. I spent time leveling up, got to 70, earned some AD, and then went to trade some for Zen and found that the rate had nearly trippled. Guess I won't be getting VIP on PS4 for a while.
  • forgotenpain#4359 forgotenpain Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    My absolute Favorite moment was when I could get onto this game with all of my friends and we stratigiezed what area we would do next, then we all went and make a guild together and we went to our stronghold explored it then laughed as you heard a scream because the enemies were lvl 70 and you were just new and it took 6 people just to kill the one lvl 70 that was my favorite memory so far.
  • beerninja#1874 beerninja Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Climbing up the icy peak with the enormous crumbling statue in the distance was the most memorable moment for me so far. Crossing that huge fallen sword on the way to the top was epic.
  • dominikmezzrimdominikmezzrim Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I tried my first epic dungeon as a CW with the bare minimum iLvl. Obviously, I was lame, so I waited and grinded before even attempting again. Some guildie goaded me into trying again, at that point I had acheived iLvl 2369. I destroyed Kessel and felt I became useful as a proper DPS. This also brought me closer to fellow guildies.
  • chad03109#4568 chad03109 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Finally finding a game that's free no less that I don't mind spending real money on
  • vidosck#8352 vidosck Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Best memory so far is when I've been able to get my HR (first character), through my first respect, to run a decent build that allowed me to run into Well of Dragons without being killed every second. I truly felt powerful since then ! My next best moment will be when 2xRP comeback, because i've been stacking for a month !!
  • randomkeyhits#0843 randomkeyhits Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    My best memory (yesterday!) is completing the elemental evil campaign on my TR, and winning the final fight with a sliver of health left. THEN realising I still had the summoned adds to deal with and just scraping by without being taken down, lots of adrenaline.

    Thats so far, with a few days left on this competition to run I'm pretty sure I can find something to match/beat it.
  • johalas72#6209 johalas72 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    My favorite memory so far is the first time our guild did a HE farm and ran up on the Bickering beholders and ended up with the entire group taking dirt naps and eventually running off with tails between our legs. Once we all got to level 70 we did go back for revenge though!
  • So far my favorite memory has been fighting the dragons. I have always loved dragons and fighting them has been a blast. I still fight them all daily, and they do get harder later on, but it's still fun.
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