One way to fix the Rise of Tiamat is for ther to be a minimm gear scroe requirement. These are too many people with low gear scores trying to do Tiamat and they can't even do the epic Lostmaut dungeon, GO FIGURE!!!!!!!
Also, there should be a way that players who do noting but stand around are kicked out. They do nothing and still end ugetting a reward, however meager it may be.
There are tooo may people playing that do not understand that gear score is relevant to the amount of take that you can deal/receive ansd when they go in with a 10k-11k gear score and dont realize they are only hurting the rest of the group. You can get Tier II gear CHEAP, go invest in some and see what a difference it make and also check on your character build, there are lots of places to look to see which builds are best for different play styles.
I personally am sick and tired of coing inand then have the people QUIT because they died a few times which is usually a result of their low gear scores and/or bad character builds. Until Neverwinter fixes this, I am done with it.
The standing by the fire thing is a legit complaint, bust if you actually look at who is standing next to the fires most of the time is people above 14k GS
GT: b0red gamer
There's some that you win, and some that you don't. We all have it no matter what GS you or your comrades are.
I check out the higher GS's players and many times I see I have higher arm pen, also if I die I do not camp at the fire, I am straight back in to help. It is all about teamwork and knowing the layout which takes a few tries for everyone.
LGPG Alliance
Reagents of Death - Leader
CW - Phoenix lvl 70 4034 (Main)
GF - Spectre lvl 70 4012 (Main)
GWF - Ice lvl 70 4010 (Main)
SW - Zor lvl 70 3230 (Main)
OP - Box lvl 70 3002 (Retired)
Look Good Play Good
GWF - Ice lvl 70 3875 (Main)
GF - Spectre lvl 70 2669 (Alt)
TBH as soon as the next new shiny thing (likely Cod) comes along they will head there and they wont be seen again in here
Look I am 12.5 approx and I am always in the top 5 mostly top 3 and have come top and second on a number of occassions
Its about how you are set up as others have said and how you play, the biggest issue is the campers who bail taking out half the team, while weak players do unquestionably have an impact, when the 13 highest GS players are sat on their HAMSTER it is not just about the weaker players, its a community problem imho.
Currently working on upping my gear but not at the cost of dropping stats.
Also lost count of how often I am the only guy trying to take the white summoner down so we can get the white soul, funny how the elite 18K dudes never head for that one most of the time!
2 things contribute to a failed Tiamat raid -
1. Lack of communication & common sense; 25 people can participate, there are 3 clerics, do the math. Dragon heads, left to right to 20%ish, use the dragon souls for the correct head. Defend clerics, pick up on the head that was left off on previous run, left to right to 20%ish, use the dragon souls for the correct head. Defend clerics, finish off heads... it's really not difficult.
2. The absolutely terrible and completely random "server not responding", freezing, and kicking to dashboard. Game was doing it again last night, was god awful.
12-13K GS saying 10K is too low, 14-15K GS saying 13K is too low, 16-17K GS saying 15K is too low... Yet 1/2 the people complaining are rocking 2/2 sets to boost GS and ignoring set bonuses or sporting Draconic w/out anything in the overload slots.
I run as a GWF I dont need it for me as you point out, but thats not the point of this excercise is it, the complaints seem to revolve around team work (or lack of it) surely making sure you get something that can help the rest of the team out is the point?
Or maybe I should just sit on my HAMSTER like the other whiners at the campsite?
As for the people who do nothing, your reward at the end takes into consideration your points. If you go in and do absolutely nothing the whole time, you might get a peridot when you lose.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I've completed Tiamat with my DC ten times now and come either first of top 3 and all I've got is a minor resonance stone, a shard and linu favor.
I've completed it with my CW 12 times and come between 5 and 10 and I've got Tiamat's orb and off hand.
Even if you sit in spawn you're getting linu favors if it's completed
LGPG Alliance
Reagents of Death - Leader
CW - Phoenix lvl 70 4034 (Main)
GF - Spectre lvl 70 4012 (Main)
GWF - Ice lvl 70 4010 (Main)
SW - Zor lvl 70 3230 (Main)
OP - Box lvl 70 3002 (Retired)
Look Good Play Good
GWF - Ice lvl 70 3875 (Main)
GF - Spectre lvl 70 2669 (Alt)
Every failure I've seen is from lack of strategy. If you're dead from falling in lava, failing to use gems, failing to avoid power attacks, then your GS doesn't mean anything. It may as well be 0.
I do not know if they could or not. However, I 100% agree that knowledge and skill trump Gear Score every time.
GT: b0red gamer
> I bet a team of 25 10k GS players could take out Tiamat if they all knew the strategy and applied it.
> Every failure I've seen is from lack of strategy. If you're dead from falling in lava, failing to use gems, failing to avoid power attacks, then your GS doesn't mean anything. It may as well be 0.
You have very poor logic with your concept. Most 10k players don't know what the flip they are doing and can't coordinate heavily with a group of 25 people. You also have to state out the point that you don't exactly choose who you are teaming with so that one 10k that knows how to build his character, and run tiamat to perfection will come out once in a blue moon. You say all this stuff about gearscore doesn't matter, but you always think of the best possible scenarios which rarely ever happen and we are talking about the general situation most 10k's bring to the tiamat raid, which is next to nothing.
yes gearscore does not define a player.
yes gearscore can be used as a benchmark to determine a players usefulness.
i have about 50 wins so far in tiamat and I inspect all the players gearscore right when i enter the raid and i can pretty much determine whether or not my team is capable of winning or failing right off the get-go based on seeing a couple 10k's running around. The only time i would ever win with those 10ks is if i see the 16k-20k trs i know who use the plague fire glitch to hit 2m-7m on the dragon..
i don't really care if they change the gearscore requirement or not because i win around 60 percent of my matches anyway.
I will say this though once I get my last boon I will never set foot in well of dragons ever again.. I literally despise this place with all my heart and soul..
GT: b0red gamer
> Sorry, but I really do have to disagree with Gear Score being used as a benchmark for a players usefulness. You can pad your stats with useless ones, which makes GS ineffective at judging performance.
there you go again thinking of the best scenarios and making excuses.. You could say the same about a 10k padding gearscore stats with useless ones.
my benchmark point is implying that the higher your gearscore is the less likely you are that you won't know what you are doing and you can compensate with having bad stats with your other higher stats. think of it like this. would you rather have a 13k with stats like 10k or a 10k with the stats like a 7k. please choose wisely.
I get what you are saying but with the amount of people who do not understand builds and just equip what is "recommended" or what makes their GS higher make up the majority. Hence why GS should be replaced with a more effective metric in determining a players efficiency. TIL is not perfect but it weighs in more than GS.
GT: b0red gamer
GT: b0red gamer
who cares about item level that is literally 5 months away and irrelevant and people still have the same elitist attitude of saying that if you are above 3k item level you can't run tiamat with us.
Also, LMAO at pointing out CWs with a belt of strength. You literally agreed to what I have said. Knowledge and skill trumps GS.
GT: b0red gamer
I will be bold and say the single most important thing to completing the new raid is most of the group acting in sync and coordinating. Without that you have people not getting gems, fighting on top of clerics, and waiting for people to rez them instead of just release and kit.
Fwiw sponsahme, bored likes to debate and really discuss topics well. Take the time to read and see the other side, then post a response where you make counter arguments rather than fly off the handle. This is a great place to share information and ideas, and we can all be civil with each other and still have differing opinions