Please start testing sooner not later. One of the largest failings is short play test cycle, because this allows limited time for feedback to be implemented. There seems to be a lot of things that will need to be looked at in this one to ensure its all working as we all want it to, even incremental testing is better than a 2-3 week frenzy of testing that will leave large problems unresolved.
Also please return Dread Vault as a dungeon. DV non-epic would work fine as a 3-man without any changes to its code for level 60+ characters. DV epic would need a boost to make it suitable for the new level 70 content, but that's less work than having to scale both sides of the dungeon. DV also fits with this module, time to bring it back!
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
This is just the beginning! We have a ton more coming in terms of information for the expansion including another blog on the story later this afternoon.
The word DUNGEONS... had better be in the forthcoming information.
A'Mie Stormshield (GF) / A'Mie Stormshard (CW)
Play Legit or Quit
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
I agree @magenubbie . I want lots of new content that has better replay value. Honestly, I prefer NOT to play any alts, and love it when they add enough stuff to keep me busy on my main.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
klangeddinMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 882Arc User
edited September 2015
The problem is that they made making alts too rewarding. It's the only way to get around 24k daily rough AD limit and it also multiplies how much stuff you can make with professions per character. Leadership armies were the most exasperate aspect of it, but there's more, there's invocation, there's free dungeon keys (with which you can get more RAD), there's the AD bonus of first two dungeons, skirmish, pvp, there's repeatable quests (dailies, weekly), there's stronghold influence, ecc...
If all this stuff was account-wise (and the rough AD limit set to a reasonable level), players (me included) would make way less alts or feel less compelled about playing them. Then one could choose if to focus playing on a main or progress with a bunch of the different alts. At the moment, the latter is too advantageous compared to the former.
Starting to think they don't have anyone left that knows how to make dungeons. Mod 6 only had a few tweaks to existing dungeons and many members of that team moved on to better things (such as working as a WalMart greeter or scraping gum off the bottom of tables). I'm pretty sure we have only half of the Dungeons & Dragons thing going here. So many dragons I can't toss a dwarf without hitting one, but dungeons? Nope.
inyawayupdeepMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 206Arc User
Just an idea here but it would be exceptionally sweet if some time in the future, armor previews could allow you to see what the armor would actually look like on your character.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Just an idea here but it would be exceptionally sweet if some time in the future, armor previews could allow you to see what the armor would actually look like on your character.
I think that's exactly what they're talking about with the gear preview.
Could we get some informations on what the Underdark difficulty will be based on? Stronghold benefits come to mind... and not every player has full access to them.
As usual, new stuff is a-comin' while the old stuff doesn't work. So they pay the Salvatore guy a bunch of money and get him involved to spin-out the D&Dness of the game.
I would rather I didn't have to press a button 3 times for a power to work (not including lag), Cryptic should spend money re-working the game engine so it plays smoothly THEN add in more stuff.
Find a way for players to earn Rank 12s (and pre-refined artifacts) in game without either paying through the nose or spending an unrealistic amount of time in the game, maybe offer packs in the Zen shop at fair prices... 6 x Rank 12s etc.
There are so many other games on the horizon both MMO and others, in order to keep those who may leave for pastures new, Cryptic should concentrate on things that matter, rather than name-dropping Mr Salvatore, good as he is he ain't gonna save the game.
The problem is that they made making alts too rewarding. It's the only way to get around 24k daily rough AD limit and it also multiplies how much stuff you can make with professions per character. Leadership armies were the most exasperate aspect of it, but there's more, there's invocation, there's free dungeon keys (with which you can get more RAD), there's the AD bonus of first two dungeons, skirmish, pvp, there's repeatable quests (dailies, weekly), there's stronghold influence, ecc...
If all this stuff was account-wise (and the rough AD limit set to a reasonable level), players (me included) would make way less alts or feel less compelled about playing them. Then one could choose if to focus playing on a main or progress with a bunch of the different alts. At the moment, the latter is too advantageous compared to the former.
lack of content. lack of content, lack of content. heck the big new feature (sh pvp) they broke within 2 weeks of introducing it. once i've done my boons and hes for the day which is just repeating the same content. i get to run the same dungeons over and over and over again. at least alts make things a little different.
I don't. The 'like it or leave' attitude, that is also adopted by Cryptic, is a recipe for failure.
The view that players should be pigeon holed into playing just 1 character and then run them on one map treadmills is poverty stricken. It is reflected in Cryptic's shrinking player base and shrinking profits.
There are 8 classes to date and more on the way. How are players expected to embrace any new class that is implemented with such an alternate hostile environment in place?
I suspect a lot of players just quit when they realize how difficult it is to do the insane amount of grinding just to get 1 character their boons, then top that off with the insane amount of AD's, and RP's needed to get just 1 character up to end game content playable.
frozenfirevrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,475Community Moderator
edited September 2015
So... I was reading the devblog about the stuff mentioned in the title and wanted to remind you guys, the 'rewards' you give now aren't really rewards (RP and Seals are supposed to be side rewards and not the main). Before the module junk, we got unbound epic BiS gear as drops and there was a sense of accomplishment, support, and fun. Now its just effed up tiring farming (for seals). You made the game a chore yourselves. Want to make the game enjoyable again and players happy? Remove the process of buying gear with seals or other such currency and make the gear (not the non-BiS jewellery we're getting now but the main gear) drop (unbound).
replayable vs. repeatable. CorpSpeak to English translation: Content you will have to repeat many, many times over, we "hope" that adding randomization elements into fights that it will make players "feel" it's a bit less grindy, even though it is in reality.
Prediction: The playable aspect of combat will be the mobs doing things that "approximate" some random behavior, like switching targets from tanks to heals or dps now and then, despite tank having aggro generation peaked. Having mobs have varied resistances, lairs etc. have alternate routes etc. it will all be predicated on RGN stuff to "excite" the players to stop the "grind" quotient.
Prediction V 2.0: Whole new tier of bugs and frustrations for players that will later require some Mod x.5 roll back.
Rework of..... CorpSpeak to English translation: Rework target is getting a nerf. Massive rework: target is getting....(brace yourself)
Glad I weened myself off this game when I did. The things they have done just point to even worse things down the road in the name of saving a buck on development yet pocketing more for their corporate parent by cracking down on any free methods of advancement. I have zero expectations for Underdark, even with Salvatore stamped on it. They did the same thing with Minsc and Boo too, I guess to soften the blow of all they took away from us in Mod 6. I shudder to think what horrid plans they have when ponying up the dosh for a named D&D author. Maybe I'll be wrong and Mod 8 will be awesome and satisfying. I would really be happy if it was. I just have a gut feeling though...
This all sounds pretty good so far Scott. I could probably put together a laundry list of requests, but I'd like to put this one front and center. Can we have some useful healing potions? Seriously, having to burn up health stone charges for every single hit in a dungeon has gotten really old. I've got my main crafting Distilled Superior Healing Potions night and day, but those are totally inadequate. Either that, or bring back the 12-second potion cooldown. No joke, the state of healing potions today is just wrong.
Post edited by hustin1 on
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
What about 'Wylie' Wylandar Ilmarin? Shouldn't she rethink the sky high prices she has set on items that produce 0 sales? Like those insanely priced green and blue armors, and weapons, that no one in their right mind would buy?
Previously she had the potential to have the best AD sinks in the game. Had she slashed the prices of her armor and weapons 90% and given them some of the best appearances in the game (Think skimpy/sexy looking here.) and combined that with a 90% reduction in Transmutation fees her gear would've come flying off the shelves. Sales would've skyrocketed.
Had she not failed to think big (Think alternates, and collectors here.) she would've slashed the price of Mount Training Manuals 90%. Sales would've skyrocketed. Because her prices were so high she got 0 from me.
The replay thing definitely needs some randomness. NW is the only game of this type I have played where pretty much *all* of the mobs and treasures are in the exact same place each and every time. And the mobs are stationary. All mobs should wander around their spawn area a little and the should be some wider-ranging patrolling mobs on a varying route. Occasionally a mob should include a mini-boss or stronger enemy, just to keep us on our toes. Random spawns would not only keep us interested but it would also make botting much harder. At present you really can take the exact same route across a zone and know exactly where and what you will meet (HE's excepted).
Sounds like we are going to be running the same content over and over. It kinda sounds like lazy design again, tbh. I just hope that this time, it's going to be content Cryptic hasn't used before.
All multiplayer games are essentially running the same content over and over, are they not?
True, but most mmo's that are 3 years old have more than 5 dungeons. in fact, most mmo's have more than that on day one. This mmo is going backward.
The trailer looks excellent, definitely the best ever since you released the game so kudos to whoever produced it. Gives some hope towards the next mod, actually sat down and thought "maybe the game is not dead yet..." So that's some sort of achievement I guess. Still hesitant due to previous mods looking good and not living up the expectation. Seems like we're getting a large scale raid - why not implement a raid system already? A proper mass queue lobby, SOMETHING to make it look like an actual raid and not 4 parties in queue at the same time, praying they'll get in together.
Dread Vault is back, that's great news. At the end of Mod 5 (back then we thought it was a bug), everytime we wiped at the last boss, the room rotated. I gather this was intentional and you wanted to test it out/had plans for certain mechanics to change to make the game more interesting and not monotonic and utterly predictable.
Hopefully you'll bring back all the missing dungeons or at least half, the community is thriving for actual content. A new campaign is great news as well, been waiting for another since Mod 5.
This, by all means, is the game's last chance to save whatever is left to save and hopefully bring back players, same ones who gave up months ago due to lack of content, leadership changes, no means to earn AD, the eternal grind, etc. Make it good, make it count. Even your loyal playerbase such me no longer hold complete faith in the development, we're bitter yet we're still here, waiting for something better.
It's time to give back to the community rather than to take away, please don't mess this up.
I don't. The 'like it or leave' attitude, that is also adopted by Cryptic, is a recipe for failure.
The view that players should be pigeon holed into playing just 1 character and then run them on one map treadmills is poverty stricken. It is reflected in Cryptic's shrinking player base and shrinking profits.
There are 8 classes to date and more on the way. How are players expected to embrace any new class that is implemented with such an alternate hostile environment in place?
I suspect a lot of players just quit when they realize how difficult it is to do the insane amount of grinding just to get 1 character their boons, then top that off with the insane amount of AD's, and RP's needed to get just 1 character up to end game content playable.
Also please return Dread Vault as a dungeon. DV non-epic would work fine as a 3-man without any changes to its code for level 60+ characters. DV epic would need a boost to make it suitable for the new level 70 content, but that's less work than having to scale both sides of the dungeon. DV also fits with this module, time to bring it back!
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Large scale fight against Demogorgon? I really hope this turns out better than the last large scale fight we had (Tiamat).
Visual previews of gear? YAY!
Revamp of the Tradebar Store? This has potential ... as long as it's not just a new way to say "Removing Coalescent wards".
Quests written by an actual writer? YAY!
But there is one thing missing here ...
This will be 4 modules (Mod 5, 6, t and now 8) with no new dungeons ...Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
If all this stuff was account-wise (and the rough AD limit set to a reasonable level), players (me included) would make way less alts or feel less compelled about playing them. Then one could choose if to focus playing on a main or progress with a bunch of the different alts. At the moment, the latter is too advantageous compared to the former.
Stronghold benefits come to mind... and not every player has full access to them.
I would rather I didn't have to press a button 3 times for a power to work (not including lag), Cryptic should spend money re-working the game engine so it plays smoothly THEN add in more stuff.
Find a way for players to earn Rank 12s (and pre-refined artifacts) in game without either paying through the nose or spending an unrealistic amount of time in the game, maybe offer packs in the Zen shop at fair prices... 6 x Rank 12s etc.
There are so many other games on the horizon both MMO and others, in order to keep those who may leave for pastures new, Cryptic should concentrate on things that matter, rather than name-dropping Mr Salvatore, good as he is he ain't gonna save the game.
once i've done my boons and hes for the day which is just repeating the same content. i get to run the same dungeons over and over and over again. at least alts make things a little different.
The view that players should be pigeon holed into playing just 1 character and then run them on one map treadmills is poverty stricken. It is reflected in Cryptic's shrinking player base and shrinking profits.
There are 8 classes to date and more on the way. How are players expected to embrace any new class that is implemented with such an alternate hostile environment in place?
I suspect a lot of players just quit when they realize how difficult it is to do the insane amount of grinding just to get 1 character their boons, then top that off with the insane amount of AD's, and RP's needed to get just 1 character up to end game content playable.
CorpSpeak to English translation: Content you will have to repeat many, many times over, we "hope" that adding randomization elements into fights that it will make players "feel" it's a bit less grindy, even though it is in reality.
Prediction: The playable aspect of combat will be the mobs doing things that "approximate" some random behavior, like switching targets from tanks to heals or dps now and then, despite tank having aggro generation peaked. Having mobs have varied resistances, lairs etc. have alternate routes etc. it will all be predicated on RGN stuff to "excite" the players to stop the "grind" quotient.
Prediction V 2.0: Whole new tier of bugs and frustrations for players that will later require some Mod x.5 roll back.
Rework of.....
CorpSpeak to English translation: Rework target is getting a nerf. Massive rework: target is getting....(brace yourself)
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
Previously she had the potential to have the best AD sinks in the game. Had she slashed the prices of her armor and weapons 90% and given them some of the best appearances in the game (Think skimpy/sexy looking here.) and combined that with a 90% reduction in Transmutation fees her gear would've come flying off the shelves. Sales would've skyrocketed.
Had she not failed to think big (Think alternates, and collectors here.) she would've slashed the price of Mount Training Manuals 90%. Sales would've skyrocketed. Because her prices were so high she got 0 from me.
Now we dont have Elminster to back in time case we fail.
Dread Vault is back, that's great news. At the end of Mod 5 (back then we thought it was a bug), everytime we wiped at the last boss, the room rotated. I gather this was intentional and you wanted to test it out/had plans for certain mechanics to change to make the game more interesting and not monotonic and utterly predictable.
Hopefully you'll bring back all the missing dungeons or at least half, the community is thriving for actual content. A new campaign is great news as well, been waiting for another since Mod 5.
This, by all means, is the game's last chance to save whatever is left to save and hopefully bring back players, same ones who gave up months ago due to lack of content, leadership changes, no means to earn AD, the eternal grind, etc. Make it good, make it count. Even your loyal playerbase such me no longer hold complete faith in the development, we're bitter yet we're still here, waiting for something better.
It's time to give back to the community rather than to take away, please don't mess this up.
And to those who have yet to see the trailer -
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
I can walk away at any point now and never look back.