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Patch Notes: NW.65.20160801c.13

strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    29% EF resistance? Didn't it just get changed to 28%? Will nobody think of my OCD? Can we please have a number divisible by 5. *twitches*

    Training Day - It was people entering the map. DERP. This makes so much more sense now.
  • shadowgod244shadowgod244 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    so you're repeating the black ice resistance problem and why the arbatory number of 29%? and why are we being restricted in this fashion as the frostborn gear is really bad (bad stats and bad bonuses) which will be the only way we can get the relic gear
  • ansakuansaku Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    @strumslinger @asterdahl Any eta for Borrowed Time fix for Scourge Warlock ? The whole paragon is not playable because of one class feature not working, i cant believe there is no hot fix for this in the week's patch. Please fix it
  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    ansaku said:

    @strumslinger @asterdahl Any eta for Borrowed Time fix for Scourge Warlock ? The whole paragon is not playable because of one class feature not working, i cant believe there is no hot fix for this in the week's patch. Please fix it

    I'm really confused how the whole paragon is unplayable because of one class feature - I have a SW SB, I don't use Borrowed Time, and funnily enough, I'm doing fine.

    Yes, we need the passive power fixed - is it stopping you from playing your toon, no.
  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User

    29% EF resistance? Didn't it just get changed to 28%? Will nobody think of my OCD? Can we please have a number divisible by 5. *twitches*

    Training Day - It was people entering the map. DERP. This makes so much more sense now.

    This whole campaign is just an attack on the OCD types.

    "Have OCD, and really want a game to screw with you hardcore? Well we offer:
    31% resistance! No, make that 29%!
    9 Reputation from dailies! But yet all campaign objectives are in multiples of 5 reputation!
    34 of one item needed for the 2nd boon when you get 3 per day! You'll have everything you need for it tomorrow, except for that one gizmo you have to wait to get 3 of the day after!
    Campaign progresses in non-standard fashion!"
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    Seriously, guys: I have a full set of Purified Black Ice armor and weapons for my HR sitting in the bank. It's been there since mod 3. I've worn it exactly once. The only time was when I simply wanted to see Kessel's Retreat, and you couldn't enter it otherwise. I went, I saw it, we finished it, and I never wore black ice armor again. I'm not going down that road again: bank space is far too precious as it is.

    And now, for something completely different.

    Strum, any chance you could start featuring Foundry quests again?
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited August 2016

    ansaku said:

    @strumslinger @asterdahl Any eta for Borrowed Time fix for Scourge Warlock ? The whole paragon is not playable because of one class feature not working, i cant believe there is no hot fix for this in the week's patch. Please fix it

    I'm really confused how the whole paragon is unplayable because of one class feature - I have a SW SB, I don't use Borrowed Time, and funnily enough, I'm doing fine.

    Yes, we need the passive power fixed - is it stopping you from playing your toon, no.
    Well, it's not only Borrowed Time that's broken, but yeah, it mostly gimps PvP SWs. I'm gonna quote myself from the preview server patch notes:

    Please, Soulbinder SWs need a fix for Borrowed Time.
    Something got seriously screwed up, since it's not working at all anymore.

    The mod 10 patchnotes stated:
    Borrowed Time: Added clarification to the tooltip to make it clear that this Class Feature only triggers when Soul Sparks heal you at the end of combat.
    but Soul Sparks always healed you at the end of combat. That has nothing to do with Borrowed Time. And the tooltip wasn't changed. Dust to Dust's tooltip was changed with an addition of "at the end of combat". Something must've got mixed up. Borrowed Time should work the same as it always does:
    Borrowed Time: While you have Soul Sparks they heal you every 2 seconds for .08%-.32% of your HP per Soul Spark
    I can imagine this bug comes from the change, that there is no more icon below your character icon showing the amount of Soul Sparks. The Soul Sparks are only shown now in the middle of the screen. Dust to Dust was changed accordingly and still works, but Borrowed Time does not.

    On, and I just read the increase in life steal chance from Soul Sparks + the further increase per Spark from the Vampiric Sparks feat also don't work. That has to be correlated to the Soul Spark icon / stack change. These mechanics still seem to look at the character icon / stack for Soul Sparks instead of the wheel in the middle of the screen.
  • ansakuansaku Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited August 2016

    ansaku said:

    @strumslinger @asterdahl Any eta for Borrowed Time fix for Scourge Warlock ? The whole paragon is not playable because of one class feature not working, i cant believe there is no hot fix for this in the week's patch. Please fix it

    I'm really confused how the whole paragon is unplayable because of one class feature - I have a SW SB, I don't use Borrowed Time, and funnily enough, I'm doing fine.

    Yes, we need the passive power fixed - is it stopping you from playing your toon, no.
    If you play your sw in pvp then you know how horrible is soulbinder path in pvp without borrowed time at the moment. See the warlock changes thread in preview and all, all old sw players want this change to happen and yet you comment here saying there is no need of that, i assume you have no idea how sw works in pvp
  • silver11#9318 silver11 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    Well thats one way to get us to farm the new gear I guess LOL imagine if set bonuses were actually a thing again?
  • aleblainaleblain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    The new Mod looks pretty good for what I have tested, I'll write about it elsewhere.
    About the patch, all though not really important, it's a good thing the fix of the beards sooner than later. And talking about that kind of fixes... the day to fix the damn history tab bug has to come!!!!! Both, my background info and the mouse pointer inside the Bio window are bugued!
    Beyend that, decend patch. And of course, it's time to bring back all dungeons, we all know that... don't wait 2 years (literally).
  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User
    It seems they have an odd concept of "challenge", "fun" and "reward".
    The SKT campaing quests are fast but the progression rate is designed to waste your time with no fun ("Oh ****, 1 reputation missing to unlock the 2nd boon", very disappointing) , farming HEs may be fun for a short time then it's just a boring and reptitive game experience.
    My final judgment is pending because I prefer to wait and unlock the missing pieces to have the overall view. Till now it's an adapted copy&paste of the IWD campaign: not thrilling for a veteran player.

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
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  • giorgosnar1giorgosnar1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I'm a lvl 68 TR and i cannot get the Ten-Towns' Treasure Trove.
    The rewards agent doesn't offer it.Are there any requirements?
  • shadowgod244shadowgod244 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    just realized how the hell are people to get this 29% as far as i know you cant as you get 4% from boons + 17% armour pieces (+ 6% from ring you get from FBI but we CANT count these) and i wont include potion buffs for obvious reasons so you just set a number we cant even make to get into FBI, why should we sacrifice all the good stats on gear we do have to equip then feed gear that quite frankly really bad please remove this black ice empowerment mark 2 as it didnt work the first time
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    training day wasnt failing because some
    ansaku said:

    @strumslinger @asterdahl Any eta for Borrowed Time fix for Scourge Warlock ? The whole paragon is not playable because of one class feature not working, i cant believe there is no hot fix for this in the week's patch. Please fix it

    mine is working fine
  • gravloregravlore Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    why complain? alot of people have been knocking and apparently no one is home.
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    ansaku said:

    ansaku said:

    @strumslinger @asterdahl Any eta for Borrowed Time fix for Scourge Warlock ? The whole paragon is not playable because of one class feature not working, i cant believe there is no hot fix for this in the week's patch. Please fix it

    I'm really confused how the whole paragon is unplayable because of one class feature - I have a SW SB, I don't use Borrowed Time, and funnily enough, I'm doing fine.

    Yes, we need the passive power fixed - is it stopping you from playing your toon, no.
    If you play your sw in pvp then you know how horrible is soulbinder path in pvp without borrowed time at the moment. See the warlock changes thread in preview and all, all old sw players want this change to happen and yet you comment here saying there is no need of that, i assume you have no idea how sw works in pvp
    have u tried use wb to heal urself maybe?(im sw sb , on bid in iwp i felt good draining an op hp, btw im no expert in sw)
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I was wrong sorry
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • szejhuludpuchaczszejhuludpuchacz Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    Basically 29% req pushes players to buy whole frostborn set (2.5k zen for headpiece?) and even more than that because we still gonna need 2 boons - another delay in time I assume.
    16% from full frostborn
    10% pots
    4% boon
    30% EF resist
    Some people might be lucky and drop relic boots from HE, but thats additional 2% resist over frostborn piece.

    So Fangbreaker is now double gated by IL (which is right) AND spending zen/ad. Not to mention drops from there might not be worth this kind of investment. GG.
  • shadowgod244shadowgod244 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2016

    Basically 29% req pushes players to buy whole frostborn set (2.5k zen for headpiece?) and even more than that because we still gonna need 2 boons - another delay in time I assume.
    16% from full frostborn
    10% pots
    4% boon
    30% EF resist
    Some people might be lucky and drop relic boots from HE, but thats additional 2% resist over frostborn piece.

    So Fangbreaker is now double gated by IL (which is right) AND spending zen/ad. Not to mention drops from there might not be worth this kind of investment. GG.

    dont include the potions because as soon as you die you lose them which would boot you from instance (also only 5% as the two potions dont stack)
  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    The devs have said potions count towards it (as well as the soup from the SH that gives another 2%). There is new Shirt and pants from the store that each have 3% (have to unlock them) - there were armor reinforcement son preview that only apply to shirt and pants - these add another 3% each (and can stack with the base amount on the shirt/pant) - there is 12% right there.

    You can hit the 29% by farming and not buying Frostborn. Totally doable.
  • krymkackrymkac Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Ehm... There are forst resist kits that stack with other armor kits. New pants/shirt with frost resist. Y dont really need full tbar store set to enter new dungeon. Potions will work too. Devs already confirmed that. In Old KR y could swap gear right after entering. Somehow i doubt y will be booted if your res falls.
    Still frost res requirements are ridiculously. If ppl want to enter with 0% and conquer the dungeon no matter the wipes count - let them. We need challenge. Dont need devs to hold out hand and show us the "right" way to play the game.
    P.S. Thanks from all the proud dwarves out there for fixing the beards. Huzzah!
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    No fix to fishing nodes? No fix to training day quest? No increase to lanolin drop rates (seriously, I did about 50 major HEs yesterday and got at most 5 lanolin)?
  • razor4lpharazor4lpha Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User

    No fix to fishing nodes? No fix to training day quest? No increase to lanolin drop rates (seriously, I did about 50 major HEs yesterday and got at most 5 lanolin)?

    Read the notes, Training Day got its fix.

  • rgutscheradevrgutscheradev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 188 Cryptic Developer
    Intention is absolutely you don't need any Zen items to get into Fangbreaker. You do need to "gather up" all the other sources of Everfrost resist, but they are all very obtainable. (The boots are the toughest, but we've tried to tune it so anyone playing regularly shouldn't have too much trouble getting them by the time they unlock Fangbreaker.) Some of them unlock later in the campaign (but still before Fangbreaker) which is why you may not have seen them all yet.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer

    29% EF resistance? Didn't it just get changed to 28%?

    The patch note is incorrect. I've let Andy know to update the patch note and am working with our production team to find out why the note was incorrect in the first place, as none of our checkin notes reference 29%.

    Apologies for the confusion this has caused, as mentioned in the thread on the general forums, the requirement was moved from the original 31% to the new 28%, which it should now appear as in game. There was only a single adjustment.
  • shadowgod244shadowgod244 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    im not part of a guild so its not possible by any measure, this number is FAR to high and the fact that we have to have a seperate set to run a dungeon that requires 3.1k IL is terrible design, I've looked at the 'best' gear this are has an whilst you get more crit and health it falls waaay short of what two dusk gear gives
  • qexoticqexotic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 841 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Double post. Sorry
  • qexoticqexotic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 841 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    qexotic said:

    Basically 29% req pushes players to buy whole frostborn set (2.5k zen for headpiece?) and even more than that because we still gonna need 2 boons - another delay in time I assume.
    16% from full frostborn
    10% pots
    4% boon
    30% EF resist
    Some people might be lucky and drop relic boots from HE, but thats additional 2% resist over frostborn piece.

    So Fangbreaker is now double gated by IL (which is right) AND spending zen/ad. Not to mention drops from there might not be worth this kind of investment. GG.

    To repeat myself from a couple of other threads, this is the complete list of known, obtainable everfrost resist items. It excludes the two pieces of Frostborn gear available from the Tradebar store and the Zen Store as the Dev posting on that thread had said they expressly wanted people to be able to achieve the target figure without needing any Frostborn gear:

    Easy to get:

    2nd Boon = 2% (just takes time)
    Potion of Everfrost Resist (Blue bottle) = 5%
    Excavator's Potion of Everfrost Resist = 5% (but potions don't stack anymore)

    Hard to get:

    Trailblazer's Raid Gaiters, i.e. Epic Boots dropped from Major HEs in Bryn Shander (Maxed) = 8% (The drop rate on this may be 'reasonable' but getting together a group to run the large HEs successfully is not easy)
    (4th Boon = 2% but doesn't count as you need 350 Reputation which is more than you need to reach FBI)

    Uncertain as I do not know where you find/buy/obtain them:

    Makos' Signet = 3% (downgrade to gear due to Utility slot rather than Defense)
    Greater Everfrost Trousers, i.e. Epic Undergarment = 3% (Store item maybe ? But cost unknown)
    Greater Everfrost Undercoat, i.e. Epic Undergarment = 3% (Store item maybe ? But cost unknown)
    Cawl Cennin (soup ?) = 2% (SH item ? Unobtainable to players not in a Guild)

    Could be made of unobtainium:

    Everfrost Resist Armor Kit = 3% = 6% when applied to both undergarments

    Apparently, the Armor Kits will be a Campaign Store Item so cost unknown.

    According to @valwryn

    The Cawl Cennin soup is only available to those with a Market lvl 6.

    Makos' Signet is obtained from the Last Storyline quest before you reach FBI

    If you get everything on this list you will have 32% Everfrost Resistance. If you are not in a Guild or your Guild has not reached Market lvl 6, then that falls to just 30%.

    Hope this helps
  • tagnusironsordtagnusironsord Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    From the Patch Notes:

    Art, Animation, and Graphics
    * Certain Dwarven beards that had lost their color have been restored to their former glory.

    Well done. Will they (or, the rest) be completely fixed next time out, or are we getting free appearance changes to get them right? I'm still not back to my black beard.

    (Before the Storm King, After, and Current)

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