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What should we do with Cowardice and Ambush rings?



  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    Ambush is not fine since a gf can oneshot you with a gap closer and a cw can chain at will + encounters without the effect dropping and with no depletion of any sort.

    Proof http://youtu.be/_oHR8mXTebI

    And when you finally find him and get closer... Whats the problem?? They get a repel every 6 seconds
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?
    rayrdan said:

    Ambush is not fine since a gf can oneshot you with a gap closer and a cw can chain at will + encounters without the effect dropping and with no depletion of any sort.

    Proof image

    And when you finally find him and get closer... Whats the problem?? They get a repel every 6 seconds

    This is exactly the problem, they've given the defensive mechanism from one class to all classes. Several classes can benefit a lot from this as they can continue to move while at willing by jumping. Permastealth CW's, HR's, and even more perma TR's benefit the most from these rings but other classes can still come in with a rotation and take off running away to regain stealth. It's bad for PVP mechanics and should be done away with imho.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • kropek1991kropek1991 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Nothing, they are awesome I always wanted to be a perma stealth, perma root class without playing a TR and/or HR!

    the devs take notice and fix something.

    Do you really believe in what you are writting?:)

    rayrdan said:

    Ambush is not fine since a gf can oneshot you with a gap closer and a cw can chain at will + encounters without the effect dropping and with no depletion of any sort.

    Proof image

    And when you finally find him and get closer... Whats the problem?? They get a repel every 6 seconds

    This is exactly the problem, they've given the defensive mechanism from one class to all classes. Several classes can benefit a lot from this as they can continue to move while at willing by jumping. Permastealth CW's, HR's, and even more perma TR's benefit the most from these rings but other classes can still come in with a rotation and take off running away to regain stealth. It's bad for PVP mechanics and should be done away with imho.

    Well...to be honest i made this film for my few friends to show how tanky GWF is- look- 4k crit Desintegrate, 5k crit ice knife... (Helooo all calling for super CW burst damage, where is this Desintegrate hitting hard 50k every 5 seconds? )but i can see it was used to other purposes :P
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?
    morenthar said:

    From personal experience, I must say the CW thing is real. Ambush +Cowardice= WHAT THE FRACK

    It's bad on any toon tbh, I got killed in one rotation by a GF on my Palladin. He stood between nodes in Hotenow used Firewheel, itf, then went stealth. The match was already over (other team had quit fighting) he comes up, knights challenges me from stealth, crescendo dailies me and anvils me for all my life. It was quite comical honestly. It's the worst in terms of game mechanics. He used to play TR when you could one shot shocking people, now he plays stealth GF... I can't even begin to tell you how stupid this game looks giving the most defensive class (GF) the ability to stealth as well.

    Please devs, hear me, fix this nonsense.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    grrouper said:

    For a DPS DC i find cowardice so unfair all it takes is one strike from my at will Brand of the sun ( or any other DoT power most everything we have) and i will be pushed back and rooted over and over. Every time my fire of the gods procs so does the ring so after as long as 12 seconds i find myself finnaly able to move again but pushed as far back and noramly right up against a wall if it is from a +4 or ring higher. Burn them and there Babies

    To talk about fairness, DC class is by far the class that runs this ring most time in my personal experience (faithfull skilled)
    Lots of 4k player from BTG, EoA and other well known guild use this ring pugging as so lots of bad geared player does.
    Its a difference being a 4k OP (laughable, I won´t post his name) wearing this broken HAMSTER ring or being a "2k bluegeared pug" ,
    only tells how bad some guys really are performing in need of such a broken c.rap item.
    Btw. since it is obviuosly broken but lots of ppl here use it in a abusive mannor the adaequat reaction should be --> write a ticket, name them in game, I will start doing so

    About ambushring....never used that one....but being easily onshoted by one tanking class, reading comments like it´s a "lie" or a "a tank should have burst otherwise noone will die in PVP" I rethink abusing it since it is WAI, otherwise doing so most GF will do same way so we end up like written above, things getting more and more redicules
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    http://postimg.org/image/4vehtcd1p/ here is the solution. 2500 guild marks( 5000 during the double guild mark event) and 12500 for surplus equipment.

    http://postimg.org/image/gubkjlrxt/. solo duo trio rare premade. doesnt matter if poeple kill me through stealth ring mechanics or cowardice mechanics the most important in that screenshot are the wins/loses ratio.

    -kill death ratio means absolutely nothing if the player go all the time with paladins-clerics duo-trio premades.
    -kill death ratio again lies when the player only care to kill and to not die playing outside the nodes.
    -kill death ratio once more lies when the player after his first death in a difficult match stands to the campfire.( i am not talking about enemies with double gear but i talk about the player die from the x player and then stand to campfire).

    WIN-LOSE RAtio nothing else you should watch.

    WHEN my team has at least one person cowardice i do not play is clearly abuse of a bugged mechanism.

  • lordsied5lordsied5 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    burn them along with whomever thought of them
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!

    I think all Ring of Ambush would need to make it reasonable and of dubious pvp merit would be to put a 30 second cooldown on steathing after exiting stealth (when you stop or are stopped). The ring is also being abused in PvE to run to the end of dungeons, no problem. I do it all the time.

    At the current rate Ring of Ambush stealth it is stronger than a TRs tab ability (stealth). I do agree that unless they are going to give us rings that mimic everyone's tab ability (how about a ring of fourth CW power or ring of GF block). Then it needs to be way weaker than a TRs tab ability.

    This is a good idea but I think the stealth needs to have a finite duration as well. Im not opposed to them gaining stealth but it should be for AS long as a TRs stealth (5-6 seconds) rather than perma.

    So if you run longer than X seconds, gain stealth for 6 seconds, cannot happen more than once per 30 seconds. Boom. Done. Ring is still useful - especially for TRs who can use this to fill gaps in stealth and for others who want to use it to get a jump on a fight but other than that, it cant be abused.

    For Cowardice - if this just respeced CC resist/immunity as well as had a proper ICD it would be fine. Actually wouldnt even be THAT appealing.

  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    Ambush also isn't doing what the tool tip says, the stealth isn't partial at all, you can walk right by players and mobs and never be seen.

  • melodiezxxmelodiezxx Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    Wells this goes to show how the devs just don't give a flying fauxxxx about pvp, there's probably like 20 threads about how bad these rings are and even videos to prove it even a poll with 75% of the community asking for them to be taken off yet you hear nothing from the admins NOTHING, at this point I think the pvp community should just give up they don't care and they show it
  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    Companion bonus's was no less game breaking and they took forever to fix that. And how long did we wait on a roar fix in mod 3? If you have any expectations for PVP at this point beyond some mild amusement that's on you.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    benskix2 said:

    Companion bonus's was no less game breaking and they took forever to fix that. And how long did we wait on a roar fix in mod 3? If you have any expectations for PVP at this point beyond some mild amusement that's on you.

    i totally gave up on pvp. ITS POINTLESS. POINTLESS.
    and you can easily check how many people are thinking the same. 30+- players are doing pvp at any time.
    (im not screaming to you btw)

    this being said, im totally fine at this point (you created) at let pvp die. OK, where is the content? dungeons removed, NO NEW DUNGEONS IN THE LAST 1 YEAR AND HALF, no old dungeons back, no new sellable gear, totally ridicolous drops rate.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    rayrdan said:

    benskix2 said:

    Companion bonus's was no less game breaking and they took forever to fix that. And how long did we wait on a roar fix in mod 3? If you have any expectations for PVP at this point beyond some mild amusement that's on you.

    i totally gave up on pvp. ITS POINTLESS. POINTLESS.
    and you can easily check how many people are thinking the same. 30+- players are doing pvp at any time.
    (im not screaming to you btw)

    this being said, im totally fine at this point (you created) at let pvp die. OK, where is the content? dungeons removed, NO NEW DUNGEONS IN THE LAST 1 YEAR AND HALF, no old dungeons back, no new sellable gear, totally ridicolous drops rate.
    Said but true, but in the bug section there was a post from Strum telling us they are "toatally aware of that situation"
    ...lol, that´s some time ago in Dezember.
    The fact leaving such a broken item ingame , destroying every little rest of gameplay, feels more like resignation from their side than anything else?
  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!

    Said but true, but in the bug section there was a post from Strum telling us they are "toatally aware of that situation"
    ...lol, that´s some time ago in Dezember.
    The fact leaving such a broken item ingame , destroying every little rest of gameplay, feels more like resignation from their side than anything else?

    This is why I think their actions are entirely deliberate. No degree of incompetence could be this bad and that only points to what seems obvious to me. Perhaps there is a financial angle in it for them as I know there was movement not too long ago within the company (or a bit further up) and that there are a lot of tricks and ways anymore to profit from intentional loss.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    hedgebet said:

    Said but true, but in the bug section there was a post from Strum telling us they are "toatally aware of that situation"
    ...lol, that´s some time ago in Dezember.
    The fact leaving such a broken item ingame , destroying every little rest of gameplay, feels more like resignation from their side than anything else?

    This is why I think their actions are entirely deliberate. No degree of incompetence could be this bad and that only points to what seems obvious to me. Perhaps there is a financial angle in it for them as I know there was movement not too long ago within the company (or a bit further up) and that there are a lot of tricks and ways anymore to profit from intentional loss.
    hmm, anyone want´s to buy my account? lots of stuff from great (virtual) value... :)
  • bronto111bronto111 Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    The underdark rings (pokemon rings) should never have been introduced.
    now that they have they have thrown the entire game out of balance.
    i understand their purpose ,and to a toon under 3k item level they do provide some benefit vs higher level toons.
    however putting them on 4k + toons renders the toon completely overpowered.
    As i see it either remove the rings OR make them become inactive when a toons item level equals or exceeds 3000.
    Some have suggested a cooldown on the rings but that will not help,they will still be OP on a any toon above 3k item level.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    if they would work as they should maybe it would not be that broken
    noone will slot cowardring in case it would proc all 30 seconds, that would be solved, but when is the fix coming??
    tooooooo loooong , cryptic at his best, losing more and more player
    ambushring will stay powerfull even if fixed, 20 feet is very short indeed
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    morenthar said:

    Once again, there seems to be an undercurrent of player-blaming. Might as well petition to get TRs banned for using ITC or SE or a CW using Repel or name your nerf of the week.

    Keep the focus on the Devs. What makes me angry about players is the rampant hypocrisy. Players complaining about Draind when they use them as well. Players using Cowardice complaining about Drains. Guilds declaring that my guild uses drains and we suck. Then in my next match, players from such guild are using Drains against me.

    If it's in the game, it's fair game. It may be broken, it be unfair, but the Devs put it there. Try and find a way to get around it until it is hopefully fixed.

    Your actions to get around the problem will likely get you more satisfying results than waiting around for the Devs to fix it.

    what do you expect throwing stones at someone?
    All this begins with one guild or one player, followed by 10 other who say : "Ah I really feel comfortable playing my 4k+OP and putting on my cowardring+5, now I just can watch TV and press "T" all time running in circles, I will never die"
    that´s something you really have to get in your brain... some day when you are grown up
    btw. one point for you being so accurate and defend using that HAMSTER all time, most doesn´t and keep quiet I guess, so you are not lost
    be aware of the fact that there are games with a PVP community taht follows some codex
    In NWO PVP is a big big percentage of player who doesn´t care about anything, selfish and a hypocrit attitude towards all things, the "normal" one left I guess
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?
    Tell me about those games where player self-policing actually worked consistently. Bull HAMSTER. Like PvP guilds in this game agreeing not to use every potion available to them in a match? For how long did that work? Funny.
    It worked for like almost 4 mods till someone forced everyone else's hand. I'd love to see a return to it. Ambush rings, cowardice rings, rank 2 drains, multiple pally groups... These are the worst of completely skill less and non-entertaining PVP. I am surprised on a daily basis some of the people I see using this junk and some of the long time guilds who allow it.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?
    morenthar said:

    clonkyo1 said:

    morenthar said:

    If it's in the game, it's fair game. It may be broken, it be unfair

    XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD . Thank you for the laughts. On the other hand, remember a thing: Devs put in game "perma bubbledins" yet no one sees them as "fair" besides trolls...
    Yet EVERY guild has OP bubble-monsters. From PvE to PvP. What do we do to get around them in PvP? Everything we can including our brains. Do I like them? Hell no. Are they fair? Hell no. However,If it bothered me THAT much I would have quit the game already.

    If it's there, expect people to use it. Expecting anyone to live by any high code of ethics, especially in this game, is asking the impossible. I have my personal lines in the sand I draw. Sometimes I use drains, sometimes I don't. There is a counter to them.

    What is hilarious, is that most of the complaining is done by players in guilds that also use them. Funnier more, is when the complaining comes from players who would routinely stomp on lesser geared players, while being hopped up on every possible potion. Now that those players have caught up in gear, OMG a Drain is against some code!

    I do draw the line at those Cowardice Rings. There is no counter and they highly favor certain classes and are insanely effective against other classes. Put a CD on them.

    Again, it's a gear-centered game, if you can't handle people using things that they earned first, don't play it.
    I'm a bit surprised that you're on the side of people using what they "earned". So they "earned" the ability to use bugged rings that aren't WAI as acknowledged by the devs. That's telling man. The stealth rings do not give "limited" stealth, it's full TR styled stealth. The cowardice ring has no internal cool down, unlike what reads on the tool tip. Keep giving bug abusers an excuse man, I'm sure they appreciate it.

    Thanks for your sincere reply.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?
    macjae said:

    I'm a bit surprised that you're on the side of people using what they "earned". So they "earned" the ability to use bugged rings that aren't WAI as acknowledged by the devs. That's telling man. The stealth rings do not give "limited" stealth, it's full TR styled stealth. The cowardice ring has no internal cool down, unlike what reads on the tool tip. Keep giving bug abusers an excuse man, I'm sure they appreciate it.

    Thanks for your sincere reply.

    Why would that be surprising? TR players have often been abusing various kinds of bugs or grossly overpowered mechanics; they'd be hypocritical to defend that in other cases while decrying it here.
    Interestingly the individual in question went whisperknife during that time if I remember correctly and yet now defends clearly defined bugs. I mean these rings have been called out as not WAI by devs.. why would anyone defend their use? SMH.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    morenthar said:

    macjae said:

    I'm a bit surprised that you're on the side of people using what they "earned". So they "earned" the ability to use bugged rings that aren't WAI as acknowledged by the devs. That's telling man. The stealth rings do not give "limited" stealth, it's full TR styled stealth. The cowardice ring has no internal cool down, unlike what reads on the tool tip. Keep giving bug abusers an excuse man, I'm sure they appreciate it.

    Thanks for your sincere reply.

    Why would that be surprising? TR players have often been abusing various kinds of bugs or grossly overpowered mechanics; they'd be hypocritical to defend that in other cases while decrying it here.
    Interestingly the individual in question went whisperknife during that time if I remember correctly and yet now defends clearly defined bugs. I mean these rings have been called out as not WAI by devs.. why would anyone defend their use? SMH.
    I was the one who came up with the original WK/Scoundrel build. Day 2 preview server. I was 17.5k at the time. I was nearly beating BiS players until they figured out how to counter it. It was entirely new so players needed time to adjust. Good players adjusted to it and Scoundrels still got nerfed. @macjae was one of the biggest complainers when all CWs needed to do was slot Repel.

    Oh, I also knew of the other apex build and that was the MI Sab. It was the truly overpowered build because it was permastealth. But it's okay if your buddy Sic plays a BiS overpowered build and little old me is abusive for coming up with a great Scoundrel build? Once again, the hypocrisy.

    Let me ask you this. When have any of you not played the optimal build for your class? I'm currently NOT playing the optimal build for my class, I'm playing something that is still effective and fun. 95% or more TRs in PvP are playing MI Sabs.
    Atm I play the optimal build and I do use same things anyone does except coward, because it is so broken and destructive.
    Ambush I did use very rarely and only against TR´s with cookie-cutter-builds, who focus warlock with SE all 10-12- seconds
    I do not use buff-potions.
    I do not stomp.
    I do not insult pugs nor BIS player at first, seeing a 4k char with coward or ambush I chat and ask why, met a GF 4k with coward and ambush in dwarfen valley yesterday....PVP guild (no names)
    I played damnation>fury> temptation in PVP through mods, so most time weaker trees
    I killed tons of OP´s even high geared up to 4k with one rotation (esp. one encounter), but thats due to their broken aura and not mine, it happend far more often being damnation than fury (strange)
    I did never kickabuse, never oneshot lostmouth (sure I would if i could) and I payed for my HAMSTER or just farmed it
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?
    morenthar said:

    macjae said:

    I'm a bit surprised that you're on the side of people using what they "earned". So they "earned" the ability to use bugged rings that aren't WAI as acknowledged by the devs. That's telling man. The stealth rings do not give "limited" stealth, it's full TR styled stealth. The cowardice ring has no internal cool down, unlike what reads on the tool tip. Keep giving bug abusers an excuse man, I'm sure they appreciate it.

    Thanks for your sincere reply.

    Why would that be surprising? TR players have often been abusing various kinds of bugs or grossly overpowered mechanics; they'd be hypocritical to defend that in other cases while decrying it here.
    Interestingly the individual in question went whisperknife during that time if I remember correctly and yet now defends clearly defined bugs. I mean these rings have been called out as not WAI by devs.. why would anyone defend their use? SMH.
    I was the one who came up with the original WK/Scoundrel build. Day 2 preview server. I was 17.5k at the time. I was nearly beating BiS players until they figured out how to counter it. It was entirely new so players needed time to adjust. Good players adjusted to it and Scoundrels still got nerfed. @macjae was one of the biggest complainers when all CWs needed to do was slot Repel.

    Oh, I also knew of the other apex build and that was the MI Sab. It was the truly overpowered build because it was permastealth. But it's okay if your buddy Sic plays a BiS overpowered build and little old me is abusive for coming up with a great Scoundrel build? Once again, the hypocrisy.

    Let me ask you this. When have any of you not played the optimal build for your class? I'm currently NOT playing the optimal build for my class, I'm playing something that is still effective and fun. 95% or more TRs in PvP are playing MI Sabs.
    Apparently you didn't actually read my post. I already stated this, that you were playing a suboptimal build during the time of the MI saboteur. At the time you said it was because you didn't agree with the SE build, it was OP. I didn't care if you play a "build". I do care when people use broken, bugged, not WAI rings whether they are using them "defensively" or offensively. They have the same net result and in the end everyone can claim defense.

    So you can calm down your self righteous tone mate. I always played and always will play an optimal build because in Premades they're the only ones that matter. Next time I'll not offer some defense or lend you credibility, that was my mistake.

    I'll add this. I will never use the rings in PVP, nor will I use drains in PVP because they detract overall from the game. They make it completely and utterly skill less and create a non competitive unenjoyable environment. I tested the rings the first day I had them, got trolled in a single SH siege with them so I trolled back. Then I put them up for good. Haven't touched them since. Ultimately you can play with conscience or without it. It's an individual choice. I take deaths because I refuse to use that stuff until the devs fix it.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?

    Please, please, someone defend this to me. I will find great entertainment in your replies I would imagine.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • mateo#1112 mateo Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    It's sad but I don't even know what they are is it a level 70 thing?
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    still nothing about ambush one...but ye i will be able to land a couple of flurries again
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    still there is no real counter to stamina drains
    second, im not sure but probably my guild is the only one with rank 2 drains and wards and it will take years for the most (pvp guilds included) to catch up
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Burn them with fire! Delete them!
    rayrdan said:

    still there is no real counter to stamina drains
    second, im not sure but probably my guild is the only one with rank 2 drains and wards and it will take years for the most (pvp guilds included) to catch up

    and this is the point where it begins....
    some will use them, others can´t but want and others deny using them but in the end it will start the next great disbalance in PVP being used exclusivly by the big PVP guilds and probably will be worse than cowardring and ambush together
    rank 2 drains and no ward to face them = byby PVP
    and thx cryptic, noone ever will understand what the intention is behind such c.rap
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?
    morenthar said:


    Please accept my sincere apology for my misinterpretation of your comment.

    As for Cowardice getting a fix ......Yes!

    On the subject of Drains:

    They are unfair against PUGS no doubt. Are they really unfair against highly geared players in large guilds? That's actually where I get the most complaining from.

    If we all used them, wouldn't it cut down on daily spamming that a lot of people complain about?

    Also, Guilds have access to wards plus the ward improvement boon. That's a strong counter.

    Again, take them away and I won't miss them. But the constant crying over them is totally uneccessary.

    If we had bracketing and other measures to promote better matchups, the people who get hurt most from the drains would rarely face them.

    Once again, we come full circle to the reality of NWO PvP. Its problems are systemic. Which leads me right back to my stance on if it's available to use and it can be used against you, it's fair game in the wild west.

    Apology humbly accepted. Glad for the incoming Cowardice fix, now ambush needs to be "partial stealth" like visible outline within node distance (like stealth reveal used to be).

    As far as the drains go, less dailies wouldn't bother me although with how much self healing classes have equal geared toons may never kill each other. The bigger problem is stamina drain. No dodge, no sprint, no block... worst mechanic in any game ever. Get rid of the Drains, wards, and all that junk because it forces everyone to use them and move completely away from (making obsolete) the dragon glyphs. Why outmode a previous option by forcing a no option scenario on players?

    I wish the devs would stop trying to be creative in this avenue. We make builds based off of class strengths and weaknesses... rings break those mechanics, and drains break all classes abilities. I wish they'd remove all this junk.

    Thanks for your reply.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Stronghold siege is already buggy with pets, why not leave them useful in that mess and take them out of Domi and GG?
    morenthar said:

    Gutbusters has them as well and it took a lot of work, as you know, to get to that point.

    So we are unable to press the advantage? It won't last forever. Another reason why I call hypocrisy on anyone from guilds like Absolute or EoA who have annihilated PUGS with premades for the longest time by pressing every advantage.

    I'll also call BS on Forsaken Rebels and BTG who have called me out for using Drains. I'll even take mine out just to fight "fair" and what do I get in return? People from those guilds using drain against me. It's all a joke on everyone who PvPs. Which is why I totally understand why you @rayrdan doesn't bother. Nobody is winning right now. Honestly, if I do more than 3-4 matches it's a rare day.

    Press every advantage? I'd be careful calling out my guild on my forum post m8, I thought we took a step back towards being considerate. The only "advantage" we press is being BIS. Throwing out guild names is against the forum rules I'd like to remind you and for the sake of this not becoming a guild throw down I'd appreciate if you refrained from doing it in the future. I don't run drains, never have, never will. "We" don't use any of those broken rings in our premades. I'd ask you hold off on the righteous tone for the second time m8.

    Tnks for your reply.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

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