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Neverwinter Elemental Evil Upcoming Changes and Roadmap



  • brotherhades78brotherhades78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »

    Personal note: I play an archer-build Stormwarden HR (not a Trapper, and not a Pathfinder). The survivability changes have really soured me on mod 6, more than I can put into words. They have hobbled that build's ability to survive.

    Totally agree here, before Mod 6 my HR also an archer Storm Warden build could solo any of the Dread Ring Lairs, now even the one I could solo the easiest Phantasmal Fortress is impossible for me to solo with my HR yet I have soloed them all with my Devotion Oath Paladin, because every third hit I get a massive amount of healing and sanctuary will also heal me so I can survive better with my OP than either of my other characters the Storm warden Archer HR or my Iron Vanguard Conqueror GF both have issues that Mod 6 have introduced, never realized how much both were relying on life steal/regen since it was not something I actively chased with either one of their gear, but with both being weakened and changed it is apparent how much the old system helped to keep me alive.

    So I find most of my play time is devoted to my OP and still running the daily lair with a group on my GF to hopefully get the Eye of Lathander, other than that my HR and GF are largely being used for professions, and invoking.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Sweet list.

    Almost looks like you took my posting list and filtered the non-sarcastic stuff out of those for your worklist. Now what about that Temptation tree Rank 4 feat giving +3/6/9/12/15% (or 4-20%) Lifesteal chance to bring the TempLocks back to the board? :^D

    - Good to hear that the midlevel gear from the campaigns gets reintroduced.
    - Good to hear that Armor Enchantment slots now will be on more than one chestpiece.
    - Good to hear Tia's is getting attenuated, so people can get their ToD boons without spending months in WoD
    - Good to hear we'll get refining stuff from the campaign zone daily lairs.
    - Good news especially for all the not-all-BiS-geared-and-heavily-prefarmed-pre-Mod-6 crowd and even more so for new players.

    The first patch since quite a while I'm really looking forward to.

    Thank you, really a big step in the right direction!
  • brotherhades78brotherhades78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    mattock13 wrote: »

    Regarding the new Elemental Evil zones, I propose that the vigilance setup be eliminated. Rearrange the existing quests into coherent story lines, similar to the level 1-60 zones. The quests that don't fit can be given by an alternate NPC and made repeatable with minor rewards. Maybe change the HE quests to something like a weekly "complete 4 HE's in _____" and give some refinement points, elements, or AD for completion. Something like this would increase the replay of the zones and maybe make it easier to find people doing the HE's.

    Or return the rewards the vigilance tasks had in the first place on the preview server. With each one giving a sealed containers (which are now only available by doing the two daily missions from Archdruid Morningdawn or HE's in the new zones) that held a level 5 enchant or refining stone it would give a good incentive for players to do the vigilance tasks even after they have finished with the new zones. As it is they are tedious and monotonous with little rewards other than the rare unified elements or elemental aggregate.
  • discoricediscorice Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Totally agree here, before Mod 6 my HR also an archer Storm Warden build could solo any of the Dread Ring Lairs, now even the one I could solo the easiest Phantasmal Fortress is impossible for me to solo with my HR yet I have soloed them all with my Devotion Oath Paladin, because every third hit I get a massive amount of healing and sanctuary will also heal me so I can survive better with my OP than either of my other characters the Storm warden Archer HR or my Iron Vanguard Conqueror GF both have issues that Mod 6 have introduced, never realized how much both were relying on life steal/regen since it was not something I actively chased with either one of their gear, but with both being weakened and changed it is apparent how much the old system helped to keep me alive.

    So I find most of my play time is devoted to my OP and still running the daily lair with a group on my GF to hopefully get the Eye of Lathander, other than that my HR and GF are largely being used for professions, and invoking.

    Yep. was a very good, exciting class to solo with. I really liked soloing the WoD lairs. They were tricky with a Stormwarden Archer, but it was doable. The Master Alchemist could teach you a lot about movement, usually through blood and pain, but man was that fun... Now, though...

    Why would you nerf every last line of defense for a class into nothing? I don't understand why we took such a huge hit.
    Fear Of A Disco Planet
  • kegliskolbakegliskolba Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    azlanfox wrote: »
    So Andy and Alex, get you guys and devs together and get some videos of you all playing through those dungeons. Oh, and no using those dev tools to give yourselves gear (they can create any combination of class/race/gear in a live environment... I saw it at Comic Con 2013 fully geared toons for people to play through a leveling dungeon) or using dev 'codes' to mitigate.

    would pay to see this as well. epic dungeon run with 5 iLvl 1600 chars as per requirement.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kalindra wrote: »
    hustin1 wrote: »
    [...]1. Are you going to address the difficulty of dungeons? I'm really, really tired of being one-shotted by minion-level peons. They're not just hard; they're unreasonably hard.
    Not to mention that due to this, you - once again - can't get in any dungeon at all, unless you're a OP or an healing DC or have a IS in the millions.

    Absolutely, and it's good to hear that the campaign rewards have been beefed up (including extra RP gains) to give some help to the less overgeared players to adress this. I do hope... ...but see below.

    sockmunkey wrote: »
    hustin1 wrote: »
    2. Are you going to do something about general difficulty (SOLO content)? Healing potions are useless when enemies do so much damage, and we can't drink them nearly often enough to make them useful. We can't regen any more when we need it the most, and lifesteal is unreliable at best. I don't want to be cynical and think that it's meant to make us buy health stones, but as time goes on it's becoming increasingly difficult.[...]
    I agree, I feel the difficulty has overshot the mark by a bit. Especially for solo dailies. There is no reason for these to be gruelingly difficult or a source of player frustration.

    I'm willing to concede that, this is perhaps a method of leaving room for expanding gear score so as to not make all the content trivial sometime in the future. If this is the case, then the focus is on the wrong thing. A frustrated player might not be willing to wait for things to get easier as gear scores inflate down the line. Solutions need to be available now, even if it might create new problems later. Those can be dealt with if or when they happen.

    ^^^^ this!

    First thing: The as of yet could be designed with a tad less brutal reds. Or some of them. And yes, the epics - because the non-epics are reallyreallreally laughably easy, even when youre on level and toting R5s. And when the power creep creeps in, part of the Dungeouns - e.g. CN, VT, MC - can be beefed up more. This is standard practice in other games - adapt some content to the realities of the state of the game. In both directions. And, ofc, with an appropriate adaption of the rewards gained from there.

    Second thing: I'm glad to hear that the loot void between random blues and Alliance/Elven gets stuffed to some extent. Of course we don't yet have the full details, but this should help quite a bit. And that some stuff will stay risky, but on the other hand highly rewarded isn't really a bad move - I'm willing to take a few trips from the campfire back to the front if I get handsomely rewarded for this.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    discorice wrote: »
    Yep. was a very good, exciting class to solo with. I really liked soloing the WoD lairs. They were tricky with a Stormwarden Archer, but it was doable. The Master Alchemist could teach you a lot about movement, usually through blood and pain, but man was that fun... Now, though...

    Why would you nerf every last line of defense for a class into nothing? I don't understand why we took such a huge hit.

    With HR's, especially archer-builds, you had to chase one or the other; they were vital. Also, remember that for the longest time, Stormwarden was the only HR paragon path. Most people apparently chased lifesteal, and I chased regen. Obliterating the usefulness of both in combat has made the difficulty flat-out unreasonable.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I like some of the changes that were described in the article. A few other steps that should be taken are:

    1. Make sure that items that drop for a specific player in the leveling dungeons match that player's actual level. Do the same for the daily SCA rewards.

    2. Add refinement items to all the seal vendors, (Manticore, Pegasus, etc).

    3. Realize that if players are to undertake a set of daily quests toward some goal, said goal must not be so far off that it seems insurmountable, and the immediate rewards for said quests must be meaningful.

    4. Add a cleric to all campaign zones which will remove all injuries for a nominal gold fee - this should be a little less than the comparable injury kit cost, since they're only available at certain rest areas.

    5. Add mailboxes to all zones, already.

    6. The act of doing 1 of each unique vigilance quest in a given area should be sufficient to progress to the next area.

    7. You want people to run HEs? Remove all drops from them, have them instead give tokens of some type, and allow players to buy the exact items they want. If you give players a predictable and reliable path to acquiring better gear, then they WILL make use of it!

    8. Similar to 7 above, there is still virtually no reason to run the various Sharandar lairs. Give us a more direct and reliable path to better equipment and/or items, and we will go back to playing these.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • discoricediscorice Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    With HR's, especially archer-builds, you had to chase one or the other; they were vital. Also, remember that for the longest time, Stormwarden was the only HR paragon path. Most people apparently chased lifesteal, and I chased regen. Obliterating the usefulness of both in combat has made the difficulty flat-out unreasonable.

    Actually I did sort of dip my toes in defense, deflect AND lifesteal (the lowest of the three, but it did help) and almost nothing in HP (I think my max then was around 26k). My build probably could've been cleaner, but it was pretty survivable that way. Even so my percentages were much higher than the 18%DR, 20%Deflect and 9% lifesteal I have now.
    Fear Of A Disco Planet
  • pistachitospistachitos Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hello this news is wonderful but please don't forget the GREAT WEAPON FIGHTER have a bug in the skill WEAPON MASTER in Lv 4 don't work in that LVL please fix that
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited May 2015
    Hello this news is wonderful but please don't forget the GREAT WEAPON FIGHTER have a bug in the skill WEAPON MASTER in Lv 4 don't work in that LVL please fix that
    Please have a look see for what is coming in Friday's patch: Patch Notes: NW.45.20150416c.10
  • thesageakpthesageakp Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    See you guys aren't addressing how in the world a new player without some experience or good gear is going to manage to even lvl to 70. Shelved one of my toons since it didn't have boons or rank 7's. Can't get better gear unless you do the new content, can't do new content without better gear. Progression has become impossible for several people, especially newer players just getting their feet wet.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thesageakp wrote: »
    See you guys aren't addressing how in the world a new player without some experience or good gear is going to manage to even lvl to 70. Shelved one of my toons since it didn't have boons or rank 7's. Can't get better gear unless you do the new content, can't do new content without better gear. Progression has become impossible for several people, especially newer players just getting their feet wet.

    They specifically mentioned that blue armor and main hand weapons will be getting enchantment slots. They also mentioned that one or all of the campaign stores will be getting blue gear, purchasable with campaign currency. Those two steps will greatly improve a new level 70's experience. Now if they'd just address the issue with leveling dungeons dropping gear below your level, then we'd have yet another step in the right direction...
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hey Scott/Strum,

    Thanks for the Patch Notes and the Article. Super pleased with the increased communication we have been seeing! As I work in the gaming industry, I can understand/relate to the behind the scenes checks and balances that are in place. Very few things are a super quick fix, this is the business world and not a fantasy world after all...

    That being said, keep on rocking and keep up the improved work! :cool:
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Another thing I'd really like to see addressed at some point: frame rate. Something since mod 6 has tanked frame rate. It's not bad when you're just walking around, but as soon as combat starts (and especially if there are any spell effects going on), it tanks -- even with everything turned down.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's nice to see some progress, and thank you.
    However, this is sadly overdue. Here's a list of things that are still, in my opinion, necessary to make this game enjoyable again:

    1) Remove the nerf to dragon's hoard enchantments. As the poll in General Discussion shows, it is offensive to the great majority of players.
    2) Lower the difficulty of all epic-level bosses and monsters. No one enjoys the challenge of getting killed by two or three assassin drakes while running from a dead dragon herald to the next one.
    3) Address the monstrous lag that is still caused by Burning Guidance, Astral Seal, Prism's interaction with dailies, and so on.
    4) The Tiamat minimum IL should be around 2400. If you can't or won't make it possible for us to form our own 25-person raids, we need to have another way to keep the incompetent and undergeared players out. All it takes is one person deciding to kill a dragon head too early or to use some lag bomb power to waste 24 other people's time and effort.
    5) Every profession should be able to - with time but NOT subject to the whims of the RNG - craft items approximately equal to those found in epic dungeons. The expensive armor and weapons that it is currently possible to craft at level 25 are useless. We should also be able to design our own unique crafted gear, apportioning the available pool of stats how we want them. If we want armor that's all defense, deflect and life steal, we should be able to make it - as well as armor that's all power, crit and armor penetration.
    6) As another thread says, get rid of the garbage stat curve. It makes no sense to punish players for leveling up.
    7) CLASS BALANCING. All the strikers, using any paragon path or feat path, should be able to do approximately equal damage to one another. We are well on our way back to the awful mod 3 situation where only GWFs and CWs were welcome as DPS players in dungeon parties. Stop punishing players for choosing one class and putting in the work it takes to level and gear up, only to find that they're insignificant in dungeons or against Tiamat.
    8) Refinement and gear inflation has gone too far already. Please stop it here.
    9) Bring back a variety of epic dungeons.
    10) New pvp maps wouldn't hurt either.
    11) Scale all healing items (e.g soulforged enchantments, healing potions) and healing abilities (e.g. Oak Skin, Stag Heart) to be meaningful at level 70.
    12) Make the 4th Sharandar and Dread Ring boons proc with enough frequency to affect the game, and to be worth the MONTH of grinding it takes to get them.
    13) Rework the various weapon and armor enhancements so that more than just vorpal, terror, negation and elven battle are actually worth having. As another thread points out, plaguefire is seriously underpowered. Given their similar descriptions, one imagines that so are flaming, lightning, bilethorn and so on. The grind and expense of raising any enhancement to rank 12 should be rewarded.
    14) More progress, faster. It's been a month and your players aren't happy.
  • evrtreaevrtrea Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    look i think the game is great,and hope it continues at least as long as neverwinter 1 did.still tho the key complaint i still have is balancing,for the rogue to be the all powerful class it is,is unbalanced.i have fought a rogue in pvp for 7 minutes straight and never saw the him,every now and then i might see one of my arrows floating thru the air,a good rogue can sit on a node and own it,i have watched my whole team fight one rogue,and lose(please dont say its a skill thing,my toon's is named eric morgan a 70th lvl HR with all the burning gear,u dont get that gear by having no skill)im not saying nerf the rogue but at least give us a way to see him,that artifact dont work period.refining man those prices are high,the majority of the people on this planet are poor,if u keep that in mind when making ur prices,u will have alot more sales.why dont U(not a third party)have a way to sell astral diamonds,theres ur money maker right there,not gear or companions.still awesome game been playing since it came out,will continue to play it for as long as u allow me too peace and godspeed
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This post is EXACTLY what I wanted too see. too hear what you were working on and the opinions. I'm happy to hear the IWD rewards being looked at. More posts like this please. with UPDATES about whats happening, and if there are bugs / issues you are trying to fix, ask the playerbase for examples / help in doing it. We're more than happy to do this if we get a response. I'm sure if you told players
    "we are currently looking at enchantment balance, We would appreciate it if players on preview tested these enchantments and Posted (color coded) in the master thread on the forum about the enchantments effectiveness and balance, If a bug is found please also let us know what you were doing when it occurred as this can help us create a fix" <-- as a rough example. you'd then get targeted direct feedback on what you want feedback on.

    I do suggest however you look at increasing the strength of the Elemental Black ice Gear. Elemental black ice gear should have comparable stats to the burning PvP gear, so it can be used as a lower tenacity, higher brute stats, hybrid alternative. Just as previously we could use Black ice gear as an alternative to profound gear.

    I feel the stats allocation of this gear should be looked at and changed to reflect a hybrid PvP / PvE experience. Corrupted gear having high power, high armor pen, moderate crit, lifesteal and defence - Purified gear having High Defence, High Deflect, Moderate Power , Regen , Recovery Would be a good example as stat allocation on Striker gear. Healer gear could be more optimised with Higher recovery/crit and lower arpen/lifesteal/deflect
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • dart7764dart7764 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    When are you going to back Sharandar and Dread ring back down,, sorry but I have 4 toons halfway thru both and its bs for me to have to grind them up to 70 to continue. I used to buy zen every week but I will not put another penny into the game unless its fixed and soon.
  • taciogtaciog Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    and the GWF passive Weapon Master is still buggy, and not be activating when in nv 4, from the first week that you know of this bug and have not yet put away, as is our class?
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would like to request one area to be adjusted please:

    The current invocation rewards are fine EXCEPT the items reward should be rotating, and BoA, not BoP.

    I say this as my cleric keeps getting Uncommon quality Thaumatergic stones, and my usual Rogue self keeps getting Rare quality Mark of Power. I would like it randomised between marks and stones please, with a small 1-3% chance for an Epic one.
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would like to request one area to be adjusted please:

    The current invocation rewards are fine EXCEPT the items reward should be rotating, and BoA, not BoP.

    I say this as my cleric keeps getting Uncommon quality Thaumatergic stones, and my usual Rogue self keeps getting Rare quality Mark of Power. I would like it randomised between marks and stones please, with a small 1-3% chance for an Epic one.

    Or just make it a bound peridot, so it can be used wherever you want...
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • brotherhades78brotherhades78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would like to request one area to be adjusted please:

    The current invocation rewards are fine EXCEPT the items reward should be rotating, and BoA, not BoP.

    I say this as my cleric keeps getting Uncommon quality Thaumatergic stones, and my usual Rogue self keeps getting Rare quality Mark of Power. I would like it randomised between marks and stones please, with a small 1-3% chance for an Epic one.

    At least you are getting good rewards, my poor lvl 70 HR is getting minor resonance stones :( on preview he was getting marks of stability at one point and my two other characters are getting lesser stones so the rewards could use some balance. I do agree that the invoking rewards should be account bound rather than character bound as it would benefit to be able to move them around. I also think that at 70 if they reward with refinement stones it should be lesser or above.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Currently got all 30+ alts to 70lv...
    Sweet baby jeebuz... :eek:
  • dmphantom1dmphantom1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back the dungeons! They were my favorite part of this game... the only time I really socialized with players outside my friends and guild. And, it's frustrating to not feel like the leveling areas are really complete with "hanging" quests to go to dungeons that don't exist. When is this happening?
  • sylverhart2sylverhart2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    azlanfox wrote: »
    This doesn't really do anything, nor does it satisfy any glaring concerns. Still, it is a nice gesture.

    I agree, how bout fixing the content from 61 - 65 (as there is where i quit) with a story line instead of daily/repeatable quests that have no story. Here i was hoping to look and see that there was substance to this patch release. So much for wishful thinking. You have lost an avid player who spend zen on a reg basis i might add. This game had such potential and you destroyed it for the casual player IMO.
  • lyaiselyaise Member Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by lordmanshoon View Post
    Currently got all 30+ alts to 70lv..
    Sweet baby jeebuz... :eek:

    and I thought I'd done well to get my second character through the vigilance drudge.
    ...............vote for your favourite expansion..........
    "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
    ..............not this one then.............
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I can go along with it in regards to setting things getting set back as far as difficulty, but then we end up with the people that complained before about things being too easy, not presenting a challenge. It would be nice for something between something that a reasonably geared character can solo without much frustration, but still provide a bit of a challenge to those that need it. Though I am not sure how that would be accomplished other then returning to the GS/TIL gates for certain content, but even that did not work well because it never took into account the different builds. ie power over defense or different feat trees like HR Archer, or combat over trapper. There are just a lot of variables to account for but I do feel that had the devs and the powers that be listened to the players on the preview server then a lot of the issues could have been fixed before Mod 6 ever went live. Even if it had meant another delay it would have saved a lot of frustration. Though I have a feeling the first release delay had more to do with lining up the release to coincide with Wizards of the Coast's release of the module for D&D.

    Exactly. There's no need to nerf everything, reduce damage from everything, just to make a handful of people happy. Not every dungeon or instance should be for everyone. I find solo areas too easy and boring. Thus I don't do them. If some people don't enjoy the difficulty in T2s, why can't they just decide it's not for them instead of demanding nerfs?
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    We appriciate the effort,

    Even if it is only a minor part of the problem, you have no idea how much it means to us, that it is moving in the positive way.

    Devs need to understand, we are all very worried.

    But that does not mean we do not respect even the slightest effort and will on their part.
    We all do.

    So thank you very much. =)

    Best regards

  • luks707luks707 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. I strongly agree with the "not every area should be for everyone". There should be hard areas for those with top gear, and easier ones for others. The key is that in each area you get something worthwhile when you do it, as in worthwhile for you at that point.
    2. In terms of artificing and weaponsmithing, the big problem is that you can't craft anything that is better than the stuff you get for free (the level 70 arti weapons) and often not even anything better than what you just find lying around or get as part of quests. You need to introduce things that are worthwhile, and crucially, at level 25 you need to have something like you have in armoursmithing that allows you to use the skill to upgrade your weapon and off hand, a bit like you can with Black Ice shaping now (although again see my earlier comment about reconsidering where BI gear is in the hierarchy of things). Perhaps maybe you require a Tier 3 result for it to make a big difference, but at least it gives these abilities a purpose.
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