Remember when they introduced healing depression - to reduce self healing since previous modules classes could stack extremely high regen which healed IN combat? Combined with things like waters artifact or emblem + other abilities and players could live forever?
Well, we are back at the SAME place now... The entire point of healing depression is basically moot as players can combine extremely high lifesteal %, as well as water wheel, water weapons, feats/abilities, potions, and dont forget endless consumption!
Its all just frankly WAY too much. I URGE the DEVs to reconsider all these self-healing sources and look at making adjustments, atleast towards NON healing classes.
1) Endless consumption changed to award 5% more life steal CHANCE rather than tripling your life steal heal when it procs...
2) Chaotic Growth (CW Renegade Capstone): Should be adjusted so it procs once per SECOND rather than every .5 seconds.
3) Wheel of Elements: Water Effect: Changed to heal 50% of your maximum Health over 30 seconds (down from 100%).
4) Devoted Cleric Faithful Capstone: Agent of the Divine: Add a 20 second ICD to this, so it cannot trigger the effect more than once every 20 seconds.
The entire point of the lifesteal rework was to make self-healing something that should be un-reliable. Well with boons, artifacts, all the crazy stats we can stack, its not uncommon to have 20-30% lifesteal, combined with endless consumption which makes it RIDICULOUS and then some of these other "Water" effects and self healing abilities are just over the top right now...
Please consider some of these changes.
#1 No. If it can be done this way for PVP only, it would be somewhat acceptable. I hate modifying whole powers just because of their interaction in PVP. And I play my fair share of PVP--at least 2 matches a day, often more. (Used to be 4 matches, before they took away Trade of Blades daily)
#2 Talk to CWs, otherwise, I don't care, personally. Nerfs on them.
#3 Don't use the wheel, but it sure is popular! No opinion.
#4 I, personally would like to see the Clerics heal less, otherwise see my answer to #2 above.
When it was changed to today we have now given players MANY more stats (8k boon anyone?!) and the ability to stack lifesteal to crazy amounts. Endless consumption PRIOR was pretty good but not CRAZY OP, now a-days though I can be sitting at a SLIVER of health and slam an IBS down on someone for 40k and if endless procs (~30% chance) ill end up healing for ~ 80k... Which gives me new life.
The reason endless is buffed massively NOW is because the way lifesteal works now. Before you would heal off EVERY hit, so having endless proc every 3 hits wasnt a big deal since even off a 40k crit, healing 20% + endless would result in a ~12k heal. But you KNEW it would heal for 12k but thats not hard to out DPS.
Thats the big problem with it. Never was fixed when LS was changed.
1) new rings the introduced.
2) Paladins
3) Self healing.
and as I just posted above, this feat SHOULD have been fixed when they adjusted lifesteal because the adjustment made this much more powerful in the ability to burst heal which makes it BETTER than what lifesteal was before. And its not just PVP its PVE too. The ability for a class to take a BIG hit, have 10% HP and then in 3 seconds of DPSing get back to full HP? Thats not overpowered? Thats my experience in PVE, I never even bring pots since my lifesteal is high enough at 25% +endless where I never need to worry about healing.... I only die from a big hit by standing in RED or something stupid like a 1M damage from an NPC hits me...
#2 I have talked to CWs, lifesteal + endless + water weapons + water wheel + captsone = CW always at full HP. CWs have some of the best self-healing from this. Why? Its stupid and heals for WAY too much. Why do non-healing classes deserve self-healing? Itmakes no sense and ruins the value add from a healing class....
#3 Wheel is stupid. Nuff said LOL. Its mandatory for classes like GWFs who need the heals.
#4 Clerics should be a BIG contribution but right now they can keep people alive a LITTLE too easy IMO. Putting an ICD on the capstone would just just enough to balance them out.
Im not ok with nerfing lifesteal and other specifical class feat
In the case of endless consuption i would love a powerful deflect boon or some flat additional lifesteal severity (if it works, i knew its bugged on lifedrinker for example)
because i see tenacity as mechanic much needed
Endless consumption is what makes lifesteal so good as it results in about a 100% increase in its effectiveness. Every 1/3 lifesteal procs it TRIPLES your heal. Without Endless Consumption, lifesteal would be cut in HALF roughly... Giving it a flat 4-5% lifesteal % chance would make the most sense as it provides something towards lower "tier" players that cant stack it as high.
Id also be in favor of dropping lifesteal % chance down to 200:1 and cutting severity in half down to 50% rather than 100%. This would provide even less "burst heals" and more lower heals more frequent, which also reduces the value of over stacking lifesteal.
Since going from 20%->22% is a huge boost in survivability but going from 40%->44% isnt THAT big of a difference and other factors would make a bigger impact there especially with endless consumption nerfed to a flat % chance.
I do NOT think Paladins are balanced at all, in fact I have posted several times about some of the issues with the class as a whole but the DEVs seem to not care about how broken they are.
In fact, an easy way to balance OPs would be to FIX the bugs with the class:
1) Binding Oath is currently DOUBLE affected by DR/Tenacity resulting in less than HALF the expected damage hitting the paladin once the effect ends - fixing this would be pretty big.
2) Echos of Light is proccing of auras and allowing paladins near infinite CD reduction.
3) Binding Oath's CD should start AFTER the effect ends - not once its cast allowing for back to back BOs.
4) Shield of Faith's base duration needs to be dropped to 8 seconds, each rank +2 seconds (Means 14 second duration, down fro 24 seconds) and THEN remove the ability for the paladin to gain AP while this effect is active.
All of these however may be an OVER nerf so I would ask the DEVs buff the damage of the paladin a bit by adding damage to encounters like Smite, Relentless Avenger, Circle of Power and increased duration on Banishment up to maybe ~8 seconds on players for some actual CC. Just a few thoughts as the damage of paladins is pathetic.
If you looked at what I suggested - I didnt say thats what they SHOULD do just some ideas off the top of my head and most of it was just beefing up some encounters a bit. I have a strong suspicion an ACT test would show those abilities are not a major source of DPS Paladin damage. I am not an expert here at all so definitely could be wrong, maybe they DONT need a boost. But I DO know that damage =/= DPS and vice versa.
A perfect example is guardian fighters, some of the worst DPS in the game yet some of the highest damage in PVP. Paladins may be the exact opposite, good DPS and bad burst. So with the nerf to tankiness, seems they need some way to compete in PVP which would be a burst damage boost. Thats all I am saying.
Mainchar: Mr. Shu
Healing across the board needs to be toned down (self-healing) and the DC capstone makes it near impossible to kill anything in PVP - even with our "high damage". I can link COUNTLESS screen shots from BIS PVP games where literally there are zero deaths and plenty of matches even have zero deaths WITHOUT paladins. Why? DC capstone. Its too hard to burst someone down 2x in a short period of time when you have crazy self healing and THEN a crazy good DC capstone to boot.
Having a 20 second ICD on the proc (not the build up OF the heal just when it procs) will allow you a window to actually kill someone, 20 seconds might not even be enough and you may need to bump it to 30 seconds but id rather see the tone down of self healing with then in relation to that will actually INCREASE the "value" of DC heals - if damage classes have their own self healing cut in half.
Armor Pen Resistance: 70% (currently the max you can achieve via tenacity gear)
Damage resistance: 50% (up from 42-45%)
CC Resistance: 50% (up from 42-45%)
Crit resistance: 40% (down from 42%-45% - Reason for this is at a MINIMUM players have 75% severity so without buffs, crits would always deal 5% more damage on crits than non crits '1.75*60% = 1.05 = 5%').
Now players can use ANY gear from ANY content and not feel gimped or as if they have no choice. This also balances things out much more fairly in terms of damage vs control vs ARP vs crit resistance on players.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
I'm not naming anybody in particular, because i was asked not to do so. But well informed people might know who i am referring to.
Of course, that toon got better, but many players never recover and don't continue with PVP. Just read what people say about their 1 or 2 times trying PVP in the forums....