It really does not take video proof or a smart person to see that these two classes need attention ASAP(other classes def need a look at HRS(constant root)DC/OP healing BUT these two are the biggest issue
Guardian Fighter: Lets take Prim for example he is not even in maxed out gear.. his stats are nothing special besides his stacked 21k power(which alot of classes have these days) yet the guy is doing 70k an encounter....(one that knocks you prone at that) on top of his runspeed/blocking WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ANYONE TO DO I SEE THIS GUY TAKE 4.2K'S ALL DAY(I believe he is under 3.6 LOL) especially being a class that cannot block OR DOES NOT HAVE A DODGE COUGH WARLOCKS) anyways thats enough said about them PRIM is not the only one out there all GF's need a 40% BASE dmg reduction the 50% u gave them was HAMSTER thats my two cents
Trickster Rogue: Well the players outsmatrted the dev again.. perma stealth is basically back with a new kick you just get one hit and they run and stealth... REAL FUN .. REAL PVP RUINER... heres how u need 17k power some crit serverity clerics sigil(if u wanna really abuse it for full AP) and u just use the daily that ignore dmg resistance(this need to be changed to ignores 40%) rogues easily can take half your health down while stealthed let alone when u eat the one hit i see 4.2k GWFs one hit by a 3.6 rogue? lol should not be happening
I know probably nothing will get done.... as many people have reported these problems+ WEAPON ENCHANT BUGS but you guys dont seem to care its very disheartening you have to remember some of us DISPISE PVE and when PVP is not fun it bring those players to ask themselfs... why are we still playing and spending money on a game with no return but stress? PLEASE DEVS HAVE A GOOD LOOK AT CLASSES... DO SOME BALANCING (IF YOUR WORRIED ABOIUT PVE GETTING AFFECTED) MAKE THE BALANCING EFFECTS WORK IN PVP ONLY NOT HARD) Thanks guys hope to see some progress
1:slightly better cooldowns.
2: buff base damage and encounters damage.
3:shocking deal damage which can deflect and resist.
4: first strike half effective in pvp.
5: character sheet critical in stealth and a lot more critical outside stealth near to 80%.
will that ever happen? when hell freezes over.when will hell freeze over? when new messiah will come,when will messiah come?... well i think you got the idea it will never happen. most pvp players i knew left the game.
the fact that gg q never pops (it was the most popular pvp arena up to underdark module) says it all. now if u q for dom all you get is bored pre-mades against poor pugs.
sh pvp? well lets not even go there. iwd pvp? when does it pop if ever.
so i think you got the point.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
TRs need rework their dailies, Shocking Execution ignores all types of defenses, even critical resistence from tenacity, and why in the nine hells they have 75% base deflect? with the potion they have 85% plus a perfect negation they have more pasive defenses than any tank in this game. I personally think that they should trade their dodge for sprint or something like that, and give warlock a dodge mechanic, this way, ranged classes can dodge, melee clases can run to catch range clasees, not sure why TRs are considered ranged though.
HRs need a fix to non dodgeable thorned roots, we all know that, but first need to fix the class entirely, the damage and control is already low for pvp, since roots only last half of their duration (another half because tenacity and then reduced almost entirely if elven battle is in there) , and armor penetration does not get applied on roots.
You can fix this class starting on wilds medicine, making this feat based on max HP, not on base HP, then reducing the control (inmobilizes and stuns) in general and buff overall damage especially on at wills.
1. Yes, cooldowns are too high, LB(useless now) has 24 secs base cd.
2. Yes, TR encounter damage is too low, lucky if you hit fot 20k-30k on a same ítem lvl enemy. This forces to run a stealthed build, using shadow strike(almost 0 damage dealt)+ITC(0 damage dealt)+smoke/dazing strike leaving SE as the only power that really deals any high damage.
3. Yes, remove the piercing damage, make SE, a finisher that deals x% of extra damage when the enemy is missing some health threshold, give back the prone. It can be resisted and deflected. Also the age of daggering ppl should end.
4. No, first strike only works great with SE, is useless in a long fight, once SE gets the fix/nerf FS wont hurt anyone. Only works when you are trolling hunting and ambushing enemys at low health to get kills.
5. Give 50% extra additive critical strike to the current stat, while in stealth, not 100%
6. GWFs/SWs need the stamina mechanism reworked.
7. Stealth needs a rework, lasting less, but buffing DR/Armor class/deflect maybe, out of stealth/ITC, high ArmorP eat TRs.
8. 40k-60k bull charges+100k AoD combo must be addresed. Limit the amount of buffs conqueror GFs can stack. GF+ambush ring=HAMSTER troll.
9. destroyer GWF damage must be cut, 30k single sure strikes, 40k hidden daggers is too high.
10. CW+tabbed shield+elven battle+ambush/cowardice ring=HAMSTER clown.
11. Make OPs/DCs some way, so they cant heal themselves more than some % of the damage they take. Damage taken>self heals, but not so high, so they can stand against maybe 2 enemys, but 3 or 2 well geared can out dps their healing.
12. Buff HR damage, remove the "perma daze", keep the root if needed but no the daze effect.
13. remove stamina drain marks.
14. delete cowardice/ambush rings, if you've planned not give them a proper cd. Players run free and happy through dungeons from boss to boss, same as when Trs used to soloed Castle Never.
and hello to the last ppl in forum who defend c.rap like this
1000 possible options to fix things, hhmmm where to start? ...... virtual catatonia
Everyone "got it" at this time, even some GF at max setup ... it´s boring in every aspect
PVP=dead branch of a rotten tree
Funny (not ironic) statement from a TR:
"With 8k recovery, 20k power and snail + burning daggers, i can do SE/BB before Lurker assault's/CB buff ends. But my SE isn't the one doing 150k damages (around50-60k) "
hey, sry about that poor number, frist strike will help
as long as this company fa.rts one mod after the other and just ignores players opinion and bugs it´s hopeless
Problem is, that we don't know what dev's plan to do with pvp. Anyone knows?
.Suicide Squad.
However CW and HRs are still very good as a support roll, a HR roots u and big bad GF or GWF can easily kill the target.
But everyone want to have equal footing against everyone in this game, i think its good that some classes works better agains some and are less effective against others. Otherwise we might just have 1 class imo.
......I built up my own CW over the last few weeks and reached already 3k+ ilvl. Damage of all CW trees is OVER THE TOP, no doubt - no excuses! A class who can dodge and have an OP shield on TAb almost all the time shouldn't deal such insane burst damage. And your pro tips cc him from behind are easier said than done, as soon as you just reach my range of repel it's practically game over for you.
Gwf/Sw/GF/hr (even some DCs if I get all my rotation done) are all easily killable even with higher ilvl than mine.
Sure all classes have some problems which needs to be fixed and here we talking about CW/CW.(and lately some hypocrite GWfs) CW needs basically a tone down of 15-20% overall damage.
Edit: I would even suggest to tone down overall CW damage by 25-30% and give them 1% more control streangh to fit their role as controller more.
In general a class cannot have both at the same time, insane defense + offense = unbalanced!!!
Video plis.
You ae not? Not useless nor text at all.
1)It is always good to attack pvp CWs ,for their past -present-future ever lasting nerf requests . \o/
2)i just wrote 5 words changed Gf of your text with CW. :P
3)Someone didn't get it,he wants a video!
I play mainly GWF (or did before everyone wanted to play it) so i know very well how silly it would be with a prone back on the encounter bar. A fully buffed GWF hit just as hard as a GF and have better mobilizing the gf and cc resist. Just think about it for 2 sec before u type next time