lets just hope to be an example of honesty for the future. lets wait monday, there is no one to answer us these 2 days. Lets avoid to fill the thread more
At least we went to the root of the problem, as we played for over 2 years based on a broken feat, which nobody can be proud off, but we had no other choice either, since we got ignored for all this time, as the HR community got skipped at the whole, @ralexinor had the gut to say the truth simple as it was, after he (together some others) submitted zillions of bugs during months of research and testing every single skill and combinations, that's probably even the reason for ralexinor for have stopped play the HR, when there was no light at the end of the tunnel, as no commited bug collected was answered ever.
Now for the very FIRST time we got a devel @amenar that seems to care and listening, which is why we relay all our last hopes on get our class fixed in a proper matter; I can assume that module 10 can now bring on the table some good stuff and what will be left out can be fine tuned for module 11, given for assumed that we won't be left behind anymore and be listened from now on when we will submit issues.
What I only hope now is that the internal HR's which @amenar mentioned will finally face and see how poor damage is the HR performing, after the fix of Swiftness of the Fox and accordingly to their finding out plus the listening of our community, they will adeguately buff our base damage of all our powers and reduce the cooldown of the same included the cooldown of the charge refill.
To my own datas, encounters powers should be boosted by about ~30% (except Cordons of Arrows for ~10%), the dailies by about ~40%, and our At-Wills by about ~60% (except Aimed shot for ~15%), and yes this on top the marginal boost given to the ones in the preview patch notes so far.
This concerning the damage, still remains skills to be reworked/adjusted like Battlehoned, Boar Charge, Marauder Escape, Forest Meditation, etc, plus the issue about the animation of certain skills and the immunity timeframe of our dodge.
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
What I only hope now is that the internal HR's which @amenar mentioned will finally face and see how poor damage is the HR performing, after the fix of Swiftness of the Fox and accordingly to their finding out plus the listening of our community, they will adeguately buff our base damage of all our powers and reduce the cooldown of the same included the cooldown of the charge refill.
If I had a tenth as much confidence in the "internal HRs" that I do in @amenar I'd share your hope, but these are the same people who thought adding charges to steel breeze in exchange for damage was a good idea.
To my own datas, encounters powers should be boosted by about ~30% (except Cordons of Arrows for ~10%), the dailies by about ~40%, and our At-Wills by about ~60% (except Aimed shot for ~15%), and yes this on top the marginal boost given to the ones in the preview patch notes so far.
This concerning the damage, still remains skills to be reworked/adjusted like Battlehoned, Boar Charge, Marauder Escape, Forest Meditation, etc, plus the issue about the animation of certain skills and the immunity timeframe of our dodge.
Agreed on all. I think the buffs to at-wills are more in the range of 600%. They're that bad right now. Oak Skin healing should be buffed by about 1000% instead of the current 40%. Animations of all encounters usually used in pvp (hinder, constrict, gushing wound since it'll be buffed enough to be useful) should be cut in half at least. And by the way, there's a simple way to do it, as anyone who's made an animated gif knows: just eliminate every other frame.
Dodge immunity frames need a fix. The nerf to marauder's rush needs to go. Dodges should dodge control effects. Marauder's Escape should provide immunity during its duration. Forest meditation should provide immunity and a control break.
Tiny 10% buffs don't help. Especially not with the nerf to swiftness.
Well now all three trees will underperform, I guess that's how you create diversity within a class. The agenda by a lot in this thread is clear, nerf the trapper. They will never buff the HR by 50%, get ready for two more years of underperforming. They are doing their 2 year class fixes not build a class from the ground up. Use you brains and stop trying to nerf everything just because you personally don't like it. I'll throw in a /clap.
Guild: Ruthless Character: Vendetta
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
I don't think there's any good reason why combat and archery paths could not receive cooldown reductions too so they can also cycle encounters which are suited to their builds. That could be a core mechanic for the whole class, rather than for just one path within it. When my HR was an archer I would have been very happy for that to happen, and although I've never run a combat build it seems like that approach would do a lot to make it more effective and enjoyable to play.
It existed pre-Mod 6 with 4p set bonus on gear. Archers do have CD reduction - Bottomless Quiver. Combat too - Serpent Weave. Granted neither of them can compare with Swiftness of the Fox but pls don't spread misinformation.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I agreed Iv spent atleast 4k US on this HR. If that Swiftness of the Fox goes live I'm done. I pray you actually listen to the people who are HRs. All the other changes are reasonable except this one
They have ruined them no point playing as an hr anymore the only class I enjoy playing is dead
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
edited July 2016
Swiftness wasn't WAI. The best and most knowledgeable HR in the game pointed it out ages ago but it wasn't investigated until now because they haven't been looking into balancing for so long. This isn't the end of the changes. Obviously Trapper will take a knock initially until testing shows where the tree stands after the Swiftness change. Expect buffs to follow hopefully.
Mod edited out some flamey bits.
Post edited by kreatyve on
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Lets face it guys. The HR has relied on cooldown reductions since the class came out. After the split shot nerf which was warranted, everybody ran royal guardian. It was the only way to stay relevant. Then the new armor and the new feet with trapper tree. It has always been about cooldown reductions. If we have always relied on this mechanic before, we will always need it. We have had base damage/cooldown problems since the beginning without a fix. If they haven't fixed it yet...they wont fix it now. It just doesn't make sense. I mean why the hell is a GWFs thermo nuke IBS on like a 15s cooldown? May have to figure out a way to go back to my royal guardian armor.
Agreed. Nerfing our class and giving tiny tweaks to damage without giving GWF, GF and TR the nerfs they've been crying out for (metaphorically - we all know how they whine if you bring them into anything like balance) is incomprehensible.
Yes, we have always had fast cds reductions and what sad is even with all of it we are on par with the classes without dc, and gf buffs people just need learn how to play there class. It takes everything we got and often times our encounters glich even with all that reduction and we end up waiting anyway. I cant fathom what it would be like with a nerfed Swiftness of The Fox RIP Trapper. Those little tiny 10% dmg buffs won't make a difference if you cripple us like this. Cause we will be waiting while everyone else melting everything around us. It was speed that kept us in the game. @amenar hope your listening.
I agreed Iv spent atleast 4k US on this HR. If that Swiftness of the Fox goes live I'm done. I pray you actually listen to the people who are HRs. All the other changes are reasonable except this one
I am already looking at turning over my guild and I will give all my digital items to my soon to be former guildies. I really thought amenar understood by the feedback that the Trappers liked the way the character played. I will not play a MMO again! This was my first experience and will be my last. The worst part of this is that you invest time, money, and effort and it only takes the Devs a few minutes to destroy everything you have worked so hard to accomplish.
I mean you disrespect but you detest the trapper class always have. You have made it very plain in all your post. but none of these nerfs has helped the other trees archer or combat of which I play also. why do we have to ruin Trapper just so others feel Equal ?? with out 3 to 4 times Damage increase all trees are now mediocre and PVP for HR is dead. As far as Sandstorm and Thedemon they were why I became a HR and I respect them, but both are gone now and to throw out there a nerf at all for the Devs is a bad idea always has been in this game because over all Nerfing is what they do best .
The only thing I hope for is @amenar who has been working with us seems like he is listening and he gives us the damage boost we so desperately needed
Nailed it @mateodiscus! The thought behind these sets of balances was to make other paths viable, not destroy the only good path we have. They will not boost the base damage of the HR, don't know why anyone expects them to give us something when they take something away. Don't expect any buffs.
Effect of Bitting Snares can be multiprocced a few times in one time. After getting a proc of Bitting Snares, HRs need just spam fast TAB. I'm roughly getting by this way 60-100% AP but remember also about reworking all encounters to give reasonable amount of AP, thank you.
Are you crazy?if you nerf the cooldown of the trapper you kill the class in pve+in pvp.I have 6000 hours in my hr(no joke im not a dumb ) .Why you don t test the trapper three more?How i can make my daily with my 4k hr in bow?Combat three is useless whatever.Your community want play the trapper cause it s the most dynamic class,if you kill swiftness of the forest you kill the hr in this game.WHY YOU DON T FIX HINDERING STRIKE ANIMATION?I don t want my hr look like seem a legolas with a "bow". HR i the most hardest class in nw ,cause his dps is depending of te fastest of the player=no swiftness ,no dps.
@ralexinor Since you reported it as a bug, could you please also come up with a solution to compensate for the lost mechanic, which was essential for the trapper?
Alright, let's get back on topic because this is just degenerating into moronic arguments and hysteria.
Firstly, I'm going to put this out there: BUG: Swiftness of the Fox procs based on targets hit instead of encounter execution.
There's been no indication of whether this is a bug or not, so I may go as far as saying that I don't think the devs are aware of this particular issue. From the tooltip, Swiftness procing off targets hit does seem like a bug as I'm sure the tooltip indicates that it procs when an encounter power is used, not when it hits.
Let's sort out this first, and then see where Trapper stands in terms of balance. While 45% total cooldown reduction is fairly sizeable, I don't think it's completely unreasonable. Ideally 30% would probably be a bit more balanced, but for the purpose of this, 45% is fine. Especially if this is a bug, I'm pretty sure the Trapper playstyle is still going to be there especially if you stack some recovery, which is now a useful stat again.
I'm still going to stand by Thorned Roots needing a nerf. Even at 30-35% of an HR's total damage in an instance, that's still a massive 50% damage increase, and capable of going upwards of 100%. Yes, it's a T5 feat, but there's no other T5 feat that gives that much damage. FEEDBACK: Thorned Roots' damage values should be halved to bring it more in line with other damage feats.
Finally, with that sorted, HR needs a base damage buff. Archery and Combat need QoL changes as well as some buffs to their feats. Overall, HR cooldowns should be reduced by a further 10%. One thing that I don't think has been made clear at any point: having double the amount of encounters that other classes do is not the same thing as having double the damage. You're limited by animation execution time, and where one class can deal x amount of damage in one skill, at minimum HRs need to use at least 2 skills to match that damage, which means we lose DPS purely because of the time it takes to use multiple encounters. Additionally, as it stands right now, even using 2 HR encounters does not do the same amount of damage as another class's single encounter, regardless of which path you use. And quite frankly, as many people have mentioned, HR has maybe a few good encounters, and the rest are absolute trash and filler skills for Trapper cooldowns.
I'm not even going to bother making a list of the numerous changes that need to be made for each skill in order to make them remotely viable (and no, a 10% damage buff doesn't even do anything for skills that are absolute trash). Will just put this out there, first: FEEDBACK: increase HR damage by 30-50% for all skills, possibly with the exception of already-strong skills like Cordon of Arrows. This is after fixing/doing the aforementioned bugs/feedback lines in this post.
Tbh even starting as a 30% damage buff (not a base damage buff as they've been doing, but an actual damage increase of that amount), we'll start to see some nice improvements in all the paths' damage.
Also, the nerf/bugfix to Swiftness is needed, and the reasoning for it is in my previous posts, but I'll refresh it here.
- 0 cooldowns on any class is extremely broken, regardless of how weak the base class is. - Trapper is outperforming the other HR trees not even by a small amount, but by 2-3 times more, virtue of Swiftness of the Fox and Thorned Roots. - Even if Thorned Roots was nerfed, Trapper would still outperform the other trees by massive amounts because you're able to use your encounters a lot more. - You could buff the Archery and Combat feat trees, but the values you'd need for those to be on par with Trapper is ridiculous. In one of my earlier posts, I calculated roughly a 150-200% damage boost per tree, if not more. - The base HR class has extremely weak damage, far less than pretty much every other class in the game. Therefore, logically, it makes sense to buff the base class rather than putting insanely high damage boosts into the feat trees, because that's difficult to maintain and test. And in the words of another poster relating to a different issue - "a lot of changes, pointless busy work for the devs". - Buffing base damage to the needed amounts for Archery and Combat would result in Trapper being extremely overpowered, while buffing base damage in respect to Trapper would result in Archery and Combat being extremely weak, which is what the case is right now. - Therefore, with the above points established, the only way to establish a strong foundation for the HR feat trees would be to first fix/nerf Swiftness of the Fox, so that the feat paths don't have massive, borderline gamebreaking differences between them. While Thorned Roots is also an issue, the relative damage boost it gives actually scales based on the damage you do with your actual skills. The HR base class and hence damage dealt with encounters/at-wills/dailies is extremely weak/bad right now, which is why Thorned Roots is so strong, because it's a fixed damage source that isn't directly a result of the base class. As active damage sources (encounters/at-wills) increase in strength, Thorned Roots becomes less relevant. That being said, I still think Thorned Roots is too strong, and could do with a reduction in damage (30% nerf would be a good starting point, I'd say).
To reinstate, now that Swiftness has been fixed:
FEEDBACK: buff HR damage across by the board by 30-50% with the possible exception of Cordon of Arrows. The class' encounters and at-wills don't do enough damage. The reason why Trapper was so strong was Swiftness allowing for the repeated and frequent use of defensive and offensive encounters, and Thorned Roots being a too strong external source of damage. At-wills and encounters don't contribute much to HR damage, even with the recent buffs to them. If you want Archery and Combat to be viable, Trapper even, the base damage of the class needs to be buffed substantially. 10% isn't enough. The class lacks damage.
Don't do the same mistake as ralexinor did, reporting a bug should be mandatory to create a solid/bug free class, but if it happens at the cost completely ruining a great and fun experience, then come up with something that replaces it in a legit way.
I did not make a mistake. If you bothered to read my previous posts then you would have seen that I made suggestions to compensate for the loss of Swiftness multiprocing, as well as the reasons for why it needed to be fixed. As you put it, I "[came] up with something that replaces it in a legit way".
Finally, thank you @amenar for actually listening. I'm actually rather impressed.
I for one will certainly not bother playing any more if I have cool downs, the last thing I want to do is stand there an spam 1 button and wait 10 seconds to be able to do something. So yeah thank you I suppose for ruining the only fun class to actually play for quite a lot of us.
You really think they are going to nerf and buff us at the same time? They will nerf and "fix" everything good about the class and then we will have to wait a year for any kind of buff what so ever. By then I imagine most of us will be long gone.
Cool Downs will destroy the Trapper... there will literally be no good reason what so ever to run a Trapper. It will do nothing better or even similar to any other class.
0 cool downs made up for weak At-Wills, Dailies and 99% of our Encounters.
I could not give a flying duck if they increased my damage by 5000%, cool downs = 0 fun.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
@macjae if anyone thinks the trappers is underperforming right now, they clearly don't how play a trapper in pve. The problem is pvp, everyone wants burst damage but it will never happen as long as we have crushing Roots. You can't have burst and sustained damage with control all in one package.
The trapper and its feats aren't the problem, the feats in the archery and combat trees are the problem. Nerfing trapper isn't constructive at all, it just appeases everyone who misses the combat and archery HR's of old. Rework crappy feats and the problem is solved.
Guild: Ruthless Character: Vendetta
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
@macjae if anyone thinks the trappers is underperforming right now, they clearly don't how play a trapper in pve. The problem is pvp, everyone wants burst damage but it will never happen as long as we have crushing Roots. You can't have burst and sustained damage with control all in one package.
Oh, you mean like TR, GWF, CW and GF? Right. Because they don't exist at all.
Per @macjae "At this point, I think that they could do a blanket cooldown reduction of HR encounter powers and simply raise the base weapon damage to get the class to a better point. However, what is required to demonstrate that isn't just a lot of whining, but active testing by skilled HRs that know how to play to the full potential of the class."
I am sick of the elitist attitude, you sir are toxic. Your opinion is not better than mine. I am a paying customer, yes paying, that was just robbed by a person that does not even play this game. This person @ralexinor pushed to NERF the Trapper is not even a stakeholder. Why shouldn't I be upset? Why can't I express my thoughts on the matter? It affects me, my guildies, my fellow Trappers, my other family members that bought additional X Boxs to play Neverwinter with me, and several others in the Neverwinter community.
You and your followers convinced @amenar to destroy hundreds of peoples hard work and investment across 3 platforms. Are you going to be the one to deliver the news to all the new PS4 players that like the prenerf Trapper?
You earned my ire as a matter of fact all of you that pushed to destroy the Trapper earned it.
patcherrkmMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 127Arc User
the effort is appreciated. i am very impressed . without burst, all the effort is for not. we need some big burst damage at least one ability. we currently have nothing to do that job.
*Sigh* This has gone entirely off the rails. I like that Amenar is listening, and I can get behind some of the math that is being cited even if I do not agree with where I know it will take the class. I've been here over 3 years and I definitely do not think this is going to end well. Anyone who thinks we will get massive damage buffs to make up for what is now becoming an increasingly complex "do over" of the class is naive, they won't. They know that they do not have a handle on all the different interactions in the game. Resources are also very much against them here.
There are many posting here, you can't make them all happy. Try to make everyone happy and noone will be. The toon should be fun to play. I've spent a lot of time on preview. Disappointed to say the least. I'll continue to reserve final judgement till the last build goes live, but I'm not really hopeful. Only a small percentage of HR players will even bother to check this part of the forum, let alone try it out. I will be stunned if we get the damage buff that these changes will require to make up for the losses proposed and I'm convinced MANY HR's will be angered with how the toon feels to play if it goes live like this.
Feedback if you are going to keep these changes:
MASSIVE base damage boosts and cooldown reductions. Not one or the other, both. (Note: .5 seconds is not massive). The class was already underperforming. You now need to make up for that starting point as well as your nerfs.
Completely scrap the other "takes" you have made. You did right by steel breeze, now please, get rid of the reduced range on marauders rush and nudge plant growth back up even if you currently deem it broken on live.
Lastly, please do not lose sight of the fact that most players want the toon to be a fun experience. I don't see a lot of that being given it's due. Intimate knowledge of a class's mechanics and an understanding of ACT data is great, but it is still subject to the interpretation of just that one person and their biases about how they want the class to play. (Including those who play against it). It may be entirely counter to wishes of the majority of the players.
lets wait for final balance in preview before we decide and hopefully @amenar - will finish what was started because as of now we are more broke than we were.
At ist I was very upset being maxed in my class and still cant compete in pvp is a major source of frustration for me. then to wreck PVE and my play style also when no nerfs were promised. I do admit after trying to boost recovery and finding it impossible, I then became even more frustrated. then I voice it on here which is sad since I am usually very easy going . I apologize for my outburst but I only play HR and will die with the class before going thru that grind again on another toon.
now we can only leave our fates in the Devs hands which worries me all I see is nerfs and small Damage increase and over all came away with worse than we were
as far as other HRs that don't like trapper I understand this and that your choice and I respect that and wish none of you ill will and respect most of you. If it seems I was bashing you I was not and do not want others to do that either but ever mod since 5 I have taken it in the teeth and some where it needs to be a betterment for me to stay in this game. Ara
I see so much hate, but there is nothing else to do but to eagerly wait to test all these changes on the preview server.
is definitely going to be fun, but with a degree in engineering i hardly doubt the results will be different from what math is now saying (20 to 30% dps lost for trappers which means 30%+ far from expected goal)
It wont be fun at all... the people who left the HR ages ago and seem to have a massive voice right now, will come and try it out and find out hey it is actually really cack to run a HR now and still probably not bother playing the class. Then the rest of us who massively enjoyed the HR for the last year will no longer bother with it either, leading to no-one playing the class once again.
It took friggin ages to get people to understand how to play it and to get good at the class. It will all be gone... all of it and I am not joking either.
I have looked through all the notes and all I can see is massive nerfs cleverly masked as buffs. The stated they wanted to make all 3 paths viable etc etc etc... yep they will all be viable for the bin until a future update, 1 year from now, does something to make the situation better.
All they had to do to make Archery and Combat viable was change the sodding capstones to those paths. Then work on things from there.
Swiftness of the Fox was a skill... if you missed with an Attack you can still end up with cool downs and if you mess your rotation up you can also mess them up. Some powers gave better cool downs than others and it all adds an element of skill, fun and tactics. If you hit more than 1 enemy or ally with it why should it not proc each time? Not just that you have to pretty much fully commit yourself to the entire Trapper Tree just to get it which is a lot of Paragon Points.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Improve it, well I can tell you they are not improving it.. they have not improved anything on all 3 trees
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Archery should have been the supreme DPS path but that's not how it is. Trapper was forced in order to maintain the best DPS powers quickly just to compete with other classes. That sounds stupid if you ask me. Why they let it continue this way for so long is beyond me. Well, Sentinel was nerfed to hell and only destroyer was left. Guess that's a theme here.
If an archer is given room there's no reason why it shouldn't perform on par with a SW. It's not like the SW has an advantage of super low CDs or anything.
To be honest, as a player playing several classes, I don't care about HR as a whole in PVE. I play trapper, and I think I am not alone here. My point is that when you forget about other 2 paths, trapper HR has a very attractive playing style with no CD on encouters if you do it right. As a dps, no CD does not make HR OP. I only think HR can spam fox shift is broken.
So we should not nerf this playing style into ground. After the Swiftness of fox fix, we should get a larger percentage for this feat. And the encounters in trapper rotation should have shorter CD. I don't see the problem of no at will playing style.
I do support to have 3 balanced paths but I am not sure if we can have 3 balanced dps paths. 3 paths of HR should have a slightly different role in party in my opinion.
lets wait monday, there is no one to answer us these 2 days. Lets avoid to fill the thread more
Now for the very FIRST time we got a devel @amenar that seems to care and listening, which is why we relay all our last hopes on get our class fixed in a proper matter; I can assume that module 10 can now bring on the table some good stuff and what will be left out can be fine tuned for module 11, given for assumed that we won't be left behind anymore and be listened from now on when we will submit issues.
What I only hope now is that the internal HR's which @amenar mentioned will finally face and see how poor damage is the HR performing, after the fix of Swiftness of the Fox and accordingly to their finding out plus the listening of our community, they will adeguately buff our base damage of all our powers and reduce the cooldown of the same included the cooldown of the charge refill.
To my own datas, encounters powers should be boosted by about ~30% (except Cordons of Arrows for ~10%), the dailies by about ~40%, and our At-Wills by about ~60% (except Aimed shot for ~15%), and yes this on top the marginal boost given to the ones in the preview patch notes so far.
This concerning the damage, still remains skills to be reworked/adjusted like Battlehoned, Boar Charge, Marauder Escape, Forest Meditation, etc, plus the issue about the animation of certain skills and the immunity timeframe of our dodge.
Dodge immunity frames need a fix. The nerf to marauder's rush needs to go. Dodges should dodge control effects. Marauder's Escape should provide immunity during its duration. Forest meditation should provide immunity and a control break.
Tiny 10% buffs don't help. Especially not with the nerf to swiftness.
Character: Vendetta
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Mod edited out some flamey bits.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I am already looking at turning over my guild and I will give all my digital items to my soon to be former guildies. I really thought amenar understood by the feedback that the Trappers liked the way the character played. I will not play a MMO again! This was my first experience and will be my last. The worst part of this is that you invest time, money, and effort and it only takes the Devs a few minutes to destroy everything you have worked so hard to accomplish.
Removed moderated quote.
I mean you disrespect but you detest the trapper class always have. You have made it very plain in all your post. but none of these nerfs has helped the other trees archer or combat of which I play also. why do we have to ruin Trapper just so others feel Equal ?? with out 3 to 4 times Damage increase all trees are now mediocre and PVP for HR is dead. As far as Sandstorm and Thedemon they were why I became a HR and I respect them, but both are gone now and to throw out there a nerf at all for the Devs is a bad idea always has been in this game because over all Nerfing is what they do best .
The only thing I hope for is @amenar who has been working with us seems like he is listening and he gives us the damage boost we so desperately needed
Character: Vendetta
Effect of Bitting Snares can be multiprocced a few times in one time. After getting a proc of Bitting Snares, HRs need just spam fast TAB. I'm roughly getting by this way 60-100% AP but remember also about reworking all encounters to give reasonable amount of AP, thank you.
You really think they are going to nerf and buff us at the same time? They will nerf and "fix" everything good about the class and then we will have to wait a year for any kind of buff what so ever. By then I imagine most of us will be long gone.
Cool Downs will destroy the Trapper... there will literally be no good reason what so ever to run a Trapper. It will do nothing better or even similar to any other class.
0 cool downs made up for weak At-Wills, Dailies and 99% of our Encounters.
I could not give a flying duck if they increased my damage by 5000%, cool downs = 0 fun.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
The trapper and its feats aren't the problem, the feats in the archery and combat trees are the problem. Nerfing trapper isn't constructive at all, it just appeases everyone who misses the combat and archery HR's of old. Rework crappy feats and the problem is solved.
Character: Vendetta
Because they don't exist at all.
I am sick of the elitist attitude, you sir are toxic. Your opinion is not better than mine. I am a paying customer, yes paying, that was just robbed by a person that does not even play this game. This person @ralexinor pushed to NERF the Trapper is not even a stakeholder. Why shouldn't I be upset? Why can't I express my thoughts on the matter? It affects me, my guildies, my fellow Trappers, my other family members that bought additional X Boxs to play Neverwinter with me, and several others in the Neverwinter community.
You and your followers convinced @amenar to destroy hundreds of peoples hard work and investment across 3 platforms. Are you going to be the one to deliver the news to all the new PS4 players that like the prenerf Trapper?
You earned my ire as a matter of fact all of you that pushed to destroy the Trapper earned it.
the effort is appreciated. i am very impressed . without burst, all the effort is for not. we need some big burst damage at least one ability. we currently have nothing to do that job.
There are many posting here, you can't make them all happy. Try to make everyone happy and noone will be. The toon should be fun to play. I've spent a lot of time on preview. Disappointed to say the least. I'll continue to reserve final judgement till the last build goes live, but I'm not really hopeful. Only a small percentage of HR players will even bother to check this part of the forum, let alone try it out. I will be stunned if we get the damage buff that these changes will require to make up for the losses proposed and I'm convinced MANY HR's will be angered with how the toon feels to play if it goes live like this.
Feedback if you are going to keep these changes:
MASSIVE base damage boosts and cooldown reductions. Not one or the other, both. (Note: .5 seconds is not massive). The class was already underperforming. You now need to make up for that starting point as well as your nerfs.
Completely scrap the other "takes" you have made. You did right by steel breeze, now please, get rid of the reduced range on marauders rush and nudge plant growth back up even if you currently deem it broken on live.
Lastly, please do not lose sight of the fact that most players want the toon to be a fun experience. I don't see a lot of that being given it's due. Intimate knowledge of a class's mechanics and an understanding of ACT data is great, but it is still subject to the interpretation of just that one person and their biases about how they want the class to play. (Including those who play against it). It may be entirely counter to wishes of the majority of the players.
Best of luck.
At ist I was very upset being maxed in my class and still cant compete in pvp is a major source of frustration for me. then to wreck PVE and my play style also when no nerfs were promised. I do admit after trying to boost recovery and finding it impossible, I then became even more frustrated. then I voice it on here which is sad since I am usually very easy going . I apologize for my outburst but I only play HR and will die with the class before going thru that grind again on another toon.
now we can only leave our fates in the Devs hands which worries me all I see is nerfs and small Damage increase and over all came away with worse than we were
as far as other HRs that don't like trapper I understand this and that your choice and I respect that and wish none of you ill will and respect most of you. If it seems I was bashing you I was not and do not want others to do that either but ever mod since 5 I have taken it in the teeth and some where it needs to be a betterment for me to stay in this game.
It took friggin ages to get people to understand how to play it and to get good at the class. It will all be gone... all of it and I am not joking either.
I have looked through all the notes and all I can see is massive nerfs cleverly masked as buffs. The stated they wanted to make all 3 paths viable etc etc etc... yep they will all be viable for the bin until a future update, 1 year from now, does something to make the situation better.
All they had to do to make Archery and Combat viable was change the sodding capstones to those paths. Then work on things from there.
Swiftness of the Fox was a skill... if you missed with an Attack you can still end up with cool downs and if you mess your rotation up you can also mess them up. Some powers gave better cool downs than others and it all adds an element of skill, fun and tactics. If you hit more than 1 enemy or ally with it why should it not proc each time? Not just that you have to pretty much fully commit yourself to the entire Trapper Tree just to get it which is a lot of Paragon Points.
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Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
If an archer is given room there's no reason why it shouldn't perform on par with a SW. It's not like the SW has an advantage of super low CDs or anything.
So we should not nerf this playing style into ground. After the Swiftness of fox fix, we should get a larger percentage for this feat. And the encounters in trapper rotation should have shorter CD. I don't see the problem of no at will playing style.
I do support to have 3 balanced paths but I am not sure if we can have 3 balanced dps paths. 3 paths of HR should have a slightly different role in party in my opinion.
Join the Greycloaks
Ana-GWF SM Destroyer | Farseer-CW MoF Renegade | Leon-GF SM Tactician
Adrik Battlefate-DC DO Virtuous | Cassi Woodsheart-HR PF Trapper
the whole fox is old news now lets talk about how to improve the hr as a whole.