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Rise Tiamat Needs a Gear Score Requirement and Needs to Boot People for Doing NOTHING



  • valydorvalydor Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    I'm a 16k CW and honestly, it's a struggle with the lower stat guys. I do my part, freezing and controlling the mobs quite well and the clerics are doing there thing keeping us all in action but the DPS guys are the ones who seem to be missing in most of the raids. I don't agree with the GS but I do agree strongly with the Stats, they don't lie. I think if you're a DPS class you should really have minimum 2500 Arm pen and at least 5k Power before entering Tiamat. I have 6.5k power and 2.6k ArmP, with guaranteed Crits for 6 sec every 20 sec and my DpS isn't enough to carry in Tia.
    My suggestion would be introducing a Stat score for each class to obtain access to the raid. It would give the players more insight into how they should benchmark their tune and build on improvements after hitting the required Stats.

    I do like the idea of having normal and Epic raids too.
  • elikenuielikenui Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Look, the simple reason why the gear score requirement should be higher is that tiamat rewards are the highest tier items available at the moment. So if you can't qualify for the encounters that are lower in the campaign, why should you be able to do tiamat? People are just skipping entire levels of content and just running tiamat. It doesn't make sense. You should have to progress in level/ability to get to the next content tier. GS as a metric is far from perfect and yes there are players with high gear score that suck, but low gear score players that suck just doom the encounter if you have too many of them. Besides, if you are a "good" player and understand how to build your character and spec them properly, you aren't worried about being able to raise your gear score anyway, you'll do it naturally as you build your character. What I'm worried about is "terrible" players that get carried through tiamat then suddenly they have 16k gs and then they still don't know how to play.
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    Strategy has absolutely nothing to do with it. Everyone knows exactly what to do. You fail because of low dps. I can inspect several people in a room and see a failure or win. I dont have to look at stats, just gs.

    DCs.... c'mon man. You guys take 1st because they give it to you. I wonder why that is... maybe because they want the users to play as DCs. Show me a room filled with 15k+ SWs, TRs, and CWs and I'll show you an easy win.
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    The DPS on the heads is where you win or lose this event. You're always going to get three shots at the heads regardless of how fast you kill the summoners / protect the clerics. Most wins all finish with 5+ minutes left on the timer, and that can all be used in those other phases if you need it. The heads are only up for a certain amount of time (2 minutes?) and you won't have enough time on the clock to get a 4th shot at them (unless your group is insanely good).

    People that finish in the top 5, 10, or whatever, are scoring high because of the cleric phase. AE's and whatnot. That helps you NONE when you have to drop the heads down to 25% ASAP. I want to scream so often when I see classes using their AE encounters on a head just because they have them up in the toolbar. Use your heavy hitting one target dps encounters, seriously. If you don't have any up, use your at wills if they do decent dps (I'm looking at you Rogues who'd rather drop a smoke bomb or blitz on a head than spam duelists flurry - don't even get me started on the ones that use whirlwind of blades on a head instead of a better daily).

    Coupled with that, use your soulstones. Too many times I've seen runs drop the black head extremely quick, only to watch 15 people die running up to the green head becuase no one dropped a stone and you fail the event. In a perfect world you'd want a random smattering of all of the stones, but if you don't have that luxury just grab whatever one you can, and USE IT! White isn't as important as blue/green most of the time, but I've had fails where we've gotten all of the heads down and get frozen on white and fail. It does happen.

    It's not about strategy. Everyone knows it by now. I didn't play PC and it took me all of one run to see what to do.

    It's about dropping the heads as fast as you can within the time limit given. Gearscore may have something to do with that, or maybe it has more to do with people using the right powers to get as much dps / adps from their characters and the entire team as they can. But the "I finished top 3!" argument really doesn't hold a lot of water because your score doesn't equate to the critical phase in the event.
    Post edited by axemthegreat on
  • bmeanbmean Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    Talking about giving DC's 1st...lol. well at least I earn my spot as a dps cleric...I'm sure you would love to have me in your runs. Maybe because of the average 40% damage resistance reduction on enemies, or maybe its the extra 20% damage I give nearby teammates, possibly the fact I blast adds away while giving out heals, don't forget the damage I dish out that puts me at the top of the leader boards on CN.
    I'm not being arrogant, please don't think that. DC'S play an important role that 80% of the stuff we do never gets realized. Honestly, it's a breath of fresh air to get an opportunity as a DC to put all my abilities to use for once doing tiamat, and get recognition.
    I'm also not saying one class is better than another, my buff/debuffs mean squat w/o tr's slamming damage. I can't cast anything w/o a tank taking the aggro, or CW grouping up enemies.
    This game was made for each class to benefit each other class. For people to work TOGETHER. . that right there is the problem, not low dps, but people not working as a group..people are just to selfish to think that way unfortunately.
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    More often then not the top 3 get bronze or silver rewards, I see it in every run.
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    majik518 wrote: »
    More often then not the top 3 get bronze or silver rewards, I see it in every run.

    I guess I don't know what the difference is between the gold/silver/bronze brackets, and the rank you finish? I've always been in the gold group (never seen anything different), but I don't always crack the top 10. Anyone know what they mean, and how they affect your loot chances?
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    Yeah my point. We fight in front of clerics, with CWs, TRs, HRs and SWs burning adds, why do you feel it's necessary to push them back. I'm not sure if you do it, but I've seen a million DCs knock back a completely controlled fight, draw aggro to themself as they stand on top of the cleric. Let us kill them, it's what we do.
  • bmeanbmean Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Yeah my point. We fight in front of clerics, with CWs, TRs, HRs and SWs burning adds, why do you feel it's necessary to push them back. I'm not sure if you do it, but I've seen a million DCs knock back a completely controlled fight, draw aggro to themself as they stand on top of the cleric. Let us kill them, it's what we do.

    Seldom do i do that. Only if I've seen someone just do a push back and right after the adds spawn and jump right to the cleric, then I'll push them away. Sometimes if I fight on the right or left side I'll give the adds a delightful push over the edge.
    my main use is right at the beginning. People are swamped with adds and can't attack the main enemy, one empowered knock and everyone is able to start melting the enemy.
    one more thing, if I wanted to, but I usually don't like to, I could stand near the clerics and do the knock back without affecting the flow of the game. I have a power (sooth) that helps me generate 40% less threat when using healing abilities (the sun burst gives heals). So when I knock them away they aggro on other team mates. But like I said I don't like doing that because I would rather use a different power than sooth, and like you said the CW can do it a bit better.
    Post edited by bmean on
  • xxxsfalxxxxxxsfalxxx Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    If there were 25 10K players specced for DPS, would they be able to do enough DPS to take the heads down in 20 minutes? Of course, there's also the question of control and healing. So we could also ask if 25 were specced for healing, or control, or Could a properly specced mix of 10K working as a team accomplish a successful raid? Would it be expected that such a thing as generally a "proper spec" could exist, rather than many only being a thrown-together spec... Say 20 of the 25 with whatever spec that turns out might be what should be expected. Perhaps the point of higher and lower thrown in is to make everyone work together towards a common goal so everyone "gets good stuff" and gets better together, like so much else of the game isn't but some is. Or maybe there is no point to doing it this way.

    Regardless, since the game is mixing up 25 randoms with GS from 10K to 20K into the raid, either somebody's miscalculated the difficulty or it's not meant to be hardly passed ever or there's no plan there to begin with. Since they made it like this in the first place (10K go ahead on in) and you can't pre-group with control and reliability (parties in same temple, preposterous!) one might believe this is the way they want it. Or if not, it'll be fixed somehow sometime a few months down the road.
  • mercbenz360mercbenz360 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    Boot is a huge no, because it can't auto refill. I would say let them get zero rewards. I had a terribly lagging run where I literally DCed 4 times and ping ponged all over. I went through like 8 kits trying to help the team because I knew if I left I wouldn't be filled anyway. I still ended up with Gold - is there even a silver and bronze???
  • elikenuielikenui Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Gear and stats matter tremendously as well as having proper execution for the tiamat encounter. Unfortunately, the attempt will fail if you don't have the ability to inflict enough damage in the allotted time and that's just plain and simple math. While the exact gear score may not accurately reflect the potential dps of that player, it is certain that the upper ceiling of a lower gear scored character is lower than the potential ceiling of the better geared player. Provided they are specced optimally and played with equal competence, the player with thousands more gear score is going to out dps that lower geared player by a large margin. I play with a group of friends that have leveled up together and gradually built up our characters and the difference between the 12-13k level and 15-16k level is pretty substantial.
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    mahburg wrote: »
    Sadly XBL is full of whiny little kids as any regular in COD or Halo will tell you, Grown ups tend to move towards other game genres or learn to play with voice chat off so you dont hear that 10 year old going "yo momma" every two minutes, sadly because of this they tend to do it in the zone it seems to me.

    TBH as soon as the next new shiny thing (likely Cod) comes along they will head there and they wont be seen again in here :)

    what you're doing right now, is generalizing the community. remember that these same complaints and "whines" were on PC as well. i witnessed it first hand, every day in Well of Dragons Zone Chat: complaining about the same gs nonsense

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    I have a 14.5k DC and a 10.8k CW.

    I use my DC in Tiamat and he does well but it is TOO EARLY to use my CW as his power(4k)/crit(1.5k)/ap(950) stats are quite simply TOO LOW for him to be effective yet, regardless of his skills or build choices.

    In a couple of weeks he'll be +13k with new armour and an extra artifact (my DC will get him a Tiamat Orb) and he will be capable of making a positive contribution to the group effort.

    Before then it would be selfish of me to negatively affect the chances of any group and try to get rewards I haven't earned.

    Before going in I will research the right skills and armour to bring. It is not elitist as some accuse because everyone will get over 13k after a short amount of time and effort.

    Personally I would link access to Tiamat to the Campaign list - i.e. players should have unlocked 5 boons and reached the Tiamat window for access.

    This is non-gs specific but makes players 'pay their dues' in the campaign which just makes sense in terms of game progression.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • curygreenleaf69curygreenleaf69 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    I would like to see a three hour cool down for quitters and Idlers (30 seconds of no combat)
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    I would like to see a three hour cool down for quitters and Idlers (30 seconds of no combat)

    you could be fumbling through the menus using items/equiping items or dragon gems, in those 30s. plus, there's also lag to consider. how would the game know the difference?
  • curygreenleaf69curygreenleaf69 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    You should not be fumbling around come prepared, it is a timed event. 30 seconds is plenty of time try for your self see how long it takes to go in menu move something then back out.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Idlers have to sit in the camp fire area or they get killed by adds. PvP has an inactivity timer which is too long tbh but I think a 90 sec timer would encourage people to move it but not penalise genuine lag etc.

    However I don't think Cryptic care sufficiently to deal with this - look at how much shouting is required for them to even look at something.

    Moderators don't even bother commenting on most subjects. They should be informing us of Cryptic's position and reasoning. e.g. Why allow people into Tiamat that haven't got that far in Campaign progression? I'd love to know the answer to that one.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    Moderators are volunteers to help keep the forums inline with ToS and forum rules. They are not employees of Cryptic or PWE. They have no such information to give.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    Seems to be active sabotaging going on. Last night i was left with around 12 others trying to do tiamat. They didnt leave mid fight, they left sometime right at the beginning. Took 10 minutes to do the first cleric phasen
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    How many under 13k gs were in the lobby? I have personally been in a lobby with 15 10k gs people. None of which had adequate power or anything, so their builds were horrible. I did not leave at first, but as soon as we only got the Black head to 50% on the 1st run, THEN I left. So will not make that mistake twice, thinking that 15 10ks could be of any sort of help.
  • zacoria1405zacoria1405 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    The amount of people in the queue for Tiamat with GS between 10-13k that have under 5% armour penetration (DC's excused) is absolutely ridiculous. How do they expect to make an impression on the dragon heads with that? I'm getting really fed up with trying to carry these people and if you send them a polite message with any sort of advice to improve their build it seems you invariably get a 2 word answer, one of which is "off".
  • saskgodfathersaskgodfather Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Tiamat really needs a 13K GS requirement. This is not a high requirement as it is already in place for Lair and Shores. Many of us that are trying to farm Tiamat are over 15k, and have on avg 1.5-2k GS in stats that are not shown (from Ioun Stones). With a good group on day 1 of release, we were able to defeat Tiamat on Tier 1. As the players that are actually geared enough to be in Tiamat have farmed most, or all of what they need. We are now left with groups that are unable to complete it on Tier 4 due to low dps. I have 1850 hours played and have worked hard to get geared to be able to complete this. In my fail groups I look around and see 10 11 and 12k geared players with 55-100 hours played with gear they bought on the AH, no gems, enchancements, kits and using whatever artifacts they can to boost their gs. DPS should not be an issue when Tier 4 is active. This shows that some of the players in Tiamat should not be in there, especially with 17k+ people being unable to carry them through with the 4th tier active. I solo tank Sahenine but fail on heads due to low GS not being able to produce the damage needed.

    As for the AFK in spawn zone, as it is hard to choose an acceptable idle timer, why not make the timer specific to the spawn area or in death. Once battle begins, there is no reason to be in the spawn and/or dead longer than 30 seconds. If you need to drink/eat, do so outside the area just before running back to combat. At least this way we can kill off the afk's outside spawn, and force timer on them if they decide to give up and go afk.

    Can someone from Perfect World please explain to me how we are supposed to complete Tiamat with a group of people that are unable to produce enough damage in 20 min to complete it?

    P.S: Score at end doesn't mean you did good. In one of my failed groups, I was solo kiting adds, telling others to help mid. The guy that placed 1st on scoreboard at the end of the failed attempt was was the GWF who followed me around attacking the adds I was kiting, and not actually attacking anything of importance or helping in any way. So all his DPS was in fact useless dps, and he was rewarded with 1st for not helping in any way.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I still am a believer that you should have to have your campaign progress unlocked up to tiamat in order to get rewards for it. You can't just run shores or lair without unlocking it first. This will automatically knock out a bunch of people who don't know what is going on. It also insures that the people who are in there have been playing for a while and more than likely have a grasp of stats and how to run their toons. I don't think gs should be raised cause different classes have different stats. A GF can easily be a 13k and still be wearing blues, and others can be decked out in t2 and still barely be a 13k. Doesn't mean the GF should be allowed and not the other.
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • filterdevilfilterdevil Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I have beat Tiamat over 50 times. I can tell as soon as I enter the dungeon if it is going to be a success. This test has only failed a few times. My win ration was about 75 percent until newbs figured out to enter during the last minute to be carried. Now its more like %40. Anyway I inspect 10 random players. if I see 4 people with 10-13k gs I know its gonna be a DPS loss. Everytime. So to all you saying GS means nothing, you are wrong, stop arguing and go grind some gear... Stop making us carry you.
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    Stop arguing and yet you use one of your two posts to put up a rather useless "theory on Tiamat". Which will inevitably continue a topic that had it's last post 2 days ago. Four people with 10 - 13k gs equals an automatic fail? Give me a break. At any rate, stop beating a dead horse already.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • xxxsfalxxxxxxsfalxxx Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    My 11K DC alt knows what to do and how to not die. Knew it at 10.2 Will know it at 20.3 While my current main at 17.5K can just stand there and absorb damage and pull aggro. For either of them, who cares about others as long as there's enough DPS? Just don't expect the fighter tank or healing cleric or controlling controller to be doing it.

    But if "everyone" is standing on top of the NPC clerics, or not picking up gems, or dropping gems on the wrong heads, or running into the acid before any gems are down and getting wiped, or quitting because the center head is only at 90% when the first round ends, or sits at the campfire to protest 'too many newb loser scrubs ruining it for us", or there's just not enough DPS class people, or people keep fighting the adds rather than zerging the heads? Doesn't mater anyone's gearscore at that point. But so many will think you quit because of anything but the real reason. Running out of time and not wanting to waste any more health kits. Thinking about how your strategy will be better next time. Whatever.

    And if anyone's complaining about "the secret" of people in a rush going in right away and others with higher gs waiting to go in until later? That's pretty easy to figure out.... Especially when a lot of the "indiders" are blasting it out in zone chat about when should 22K TR go in and :42 is the time and asking for high gs time tells and so on.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    I still am a believer that you should have to have your campaign progress unlocked up to tiamat in order to get rewards for it. You can't just run shores or lair without unlocking it first. This will automatically knock out a bunch of people who don't know what is going on. It also insures that the people who are in there have been playing for a while and more than likely have a grasp of stats and how to run their toons. I don't think gs should be raised cause different classes have different stats. A GF can easily be a 13k and still be wearing blues, and others can be decked out in t2 and still barely be a 13k. Doesn't mean the GF should be allowed and not the other.

    I think this is the most sensible proposal on these threads, unlocking Tiamat via the campaign makes absolute sense to me and would stop the idiocy, so far out of over 50 runs I have only been in 5 wins due to all the stupidity that has been discussed on here.

    It would help if we could get in there in our groups as at least we would have four or five people going in together who know what to do.
    Yesterday did a run had the first head down second was just above the 20% and then a push power shoved half the zerg of the cliff, net result the rest just bailed and when I respawned 16 people were at the campfire and the cleric run was starting and most of them just walked out the door.
    This time in disgust I just followed (the first time I have ever quit, however 8 guys are not going to complete it.
    I just don't know what the solution is to this, as those guys who do get this, have all their gear now and likely wont be coming back, so the odds of a successful run will get lower over time.
    Very depressing I am afraid to say.

    Btw I am 16.5 GS before anyone speculates :)
  • willwheatleywillwheatley Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I can do twice as much DPS with 10k GS and the right build than I can with 16k GS and a garbage build. GS is a terrible metric to judge players on - half the stats that contribute to gearscore are near useless for some classes.

    People just need to pick up the internet and do a little search on the best build for their class, rather than racking up their mom's credit card trying to please the morons in zone chat.

    I'm an 11k GS warlock and I beat Tiamat about 3/4 of the time, and finish in the top 5 every single time.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    I can do twice as much DPS with 10k GS and the right build than I can with 16k GS and a garbage build. GS is a terrible metric to judge players on - half the stats that contribute to gearscore are near useless for some classes.

    People just need to pick up the internet and do a little search on the best build for their class, rather than racking up their mom's credit card trying to please the morons in zone chat.

    I'm an 11k GS warlock and I beat Tiamat about 3/4 of the time, and finish in the top 5 every single time.

    Not disagreeing with your general premise, however YOU did not beat Tiamat (no one person does) you just clearly strike lucky with the crew you are running it with! :)
This discussion has been closed.