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    hqxkxbuzzkillerhqxkxbuzzkiller Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Is there an issue with the sigil of metallic Dragon born? I cannot reroll my character. Bought a reroll token and still cannot change. Getting frustrated
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    cybergutscyberguts Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Dragon's Fury Boon

    It's meant to give 5% Crit Sev.
    I wasted the book and 30 linu favour to get an additional 0.1% according to the Stats.
    Erdan Darksbane - Lvl 60 Soulbinder Fury SW
    BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
    Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
    Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
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    danny3421danny3421 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    It's nice to see all the main issues and bug's getting fixed :smiley: keep up the good work!
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    dirtyi30dirtyi30 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Likes others have said. I only received a 0.1% raise to Critical Severity when I purchased the Dragon Affinity Boon. I put a ticket in and was told to post here somewhere about it. Hope it gets fixed. Has it been fixed on PC? My understanding is 'no'.
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    kclowekclowe Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    I opened the metallic ancestry dragonborn sigil and seemingly got nothing in return. Somebody help. I went to the change character vendor and i have no prompts or tokens. Do i need to buy a race reroll token for 1500 zen to use it. Or worse do i need to buy a dragonborn race reroll for 2500 zen because im currently a tiefling. i was under the assumption this was a race reroll token in itself. Please help me. 1.4mill in the whole on this one already.
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    patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Maybe add a GS Cap of at least 13k to enter Tiamat fight? This whole having to carry all the 10ks to the best gear in the game is getting really annoying when they have not progressed through the game like they should have too.
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    mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    Found a bug with Soulforged Enchantment One Tiamat run I got dropped by the Blue head (no blue shield out) I ressurected and was frozen to the spot could not activate health potions or scrolls when I came back, died again tried a scroll of life, came back instadeath so released.
    Ended up at the campfire locked to the ground, tried the mount various powers etc with guys screaming I had quit lol

    In the end I had to quit the game and try to return to instance which I did but no reward hey ho :)

    It may be this that is starting some of the bailing to the camofire where players think that others are quitting.

    Not happened since that one instance so hopefully it can get fixed.
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    filterdevilfilterdevil Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I got a serious bug to report. Keeping with tradition, support was absolutely no help on this issue. Anyway, I've tried buying the Golden Dragon Talisman from the vendor in Well of Dragons twice. That's 30 Linu favor. Both times I tried getting the one with the Buff to storm spell, both times it gave me a Talisman that is utterly useless to me. Needless to say I have wasted a laughable amount of time trying to acquire this item.
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    bmeanbmean Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    I got a serious bug to report. Keeping with tradition, support was absolutely no help on this issue. Anyway, I've tried buying the Golden Dragon Talisman from the vendor in Well of Dragons twice. That's 30 Linu favor. Both times I tried getting the one with the Buff to storm spell, both times it gave me a Talisman that is utterly useless to me. Needless to say I have wasted a laughable amount of time trying to acquire this item.
    4 cubes of augmentation will let you change the ability to a random one. Select the tailsman, go down and look for manage ability. Just remember it is random, so sometimes it take more then one set of cubes te get the one you want
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    danny3421danny3421 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    I wish the glitter line would be an option to have on or off depending on the user :)
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    rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    I got a serious bug to report. Keeping with tradition, support was absolutely no help on this issue. Anyway, I've tried buying the Golden Dragon Talisman from the vendor in Well of Dragons twice. That's 30 Linu favor. Both times I tried getting the one with the Buff to storm spell, both times it gave me a Talisman that is utterly useless to me. Needless to say I have wasted a laughable amount of time trying to acquire this item.

    Like another stated 4 cube of augmantation will unlock another talent that yoh can then switch between.

    Also just level one, when you upgrade rarities, the talents reroll and reset
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    rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Im concerned people like me who bought dragon born pack, and have never been able to use our race reroll, have been utterly looked over and may never get the content we purchased
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    nem3slsnem3sls Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    kclowe wrote: »
    I opened the metallic ancestry dragonborn sigil and seemingly got nothing in return. Somebody help. I went to the change character vendor and i have no prompts or tokens. Do i need to buy a race reroll token for 1500 zen to use it. Or worse do i need to buy a dragonborn race reroll for 2500 zen because im currently a tiefling. i was under the assumption this was a race reroll token in itself. Please help me. 1.4mill in the whole on this one already.

    You either use a race reroll token for zen and from the charakter selection screen press Y on the charakter you want to reroll and simple as that select the Metallic Ancestry DB race when prompted to select a race.
    Im concerned people like me who bought dragon born pack, and have never been able to use our race reroll, have been utterly looked over and may never get the content we purchased

    like above, from char selection screen press Y on the char you want to race reroll and youre good to go, I did this myself when I bought the DB pack.

    hope that helps, tbh the race reroll token should be a token in your inventory so people can actually see it.
    The Legendary Outlaws

    maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife :p Dungeon runs anyone?

    Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
    Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
    When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy

    I miss you Boo :(
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    kclowekclowe Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    Arc got back to me thankfully. Unfortunately i was told that the metallic ancestry dragonborn race sigil is not considered a race at all but its a skin to the dragonborn race. So because i did not own the dragonborn pack i would have to spend the 2500 zen for the dragonborn race before i could use the skin.. Even if i were dragonborn i would have to spend 1500 zen for a race reroll token to become metallic. I was under the assumption this would have come with this. I was able to transfer the diamonds to zen but it still hurt the diamond bank. Fair warning to those who want to use it, its going to cost you to use it. It ended up costing me 1,800,000 AD in the end. Worth every penny though. And it put over 20k gs :)
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    danny3421danny3421 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    sslumdog wrote: »
    xsovv wrote: »
    Laggggggggggggg , not spending a dime on this game till the Lag gggggggggggg is fixed.

    update your stuff than, haven't lagged bad for weeks

    They update the game when they can, please give them some time thanks!
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    trystanwolftrystanwolf Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    kclowe wrote: »
    Arc got back to me thankfully. Unfortunately i was told that the metallic ancestry dragonborn race sigil is not considered a race at all but its a skin to the dragonborn race.

    It looks like support and advertisement don't talk to each other. Or they purposely lie to their customers.


    Players do not need to have unlocked the Chromatic Dragonborn in order to make use of this sigil.

    Copied from their news release about the sigil from the dragonforged lockbox.

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    esoonlineesoonline Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    The fact that Perfect World offers a zero warning system for profanity for in game chat is complete BS especially for customers who have spent thousands of dollars on this broken game, and have never had any offense. It's the reason I am leaving the game for good and taking my guild with me to Elder Scrolls.

    So what did I get banned for? For conversing in a GROUP chat and accidentally hitting the zone button was my offense. Yes I used profanity but it was within our group and was not intended for the Zone. I must have hit the rb button.

    Instead of getting a warning Perfect World about this one time offense, Perfect World suspends my account for 24 hours without warning. I hope it was worth it.
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    sponsahmesponsahme Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    Are you the tr that said something in well of dragons and was like oops? lols
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    kclowekclowe Member Posts: 157 Arc User

    It looks like support and advertisement don't talk to each other. Or they purposely lie to their customers.


    Players do not need to have unlocked the Chromatic Dragonborn in order to make use of this sigil.

    It seems more like they purposely lie to us. It says in the link, clear as day, that you do not need to have unlocked the chromatic dragonborn in order to use this sigil. Naturally you would take from this that upon activating the sigil that you can then use it and become metallic dragonborn. But in classic ARC fashion you need to read it word for word. "Use" the sigil only means you can open the box and unlock the skin. To become metallic you need to own the dragonborn pack first. Anybody who reads thier description of this sigil would understand it as not needing to be dragonborn first. Real shady ARC. Im putting in a ticket for my 2500 zen back after reading that link. Furthermore, in the title it calls it a race. In my response from ARC it says that "it is not a race but acts as a skin for the dragonborn race"
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    kclowekclowe Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    I know someone must have raised this issue by now and i missed it. The taking damage glitch as its known. If your in your pause menu, inventory or AH and taking damage at the same time for a period of time, when you go back to play the taking damage will not stop flashing on your screen until you quit out the game on the home screen.
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    dirtyi30dirtyi30 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    So, it's official. PW has the worst support for a game. Ever. Is it any wonder we're all moving on from this trash.
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    patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    BLOPS 3 Beta in 26 days!! lol
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    luigipr31luigipr31 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    HI! Is there anyway to "mute" from chat all those spammers of selling AD??
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    earthlybrahearthlybrah Member Posts: 1 New User
    The framerate in main cities :\ if you can fix the framerate up to something a bit higher by adjusting detail or something that would be COOL. Only thing holding this game back that I've noticed so far. But its still so fun haha. B)
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    stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    dirtyi30 wrote: »
    So, it's official. PW has the worst support for a game. Ever. Is it any wonder we're all moving on from this trash.

    It's official; we have no context so no idea what you are talking about.

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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    go fill out a enforcement forum on xbox live they will come in and fix the game or the game will be shutdown
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    darkpathslpdarkpathslp Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Worst pvp game ever the pve was fun sometimes. D&D fan for years I really wanted this game to be great. It has fallen short

    especially in PVP. Why make pvp part of a game if you don't intend to fix glaring problems with class balance issues Perfect World?

    The boot and loot is still here, the PVP is horrible unbalanced towards rogues, and nothing is being done or nothing is being said

    about what is being done. Its so sad another disappointing D&D game. Guess I'll give elder scrolls a try good luck everyone hope

    Perfect World gets their **** together.
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    stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    Worst pvp game ever the pve was fun sometimes. D&D fan for years I really wanted this game to be great. It has fallen short

    especially in PVP. Why make pvp part of a game if you don't intend to fix glaring problems with class balance issues Perfect World?

    The boot and loot is still here, the PVP is horrible unbalanced towards rogues, and nothing is being done or nothing is being said

    about what is being done. Its so sad another disappointing D&D game. Guess I'll give elder scrolls a try good luck everyone hope

    Perfect World gets their **** together.

    Condescending posts like this tripe are just wasted opportunities to make good points. If I were a developer, I would print your post and use it for azz paper.
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