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Update on the Trade Bar Store



  • snottysnotty Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 476 Arc User
    While this idea would be nice if they did it, it wouldn't fix the problem.

    Without cheap alternative access to wards via means other then the zen store, ranking up artifacts and artifact gear becomes basically pointless. The drop rate from the coffers you get from invoking is too low. I've been an active player since that change was made and with 8 toons I've been able to get maybe 5 drops.....far too low for that amount of time and since the devs refuse to believe anything is wrong with their RNG I doubt anything will ever be done about it.

    Paying $10 per coal ward or 380K AD (possibly more or less depending on the zax price at the time you need to buy them but for this arguemnt Im sticking with 380 per) to buy the zen to buy the coal is just too high with the number of artifacts we have. With 4 artifacts and 4 artifact gear that that's 8 coal wards if you want to upgrade all 8 so it'll cost you $80 or 3,040,000 ADs. And while you can get to epic pretty easy using Preserv wards, after that you're best off using Coal wards to get to mythic and legendary. So now its 2 coal wards per artifact and artifact gear.

    So 2x8=16. And now 16 coal wards will cost you $160 or 6,080,000 ADs. And by the way, this doesn't even include all the enchantments we have to upgrade also which have an even more demanding need for coal wards. The simplest fix the devs both could have and should have made was to make the trade bar wards BoA.

    And don't be fooled for a minute if you think they either didn't think of that or couldn't do it. They did think of it and they could have done it.
  • leaudricleaudric Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Since they are not replying to our worries and don't care about us, why should we even follow the in-game/forum rules. Try guild wars 2 guys,it's free but you have to pay for the expansion. It's $40(standard version) - $100(ultimate version) has the best gaming MMO mechanics I've ever seen.Always in the top 5 in player base unique hits over a period of 4hours and it also takes the number 1 and 2 spot most of the time. I have 6 level 80's,hit me up @leaudric :smile:

    I came back here for nostalgia(NWO is the first MMO I've played),saw it was still crappy, hasn't changed much,then left.
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User

    I'd say that's a smart move, and I support it very much. It seems lots of people are not happy about it, but it's gonna be a lot more beneficial for starters, and the only ones REALLY gonna be upset are the lockbox gamblers, among which group also include lots of hackers and/or ad farming bots. However it's sad for grinders too since they'll get those for a lot more ad than before. But VIP is for making lvling up easier, not for taking advantages over other players, which is bad for everyone if it's to be encouraged. It will even up the loss atm in the long run; the people that are attracted to the game will find it more enjoyable to play within the system and many of them will still be willing to purchase VIP, which include myself. I'm still gonna purchase VIP, and even more happily...... as soon as I see a discount coming up. :p

    NICE. Well played. I actually should have posted something like this earlier, so I'm kinda envious. The only thing I would have changed in your post is how the changes to the tarm store would fix PVP elitism/unfairness as well.

  • asthazarfasthazarf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    If VIP isn't about taking advantage over other players, I suggest the removal of TB discounts as well; just so it'll be more in line with your thoughts. (@mramarodan and @l0th4ri0)
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    asthazarf said:

    If VIP isn't about taking advantage over other players, I suggest the removal of TB discounts as well; just so it'll be more in line with your thoughts. (@mramarodan and @l0th4ri0)

    Do not forget removing the Zen = AD trade.
    Removing all the shiny stuff from the trade bars merchant.

    Heck i would even go with removing the lockbox keys of the VIP buyers. Just to " scale it " I mean it is not like they paid any real money for it, right?

    Oh oh, while we are at it. I say making all of the epic dungeons level of entry to at least 3.5 k. and PVP to at least 4k .

    Also no more wards from invoking chests as well! And no pres. wards. Actually they should make it 1000 zen for that as well.

    No mounts ingame, except Zen market and lockboxes..
    No dyes can be bought for AD or bars, just Zen market.

    Removing all of the VIP " privileges " as well! That is always a good move! Right?

    .... remind me if i missed anything. :pensive:

    In case someone did not get it, it is sarcasm. </3

  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    hey guys, i think i know who they are, just discovered and exposed...
    these guys are from Bizarro's homeworld, copy of superman.
    people of Bizarro are so totally reverse.

    whenever we get upset, they think it is good.
    remember, their world isnt round, it is squared cubical planet.
  • asthazarfasthazarf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    I feel a conspiracy theory creeping up on me... that some folks were "bribed" into posting stuff... >.>
  • inkantessainkantessa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I have been working on my main character for the better part of 3 years. I spend minimal money on the game due to a lack of affordability. Micro transaction games are successful because they entice and excite players with what is offered. Everything you offer is outrageously overpriced and not considered a micro transaction. You don't even allow purchases of under $10.00. Most micro transaction games offer $1.00 - $10.00 enticing products that may be necessary or not necessary but are nonetheless intriguing and play towards a players impulse to purchase something. There is nothing in your zen market that offers that kind of excitement. You continue bringing out "expansions" but are not fixing the issues that already lie at the core of the game. Now, you tie the players ability to progress without paying a obsurd amount of money. If I was going to pay that kind of money I would just go back to paying monthly for World of Warcraft, at least they offer a player the ability to compete in game with others who may or may not have money!!

    I hope you can see the trend of outrage this action has caused in an already upset community. You claim you have done this because it messes up the in game commerce, well, there are many other ways you could have handled that problem besides stonewalling your players. The refinement process is already a complicated, time consuming and overly expensive process for the players then to add the aggravation of taking away any chance for progressing without paying a ridiculous sum of money and you have just lost many players. By removing a way for players to progress their characters you have stopped all interest and want to continue playing the game. Understand what you have done... Players pay $10 a month to get VIP so they can open boxes that have a low drop rate for epic items at 1 key a day but to offset that every box contains some Trade bars to collect and get ESSENTIAL items to progress your character. So, okay makes sense to have the PERK of VIP. Now, the only thing that you can obtain with trade bars are non-essential items, i.e. out of date armor, weapons, etc. or vanity pets that give very little advancement to your character, slower mounts that you have no place to store (So no reason to own more than one mount due to limited room in bags and bank!)...etc Now, lets look at the situation as it is now. You have placed the items in the Zen store for $10 for a coalescent ward, $8 for a blood ruby and $1 for for 5 pack of preservation wards. All of the following items will require a coalescent ward to upgrade: armor enchants, weapon enchants, and artifacts/artifact armor pieces due to the percentage for upgrade success being so low. So, there are 5 armor pieces that need upgrade, 4 artifacts, and 22 enchantment upgrades; all of which have to be upgraded multiple times (4 times for armor pieces, 4 times for artifacts and 12 times for each enchant) So, lets do the math on that....304 coalescent ward to make 1 character to max which buying through the zen store is $3,040.00. I don't know about you but that is INSANE!!! There is no other place in the game to get those essential items to progress a character now that they are no longer in the trade bar store. Why would anyone play this game when they are getting completely screwed over?? You cannot PLAY the game if you cannot progress... #freethewards #greedygamingcompany #Neverwinterunplayable

  • crunch1984crunch1984 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I was online playing a bit yesterday and people were talking in chat. Every now and then some random player (who never learned to read) would say in chat, "Wow! I got a Coalescent ward and Blood Ruby in my mail!!" Then I would respond, "Yes, they are apologizing for removing them from the trade bar store, you can only get them with zen now." A moment later and they come back with, "@#$% is so @#$% and $10 for a @#$% coalescent ward!!

  • crunch1984crunch1984 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    If you spend on VIP (on Neverwinter), you, at least, need to have acces to everything and even sit in a mountain of AD, but now it's a lie, you buy VIP and you get absolutely nothing in exchange.

  • bigblackafricabigblackafrica Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 122 Arc User
    leaudric said:

    Since they are not replying to our worries and don't care about us, why should we even follow the in-game/forum rules. Try guild wars 2 guys,it's free but you have to pay for the expansion. It's $40(standard version) - $100(ultimate version) has the best gaming MMO mechanics I've ever seen.Always in the top 5 in player base unique hits over a period of 4hours and it also takes the number 1 and 2 spot most of the time. I have 6 level 80's,hit me up @leaudric :smile:

    I came back here for nostalgia(NWO is the first MMO I've played),saw it was still crappy, hasn't changed much,then left.

    I will never play another MMO if it involves NCSoft in any way. I don't care if it is the best game in the history of games, there is too much likelihood that NCSoft will shut it down.
  • asthazarfasthazarf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    Let's try again, without breaking the rules this time.

    Here's a possible reason for this move: Lockboxes are a gambling item. The fact that they were worthwhile even without the big wins, might've lead people to believe that gambling is a good thing!

    So you see, folks... they actually care about you... so much, that they don't want to give you RL grief by altering your perspective towards gambling!
  • soltaswordsoltasword Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    I am just glad I stopped playing after the leadership change. Just couldn't take the lies and bait and switch attitude this company does anymore. And this is just another example of them stealing money from every one that bought vip. Just like they did for all those that bought vip for the extra ad from leadership, of course, before they removed it that is. The sad part of it is, there really isn't to much wrong with the game, just the company behind the game. They can change the game, I get that. But it is the blatant lies about saying one thing and doing another. I have like 18 days of vip left and I won't even log in anymore. They took a pretty good game and ruined it. Good job people.
  • m34n5tr34km34n5tr34k Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    It all seems pretty simple to me, pretty much told us all to go to hell, GTFO and don't let the door hit ya on the way out. Don't have to tell me twice. Well the did, actually. Over and over since the big screwjob of Mod 6. Guess it's time to listen.
  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    yea I wouldn't pay yall 10$ for a coal ward ever, you can go jump in a lake.....

    Then don't. It's patently obvious by this point (judging by the abrupt notice, or lack thereof for some people, the timing of the plan, the lack of communication since then when it has become obvious that this wasn't going to die down over the weekend and burn itself out), that this was a short sighted cash-grab, nothing more. They refuse to listen to feedback. They refuse to talk to us (no offense meant to Sturm, who is, let's face it, more or less the sacrificial lamb they toss out time and again like some sort of meatshield. I can only hope that he gets paid enough to put up with that), and its clear that money 'Here and naaaoooww!1!" is all PWE is interested in.

    So don't buy the wards. Bite the bullet. Live off what stockpiles you have. If their bank account is all they care about then that's where you hit them. Maybe then they'll get the message.
  • unruly65unruly65 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    So, I need some advice.

    I had just paid $20 to have enough zen to purchase 3 more months of VIP, then the next day the big announcement came.

    That being said, should I use the zen for VIP, or buy something else... a companion lets say?? What say you guys???? I mean, I've already spent the money, the last money they will ever get from me btw.

    I've probably paid them $150 over the last 2+ years. Sad, so sad. This used to be a fun game, now it's like a job.
  • eldeskaleldeskal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 214 Arc User

    yea I wouldn't pay yall 10$ for a coal ward ever, you can go jump in a lake.....

    I was gonna make a Lord Jelvan Jahlvar joke, but they made him stop jumping in the lake.
  • wildfiredewildfirede Member Posts: 886 Arc User
    aratech said:

    yea I wouldn't pay yall 10$ for a coal ward ever, you can go jump in a lake.....

    Then don't. It's patently obvious by this point (judging by the abrupt notice, or lack thereof for some people, the timing of the plan, the lack of communication since then when it has become obvious that this wasn't going to die down over the weekend and burn itself out), that this was a short sighted cash-grab, nothing more. They refuse to listen to feedback. They refuse to talk to us (no offense meant to Sturm, who is, let's face it, more or less the sacrificial lamb they toss out time and again like some sort of meatshield. I can only hope that he gets paid enough to put up with that), and its clear that money 'Here and naaaoooww!1!" is all PWE is interested in.

    So don't buy the wards. Bite the bullet. Live off what stockpiles you have. If their bank account is all they care about then that's where you hit them. Maybe then they'll get the message.
    That's exactly the stance i am taking too.

    Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"

    Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    aratech said:

    yea I wouldn't pay yall 10$ for a coal ward ever, you can go jump in a lake.....

    Then don't. It's patently obvious by this point (judging by the abrupt notice, or lack thereof for some people, the timing of the plan, the lack of communication since then when it has become obvious that this wasn't going to die down over the weekend and burn itself out), that this was a short sighted cash-grab, nothing more. They refuse to listen to feedback. They refuse to talk to us (no offense meant to Sturm, who is, let's face it, more or less the sacrificial lamb they toss out time and again like some sort of meatshield. I can only hope that he gets paid enough to put up with that), and its clear that money 'Here and naaaoooww!1!" is all PWE is interested in.

    So don't buy the wards. Bite the bullet. Live off what stockpiles you have. If their bank account is all they care about then that's where you hit them. Maybe then they'll get the message.
    That's exactly the stance i am taking too.

    Its what many on Xbox are doing as well, not spending a dime, converting my AD to Zen as and when I feel I need any now, not even touching their free gifts I have 11 coal wards in my Mailbox that will sit there gathering dust.
    I no longer care if my Toons dont progress will play the content until I get bored then who knows?
  • mramarodanmramarodan Member Posts: 23 Arc User

    I'd say that's a smart move, and I support it very much. It's gonna be a lot more balanced for starters, and the only ones gonna be upset are the gamblers. However it's sad for grinders too since they'll get those for a lot more ad. But VIP is for making the lvling up easier, not for taking advantages over other players, which is bad for everyone if it's to be encouraged. so I'm still gonna purchase VIP, and even more happily, as soon as I see a discount coming up...... :p

    How is it more beneficial for starters?

    It makes it MORE expensive and costly to make enchants, have you not seen what PC and Xbox prices have shot through the roof because of this cash grab decieving tradebar update?

    So then there'll be less super duper enchanted players that intended to make everyone else feel inferior with their money.
  • mramarodanmramarodan Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    araneax said:

    I'd say that's a smart move, and I support it very much. It seems lots of people are not happy about it, but it's gonna be a lot more beneficial for starters, and the only ones REALLY gonna be upset are the lockbox gamblers, among which group also include lots of hackers and/or ad farming bots. However it's sad for grinders too since they'll get those for a lot more ad than before. But VIP is for making lvling up easier, not for taking advantages over other players, which is bad for everyone if it's to be encouraged. It will even up the loss atm in the long run; the people that are attracted to the game will find it more enjoyable to play within the system and many of them will still be willing to purchase VIP, which include myself. I'm still gonna purchase VIP, and even more happily...... as soon as I see a discount coming up. :p

    lol .... what?

    Just read the previous 26 pages of different views on this horrible mistake.
    And maybe you will get an idea on how this game works.

    On a side note...

    I would like to add that in no way ,employees should be blamed for this mistake.
    They are just workers here, payed to do a job. They sit there for " -- : -- " hours and do the best they can.

    They do not run the show. The people in the " leadership " position do.
    So i would like to apologize to people that are " not in charge" , you know who you are, and ask for understanding.
    Some of us, are here a very long time.
    And even if we do not post any more, that does not mean we do not play this game and are not active players, trying to contribute to our community in-game. That is why, this " mistake " caught us off-guard.
    I am sure the free apology gift was their idea to appease us. Or at least to give something back.
    You read my comment, all I want to say is that I don't have to apologize for my words in North America. I am not "leadership", nor I am "in charge" for your gaming experience. If you're angry, go for another game then. I am tired enough to see people being kicked and/all those blaming spams for not getting gold made by angry people like someone who thinks everyone owes him by making mistakes
  • mramarodanmramarodan Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    araneax said:

    asthazarf said:

    If VIP isn't about taking advantage over other players, I suggest the removal of TB discounts as well; just so it'll be more in line with your thoughts. (@mramarodan and @l0th4ri0)

    Do not forget removing the Zen = AD trade.
    Removing all the shiny stuff from the trade bars merchant.

    Heck i would even go with removing the lockbox keys of the VIP buyers. Just to " scale it " I mean it is not like they paid any real money for it, right?

    Oh oh, while we are at it. I say making all of the epic dungeons level of entry to at least 3.5 k. and PVP to at least 4k .

    Also no more wards from invoking chests as well! And no pres. wards. Actually they should make it 1000 zen for that as well.

    No mounts ingame, except Zen market and lockboxes..
    No dyes can be bought for AD or bars, just Zen market.

    Removing all of the VIP " privileges " as well! That is always a good move! Right?

    .... remind me if i missed anything. :pensive:

    In case someone did not get it, it is sarcasm. </3</p>
    Easy buddy, it's a game. Does it worth to grind 10 hrs a day for VIP that you can make by working for 1 or 2 hours in the real world? Only the bot hacks and ddos-ers are not gonna be able to enjoy anything anymore, not a normal, intelligence gamer with common sense.
  • mramarodanmramarodan Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I mean, it's gonna crate endless balance problems when everyone just wanna be more powerful and that will ruin everyone's gaming experience. It's impossible for everyone to have tir 12 enchants anyhow, so isn't it probably better off for more people with tir 5 so that at least we can enjoy some exciting dungeon runs that really requires teamwork as well as fair pvps that doesn't just rely on gs? What's so bad about it when you start to think about others who spend less time and money here than you do? Without them you're gonna be there getting bullied by more powerful players. Quit being sentimental for cash grab, well you're paying them for your time and money to get lockboxes anyways, not me.
  • asthazarfasthazarf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User

    I mean, it's gonna crate endless balance problems when everyone just wanna be more powerful and that will ruin everyone's gaming experience. It's impossible for everyone to have tir 12 enchants anyhow, so isn't it probably better off for more people with tir 5 so that at least we can enjoy some exciting dungeon runs that really requires teamwork as well as fair pvps that doesn't just rely on gs? What's so bad about it when you start to think about others who spend less time and money here than you do? Without them you're gonna be there getting bullied by more powerful players. Quit being sentimental for cash grab, well you're paying them for your time and money to get lockboxes anyways, not me.

    What's bad is the fact that people's experiences got altered AFTER they had already invested in it. If you don't understand what that means, this conversation no longer has a purpose.
  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    unruly65 said:

    So, I need some advice.

    I had just paid $20 to have enough zen to purchase 3 more months of VIP, then the next day the big announcement came.

    That being said, should I use the zen for VIP, or buy something else... a companion lets say?? What say you guys???? I mean, I've already spent the money, the last money they will ever get from me btw.

    I've probably paid them $150 over the last 2+ years. Sad, so sad. This used to be a fun game, now it's like a job.

    spare them for now
  • aboon#1086 aboon Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    > @unruly65 said:
    > So, I need some advice.
    > I had just paid $20 to have enough zen to purchase 3 more months of VIP, then the next day the big announcement came.

    Do a "charge-back" with your credit card and/or PayPal. Get your money back.

    They failed to deliver what they sold you, so you have no obligation to pay them. And the only way to ultimately prevent this kind of thing, is if companies know they'll be held accountable.

    Also, AD mining to make Zen is part of their business model -- /someone/ bought those Zen with $$.

    (p.s. -- hope you see this before it gets censored, as many other such messages have been. ;-) )
  • aboon#1086 aboon Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    > @mahburg said:
    > .. converting my AD to Zen ...

    Remember, AD mining to make Zen is part of their business model -- /someone/ bought those Zen with $$.
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User

    araneax said:

    asthazarf said:

    If VIP isn't about taking advantage over other players, I suggest the removal of TB discounts as well; just so it'll be more in line with your thoughts. (@mramarodan and @l0th4ri0)

    Do not forget removing the Zen = AD trade.
    Removing all the shiny stuff from the trade bars merchant.

    Heck i would even go with removing the lockbox keys of the VIP buyers. Just to " scale it " I mean it is not like they paid any real money for it, right?

    Oh oh, while we are at it. I say making all of the epic dungeons level of entry to at least 3.5 k. and PVP to at least 4k .

    Also no more wards from invoking chests as well! And no pres. wards. Actually they should make it 1000 zen for that as well.

    No mounts ingame, except Zen market and lockboxes..
    No dyes can be bought for AD or bars, just Zen market.

    Removing all of the VIP " privileges " as well! That is always a good move! Right?

    .... remind me if i missed anything. :pensive:

    In case someone did not get it, it is sarcasm. </3</p>
    Easy buddy, it's a game. Does it worth to grind 10 hrs a day for VIP that you can make by working for 1 or 2 hours in the real world? Only the bot hacks and ddos-ers are not gonna be able to enjoy anything anymore, not a normal, intelligence gamer with common sense.
    I am playing this game a longer period of time.
    It is just a game for you. But for some other people it is still something they invested time and real money into. And it really does not matter if we are talking about virtual non existing customer / buyers contract. Or anything else similar to fair conduct .
    A common player grinds and refines 36k a day. He farms his HAMSTER off, and pays for VIP for benefits in order to help himself out. He gives currencies out in order to help his guild and grinds that stupid edemo so his guild mates can finish their campaign before the new one starts. That is a real, normal, intelligent player. Who now has no choice but to spend 500 000 on auction house to buy 1 ward.

    I n any case , it does not matter.

  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    > @mahburg said:

    > .. converting my AD to Zen ...

    Remember, AD mining to make Zen is part of their business model -- /someone/ bought those Zen with $$.

    Yes you do make a good point Well Zen free zone it will have to be then!
  • wildfiredewildfirede Member Posts: 886 Arc User
    Yes, can anyone post a screenshot what the Stormslinger post was about, as i am sure it was interesting, they are running on a "ignore it till it dies out" mode now. I would like to read what the reaction of the developer is to 27 pages (30+ if we count the deletions) of Feedback?
    Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"

    Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
This discussion has been closed.