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Official Feedback Thread: Hunter Ranger changes



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    hanniballa#2401 hanniballa Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    How are we supposed to slot for recovery? We already need 6k armor pen, a ton of crit and power. But now we need to get new artifacts, new enchants, just to under-preform worse than before the class balancing? HRs already have to stat stack like no other class just to put out reasonable dps. But sure, nerf the the two things the trapper has going for it. Final Fantasy 14 exists, and it's sounding real appealing right now.
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    deterrant#6687 deterrant Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    The patch is not even up, and people are making assumptions how hard new fix will affect HRs. Test it and give feedback, these wild assumptions of dying HRs will benefit no one. Someone even posted the wilds how he respecced (down graded Swiftness points and gave up stats) and the HR was HAMSTER, come on people, this is not the way, test first then you have solid info on what is going on with the class.
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    cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I don't think I'd call it a fix just yet. The feat description is subject to interpretation and it appears Amenar has been successfully convinced (or led astray if you prefer) by a number of comments in here, that it should proc once per encounter activation as opposed to foes struck. Personally I don't like that, if I choose to play aggressively, slot lone wolf and try to hit more enemies than someone nibbling at the edges then I appreciated the cooldown benefits of that. I will definitely test it, but it's pretty easy to predict where this will take the trapper. Hope springs eternal that this mess will get reeled in, but honestly this is looking like it has crept way beyond the original scope of the passover.
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    iaemiaem Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2016

    The patch is not even up, and people are making assumptions how hard new fix will affect HRs. Test it and give feedback, these wild assumptions of dying HRs will benefit no one. Someone even posted the wilds how he respecced (down graded Swiftness points and gave up stats) and the HR was ****, come on people, this is not the way, test first then you have solid info on what is going on with the class.

    I play a 4k HR in the game. One cannot help but feel disappointed when the only semi-working tree of a class that is perceived as underpowered gets a fairly game breaking nerf by anyone who understands and plays a hunter ranger effectively within the current constraints of our class. It still takes timing and skill to use swiftness in order to hit sufficient targets to reduce your cooldowns. If you don't, your dps suffers (and it's already not a shining off the charts break the game dps class).

    I play hunter not because it's the flavor of the month, but because I enjoy how the trapper mechanics work. It takes a lot of skill, action and situation reading to eke out performance from the class - but previously, at least that was semi-possible. The swiftness of the fox nerf removes the viability of the trapper class. The tree is as equally broken now as the other trees have been. Previously, even before this change, I've had people literally laugh at me in pvp with full lionsmane and dual rose rings and say 'wow, 4k and you do NO DPS, just wow' and I've still stuck with this class.

    It's a shame, I was really and truly excited that we were getting a well needed boost in dps. Now we are not only getting a meh boost, but we are getting the only path that was fun to play changed to a point that I will likely abandon playing my HR. I'm not personally going to go through a complete gear overhaul to get to even less than I was before, I'm just not going to do that.

    Thanks for listening and trying to help make the HR a viable class. Just my 2 cents.
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    zerappuszerappus Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    zerappus said:

    Saddening and underwhelming to Archery.

    Cryptic Developers play Archery Hunter on paper, not in practice. They don't know how PvE Archery DPS is maximized. That's why they insist on buffing utterly inefficient skills to no avail or effect (they are simply inferior to the best Archery rotations).

    The primary (core) areas of Archery is: (i'm mentioned this in detail in my first feedback post)
    1) Distancing
    2) Mobility
    3) Fast Cast
    The secondary areas of Archery is:
    1) Damage
    2) Cooldown.

    They focus on the latter area, not emphasizing what is essential to Archers.
    I'll make a list of examples of what's missing:

    - Single Target Burst damage encounter that is instant cast. The second additional damage to Hawk Shot (as we requested) is welcomed, but it won't buy any place in the rotation because any good Archer will not allow itself to be mobbed while casting. It's doable but it's inefficient (nee, DPS goes down).
    - AOE Slow that is secondary effect to an encounter. Add this Marauder's Escape for example.
    - Flat speed buff (10%) in-combat Feat instead of Hasty Retreat.
    - Range-dependent cast-time reduction (-0.5s/1s/1.5s/2s) that should be tacked on the Tier 5 Stillness of the Forest (?) Feat
    - Once AOE slow is added to Marauder's. Add feat that increases AOE slow times (+0.4s/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0) in lieu of the worthless Keen Eye.

    Our special 'Archery' themed Companion, Hunting Hawk gives max at-will bonus at 100'. The same with Artifact weapon features that similarly only works on great distance (Aspect of the Falcon)( hence I don't use this). Yet Archers are not given tools to routinely and properly reach these ceilings.

    Archery Revision Summary:

    - The Archery changes will help us Archers who already pretty much mastered the tree and maximized the damage from rotations.
    - In terms of Hunter Ranger Tree player distribution, It wouldn't affect the ratio in terms of Archery affinity.
    - Cryptic Developers Archery concepts are doable but inefficient. It's akin to being asked to pedal a bicycle with your hands as a 'go to'. It's doable but extremely awkward and excruciating.

    Having a long-cast At-will is doable but the DPS will go down, hands down. How can we agree to call it the 'go to' at-will?

    Thx for reading. But, no thx for not catching the concepts.

    zerappus said:

    Leave 'Longshot' alone. Split Shot hits multiple targets. Rapid shot fires real fast. And now they've increased the radius of Rain of Arrows.

    Keen Eye, Stormcaller's Arrow and Hasty Retreat are the atrocious ones that need to go.

    Keen Eye - 5% AP gain is a thing for Archers? Give Marauder's Escape an AOE slow and make this feat +2s slow on highest clip.
    Stormcaller's Arrow - You can can always cast another Split the Sky, so a 5 second extension is moot.
    Hasty Retreat - Archer is ranged based, so allowing mobs to hit so you can walk 25% faster is silly, because the mobs will always follow you close behind. Marauder's escape and dodge is fine. Hasty Retreat is waste. Archers would benefit more from a flat, 10% in-combat speed bonus.

    What Archers need are targeted, feat-base, ranged-dependent buffs (the farther we are to the target, the more benefits we get). Something that Trappers would have no access to.

    On Tier 5, Stillness of the Forest add a 3rd effect: an encounter cast time reduction (-0.5s/1s/1.5s/2.0s). They can always adjust the values on the Tier 4 and Tier 5 feats, so long as Trappers has no access to it.

    And they can always stick the mobility buffs at lower tiers. The last thing we want is something the trappers can also tap into. Archers cannot close the gap until the two trees are separated and differentiated enough. That means we get much of our buffs from Ranged(distance)-based/dependent/augmented skills. That means no thoughtless, indiscriminate, wholesale buffing to general powers either that every tree has access to. They have to be tree specific and tied to feats.


    Since you reported it as a bug, could you please also come up with a solution to compensate for the lost mechanic, which was essential for the trapper?

    I couldn't help, but notice that HR doesn't have a class feats, which support the Archery tree damage-wise.

    Aspect of the Falcon: This sounds good on paper. Gives you additional range, which allows you to get a few hits in before the target can approach you. Unfortunately, this only supports solo leveling play and loses it's effectiveness once you get into end-game or fight in tight places. While it supports Stillness of the Forest, it also excludes you from many of the group buffs, which require you to be within range of your team. Please consider reworking this class feat. Too much range is a faulty mechanic that works against the HR. Stillness of the Forest, Longstrider Shot's buff and Hawk Shot suffer from the exact same thing.
    My suggestion: If I look at the class feats icon and name I see a falcon, looking at its prey, knowing exactly where and when to strike. Critical chance/critical severity comes to mind. Maybe a "for ranged at-wills/encounters/dailies" condition added to it. I feel like Archery (and as players who play the 2 other trees have reported) and the other trees suffer from not being able to deal high spikes of damage. Laying the fundations for crit builds could be a solution to this.

    Aspect of The Falcon is the "go to" slot for Archery. Anyone not using this is gimping their Archers especially in feats and in rotations. Archers are ranged based. We are not melee.

    Range is the foundation of the class. From Skills to feats to companions to even Artifact weapon powers. The problem here is that Cryptic is not maximizing the synergy with bad feats such as:

    Hasty Retreat, Keen Eye and Stormcaller's Arrow. When they fixed those, they can modify the numbers of Tier 3-5 feats and/or tack on new features. After that they can talk about the damage increases which should specific and incremental.

    Longstrider and Hawkshot are worthless in a current Archer rotation, unless for speed buffing which makes your DPS go down. They haven't released the last Hawkshot buff yet, so it remains to be seen if they has a place in an efficient Archer rotation.

    Instead, they need to fix the Hunting Hawk companion (100' max) and the Aspect of the Falcon Artifact weapon power (70' minimum). Add that the AOE, Speed buffs, Cast time reduction feats and effects I listed above AND then they can look at this robust basic standard archery set, and then they can start tinkering with specific Damage.

    Otherwise, they are just ruining all the Archer synergy that's already there. If anyone want a short range class, there's the 'hybrid' Trapper.

    Archers should take advantage of our Strengths: feats and skills like Marauder's Escape, Aspect of the Falcon, Stillness of the Forest, companions, artifact weapon powers etc.

    I mentioned the 3 essential aspects of Archery. Distancing, Mobility and Fast Cast are all present in any MMO Archery. I'm pure range in any MMO, so i'm expert in ranged class, not just in NW. The current quirk on NW, is that's there no effective secondary slow, stun or even pushbacks that is useful for DPS, hence our Slow Cast burst damage is very hard to use.

    Hawkshot alone should give AOE slow not damage. This would be the great rotation opener encounter.

    Lastly, the reason why HR is difficult to balance is due to the GWF. People are aware of this broken class. Since it's not getting a nerf in this pass, players are hankering to match its dps in its broken state. As such, much of the focus of players who just 'tried' Archery is that is has low damage. That's all the input.

    In general:
    - Lack of experience in Archery tree
    - Not taking advantage of strengths of the tree
    - Not trying to mitigate weakness of the tree
    - Overreliance on software that doesn't show intangibles for smooth efficient rotations in different situations.
    - No investment in experimentation/builds/failure
    - dreaming of a broken GWF class damage as the standard (How can they balance the class if this anomaly exists?).

    What does it all entail? " 'Massive' damage boost please". Myself, i'm focused on getting the Archery core correct, first.
    Logic is, if GWF is 'trivilizing' content, then buffing HR to match GWF will have the same effect.

    What's that saying? 'Rising tide raises all ships'. They made a spectacular error of not concurrently fixing GWF in this pass. If they did that, the balancing would be smoothsailing and moderate. As it is, it's a mess, when even the Developers are not sure what is a Standard DPS for a class is?

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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    Just a friendly reminder from the moderation team.

    Please stay calm, engage the developers with some degree of respect, and please focus on the changes at hand. This is a process, and it's only been a little more than a week. We still have 3 more weeks until Module 10 launches, so instead of declaring the Ranger dead and gone, please keep up with the constructive. But that being said, we'll continue to prune any posts from this thread that focus on flaming, trolling, threatening the devs or otherwise unproductive so that the developers can focus on posts by those who are making an effort to balance and improve the Ranger.

    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    jugger71jugger71 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 252 Arc User
    One wonders why Trapper path is being targeted when making the other two paths more viable is the stated goal?

    Please dont crush the single reason to be an HR.
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    alliera7311alliera7311 Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    @ironzerg this will not fly with the other HRs and isn't thus far. As it stands it takes that Swiftness of The Fox to keep up with the other classes. Without buffs classes that know what there doing are pretty balanced. If our cd reduction is taken it will cripple us. As far I'm concerned the changes that have been proposed thus far I'd rather see get taken back as long as Swiftness doesn't get changed and stays as is. It's not enough dmg increase to the powers ppl ACTUALLY use to make it viable.
    Post edited by alliera7311 on
    Guild: TLO GH 20
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    maggiethehunt#5123 maggiethehunt Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    If you kill swiftness of the fox you kill the hr .Real HR in neverwinter don t want play on bow or combat.WE WANT OUR CLASS MECHANIC. After the nerf,why play with a trapper?No control,no dps ,no fun!! You have see the players don t want this stupid nerf. Fix the real problem of the HR(Hindering strike animation,fox shift buggy,tenser bug...) Don t touch the only reason what the real HR play the hr.
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    hanniballa#2401 hanniballa Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    iaem said:

    The patch is not even up, and people are making assumptions how hard new fix will affect HRs. Test it and give feedback, these wild assumptions of dying HRs will benefit no one. Someone even posted the wilds how he respecced (down graded Swiftness points and gave up stats) and the HR was ****, come on people, this is not the way, test first then you have solid info on what is going on with the class.

    I play a 4k HR in the game. One cannot help but feel disappointed when the only semi-working tree of a class that is perceived as underpowered gets a fairly game breaking nerf by anyone who understands and plays a hunter ranger effectively within the current constraints of our class. It still takes timing and skill to use swiftness in order to hit sufficient targets to reduce your cooldowns. If you don't, your dps suffers (and it's already not a shining off the charts break the game dps class).

    I play hunter not because it's the flavor of the month, but because I enjoy how the trapper mechanics work. It takes a lot of skill, action and situation reading to eke out performance from the class - but previously, at least that was semi-possible. The swiftness of the fox nerf removes the viability of the trapper class. The tree is as equally broken now as the other trees have been. Previously, even before this change, I've had people literally laugh at me in pvp with full lionsmane and dual rose rings and say 'wow, 4k and you do NO DPS, just wow' and I've still stuck with this class.

    It's a shame, I was really and truly excited that we were getting a well needed boost in dps. Now we are not only getting a meh boost, but we are getting the only path that was fun to play changed to a point that I will likely abandon playing my HR. I'm not personally going to go through a complete gear overhaul to get to even less than I was before, I'm just not going to do that.

    Thanks for listening and trying to help make the HR a viable class. Just my 2 cents.
    This!!! It's hard to get into a group when the majority of players look down on the HR. You need atleast 3k il and then you have to nail your rotation. The majority of HRs name their character Legoless and enjoy standing at range firing atwills. That's fine, play it how you'd like. But the people who play trapper have put in a lot of time and effort to maximize dps. We still have trouble getting into groups, and keeping up with dps. Swiftness nerf along with crushing roots(which to be fair was pretty OP) will destroy the Trapper build. I can't stress enough how backwards of a step this is. Eagerly awaiting the swiftness nerf to be reversed.
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Tbh the way trapper plays is the only reason why I bothered gearing my HR. Don't see why you'd gank such a fun build.
    zerappus said:

    What does it all entail? " 'Massive' damage boost please". Myself, i'm focused on getting the Archery core correct, first.
    Logic is, if GWF is 'trivilizing' content, then buffing HR to match GWF will have the same effect.

    Buffs, debuffs and bonding runestones trivialize content. GWFs just out DPS other DPS classes a bit.
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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    Why can't DPS just, DPS? Got renegade CWs which buff the living hell out of everyone and still end up out DPSing by a huge amount. Archery and combat can't offer anything else special to contribute to the party aside from damage.
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    maggiethehunt#5123 maggiethehunt Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    How i can dps with bow three in a dungeon?gwf run on all the pack of mob +SW puppet destroy the boss.We no want bow ,we want full trapper ,dynamism and no recovery. 3 dungeon on your game is noise ,and you want nerf the only reason the high geared hr stay in the game=trapper build . I appreciate talk with your Cryptic HR,i thing he have no idea how to play ,dps,build,soloing dungeon or heroic encounter with HR. Nerf our recovery and you nert te survivability of the hr. I dont want be a "legolas"in bow,i want play a trapper ,use my brain and my skill .
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    patcherrkmpatcherrkm Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    bugs need to be fixed obviously all three feat trees should be viable. to me this should obvious.

    archery - range - massive dps - good mobility while dishing out that range dps. mediocre control
    combat - melee dps - massive amounts - good mobility while dishing out the dps. little to no control
    trapper - hybrid dps - good amounts of dps - great mobility - great control

    The trapper tree has all the control, it should have the least dps! Also just change the combat capstone. no more stupid at will swing HAMSTER. our at wills are pathetic. the combat capstone should give more overall damage than the trapper capstone since the trapper incolved control and ap generation and is pretty much always up.
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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    Hmm, wonder why archery didn't get piercing damage. Bonus damage as piercing damage the further away you are. Oh well, maybe I'm nuts. Logic has no place in fantasy.
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    jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    landelmer said:

    You and your followers convinced @amenar to destroy hundreds of peoples hard work and investment across 3 platforms. Are you going to be the one to deliver the news to all the new PS4 players that like the prenerf Trapper?

    as a new PS4 player, I'd like to think that most of us over on this side will be smart enough to understand that basing your entire existence on a broken passive(broken as in not functioning the way it is described) that will eventually be fixed isn't something that should be done.

    as I can't use the test server I'm following these changes here, since I have decided to main a HR, mostly due to the mixed melee/range playstyle that is apparently the Trapper. I'm hoping that I can make a Trapper that is not solely dependent on Thorned Roots though. that is my eventual hope. I'd really like to use Serpents Bite instead.

    it sounds to me like there is a faction of people who understand that you cannot fix whatever is wrong with the class, without fixing the broken mechanic. or that they realize that the broken mechanic WILL be fixed no matter what, and are moving on to trying to suggest beneficial changes, taking this into account.

    and then there is a faction of people who don't want the broken mechanic fixed for any reason, even if it leads to fixes for the rest of the class, but rather they want the entire class built around the broken mechanic. and since the latter is obviously not going to happen, they are throwing a temper tantrum about it.

    neither of these may be the case, but that is just how it APPEARS, from an outside (new PS4 player) perspective, reading this thread.
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    jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    I will say, as a matter of feedback.

    I've only used it for like an hour, but I can tell already...Bear Trap SUCKS. it's just not a fun or useful skill at all, imo.

    it does't need to be buffed, it needs to be flat-out replaced with an actual melee attack.
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    bvirabvira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    ghoulz66 said:

    Hmm, wonder why archery didn't get piercing damage. Bonus damage as piercing damage the further away you are. Oh well, maybe I'm nuts. Logic has no place in fantasy.

    Piercing blade's so called "piercing damage" is the same as having bonus damage after the nerf long time ago so yea.

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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    Both bear trap and ambush are counterproductive and cannot play any technical role in the game. That's where pathfinder is royally screwed as I doubt the DEVs have any amount of time to design a brand new encounter.

    Ambush does have a chance of being reworked into something, or you have a Christmas sack of bear traps on you and can scatter a dozen on the field at once.
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    jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    ghoulz66 said:

    Both bear trap and ambush are counterproductive and cannot play any technical role in the game. That's where pathfinder is royally screwed as I doubt the DEVs have any amount of time to design a brand new encounter.

    Ambush does have a chance of being reworked into something, or you have a Christmas sack of bear traps on you and can scatter a dozen on the field at once.

    this actualy wouldn't be so bad.

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    kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    ghoulz66 said:

    Both bear trap and ambush are counterproductive and cannot play any technical role in the game. That's where pathfinder is royally screwed as I doubt the DEVs have any amount of time to design a brand new encounter.

    Ambush does have a chance of being reworked into something, or you have a Christmas sack of bear traps on you and can scatter a dozen on the field at once.

    I m actually quite impressed by the recent ambush changes..DoT finaly dont reveal stealth...the only place that this encounter is viable is in pvp ( or maybe solo pve content) but ring of vision & ambush ring thing just make that playstyle doesnt cut right or needed.
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    cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User
    macjae said:

    It's not really a matter of interpretation if you just compare it to the effect of pretty much every other cooldown-reducing feat in the game. And compared to pretty much every other cooldown-reducing feat, it's still extremely strong, at 15% reduction per power activation; that will still halve effective cooldowns. If they had by any degree intended for it to proc per foe hit, the text would have said so instead of stating "your melee encounter powers shorten the cooldown of your ranged powers by 3/6/9/12/15%" (and vice versa). That's not ambiguous; they don't say "your encounter powers shorten your cooldown by 15% per target hit".

    One example of a comparison would be the CW's Spell Twisting, which is 10% per activation and requires activating an at-will to trigger, and that is still extremely strong, even without instant cooldowns every time they cast an AoE power on a group of mobs.

    I get that, there have been similar arguments in other threads that spell twisting is a free 8K recovery stat etc etc... and I have avoided bringing other classes into the discussion, last thing I want is for finger pointing, I play every class, right now HR probably as a 2nd or 3rd in line after my CW. I know the chain stuns are annoying for melee classes, but really pvp has just become so borked that I don't think this is the predominant issue keeping people from queueing.

    The tooltip could just as easily read "activating melee encounter powers..." but it does not. THAT is the room for interpretation. Cryptc has never been consistent with their tooltips, if they were then I would agree completely with you. As it is now, it has been labelled as a bug to; probably someone who is a newer dev, and was in all likelihood not even working at Cryptic during the rollout of the trapper feats. I play two rangers, one right from their inception. Currently the trapper is the most enjoyable for the playstyle I prefer, and yes I have rolled and re-rolled them all. If it changes then I will get over it, I have no choice there. But I do not think Amenar is getting the straight goods from many people who are posting here. Elloquance can be very persuasive, but it does not mean the well written person is correct or that they do not have a hidden agenda.
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    kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    cambo1682 said:

    macjae said:

    It's not really a matter of interpretation if you just compare it to the effect of pretty much every other cooldown-reducing feat in the game. And compared to pretty much every other cooldown-reducing feat, it's still extremely strong, at 15% reduction per power activation; that will still halve effective cooldowns. If they had by any degree intended for it to proc per foe hit, the text would have said so instead of stating "your melee encounter powers shorten the cooldown of your ranged powers by 3/6/9/12/15%" (and vice versa). That's not ambiguous; they don't say "your encounter powers shorten your cooldown by 15% per target hit".

    One example of a comparison would be the CW's Spell Twisting, which is 10% per activation and requires activating an at-will to trigger, and that is still extremely strong, even without instant cooldowns every time they cast an AoE power on a group of mobs.

    I get that, there have been similar arguments in other threads that spell twisting is a free 8K recovery stat etc etc... and I have avoided bringing other classes into the discussion, last thing I want is for finger pointing, I play every class, right now HR probably as a 2nd or 3rd in line after my CW. I know the chain stuns are annoying for melee classes, but really pvp has just become so borked that I don't think this is the predominant issue keeping people from queueing.

    The tooltip could just as easily read "activating melee encounter powers..." but it does not. THAT is the room for interpretation. Cryptc has never been consistent with their tooltips, if they were then I would agree completely with you. As it is now, it has been labelled as a bug to; probably someone who is a newer dev, and was in all likelihood not even working at Cryptic during the rollout of the trapper feats. I play two rangers, one right from their inception. Currently the trapper is the most enjoyable for the playstyle I prefer, and yes I have rolled and re-rolled them all. If it changes then I will get over it, I have no choice there. But I do not think Amenar is getting the straight goods from many people who are posting here. Elloquance can be very persuasive, but it does not mean the well written person is correct or that they do not have a hidden agenda.
    Problem is..only the developer know which is WAI and the real interpretation behind the tooltip. Obviously the message has been passed to the crowd..yet u still cant accept it. Are u telling me continuously hitting the same 2 button providing 100% uptime buff at max stack is WAI?
This discussion has been closed.