thats no answer, thats just another comment without arguments
Okay, I hate to use arguments like this but the converstaion is getting ridiculous.
Chris (martianmhunter) is currently top SW and Ralexinor is number two (deathstroke ). I am floating around 18 page too (talking about NCL btw, not that broken one) and we are all fury spec'd warlocks. And now, you tell us that we don't properly test out the set of powers? We did TEST HAMSTER out of warlocks, lifesteal, high RIS or flat DPS. Flat DPS won.
Now can I please know who are you in game, just was wondering. Also in that post you're selfclaimed representative of mediocre geared SW players? Ye? I've got a good memory and I remember you were saying you had rank 10s and perfect enchantments. That's no mediocre.
1. how many warlocks do you think wear T negation and epic lol set in PVP?
2. did you do your tests with all builds
3. representing a mediocre geared warlock that run every tree ( this mod only fury and damnation) I represent the majority of the class
4. there are few warlocks in PVP that are top geared, and these guys deal good job, but are far away from ruling the game, the reason they run fury I assume is:
a. they wear T Negation and do not profit that much from endless cc immunity and permashift with perma 30% DR, beeing all time near cap and
b. they need more damage facing maxed chars, no soft target in that league, this only works with broken damageloops from creeping death combined with lol set, otherwise they just won´t get anything done
5. 70% of the threads about warlock are focussed on complaints about the class, sure justified somehow, 30% discuss other topics and tries to be contructive, lots of these threads are filled with misinformations, especially PVEwise
but nowhere you can find posts that clearly shows how crazy dominant some builds are in PVE, near noone tells ppl that there are crazy option with a build that makes you a big number in PVE outdamaging all other classes in T2 skirmishes and also T1, sure broken but what is not broken in this game?
I think its a better service to post things here that fit to lets say 90% of playerbase, that seems somehow clueless if I read some coments in the forum, like: ".... bla bla...its right because xy told me so", posting same stuff they read in threads and take it for common law because they did not make any other experiences is poor and not very creative nor producitve
not willing to point in any direction, some things are plain wrong or onesided referred
1) So far all PvP warlocks I encountered had lostmauth set/greater or perfect negation.
2) I did test temptation before NCL a lot and started m6 as a damnation SW too. Both lack DPS badly while fury is capable of taking down some enemies 1vs1 temptation/damnation can't. I even tried running perma CC build but cryptic broke harrow storm so GG.
3) Lol I assure you I saw many mediocre SWs and they ran fury too. And I am as hell as sure I have much more pvp experience then you do so no, not a majority.
4) Until I hit 150 matches mark in NCL I ran NORMAL negation + perfect holy avenger + not working high recharge speed build without losmaut set, that's not even bis and I was on 4th page. Yet another IQ depressing conversation with p2w hints. And we don't PvE at all, it's just people that want both pve and pvp and not willing to devote to one field or an another. We do PvP only.
my GS is 2,6k my enchant is a normal Negation, using bronzewood enchant 12%, I do not have all 10th at all no, its 8th
my artifacts reached legendary since last double Rp, rest purple
I do not see lots of Warlock in PVP but can assure, the one I met did not all wear lolset and T negation, and writing all warlocks that stick with PVP are maxed that way, is probably a bit exaggerated bc getting these enchantements takes time
I do know the leaderboard and the ranking, so be sure I know who you represent and thats no problem at all for me , as long as its no problem for you
In case I do not have this setup you talk about, the performance of the warlock differs from high end PVP, and nothing else is said, like some other player mentioned btw
I played SB fury most time and I honestly can´t find a big advantage in PVP, I have weared damageloops from avalanche but most time from OP´s aura that interferes badly with DOTs and CD
I do not play all day against maxed DR-capped player with BIS itmes and I am pretty sure most ppl in this game doesn´t either, and thats my point
If I would play against these builds I would not get much done thats correct
if you would read the comments its easy to understand, and if any IQ depression prevents you from doing so its not my fualt
so telling you my experiences running fury tree differ from yours should not automatically mean that its not that way
the reason why it differs are obvious
my GS is 2,6k my enchant is a normal Negation, using bronzewood enchant 12%, I do not have all 10th at all no, its 8th
my artifacts reached legendary since last double Rp, rest purple
I do not see lots of Warlock in PVP but can assure, the one I met did not all wear lolset and T negation, and writing all warlocks that stick with PVP are maxed that way, is probably a bit exaggerated bc getting these enchantements takes time
I do know the leaderboard and the ranking, so be sure I know who you represent and thats no problem at all for me , as long as its no problem for you
In case I do not have this setup you talk about, the performance of the warlock differs from high end PVP, and nothing else is said, like some other player mentioned btw
I played SB fury most time and I honestly can´t find a big advantage in PVP, I have weared damageloops from avalanche but most time from OP´s aura that interferes badly with DOTs and CD
I do not play all day against maxed DR-capped player with BIS itmes and I am pretty sure most ppl in this game doesn´t either, and thats my point
If I would play against these builds I would not get much done thats correct
if you would read the comments its easy to understand, and if any IQ depression prevents you from doing so its not my fualt
so telling you my experiences running fury tree differ from yours should not automatically mean that its not that way
the reason why it differs are obvious
Neither you told me who you're in game so I could do a wild guess on your overall matches, nor you realized that I've been trying to tell you. I met a lot warlocks in pvp, from all tiers simply because the queue often lacks players and it starts gathering all tiers together just to make a match sometimes. And like 80% of them were fury, 10% damnation and 10% temptation and even those decent 10% I saw recently respec'd for fury. And most of low tier players rarely had avalanche when I ran into them, so avalanche problem is probably is not as big as on "top exploiters tier" too. Hell, I bet those fury warlocks even have easier time bursting down their enemies than we do.
All SW's got now is damage and that's why fury > damnation/temptation, maybe you'll be able to contest the node but you won't be able to clean it as fast as fury does. Also, hahaha, it's not my fault either that we now have got another stubborn hipster like morenthar or kweassa (gotta give him kudos though, he had his own interesting builds and actually played it ok unlike botms cheese). Keep playing it if you like, after all, honestly, I don't give a HAMSTER
my GS is 2,6k my enchant is a normal Negation, using bronzewood enchant 12%, I do not have all 10th at all no, its 8th
my artifacts reached legendary since last double Rp, rest purple
I do not see lots of Warlock in PVP but can assure, the one I met did not all wear lolset and T negation, and writing all warlocks that stick with PVP are maxed that way, is probably a bit exaggerated bc getting these enchantements takes time
I do know the leaderboard and the ranking, so be sure I know who you represent and thats no problem at all for me , as long as its no problem for you
In case I do not have this setup you talk about, the performance of the warlock differs from high end PVP, and nothing else is said, like some other player mentioned btw
I played SB fury most time and I honestly can´t find a big advantage in PVP, I have weared damageloops from avalanche but most time from OP´s aura that interferes badly with DOTs and CD
I do not play all day against maxed DR-capped player with BIS itmes and I am pretty sure most ppl in this game doesn´t either, and thats my point
If I would play against these builds I would not get much done thats correct
if you would read the comments its easy to understand, and if any IQ depression prevents you from doing so its not my fualt
so telling you my experiences running fury tree differ from yours should not automatically mean that its not that way
the reason why it differs are obvious
Neither you told me who you're in game so I could do a wild guess on your overall matches, nor you realized that I've been trying to tell you. I met a lot warlocks in pvp, from all tiers simply because the queue often lacks players and it starts gathering all tiers together just to make a match sometimes. And like 80% of them were fury, 10% damnation and 10% temptation and even those decent 10% I saw recently respec'd for fury. And most of low tier players rarely had avalanche when I ran into them, so avalanche problem is probably is not as big as on "top exploiters tier" too. Hell, I bet those fury warlocks even have easier time bursting down their enemies than we do.
All SW's got now is damage and that's why fury > damnation/temptation, maybe you'll be able to contest the node but you won't be able to clean it as fast as fury does. Also, hahaha, it's not my fault either that we now have got another stubborn hipster like morenthar or kweassa (gotta give him kudos though, he had his own interesting builds and actually played it ok unlike botms cheese). Keep playing it if you like, after all, honestly, I don't give a HAMSTER
my best wishes back, hope the endless curse thats related to this class does not make you go mad
I read what you postetd and I understand why fury is the only way in high end PVP, but I do not think all warlocks have the equip you think
when you compare a player that has no T Negation and lolset, he will profit much more from perma 30% DR buff from Templock as you will do, so his DR is 70% most time plus DR from build having about 82% DR in PVP, so he reaches Cap most time
70% from this DR is unmitigateable, except by piercing damage from triple marking GF from OP from TR and some more, even arp does nothing against this 70%, as you mentioned yourself in another thread wich topic was more or less the sense(lessness) of arp against most builds execpt tanks without T Negation
He will not contest all day against builds that are maxed far over the DR cap as you do, only option against these builds is piercing from lolset or wheel , nothing a warlock can do otherwise
he is able to get player without T Negation down, as I do with damnation, against maxed/DR-capped chars I can´t to a HAMSTER
damnation path does not provide much more damage as temptation does if you read the feats, temptation provides more LS, much more movement and DR by that bc you do not run out stamina
all in all it is obviuos why these builds will work better for warlocks with low setup and gear, and thats nothing to be upset about
Also, hahaha, it's not my fault either that we now have got another stubborn hipster like morenthar or kweassa (gotta give him kudos though, he had his own interesting builds and actually played it ok unlike botms cheese). Keep playing it if you like, after all, honestly, I don't give a HAMSTER
Hipster?? Moi??
Oh no, now I'm blushing
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Once again, here we are. To buff or not to buff? The BiS SWs I run into are freaking hyper mobile and lethal. So, for those of you concerned about your underpowered SW class, you have some things to figure out. I'd suggest you guys go testing on Preview. The build/load-out is out there and it works.
Well I do very well in pvp as a 3k IS and have been climbing the NCL board (page 34 atm), but the flaw in your logic is this:
Any BiS beast SW in pvp is an elite level player. Only two kinds of pvp SW sill exist: gluttons for punishment and elite players. Why? Because they put in the time and resources into a downtrodden class to make it work. Elite players don't want to play a boring EZ mode OP class and want a challenge.
Yeah these guys are beast, but they would be more beast on the latest FoTMod OP EZmode class. Just because a handful of elite players (and it is just a handful, check the board for SWs) can make a class look good doesn't mean the class is up to par with other classes.
I used to play Warhammer Online and had a SW, shadow warrior (yeah classes with SW initials doesn't seem to bode well), which I did well with, but when my guild made me log on to a bright wizard for pvp it was no comparison. I'd get my kills with my SW, but almost double with the BW. Stick the elite SW players on a TR, etc and they'd blow their SW numbers out of the water.
1. how many warlocks do you think wear T negation and epic lol set in PVP?
2. did you do your tests with all builds
1. Not many veterans play the class in general, so not many have T. negation.
2. Yes I've tested all 3 paths, both Soulbinder and Hellbringer, I've spent hours day in day out on the preview refining and testing, and the result shows.
I'm not disagreeing that SW needs a buff the most, I'm saying Fury is by far the best PvP path at the moment.
and using "mediocre" geared applies to alot of classes, pally is the only class at the moment that doesn't need to be max geared to get to the top.
Once again, here we are. To buff or not to buff? The BiS SWs I run into are freaking hyper mobile and lethal. So, for those of you concerned about your underpowered SW class, you have some things to figure out. I'd suggest you guys go testing on Preview. The build/load-out is out there and it works.
So there's your answer, spend around $2k to $3k and get yourself BIS and then you can compete with the other classes.
Once again, here we are. To buff or not to buff? The BiS SWs I run into are freaking hyper mobile and lethal. So, for those of you concerned about your underpowered SW class, you have some things to figure out. I'd suggest you guys go testing on Preview. The build/load-out is out there and it works.
So there's your answer, spend around $2k to $3k and get yourself BIS and then you can compete with the other classes.
If you face a BiS top SW and a bis top 'other class' the difference is clear.
SW moves more but goes down 10x faster even with the high self healing, once focused.
today, on pvp, i have been 1 shooted by 2 different sw, and this many time
I though it was my aura ( everyone knows that some aura can 1 shot a paladin )
I perfectly know which aura can auto kill me, so, i chosse to not wear it for those pvp, but, problems was the same, i was still 1 shooted
I asked to theone who did it, how exactly can a sw shot a paladin ( especially me, basically only exploit can 1 shot me, and an sw has 0 chance to kill me 1 vs 1), this one didnt even answered ( yes @ralinexor, i'm talking about you)
So, there are 2 option :
1) Sw have been buffed
2) there is a new exploit from Sw
I checked pvp Historic, there is nothing inside that told me how i have been killed, except that i died for no apparent reason
Someone in my guild told me that this Sw was 4k Gs, that is why i died, but i'm 3,6k gs, tank paladin, and 2 bis Tr canot kill me (people who knows me on pvp knows that i don't easily die), so how the hell can a sw do something that no one can?
as for SW - Tyrannical Threat did too much dmg in pve
Fixed that for you.
not really. TT is still weirdly calculated by some cases.
It's not TT that is weirdly calculated but nightmare wizardy + chaotic fury buffs that trigger that 3m hits of soul puppet and stupid high dmg ticks of TT.
OP complaining about an exploit when their entire class is one big exploit is lol.
Lol yeah, from what I saw most of underhumans OPs think that killing them, in any manner, is an exploit and a crime against humanity. Nvm they can break free from prone and tank entire parties for Nan-Nan ammount of time holding that node alone.
Oh and where is that 6 years old video of a child playing a paladin? I want that one so I could poke every single OP thinking they are some mad skillz HAMSTER, with it.
Is it my fault if my class is bugged? no.
And to let you know, i send my build with all exploit i know about paladin to gm, wishing that they will fix it.
And i'm not talking about paladin, i'm talking about sw, if you wanna talk about paladin there are another post.
There is a bug that allow Sw to one shot people, a bug is a bug, when i fight Sw i take out aura of courage because i know that i can 1 shot them with it, and that is unfair, so, when a sw know that their is an interaction bugged that can kill me or another paladin ( maybe the other class too ) he should take it off too, or, it is an exploit.
I'm the first one to say that Sw need a buff, you can see my other posts, but this, is not a buff, it's an exploit.
"Oh and where is that 6 years old video of a child playing a paladin? I want that one so I could poke every single OP thinking they are some mad skillz ****, with it."
Any 6 years kid can play any class in neverwinter, characters are not really hard to play, no matter the class.
But, a 6 years kid will not have gears alone, so he will die fast in pvp, paladin include
Stop with your myth that it requires no wisdom to play it, clicking on a button is easy, choosing wisely your skill according to what you are fighting isn't.
To finish with that myth, when you have gears, everything become easy, when you have not, everything is hard, it's not necesseraly a question of age.
Is it my fault if my class is bugged? no.
And to let you know, i send my build with all exploit i know about paladin to gm, wishing that they will fix it.
And i'm not talking about paladin, i'm talking about sw, if you wanna talk about paladin there are another post.
There is a bug that allow Sw to one shot people, a bug is a bug, when i fight Sw i take out aura of courage because i know that i can 1 shot them with it, and that is unfair, so, when a sw know that their is an interaction bugged that can kill me or another paladin ( maybe the other class too ) he should take it off too, or, it is an exploit.
I'm the first one to say that Sw need a buff, you can see my other posts, but this, is not a buff, it's an exploit.
"Oh and where is that 6 years old video of a child playing a paladin? I want that one so I could poke every single OP thinking they are some mad skillz ****, with it."
Any 6 years kid can play any class in neverwinter, characters are not really hard to play, no matter the class.
But, a 6 years kid will not have gears alone, so he will die fast in pvp, paladin include
Stop with your myth that it requires no wisdom to play it, clicking on a button is easy, choosing wisely your skill according to what you are fighting isn't.
To finish with that myth, when you have gears, everything become easy, when you have not, everything is hard, it's not necesseraly a question of age.
what armorenchant do you use?
I experienced exactly 3 onehits with my warlock until now, but can´t prove it bc the log don´t tell me why and how, it happend 2 time against an OP one time against a CW
its a crit out of nowhere 265k, happend in presence of OP and CW as I remember , I am damnation build my puppet can´t crit so it must be something else
I even can´t tell if it was an extreme high damageslope by a crit from Warlocks Bargain that ended at 265k, bc it only appears when casted Warlocks Bargain and having these damageslopes, I suspect that my Bronzewood enchant also has some interaction with paladin bc I have lots of slopes not only when Paladin casts the aura of vengence
but 3 times in lots of games doesn´t make us very powerfull
warlock lacks in defence, even a DC has endless dodges and he has got heavy armor + AS
TR, CW, GF, GWF, DC, OP they all got much better defence
if I hop on my crappy GWF I can burst down warlocks so easy if they run out of AP, its really a cake, and they are not that crappy geared as I am
warlock is by far the best class against the OP, but normally I can´t burst a top geared OP down, never happend, only get them down to lets say 1/3 health with these slopes and in case my WB crits (me 2,5k them 4k)
only squishy OP´s 2-2,5k thats it
can´t say what happens if i pump up my gear and have some more Arp
today, on pvp, i have been 1 shooted by 2 different sw, and this many time
I though it was my aura ( everyone knows that some aura can 1 shot a paladin )
I perfectly know which aura can auto kill me, so, i chosse to not wear it for those pvp, but, problems was the same, i was still 1 shooted
I asked to theone who did it, how exactly can a sw shot a paladin ( especially me, basically only exploit can 1 shot me, and an sw has 0 chance to kill me 1 vs 1), this one didnt even answered ( yes @ralinexor, i'm talking about you)
So, there are 2 option :
1) Sw have been buffed
2) there is a new exploit from Sw
I checked pvp Historic, there is nothing inside that told me how i have been killed, except that i died for no apparent reason
Someone in my guild told me that this Sw was 4k Gs, that is why i died, but i'm 3,6k gs, tank paladin, and 2 bis Tr canot kill me (people who knows me on pvp knows that i don't easily die), so how the hell can a sw do something that no one can?
Any 6 years kid can play any class in neverwinter, characters are not really hard to play, no matter the class.
Somebody who has never played a SW in pvp that is for sure. Let's see the kid play a SW and compare it to OP, I bet the difference will be...significant.
You, smart guy. Go roll a SW then take on a perma stun HR 1 on 1 and tell me how SW is not hard to play. Go vs a SE from stealth TR and tell me how SW isn't really that hard to play. I want video posts. Go. See if it's as easy as facing those classes as an OP.
question is about this bug, not about paladin or any other class, you don't answer the question about how is it possible for Sw to 1 shot a paladin ( especially an almost BIS paladin ) or even 1 shot some other class without exploit.
Question is not about which class is easier to play, we all know that paladin isnt hard to play, it doesnt mean that anyone can be good with it.
Any child can use an sw, it will not make them strong or skilled, as for paladin.
But, :
You are avoiding the question about that bug, skill, exploit, with another thing, you are evading the issue.
If obfuscation and denial are your way to go, stop posting there.
question is about this bug, not about paladin or any other class, you don't answer the question about how is it possible for Sw to 1 shot a paladin ( especially an almost BIS paladin ) or even 1 shot some other class without exploit.
Question is not about which class is easier to play, we all know that paladin isnt hard to play, it doesnt mean that anyone can be good with it.
Any child can use an sw, it will not make them strong or skilled, as for paladin.
But, :
You are avoiding the question about that bug, skill, exploit, with another thing, you are evading the issue.
If obfuscation and denial are your way to go, stop posting there.
you got an answer, look above
there is no verified bug as far as I know, in case you play in a PVP guild there should be someone to answer your questions bc the hardcore guilds normally know every exploit
imo these are only some unpredictable oneshots or did you suffer from this situation lots of times?
keep looking out for a CW beneeth you, in case these things start to happen again, maybe they play a role in this strange bug
today, on pvp, i have been 1 shooted by 2 different sw, and this many time
I though it was my aura ( everyone knows that some aura can 1 shot a paladin )
I perfectly know which aura can auto kill me, so, i chosse to not wear it for those pvp, but, problems was the same, i was still 1 shooted
I asked to theone who did it, how exactly can a sw shot a paladin ( especially me, basically only exploit can 1 shot me, and an sw has 0 chance to kill me 1 vs 1), this one didnt even answered ( yes @ralinexor, i'm talking about you)
So, there are 2 option :
1) Sw have been buffed
2) there is a new exploit from Sw
I checked pvp Historic, there is nothing inside that told me how i have been killed, except that i died for no apparent reason
Someone in my guild told me that this Sw was 4k Gs, that is why i died, but i'm 3,6k gs, tank paladin, and 2 bis Tr canot kill me (people who knows me on pvp knows that i don't easily die), so how the hell can a sw do something that no one can?
I didn't reply to your PMs because it was late at night for me and I had far more productive things to be doing than talking to an OP that doesn't know their own class.
It's not an exploit, it's a problem with your class, not mine. Additionally, you're pretty cocky for saying that "2 BiS TR canot kill me", and using that as an argument to say SW can't kill you solo? That's not an argument to say SW can't kill you. That's just a "my class is OP and a class that's not OP shouldn't be able to kill me".
Oh yes, as for exploits, nice abuse of Transcendent Thunderhead to oneshot me and other people as well. Thankfully I know how to avoid that.
Your paladin is quite squishy either because of your spec or setup, so don't expect to live too long considering your skill or lack of. You might say you can switch encounters and so on, but your OP is far squishier than most OPs I've fought.
You were a terrible TR in mod 5 as well, while calling yourself "top 20", and it's no different this mod. Don't play broken classes and abuse broken mechanics and expect to get sympathy or recognition.
Also, getting destroyed in PvP then coming to QQ on the forums instead of trying to figure out how to counter it yourself is pretty weak.
Is it my fault if my class is bugged? no.
And to let you know, i send my build with all exploit i know about paladin to gm, wishing that they will fix it.
And so do we all, we've reported that the first time we've encountered that bug and that's probably also the reason you're not whinning about hob bug now. We don't like building our class around one HAMSTER item just to be able to clear up BS like yours, but we wo need to win. You'll get over your non perfect kda
There is a bug that allow Sw to one shot people, a bug is a bug, when i fight Sw i take out aura of courage because i know that i can 1 shot them with it, and that is unfair, so, when a sw know that their is an interaction bugged that can kill me or another paladin ( maybe the other class too ) he should take it off too, or, it is an exploit.
I once got 60k avalanche boon in a face just because OP used his gapcloser.
You really sound like "I want to abuse all HAMSTER I've got against that class, bending over each warlock I run into but don't wanna get bitchslapped myself...HAMSTER off". Not gonna happen.
Any 6 years kid can play any class in neverwinter, characters are not really hard to play, no matter the class.
But, a 6 years kid will not have gears alone, so he will die fast in pvp, paladin include
Stop with your myth that it requires no wisdom to play it, clicking on a button is easy, choosing wisely your skill according to what you are fighting isn't.
To finish with that myth, when you have gears, everything become easy, when you have not, everything is hard, it's not necesseraly a question of age.
You missed the point, paladin. If there are classes that noone listens to when they brag about their skill or complain about something they can't get over with it's either OP or TR.
You are misunderstanding about the reason of my post, but i was pretty sure that it would happen, anyway, i have half of the answer thx to schietindebux, the other one once again avoid the question.
I will answer to some things i'll read there
"nice abuse of Transcendent Thunderhead"
i choose this one at the beginning of the my char, it was less expensive than negation and it was what i had in mind for my char ( stun + dot ) can you tell me why you recently choose feytouch? I didnt have in mind to use any bug and btw sparks problem have already been reported, i will not sell mine and buy another one, I'm not as rich as you could think.
"while calling yourself "top 20"
wrong, top 50, which it was on pvp indeed the case.
"I once got 60k avalanche "
multi proc shouldnt exists, this bug is stupid, especially for a tank class like mine, but cryptic will do nothing as long as all class can use avalanche boons.
"You really sound like "I want to abuse all **** I've got against that class"
no.. i didnt make my build around how to kill sw.. i don't met often your class on pvp, i made all my build about dot, this is why there are so much interaction between my char and sw ( i will repeat it again, i want to know why i die in 1 shot, we know that if i put aura of courage, i will kill you in 1 shot, i don't know why without it i am killed in 1 shot.)
"If there are classes that noone listens to when they brag about their skill or complain about something they can't get over with it's either OP or TR."
as far as i remember, people complain about all class ( Cw dps, Hr Perma stun, Gf dps.. etc..) but when somebody talk about sw ( and i repeat, i want more dps for sw, already said in lot of posts ) and about some bug, it's not right? a bug is a bug, whatever the class.
"That's not an argument to say SW can't kill you. That's just a "my class is OP and a class that's not OP shouldn't be able to kill me"
Cool story, it's not what i said, but i said, that a tank should not be killed in 1 shot ( in fact,no class should be 1 shooted) and if it happens many time in 1 pvp, it means that there is a trick.
"nice abuse of Transcendent Thunderhead"
i choose this one at the beginning of the my char, it was less expensive than negation and it was what i had in mind for my char ( stun + dot ) can you tell me why you recently choose feytouch? I didnt have in mind to use any bug and btw sparks problem have already been reported, i will not sell mine and buy another one, I'm not as rich as you could think.
"while calling yourself "top 20"
wrong, top 50, which it was on pvp indeed the case.
"I once got 60k avalanche "
multi proc shouldnt exists, this bug is stupid, especially for a tank class like mine, but cryptic will do nothing as long as all class can use avalanche boons.
"You really sound like "I want to abuse all **** I've got against that class"
no.. i didnt make my build around how to kill sw.. i don't met often your class on pvp, i made all my build about dot, this is why there are so much interaction between my char and sw ( i will repeat it again, i want to know why i die in 1 shot, we know that if i put aura of courage, i will kill you in 1 shot, i don't know why without it i am killed in 1 shot.)
"If there are classes that noone listens to when they brag about their skill or complain about something they can't get over with it's either OP or TR."
as far as i remember, people complain about all class ( Cw dps, Hr Perma stun, Gf dps.. etc..) but when somebody talk about sw ( and i repeat, i want more dps for sw, already said in lot of posts ) and about some bug, it's not right? a bug is a bug, whatever the class.
"That's not an argument to say SW can't kill you. That's just a "my class is OP and a class that's not OP shouldn't be able to kill me"
Cool story, it's not what i said, but i said, that a tank should not be killed in 1 shot ( in fact,no class should be 1 shooted) and if it happens many time in 1 pvp, it means that there is a trick.
Go and get some advice from players like @casteth to build up a real Pally.
.. that some people doesnt share.
Thunderhead enchant is only an advantage against some classes, all in all its worse compared to T negation,
in case you meat a warlock or any other class with high arp (lets say 110%) + terror enchant , your defences melt and the damageslopes will be much bigger than with T negation bc your:
40% (tenacity)+ 35% (feats+constitution, you have less than that i guess) +40% DR (how much do you got frome defence?) will be someting like:
40% (tenacity) + (35% (DR from feats) x 0,56 (arp x RI)) + (40% (Defence) x 0,6 (Terror) x 0,56 (arp x RI))
40 + 19,2 + 13,44 = 72,6
getting debuff from -5% DR (Warlocks feat) its only 67,6% DR
in case of Deathstroke its something like 54% RI and no terror:
40 + 35% (1-0,54x0,4) + 40 x (1-0,54x0,4)
40 + 27 +31,36 -5 = 93,3% --> so you are allways at cap
but probably someone else debuffed you, a DC with devine glow (-17,5% DR for 12 seconds) f.e. + terror (40% defence ignored) beside you ?
so you suddenly are at something like 63% DR over all for some period and take near 100% more damage
T negation prevents you from these scenarios, you will allways stay at 80% cap
"nice abuse of Transcendent Thunderhead"
i choose this one at the beginning of the my char, it was less expensive than negation and it was what i had in mind for my char ( stun + dot ) can you tell me why you recently choose feytouch? I didnt have in mind to use any bug and btw sparks problem have already been reported, i will not sell mine and buy another one, I'm not as rich as you could think.
Feytouched is WAI right now, it only ever has bugged interactions with/against OPs because the class itself is bugged to hell.
"while calling yourself "top 20"
wrong, top 50, which it was on pvp indeed the case.
Leaderboard means jack HAMSTER. You were a terrible TR last mod. Period.
"That's not an argument to say SW can't kill you. That's just a "my class is OP and a class that's not OP shouldn't be able to kill me"
Cool story, it's not what i said, but i said, that a tank should not be killed in 1 shot ( in fact,no class should be 1 shooted) and if it happens many time in 1 pvp, it means that there is a trick.
Oh yes, tell that to GFs that can oneshot most classes with a specific setup.
"Your paladin is quite squishy"
It's a point of view...
Point of view from someone who's fought a lot of paladins with different classes, both in premade and pug matches.
my GS is 2,6k my enchant is a normal Negation, using bronzewood enchant 12%, I do not have all 10th at all no, its 8th
my artifacts reached legendary since last double Rp, rest purple
I do not see lots of Warlock in PVP but can assure, the one I met did not all wear lolset and T negation, and writing all warlocks that stick with PVP are maxed that way, is probably a bit exaggerated bc getting these enchantements takes time
I do know the leaderboard and the ranking, so be sure I know who you represent and thats no problem at all for me , as long as its no problem for you
In case I do not have this setup you talk about, the performance of the warlock differs from high end PVP, and nothing else is said, like some other player mentioned btw
I played SB fury most time and I honestly can´t find a big advantage in PVP, I have weared damageloops from avalanche but most time from OP´s aura that interferes badly with DOTs and CD
I do not play all day against maxed DR-capped player with BIS itmes and I am pretty sure most ppl in this game doesn´t either, and thats my point
If I would play against these builds I would not get much done thats correct
if you would read the comments its easy to understand, and if any IQ depression prevents you from doing so its not my fualt
so telling you my experiences running fury tree differ from yours should not automatically mean that its not that way
the reason why it differs are obvious
All SW's got now is damage and that's why fury > damnation/temptation, maybe you'll be able to contest the node but you won't be able to clean it as fast as fury does. Also, hahaha, it's not my fault either that we now have got another stubborn hipster like morenthar or kweassa (gotta give him kudos though, he had his own interesting builds and actually played it ok unlike botms cheese). Keep playing it if you like, after all, honestly, I don't give a HAMSTER
my best wishes back, hope the endless curse thats related to this class does not make you go mad
I read what you postetd and I understand why fury is the only way in high end PVP, but I do not think all warlocks have the equip you think
when you compare a player that has no T Negation and lolset, he will profit much more from perma 30% DR buff from Templock as you will do, so his DR is 70% most time plus DR from build having about 82% DR in PVP, so he reaches Cap most time
70% from this DR is unmitigateable, except by piercing damage from triple marking GF from OP from TR and some more, even arp does nothing against this 70%, as you mentioned yourself in another thread wich topic was more or less the sense(lessness) of arp against most builds execpt tanks without T Negation
He will not contest all day against builds that are maxed far over the DR cap as you do, only option against these builds is piercing from lolset or wheel , nothing a warlock can do otherwise
he is able to get player without T Negation down, as I do with damnation, against maxed/DR-capped chars I can´t to a HAMSTER
damnation path does not provide much more damage as temptation does if you read the feats, temptation provides more LS, much more movement and DR by that bc you do not run out stamina
all in all it is obviuos why these builds will work better for warlocks with low setup and gear, and thats nothing to be upset about
Hipster?? Moi??
Oh no, now I'm blushing
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Well I do very well in pvp as a 3k IS and have been climbing the NCL board (page 34 atm), but the flaw in your logic is this:
Any BiS beast SW in pvp is an elite level player. Only two kinds of pvp SW sill exist: gluttons for punishment and elite players. Why? Because they put in the time and resources into a downtrodden class to make it work. Elite players don't want to play a boring EZ mode OP class and want a challenge.
Yeah these guys are beast, but they would be more beast on the latest FoTMod OP EZmode class. Just because a handful of elite players (and it is just a handful, check the board for SWs) can make a class look good doesn't mean the class is up to par with other classes.
I used to play Warhammer Online and had a SW, shadow warrior (yeah classes with SW initials doesn't seem to bode well), which I did well with, but when my guild made me log on to a bright wizard for pvp it was no comparison. I'd get my kills with my SW, but almost double with the BW. Stick the elite SW players on a TR, etc and they'd blow their SW numbers out of the water.
1. Not many veterans play the class in general, so not many have T. negation.
2. Yes I've tested all 3 paths, both Soulbinder and Hellbringer, I've spent hours day in day out on the preview refining and testing, and the result shows.
I'm not disagreeing that SW needs a buff the most, I'm saying Fury is by far the best PvP path at the moment.
and using "mediocre" geared applies to alot of classes, pally is the only class at the moment that doesn't need to be max geared to get to the top.
So there's your answer, spend around $2k to $3k and get yourself BIS and then you can compete with the other classes.
SW moves more but goes down 10x faster even with the high self healing, once focused.
Class needs some love.
As long as CW exist in current state, SW will always be the much worse version of it.
today, on pvp, i have been 1 shooted by 2 different sw, and this many time
I though it was my aura ( everyone knows that some aura can 1 shot a paladin )
I perfectly know which aura can auto kill me, so, i chosse to not wear it for those pvp, but, problems was the same, i was still 1 shooted
I asked to theone who did it, how exactly can a sw shot a paladin ( especially me, basically only exploit can 1 shot me, and an sw has 0 chance to kill me 1 vs 1), this one didnt even answered ( yes @ralinexor, i'm talking about you)
So, there are 2 option :
1) Sw have been buffed
2) there is a new exploit from Sw
I checked pvp Historic, there is nothing inside that told me how i have been killed, except that i died for no apparent reason
Someone in my guild told me that this Sw was 4k Gs, that is why i died, but i'm 3,6k gs, tank paladin, and 2 bis Tr canot kill me (people who knows me on pvp knows that i don't easily die), so how the hell can a sw do something that no one can?
Oh and where is that 6 years old video of a child playing a paladin? I want that one so I could poke every single OP thinking they are some mad skillz HAMSTER, with it.
And to let you know, i send my build with all exploit i know about paladin to gm, wishing that they will fix it.
And i'm not talking about paladin, i'm talking about sw, if you wanna talk about paladin there are another post.
There is a bug that allow Sw to one shot people, a bug is a bug, when i fight Sw i take out aura of courage because i know that i can 1 shot them with it, and that is unfair, so, when a sw know that their is an interaction bugged that can kill me or another paladin ( maybe the other class too ) he should take it off too, or, it is an exploit.
I'm the first one to say that Sw need a buff, you can see my other posts, but this, is not a buff, it's an exploit.
"Oh and where is that 6 years old video of a child playing a paladin? I want that one so I could poke every single OP thinking they are some mad skillz ****, with it."
Any 6 years kid can play any class in neverwinter, characters are not really hard to play, no matter the class.
But, a 6 years kid will not have gears alone, so he will die fast in pvp, paladin include
Stop with your myth that it requires no wisdom to play it, clicking on a button is easy, choosing wisely your skill according to what you are fighting isn't.
To finish with that myth, when you have gears, everything become easy, when you have not, everything is hard, it's not necesseraly a question of age.
what armorenchant do you use?
I experienced exactly 3 onehits with my warlock until now, but can´t prove it bc the log don´t tell me why and how, it happend 2 time against an OP one time against a CW
its a crit out of nowhere 265k, happend in presence of OP and CW as I remember , I am damnation build my puppet can´t crit so it must be something else
I even can´t tell if it was an extreme high damageslope by a crit from Warlocks Bargain that ended at 265k, bc it only appears when casted Warlocks Bargain and having these damageslopes, I suspect that my Bronzewood enchant also has some interaction with paladin bc I have lots of slopes not only when Paladin casts the aura of vengence
but 3 times in lots of games doesn´t make us very powerfull
warlock lacks in defence, even a DC has endless dodges and he has got heavy armor + AS
TR, CW, GF, GWF, DC, OP they all got much better defence
if I hop on my crappy GWF I can burst down warlocks so easy if they run out of AP, its really a cake, and they are not that crappy geared as I am
warlock is by far the best class against the OP, but normally I can´t burst a top geared OP down, never happend, only get them down to lets say 1/3 health with these slopes and in case my WB crits (me 2,5k them 4k)
only squishy OP´s 2-2,5k thats it
can´t say what happens if i pump up my gear and have some more Arp
yai justice! die pala die ! xD
You, smart guy. Go roll a SW then take on a perma stun HR 1 on 1 and tell me how SW is not hard to play. Go vs a SE from stealth TR and tell me how SW isn't really that hard to play. I want video posts. Go. See if it's as easy as facing those classes as an OP.
Question is not about which class is easier to play, we all know that paladin isnt hard to play, it doesnt mean that anyone can be good with it.
Any child can use an sw, it will not make them strong or skilled, as for paladin.
But, :
You are avoiding the question about that bug, skill, exploit, with another thing, you are evading the issue.
If obfuscation and denial are your way to go, stop posting there.
you got an answer, look above
there is no verified bug as far as I know, in case you play in a PVP guild there should be someone to answer your questions bc the hardcore guilds normally know every exploit
imo these are only some unpredictable oneshots or did you suffer from this situation lots of times?
keep looking out for a CW beneeth you, in case these things start to happen again, maybe they play a role in this strange bug
I didn't reply to your PMs because it was late at night for me and I had far more productive things to be doing than talking to an OP that doesn't know their own class.
It's not an exploit, it's a problem with your class, not mine. Additionally, you're pretty cocky for saying that "2 BiS TR canot kill me", and using that as an argument to say SW can't kill you solo? That's not an argument to say SW can't kill you. That's just a "my class is OP and a class that's not OP shouldn't be able to kill me".
Oh yes, as for exploits, nice abuse of Transcendent Thunderhead to oneshot me and other people as well. Thankfully I know how to avoid that.
Your paladin is quite squishy either because of your spec or setup, so don't expect to live too long considering your skill or lack of. You might say you can switch encounters and so on, but your OP is far squishier than most OPs I've fought.
You were a terrible TR in mod 5 as well, while calling yourself "top 20", and it's no different this mod. Don't play broken classes and abuse broken mechanics and expect to get sympathy or recognition.
Also, getting destroyed in PvP then coming to QQ on the forums instead of trying to figure out how to counter it yourself is pretty weak.
I once got 60k avalanche boon in a face just because OP used his gapcloser.
You really sound like "I want to abuse all HAMSTER I've got against that class, bending over each warlock I run into but don't wanna get bitchslapped myself...HAMSTER off". Not gonna happen. You missed the point, paladin. If there are classes that noone listens to when they brag about their skill or complain about something they can't get over with it's either OP or TR.
I will answer to some things i'll read there
"nice abuse of Transcendent Thunderhead"
i choose this one at the beginning of the my char, it was less expensive than negation and it was what i had in mind for my char ( stun + dot ) can you tell me why you recently choose feytouch?
"while calling yourself "top 20"
wrong, top 50, which it was on pvp indeed the case.
"I once got 60k avalanche "
multi proc shouldnt exists, this bug is stupid, especially for a tank class like mine, but cryptic will do nothing as long as all class can use avalanche boons.
"You really sound like "I want to abuse all **** I've got against that class"
no.. i didnt make my build around how to kill sw.. i don't met often your class on pvp, i made all my build about dot, this is why there are so much interaction between my char and sw ( i will repeat it again, i want to know why i die in 1 shot, we know that if i put aura of courage, i will kill you in 1 shot, i don't know why without it i am killed in 1 shot.)
"If there are classes that noone listens to when they brag about their skill or complain about something they can't get over with it's either OP or TR."
as far as i remember, people complain about all class ( Cw dps, Hr Perma stun, Gf dps.. etc..) but when somebody talk about sw ( and i repeat, i want more dps for sw, already said in lot of posts ) and about some bug, it's not right? a bug is a bug, whatever the class.
"That's not an argument to say SW can't kill you. That's just a "my class is OP and a class that's not OP shouldn't be able to kill me"
Cool story, it's not what i said, but i said, that a tank should not be killed in 1 shot ( in fact,no class should be 1 shooted) and if it happens many time in 1 pvp, it means that there is a trick.
"Your paladin is quite squishy"
It's a point of view... .. that some people doesnt share.
Thunderhead enchant is only an advantage against some classes, all in all its worse compared to T negation,
in case you meat a warlock or any other class with high arp (lets say 110%) + terror enchant , your defences melt and the damageslopes will be much bigger than with T negation bc your:
40% (tenacity)+ 35% (feats+constitution, you have less than that i guess) +40% DR (how much do you got frome defence?) will be someting like:
40% (tenacity) + (35% (DR from feats) x 0,56 (arp x RI)) + (40% (Defence) x 0,6 (Terror) x 0,56 (arp x RI))
40 + 19,2 + 13,44 = 72,6
getting debuff from -5% DR (Warlocks feat) its only 67,6% DR
in case of Deathstroke its something like 54% RI and no terror:
40 + 35% (1-0,54x0,4) + 40 x (1-0,54x0,4)
40 + 27 +31,36 -5 = 93,3% --> so you are allways at cap
but probably someone else debuffed you, a DC with devine glow (-17,5% DR for 12 seconds) f.e. + terror (40% defence ignored) beside you ?
so you suddenly are at something like 63% DR over all for some period and take near 100% more damage
T negation prevents you from these scenarios, you will allways stay at 80% cap
Feytouched is WAI right now, it only ever has bugged interactions with/against OPs because the class itself is bugged to hell.
Leaderboard means jack HAMSTER. You were a terrible TR last mod. Period.
Oh yes, tell that to GFs that can oneshot most classes with a specific setup.
Point of view from someone who's fought a lot of paladins with different classes, both in premade and pug matches.
Opinions of pugs that don't understand high end PvP doesn't concern me.