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Perma Stun HR's are ruining PvP!



  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    noetic2 wrote: »
    I wonder if there are not a few HRs out there who are taking advantage of some exploit that most of us are not privy to. I don't perma-stun anybody in PvP. Especially Iv1. Pretty pitiful 1v1 against anybody, really. The only time I do well is in PvE against mobs. But even then, only when they are concentrated in one place. Recovery is pretty much instantaneously for a Trapper, but only when up against 3 or more players, and only when you land all your encounters. Which is almost impossible.

    Hmm interesting.
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    Lol i have a solution for you Ant get the ROD of imperial artifact, a terror and stack full recovery, slot trample of the fallen and your skills get up too 60% cd reduction while still 1 enc deals more dmg than 2 rotas with dailies of a hr. Thats how gf's managed to kill me with 1 rota, poppin this artifact -> into the fray -> bullcharge -> anvil and that with 7k power from a guy with shield, terror and heavy armor.

    I agree this perma daze has to be gone but at the same time i will at last deal only half of the dmg a supposed "tank" (GF) class deals atm.

    Do me a favor and dont start such stupid threads when you login once a mod. Most of us wont play with cc but its the only WAI option in pm's today

    1. "from a guy with shield, terror and heavy armor." Okay that's interesting, what's your point?
    2. Yes/No - Do you think the major changes Module 6 brought to EVERYTHING was good idea lol?
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    vinceent1 wrote: »
    You are constantly dazed because good HRs know how to use their powers with the right timing.

    Why are beginners and inexpirienced players always think they know better?
    Ant-Monster is a scrub GF. Was and always will be. Thats fine, I let him, but he talks like he knows stuff. He doesnt :-D

    Look what I just highlighted. The WHOLE point of this thread is about Perma Daze HR's. You just contradicted yourself, and if I didn't say anything just now. You wouldn't EVEN KNOW you did.

    "but he talks like he knows stuff" HAHA! Because of your last post, I can say the EXACT same thing to you. Step yo logic game up brah.
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    vinceent1 wrote: »
    vinceent1 wrote: »
    remove cc to hr and i will be best hr in the game. my dream....

    point is. there are some abusers, especially at pvp guilds, who take advantage from perma cc, but every proper hr want to play striker at pvp as before, so we pray for bug fixed and class can be buffed to reasonable levels. period.

    btw. the best placed hrs on the leaderboard are premade hrs. when perma cc bug is fixed, pvp guilds remove all hrs from premades and maybe there will be less hrs in top leaderboard than sw.

    There is no perma cc bug. There is a bug that loops two features and can daze you permanently, but only, if they are "behind you". Second, to execute this bug is very difficult and very slow. Anyone with even the slightest pvp experience can dodge or interrupt the intital melee bleed.

    No "top HR" uses this anyway (maybe just for the lolz or to try it out). You are constantly dazed because good HRs know how to use their powers with the right timing.

    Why are beginners and inexpirienced players always think they know better?
    Ant-Monster is a scrub GF. Was and always will be. Thats fine, I let him, but he talks like he knows stuff. He doesnt :-D

    top hrs if you look at leaderboard are hrs from premade and they are all "good enough" to know how to use it. its mostly only things they can really contribute to premade (pvp guilds for example)

    if you play pvp, you know, that more and more hrs use it, its not that hard to land. and bring almost perma stun on possible most dangerous enemy is not bad stuff

    I am such an HR, not that I care about the crappy leaderboard anyway. I fight with and against the best (if u can even say "best" in a game like NW) players, and almost nobody uses that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> bug.

    Also, directed at the players in that thread like Antpet and his fan boys: HR is not even a 1vs1 class anymore. Good GFs can wreck u in one rotation, if they catch you, which is not that hard because of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> dodges the HR has.
    Basically this is a troll thread from a scrub GF. A topic he creates every module, even when HRs are now at the low end in pvp food chain.

    Oh btw: the "evil and exploiting pvp guilds"… cool story bro. Some has to be blamed for own incompetence, right?
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited July 2015

    You know what trips me out about you. You can read words that come DIRECTLY from me, that CLEARLY says "the point of this thread is to get HR's LOOKED at." I've even stated this in my old module threads.

    "Obviously there's something wrong with the dodge mechanic of the HR's."

    "I create threads about bugs or imbalances."

    I even explain my reasoning for such post and you STILL won't get it. You're failing to comprehend SO HARD, that you don't even realize we have a common interest. You can even watch VIDEO footage and STILL be in denial. The people that agree with me aren't my friends, fans, I don't even recognize most of these @handles. The reason why they agree is because they see what's happening from a RIGHTEOUS point of view. I'm starting to think your a lost cause man.

    (Read this next thing VERY carefully) - I DO NOT want HR's to suck, my goal is to get the imbalances fixed. Once fixed, I want to see HR's PRIMARY range damage to get buffed to help promote their class role as the RANGER.
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    can someone please link me to the permastun build.. because even 1v1 i lose often to people.. no matter the class.. often luck plays a roll (boon pops and fox dodge catching large attacks, and/or interrupts)

    vs a tank? i lose 99% of the time unless i WAY WAY out gear the guy and he sucks.. they just absorb way too much damage..

    vs a cloth user.. if i can get close i often have a chance.. but even then it is a gear heavy fight..

    vs a TR if they are one of the REAL players and don't go perma stealth, it is a freaking BLAST to fight them, because up close they do tripple the damage i do, but at range i can out damage them.. always a fun fight!
    vs a permastealth? often i just stop trying and let them kill me, because i can run around like crazy and might get 1 hit before they pop a CC break and run away far enough and start throwing at me while i search..

    vs a healer me running away.. (paladin or DC) we do such pitiful damage unless we COULD perma stun and prevent healing this is a joke of a fight.. (seen paladins take on 5 people at once though.. so.. i don't feel too bad about fleeing)

    so PLEASE someone tell me what i am doing wrong as a trapper because with all the "control bonus" %'s and bonuses being complete broken and not working on the daze OR the root.. i dunno how a .75 daze (before resistances) is able to permanently daze(stun) someone.. and if this involved exploiting that bleed bug then nevermind.. that is pretty damn cheap/lazy...

    considering it is about 1 out of 5 matches i see another HR in.. i don't see how we have a permastun build and have not become a MASSIVE 'flavor of the month' like most classes see when they get a boost OR more often a "super build" is discovered that exploits bonuses/system

  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    noetic2 wrote: »
    I wonder if there are not a few HRs out there who are taking advantage of some exploit that most of us are not privy to. I don't perma-stun anybody in PvP. Especially Iv1. Pretty pitiful 1v1 against anybody, really. The only time I do well is in PvE against mobs. But even then, only when they are concentrated in one place. Recovery is pretty much instantaneously for a Trapper, but only when up against 3 or more players, and only when you land all your encounters. Which is almost impossible.

    i 2nd this... against mobs i ROCK something does seem... "broken" against any mob without a "range" attack i c an keep them locked down and RARELY take a hit (only when i close in to do melee rotation).. it seems like the root on a mob lasts.. a STUPIDLY long time.. the daze however is still very short.. against "ranged" mobs i get the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> beat out of me at times.. and anything that ignores CC (like the giant lizards in well of dragons) omg.. the pain.. the fleeing.. the potions.. hahahah though i have to admit.. it is a FUN fight if i live.. because of it being so "on the edge" of win/loose
  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    it is stupid GF thread, but this perma bug is no that rare nowadays sadly. its not for killing someone 1vs1, but very usefull for premades
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    Once fixed, I want to see HR's PRIMARY range damage to get buffed to help promote their class role as the RANGER.

    Your still clueless as ever. A Ranger is not a RANGED class… funny how all your whine threads getting closed.

    You just suck at playing a GF. Hats he reason why you complain so much about HR. Actually your tears are pretty sweet.

    Even with the HR being a underdog class now you still play so bad that you have the feeling to complain about HR dodges and that stuff LOL.
    Pls give me more antyboy :-D
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    Once fixed, I want to see HR's PRIMARY range damage to get buffed to help promote their class role as the RANGER.

    Your still clueless as ever. A Ranger is not a RANGED class… funny how all your whine threads getting closed.

    You just suck at playing a GF. Hats he reason why you complain so much about HR. Actually your tears are pretty sweet.

    Even with the HR being a underdog class now you still play so bad that you have the feeling to complain about HR dodges and that stuff LOL.
    Pls give me more antyboy :-D

    "Your still clueless as ever." <--- That's the funniest thing you've typed all thread, but do you know why? Here's a HINT, scroll up, read 1-2 of my replies to you, then TRY YOUR HARDEST to understand why I think that's funny lol. I personally believe you're not capable, therefore you don't care enough, which makes your opinions very null to me. But I'm VERY interested in the results.
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    well considering no one has posted a build i am assuming once again this is fake QQing or it is a single guy or a dozen guys exploiting some bug that isn't common knowledge yet..

    if all HR(s) could easily permanently stun(daze) lock a person.. don't you think EVERYONE would be rolling them as a flavor of the month?? considering it is only about a 25% chance i even FACE another HR in domination and the other 75% being facing a CW (the match making system really does try to balance teams with tanks vs tanks, healers vs healers, melee vs melee dps and range dps vs range dps..).... i don't see hr(s) being a FOTM...

  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    I assume the reason not everyone is rolling a Trapper HR is due to the fact that it takes too long to kill an opponent compared with the other "striker" classes out there. I play a Combat HR in pvp and more often than not there is another HR in my team, while the enemy is also likely to have one (Trapper guaranteed). My WIS is 23, Control resist stat 600+ and it makes zero difference when coming up against a Trapper even when I use Oghma's. The window to react to the CC from Trappers is too small to get any sort of advantage over them.

    Trappers definitely aren't FotM class for pvp BUT if there's a HR out there you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be a perma CC Trapper.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • umcjdkingumcjdking Member Posts: 276 Arc User

    lirithiel wrote: »
    I assume the reason not everyone is rolling a Trapper HR is due to the fact that it takes too long to kill an opponent compared with the other "striker" classes out there. I play a Combat HR in pvp and more often than not there is another HR in my team, while the enemy is also likely to have one (Trapper guaranteed). My WIS is 23, Control resist stat 600+ and it makes zero difference when coming up against a Trapper even when I use Oghma's. The window to react to the CC from Trappers is too small to get any sort of advantage over them.

    Trappers definitely aren't FotM class for pvp BUT if there's a HR out there you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be a perma CC Trapper.

    All I want the devs to do is give us combat tree Swiftness of the Fox.

    Could care less about boring-<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> trapper.
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »
    I assume the reason not everyone is rolling a Trapper HR is due to the fact that it takes too long to kill an opponent compared with the other "striker" classes out there. I play a Combat HR in pvp and more often than not there is another HR in my team, while the enemy is also likely to have one (Trapper guaranteed). My WIS is 23, Control resist stat 600+ and it makes zero difference when coming up against a Trapper even when I use Oghma's. The window to react to the CC from Trappers is too small to get any sort of advantage over them.

    Trappers definitely aren't FotM class for pvp BUT if there's a HR out there you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be a perma CC Trapper.

    @osterdrache - Here you go Mr. I want to pretend there's nothing wrong with HR's, and we HR's have NEVER been broken or overpowered whatsoever in the past nor will we be in the future despite watching visual evidence of it.
    Post edited by lvl99looter on
  • vadimt83vadimt83 Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    lirithiel wrote: »
    I assume the reason not everyone is rolling a Trapper HR is due to the fact that it takes too long to kill an opponent compared with the other "striker" classes out there. I play a Combat HR in pvp and more often than not there is another HR in my team, while the enemy is also likely to have one (Trapper guaranteed). My WIS is 23, Control resist stat 600+ and it makes zero difference when coming up against a Trapper even when I use Oghma's. The window to react to the CC from Trappers is too small to get any sort of advantage over them.

    Trappers definitely aren't FotM class for pvp BUT if there's a HR out there you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be a perma CC Trapper.

    @osterdrache - Here you go Mr. I to pretend there's nothing wrong with HR's, and we HR's have NEVER been broken or overpowered whatsoever in the past nor will we be in the future despite watching visual evidence of it.
    Overpowered? Really?
    1) HRs do the least DPS off all ranged strikers. Even the zero CC archery feat path.
    2) If you want to go perma CC there are far better options than an HR, builds which can actually DPS (ie CW)
    3) HRs in melee are cannon fodder. Even the "melee" combat path.

    So please, leave our bottom of the food chain class alone.

  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    lirithiel wrote: »
    I assume the reason not everyone is rolling a Trapper HR is due to the fact that it takes too long to kill an opponent compared with the other "striker" classes out there. I play a Combat HR in pvp and more often than not there is another HR in my team, while the enemy is also likely to have one (Trapper guaranteed). My WIS is 23, Control resist stat 600+ and it makes zero difference when coming up against a Trapper even when I use Oghma's. The window to react to the CC from Trappers is too small to get any sort of advantage over them.

    Trappers definitely aren't FotM class for pvp BUT if there's a HR out there you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be a perma CC Trapper.

    I rolled trapper because i found it was just about the only way i could fight/level post 60... i had to keep the mobs locked down so i could range them, and then dart in once in awhile to melee root them and then dodge out and range some more.. Also from everything i read the melee or archer (or a mix of the 2) is 100% worthless and broken DPS wise, because there are not enough damage boosts in those 2 trees, and that the root + dot is better dps.. and i see it parsing the combat log.. i get about 49% of ALL DAMAGE from the DOT tick on the roots.. (in PvE)
  • legion10398legion10398 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    Oh. My. God. Stop whining people! HR trappers using crushing roots are a strong option for PvP. Are they overpowered? No. They are not a bottom-of-the-food-chain class. They are not overpowered. They are balanced. In fact, every class except for SW has a build that is balanced. TRs have saboteur. GWFs have destroyer. GFs have conqueror. DCs have faithful. CWs have renegade. And HRs have trapper. Are there other paths that are not so balanced? Yes, but every class has them. Can any of those paths wreck the others? Potentially, but that is more skill and gear-based. These threads do not help. Of you have an issue with a certain feat path being underpowered, create a thread asking the devs to fix it on that class's forum. Stop flaming and QQ'ing on our forum.
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    vadimt83 wrote: »
    lirithiel wrote: »
    I assume the reason not everyone is rolling a Trapper HR is due to the fact that it takes too long to kill an opponent compared with the other "striker" classes out there. I play a Combat HR in pvp and more often than not there is another HR in my team, while the enemy is also likely to have one (Trapper guaranteed). My WIS is 23, Control resist stat 600+ and it makes zero difference when coming up against a Trapper even when I use Oghma's. The window to react to the CC from Trappers is too small to get any sort of advantage over them.

    Trappers definitely aren't FotM class for pvp BUT if there's a HR out there you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be a perma CC Trapper.

    @osterdrache - Here you go Mr. I to pretend there's nothing wrong with HR's, and we HR's have NEVER been broken or overpowered whatsoever in the past nor will we be in the future despite watching visual evidence of it.
    Overpowered? Really?
    1) HRs do the least DPS off all ranged strikers. Even the zero CC archery feat path.
    2) If you want to go perma CC there are far better options than an HR, builds which can actually DPS (ie CW)
    3) HRs in melee are cannon fodder. Even the "melee" combat path.

    So please, leave our bottom of the food chain class alone.

    Things you need to learn/understand.
    1. I was NOT talking to you.
    2. Since you're talking about damage, HR's have been overpowered in that aspect in the past.
    3. HR's and a few other classes are still currently broken. Menaing there's some mechanics that aren't fuctioning properly.
    4. I recognize there's a problem with HR's, YOU recognize there's a problem with HR's. So instead of us going after each others throats. Let's work together and get this busted class looked at, and properly tweaked so it has decent single target damage, and excellent AoE damage.

    You people act like the HR has ZERO PROBLEMS.
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Oh. My. God. Stop whining people! HR trappers using crushing roots are a strong option for PvP. Are they overpowered? No. They are not a bottom-of-the-food-chain class. They are not overpowered. They are balanced. In fact, every class except for SW has a build that is balanced. TRs have saboteur. GWFs have destroyer. GFs have conqueror. DCs have faithful. CWs have renegade. And HRs have trapper. Are there other paths that are not so balanced? Yes, but every class has them. Can any of those paths wreck the others? Potentially, but that is more skill and gear-based. These threads do not help. Of you have an issue with a certain feat path being underpowered, create a thread asking the devs to fix it on that class's forum. Stop flaming and QQ'ing on our forum.

    (Read what I highlighted/BOLD in your post) - This is not true. Most of the classes you mentioned survivability/damage is 80% geared based. Hell, if not 80% then 100%. But the interesting thing is this... It wasn't always like that. The days when everyone had MORE equal opportunity in terms of play time for success, astral diamond income from grinding T2 dungeons, before artifacts, and the life sucking boon campaigns, were the days when classes were more balanced. NOT perfected, but MUCH MORE balance than now.
    Everything wasn't gear dependent, everyone didn't have a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ton stats, people had to strategically build/fight other classes.

    Example: Did you know you are MORE likely to die to a TR from cloud of steel, than any other encounters they have these days? Most TR's just sit in one spot and throw knives at your elbows for 7-10k damage a piece. And there's visual evidence of this as well. How is that balanced? There was a reason why there used to be cap/cooldown on cloud of steel.
  • ZooidinZooidin Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    What you say about the overbuffed GF my friend? Bis Players two shotting with knightly challenge?

    There was plenty of feedback right now, most rangers hate trapper, a change is needed. Combat sucks due to low damage and survivability, archery fails miserably due to low damage and low... everything. Any change in dodge is acceptable, since you have to foresee the future or dodge like crazy to have any success.
  • vadimt83vadimt83 Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    vadimt83 wrote: »
    lirithiel wrote: »
    I assume the reason not everyone is rolling a Trapper HR is due to the fact that it takes too long to kill an opponent compared with the other "striker" classes out there. I play a Combat HR in pvp and more often than not there is another HR in my team, while the enemy is also likely to have one (Trapper guaranteed). My WIS is 23, Control resist stat 600+ and it makes zero difference when coming up against a Trapper even when I use Oghma's. The window to react to the CC from Trappers is too small to get any sort of advantage over them.

    Trappers definitely aren't FotM class for pvp BUT if there's a HR out there you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be a perma CC Trapper.

    @osterdrache - Here you go Mr. I to pretend there's nothing wrong with HR's, and we HR's have NEVER been broken or overpowered whatsoever in the past nor will we be in the future despite watching visual evidence of it.
    Overpowered? Really?
    1) HRs do the least DPS off all ranged strikers. Even the zero CC archery feat path.
    2) If you want to go perma CC there are far better options than an HR, builds which can actually DPS (ie CW)
    3) HRs in melee are cannon fodder. Even the "melee" combat path.

    So please, leave our bottom of the food chain class alone.

    Things you need to learn/understand.
    1. I was NOT talking to you.
    2. Since you're talking about damage, HR's have been overpowered in that aspect in the past.
    3. HR's and a few other classes are still currently broken. Menaing there's some mechanics that aren't fuctioning properly.
    4. I recognize there's a problem with HR's, YOU recognize there's a problem with HR's. So instead of us going after each others throats. Let's work together and get this busted class looked at, and properly tweaked so it has decent single target damage, and excellent AoE damage.

    You people act like the HR has ZERO PROBLEMS.
    1. This is a forum, not a 1 on 1 conversation.
    2. Yes, HAS been. Now its damage dealing abilities are at wet noodle level. Those perma CC trappers you're so complaining about? they can't kill a fly in PVE.
    3. And so are GFs, what you're trying to say? People will always try to optimize based on what works and what doesn't. Take damage away, people go CC. Take lifesteal away, people stack deflect.
    4. Its not your job to solve those problems. Let the devs work on them, and let people who actually play HRs to give feedback. I don't want my archery build gimped any further just because some GF cant kill trappers in PVP.

  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    Just let it sink for a few seconds:
    A GF is whining about "overpowered dodges and immunity frames" of HR… a decent GF these days can one rotate an HR… maybe not antyboy and his bad builds… but a decent GF can.

    Antmonster with all his whining and biased video- "proofs" is just an attention seeker. At least with that he is kinda decent :-D

    Looking forward for another response of him… they are actually funny ^^
  • legion10398legion10398 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    Just let it sink for a few seconds:
    Looking forward for another response of him… they are actually funny ^^


    And also, if you are having issues with HRs as a freaking Guardian Fighter (one of the best PvP classes right now), go check out Azrael's build. It really works, I use it for my GF and I wreck pugs and premades alike (okay, I don't wreck premades, but I am definitely a threat and I usually end up with somewhere around a 7-8/1 K/D ratio, and we usually win).
  • legion10398legion10398 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    Oh. My. God. Stop whining people! HR trappers using crushing roots are a strong option for PvP. Are they overpowered? No. They are not a bottom-of-the-food-chain class. They are not overpowered. They are balanced. In fact, every class except for SW has a build that is balanced. TRs have saboteur. GWFs have destroyer. GFs have conqueror. DCs have faithful. CWs have renegade. And HRs have trapper. Are there other paths that are not so balanced? Yes, but every class has them. Can any of those paths wreck the others? Potentially, but that is more skill and gear-based. These threads do not help. Of you have an issue with a certain feat path being underpowered, create a thread asking the devs to fix it on that class's forum. Stop flaming and QQ'ing on our forum.

    (Read what I highlighted/BOLD in your post) - This is not true. Most of the classes you mentioned survivability/damage is 80% geared based. Hell, if not 80% then 100%. But the interesting thing is this... It wasn't always like that. The days when everyone had MORE equal opportunity in terms of play time for success, astral diamond income from grinding T2 dungeons, before artifacts, and the life sucking boon campaigns, were the days when classes were more balanced. NOT perfected, but MUCH MORE balance than now.
    Everything wasn't gear dependent, everyone didn't have a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ton stats, people had to strategically build/fight other classes.

    Example: Did you know you are MORE likely to die to a TR from cloud of steel, than any other encounters they have these days? Most TR's just sit in one spot and throw knives at your elbows for 7-10k damage a piece. And there's visual evidence of this as well. How is that balanced? There was a reason why there used to be cap/cooldown on cloud of steel.

    Okay. You actually don't know what you're talking about. There were always campaigns; the most annoying one (Sharandar) was actually the first - unless you're talking about open beta, which wasn't balanced at all (it was a brand new game). Mod 1 was decently balanced, but DCs were pretty much impossible to kill, TRs could oneshot easily, GFs were better than GWFs in every respect...there were issues. Mod 2, HR was extremely powerful, but GWF was insane. CW was as well. Mod 3, GWF was still insane, HR was still decent, CW was still good...pretty much the same. Mod 4, HR was good, GWF was kinda weak, GF was kinda weak, CWs were still excellent, TRs got big buffs to saboteur tree, making permastealth easy, SW was introduced as this crazy burst class, and DCs were suddenly incredibly hard to kill and could actually put up really good damage. Mod 5, not much changed, except GF and GWF got slightly better, and combat HR got slightly worse. Mod 6, well, I already explained it. And here's the thing. Mod 6 is actually so balanced because:

    a. The fact most of the old gear was made obsolete in turn brought back the power creep and (initially) put everyone on semi-equal footing.
    b. People were required to level again, maintaining that equal footing.
    c. OP was introduced, causing many of the people that had powerful characters already to level one, giving other people a chance to catch up.
    d. GF was buffed to be equal to other class, HR trappers got crushing roots to make them strong again.
    e. This is the most important. The stat curves were adjusted so that even though you could stack stats so much higher, it took a lot more in a stat to make it effective. That in turn made feats, non-stat boons, and other such buffs much much stronger, because they were just more valuable (example: a feat giving a 10% damage boost would previously have been slightly better than 5 rank 10 radiants. Now, a 10% damage boost is slightly better than 9 rank 10 radiants. therefore, this puts people who have rank 7 radiants and that feat much closer to people who have rank 10 radiants, because the feat makes a bigger difference than the stat).

    Also, your example of TR is not close to true. The reason you may perceive it as that is probably because either you have never played TR or you simply face poor ones. I would guess it is the former though. The reason they appear to only need or use CoS is because yes, it's a strong at-will, but they also need to reserve their encounter slots for utility encounters (i.e. shadow strike, bait-and-switch, etc.). Typically I carry SS, DS, and ItC for encounters, with GC and CoS for at-wills. I use both equally. I also see TRs with SS, DS, and B&S for encounters. You complain about HRs and TRs being so op, but I doubt you have ever been on the receiving end of a good GF. I have. I've fought AZRAEL in a 1v1. He beat me most times, with me only getting him once when I got lucky and dodged the fast-casting bullcharge. If you need to know how to beat TRs, HRs, or any other class, read his guide and talk to him in-game. He is in my opinion one of the best GFs in the game right now (SpeedFlash also is great, considering he wrecks 60-69 PvP with blue/green jewelry, grim preserver armor and weapons, and a couple green artifacts). Stop complaining because you simply don't know what you're doing.
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    Just let it sink for a few seconds:
    A GF is whining about "overpowered dodges and immunity frames" of HR… a decent GF these days can one rotate an HR… maybe not antyboy and his bad builds… but a decent GF can.

    Antmonster with all his whining and biased video- "proofs" is just an attention seeker. At least with that he is kinda decent :-D

    Looking forward for another response of him… they are actually funny ^^

    Show me a quote where I specifically said HR's dodges & immunity is overpowered.
  • legion10398legion10398 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    Links to some videos. The first four are by SpeedFlash. He is very skillful and plays multiple classes, similar to me. He doesn't have an HR though :'(

    DC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZzlghsDMog

    GF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrL1UBdcZ90

    GWF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy5hH2at7xc

    TR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMajNUTQKy0

    Somebody else's HR video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBEyCJystbM

    Somebody else's CW video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGOKI0ymB4E

    Even an SW video, though they are the only underpowered class right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swc6fKxYRvE

  • legion10398legion10398 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    This demonstrates how any class can be "overpowered" if played right, but if you match all of those together, it ends up balanced. Notice how in the TR video, he doesn't just use CoS, he also uses GC and constantly moves around and uses his utility powers. That is how you play TR.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    well i laughed well. Thank you lol.
    obviously you have 0 idea on current HR state)
    Hr is a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. true. Has to to be fixed. true. But I hope they won't let people with "such knowledge" even near to HR fixes. Cause well we gonna get one more idiotic "fix" again
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    Example: Did you know you are MORE likely to die to a TR from cloud of steel, than any other encounters they have these days? Most TR's just sit in one spot and throw knives at your elbows for 7-10k damage a piece. And there's visual evidence of this as well. How is that balanced? There was a reason why there used to be cap/cooldown on cloud of steel.

    omg.. perma stealths with cloud of steel = most annoying thing in this game.. even worse than the immortal paladins..

  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    This demonstrates how any class can be "overpowered" if played right, but if you match all of those together, it ends up balanced. Notice how in the TR video, he doesn't just use CoS, he also uses GC and constantly moves around and uses his utility powers. That is how you play TR.

    I personally know SpeedFlash. He's specifically recorded while he was lvl 60 because I told him at level 60 (not 61, not 62, but 60) the damage buff given to level 60 players who had decent module 5 gear was INSANE! He tested it out, loved it, recorded, make videos.
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