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Astral Diamond Changes



  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    The only way to be able to hurt exploiters who already exploited and got rich is to delete al ad from the game. With these changes people wont be able to exploit so easily but its not reatroactive.
  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    hey, do you realize there are no skirmishes between 60-69 anymore. you took them away when you changed the campaigns to be level 70 required. .
    hey do you realize there are 3 total dungeons pre-70. you took them away months ago when you released mod 6.
    hey, what are the rewards for the foundry, and why is the foundry editor still broken since mod 7.
    please think this through before you make changes. unlike the last few knee jerk reactions.

    now your going to remove ad production. but not reduce the cost of gmops. or coals, or pres wards....

    if you want us to keep paying for zen, stop taking stuff away from us. there is LESS content in this game than when i started.
  • drartwhodentdrartwhodent Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 305 Arc User
    I do not like this.
    At all.
    I have spent much time AND money building up a legitimate in-game source of currency (16 chars, most maxed leadership) to try to gear up one 'main' character, and you now tell me that it is worthless.
    Why should I invest any more time OR money if this is how I am treated?
    I do not pvp.
    I do not skirmish.
    I do not dungeon*.
    I solo pve and do Daily Foundry missions.
    You are telling me you do not like my 'kind' here.
    No word on Foundry from you**. No way for solo pve to make any of this new 'earned' AD.
    Seriously? Am I, and any / all other players like me, so hated by you?
    This game has given me many hours of enjoyment, I really had planned on playing it for years to come.
    But if you make my 200 adventurers and 30 heros worthless, I really think such a large slap in my face might cause me to exit no matter how much I actually still like the game play itself.
    Please. I beg of you to reconsider this.
    Find some way to actually root out the bots and get them out of our zone chat and from running content (which they will just do anyway, this is NOT going to put much of a dent in them no matter what you think) instead of hitting us players with these draconian measures that negate the efforts we have legitimately put into trying to advance.
    This WILL make many long time players think long and hard about sticking around in a game where their hard work of months and months can be wiped out overnight by a myopic corporate decision.

    *I would like to, someday. After I have gear that won't get me kicked / laughed at. Interesting that there is still no word on when the missing dungeons will return altho you are telling us dungeons will be more needed.

    **Should I even get started about the Foundry? What could and should be a shining jewel of this game has been shamefully neglected by you for so long it is beyond belief.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    What worries me is that there have been increasingly more drastic changes lately. And that makes it look like the game is not doing well...
  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User
    I see one major problem with this change: fixed AD costs are not adjusted. Therefore all things having fixed costs like GMOPs, Strongholds, etc. will get much more expensive.

    Sure, prices on the auction house will adjust. If you want to sell you need to lower your price until some buys. But that doesn't work with the fixed prices.

    Let's see. To be able to upgrade higher tier stuff you need five GMOPs. Assuming you have VIP status that's 375000 AD. As a solo player you'll need to earn the maximum amout of AD for almost 16 straight days. If you want to upgrade more stuff you'll have to play for months - not spending AD on anything else, like Strongholds.

    I'm sure a lot of people will not like that.
  • canmanncanmann Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    goatshark said:

    Let’s look at some actual numbers:

    Playing Dungeons
    Old: If you picked up the daily quest, you got 3,000 AD for one dungeon. If you had your chest key, you got an additional 3,000 AD.
    New: 1. Automatically get 3,000 AD for each of the first two dungeons. 2. In addition, get 150 to 750 AD for each dungeon played (up to a maximum 7,200 AD per day from dungeons). Amount varies by time.

    Playing Skirmishes
    Old: If you picked up the daily quest, you got 3,000 AD for three skirmishes.
    New: 1. Automatically get 1,500 AD for each of the first two skirmishes. 2. In addition, get 50 to 500 AD for each skirmish played (up to a maximum 7,200 AD per day from skirmishes). Amount varies by time.

    Playing PvP
    Old: If you picked up the daily quest, you got 4,000 AD for two matches.
    New: 1. Automatically get 2,000 AD for each of the first two matches. 2. In addition, get 200 to 300 AD per match played (up to a maximum 4,800 AD per day from PvP). Amount varies by time.

    Across the board, these two changes are expected to put significantly more AD into the hands of anyone playing this queued content.

    Yes please lets look at the actual numbers.


    We run dungeons in about 35 or so minutes. Lets round up to 45 minutes for AFKs time to get group ready etc.

    2 runs for 6000 AD = 90 minutes

    You still can make 1200 AD lets assume you get the max 750ad per run. You would need to run 2 more for 90 minutes more.


    I will go with an average time of about 30 minutes per run. This would include time to do skirmish gather group etc etc.

    2 runs for 3000 AD = 60 minutes.

    Still can make 4200 AD for day. Again, assume the max per run of 500 you need 9 more runs for total of 270 minutes.


    I will be generous here and say 15 minutes wait time for queue and 20 minute matches.

    2 runs for 4000 AD = 70 minutes

    Still can earn 800 AD at max per match that is 3 more matches for 105 minutes.

    Total time is:

    90 + 90 + 60 + 270 + 70 + 105 = 685 minutes of play or 11.4 HOURS

    11.4 HOURS for one character.

    Let that sink in...

    11.4 HOURS for 19200 AD.... and lets hope that is AD and not RAD.

    Slowly let that sink in.... 11.4 HOURS to make 19200 AD

    There is more to this announcement right? The Leadership changes are lowering times and increasing RP points gained right? Greater Marks of Potency are getting slashes to 750 AD each right?

    Cause if the only changes that go live are the ones mentioned there will only be one word to describe what this is:


  • madizmomadizmo Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Anyone with intelligence knows "communication" is the key.
    All those bot'ers rely on one thing, the players in the game.
    How do they contact these players?
    Through the games Chat system no doubt!

    You people have made it clear, botting isn't allowed.
    Why is it you allow them to clutter our chat window.
    The battle over bot'ers should be held there!!

    Start banning the spammers "www.cheapwhatevers.com selling"
    After ^ that bomb has been laid, and the dust settle...

    Sometimes a small step is a huge leap (^_-)

  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    reiwulf said:

    The only way to be able to hurt exploiters who already exploited and got rich is to delete al ad from the game. With these changes people wont be able to exploit so easily but its not reatroactive.

    They can't do this and you know it. Enough AD is tied to zen purchases that it would be equivalent to taking money for nothing.
  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User
    reiwulf said:

    What worries me is that there have been increasingly more drastic changes lately. And that makes it look like the game is not doing well...

    It hasn't. Remember what Mod 6 did to the player base, and realize the game has not recovered from that tailspin. If I didn't know any better, I think we're in a death spiral. Profits crash, investors panic, CEOs with no idea how to propagate a long term business plan instead try to squeeze the remaining player base for ever increasing amounts of cash, which in turn cause more to leave, which in turn leads to more squeezing and desperate attempts to suck dollars from pockets, until, well... just look at the long list of MMO graveyards.
  • candlesmokecandlesmoke Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I am saddened that this is the issue that caused me to make my first post, but I feel I have to get this out before going to sleep.

    I am not a bot. I have levelled my Leadership Profession to 19 (finally) and it has taken me about 5 months to do so.

    I am not a bot. I work as a janitor. I wake up at 7am and, before leaving for work, do my Leadership Jobs. I come home at noon for lunch and do the same. Then again at 5 when I get home, as well as right before going to sleep. I spend time doing this. Not as much time as chasing boons, helping the guild, reaching for those items of gear that would help me do some Epic Dungeons (finally), but a lot of my time.

    I am not a bot. Please don't treat me like one.

    I am worried that I will not be able to afford the GMoP's (etc, etc, etc) to advance my character. This is heartbreaking to me.

    I love D&D, but after a recent move find myself with no friends in this state and have found solace in playing Neverwinter. I got Level 1 VIP to try it out and liked it, so I went for Level 2 quickly. I was hoping to be able to pay for this each month.

    Please set my mind at ease and assure me (us) that this problem of AD need outpacing AD earnings will be SERIOUSLY looked at and attended to. This was a real quick sneak-attack for a lot of people and could probably have been handled a tiny bit better.

    Please excuse me as I must get back into bed so I can get to work on time tomorrow.

    Here's hoping that I have to eat my words and fears.

    --Xasthura Sunno (Chronic Leagion)
  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited September 2015



    all you have to do is go look at ghost stories and see the same 50 bots zoning in and out repeatedly. or watch the prayer circle in pe
  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User

    All quests in all zones should give AD, even if in small amounts. There are some people that for whatever reasons do not run dungeons, PvP, skirmishes etc. But they are still playing the game in their own ways. I personally prefer to just run the campaign zones only, and stronghold content. This to me is just them trying to force people to play the game only one way if you want to get anything. Another way to push casual players and smaller guilds out of the game.

    I agree and like the idea.

  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User

    ghoulz66 said:

    It was my whole idea of dumping millions into leadership so I'd have a stable income months later to actually afford all these vastly overpriced items......

    1 character alone needs like 20+ GMoP to upgrade their gear. How the hell are you going to get 2m AD by begging people to join you in farming skirmishes and dungeons 12 hours a day for several days?

    ghoulz66 said:

    It was my whole idea of dumping millions into leadership so I'd have a stable income months later to actually afford all these vastly overpriced items......

    1 character alone needs like 20+ GMoP to upgrade their gear. How the hell are you going to get 2m AD by begging people to join you in farming skirmishes and dungeons 12 hours a day for several days?

    ghoulz hit the nail on the head here.

    I have been playing for a little over a year and I have busted my tail to be able to get a couple of them to a DECENT level.

    Now, with needing 20 Greater Mark of Potencies for ONE character to upgrade his/her artifacts... not to mention the ones I'll need for artifact EQUIPMENT. Greater mark of potency, 10k incoming? It better be, and soon! Drop a '0' off of a LOT of the items and you MIGHT NOT .... note: MIGHT NOT lose 90% of your playerbase!

    If I can't upgrade my character's equipment to make myself more viable in dungeons, then why bother bashing my head into a wall for days upon days upon days for *1* greater mark? Yeahhhh, that's not going to happen.

    I hope there is a huge announcement SOON that all items that have to be purchased with diamonds will have a '0' dropped off of them and coalescent wards will be available with diamonds for those of us that DO run dungeons/skirmishes (the pvp in this game, imo, is just a joke) to go along with Cryptic's ridiculous mindset with this change.

    Ha, you think that's bad!? I got 7 more char...

    Mentioning only the artifacts, this x2 RP, I might have 8 char I play each with 4 artifacts ready to hit legendary. Guess what, 5 GMoP to upgrade ONE artifact to legendary........

    8 x 20...... GMoP...

    Wanna know how much that costs...? I don't...
  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User

    And I think they will adjust all vendor/zen prices after time.

    As long as they don't adjust fixed prices and Skyholds requirements this is just wishful thinking. The most important things you have to spend AD on are going to be much more expensive. That's the fact we are currently facing.
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    anim3k said:

    Guys is good changes....

    WIPE all existing astral diamonds fromt he serwer! no exceptions "THEN":
    Decrease rough diamonds from 24k a day to 5-10k
    Remove Gmops from WB and add into dungeon chest witch 10% chance
    Bring back old dungeons andd better drops into boss or chest
    Add 2% chance for drop Gmops from pvp wining match and max 300 ad per match!

    You are insane. people have payed real money for zen and then traded for AD, there is no way they could get away with wiping all AD.

  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    Im pretty sure they will change fixed prices too. Although not right now probably
  • cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User
    Seriously you guys gotta stop smoking that HAMSTER, you've totally lost your mind with this one.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User

    zebular said:

    I am on board with this change completely. With my limited game time, the only way I have been able to afford anything is by having a "Leadership Army" and that turned into a catch-22. All my available time each day was spent working Leadership. With these changes, I will be able to stop my "leadership army" and instead spend that 30-90 minutes actually playing the game AND earning AD.

    I feel the pros definitely out-weight the cons and while yes there will be upset folks that can no longer rake in near endless AD (like me), what this does is turn the game economy back on track to what it should be. I feel too that these changes will allow far more people will be able to enjoy the game than those upset. Especially new and returning players. This sounds great to me. Looking forward to actually being able to play the game and not work it.

    im just ready to see all the bots quietly disappear into the darkness and fade away like headlights from a car being burned off on.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    amvek said:

    madizmo said:

    Anyone with intelligence knows "communication" is the key.
    All those bot'ers rely on one thing, the players in the game.
    How do they contact these players?
    Through the games Chat system no doubt!

    You people have made it clear, botting isn't allowed.
    Why is it you allow them to clutter our chat window.
    The battle over bot'ers should be held there!!

    Start banning the spammers "www.cheapwhatevers.com selling"
    After ^ that bomb has been laid, and the dust settle...

    Sometimes a small step is a huge leap (^_-)

    My theory, the reason bots are not banned is because it is an account that is actively logging in and lets them show that they have a healthy number of players playing the game. I really think it is that simple! 2024 instances of Ghost story, food for thought!

    Seriously... CEREALLY!!

    When in the hell are they finally going to remove skill nodes from easy access areas?

    Easy change, either fix it so you can't enter/leave/enter/leave.

    Or move skill nodes to epic dungeons/skirmishes with greater rewards inside that can all be shared by the party. Put em after tough fights so any PUG bots will get destroyed before they can ever lay eyes on one.

    Or make skill node rewards area based. Easy areas give useless rewards that can't be exploited, and epic dungeons where those are the only places with the good things inside....
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 675 Arc User
    I think offering AD as a reward for a PvP match (and possibly skimishes too) is just going to lead to mass bot farming like it used to be (but probably worse). It's disappointing to me that you have chosen to not offer AD through leadership anymore. I don't have enough time in the day to beg people to skirmish and dungeon and PvP with me.
  • cal501cal501 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    So much for this game.

    Last person still playing the game, don't forget to turn the lights off when you leave.
  • khareqanwikhareqanwi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    I have been playing for a little over a year. Looking at the game the logical thing to do was focus on leadership and get some extra characters to generate AD so that I can afford enchantments to make my one character competitive. You need lots of AD to get rank 10s (now 12s) to do the content. In a year, I built a leadership army. I have a pile of characters all working to make it possible for my one main character to do the hardest content. I spent money, I spent a year of my free time. All my friends quit after mod 6. I stayed.

    I am a level 12 VIP. You make it so I couldn't use the gateway (which I can use on my phone, on my tablet on work breaks,) to do leadership. That cut my AD generation in half but I didn't leave. It takes 3 times as long to do leadership in the game because the game is slow, because updating the character when you first log in is slow. This gives me less time to play because I can't start leadership unless I am at home on my RAM heavy PC at night. But I stayed. Now you have killed AD generation. I have spent millions (maybe 50 million) of AD on leadership assets because that was how to get ahead in the game you designed.

    You have stolen from me.

    I generated a lot of AD with leadership but I spent real money too. You took my time and changed the rules after I invested. What are the 300 or so blue leadership assets going to be worth now? That's what I built up in a year of playing and you have made it worthless. I never cheated, I never used a bot. But you suckered me in, you introduced the VIP thing, and now made what I have build up worthless. Why would I spend time or money in the game now? If whatever I do will become worthless yet again.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    I think offering AD as a reward for a PvP match (and possibly skimishes too) is just going to lead to mass bot farming like it used to be (but probably worse). It's disappointing to me that you have chosen to not offer AD through leadership anymore. I don't have enough time in the day to beg people to skirmish and dungeon and PvP with me.

    Sometimes you'll log in and can't find anyone to farm with...

    So then what? You go dry. How fair is that...?
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    The game will not die over this. I just hope new people will replace all those who will surely leave
  • khareqanwikhareqanwi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User

    I do not like this.
    At all.
    I have spent much time AND money building up a legitimate in-game source of currency (16 chars, most maxed leadership) to try to gear up one 'main' character, and you now tell me that it is worthless. ...

    Didn't see your message until I posted mine. You said it better except for not mentioning VIP. 30 chars, maxed leadership, just to get one character the best gear... I didn't make it. Its all worthless.

  • adent086adent086 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    Yep. It's time to shop for a new title. I held on through the incompleteness that was mod 4. Through the sloppy mess that was mod 5. Through the abusive travesty that was mod 6. Actually had a modicum of hope back in me with mod 7. But, that is how cruelty is felt most keenly, right? When you've been given a bit of hope first.

    Now, this........

    If none of the other signals were screaming at you to leave before; you should be hearing this one loud and clear now. Not for the sheer stupidity of it. Not for the sudden travesty of it. Not even for the abject sadism of it. No. Its for the obvious DESPERATION of this move; especially when followed so quickly after the "VIP" rollout. This game, and the companies that run it, are OBVIOUSLY in deep financial trouble. This fact is made perfectly clear in their publically available quarterly and yearly reports. (Look them up for yourselves if I am not believed.) This move is just the icing on the cake of proof of how bad the situation must be.

    So, even if this move WASN'T the horrid, abject, sadistic, betrayal of the players that it is; this game is still going no where good. Fast. The proof is all there, out in the open, for those that care to look.

    In summary: Farewell Neverwinter, you could have been great for years to come; and honestly, I was hoping you would be. But, nothing can overcome gross mismanagement and soulless greed it seems.

    Peace all.

    Telling us about upcoming content updates, and getting those updates out the door BUG-FREE, is *AWESOME*!! Know what's even *MORE* awesome? Fixing game breaking bugs (and/or undocumented "features") that have been in EXISTING content for months/years!!! Guess which one makes me want to spend money on a game much more than the other? Hint: It's the "more awesome" one.
  • rodrant64rodrant64 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    New players will have a lot to look forward to in the "new" NW, like bot-filled dungeon, skirmish and PVP parties while having to compete against the rich who'll just become even richer thanks to the poor getting cut off at the knees.

    Oh and maybe some "new" dungeons somewhere down the line, which'll just be the old dungeons that they gutted out of the game months ago.
    Just call me Rod. Member of Grievance!
    CW: Rodrant Turnbul
    TR: Rodran
    DC: Rodrat
    GWF: ROARdrant TurnBRAWL
    Other GWF: Shieldrant
    HR: Bowdrant
    SW: Wardrant Turnlock (my main!)
    OP: Paladrant (on Preview!)
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Just have all in-game activity, quests etc give AD. Then everyone who plays the game in their own way can get AD. Just limiting it to PvP, dungeons and skirmishes leaves out a big portion of the player base that only like to play solo. That or increase the amount given with invoking.
  • j3poysyj3poysy Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    This is like CHemotheraphy. IT may kill the Cancer while poisoning the host, to save the healthy cells... Some healthy cell will die in the process,

    I wouldnt know iF neverwinter will survive this. i am sure most LEgit players wont.

    I can see playing this game still.. all i need to do is hoard my AD sell my zen gear my alts. ILl survive the problem is do i have anyone to play with..

    IF chosen between a SERver Wipe and this.. im 75% on the wipe. The economy itself is soo polluted.

    Wel lastly strongholds will be the first one to die. its the greediest thing that lives with AD.

    HEy i might be wrong, i do like this game. played here since beta. I would be lying if not for leadership would i stay playing, being 80% of my AD revenue is from 20 alts i do invoke, leadership with. some i farm from dailies and events.

    See you in the other side (SYOTOS)... HEaven HEll or LIFE.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    I agree that all quests should be given a small amount of AD, 500 each for the first 10 and dump the AD for Skirmishes over 4/day. I can do over 12 quests a day with my main toon and 2-5 with my alts. There's no time for Foundry because the every other and sometime every week Events, Maybe cut hose down to every 3rd weekend which would give you a weekend after the Winter and Summer Festivals to do Foundry, For AD Rewards (500 AD/15 min of content).

    All quests in all zones should give AD, even if in small amounts. There are some people that for whatever reasons do not run dungeons, PvP, skirmishes etc. But they are still playing the game in their own ways. I personally prefer to just run the campaign zones only, and stronghold content. This to me is just them trying to force people to play the game only one way if you want to get anything. Another way to push casual players and smaller guilds out of the game.

This discussion has been closed.