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Astral Diamond Changes



  • mbreazembreaze Member Posts: 3 Arc User


    This is a good one too


    Mary of Moselle
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    ^^^^^What so many others have said above with regards Solo play^^^^^ :(:'(

    I get between 1 and 2 hours a day to play (Split between before and after work). By the time I complete the Dailies for Stronghold, and the Invocations for my 8 characters, I have no time for Dungeons, PvP (Which I abhor so wouldn't play if it was the only thing available) or Foundries.

    Dungeons require getting 4 others, who happen to be on when you can play, and who are free to run,and then take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. (That is missing or delaying one or two of the Invocations per character, with times to switch characters to account for).

    Skirmishes... You have to put your name in a queue, and wait for an opening, and then take 15 minutes to complete. (Another Invocation delayed)

    PvP... Over my dead body, but it also requires the same investment of time as Skirmishes if I were to participate.

    Foundries: These I could do, and they take about 15 minutes or more to complete, same problem with the others and Invocations.

    So, I either spend my first hour a day, getting all 8 of my characters there first 3 Invocations completed, and then complete my 4th one after work.... Or forgo Invocations completely, and their guaranteed AD and more importantly, points towards an Angel Companion, Nice Mount, or other long time Invocation rewards.....

    Some of us have MILLIONS of AD and Real Money sunk into getting Hero's, Adventurers and Men At Arms, so that we could possibly have a source of AD to buy the tens of GMOPs required to upgrade Runestones and other stuff, as well as spending getting the better Crafting Items

    Now, instead of just complaining, I actually have some solutions:

    1) Reduce Invocations to once a day. But instead of rewarding all the Astral Diamonds, Experienced, and such on that one term. Give a base bonus of 500 AD, Experience, etc and matching rewards for the next 24 hours to AD, Experience, etc through game play. To a maximum. (Target 24K total daily ) Kind of like you do with the Bonus Exp now...

    2) Reward AD through Dailies, but in much smaller amounts. Even 50, with a 50 match for doing a Daily Invocation, would be an improvement, and allow players to earn AD through playing the game. After all, I get at MOST 8 Dailies in the Stronghold (4 or 5 inside the Stronghold one of which requires three outside the stronghold in support of other campaigns). Even at 100 each, with matching, that would be 1600 AD a day.... (If I do not do them, no progress occurs in the Stronghold, so I am required to spend about an hour to and hour and a half a day, there alone. When would I have time for Dungeons, Foundry, PvP or Skirmishes?)

    3) Return them to Leadership, but:
    A) Remove the Exp (We already advance too fast in this game as it is.), Companion Exp (Once they are maxed, this becomes meaningless. I currently have over 80 Companions all maxed with my main character.
    B) Make AD rewards requisite on performing previous Leadership Tasks that do not reward AD. (Like you currently have with Marks of Gratitude, which drop far too much to make them a threat, and the AD cost of them in the Foundry makes using them for this purpose a loss of AD.)

    4) Better yet, how about capping the number of AD any Account can get per day.

    5) Change what can be gathered acquired in Crafting to stuff which actually matters. As it is now, Crafting is all but going to die....

    Your current system rewards the BOTS, who will simply figure another way to milk the system, and the Professional gamers, who get 12 + hours a day to play. The casual gamers are phywqued!

    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User

    ^^^^^What so many others have said above with regards Solo play^^^^^ :(:'(

    ... EDITED ...

    Your current system rewards the BOTS, who will simply figure another way to milk the system, and the Professional gamers, who get 12 + hours a day to play. The casual gamers are phywqued!

  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User

    The ironioc part is there are not that many bots, most of the people running alt armies are not bots, but the clowns at PWE are not smart enough to know that or the difference. Ironically, there is still a loop hole in the entire system that allows you to generate the 24K day max per character even with all these changes without ever running a single quest. Stop blaming the bots which are almost non existant and make a game that is not pay to win, then people will stop using your own rules against you.

    You assume that this was actually meant to try to stop the bots. Many believe that it's a cash-grab to force more zen purchases and the bots excuse is just that. An excuse.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    Played for a few hours, returned to the forum +120 new unread posts here and one more page of posts...

    At last someone is working, ....
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    I think they atleast need to bring back the dailies. I mean this the most crippling part of the new changes. If we atleast get 3k for the 1 dungeon per character a day, that pretty much brings back alot of the AD we lost from the new chagnes.

    BTW the pvp reward has already yielded the bot pvp players that was being pointed out in this tread repeatedly, just played 2 matches with atelast 1 player constantly running around camp.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
  • kronus#9296 kronus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 163 Arc User
    So are you trying to force people to use the sites outside of PWE to get AD's? Replacing AD's with exp IMHO is lame. Experience is easy to get and worthless (in the small amounts given) to players that are already level 70. I see players spamming all the time from places like Vgolds. I'm sure logs are created. This is starting to get really frustrating from my point of view. I am a single parent with a job and was using this game to relax. I simply don't live in my mother's basement so I don't have the time it will now take to get what I used to in AD's. Stop the bots and leave the rest of us alone please.
  • peponarispeponaris Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    The "expanison" of mod 6 continues to abridge content.

    World first innovation by cryptic and PE.
  • whoucalnslick2whoucalnslick2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    They should have swapped out leadership AD for account bound AD vouchers which you can exchange after completing a dungeon. Set a cap so that no account can get more than 100K AD or so by the 3rd or 4th dungeon run a day. Better leadership assets...slightly higher voucher value. Obviously the numbers can be set however they want, but it wouldn't be a slap to the face of everyone leveling their leadership over the year(s). The bots might still make lots of AD, but they'd have to at least have a real person run dungeons for it (assuming bots dont run dungeons yet). That should slow them some.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    You know, one of the things that annoys me the most about this is that there's basically been no damage control in terms of addressing community outrage.

    But, on the other hand, last time Strum started a thread trying to address player outrage (over the leadership changes on gateway) it went ... poorly. So I guess I can understand why.
  • cjh1983cjh1983 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 229 Arc User

    You know, one of the things that annoys me the most about this is that there's basically been no damage control in terms of addressing community outrage.

    But, on the other hand, last time Strum started a thread trying to address player outrage (over the leadership changes on gateway) it went ... poorly. So I guess I can understand why.

    Well to be fair, I wouldn't want my name anywhere near this either.
  • bethannaebethannae Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    When I logged in today, after a long day of working, I have to say I was less than happy about this change. There are very, very few things I hate more than being punished for someone else's behavior. One would be punished for someone else's behavior by a service provider. I understand that how there could be a botting issue, but this is not really going to solve it in the long run. And it does not create a level playing field. Well, let me qualify that. If you consider a level playing field a system where someone who gets to stay at home all day and does not work, or chooses to use the game system for the purpose of earning money, then yes, this may actually work. If you consider a level playing field where someone who works a good 50 hour week can enjoy the same advantages that someone who plays all day does, then no. You do not need to be a scofflaw bot runner to be able to benefit from making astral diamonds in the leadership profession. For me, it was a way to level the playing field a little because at least I could get a modest amount of astral diamonds for my characters and still have enough equipment to play in a good number of the events.

    What would really level the playing field?

    How about changing the new stronghold task rewards so that you can earn the necessary items from rewards the Cleric issues so that you do not have to complete the Epic Cragmire Crypts or similar dungeon to earn them. That would, for the most part, eliminate some of the necessity of having those items that cost in excess of 10M astral diamonds in the market. As it stands, even though that dungeon, and those comparable, have a minimum required item level of 2000, unless you have upwards of 3000, any add on can have a one shot kill. In fact, the other players queued will actually get upset with you if you do not have a total of at least 3000, because you should know better (and justifiably, as they have now wasted 20 minutes on a mission that is doomed). Make the tasks more reasonable, and the astral diamond issue will go away, for the most part.
  • nps8nps8 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User

    You know, one of the things that annoys me the most about this is that there's basically been no damage control in terms of addressing community outrage.

    But, on the other hand, last time Strum started a thread trying to address player outrage (over the leadership changes on gateway) it went ... poorly. So I guess I can understand why.

    He did mention on the twitch channel today that he did have a personal opinion about this but after his post about gateway he was going to keep it to himself this time.

  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User
    Is anyone else not getting their alleged 3K bonus AD for their first pair of dungeon runs?
  • aeragar47aeragar47 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User
    I wonder how long it will be before the same people that were advocating in other threads to remove AD from leadership start new posts complaining about how they now have no AD and that they can't "catch up to the people who had lots of AD to start with"?
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    bioshrike said:

    Yeah... just re-read the patch notes: "Invocation will now reliably grant rewards instead of needing to attempt it several times." 9/15 Patch Notes

    When you read, "reliably," picture Dr. Evil saying it while making air quotes. Then you will understand something about Cryptic's bug fixes, promises and pretty much anything else they say.

  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    You are going to need to drastically Leadership's times to complete tasks and some of the rewards. Just stripping out AD does not work, what a typically slop-shot approach. People generally lose their jobs over such half-arsed actions. I get that you want to take away any free ride for those that don't play the game the way you want it played. It is your company's property and all, just plan things out better and look at things a bit more closely before you just blind drop scripts.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • imathilimathil Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 92 Arc User
    Yeah not so much at my end either, but that seems to be normal for most patches.
    bioshrike said:

    Wasn't this patch supposed to address the multiple attempts it took to invoke? I still had to try *at least* twice to invoke the first time on my characters, today...

    Yeah... just re-read the patch notes: "Invocation will now reliably grant rewards instead of needing to attempt it several times." 9/15 Patch Notes

  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    edited September 2015


    And another one...
    the rank 25 task, that takes a whole day, has the same reward as one of the the 4hrs tasks.

    Yes, this change looks really well planed and thought through... good job.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    How long will it take them, to bring the Leadership tasks into a more reasonable line?
    - upgrading the rewards
    - adjusting the time needed for some task
    The things, they should have done, before only removing AD from it...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • odelle12odelle12 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    How long will it take them, to bring the Leadership tasks into a more reasonable line?
    - upgrading the rewards
    - adjusting the time needed for some task
    The things, they should have done, before only removing AD from it...

    I agree!
    Disappointing and lazy change to something so important.

  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    How long will it take them, to bring the Leadership tasks into a more reasonable line?
    - upgrading the rewards
    - adjusting the time needed for some task
    The things, they should have done, before only removing AD from it...

    they'll get right on that, right after they bring back pre-mod6 dungeons, fix the foundry, and the multitude of bugs, and broken class power/features.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    dufisto said:

    regenerde said:

    How long will it take them, to bring the Leadership tasks into a more reasonable line?
    - upgrading the rewards
    - adjusting the time needed for some task
    The things, they should have done, before only removing AD from it...

    they'll get right on that, right after they bring back pre-mod6 dungeons, fix the foundry, and the multitude of bugs, and broken class power/features.
    Yeah, may be next year... from now they will be to bussy working on Underdark, plus blogging and streaming about the great things coming with that new module.

    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    dang, the event timers are all jacked up now. There are hours with nothing going on
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    dionchi said:

    So for the most part, everything in leadership is staying the same as far as generating coins, XP, professions XP, etc and they just took away the ability to earn AD's?

    They didn't increase the amount of gold, XP or whatever a person makes in lieu of making AD's?

    Cryptic doesn't want anyone to purchase AD's from a third party vendor, yet they have done away with just about every method a person had to make AD's in the game, at least those of us who don't have hours upon hours to play the game or 'extra' money to purchase AD's from PWE...

    I'm sure there is a 'method to their madness', but I'll be damned if I can figure it out unless the plan is to drive off all the casual players who just want to play and earn AD's so they can purchase the best gear they can afford in the little time they have for gaming - or encourage people to actually try those frowned upon other vendors.

    Yep. NW and PW apparently don't understand basic economic theory. To wit, it is better to tax or get one dollar from a million people than TRY to tax 100,000 from 10 people. With this AD change, no casual player w/ a lick of sense will stay w/ the game. I'm going to stick around to collect my 5 remaining months of keys, and see if NW and PW get the message.

    I doubt they will though. The change went live this morning w/ over FORTY FIVE pages in this thread that all basically said the same thing (except for some deluded individuals) To wit, this change is an awful, terrible idea. Doing it will make lots of people leave. It will kill the game.

    We'll see who's right in three to six months. Then maybe, JUST maybe, someone in charge will read these threads and fricking LISTEN the next time someone gets "a bright idea".
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    Well, I'm going to say "thanks, PWE". For the first time in a while I was able to farm Black Ice in Dwarven Valley to my heart's content -=- almost no competition for the resources.

    Of course, that means no one is playing...Well of Dragons was equally vacant, if not more so. Dread Ring actually had more people. I think some are figuring out it's the only place in the game now to get the purple refining stones w/o AD.
  • wlinazwlinaz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 150 Arc User

    Of course, that means no one is playing...Well of Dragons was equally vacant, if not more so. Dread Ring actually had more people. I think some are figuring out it's the only place in the game now to get the purple refining stones w/o AD.

    Dread Ring was today's daily Stronghold Master of Coin task.
  • knightnight2knightnight2 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Module 6 was a debacle and I closed my wallet - many players I knew who spent money on this game disappeared overnight. It took a long time to get back to being happy with the game since the content was very hard, and my "legendary" characters were being killed by a single mob of monsters - and the (lower number of) dungeons could not be completed without exploits. We were then promised that Crytic has heard our voice and we were and would be listened to - and I really wanted to believe it because of all the time (and money) I had invested in this game. It was a lie. Just like the "which should increase the amount of AD most players earn in a day" line - what a demonstrable load of nonsense. The maths isn't that hard, I'm taking a crippling hit in the amount of AD I can generate in a day, since I can't play all day seven days a week. Leadership would do that for me, while I was working to earn money to pay to Cryptic.

    With strongholds, despite the lies, I was further fooled by communications and that Cryptic had learned its lesson and was "listening to its players". That meant it wouldn't make any hasty ill considered large scale decisions again. Indeed, with strongholds, I found I was enjoying the game again. As a result, I was spending more playing time in Neverwinter. Because I was happy with the game again, I put another good chunk of money in as well as bought VIP ranks. I feel a fool for doing so. Fool me once, Crytic, shame on you - you did fool me twice, to my shame.

    The math isn't hard. This leadership change has now killed my ability to earn enough in game currency to slowly develop and improve all of my alts - as well as do stronghold quests in the limited time I have available. I just can't keep up. That's not enjoyable and that is most definitely pay to win. As for alts (note this is not spelled "bots") - I play with all of them and have levelled them all up fairly evenly over the years I have played. The variety is fun, but now I can see that in the time I have available, I really can't earn enough to do more than keep up with one character, if that. Why give us and sell us alts and then take away the ability to feed them?

    If I had known this change was coming, I wouldn't have spent any money - and like many others, I wish I could go back in time and get my money back. I am hugely unhappy with this change. I reach into my wallet where I enjoy a game and it has earned my commitment and support. I shut my wallet with this sort of thinly disguised profit grab, where changes are made quickly, arbitrarily and poorly - and without responding to or even bothering to consider the huge outcry from a large part of the player base in respect of the proposed change. I suspect I am not alone in that. This is really short term thinking Cryptic - and another massive example of not communicating with your player base and losing their trust all over again. There is only a limited amount of times you can lie to your customers and let them down before they lose all confidence in you. If there was any bit of honesty in the promises that have been made to us in the past - and which have been broken once again - you need to take quick action, more words won't cut it, since you have too often said one thing and then done the opposite.
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User

    Module 6 was a debacle and I closed my wallet - many players I knew who spent money on this game disappeared overnight. It took a long time to get back to being happy with the game since the content was very hard, and my "legendary" characters were being killed by a single mob of monsters - and the (lower number of) dungeons could not be completed without exploits. We were then promised that Crytic has heard our voice and we were and would be listened to - and I really wanted to believe it because of all the time (and money) I had invested in this game. It was a lie. Just like the "which should increase the amount of AD most players earn in a day" line - what a demonstrable load of nonsense. The maths isn't that hard, I'm taking a crippling hit in the amount of AD I can generate in a day, since I can't play all day seven days a week. Leadership would do that for me, while I was working to earn money to pay to Cryptic.

    With strongholds, despite the lies, I was further fooled by communications and that Cryptic had learned its lesson and was "listening to its players". That meant it wouldn't make any hasty ill considered large scale decisions again. Indeed, with strongholds, I found I was enjoying the game again. As a result, I was spending more playing time in Neverwinter. Because I was happy with the game again, I put another good chunk of money in as well as bought VIP ranks. I feel a fool for doing so. Fool me once, Crytic, shame on you - you did fool me twice, to my shame.

    The math isn't hard. This leadership change has now killed my ability to earn enough in game currency to slowly develop and improve all of my alts - as well as do stronghold quests in the limited time I have available. I just can't keep up. That's not enjoyable and that is most definitely pay to win. As for alts (note this is not spelled "bots") - I play with all of them and have levelled them all up fairly evenly over the years I have played. The variety is fun, but now I can see that in the time I have available, I really can't earn enough to do more than keep up with one character, if that. Why give us and sell us alts and then take away the ability to feed them?

    If I had known this change was coming, I wouldn't have spent any money - and like many others, I wish I could go back in time and get my money back. I am hugely unhappy with this change. I reach into my wallet where I enjoy a game and it has earned my commitment and support. I shut my wallet with this sort of thinly disguised profit grab, where changes are made quickly, arbitrarily and poorly - and without responding to or even bothering to consider the huge outcry from a large part of the player base in respect of the proposed change. I suspect I am not alone in that. This is really short term thinking Cryptic - and another massive example of not communicating with your player base and losing their trust all over again. There is only a limited amount of times you can lie to your customers and let them down before they lose all confidence in you. If there was any bit of honesty in the promises that have been made to us in the past - and which have been broken once again - you need to take quick action, more words won't cut it, since you have too often said one thing and then done the opposite.

    I Could not have said this better. It seems that we are down to 10% or less of the players there used to be after yesterdays MASSIVE NERF. If cryptic is not seeing it in the numbers they are probably counting the Bots that is still running freely in the game in there user stats.

    I beg them to just go and look at the massive reduction in open instances in places like WOD. This game is in Extreme danger after the immense amount of lies and bad decisions we the clients have received over the years. Please Please I beg you do something to save this game that was once so great.
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • aletharalethar Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I am a guild member. Our guild is actually a huge alliance of guild (or used to be before mod6). As I mentioned, before Mod6 we had 7 guilds and around 700 active players. After mod 6 only 3 guild are active now with 280 players. Is it not an indicator of very bad decisions and wrong way of game "developing"??????????

    It is not the end. Now after leadership changes the next wave of leaving is coming. Our guild leader is leaving the game. He, who played this game from the beta and who spent so much money and also had around 30 full lvled characters. He spent every every free time to develop his chars or develop our guild (it was 700 people in pre6 mod). Cryptic should thank him for doing so much for this game and other players. But what they are doing? I don't have to say it again, I think thousands of players said it thousands of times already.

    The one thing which is clear to all players is that devs think only about money and want to increase zen sales. What a disastrous way of thinking. The best way to increase your income is to focus on players and their joy and fun. It will increase their numbers and so on zen sales. Is it so hard to understand?

    Good job Cryptic or PW or whatever you call yourselves. You have done really gooood job in ruining this game, players fun and your company in the end.

    PS: This game lacks of end-game. There is only repeatable useless content, pvps are broke, system is bad at all. New sieges probably will be the same. You didn't fix pvp all these years so I am completely sure that new pvps will be all the same frustrating and not worth the players time (if there will be some after another leaving wave)
This discussion has been closed.