1. overall difficulty should be brought to a reasonable level
2. XP gain, required XP to level up and to fill the overflow should be brought back to a reasonable level
3. overall bug fixing, start with classes, then equipment and after that anything else, on a weekly base
+ professions/crafting rework
stop nerfing any- and everything into the ground, rather give it a rework and upgrade all professions to a usefull level. and leveling up any profession should not take months to do!
+ GM presence ingame
it's not just about bots and bug/exploit users, but also about the chat itself. this game really needs active GMs ingame!
First off, Thank you for the thread. This kind of communication reminds us that you are Listening. whether or not the suggestions reach the game is another thing. I'm hoping that this thread will yield results.
1) monetary system needs overhaul drastically. I've said it many times, and seen it successful many times in other games. They key is to make a game that players WANT to play, and make a cash shop with stuff that make players WANT to buy. Go play Marvel Heroes for an example of a well designed cash system and game system that work with each other. AD needs to be take off the AH. top end gear needs to be Bind on Acquire. The only items that should be bind on account are the ones that generically will work with all your other classes (runestones, enchants, etc) the AD sinks need to be reduced, and the ways of making AD need to be reduced as well. This may not be popular, but I think taking AD off of leadership is important. the AD useage in the game needs to be simplified. There are simply too many things that players need in the game that cost AD. AD should be localized to cash shop items only, and perhaps a few in game items. that's it.
2) The cash shop really needs more interesting items in it to attract attention. the way to build a successful cash shop is to NOT load it with items that are important for gameplay. This also includes all the in game vendors that sell necessary items for AD. the way to do it is to actually design things that people WANT to buy, simply because they are cool.
you already have some good ideas. companions (though overpriced....you can tack that on if you wish), are an example. so are the tokens for re-doing your characters appearance. the 6 oddball costumes you have in there are, and i say this with the greatest of intentions...a joke. just about all of them were there when I first started playing in open beta. you've added more in-game....but your really shooting yourself in your own foot when it comes to this. putting interesting and cool looking costumes directly for sale in the cash shop will net you extra income. as will boosts for in game. like exp boosts...temporary crafting boosts (like decreasing crafting time for all recipes started in the next 5m)...stuff like that.
Most of it's really about the fact that you have to buy these dumb "packages" with random chances at things. you never know if you'll get what you need/want. I never buy those packages for that reason alone...but i would buy the direct items. chests are a lose...you need more then that to keep a cash shop flowing. Take a look at the cash shops in SWtOR and GW2 for excellent examples of this. full of customization and NON-GAME IMPACTING GEAR. They don't force people to spend their money on upgrading their equipment and on rare items so you wont' ruin your next big refinement. that stuff should be gotten by playing the game, and no other way.
3) delays and clumsy gameplay. shield blocks that drop the second you put them up, delays in executing skills, the rubber banding...Honestly, it seems like it's gotten worse since i played last time. things are supposed to improve, not get worse. the whole invocation delay is just one example...can't tell you how many times i've executed attacks, and they just fail to go off. Some serious rework in client/server relationships needs to be done here or something...in an action based MMO, this kind of ratchety behavior is unacceptable. I play GW2 as well (another action based MMO), and these issues are almost non-existent there. This stuff really makes the game feel like it's 3rd rate.
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
I echo the sentiments of my fellow Foundry authors... the Foundry is in desperate need of being fixed/overhauled.
While my own wishlist for the Foundry is about 300 items long, I would have to say that my #1 wish for building foundries would be the ability to have access to actual bosses.
From a Foundry player's perspective, I would have to say that my #1 wish is better rewards for completing a Foundry.
I understand a lot of people use the foundry to create farms and other exploitable reasons... but I'm sure there is a happy medium in there somewhere.
-Get better servers, it is unplayable at peek times
-remove Ad generation from leadership entirely
-bring ways to generate AD ingame
-BoP is annoying, bring back BoE
-Nerf Monster-hp and dmg, it is no fun. Solo-contant should be able to do solo with any class and any path
-Buff hp-potions. Not set amount make it %. 10k healing from potions with 20 sec cd is a joke, 25% on the other hand looks different
-Make dungeons/skrimish/every pve content rewarding. All partys I see running t1-dungeons are lf ppl with 2,5+ gs. Why? Cause no 1 wants to need over 30 mins for dungeons, that mostlikely won`t give any reward at all
-Change overflow rewards, they take to long and getting out with R5/ R6/ low RP-item and no powerpoint is just unmotivating. Either buff the rewards or bring it back to 700k exp for overflowlevel
-Get 1 dev to forum service for 1 hour each day. He will deal with suggestions, issues and give feedback to game-relevant stuff
but for what do we write it, no 1 is listening anyways
- remove anything sell-/tradeable from all professions
- make anything you buy from the auction house account bound
- any drop from dungeons should also be account bound
Just hopping in to say I am totally still looking at this thread! It's my own little goal to start following up with you guys more often on threads and bug reports.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
thanks a lot for the confirmation strumslinger, I really hope that players and devs can work something so we can make things better for everyone.
I think you have a relatively clear on what is the problem according to most players, many issues havbe been brought up multiple times.
I wish you the best of lucks and hopefully things will get better. Most of us agree that this game has a lot of potential, and we all wish it can live up to it.
every 10 leves you get 2 power points instead of 1
Cool idea. I like it. It would allow people to have at least some powers at rank 4 without having to rely upon overflow xp power points.
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
edited July 2015
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd like the professions to be a lot more interactive. The idea I came up with is instead of Leadership granting AD directly, what if it granted you contracts, that you could fulfill by performing various profession tasks, rewarding the AD that way? You'd probably want to give more AD overall in such a system, but since it'd require more overall coordination of effort, it'd be a bit more difficult for bots to manage, I imagine.
Like, Leadership granting unique quests or something. Gives each character an incentivize to focus in more than just one profession outside leadership, because then that widens the field of what potential "contracts" they can fulfill.
Stuff like that would be nice.
Oh, and, less RP grind etc etc we all know the drill on that one.
Adding here for the rest (although I know Andy was on the live twitch feed of it) - eCC, that boss fight. It needs to be toned down, or the item level required raised (by at least 1200).
2. Bugs.
I have a persistent problem ever since Mod 6 started, that certain sprites (say, the indicators above NPC heads, auras around drops, certain attacks, and more annoyingly, certain red circles/attack markers from enemies) plain out don't display under most conditions (Sometimes they do, when say, the NPC is behind my character, with the camera angled such.
I have reported this numerous times in the bug subforum , and even got other people saying they have the same problem - I suspect it might be linked to the NVIDIA Optimus series graphics cards which I unfortunately possess one of.
This is incredibly frustrating during endgame content, as I cannot always see boss attacks and thus can't dodge them - the one that comes to mind is Garakas, where about half of his attacks result in me dying without even seeing what hit me.
I am otherwise mostly enjoying the game, but without reservation I would call it the single biggest problem facing me right now, as it is hurting my performance in many ways.
Also, the chat window seems bugged, when attempting to switch between tabs, it sometimes doesn't cycle them, and time to time the label I click doesn't correspond to the window I get into. On top of that, what seems like a recent problem is that when in a party, I have to manually re-select the party channel, as it seemingly stays stuck with the party ID of the party I was in beforehand, instead of to the one I'm in at the moment, resulting in eaten messages.
Thank you for your cooperation and hopefully these will get fixed, or at least acknowledged. I rather wish this game would have an actual bug reporting system in where you could see that your thread has been flagged as confirmed or similar, and some staff actually acknowledging bug reports, even if resolving them isn't by far immediate - the present situation feels a little like throwing peas at a wall.
wow, Awesome, thank you Strumslinger, that is one of best news i have heard or read in weeks!
please let me add a few.
if you have hard time reading this post, i am deaf and use ASL (english/american sign language).
i saw one of posts, about "boons" get account-wide seem a good idea, save lot of time repeating them for alts, so i upgrade that idea, must be at least boons get unlocked around 60 level, if characters are too powerful, then reset to next tier on 70 level as soon when your next alt hit specific levels.
mobs do really hit hard, when i see red rings of incoming damages, i tried but i end up running into next red rings, and often chain-red rings as i keep running as if they are "READING my MInd!" as i twitch dodge running, making impossible to fool them as i zig-zags.
so what do i do now? raise my shield and hope i am still standing?
my idea for the shields, they should have lot of reflective damages or absorbing some percentage of damages, or faster recharges as i get hit by.
next issue that really annoying me the most, most "salvage bags" i get was way too low for 70 level characters, why those outgrowned items included? some runes/enchants at rank 7/8 takes about 300k/600k xp to level up tier, then why i often seeing rank 1, these only gives 10 points if match same glyphs, but 5 if not matched.
i saw one of post wanting to see GF get nerfed, i say no!, it all they have, they have very limited special attacks with "Range attacks", melee class get outmatched at summer festivals, they are meant for tanking bosses for groups and GWF was suppose to handle the adds with AoE, and GF only got 1 AoE which is Lunge, but no good for groups when mobs get shattered instead of creating cluster agrroes to get them same potistion, and that job should go to GWF to hoard up mob clusters for mages and aoe classes.
both GF and GWF need better damage resistances, better speed reflexions. they cant run fast to keep up with group, they are tanks and should be at front of teams, not for group waiting for them to catch up.
also, let me add new idea, tier 2 adventurer kits (dungeons, religion, arcane, thief, and nature kits) only for elite tier 1 and tier 2 dungeons which match or scale to proper level zones. make those kits as special items that not found in loot drops, maybe revised "random" invokings to get them?
other issue that take too long for companions, need few more ways to get upgrade tokens, it is was too few for random chances from lockboxes when we get 3-4 dozens companions to train them. i have selected few of my "favs", but not enough purple grades for those Gateway Adventures trying that Epic dungeons. i often get some xp books but most of my compandions are already capped at current levels, would like to see them to "Earn tokens" in some other ways.
this is just my suggestion for Vault of Nine. i would like to see each charatcer that went to vault to get artifact, and want to see a "blue grade" as a reward, and the rest of the alts get green versions at special merchant (gift guy).
By the way, i was in that test, and i love it, Stongholds concept are little better than STO's Starbase version of guild halls. they are better than i was expecting, even there is some bugs or absent before mobs got added in during new testings.
last words, please accept my apologies for my anger rantings for last few weeks, this is giving me new hope instead of dreading what next nerf in new patches and new mods.
Just hopping in to say I am totally still looking at this thread! It's my own little goal to start following up with you guys more often on threads and bug reports.
We very much appreciate the effort to communicate.
In my opinion, some of these things should be addressed, at least with in depth communication if not an outright fix, as to how they will be addressed, and how the over all scheme will change (that includes both progression and monetization).
In comparison to other titles, the monetization scheme for Neverwinter appears very exploitive, and the current state of progressions appears to be a time gaited replacement for actual content.
I think, given there has been a change in the team, and hopefully overall direction, it would be very helpful to discuss with more detail what problems will be addressed, and in what way.
- remove anything sell-/tradeable from all professions
- make anything you buy from the auction house account bound
- any drop from dungeons should also be account bound
What a 'great' suggestion. Effectively, making the bots the only one who can get rich off selling anything, and making dungeons even more pointless than they're now.
- remove anything sell-/tradeable from all professions
- make anything you buy from the auction house account bound
- any drop from dungeons should also be account bound
What a 'great' suggestion. Effectively, making the bots the only one who can get rich off selling anything, and making dungeons even more pointless than they're now.
Bots can't sell anything, as soon as anything becomes bound to account. And i was just falling in line with the suggestion to remove AD from Leadership here.
Besides, goldsellers will allways find a way to sell something as long as there is something worthy to be traded between players, only way to battle them are real GMs ingame
+ that remove bots on a daily base,
+ and permantly bann any player buying from goldsellers.
- remove anything sell-/tradeable from all professions
- make anything you buy from the auction house account bound
- any drop from dungeons should also be account bound
What a 'great' suggestion. Effectively, making the bots the only one who can get rich off selling anything, and making dungeons even more pointless than they're now.
Bots can't sell anything, as soon as anything becomes bound to account. And i was just falling in line with the suggestion to remove AD from Leadership here.
Besides, goldsellers will allways find a way to sell something as long as there is something worthy to be traded between players, only way to battle them are real GMs ingame
+ that remove bots on a daily base,
+ and permantly bann any player buying from goldsellers.
Well... sure. If anything becomes bound to account, nobody can sell anything, not even the bots. However, this is a suggestion of the sort that if you cut off someone's leg, he can't get their knees scraped.
And once you actually include GMs, why in the pits do you need to do this?
Also... the suggestion to remove AD from leadership is incredibly stupid... so no wonder falling in line with it produces the same.
Give us more RP from skill node, HE, etc. just make them account bound so farmers can't sell them.
More RP from HEs, dungeons and the like. Don't bind them. See, bots can't do HE and dungeons, they can only run about opening skill nodes.
This is in fact why everyone is angry at the dragon hoard enchantment nerf - that one was a way for legit players to get RP, rather than bots.
No to more BOP/BOA things. We need more BOE things to trade with other players. The lack of BOE things for AD income is why everyone is raging and quitting. Why not just limit posts of stacks and multiples on the AH. Make a post limit per week and day. If someone posts like tons of enchantments, investigate them. Most people use stacks, not sell them. Make enchants not stack to 99, maybe 20 like shards.
More BOE is good ,but the rest is silly.
Really if you want to solve botting, introduce checks that ensure people log in with one account only - allow to transfer a reasonable amount of characters to their main (say, 10) so as for people not to lose non-mains and RP characters.
Among other things this would also decrease server loads
- remove anything sell-/tradeable from all professions
- make anything you buy from the auction house account bound
- any drop from dungeons should also be account bound
What a 'great' suggestion. Effectively, making the bots the only one who can get rich off selling anything, and making dungeons even more pointless than they're now.
Bots can't sell anything, as soon as anything becomes bound to account. And i was just falling in line with the suggestion to remove AD from Leadership here.
Besides, goldsellers will allways find a way to sell something as long as there is something worthy to be traded between players, only way to battle them are real GMs ingame
+ that remove bots on a daily base,
+ and permantly bann any player buying from goldsellers.
Well... sure. If anything becomes bound to account, nobody can sell anything, not even the bots. However, this is a suggestion of the sort that if you cut off someone's leg, he can't get their knees scraped.
And once you actually include GMs, why in the pits do you need to do this?
Also... the suggestion to remove AD from leadership is incredibly stupid... so no wonder falling in line with it produces the same.
Well, i was hoping that the people suggesting to remove AD from Leadership would come to this conclusion on their own too, but looks like that's not going to happen.
At some point i do still hope, that they will provide us with at least some GM cover ingame, and that those GMs might even keep an eye on the zone chat too.
Other then that, i'm back to the "roots":
+ Adjustment of overall difficulty
+ Adjustment of XP gain for levels and overflow
+ A lot more bug fixing on a regular basis
And if they don't want to make more items BOE, it would be at least a small step to get more items BOA.
No to more BOP/BOA things. We need more BOE things to trade with other players. The lack of BOE things for AD income is why everyone is raging and quitting. Why not just limit posts of stacks and multiples on the AH. Make a post limit per week and day. If someone posts like tons of enchantments, investigate them. Most people use stacks, not sell them. Make enchants not stack to 99, maybe 20 like shards.
More BOE is good ,but the rest is silly.
Really if you want to solve botting, introduce checks that ensure people log in with one account only - allow to transfer a reasonable amount of characters to their main (say, 10) so as for people not to lose non-mains and RP characters.
Among other things this would also decrease server loads
Actually I disagree with this. your asking them to make more options for botters to sell (and reason for them to farm), and then asking them to put a gate in place that would not stop botters. How do you tell if a person is just "a person" in your example? IP? what if people log in from multiple locations (work/home, or home/girlfriends house, etc). and if I am a bot, I am probably hiding behind a proxy anyways, and will have multiple IP's on a regular basis.
Heck, right now I have to enter a code every time I log in from a new browser (which probably means that they are tracking ports as well as IP's, or something specific to your browser). I update a browser, or want to try out a new one, I have to do the whole code thing again. adding more complexity to this wont help, it will only further sour the moods of players who are trying to find reasons to play the game in the first place. You don't attract more players by making the game more difficult or clumsy to play. you make it easier to play, more rewarding in a more realistic time frame, and then you give them incentives to buy...not mandatory for progression reasons to buy.
And MMO's like SWtOR and Marvel Heroes prove your point wrong on BoP....more BoE in itself isn't the answer. what you need to do is take EVERYTHING that is necessary to progression and take it out of the AD/cash shop flow.
Yup. you heard me. Every high level MMO that I've played that has successfully maintained a cash shop has done so by taking progression critical elements (in this case stuff like high level gear, GMOP's, enchant and artifact gear and the materials), and made them bound to character in most cases, with some to bound to account.
Go look at SWtOR and Marvel Heroes...both of them have extremely busy cash shops and are still running successfully with a large load of players. and both of them have NOTHING in the cash shop but cosmetic gear and leveling/playing boosts (exp, loot % boosts, etc). the only thing that you could say is really game impacting in both those is the bag space, and perhaps some of the boosts. SWtOR has their chests as well ( different mechanic, but same thing as our keys/chests in this game). SWtOR also has their weekly unlocks there...this is their alternative to the f2p stuff, but they also provide a sub model that eliminates much of the gating. I would LOVE to see a sub model here if it eliminated all the necessity of this stupid AD micromanagement. I would pay for that. I'm sure many other players wouldn't mind paying for that as well.
Moral of this story: there is very little botting in the above games specifically because there is VERY LITTLE REASON, as much of their cash shop stuff is directly sellable on the market...but again, if you want real game advancing equipment...you don't' get it from the cash shop. you have to PLAY THE GAME.
Cryptic shot itself in the foot by making so many game advancement items locked behind AD. then they made the entire market AD based, and almost nullified Gold. then they made a half dozen ways to get AD in game that are punitive/punishing to certain playstyles (a.k.a many of the extremely time prohibitive), and then gave us Leadership. end result: botters (24 hour players) make the most AD, and sell the cheapest. Then on top of that, they decided to lock everything behind TIME. not "you have to play" time, but literally "I have the necessary elements to unlock a reward, I click the reward...and I wait 20 hours for the reward to get to me". this is horrid and dumb. and its mostly because they made everything else immediately available if you have AD.
The key here in NW is you CAN play the game if you want...but since stuff is sellable, you DON'T HAVE TO. This is what Bots are capitalizing on. The direction this is heading is very predictable. bit by bit Cryptic will limit real players access to the game because every time they cut out a botting option, botter's will find another....and another, and each one is based on how easy it is for them to get AD out of it. the only way to really kill bots is to kill their reasons for botting... in other words, obtaining cash shop currency. But as long as they keep the same system in place, it will also kill player retention. They're won't be any reason for players to play the game.
AD needs to be taken out of the market. All game critical gear (stuff you find in the dungeons as an example, INCLUDING GMOPs), need to be Bind to character. This will not only reduce bots, but reduce ninja looting as well. the market should be based on gold currency, and gold rewards should be increased in game. AD should be limited to cash shop transactions (which could stay similar to what they are now, though they could certainly add more to the shop. costumes anyone? those haven't change much since beta). All the things in game that currently cost AD that are game necessary should be instead rewarded with tokens gotten by running content in game group content or perhaps campaign content for solo players. NONE of this stuff should have AD involved, and this stuff should be BoP as well.
there are many smaller items that cost AD at the moment that shouldn't. scrolls are an example. these should be sold for gold (since the items we get from ID'ing with them sell for gold). Not sure if a craft can craft them yet, But there should be one that can. Cash shop stuff (aside from companions) can all be sold on the AH, since it will then be 95% cosmetic. since gold is the new Market currency, and none of the stuff that is sellable is a gate to progression, players will feel much less need to buy from Botters.
Crafts should have end game significance from smaller perspectives. As an example, instead of providing AD in leadership, it should be the only craft that you have a chance of getting the refinement materials from (all BoP or BoA of course). Crafts like tailoring and platesmithing can make the undies like they do now. things like this give people reason to craft.
yes, this would "impact" the market. but there is ton's of flexibility in this design. as an example, you can make the end game purple undies BoP, but the rest of them BoE. so you can buy decent under armor items off the market, but not the high end ones...you'll have to craft for that.
Now, all of this also assumes that they will do the other necessary thing. This part is critical Cryptic! REDUCE PRICES. on everything. and reduce time for completion on many things. Half the reason that they have to hard-lock things behind time frames (like waiting to get rewards from crafting and campaigns) is that everything is so open and cross tradeable, that without time locks, players would have everything almost immediately...because there is very little gameplay needed for those things. if they make it all BoP, they can reduce timeframes for crafting, as an example, since they don't have to use time to control AD saturation in the game anymore. players wont have to wait months and months (literally), to make anything in crafting, since they can average times now on what is reasonable for a crafter to obtain said items personally, rather then leveraging it based on how much AD those items would put into the market.
REDUCING PRICES is the other critical thing. soo many things in this game are so far overpriced compared to other similar competitive MMO's it's not even funny. and most of it IMO is because the market "can" be so oversaturated with AD because of all the above issues. If those are eliminated, and all game critical elements (like GMOPS) are gated by content and player involvement (and locked to the player) instead of simply RNG and AD accruement, they wont need to make thing hideously expensive.
the above also highlights something else they need to do. Even if the made all these changes, they would still need to average prices better. 3k zen for a companion!?! for a single character? That's simply silly. not as huge a deal if your abusing the system and making tons of AD off of botting or Leadership or stuff like that, but if you see it solely from a real currency cost perspective, it's simply too much. many of those could be cut down to 1500 or so...especially since players will have to use zen to buy them. I'd buy lots more of those for my characters (I have horrible alt'itis) if they wer 1500, but at 3k the value for me simply isn't there. This also includes customization. 40k AD to change the look of a single piece of armor? are you crazy? I could see 40k for a complete set...man, they aren't getting it. Google gets it. I don't want to go into a discussion on how the bandwidth market is changing, but lets say this: you need to stop overcharging people for things Cryptic. instead, make them cheaper, and give people more reasons to buy them!.
So to wrap up a way too long thread, putting "more" BoE items on a market that has a broken system won't help. you'll only make the brokenness more extreme. They either need to limit the market more and kill AD as an in game necessity, or they need to kill the need to worry about it in the first place. I don't' want to make this thread any longer, but that second option is what GW2 did. they basically made 95% of the gear in the game purchasable on the market, and made their currency exchangeable for gold (i.e. kept it in the market), but they made most the end game not critical, from a gear perspective. it's critical from a player skill perspective. It's pretty accessible, and you can craft and buy gear for it both pretty fast. Their cash shop as well is limited to cosmetics and boosts...but again, they still have a very successful cash shop. AND a solid player base. I will be buying their expansion and playing the game (as I already am), but I doubt I will level many of my toons in this game past 60, unless they change something in a big way.
Cryptic needs to reanalyze their approach. they have tons of available market share waiting to spend in the cash shop, but they don't want to play the game. It's as simple as this: give players a game they want to play, and a cash shop with stuff the want (NOT NEED) to buy, and they will play the game, and buy from the cash shop. GW2, Marvel Heroes, SWtOR, these have all proven this.
Just hopping in to say I am totally still looking at this thread! It's my own little goal to start following up with you guys more often on threads and bug reports.
separate thread for separate points thanks a ton Strum! In spite of how things come across, most of us post here because were really passionate about the game. There are so many cool things in this game that we want to play...but sooo many roadblocks to enjoying that play!
As an example...the strongholds are looking pretty sweet! but I hope you aren't planning on locking the improved Exp benefits behind strongholds (I've heard that rumor). You see...the people that are penalized the most by the exp curve are those who may not engage in guild activities all the time. they are often the people that have busy lives, and may only play a few hours a day or even a few hours a week. many people simply prefer to not be part of a guild. Now, that doesn't mean we shouldn't reward guild gamplay...many games do. But the last thing you want to do when a game mechanic is considered overzealous and broken by the community at large (in this case, the exp curve and RNG of overlevels), and lock the "solution" behind a specific form of gameplay.
You should simply make the exp easier. If you already are, then kudos to you...you are not only listening to player feedback, but implementing it. Here's a few solid suggestions for encouraging many forms of play instead of isolating one form:
1) making various levels of solo/small group stuff. as an example, Ghosts is awesome. although for players between 60-70 it should be classified as a "heroic" instance...it's very hard to solo unless you are at 70 with decent gear. but a group of 2-3 players in leveling gear can do it, and it's a balanced run at that point. more of those please.
2) make harder content more rewarding. More "heroic" instances for 4-5 player groups. if you follow my last thread on setting up rewards, this is where they players would start to get their end game stuff. If it's BoP, you don't have to worry about botting, since there isn't a reason to bot things.
3) more group based open events. like the ones that spawn in the elemental area. This stuff works...In both GW2 and FFXIV the group events are one of the things that really make day to day play enjoyable. you're out doing a few dailies, and one pops up. you put it in chat, and suddenly you have 1 half dozen (or more) players helping out. Again, the rewards here need to be equivalent to the challenge and level. id rather get one or two tier 5 or tier 6 enchants then a dozen tier 3...just make them BoP!
4) Exp curve and difficulty of mobs needs to be revisited. take that difficulty, and put It in the heroic runs. make world boss events in open areas that take 20-30 people to beat, with a big personal chest at the end! both of these are great places to put the "new" BoP refining materials, and it's a great way to control the market.
5) Make Stronghold stuff enhance current gameplay...don't make it a replacement. I joined a guild in SWtOR because I got a bunch of cool people to chat with. the 10% exp buff was icing...mostly because it was not needed.. You start making the guild buffs a necessity, and the guild management will go the direction of the market. Instead, make many of the rewards from the guild events/quests/whatever GUILD SPECIFIC. like guild banners, guild materials, etc. Strongholds should ENHANCE current gameplay, not overwrite it.
Re new "guild" food: Just take off the 1 potion at a time restriction!! That was all you needed, all this is is to make people NEED to buy HUGE Bags from the zen store! Sheesh!! Maybe people are right - this game is getting too greedy!!
2 make it fun again for casual players and even soplo players.
3. stop punishing the regular players for the people taking advantage of exploits, bots, bugs and the like. Punish them!
2. XP gain, required XP to level up and to fill the overflow should be brought back to a reasonable level
3. overall bug fixing, start with classes, then equipment and after that anything else, on a weekly base
+ professions/crafting rework
stop nerfing any- and everything into the ground, rather give it a rework and upgrade all professions to a usefull level. and leveling up any profession should not take months to do!
+ GM presence ingame
it's not just about bots and bug/exploit users, but also about the chat itself. this game really needs active GMs ingame!
1) monetary system needs overhaul drastically. I've said it many times, and seen it successful many times in other games. They key is to make a game that players WANT to play, and make a cash shop with stuff that make players WANT to buy. Go play Marvel Heroes for an example of a well designed cash system and game system that work with each other. AD needs to be take off the AH. top end gear needs to be Bind on Acquire. The only items that should be bind on account are the ones that generically will work with all your other classes (runestones, enchants, etc) the AD sinks need to be reduced, and the ways of making AD need to be reduced as well. This may not be popular, but I think taking AD off of leadership is important. the AD useage in the game needs to be simplified. There are simply too many things that players need in the game that cost AD. AD should be localized to cash shop items only, and perhaps a few in game items. that's it.
2) The cash shop really needs more interesting items in it to attract attention. the way to build a successful cash shop is to NOT load it with items that are important for gameplay. This also includes all the in game vendors that sell necessary items for AD. the way to do it is to actually design things that people WANT to buy, simply because they are cool.
you already have some good ideas. companions (though overpriced....you can tack that on if you wish), are an example. so are the tokens for re-doing your characters appearance. the 6 oddball costumes you have in there are, and i say this with the greatest of intentions...a joke. just about all of them were there when I first started playing in open beta. you've added more in-game....but your really shooting yourself in your own foot when it comes to this. putting interesting and cool looking costumes directly for sale in the cash shop will net you extra income. as will boosts for in game. like exp boosts...temporary crafting boosts (like decreasing crafting time for all recipes started in the next 5m)...stuff like that.
Most of it's really about the fact that you have to buy these dumb "packages" with random chances at things. you never know if you'll get what you need/want. I never buy those packages for that reason alone...but i would buy the direct items. chests are a lose...you need more then that to keep a cash shop flowing. Take a look at the cash shops in SWtOR and GW2 for excellent examples of this. full of customization and NON-GAME IMPACTING GEAR. They don't force people to spend their money on upgrading their equipment and on rare items so you wont' ruin your next big refinement. that stuff should be gotten by playing the game, and no other way.
3) delays and clumsy gameplay. shield blocks that drop the second you put them up, delays in executing skills, the rubber banding...Honestly, it seems like it's gotten worse since i played last time. things are supposed to improve, not get worse. the whole invocation delay is just one example...can't tell you how many times i've executed attacks, and they just fail to go off. Some serious rework in client/server relationships needs to be done here or something...in an action based MMO, this kind of ratchety behavior is unacceptable. I play GW2 as well (another action based MMO), and these issues are almost non-existent there. This stuff really makes the game feel like it's 3rd rate.
While my own wishlist for the Foundry is about 300 items long, I would have to say that my #1 wish for building foundries would be the ability to have access to actual bosses.
From a Foundry player's perspective, I would have to say that my #1 wish is better rewards for completing a Foundry.
I understand a lot of people use the foundry to create farms and other exploitable reasons... but I'm sure there is a happy medium in there somewhere.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
-remove Ad generation from leadership entirely
-bring ways to generate AD ingame
-BoP is annoying, bring back BoE
-Nerf Monster-hp and dmg, it is no fun. Solo-contant should be able to do solo with any class and any path
-Buff hp-potions. Not set amount make it %. 10k healing from potions with 20 sec cd is a joke, 25% on the other hand looks different
-Make dungeons/skrimish/every pve content rewarding. All partys I see running t1-dungeons are lf ppl with 2,5+ gs. Why? Cause no 1 wants to need over 30 mins for dungeons, that mostlikely won`t give any reward at all
-Change overflow rewards, they take to long and getting out with R5/ R6/ low RP-item and no powerpoint is just unmotivating. Either buff the rewards or bring it back to 700k exp for overflowlevel
-Get 1 dev to forum service for 1 hour each day. He will deal with suggestions, issues and give feedback to game-relevant stuff
but for what do we write it, no 1 is listening anyways
- make anything you buy from the auction house account bound
- any drop from dungeons should also be account bound
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I think you have a relatively clear on what is the problem according to most players, many issues havbe been brought up multiple times.
I wish you the best of lucks and hopefully things will get better. Most of us agree that this game has a lot of potential, and we all wish it can live up to it.
Cool idea. I like it. It would allow people to have at least some powers at rank 4 without having to rely upon overflow xp power points.
Like, Leadership granting unique quests or something. Gives each character an incentivize to focus in more than just one profession outside leadership, because then that widens the field of what potential "contracts" they can fulfill.
Stuff like that would be nice.
Oh, and, less RP grind etc etc we all know the drill on that one.
I have a persistent problem ever since Mod 6 started, that certain sprites (say, the indicators above NPC heads, auras around drops, certain attacks, and more annoyingly, certain red circles/attack markers from enemies) plain out don't display under most conditions (Sometimes they do, when say, the NPC is behind my character, with the camera angled such.
I have reported this numerous times in the bug subforum , and even got other people saying they have the same problem - I suspect it might be linked to the NVIDIA Optimus series graphics cards which I unfortunately possess one of.
This is incredibly frustrating during endgame content, as I cannot always see boss attacks and thus can't dodge them - the one that comes to mind is Garakas, where about half of his attacks result in me dying without even seeing what hit me.
I am otherwise mostly enjoying the game, but without reservation I would call it the single biggest problem facing me right now, as it is hurting my performance in many ways.
Also, the chat window seems bugged, when attempting to switch between tabs, it sometimes doesn't cycle them, and time to time the label I click doesn't correspond to the window I get into. On top of that, what seems like a recent problem is that when in a party, I have to manually re-select the party channel, as it seemingly stays stuck with the party ID of the party I was in beforehand, instead of to the one I'm in at the moment, resulting in eaten messages.
Thank you for your cooperation and hopefully these will get fixed, or at least acknowledged. I rather wish this game would have an actual bug reporting system in where you could see that your thread has been flagged as confirmed or similar, and some staff actually acknowledging bug reports, even if resolving them isn't by far immediate - the present situation feels a little like throwing peas at a wall.
please let me add a few.
if you have hard time reading this post, i am deaf and use ASL (english/american sign language).
i saw one of posts, about "boons" get account-wide seem a good idea, save lot of time repeating them for alts, so i upgrade that idea, must be at least boons get unlocked around 60 level, if characters are too powerful, then reset to next tier on 70 level as soon when your next alt hit specific levels.
mobs do really hit hard, when i see red rings of incoming damages, i tried but i end up running into next red rings, and often chain-red rings as i keep running as if they are "READING my MInd!" as i twitch dodge running, making impossible to fool them as i zig-zags.
so what do i do now? raise my shield and hope i am still standing?
my idea for the shields, they should have lot of reflective damages or absorbing some percentage of damages, or faster recharges as i get hit by.
next issue that really annoying me the most, most "salvage bags" i get was way too low for 70 level characters, why those outgrowned items included? some runes/enchants at rank 7/8 takes about 300k/600k xp to level up tier, then why i often seeing rank 1, these only gives 10 points if match same glyphs, but 5 if not matched.
i saw one of post wanting to see GF get nerfed, i say no!, it all they have, they have very limited special attacks with "Range attacks", melee class get outmatched at summer festivals, they are meant for tanking bosses for groups and GWF was suppose to handle the adds with AoE, and GF only got 1 AoE which is Lunge, but no good for groups when mobs get shattered instead of creating cluster agrroes to get them same potistion, and that job should go to GWF to hoard up mob clusters for mages and aoe classes.
both GF and GWF need better damage resistances, better speed reflexions. they cant run fast to keep up with group, they are tanks and should be at front of teams, not for group waiting for them to catch up.
also, let me add new idea, tier 2 adventurer kits (dungeons, religion, arcane, thief, and nature kits) only for elite tier 1 and tier 2 dungeons which match or scale to proper level zones. make those kits as special items that not found in loot drops, maybe revised "random" invokings to get them?
other issue that take too long for companions, need few more ways to get upgrade tokens, it is was too few for random chances from lockboxes when we get 3-4 dozens companions to train them. i have selected few of my "favs", but not enough purple grades for those Gateway Adventures trying that Epic dungeons. i often get some xp books but most of my compandions are already capped at current levels, would like to see them to "Earn tokens" in some other ways.
this is just my suggestion for Vault of Nine. i would like to see each charatcer that went to vault to get artifact, and want to see a "blue grade" as a reward, and the rest of the alts get green versions at special merchant (gift guy).
By the way, i was in that test, and i love it, Stongholds concept are little better than STO's Starbase version of guild halls. they are better than i was expecting, even there is some bugs or absent before mobs got added in during new testings.
last words, please accept my apologies for my anger rantings for last few weeks, this is giving me new hope instead of dreading what next nerf in new patches and new mods.
We very much appreciate the effort to communicate.
In my opinion, some of these things should be addressed, at least with in depth communication if not an outright fix, as to how they will be addressed, and how the over all scheme will change (that includes both progression and monetization).
In comparison to other titles, the monetization scheme for Neverwinter appears very exploitive, and the current state of progressions appears to be a time gaited replacement for actual content.
I think, given there has been a change in the team, and hopefully overall direction, it would be very helpful to discuss with more detail what problems will be addressed, and in what way.
What a 'great' suggestion. Effectively, making the bots the only one who can get rich off selling anything, and making dungeons even more pointless than they're now.
Bots can't sell anything, as soon as anything becomes bound to account. And i was just falling in line with the suggestion to remove AD from Leadership here.
Besides, goldsellers will allways find a way to sell something as long as there is something worthy to be traded between players, only way to battle them are real GMs ingame
+ that remove bots on a daily base,
+ and permantly bann any player buying from goldsellers.
Well... sure. If anything becomes bound to account, nobody can sell anything, not even the bots. However, this is a suggestion of the sort that if you cut off someone's leg, he can't get their knees scraped.
And once you actually include GMs, why in the pits do you need to do this?
Also... the suggestion to remove AD from leadership is incredibly stupid... so no wonder falling in line with it produces the same.
More RP from HEs, dungeons and the like. Don't bind them. See, bots can't do HE and dungeons, they can only run about opening skill nodes.
This is in fact why everyone is angry at the dragon hoard enchantment nerf - that one was a way for legit players to get RP, rather than bots.
More BOE is good ,but the rest is silly.
Really if you want to solve botting, introduce checks that ensure people log in with one account only - allow to transfer a reasonable amount of characters to their main (say, 10) so as for people not to lose non-mains and RP characters.
Among other things this would also decrease server loads
At some point i do still hope, that they will provide us with at least some GM cover ingame, and that those GMs might even keep an eye on the zone chat too.
Other then that, i'm back to the "roots":
+ Adjustment of overall difficulty
+ Adjustment of XP gain for levels and overflow
+ A lot more bug fixing on a regular basis
And if they don't want to make more items BOE, it would be at least a small step to get more items BOA.
Actually I disagree with this. your asking them to make more options for botters to sell (and reason for them to farm), and then asking them to put a gate in place that would not stop botters. How do you tell if a person is just "a person" in your example? IP? what if people log in from multiple locations (work/home, or home/girlfriends house, etc). and if I am a bot, I am probably hiding behind a proxy anyways, and will have multiple IP's on a regular basis.
Heck, right now I have to enter a code every time I log in from a new browser (which probably means that they are tracking ports as well as IP's, or something specific to your browser). I update a browser, or want to try out a new one, I have to do the whole code thing again. adding more complexity to this wont help, it will only further sour the moods of players who are trying to find reasons to play the game in the first place. You don't attract more players by making the game more difficult or clumsy to play. you make it easier to play, more rewarding in a more realistic time frame, and then you give them incentives to buy...not mandatory for progression reasons to buy.
And MMO's like SWtOR and Marvel Heroes prove your point wrong on BoP....more BoE in itself isn't the answer. what you need to do is take EVERYTHING that is necessary to progression and take it out of the AD/cash shop flow.
Yup. you heard me. Every high level MMO that I've played that has successfully maintained a cash shop has done so by taking progression critical elements (in this case stuff like high level gear, GMOP's, enchant and artifact gear and the materials), and made them bound to character in most cases, with some to bound to account.
Go look at SWtOR and Marvel Heroes...both of them have extremely busy cash shops and are still running successfully with a large load of players. and both of them have NOTHING in the cash shop but cosmetic gear and leveling/playing boosts (exp, loot % boosts, etc). the only thing that you could say is really game impacting in both those is the bag space, and perhaps some of the boosts. SWtOR has their chests as well ( different mechanic, but same thing as our keys/chests in this game). SWtOR also has their weekly unlocks there...this is their alternative to the f2p stuff, but they also provide a sub model that eliminates much of the gating. I would LOVE to see a sub model here if it eliminated all the necessity of this stupid AD micromanagement. I would pay for that. I'm sure many other players wouldn't mind paying for that as well.
Moral of this story: there is very little botting in the above games specifically because there is VERY LITTLE REASON, as much of their cash shop stuff is directly sellable on the market...but again, if you want real game advancing equipment...you don't' get it from the cash shop. you have to PLAY THE GAME.
Cryptic shot itself in the foot by making so many game advancement items locked behind AD. then they made the entire market AD based, and almost nullified Gold. then they made a half dozen ways to get AD in game that are punitive/punishing to certain playstyles (a.k.a many of the extremely time prohibitive), and then gave us Leadership. end result: botters (24 hour players) make the most AD, and sell the cheapest. Then on top of that, they decided to lock everything behind TIME. not "you have to play" time, but literally "I have the necessary elements to unlock a reward, I click the reward...and I wait 20 hours for the reward to get to me". this is horrid and dumb. and its mostly because they made everything else immediately available if you have AD.
The key here in NW is you CAN play the game if you want...but since stuff is sellable, you DON'T HAVE TO. This is what Bots are capitalizing on. The direction this is heading is very predictable. bit by bit Cryptic will limit real players access to the game because every time they cut out a botting option, botter's will find another....and another, and each one is based on how easy it is for them to get AD out of it. the only way to really kill bots is to kill their reasons for botting... in other words, obtaining cash shop currency. But as long as they keep the same system in place, it will also kill player retention. They're won't be any reason for players to play the game.
AD needs to be taken out of the market. All game critical gear (stuff you find in the dungeons as an example, INCLUDING GMOPs), need to be Bind to character. This will not only reduce bots, but reduce ninja looting as well. the market should be based on gold currency, and gold rewards should be increased in game. AD should be limited to cash shop transactions (which could stay similar to what they are now, though they could certainly add more to the shop. costumes anyone? those haven't change much since beta). All the things in game that currently cost AD that are game necessary should be instead rewarded with tokens gotten by running content in game group content or perhaps campaign content for solo players. NONE of this stuff should have AD involved, and this stuff should be BoP as well.
there are many smaller items that cost AD at the moment that shouldn't. scrolls are an example. these should be sold for gold (since the items we get from ID'ing with them sell for gold). Not sure if a craft can craft them yet, But there should be one that can. Cash shop stuff (aside from companions) can all be sold on the AH, since it will then be 95% cosmetic. since gold is the new Market currency, and none of the stuff that is sellable is a gate to progression, players will feel much less need to buy from Botters.
Crafts should have end game significance from smaller perspectives. As an example, instead of providing AD in leadership, it should be the only craft that you have a chance of getting the refinement materials from (all BoP or BoA of course). Crafts like tailoring and platesmithing can make the undies like they do now. things like this give people reason to craft.
yes, this would "impact" the market. but there is ton's of flexibility in this design. as an example, you can make the end game purple undies BoP, but the rest of them BoE. so you can buy decent under armor items off the market, but not the high end ones...you'll have to craft for that.
Now, all of this also assumes that they will do the other necessary thing. This part is critical Cryptic! REDUCE PRICES. on everything. and reduce time for completion on many things. Half the reason that they have to hard-lock things behind time frames (like waiting to get rewards from crafting and campaigns) is that everything is so open and cross tradeable, that without time locks, players would have everything almost immediately...because there is very little gameplay needed for those things. if they make it all BoP, they can reduce timeframes for crafting, as an example, since they don't have to use time to control AD saturation in the game anymore. players wont have to wait months and months (literally), to make anything in crafting, since they can average times now on what is reasonable for a crafter to obtain said items personally, rather then leveraging it based on how much AD those items would put into the market.
REDUCING PRICES is the other critical thing. soo many things in this game are so far overpriced compared to other similar competitive MMO's it's not even funny. and most of it IMO is because the market "can" be so oversaturated with AD because of all the above issues. If those are eliminated, and all game critical elements (like GMOPS) are gated by content and player involvement (and locked to the player) instead of simply RNG and AD accruement, they wont need to make thing hideously expensive.
the above also highlights something else they need to do. Even if the made all these changes, they would still need to average prices better. 3k zen for a companion!?! for a single character? That's simply silly. not as huge a deal if your abusing the system and making tons of AD off of botting or Leadership or stuff like that, but if you see it solely from a real currency cost perspective, it's simply too much. many of those could be cut down to 1500 or so...especially since players will have to use zen to buy them. I'd buy lots more of those for my characters (I have horrible alt'itis) if they wer 1500, but at 3k the value for me simply isn't there. This also includes customization. 40k AD to change the look of a single piece of armor? are you crazy? I could see 40k for a complete set...man, they aren't getting it. Google gets it. I don't want to go into a discussion on how the bandwidth market is changing, but lets say this: you need to stop overcharging people for things Cryptic. instead, make them cheaper, and give people more reasons to buy them!.
So to wrap up a way too long thread, putting "more" BoE items on a market that has a broken system won't help. you'll only make the brokenness more extreme. They either need to limit the market more and kill AD as an in game necessity, or they need to kill the need to worry about it in the first place. I don't' want to make this thread any longer, but that second option is what GW2 did. they basically made 95% of the gear in the game purchasable on the market, and made their currency exchangeable for gold (i.e. kept it in the market), but they made most the end game not critical, from a gear perspective. it's critical from a player skill perspective. It's pretty accessible, and you can craft and buy gear for it both pretty fast. Their cash shop as well is limited to cosmetics and boosts...but again, they still have a very successful cash shop. AND a solid player base. I will be buying their expansion and playing the game (as I already am), but I doubt I will level many of my toons in this game past 60, unless they change something in a big way.
Cryptic needs to reanalyze their approach. they have tons of available market share waiting to spend in the cash shop, but they don't want to play the game. It's as simple as this: give players a game they want to play, and a cash shop with stuff the want (NOT NEED) to buy, and they will play the game, and buy from the cash shop. GW2, Marvel Heroes, SWtOR, these have all proven this.
separate thread for separate points
As an example...the strongholds are looking pretty sweet! but I hope you aren't planning on locking the improved Exp benefits behind strongholds (I've heard that rumor). You see...the people that are penalized the most by the exp curve are those who may not engage in guild activities all the time. they are often the people that have busy lives, and may only play a few hours a day or even a few hours a week. many people simply prefer to not be part of a guild. Now, that doesn't mean we shouldn't reward guild gamplay...many games do. But the last thing you want to do when a game mechanic is considered overzealous and broken by the community at large (in this case, the exp curve and RNG of overlevels), and lock the "solution" behind a specific form of gameplay.
You should simply make the exp easier. If you already are, then kudos to you...you are not only listening to player feedback, but implementing it. Here's a few solid suggestions for encouraging many forms of play instead of isolating one form:
1) making various levels of solo/small group stuff. as an example, Ghosts is awesome. although for players between 60-70 it should be classified as a "heroic" instance...it's very hard to solo unless you are at 70 with decent gear. but a group of 2-3 players in leveling gear can do it, and it's a balanced run at that point. more of those please.
2) make harder content more rewarding. More "heroic" instances for 4-5 player groups. if you follow my last thread on setting up rewards, this is where they players would start to get their end game stuff. If it's BoP, you don't have to worry about botting, since there isn't a reason to bot things.
3) more group based open events. like the ones that spawn in the elemental area. This stuff works...In both GW2 and FFXIV the group events are one of the things that really make day to day play enjoyable. you're out doing a few dailies, and one pops up. you put it in chat, and suddenly you have 1 half dozen (or more) players helping out. Again, the rewards here need to be equivalent to the challenge and level. id rather get one or two tier 5 or tier 6 enchants then a dozen tier 3...just make them BoP!
4) Exp curve and difficulty of mobs needs to be revisited. take that difficulty, and put It in the heroic runs. make world boss events in open areas that take 20-30 people to beat, with a big personal chest at the end! both of these are great places to put the "new" BoP refining materials, and it's a great way to control the market.
5) Make Stronghold stuff enhance current gameplay...don't make it a replacement. I joined a guild in SWtOR because I got a bunch of cool people to chat with. the 10% exp buff was icing...mostly because it was not needed.. You start making the guild buffs a necessity, and the guild management will go the direction of the market. Instead, make many of the rewards from the guild events/quests/whatever GUILD SPECIFIC. like guild banners, guild materials, etc. Strongholds should ENHANCE current gameplay, not overwrite it.
2 make it fun again for casual players and even soplo players.
3. stop punishing the regular players for the people taking advantage of exploits, bots, bugs and the like. Punish them!