So 10 days ago, I return to the game and one of the things I ask first is how I am going to close the gear gap caused by my absence (how to make AD). Suprisingly all friends tell me the only way left is using leadership, since every other possible way has been nerfed/blocked. So what happens 10 days later.... we all know about it.
I don't think anyone is going to disagree, that the company is trying to block/nerf EVERY possible way to make extra AD, besides the 24k you can refine every day. But doing just that without countermeasuring is just not professional.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
I will also add another point: 5. Shirts/Pants/jewels price will drop, but not as much as everything else, because of constant AD cost.
Whilst I concur with much of what you have been saying, I just wanted to pick up on this. As a crafter who can make these items, the one thing putting me off of this in favour of just queuing Leadership tasks is the rng. If I did not have the 40% chance of failing to make the gemmed versions (thereby 'losing' the rarer crafting mats needed to make them - along with the time investment from crafting the preceding items), then I would be far happier to make more of them and sell them on the AH.
Just making a change in regards to that would, I feel, lead to prices of those items falling. It would also mean that I will in turn be investing AD into the system, from purchasing the Dragon Eggs off of the AH to use in the crafting process.
I only bothered to make the shirt and pants for my toons because the "60% chance success rate" (which is total BS as we all know it to be closer to 20%) with epic assets means that we will be failing at least every other turn. There is already enough RNG in this HAMSTER game. Just as all crafted items should be BoE (here's looking at you rings) the CHANCE to succeed should be removed as well - make it 100% success rate. Then professions would actually mean something. As it is everyone just focuses on Leadership, which has led us to the shitstorm we find ourselves in today.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I took a year break from the game...came back about 2 weeks ago.
I only have 3 solo level 60 characters, each with level 17 or 18 Leadership.
I use Gateway through out the day to do profession tasks, while doing other more important things; and my chars already have two other professions (or close to it) level 20. Leadership was suppose to be their third, for the extra profession spot.
Each of my chars rarely have more then 75k AD.
Granted, I haven't really tried to do much in game, other than invoke and partipate in the summer festival. I'm kind of afraid to with all the changes...
Now this is happening...not sure what I'm going to do...are you guys going to whisk away the water horse right before I can get it too?
You can still make RAD from ingame activities.
3000 RAD (Dungeon Daily)
4000 - 5000 RAD (Free Key Chest Drop Item)
3000 RAD (Skirmish Daily)
9000 RAD (Free Items from skirmish chest)
=19,000 RAD
Furthermore, if you have lvl 25 Leadership, lvl 1 assets, and log in once per day you will get from tasks:
3x2000ad = 6000
3x500ad = 1500
3x1600ad = 4800
That's 12,300 ad minimum a day. If you have the right Leadership resources and get the right random hourly task, that total increases. If you invest in Heroes and Adventurers and can log in twice a day, you can still make the 24k just from Leadership tasks alone.
Once again, people seem to be blowing this well out of proportion; because the sky is always falling in Neverwinter...
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
Furthermore, if you have lvl 25 Leadership, lvl 1 assets, and log in once per day you will get from tasks:
3x2000ad = 6000
3x500ad = 1500
3x1600ad = 4800
That's 12,300 ad minimum a day. If you have the right Leadership resources and get the right random hourly task, that total increases. If you invest in Heroes and Adventurers and can log in twice a day, you can still make the 24k just from Leadership tasks alone.
Once again, people seem to be blowing this well out of proportion; because the sky is always falling in Neverwinter...
That is why it will not affect bot as much as player. Bot already in level 25. They probably visited gateway (or actually the game) once a day already. They will just need to visit the game once a day.
Players who have not reached level 20 (not even 25) will have even harder time to reach level 20 than before AND it was like forever before.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
bots will always be more efficient than regular players in everything that can be scripted, always. the only thing bots will never be better than real players is actually playing the game.
For me I agree with Strumslinger, the AD was getting way out of hand and everyone complained about the spamming of goldsellers, I'm sure we will get something back in return.
Now only ban the people that bought AD from those sites, that would be fair also.
You realize this will do exactly nothing to stop this?
People that advertise AD and items for money will simply transfer to doing it in-game, if they weren't botting there already, since for them it is not a matter of convenience, but of profit. With the added fun that having in-game botters will do wonders to fill up instances and place burden on the game servers.
Even worse, they'll get more customers as people have had another legit way of earning AD basically castrated.
So the big question is: how do other games successfully combat exploiters and botters? I know that Blizzard had some pretty tough measures in place when Diablo II came out. It was easy enough to exploit for local and LAN games, but if you went onto the online version, your Key Code was banned.
No, I don't know how they figured all that stuff out... I just know that it seemed to keep most people honest.
Since you have the information on who is obviously exploiting, ban them. Ban their IP address and/or their MAC address. Report them to their ISP for violating the Terms of Use of the game.
I'm not as.. uptight some other on the forum. I've come to expect certain things from the game, and have learned to adjust accordingly. Invoking and running the daily quests for Rhix keep me stocked in AD. If I need more (as an example, I got lucky in an eLoL the other day and got armor and bracers.. I needed some quick AD for armor reinforcement kits, and I "transmuted" the ugly Alliance gear back to my awesome-looking Thayan gear), I have no problem dropping $10 or $20 to buy some (although, I think the 50k AD should allow, at the very least, for reinforcement kits to be applied to the new armor).
In the meanwhile.. I'm just gonna bide my time and see what comes of all this. While yes, I sometimes use the gateway to do professions, I typically don't. I also find that unless I'm "babysitting" my leadership, that it's not worth taking up any professions slots at the moment... all the AD in the world won't buy me the Personalized Gemmed rings...
I know how you feel, but listen what you say is impossible for several reasons. First of all they cannot IP ban because 90% of internet service providers use DYNAMIC network ips... which means they change and get shuffled around constantly.. my ip changes multiple times a month... the second reason is that by banning ips.. they would end up banning innocent players and entire ip regions by accident... they can't afford that. MACs can be changed too.. all be it you have to do it intentionally... but none of these measures would actually work in the instance of botting.
All that being said they are still a bunch of ignorant fools if they believe what they are doing is going to "help" their economy at all... because as we speak the economy was only held together by the AD flooded into the economy... with it gone... the set prices on items will be so high nobody can get gear progression... well except those who actually botted already and have max leadership... they can still make like almost 20k a day per character by setting up a 1 day task and going afk... because they don't have to deal with the fact that leadership takes lifetimes to level up because they botted it....
Ultimately they have no way to make money in this game... they stripped everything from the economy... coal wards.. bound... dungeon drops bound... armor bound... everything HAMSTER bound... why even have an auction house or economy.. why have money at all... they obviously are against fair trade....
I also have trouble understanding why bots are so hard to get rid of in this game, and not in other games. Other games I play don't have nearly this bad with them.
I only bothered to make the shirt and pants for my toons because the "60% chance success rate" (which is total BS as we all know it to be closer to 20%) with epic assets means that we will be failing at least every other turn. There is already enough RNG in this HAMSTER game. Just as all crafted items should be BoE (here's looking at you rings) the CHANCE to succeed should be removed as well - make it 100% success rate. Then professions would actually mean something. As it is everyone just focuses on Leadership, which has led us to the shitstorm we find ourselves in today.
Yeah, me too. I don't understand why they haven't made the epic assets give %100 chance, and provide more useful items to craft and sell. If they did I think they would see slightly cheaper prices on the AH, and more AD changing hands between legit players. But professions seem to be (one of quite a few) a part of the game that very little attention has been focused on. For instance, you still cannot make lvl 25 crafted Leatherworking chest armor with an enhancement slot - it seems like they forgot that when adding it to all the other armour/weapon professions!
In other games I have taken pride in being able to craft items and sell them to other players - at the moment, the restrictions in this are stopping me from doing so in Neverwinter.
Players who have not reached level 20 (not even 25) will have even harder time to reach level 20 than before AND it was like forever before.
I disagree (well, apart from the 'it already takes forever' part, because it does!). The most effective way to level leadership is to do the training tasks, which take max 8 hours. So, for me (if I were working again - currently have health problems ) I set them off in in the morning whilst having breakfast, in the evening when I get home, and once more just before I go to bed.
I currently have 3 characters (of 6) which do Leadership, and they are levels 23, 24, and 25 respectively. I find I make enough AD through that to get by, sometimes having to wait quite a bit to afford gmop's to upgrade enchants. Yes, it takes a hell of a stupid long time to get to max, but even so there are still opportunities to make a reasonable amount of AD along the way.
I can understand that the extra time would affect those with Leadership armies, but then one of the criticisms that often comes up on the forums is that people are allowed to do that anyway. Arguably this change may result in some of those players re-evaluating the time versus reward value of their armies; which may in turn lead to a decrease in AD availability.
Don't get me wrong here though, I too am skeptical as to whether this change will affect large scale botting or not. However I do think a lot of the complaints about preventing people from earning rough AD are grossly over-exaggerated. I also agree that more needs to be done in regards to providing alternative in-game opportunities to earn both rough and refined AD (hence my other comments re professions).
what's the next step? remove ad and still require us to use ad (that no longer exists) to buy greater mark of potency's (aka gmops)? Putting greater marks of potency's on the zen market thinking we'll spend $10 per gmop (I'm sure people will rather quit then do that) and then what you'll have a game full of bots and new players who can't keep up with the whales because well the whales don't care half of them own the bots.
magenubbie's post shows alot of better alternatives because right now the bots are just logging in and doing leadership there, its the only profession worth doing.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
Players who have not reached level 20 (not even 25) will have even harder time to reach level 20 than before AND it was like forever before.
I disagree (well, apart from the 'it already takes forever' part, because it does!). The most effective way to level leadership is to do the training tasks, which take max 8 hours. So, for me (if I were working again - currently have health problems ) I set them off in in the morning whilst having breakfast, in the evening when I get home, and once more just before I go to bed.
I currently have 3 characters (of 6) which do Leadership, and they are levels 23, 24, and 25 respectively. I find I make enough AD through that to get by, sometimes having to wait quite a bit to afford gmop's to upgrade enchants. Yes, it takes a hell of a stupid long time to get to max, but even so there are still opportunities to make a reasonable amount of AD along the way.
I can understand that the extra time would affect those with Leadership armies, but then one of the criticisms that often comes up on the forums is that people are allowed to do that anyway. Arguably this change may result in some of those players re-evaluating the time versus reward value of their armies; which may in turn lead to a decrease in AD availability.
Don't get me wrong here though, I too am skeptical as to whether this change will affect large scale botting or not. However I do think a lot of the complaints about preventing people from earning rough AD are grossly over-exaggerated. I also agree that more needs to be done in regards to providing alternative in-game opportunities to earn both rough and refined AD (hence my other comments re professions).
The issue is it basically cut one shift from me.
The 24 hours tasks are okay.
The 16 hours tasks is 12 hours for me because I use Adventurer.
Before today, I could set up the tasks when I was in the office and before working hour. For others, they could set that up using mobile device when they are in transit.
Some tasks would not finish before I leave home for work. There is limited time between I wake up and rush out. I don't have the luxury to eat breakfast at home. Not many people can spare more minutes to bring up the game and arrange profession tasks in the morning. I am sure certain people can do so but I also think a lot of people cannot.
In other words, this change only allows me to set up profession once per day.
Even for the 8 hour training tasks, it is only once per day.
Effectively, more or less every task becomes 24 hours task.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Well folks, at the end of the day remember this is a voluntary game. If this change makes the game no longer fun for you then move on.
I get that many of you (us) have invested much time and or money. I can honestly say that while I haven't liked everything here I have had fun this whole time. Leadership through the gateway is a huge thing for me so I may just move on. No regrets because as I said, I've had fun this whole time. The time and money I've spent are in my budget under entertainment. Just like going to a movie or stage show, I'm there for the experience. Sometimes that experience isn't good, sometimes it's awesome and memorable, and most of the time it's somewhere in the middle. I call that an overall win.
If you decide to stay, great for you! I'm glad you're still having fun. If you decide to leave then best of luck with your next entertainment adventure. Like a favorite vacation spot, you can only go to the same attractions so many times before they become unattractive. But new and refurbished attractions might lure you back. I for one will be keeping an eye on how things develop.
Nixon the TR
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Well folks, at the end of the day remember this is a voluntary game. If this change makes the game no longer fun for you then move on.
I get that many of you (us) have invested much time and or money. I can honestly say that while I haven't liked everything here I have had fun this whole time. Leadership through the gateway is a huge thing for me so I may just move on. No regrets because as I said, I've had fun this whole time. The time and money I've spent are in my budget under entertainment. Just like going to a movie or stage show, I'm there for the experience. Sometimes that experience isn't good, sometimes it's awesome and memorable, and most of the time it's somewhere in the middle. I call that an overall win.
If you decide to stay, great for you! I'm glad you're still having fun. If you decide to leave then best of luck with your next entertainment adventure. Like a favorite vacation spot, you can only go to the same attractions so many times before they become unattractive. But new and refurbished attractions might lure you back. I for one will be keeping an eye on how things develop.
The problem is we ... me at least still love this game and I don't blame anyone , but if I stay quite when they are making mistake after mistake leading the game into a direction where many have in the past refused to follow and might have this game that I love playing end up like Raiders that makes me to blame.
If however I point out mistakes and they listen to the players, as they have repeatedly promised they do, it might save the game. That is why we are so vocal we do not(me at least) have any ill feelings toward the team behind the game we just want to help them where we can to make it the best game it can be.
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
edited July 2015
For me, this is not about how many character you need to keep leadership going. It is about accessibility. I had the accessibility to do leadership in anywhere there is internet connection. Right now, I can only do that on the PC that I installed the game.
Yes, this affects me even if I only have ONE character.
I can imagine in the near future what I will see in game is: there will be a lot of characters in game and they are all botters.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
The logic in the OP is just about as faulty as it could be.
> Manyyyyy people have asked us to take care of all the botters and their monopoly of AD, but when we do something to stop some of it, the same people berate us.
First of all, if that were true, the problem is that we don't believe you when you suggest that shutting down leadership on the gateway is the only thing that you could attempt (or that it will work)... and MOST importantly you have no reputation for thinking first about the desires of legitimate players due to all of the other anti-bot nerfs that you've applied recently.
> They're actually ruining the economy by having so much AD that it hikes everything up.
LET THEM EAT CAKE. This is problem of the haves vs the have-nots. I don't have anywhere near enough AD for the top stuff that these guys are putting their dirty AD in... so I don't care if *those* prices are high. They are selling things that legit standard players can buy cheap. So, they are actually pushing the prices down for the stuff that we need now (because of the artifacts of all kinds).
So you reduce my income and make things that I care about more expensive. That's why I'm chuffed.
Good for you, but I don't need to be awake until I'm in the office.
And if I've got to log into the game client to do leadership (in essence all my professions) I've spending 20% or more of my game time with this not-playing.
So either I don't play, because I waste my time managing my workforce or I don't play because I can't pay the entrance fee (in AD to buy the required equipment) to the dungeon / weekly / daily / etc.
Well, I used to cycle 7 miles to work in Central London, so being awake before I left was definitely encouraged!
I used to have a guildmate in another game who trained his kid to do his crafting tasks for him whilst he was at work (in return for allowing the kid to have his own character on the account)! Not that I would encourage using child labour in this way of course...
This company is so epic. I mean really bad decision making and terrible at handling how to balance player happiness and retention while making money.
You should just go all out and disable all trading. No items, No gold. Nothing. Remove the AH also. Just make a vendor where you can buy any item in game with zen. that should solve the issue.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
This company is so epic. I mean really bad decision making and terrible at handling how to balance player happiness and retention while making money.
You should just go all out and disable all trading. No items, No gold. Nothing. Remove the AH also. Just make a vendor where you can buy any item in game with zen. that should solve the issue.
Actually, a system with no direct player to player trading (done correctly) would be fantastic.
Instead of a traditional auction house, you have a commodity style market where stuff is always bought and sold at the current price. And you could even develop an alogrith that drives the price up and down based on volume and activity, so that players aren't even setting the price.
This company is so epic. I mean really bad decision making and terrible at handling how to balance player happiness and retention while making money.
You should just go all out and disable all trading. No items, No gold. Nothing. Remove the AH also. Just make a vendor where you can buy any item in game with zen. that should solve the issue.
Actually, a system with no direct player to player trading (done correctly) would be fantastic.
Instead of a traditional auction house, you have a commodity style market where stuff is always bought and sold at the current price. And you could even develop an alogrith that drives the price up and down based on volume and activity, so that players aren't even setting the price.
Its actually what KR version of Black Desert does. Except here it wouldnt work and they would mess it up. Because you know.. Cryptic.
Anyways just popped in to show you Cryptic officials the result of today's patch. I am in a guild, which was once huge, now mediocre and after today's patch, well i was standing all alone. I don't need to say anything, this picture speaks volumes...
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
I don't think anyone is going to disagree, that the company is trying to block/nerf EVERY possible way to make extra AD, besides the 24k you can refine every day. But doing just that without countermeasuring is just not professional.
I only bothered to make the shirt and pants for my toons because the "60% chance success rate" (which is total BS as we all know it to be closer to 20%) with epic assets means that we will be failing at least every other turn. There is already enough RNG in this HAMSTER game. Just as all crafted items should be BoE (here's looking at you rings) the CHANCE to succeed should be removed as well - make it 100% success rate. Then professions would actually mean something. As it is everyone just focuses on Leadership, which has led us to the shitstorm we find ourselves in today.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
The problem is that is a very bad step.
It shouldn't be hard to implement a CAPTCHA to neuter botting.
STO Screenshot Archive
I only have 3 solo level 60 characters, each with level 17 or 18 Leadership.
I use Gateway through out the day to do profession tasks, while doing other more important things; and my chars already have two other professions (or close to it) level 20. Leadership was suppose to be their third, for the extra profession spot.
Each of my chars rarely have more then 75k AD.
Granted, I haven't really tried to do much in game, other than invoke and partipate in the summer festival. I'm kind of afraid to with all the changes...
Now this is happening...not sure what I'm going to do...are you guys going to whisk away the water horse right before I can get it too?
Furthermore, if you have lvl 25 Leadership, lvl 1 assets, and log in once per day you will get from tasks:
3x2000ad = 6000
3x500ad = 1500
3x1600ad = 4800
That's 12,300 ad minimum a day. If you have the right Leadership resources and get the right random hourly task, that total increases. If you invest in Heroes and Adventurers and can log in twice a day, you can still make the 24k just from Leadership tasks alone.
Once again, people seem to be blowing this well out of proportion; because the sky is always falling in Neverwinter...
That is why it will not affect bot as much as player. Bot already in level 25. They probably visited gateway (or actually the game) once a day already. They will just need to visit the game once a day.
Players who have not reached level 20 (not even 25) will have even harder time to reach level 20 than before AND it was like forever before.
You realize this will do exactly nothing to stop this?
People that advertise AD and items for money will simply transfer to doing it in-game, if they weren't botting there already, since for them it is not a matter of convenience, but of profit. With the added fun that having in-game botters will do wonders to fill up instances and place burden on the game servers.
Even worse, they'll get more customers as people have had another legit way of earning AD basically castrated.
I know how you feel, but listen what you say is impossible for several reasons. First of all they cannot IP ban because 90% of internet service providers use DYNAMIC network ips... which means they change and get shuffled around constantly.. my ip changes multiple times a month... the second reason is that by banning ips.. they would end up banning innocent players and entire ip regions by accident... they can't afford that. MACs can be changed too.. all be it you have to do it intentionally... but none of these measures would actually work in the instance of botting.
All that being said they are still a bunch of ignorant fools if they believe what they are doing is going to "help" their economy at all... because as we speak the economy was only held together by the AD flooded into the economy... with it gone... the set prices on items will be so high nobody can get gear progression... well except those who actually botted already and have max leadership... they can still make like almost 20k a day per character by setting up a 1 day task and going afk... because they don't have to deal with the fact that leadership takes lifetimes to level up because they botted it....
Ultimately they have no way to make money in this game... they stripped everything from the economy... coal wards.. bound... dungeon drops bound... armor bound... everything HAMSTER bound... why even have an auction house or economy.. why have money at all... they obviously are against fair trade....
Yeah, me too. I don't understand why they haven't made the epic assets give %100 chance, and provide more useful items to craft and sell. If they did I think they would see slightly cheaper prices on the AH, and more AD changing hands between legit players. But professions seem to be (one of quite a few) a part of the game that very little attention has been focused on. For instance, you still cannot make lvl 25 crafted Leatherworking chest armor with an enhancement slot - it seems like they forgot that when adding it to all the other armour/weapon professions!
In other games I have taken pride in being able to craft items and sell them to other players - at the moment, the restrictions in this are stopping me from doing so in Neverwinter.
I disagree (well, apart from the 'it already takes forever' part, because it does!). The most effective way to level leadership is to do the training tasks, which take max 8 hours. So, for me (if I were working again - currently have health problems
I currently have 3 characters (of 6) which do Leadership, and they are levels 23, 24, and 25 respectively. I find I make enough AD through that to get by, sometimes having to wait quite a bit to afford gmop's to upgrade enchants. Yes, it takes a hell of a stupid long time to get to max, but even so there are still opportunities to make a reasonable amount of AD along the way.
I can understand that the extra time would affect those with Leadership armies, but then one of the criticisms that often comes up on the forums is that people are allowed to do that anyway. Arguably this change may result in some of those players re-evaluating the time versus reward value of their armies; which may in turn lead to a decrease in AD availability.
Don't get me wrong here though, I too am skeptical as to whether this change will affect large scale botting or not. However I do think a lot of the complaints about preventing people from earning rough AD are grossly over-exaggerated. I also agree that more needs to be done in regards to providing alternative in-game opportunities to earn both rough and refined AD (hence my other comments re professions).
magenubbie's post shows alot of better alternatives because right now the bots are just logging in and doing leadership there, its the only profession worth doing.
The issue is it basically cut one shift from me.
The 24 hours tasks are okay.
The 16 hours tasks is 12 hours for me because I use Adventurer.
Before today, I could set up the tasks when I was in the office and before working hour. For others, they could set that up using mobile device when they are in transit.
Some tasks would not finish before I leave home for work. There is limited time between I wake up and rush out. I don't have the luxury to eat breakfast at home. Not many people can spare more minutes to bring up the game and arrange profession tasks in the morning. I am sure certain people can do so but I also think a lot of people cannot.
In other words, this change only allows me to set up profession once per day.
Even for the 8 hour training tasks, it is only once per day.
Effectively, more or less every task becomes 24 hours task.
I get that many of you (us) have invested much time and or money. I can honestly say that while I haven't liked everything here I have had fun this whole time. Leadership through the gateway is a huge thing for me so I may just move on. No regrets because as I said, I've had fun this whole time. The time and money I've spent are in my budget under entertainment. Just like going to a movie or stage show, I'm there for the experience. Sometimes that experience isn't good, sometimes it's awesome and memorable, and most of the time it's somewhere in the middle. I call that an overall win.
If you decide to stay, great for you! I'm glad you're still having fun. If you decide to leave then best of luck with your next entertainment adventure. Like a favorite vacation spot, you can only go to the same attractions so many times before they become unattractive. But new and refurbished attractions might lure you back. I for one will be keeping an eye on how things develop.
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
The problem is we ... me at least still love this game and I don't blame anyone , but if I stay quite when they are making mistake after mistake leading the game into a direction where many have in the past refused to follow and might have this game that I love playing end up like Raiders that makes me to blame.
If however I point out mistakes and they listen to the players, as they have repeatedly promised they do, it might save the game. That is why we are so vocal we do not(me at least) have any ill feelings toward the team behind the game we just want to help them where we can to make it the best game it can be.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Yes, this affects me even if I only have ONE character.
I can imagine in the near future what I will see in game is: there will be a lot of characters in game and they are all botters.
> Manyyyyy people have asked us to take care of all the botters and their monopoly of AD, but when we do something to stop some of it, the same people berate us.
First of all, if that were true, the problem is that we don't believe you when you suggest that shutting down leadership on the gateway is the only thing that you could attempt (or that it will work)... and MOST importantly you have no reputation for thinking first about the desires of legitimate players due to all of the other anti-bot nerfs that you've applied recently.
> They're actually ruining the economy by having so much AD that it hikes everything up.
LET THEM EAT CAKE. This is problem of the haves vs the have-nots. I don't have anywhere near enough AD for the top stuff that these guys are putting their dirty AD in... so I don't care if *those* prices are high. They are selling things that legit standard players can buy cheap. So, they are actually pushing the prices down for the stuff that we need now (because of the artifacts of all kinds).
So you reduce my income and make things that I care about more expensive. That's why I'm chuffed.
Well, I used to cycle 7 miles to work in Central London, so being awake before I left was definitely encouraged!
I used to have a guildmate in another game who trained his kid to do his crafting tasks for him whilst he was at work (in return for allowing the kid to have his own character on the account)! Not that I would encourage using child labour in this way of course...
You should just go all out and disable all trading. No items, No gold. Nothing. Remove the AH also. Just make a vendor where you can buy any item in game with zen. that should solve the issue.
Actually, a system with no direct player to player trading (done correctly) would be fantastic.
Instead of a traditional auction house, you have a commodity style market where stuff is always bought and sold at the current price. And you could even develop an alogrith that drives the price up and down based on volume and activity, so that players aren't even setting the price.
Its actually what KR version of Black Desert does. Except here it wouldnt work and they would mess it up. Because you know.. Cryptic.
Anyways just popped in to show you Cryptic officials the result of today's patch. I am in a guild, which was once huge, now mediocre and after today's patch, well i was standing all alone. I don't need to say anything, this picture speaks volumes...
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke