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The Truth about neverwinter from my experiences

apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
edited October 2015 in Player Feedback (Xbox One)
Neverwinter has potential to be an incredible game. Too bad its managed by developers who have consistently proven that profits far outweigh any type of morality towards their fanbase. Lets start with the changes to leadership. They claimed that these changes were to prevent botting. while scripting may be common on pc its not on xbox yet we suffer these changes as well. These botters don't even represent 1% of the xbox community yet the 99% must pay for these crimes too. By this analogy since Enron ciphened their employee pensions we must not only punish them, but cryptic as well.

For the same reasoning as the leadership changes our dragon hoard enchantments were also nerfed. We were told that this new change would in no way affect a normal days play time. In over 3 weeks I have just barely manages to accumulate 1 stack of peridots and I play 8-10 hours per day on my available days which ends up being half of the week or so. Before I was able to accumulate about 5 stacks per week. Care to tell me again how it wont affect my normal gameplay cryptic? Every change that has been made has been to drive profit margins.... not to enhance the gaming experience whatsoever.

So why increase health to 8-9x what it was with the update yet keep health potions only effective for about 10k? To sell health stones that why! They weren't necessary before and now they've engineered a scenario in which they are much more valuable. Isn't it just wonderful how every update has introduced engineered problems by cryptic that can be solved by throwing money at the game. I suppose all of these changes wouldn't be so bad if I could actually make ad like I did in mod 5 but clearly that's not the case. Why else would all gear now be bind on pickup. Wouldn't want anyone selling that elemental armor now would we cryptic?

Look I'm a rational person. I understand businesses need to make profit but where's the artistic integrity? gaming used to be a passion only the nerdiest of nerds got into. Now its worse than the Hollywood industry. Ruled over by big business tycoons who care about nothing besides the bottom line.

The thing that upsets me the most is the dishonesty about their product. It borders on false advertisement. If Cryptic wants my money then work for it. Don't force me to anything because that's when my wallet closes tight. I will not be squeezed by anyone for what I do not owe. create a product that costs money that's actually desirable and people will buy it. Its as simple as that. There's no need to create artificial bottle neck mechanics in lieu of actual tangible and desirable products. Now back to the false advertisement thing. Apparently there was a pc event where the screen said that a certain companion was able to be claimed by all characters upon getting it. Countless players spent their real hard earned dollars to get this companion only to find that it was an error on cryptic's part. Upon hearing about this cryptic said that it was a mistake on their part for the phrasing of the ad detailing the event and companion. they have now agreed to let player claim the companion 3x. Pretty sure there's a law (at least in California) that states that you have to honor what you advertise or you can be sued for false advertisement. But hey..... when all you care about is the bottom line whats a little false advertisement?

Alienating your audience cryptic.... that's what you're doing. Its a common theme in gaming today and especially in mmos. Has anyone ever wondered why mmos make so many cookie cutter copies of the same game with a different theme? Let me explain. Each game starts amazing. The dealer always gives you his best stuff to begin with. you get the stepped on dope later after hes got you hooked. Their hope is to get you involved enough into the game early on so that it becomes a habit to play. get you invested early with addicting mechanics and such. Not to mention get you invested financially. At a certain point how do you even convince yourself to just walk away rom something you have so much money into? It happens right there.... They've got you. Now they gradually tighten the reins to drive away the free players from the game. After that is done we can downsize servers to cut expenditures and all that's left is pay players. Anyone care to speculate how much a pay to win ...... I mean free to play mmo makes when even 80% of its audience is spending even just a meager $5 per week? But what about all the people that walked away? lost profits? Not even close. Make another game using the same format to streamline production costs and lets try another theme to grasp the audience that eluded the last game. Maybe we'll get them this time. Don't forget the new game is always a nice enjoyable game with minimal bottle necks. As we've already learned the dealer doesn't switch you to the stepped on stuff till he's got you hooked.
Post edited by zebular on


  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    I agree 100% with the deliberate bottlenecking to force players to pay. I realised this when I first started playing when I saw that in professions you can't train a tier 4 crafter from tier 3's - the same with tools - these things only come from profession packs.

    The biggest current annoyance for me is the DHE nerf. Everybody got all new artifacts but the ability to upgrade them has been seriously curtailed. I absolutely do not accept the point this is due to bots - it's due to blood diamonds.

    I've seen other games successfully deal with farming bots (Cryptic, go talk to Arenanet!) They did this through a combination of automated gameplay analysis that spots bot behaviour patterns plus a 'report bots' option for players. They pretty much drove them out of GW2. They also monitored currency exchanges between players to spot gold sellers. They could trace these movements to find every account involved from farmer to buyer - then banned them all (yes players who bought from currency sellers were banned).

    What they did not do was nerf the gameplay because they respected the community too much. It's such a shame that the business decisions here are made with what strikes me as a form of naive profiteering. I have seen much the same with some companies I've worked for in the past.

    Decisions based on increasing quarterly profits at the expense of customer satisfaction inevitably have an adverse affect on year on year earnings.

    It is actually quite easy to get players to pay with real money - you offer a quality upgrade in an environment where it doesn't feel like exploitation (i.e. player has no choice). It has to be a WANT not a NEED. People rarely regret spending cash on a want but if they feel forced then the resentment sets in and it's downhill from there.

    I.e. this thread.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    Simply put, you don't "need" to buy anything. I don't know why people still complain about that. You can get everything you need by playing and grinding at the game. The only reason you "think" you need to buy anything is because you don't want to wait or grind for it, you want things instantly. Getting things instantly is not what this type of game is about.

    DHE "nerf" does not affect a majority of the playerbase, only the ones who have no life and play 12hrs a day. From what I have read, most people notice a drop in stones dropped after about 2-3hrs of gameplay. In that time there is more than enough time to grind for stones. So I don't see the issue there either.

    As for leadership, it is much more simple for them to copy and paste from PC than it is to make up new coding and everything when moving stuff to Xbox. So with MOD 6, PC got this nerf and that nerf. So to save time, to get Xbox the MOD, they copy and paste exactly what PC got...which included a nerf to leadership (which imo was very much needed anyway).
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Yes but are you telling me you can't see necessary items like coal wards that can only be bought via zen? If they are this necessary why not supply them for an AD price from the Bazaar? They come bound for a reason - that reason is people can't get them from lockboxes and sell them on the AH. They are necessary because otherwise you have a 1% chance of success with your enchantment upgrade. Why 1%? to force people to buy coal wards. Why force them? because a % of players will find themselves needing to use real cash because they don't have enough AD.

    The creation of Zen is a deliberate limiter, created so; the less people buy Zen with real cash the more costly it is to buy your items with AD.

    I would be quite happy with a set AD price and a set $ price, completely bypassing the need for Zen - but that kind of straightforward approach doesn't appear to appeal for some reason.

    Just because they supply an avenue via which 'hard core' players can bypass the necessity of buying Zen does not make this any easier for everyone else.

    Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the thought of the company making a profit. We (the players) NEED the company to make a profit for the game to continue. I also have no issue with players 'buying their gear score' because although they are taking a shortcut, they are contributing to the game's continued existence.

    The problem is the limitations at key points in your progression make it very difficult to AVOID paying. That to me is a breach in the ethos of the game and I'm the sort of person that doesn't mind paying for shortcuts as long as they DON'T FEEL COERCED.

    The recent changes have in essence seriously reduced the earning capacity for most players. Making dungeon drops impossible to sell on and giving poor salvage returns means that running dungeons for profit is no longer viable unless you get very lucky.

    The removal of everyday earnings and essentially limiting players to the 3 AD tasks means players have less AD to buy Zen with - this is backed up by the current AD to Zen price. It's dropped dramatically due to less purchases via AD and more through cash. The necessity of this is the core complaint of this post.

    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    C Wards can be bought in AH, and obtained from the celestial (maybe ardent coins, not sure right now). And you can use tradebars to trade for one. There are ways to get everything in the game without spending money. I have spent a little here and a little there, maybe like $100 tops. Other than that I have grinded for everything else. Sitting at a 3.8 Item Level currently, and I have no problems getting AD or refining anything.

    It all comes down to knowing how to play, and knowing how to get the things you need/want. All without dropping a single penny.
  • theungodlytheungodly Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I agree and i could fill in with a bunch of different issues with this game. Unfortunately we're speaking to deaf ears. That's pretty obvious after these six months.
    Post edited by zebular on
    HR - "The Ungodly"
    DC - "The Unholy"
    Guild: Ruthless
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    C Wards can be bought in AH, and obtained from the celestial (maybe ardent coins, not sure right now). And you can use tradebars to trade for one. There are ways to get everything in the game without spending money. I have spent a little here and a little there, maybe like $100 tops. Other than that I have grinded for everything else. Sitting at a 3.8 Item Level currently, and I have no problems getting AD or refining anything.

    It all comes down to knowing how to play, and knowing how to get the things you need/want. All without dropping a single penny.

    Well if you can get Tarmalune bars (the other route to Coals) without opening Lock boxes and spending cash in the process please share it with the rest of us?
  • deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    AD converted to Zen (VERY cheap now), zen buys keys, keys open lockbox. Uses lockbox, but you don't spend money
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    and there you have it - you have to buy Zen. Zen is only cheap now because more people are paying cash compared to using AD...

    You make my point for me. Also when you have a "1000 threads" the majority by different players and only a handful of people happy with the current situation, it suggests that despite the fact you see nothing wrong you are (at least as the forum goes) in the minority.

    Regardless of whether you appreciate it or not, every negative poster is reflecting the opinions of a number of silent players. The reason why we post our disagreements is because we like the game and we want it to get better but issues like this are what hold it back and potentially make its future uncertain. Many people are already saying how guilds are losing players as they leave - I ran a new character through levelling and was surprised by the reduced number of new players going through those areas.

    I know you don't see it and believe (we) are wrong but try broadening your perspective so you can understand WHY people are saying these things - its not to make noise, it's a genuine concern.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    I understand WHY people post, I still don't get WHY they insist on posting the SAME thing again and again. Sure its to speak for the "silent majority" as you say...but it has been spoken way to many times. Each point by OP has been discussed on at least 5 completely different threads EACH. So that's why it should not keep being brought up. That horse has been beaten so many times, there is nothing left of it.

    How did I prove your point? You are saying people are spending money so that's why zen is down? Okay, but my point is still valid....you don't have to spend money unless you choose to do so. It just so happens that other impatient people are wasting their money, but that means Zen is cheap for me and you, so I don't see a problem there.
  • apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    Because change is brought about not by sitting idly by, but by making grievances known about. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. If you truly believe your attitude towards the game will bring about any changes you're crazy. The developers learn they've gone to far when people get pissed enough to tell them. The difference between mod 5 and this hunk of HAMSTER is like the difference between Rosanne and Megan fox. Sure you could do them both but I think we both know one would make you very very happy while the other might just make you vomit. That's what mod 6 is. It's the fat chick you don't wanna bang but we got stuck with it anyways. I for one intend on complaining till she trims up and becomes Megan fox. Cryptic has already caved some and I expect will continue to as players leave more and more. From what I've seen pc is a ghost town lately...... They're in for a rude awakening with console gamers. They're extremely more fickle. As for you stating you have a 3.8 item level that's irrelevant. There are exceptions to every rule but that doesn't mean you are the majority in any sense. The vast majority are unhappy and unable to make progression in a timely manner. Key word in that sentence is timely by the way. Sure I "could" get my artifact stuff to legendary with my dragon hoards....... But after this most recent nerf it would take like 3 years with the current rate I get refinement and I play ALOT. While I understand cryptics need to make money the balance between free to play and pay to win has been drastically shifted towards pay players. Just look at the forums..... Countless amounts are beginning to walk away from neverwinter. U less you plan on supporting the company alone I think you should recognize that it's the majority that needs to be happy with the game.... Not just you.
  • deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I never said it is not easier to buy stuff to help. I simply said it is not needed. You are still coming off trying to say you NEED to buy, when you don't. When you go to a store do you buy everything the employee "suggests" you buy? No. Girl Scout comes to your house, do they Force you to buy cookies? No. The employee may say you "need" this and that, and the girl scout may tell you the cookie cures cancer...but do you "need" to buy? No. Do you feel inclined to buy? Sure. There is literally NOTHING you need to buy in this game, including health stones. And if you seriously go through that many health pots/stones, then you don't know how to play properly and/or are trying to solo things you shouldn't be.

    Edit after you changed your comment: I have stated I have spent $100 on this game since launch, and do no plan on spending anymore what-so-ever. So I am not one of the people dropping hundreds or thousands on this game. And I know this game is dying, as I have also stated...this game will be dead on Xbox by the end of the year. I do like playing it, but it is dying and will be dead.
    Post edited by deathbringer#1709 on
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2015

    It's easier than people realize to walk away from something they've invested in. They do it every time they go to the store and don't purchase something they want or don't watch television because they don't feel like it. The amount of psychological manipulation in neverwinner is beyond any one single thing I've dealt with or recall having dealt with. At one point, there may have been balance, though that's not the case now. It's about $3 for a chance to roll the stat you want on artifact gear. Blood rubies don't count for much at $20 a pack and the options for enjoying the game while acquiring AD to convert to Zen to offset costs are very limited. I think that neverwinner could be a cash cow if the focus was more on repeat business and smaller transactions. It's $10 to change the appearance of your character after it's made and a 'glitch' has tweaked something. That's ludicrous. It's $5-$15 to "fix" the character you learned with and invested time and money thinking you were playing a game the best way you could for how it was made.

    ARC is definitely going to get a spot on their reputation. They haven't gotten away from the double refinement before a drop in GMOP thing. There's no way they can possibly hope to keep going doing business as usual without some degree of a stigma.

    All of which can be gained for free jut by playing the game. I haven't spent a single dollar on any of those things and have bought them more times that I can remember. I haven't bought blood rupies at all, and never plan to. I get Coal Wards just from invocation (Coffers) and opening my daily VIP lockedbox keys. If I need to respec, I either spend AD or wait for a free respec token (like modules or event rewards).

    If one chooses to spend real money on something now that they can get for free later, that is entirely on that person. Are the Zen/AD prices good at present? No. That still doesn't mean one has to spend money on them. I spend my real money on fluff instead (like packs, costumes, mounts, dyes), while spending what I earn in game on advancement (like respecs, upgrades, character slots, inventory, comp/mount upgrades). Well, I guess in part I did buy one appearance change, as I bought the Dragonborn Legend pack that came with one. Other appearance changes I have done have been with converted AD but if I really wanted to change a character and didn't have the AD, I'd drop a few bucks on it, sure.

    I guess that's just how my mind works; If I "need something," I'll work for it. If I "desire something," I'll spend money for it. In an MMO, advancement to me equates a need while fluff things equate a desire.
  • apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    zebular said:

    It's easier than people realize to walk away from something they've invested in. They do it every time they go to the store and don't purchase something they want or don't watch television because they don't feel like it. The amount of psychological manipulation in neverwinner is beyond any one single thing I've dealt with or recall having dealt with. At one point, there may have been balance, though that's not the case now. It's about $3 for a chance to roll the stat you want on artifact gear. Blood rubies don't count for much at $20 a pack and the options for enjoying the game while acquiring AD to convert to Zen to offset costs are very limited. I think that neverwinner could be a cash cow if the focus was more on repeat business and smaller transactions. It's $10 to change the appearance of your character after it's made and a 'glitch' has tweaked something. That's ludicrous. It's $5-$15 to "fix" the character you learned with and invested time and money thinking you were playing a game the best way you could for how it was made.

    ARC is definitely going to get a spot on their reputation. They haven't gotten away from the double refinement before a drop in GMOP thing. There's no way they can possibly hope to keep going doing business as usual without some degree of a stigma.

    All of which can be gained for free jut by playing the game. I haven't spend a single dollar on any of those things and have bought them more times that I can remember. I haven't bought blood rupies at all, and never plan to. I get Coal Wards just from invocation (Coffers) and opening my daily VIP lockedbox keys. If I need to respec, I either spend AD or wait for a free respec token (like modules or event rewards).

    If one chooses to spend real money on something now that they can get for free later, that is entirely on that person. Are the Zen/AD prices good at present? No. That still doesn't mean one has to spend money on them. I spend my real money on fluff instead, while spending what I earn in game on advancement. I guess that's just how my mind works; If I "need something," I'll work for it. If I "desire something," I'll spend money for it.
    And how many of your artifacts, artifact main hands, etc are legendary or above? The point of the game is progression. It clearly isn't plentiful content as proven by the whopping 3 t2 dungeons we have. By artificially bottlenecking already almost impossible amounts of refinement with unnecessary nerfs they are either forcing players to stay where they are item score wise or invest real dollars. Yes at the end of the day it is a choice but that's not what coerce means. To coerce is an attempt to force people into doing something without actually using force. If I put a gun to someone's head technically they still have a choice to disobey. While this isn't nearly to that extent it is still an artificially created form of manipulation that preys on its audience.

    Let me ask this to all of you. If I were the president and I changed minimum wage to half of what it is and then removed about 30% of the nations jobs all the while maintaining current economic costs for needed products would you be defending me? Remove ad from leadership, cut salvage in half, make everything bop so it can't be sold, break dragon hoards so that they're no longer a viable method for getting things to legendary and then maintain all the current costs that were based on a 500:1 ad to zen scale. You know who really profits from that? Cryptic. Cryptic clearly has a very smart team in their marketing department but if they actually believe that they're so smart that nobody sees the obvious attempts at coercion then it's just arrogance at that point. I want cryptic to make a profit. I enjoy the game. Here's the thing though.... From the articles I've read in pc gaming magazine cryptic was making money hand over fist during with neverwinter well before mod 6 so why crack the whip all of a sudden? The answer is greed. They're testing the waters and if people allow that to continue it will become the standard.

    Free to play have had a bad rep since their creation..... Nothing in this world is ever truly free. At the end of the day most people are reasonable and understand business is business. Perhaps cryptic should try transparency with their marketing instead of creating artificial restraints in game and you'd be surprised how many will continue to spend because they have the disposable income to do so, myself included. However, until the current restraints are lifted I don't intend on spending another dime. I've been an mmo player a long time and regularly spend thousands across years gaming. I have the income so why not? But I'm one of those stubborn people also. When I feel pushed I push back. While I may or may not be the majority there are enough people like me to make a dent in cryptics profits. Perhaps cryptic should pay attention to how many topics about the same things are posted in a regular basis. Kind of seems like there's a theme to what people want. Paying attention to that would be advisable. Either way it my job as a consumer to watch after my own investments as well as its cryptics job to watch after theirs. There is a balance between the 2....... But mod 6 isn't even close.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2015
    apathy408 said:

    zebular said:

    It's easier than people realize to walk away from something they've invested in. They do it every time they go to the store and don't purchase something they want or don't watch television because they don't feel like it. The amount of psychological manipulation in neverwinner is beyond any one single thing I've dealt with or recall having dealt with. At one point, there may have been balance, though that's not the case now. It's about $3 for a chance to roll the stat you want on artifact gear. Blood rubies don't count for much at $20 a pack and the options for enjoying the game while acquiring AD to convert to Zen to offset costs are very limited. I think that neverwinner could be a cash cow if the focus was more on repeat business and smaller transactions. It's $10 to change the appearance of your character after it's made and a 'glitch' has tweaked something. That's ludicrous. It's $5-$15 to "fix" the character you learned with and invested time and money thinking you were playing a game the best way you could for how it was made.

    ARC is definitely going to get a spot on their reputation. They haven't gotten away from the double refinement before a drop in GMOP thing. There's no way they can possibly hope to keep going doing business as usual without some degree of a stigma.

    All of which can be gained for free jut by playing the game. I haven't spend a single dollar on any of those things and have bought them more times that I can remember. I haven't bought blood rupies at all, and never plan to. I get Coal Wards just from invocation (Coffers) and opening my daily VIP lockedbox keys. If I need to respec, I either spend AD or wait for a free respec token (like modules or event rewards).

    If one chooses to spend real money on something now that they can get for free later, that is entirely on that person. Are the Zen/AD prices good at present? No. That still doesn't mean one has to spend money on them. I spend my real money on fluff instead, while spending what I earn in game on advancement. I guess that's just how my mind works; If I "need something," I'll work for it. If I "desire something," I'll spend money for it.
    And how many of your artifacts, artifact main hands, etc are legendary or above? The point of the game is progression. It clearly isn't plentiful content as proven by the whopping 3 t2 dungeons we have. By artificially bottlenecking already almost impossible amounts of refinement with unnecessary nerfs they are either forcing players to stay where they are item score wise or invest real dollars. Yes at the end of the day it is a choice but that's not what coerce means. To coerce is an attempt to force people into doing something without actually using force. If I put a gun to someone's head technically they still have a choice to disobey. While this isn't nearly to that extent it is still an artificially created form of manipulation that preys on its audience.

    Let me ask this to all of you. If I were the president and I changed minimum wage to half of what it is and then removed about 30% of the nations jobs all the while maintaining current economic costs for needed products would you be defending me? Remove ad from leadership, cut salvage in half, make everything bop so it can't be sold, break dragon hoards so that they're no longer a viable method for getting things to legendary and then maintain all the current costs that were based on a 500:1 ad to zen scale. You know who really profits from that? Cryptic. Cryptic clearly has a very smart team in their marketing department but if they actually believe that they're so smart that nobody sees the obvious attempts at coercion then it's just arrogance at that point. I want cryptic to make a profit. I enjoy the game. Here's the thing though.... From the articles I've read in pc gaming magazine cryptic was making money hand over fist during with neverwinter well before mod 6 so why crack the whip all of a sudden? The answer is greed. They're testing the waters and if people allow that to continue it will become the standard.

    Free to play have had a bad rep since their creation..... Nothing in this world is ever truly free. At the end of the day most people are reasonable and understand business is business. Perhaps cryptic should try transparency with their marketing instead of creating artificial restraints in game and you'd be surprised how many will continue to spend because they have the disposable income to do so, myself included. However, until the current restraints are lifted I don't intend on spending another dime. I've been an mmo player a long time and regularly spend thousands across years gaming. I have the income so why not? But I'm one of those stubborn people also. When I feel pushed I push back. While I may or may not be the majority there are enough people like me to make a dent in cryptics profits. Perhaps cryptic should pay attention to how many topics about the same things are posted in a regular basis. Kind of seems like there's a theme to what people want. Paying attention to that would be advisable. Either way it my job as a consumer to watch after my own investments as well as its cryptics job to watch after theirs. There is a balance between the 2....... But mod 6 isn't even close.
    I do not have nor have I ever found to need Legendary artifacts. I do have a legendary mount and companions however there is no content in the game that requires anymore than r5-6 enchants or epic artifacts and companions, all of which is easily obtainable by normal gameplay. The devs have even said this, that they do not make any content require the best of the best in the game, that such things are there for those who want them. The rest of your rebuttal is all subjective hyperbole that really is irrelevant. Regardless, as I have said though, Zen and AD prices in game are currently not right, which they have already stated that they are changing and have begun already.

  • apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    zebular said:

    apathy408 said:

    zebular said:

    It's easier than people realize to walk away from something they've invested in. They do it every time they go to the store and don't purchase something they want or don't watch television because they don't feel like it. The amount of psychological manipulation in neverwinner is beyond any one single thing I've dealt with or recall having dealt with. At one point, there may have been balance, though that's not the case now. It's about $3 for a chance to roll the stat you want on artifact gear. Blood rubies don't count for much at $20 a pack and the options for enjoying the game while acquiring AD to convert to Zen to offset costs are very limited. I think that neverwinner could be a cash cow if the focus was more on repeat business and smaller transactions. It's $10 to change the appearance of your character after it's made and a 'glitch' has tweaked something. That's ludicrous. It's $5-$15 to "fix" the character you learned with and invested time and money thinking you were playing a game the best way you could for how it was made.

    ARC is definitely going to get a spot on their reputation. They haven't gotten away from the double refinement before a drop in GMOP thing. There's no way they can possibly hope to keep going doing business as usual without some degree of a stigma.

    All of which can be gained for free jut by playing the game. I haven't spend a single dollar on any of those things and have bought them more times that I can remember. I haven't bought blood rupies at all, and never plan to. I get Coal Wards just from invocation (Coffers) and opening my daily VIP lockedbox keys. If I need to respec, I either spend AD or wait for a free respec token (like modules or event rewards).

    If one chooses to spend real money on something now that they can get for free later, that is entirely on that person. Are the Zen/AD prices good at present? No. That still doesn't mean one has to spend money on them. I spend my real money on fluff instead, while spending what I earn in game on advancement. I guess that's just how my mind works; If I "need something," I'll work for it. If I "desire something," I'll spend money for it.
    And how many of your artifacts, artifact main hands, etc are legendary or above? The point of the game is progression. It clearly isn't plentiful content as proven by the whopping 3 t2 dungeons we have. By artificially bottlenecking already almost impossible amounts of refinement with unnecessary nerfs they are either forcing players to stay where they are item score wise or invest real dollars. Yes at the end of the day it is a choice but that's not what coerce means. To coerce is an attempt to force people into doing something without actually using force. If I put a gun to someone's head technically they still have a choice to disobey. While this isn't nearly to that extent it is still an artificially created form of manipulation that preys on its audience.

    Let me ask this to all of you. If I were the president and I changed minimum wage to half of what it is and then removed about 30% of the nations jobs all the while maintaining current economic costs for needed products would you be defending me? Remove ad from leadership, cut salvage in half, make everything bop so it can't be sold, break dragon hoards so that they're no longer a viable method for getting things to legendary and then maintain all the current costs that were based on a 500:1 ad to zen scale. You know who really profits from that? Cryptic. Cryptic clearly has a very smart team in their marketing department but if they actually believe that they're so smart that nobody sees the obvious attempts at coercion then it's just arrogance at that point. I want cryptic to make a profit. I enjoy the game. Here's the thing though.... From the articles I've read in pc gaming magazine cryptic was making money hand over fist during with neverwinter well before mod 6 so why crack the whip all of a sudden? The answer is greed. They're testing the waters and if people allow that to continue it will become the standard.

    Free to play have had a bad rep since their creation..... Nothing in this world is ever truly free. At the end of the day most people are reasonable and understand business is business. Perhaps cryptic should try transparency with their marketing instead of creating artificial restraints in game and you'd be surprised how many will continue to spend because they have the disposable income to do so, myself included. However, until the current restraints are lifted I don't intend on spending another dime. I've been an mmo player a long time and regularly spend thousands across years gaming. I have the income so why not? But I'm one of those stubborn people also. When I feel pushed I push back. While I may or may not be the majority there are enough people like me to make a dent in cryptics profits. Perhaps cryptic should pay attention to how many topics about the same things are posted in a regular basis. Kind of seems like there's a theme to what people want. Paying attention to that would be advisable. Either way it my job as a consumer to watch after my own investments as well as its cryptics job to watch after theirs. There is a balance between the 2....... But mod 6 isn't even close.
    I do not have nor have I ever found to need Legendary artifacts. I do have a legendary mount and companions however there is no content in the game that requires anymore than r5-6 enchants or epic artifacts and companions, all of which is easily obtainable by normal gameplay. The devs have even said this, that they do not make any content require the best of the best in the game, that such things are there for those who want them. The rest of your rebuttal is all subjective hyperbole that really is irrelevant.

    Then would you care to explain to me why 100% of the time when I que for Cragmire crypts there's always someone asking if there's a cw to help them beat it using an exploit? I won't go in to depths as to how it's done cause that would be a violation of the rules but we both know what I'm talking about. Now if that's the case with people at like 2500-3000 item score what do you think you can do with rank 5-6 enchantments. Tell you what..... Since that's the case let's run a dungeon. just because you can scrape thru the game using exploits to complete dungeons that's not real progression. Go do pvp with rank 5s and 6 enchants. Meet me In ice wind dale and I will convince you beyond a shadow of a doubt that that's not enough zebular.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2015
    apathy408 said:

    Then would you care to explain to me why 100% of the time when I que for Cragmire crypts there's always someone asking if there's a cw to help me beat it using an exploit? I won't go in to depths as to how it's done cause that would be a violation of the rules but we both know what I'm talking about. Now if that's the case with people at like 2500-3000 item score what do you think you can do with rank 5-6 enchantments. Tell you what..... Since that's the case let's run a dungeon. just because you can scrape thru the game using exploits to complete dungeons that's not real progression.

    Sound like you need to group with legit players and report those bad apples.
    apathy408 said:

    Go do pvp with rank 5s and 6 enchants. Meet me In ice wind dale and I will convince you beyond a shadow of a doubt that that's not enough zebular.

    PvP is irrelevant to me, it's not the basis of this game nor is it a mandatory aspect. I do not play Neverwinter to PvP and have no desire to. If you choose to play an aspect of the game where there is competition, then that is the gambit you choose, just like any situation comparable to PvP. You're going to immerse yourself into a realm where players will do whatever they can to be "the best" and then those same players complain when they cannot attain such instantly. The only real issue here is that the Matchmaking system for Neverwinter needs a lot of adjustments to cope with the diversity of skill and gear levels of players.
  • apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    So how many times have you beat Cragmire crypts in mod 6 because most of the super built up do anything to win pvp players can't beat it? They have a lot more invested than either you or me. Is it really so hard to just be like "look mod 6 was a screw up on cryptics part. Sorry guys w'ere trying to fix it"? That's what I mean about transparency. It's a great policy that games like wow have had on their forums for years. Does that make everything good all the time? No. But it's a start. I have hope for mod 8. From what I've seen it looks like some of the bitching and complaing on the forums has reached the devs.... Great. I'm a hopeful person but also a realistic one. Mod 6 isn't kind to players one bit. That's the point of everything I've said.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2015
    apathy408 said:

    So how many times have you beat Cragmire crypts in mod 6 because most of the super built up do anything to win pvp players can't beat it? They have a lot more invested than either you or me. Is it really so hard to just be like "look mod 6 was a screw up on cryptics part. Sorry guys w'ere trying to fix it"? That's what I mean about transparency. It's a great policy that games like wow have had on their forums for years. Does that make everything good all the time? No. But it's a start. I have hope for mod 8. From what I've seen it looks like some of the bitching and complaing on the forums has reached the devs.... Great. I'm a hopeful person but also a realistic one. Mod 6 isn't kind to players one bit. That's the point of everything I've said.

    Quite a lot actually, eCC. I also hear of and know many who do it on a daily basis legitimately. I actually just ran it on my 2170 IL cleric a few weeks ago. Yeah, we wiped almost to the point where we were going to give up, but we finally beat it. Regardless, a single dungeon being out of whack does not constitute the argument provided.

    As for the "look mod 6 was a screw up on cryptics part. Sorry guys w'ere trying to fix it"? - This is not for me to convey, but I do believe they have admitted such - just not in the tone you're suggesting. Regardless if you take some time to look at my post history, and other Mods, you'd see that we're all complaining about various aspects of the game too. Furthermore, if you look at all the changes they're doing, it should be clear that they realize things are not where they should be and are clearly working to resolve such.

  • apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    That single dungeon is 33.3% of the t2s and grey wolf den has its challenges as well. While yes it's possible I'm guessing this was a premade group? What hope do randoms have? while we are all complaining that doesn't mean we're being heard. Revolution has often come on the heels of anarchy. Don't misinterpret me as a troll zebular. I'm anything but. I believe that cryptic has the potential to make a great game. I'm older than I often convey and have seen companies like cryptic come and go. I'm hoping they're one of the ones that makes positive changes to keep their audience happy. In my opinion that's usually the difference between single success and longevity with these type of things.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Edit: I also understand Zeb's point about progressing through the game and I think everyone would agree to some degree prior to two specific changes: DHE nerf and dungeons dropping BoP gear with poor salvage returns.

    These two changes in effect mean it takes a lot longer to level up any artifact and you cannot buy or sell T1/T2 gear which was a major source of income (& incentive) for dungeon runners.

    Poor artifact levelling & poor AD returns result in (as apathy said) character stagnation. If you were lucky enough to get your character & income to a high level prior to the change then good for you - those that follow do not have that advantage.

    The lifeblood for mmo's is player progression - without that feeling of moving forward people will become irritated & bored, feeling the game is pointless because input does not equal reward and simply move on. You've seen it on pc, we are seeing it now on xbox.

    Cryptic need to not only treat this as urgent - they also need to be SEEN to treat it as urgent to convince current players that improvement is coming. I personally have seen nothing from them that suggests this.

    (removed comments on a removed post ~Zeb)
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

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    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    zebular said:

    It's easier than people realize to walk away from something they've invested in. They do it every time they go to the store and don't purchase something they want or don't watch television because they don't feel like it. The amount of psychological manipulation in neverwinner is beyond any one single thing I've dealt with or recall having dealt with. At one point, there may have been balance, though that's not the case now. It's about $3 for a chance to roll the stat you want on artifact gear. Blood rubies don't count for much at $20 a pack and the options for enjoying the game while acquiring AD to convert to Zen to offset costs are very limited. I think that neverwinner could be a cash cow if the focus was more on repeat business and smaller transactions. It's $10 to change the appearance of your character after it's made and a 'glitch' has tweaked something. That's ludicrous. It's $5-$15 to "fix" the character you learned with and invested time and money thinking you were playing a game the best way you could for how it was made.

    ARC is definitely going to get a spot on their reputation. They haven't gotten away from the double refinement before a drop in GMOP thing. There's no way they can possibly hope to keep going doing business as usual without some degree of a stigma.

    All of which can be gained for free jut by playing the game. I haven't spent a single dollar on any of those things and have bought them more times that I can remember. I haven't bought blood rupies at all, and never plan to. I get Coal Wards just from invocation (Coffers) and opening my daily VIP lockedbox keys. If I need to respec, I either spend AD or wait for a free respec token (like modules or event rewards).

    If one chooses to spend real money on something now that they can get for free later, that is entirely on that person. Are the Zen/AD prices good at present? No. That still doesn't mean one has to spend money on them. I spend my real money on fluff instead (like packs, costumes, mounts, dyes), while spending what I earn in game on advancement (like respecs, upgrades, character slots, inventory, comp/mount upgrades). Well, I guess in part I did buy one appearance change, as I bought the Dragonborn Legend pack that came with one. Other appearance changes I have done have been with converted AD but if I really wanted to change a character and didn't have the AD, I'd drop a few bucks on it, sure.

    I guess that's just how my mind works; If I "need something," I'll work for it. If I "desire something," I'll spend money for it. In an MMO, advancement to me equates a need while fluff things equate a desire.

    I have been invoking for over a thousand hours of gameplay and NEVER had a coal ward drop from that not once.
    I have a guy I play with who has 2,500 hours of gameplay I will check with him as to whether he has ever had this happen on XBONE.
    Considering the amount you need to move forward pretty much everything that is refineable I would have thought I would have seen at least one in a thousand hours of playing right?
    Also no invoking across multiple characters so will be interested to see whether the Alts drop them.
    (wont hold my breath).
  • pedsnurse2012pedsnurse2012 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between the coal wards popping up when you invoke and if you are a mod for Neverwinter...lol

    Seriously I have over 1500 hours in this game. Never had a coal ward drop from invoking nor heard of one dropping.

    For Zeb's group to beat ECC legit-I'm thinking that he's the only one to have rank 5/6 enchaments in slot. While that works well for you, how many other ppl would be that lucky? Probably not too many to be honest.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between the coal wards popping up when you invoke and if you are a mod for Neverwinter...lol

    Seriously I have over 1500 hours in this game. Never had a coal ward drop from invoking nor heard of one dropping.

    For Zeb's group to beat ECC legit-I'm thinking that he's the only one to have rank 5/6 enchaments in slot. While that works well for you, how many other ppl would be that lucky? Probably not too many to be honest.

    I have beat ECC legit (several times) but it took two pallies and A haste Cleric to achieve it, other than with that composition it is not possible on XBONE (maybe on PC with the 4K stat mounts and a new boons?)

  • pedsnurse2012pedsnurse2012 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    That's kinda what I was alluding to- dbl bubble pallies and a haste cleric. No other way to beat it. And that's bc the bubble pally hasn't been "tinkered with" yet. Once that happens I bet the bubble gets a cool down. But that will coincide with another class getting "tinked with" as well
  • kriptical1kriptical1 Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    Lots of very good pints in this thread. One thing though..it's completely irrational to argue that people are being babies, yet concede the game is dying, in the same breath.
    Neverwinter has a distinct advantage, as it's the only mmo in town, on xbone.. This won't last forever. I sure I really dig the combat and a great many things about it, but with a playtime of 2-6hrs a day in broke as a joke. Sure I could do things like playing the market and trading like a broker//middle man, but I play games for fun..not work. Subsequently, I never expect to be, 'rich,' yet with the hours put in broke doesn't really seem right either.
    Tick tock lad's...
  • stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    apathy408 said:

    If I put a gun to someone's head technically they still have a choice to disobey. While this isn't nearly to that extent it is still an artificially created form of manipulation that preys on its audience.

    Can't ring that preposterous comparison bell and then in the next line, 'unhear that please'.

    While some of your points border on valid (wards), much of it reads as 'I don't feel like doing [insert effort] for [insert time]' to get [insert item \ stat]. Most of your points have a somewhat myopic view of a very broad game. For example (one of many I could make), you complain about the healing pots not doing much; level Alchemy and make better ones:


    If they drop better healing pots, I am going to be bent as a market opportunity is then lost for me and my minion of Alchemists.

    I think most of the people that have such complaints are just ignorant (and I mean that in a benign way) about how to manage resources and time to get what they feel is being kept at bay by perceived deliberate 'bottlenecks'.

    That said, Cryptic did not do themselves any favors (IMHO) with the mods being out of order. They invited all kinds of butthurt with inflated prices (GMO(X)) and unavailable content (could not complete sets for example). If it was not for support reasons, (PC \ Xbox tickets are about the same content), then I cant fathom why they released them out of order.
  • deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    Wow someone who actually understands what I have been saying. Maybe not on every point, but on the main ones. So gg to you sir.
  • apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    at the current rate that my dragon hoards provide refinement it would take something like 1.5-2 years to make one piece of anything legendary. Considering arc replaces these weapons every 6 months or so and we lose bare minimum 20% of the refinement points from one item to the next it's a very valid concern. While you sheep may be okay with that, the general consensus from players is that we are not. As a minority you're entitled to your opinion..... Just recognize that the majorities opinion beats yours out 100% of the time. Mod 6 was created to maximize neverwinters profits. Anyone with half a brain can easily see why health was raised to 5-6x what it was while potions received a meager increase of about 10-12%. Funny how the same week that mod 6 releases we receive our very own free healthstone to get us into the habit of using them. They weren't selling and so a scenario was engineered to make them more useful since in mod 5 potions and life steal were plenty. Keep ignoring reality........ arc loves ignorant customers. They spend more and HAMSTER less.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2015
    out-dated info
    Post edited by zebular on
  • apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    Eh...... My point was understood. Just point me in the direction of who to be upset with and I'll do my best to keep it limited to them.
This discussion has been closed.