From the Patch Notes: Art, Animation, and Graphics:
* Certain Dwarven beards that had lost their color have been restored to their former glory.
Good, thanks.. any idea if they (or perhaps the rest) will be fixed? Or will we be looking for free appearance change tokens for us to get them back to where they were?
I ask because, while no longer what it was, my beard still isn't black. It's a darker grey than it was, but still not there yet.
(Before, Post-Storm King, Current)
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
The image quality of your screenshots for Before and Current is so different that the issue might actually be something in your graphics settings. If you've turned them down for performance, that could wash out your character rendering considerably.
Edit: The metal clips/slides are definitely different than in the Before pic, but I like the silver. I hope you can sort out the hair/beard colours though.
shadowgod244Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 44Arc User
a few issues that need bringing up, prophecy of madness (protect version) is still bugging if you finish early and on the issue of POM its extremely difficult to get gold even with a team of 3k + as the second phase for both is still not given enough points per kill/closed portal. and the EF damage needs to be fixed i shouldnt be getting it from fall damage or by standing in fire (odd fire giving me frost damage)
I noticed on the Patch Notes: NW.65.20160801c.13 "Items and Economy General The contents of the Refiner's Cache in the Ten-Towns' Treasure Trove now properly bind to account on pickup."
So what about those of us who have already picked up our "Free Trove for All" and found the items bound to character instead of bound to account?
Are we just screwed?
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Since mod 10, all of my characters look different, im not super hung up on the looks of the game per se, but its annoying, they really do, eyes especially, I feel like all my toons look like they have dead yes now..
The walking dead has appeared!
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
Since mod 10, all of my characters look different, im not super hung up on the looks of the game per se, but its annoying, they really do, eyes especially, I feel like all my toons look like they have dead yes now..
The walking dead has appeared!
@silverkelt Its a metaphor for those of us who play this game
Thanks for fixes, especially guard duty, that was very frustrating. Any news on bug-fix for GF Steel Defence (not working against Everfrost) and many SW bugs (like Soulsparks and Borrowed Time)?
If your "world draw distance" is currently set to Min in your graphics settings, try putting it on Low instead. Even if you've turned things down to improve performance, this shouldn't have much impact other than making it much easier to see.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,169Arc User
The 3 stages of dwarf beard. These are in order of original, bleaching, and yesterday's "fix".
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
If the colour-matching were actually right, I'd view the added metallic texture to the ornaments as a beard upgrade. If only.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,169Arc User
Yeah, I do like that. Honestly, the white beard was growing on me.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
If your "world draw distance" is currently set to Min in your graphics settings, try putting it on Low instead. Even if you've turned things down to improve performance, this shouldn't have much impact other than making it much easier to see.
That's the first of many, many graphics settings changes which actually made a bit of a difference. Good job. Still looks like there's a fire nearby. I wish they'd just admit that particular zone's effect aren't a feature, they're a bug.
Art, Animation, and Graphics:
* Certain Dwarven beards that had lost their color have been restored to their former glory.
Good, thanks.. any idea if they (or perhaps the rest) will be fixed? Or will we be looking for free appearance change tokens for us to get them back to where they were?
I ask because, while no longer what it was, my beard still isn't black. It's a darker grey than it was, but still not there yet.
(Before, Post-Storm King, Current)
The image quality of your screenshots for Before and Current is so different that the issue might actually be something in your graphics settings. If you've turned them down for performance, that could wash out your character rendering considerably.
Edit: The metal clips/slides are definitely different than in the Before pic, but I like the silver. I hope you can sort out the hair/beard colours though.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
and the EF damage needs to be fixed i shouldnt be getting it from fall damage or by standing in fire (odd fire giving me frost damage)
"Items and Economy
The contents of the Refiner's Cache in the Ten-Towns' Treasure Trove now properly bind to account on pickup."
So what about those of us who have already picked up our "Free Trove for All" and found the items bound to character instead of bound to account?
Are we just screwed?
The walking dead has appeared!
Any news on bug-fix for GF Steel Defence (not working against Everfrost) and many SW bugs (like Soulsparks and Borrowed Time)?
If your "world draw distance" is currently set to Min in your graphics settings, try putting it on Low instead. Even if you've turned things down to improve performance, this shouldn't have much impact other than making it much easier to see.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Urg The Barbarian-<Wolves of Faerûn>-Level 63 Half Orc-Great Weapon Fighter-Swordmaster
The Weed Man-<420 Club>-Level 70 Sun Elf-Control Wizard-Master of Flame
Bloodbeard Everguard-<420 Club> -Level 70 Dwarf-Guardian Fighter-
Ninja-<Order of the Silent Shroud>-Level 70 Half Orc-Trickster Rogue-
Malachi-<420 Club>-Level 60 Tiefling-Scourge Warlock-
Daniel Lightheart-<Disciples of the Gods>-Level 60 Half-Elf-Oathbound Paladin-
Lolthlorien-<420 Club>-Level 66 Drow-Devoted Cleric-
Jesus Christ-<GOD>-Level 67 Human-Devoted Cleric-
Drac0- <Orda Na Anord>- Level 20 Dragonborn- Great Weapon Fighter