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A Message Regarding Neverwinter: Elemental Evil



  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Please consider up'ing the RP value of blues and epics. With the recent changes resulting in much much less purples in the world, please consider making them worth more RP. I would apply this to anything 60+
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
  • millsc14millsc14 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lessen the toughness of the mobs.

    drop the fallen dragon fangs from the pricetag of the eternal armor.

    outside of a group it has gotten way to ahrd to get them.
  • bardaaronbardaaron Member Posts: 545 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    PLEASE fix some of the longstanding Foundry bugs, and make them worth playing for the average player. Listen to Eldarth, he has great ideas, and has compiled most, if not all, of our feedback into one place.
  • dart7764dart7764 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Let me just state I am a casual player, I do not have hours a day to play. But to be honest I am horribly disappointed in the new update. I have 6 characters at level 60 in various states of advancement in Sharandar n Dreadring and icewind dale etc. Now I cannot even survive a skirmish with a low level mob? I compare this to playing monopoly and and getting the rules changed in the middle of the game to where you need 20 houses to buy a hotel instead of 4. Sorry but if this doesnt change I am probably just finding another game to spend my time and money on.
  • blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    okay.... I have to ask why did someone think it was a good idea to put a number of heroic encounters right on top of an area for a normal quest? There you are happly questing away when a 5 person plus quest drops on your head or like my last time in reclamation rock a 15 person one seriously ... so you die and have to use a injury kit or waste time standing on a re-spawn point. Needs fixing.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    The only complaints about difficulty come from people who don't want to get the new gear with more hit points. OF COURSE you're going to struggle if you don't get up to 80-100k hit points. When you have that gear heroic encounters can be done solo again, even in icewind dale. And yes I did it...

    In a word, bull. T2 dungeons are unplayable and all but unwinnable even with 80-100k HP without exploits (though apparently ToS can be done legitimately). The difficulty is absurd and pointless. Solo content is doable - mostly - but having to get parties for every lair in the Well of Dragons is tedious and serves no purpose. There is no one unwilling to get the gear. Making defense, deflect, life steal and regeneration meaningless was a horrible mistake (one of many). We only hang around in the hope that people like the new dev leader will fix it.
  • blackjackwidowblackjackwidow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Seriously, if this entire thread is actually read, I will be super-surprised. I'm not getting a great warm fuzzy feeling when the first action item solutions to happen is to drop XP gain from one campaign, announce a new, more expensive bag at the same time that you bind bags on equip, and keep the difficulty level in Icewind Dale, while rolling out a new, high-priced 'bypass the campaign' ticket.
    lyaise wrote: »

    Actions speak louder than words. So far we have seen the actions contradicting the words - I repeat, actions speak louder than words.

    Walk the walk - change.

    People are tired of reporting the same bugs over and over, and hearing 'the devs don't reply directly to threads', with absolutely no way to know if anyone really knows about it, cares about it, maybe it's now WAI and no one bothered to mention it - what? We don't know.

    My suggestion is:

    Update the Known Issues post to actually show a list of known bugs and issues, in approximate order of priority, and update each item weekly, even if it's just to say "too low on the priority list at the moment".

    Post your Action Items - and take action on them!
  • brisedabriseda Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    26. SAME THING goes for PVP. I hate PVP but a lot of people love it. Decide if this is a priority or NOT. Again, see my point about the foundry. PLEASE keep all boons and buffs earnable from PVP OUT of PVE game. DO NOT make the mistake of blending PVP in with PVP, ie making certain gear and boons only obtainable in PVP and then useable in PVE. This is NOT FAIR to players who do not wish to participate in the current broken and troll infested PVP maps. Give PVP players ALL the boons potions and magical gear you want, but please only allow them to use that stuff IN pvp. How is it fair that all these elite PVP players suddenly have epic purple gear 1 day after mod6 is released. YET us die hard PVEers have to spend 15 fangs to get **** blue gear??????? This was a mistake.

    I disagree with this. Most of that post was great but this is wrong. PVE and PVP are part of the same game. I like both, I do both. Most PVPers, even die hard ones, have to PVE to get certain things, even if they dont enjoy it that much. The same should go for PVErs. Bite the bullet, do some PVP and enjoy the full experience. Gauntlgrym is not the same animal it was before, its pretty balanced and most matches I have been in are relatively close ones. This is probably the most (maybe only) positive change that Mod 6 brought us. Use it. Enjoy it.
  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    1. Elemental Evil Zones: Taking the Icewind Dale and Well Of Dragons concept and replicating it into new zones as a replacement for a NORMAL campaign was an interesting idea, but just does not seem to work very well. I think the idea was to make these areas a place to keep coming back to. There is NO reason to come back to these areas after completion and for people who wanted a continuation and resolution of the new story, ...well there is none.

    I have been watching many streamers of the xbox One version of the game and I am almost jealous even though they have much less content than we do.

    2. Difficulty: The new stat curve that ACTUALLY REDUCES your powers as you go from 60 to 70 has to go down as one of the craziest things I have ever seen in a video game. I am not asking for easier content. The game was way too easy in many areas due to power creep. The solution to this is to increase the difficulty of NEW content (new dungeons etc) and ramp up the rewards as well. We asked for Legendary versions of Dungeons with great rewards. We did not ask to basically re-do the whole game.

    3. QA: Mod 6 was probably released 6 months too early based on what I saw on preview. WE did the QA for you on preview and put our heart and soul into the feedback. AND, we did it for free. Many issues that you see today, we already identified in preview.

    4. Gear etc: The new gear is very underwhelming considering what was done with the dungeons difficulty. We dont look at others Item Level anymore, we look at others Hitpoints to see if they are good enough. The game has turned into a "one stat" video game. This game is VERY rough around the edges in terms of gear progression post-70.

    5. Bugs: There are so many bugs, that my head is spinning. I feel sorry for any new programmer that has to come in and fix everything. Again, most of these bugs were identified on preview by US. A limited set of dungeons were released with Mod 6, which already tells me the game was rushed. Of those released, only a few actually work. Malabogs Castle was/is unplayable due to some kind of lag/frame rate issues.

    6. Refinement: I used to defend this idea, but it is now a huge problem in this game.

    7. Going Forward: Even after I have said all this, there is STILL no other game that I want to play. I appreciate you taking ownership of this game and it's problems. We as players are here to help. Many of us test your game in preview at NO CHARGE. If you are indeed taking ownership of this game, I would tell upper management that you refuse to release any new version of this game until it meets yours and the communities standards.
  • daphnesnowbourndaphnesnowbourn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Letting you know that you have hurt yourself with this last upgrade, because while I assume that the majority of the players on here, play for free, you depend on your paying customers to keep your business up and running. I have probably spent somewhere between two and five hundred dollars on here over the last year. The way I've justified that, is that if I wasn't playing here I would be buying new games, or DLC for my playstation anyway. However, if one of my playstation games implemented a "Cap Increase" the way you did that is the last time that I would ever spend money with them again. When I purchase a new module, I expect to be able to at least do what I was able to do before I purchased the new module, the cap increase should only be necessary for new content, not for content I already have. Based on what my character can do without dying she was knocked down by 25 to 30%, or more. Now I know that we do not purchase the actual modules in neverwinter, but the reason that I have spent money is that it is extremely hard to get ahead as a DC, even if I max myself for damage, I can't survive the way several of the other characters do, and then nobody in group pairings wants a DC that is maxed for damage, and can't keep them alive. I have had to purchase content, just to keep my character alive, and to get her to where she is now. So imagine how I felt after I had logged in and found out, that I was getting killed in 30 seconds, on quests that I had been able to complete successfully anymore. So why should/would I invest anymore money with you, if you are going to kill my character off anyway. You had better take a second look at your business model, before you find that the players who actual support you have left you high and dry. I know it's going to be a long time before I invest anymore money in this game. Bethesda or Rockstar would never have done this to me.
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    In Game Economy Suggestion :


    Details in thread. Summary - Every week item(s) from the Zen market is/are put into the Wonderous Bazaar for sale at an equivalent (or lower) price.

    EXAMPLE: This week's items are Armored Boar Mount, and Amnian Horse. Armored Boar at 1750000 (or let' say 1400000), and Amnian Horse at 250000 (or let's say 200000) in Wonderous Bazaar.

    This may help prevent the Ad/Zen exchange from stagnating as it has currently, and in the past.
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • daphnesnowbourndaphnesnowbourn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    odikaara wrote: »
    I'm still trying to grind through the Sharandar Campaign with three level 60 toons. I don't want to socialize, i don't want to group up, i don't want to join a guild. I want to kill things with my companion like i've been doing all along. Now the first mob i encounter kills me. Screw that.

    Same here, I've been working on Sharandar now for several weeks. I've always had trouble keeping my DC alive, when I entered a new area, but finally got to the point where I could survive, and then complete the area, and progress. Now I can't do anything any thing in Sharandar without dying in the first 30 seconds to a minute. This is worse that when first entered Sharandar. There is no other game I've ever played where a level cap, hasn't helped you the main game, or other module you were already working through, not set you back. Do you think that people would continue purchasing games/content from Sony, Rockstar or Bethesda if they did this to us? NO!! And while this may be a "Free to Play" game, I bet you depend on your paying customers, to pay your salaries, and keep your servers up. YOU ONLY SCREWED YOURSELF WITH THIS LAST UPGRADE!
  • fedorek00fedorek00 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hello I would like to ask I have a 14% drop from a dragon hoard compared Module 5 mi it falls by about 400 % less , I do not see how that style could improve something .

    It is clear to me that you want to increase sales of zen shop around .. but I want to ask will sometimes drop refine returned ? otherwise the game is uninteresting to me after the module and how it 's read not just for me ....
  • daphnesnowbourndaphnesnowbourn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The base game and existing modules are not to easy for DCs, they may be for SWs, (And yes I've played both so I do know what I'm talking about. Although my primary character is DC). The balancing you did with the release of Tyranny of Dragons seemed to almost have this fixed, but it seems to have slowly been getting worse again since then. And Elemental Evil has totally decimated my DC.

    Please put the base game, and the previous campaigns back to what they were. I wouldn't care near as much if you had only made Elemental Evil, and all future modules more difficult. But please don't ruin my main character that I've spent money, and at least 3 months of RL (In game time, not just the amount of time passed since I've started playing), investing in. If I can't survive anymore, then I just won't play.
  • normantheweaknormantheweak Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I agree with most of the points that have been raised and the view that the game has lost its depth.

    Recycling content and not even giving us may more quests (I am sorry but I cannot bring myself to class the vigilance tasks as quests) to get to level 70 is a very peculiar move in my mind, and frankly appears lazy and disrespectful to the players that "invest" in this game. I feel tasks work in a campaign model and I enjoyed the campaigns but the vigilance tasks do not even have this depth let alone a campaign.

    On a similar subject; I am not sure why it was thought that people would hang around and do the new heroic/epic encounters. I went for a Paladin on release rather then doing 60-70 and so missed the rush. As a result, by the time I got my Paladin there I managed to do crabs (as I happened upon a group) and a number of the 5/10+ (as I could do them on my own). There are reasons to do dragons or motherlode etc or at least reasons to be in that location but why would you hang around the new location?

    Anyway before I get into a rant the reason for me posting is to say: Please fix the achievements!

    I know that they are not really anything but I like them but there are achievements that it is simply not possible to get or may have missed because you have to do them at a low level. For me, not fixing the know issues here screams don't care.

    Thanks for stepping up to this. I live in hope and wish you luck.

    EDIT: I have just read daphnesnowbourn's post (was posted as I was typing) and I feel that I have to say: It is hard for a DC (and yes I have played EVERY class but my main is DC), part of this goes with the class and is how it should be but there are things such as triple kill in PVP that are daft. How is a DC supposed to get loads of triple kills for the campaign? Should a DC not have some heal based requirement instead?

    There are of cause other harassment such as the slow net/computer players that harp on about astral seal (even though they generally do LESS DPS then me). I wonder if they are going to have the same issues with OP radiant damage amongst others?
  • jiinksjiinks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    There are three dungeons not doable by everyone. That's a very small part of the content. Not all the content is for everyone. You admitted it youself earlier. Why should everyone be able to play the hardest content in-game? Why does the hardest content in-game has to be a walk in the park so that everyone can complete it with random strangers?

    When a tier of content is too difficult for you, it's not "too hard", it's "not for you". Once the old dungeons return at lvl 70, there will be more stuff to do for everyone. But not everyone must own the purple infused 137 gear, which has nothing more than the blue T1 gear except the fact that it's purple and merely means you've killed quite <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> bosses.

    I'm a casual player, and I'm certain I will never set foot in the most difficult dungeons. (Or if I do, it will quickly be attached to a dead character.) And I whole-heartedly agree with this post!

    One of the fundamental issues with mod 6 in my opinion is the harsh stair-step progression of difficulty. Everything is pretty easy until level 61 content, and then, bam!, everything is hard. The new elemental zones are doable but difficult. Sharander and Dread are undoable. I expected IWD and WOD to kill me, and of course they did. Bring back the more natural progression of difficulty. Give us some place that is easier when we hit 70.

    But not every place. I want the expertly played, well-geared characters to have a challenge in some place I'm not. I also need some place for me.

    And pre-mod 6, the progression of Sharander, Dread, and then IWD, and WOD made sense, too. It can make sense again, but it doesn't currently.
  • candinho2candinho2 Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My only concern is that you nerfed realy hard the sw, the dps tree(aka as Fury) is no longer the best dps, Dmanation works better, now Fury is more a self heal path.
    Temptation was aways useless anyway so no change at all,
    So make Damnanation pupped crit(neversaw it criting), teleport to sw location if stuck(like on each boss fight) increase puppet hp to 100k at least, Increae puppet damage by 30% more, lower the cast time for sw skills.
    For Fury, make it like TR SoD, make it hit all at once, and it's done easy as that.
  • candinho2candinho2 Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ahhh and fix the gateway it's not working on firefox
  • vis87vis87 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Guardian Fighter's Line Breaker Assault doesn't proc Jagged Blades on critical hit. You think this is working as intended or not working the way it should. Could you please check this out and get around to correcting it. Line Breaker Assault can be a powerful AOE that the guardian is much needing so Jagged Blades not proc'ing from Line Breaker Assault is a huge damage loss I think.
  • normantheweaknormantheweak Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jiinks wrote: »
    But not every place. I want the expertly played, well-geared characters to have a challenge in some place I'm not. I also need some place for me.

    And pre-mod 6, the progression of Sharander, Dread, and then IWD, and WOD made sense, too. It can make sense again, but it doesn't currently.

    100% behind this. There can be somewhere for everyone.
  • vis87vis87 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Are artifact weapon powers bugged? My Longbow of Elemental Fire says "Stamina restored up to 0% depending on Split Shot hold time." Is this working as intended or is it not working at all? Could you have a look at this and correct the issue.
  • fedorek00fedorek00 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Respect feat descriptions and I am now if I add anywhere in Boone featu some point and store it immediately after closing the window is zeroed everything I have been playing long enough to know how newervinter added feat descriptions and believe me it's not between the PC and chairs
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    There's something I'd like to highlight for the devs that has been hinted at here and there: placing oneself in the players' shoes. While there's always the hope that it would come out of playtesting, there is another aspect to it that goes beyond testing whether something works and is at the right difficulty.

    Let me use myself as an example, but I should stress that this only an example: placing oneself in the players' shoes has a broad scope and will really require some thinking outside the box.

    Mod 5 introduced Draconic Templar armor and artifact weapons. Like a lot of other players, I proceeded to acquire them. When mod 6 went live, six of my characters had DT and three had artifact weapons. Three also had all seven ToD boons. Putting refinement levels aside, just acquiring all of that gear and boons took a lot of effort to the tune of about 400 Tiamat raids. This bears repeating: not four, not forty, but four-hundred.

    Now, imagine having someone tell you that all of that effort to acquire gear that had only just been introduced was wasted.

    Mere playtesting can't give an insight into how a change treats the players: it requires either actually or vicariously walking a mile in their shoes. This is an area where I'd really like to see some improvement going forward.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • samothrace22samothrace22 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I would be so happy if we could get some more healing back during combat, maybe even in pvp. Classes that have self healing abilities definitely have the advantage in 1v1
    Trickster Rogue
  • jiinksjiinks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    fedorek00 wrote: »
    Respect feat descriptions and I am now if I add anywhere in Boone featu some point and store it immediately after closing the window is zeroed everything I have been playing long enough to know how newervinter added feat descriptions and believe me it's not between the PC and chairs

    This is a bug introduced with Thursday's patch. See: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?906351-Unable-to-spend-points-on-new-feats-and-powers&p=10731261&viewfull=1#post10731261
  • flamesorflamesor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    bioshrike wrote: »

    2. Just make the enemies in the campaign zones level 70. Campaigns comprise the "dailies" that people run, (often solo). You aren't going to get people to team by making these areas so difficult. All you are going to accomplish is pushing people out of the game.

    Some classes like my DC can't even survive in a group. I'm getting one shot. No tank in the world can taunt faster than I'm dying. I put a lot of effort into defense and I'm able to survive some of the time if I can punt them back before they get too close. But most shards have a decent amount of lag for me and...well you can see what I'm getting at. I know how to play my class and I know how to survive. I just don't have time to do it if I'm dead before I can push a single button to prevent it. Yeah. The mobs hit way too hard now.
  • user4035user4035 Member Posts: 145 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    I think the best feedback I can give is to stress that you read *all* of the various feedback threads so as not to get a skewed picture of what we the players want.


    My feedback:

    I'll start by saying that to date I've spent $25 on the game. 20 of that was a gift from a friend, 5 was my very own. I bought a white tiger mount while on sale with this precious money.
    I never put more money in for various reason but the very first reason was that when I put 5$ in, it converted from CDN to USD, and you can only do chunks of 500Zen. So because of the exchange I forever have 70cents in my account that I can't convert into ZEN.
    Just make it so that I can convert all my money into ZEN, no leftovers.

    I will also take this time to post for a couple of friends who no longer play but who put a decent amount of money into the game and they played since Beta.
    They aren't the Grind type, they aren't the 'get to max level' type.
    They(and me) are the play for the story type. So while BiS gear and stuff is still fun to get, its 2nd to the playthrough.

    A suggestion regarding ZEN items: Make them Bind on Account as much as possible. This recent bag changed annoyed me greatly and I immediately thought of my friend who spent alot on bags and likes to restart characters(and gave me the original $20 gift) would never come back and play because of this. ....of course he is playing star trek online at the moment, so you guys didn't really lose a customer. lol.

    Regarding storyline. You only got so many Dev's and only so much time to generate new content - OK. But you guys totally overlook one of the number1 defining features that every game review has talked about with Neverwinter - the Foundry.
    You know it doesn't take much time to grab the best rated foundry quests and integrate them into the main game. Dead Ring, Sharandar, IWD getting stale? Well then try out some of these equivalent foundry quests. But they gotta give the same rewards as the normal dailies. You can still have a max of 3 quests per day for rewards or whatever.

    Other old zones no one quests in:
    When I start a new character I basically only do 3 main quest arcs.
    Blacklake district to get the bag from the burning house.
    Burrows in blackdagger ruins to get my waters of Elz'had.
    Graveyard area to get my Bag.

    That's it. Then I basically PvP, Skirmish, and invocation for xp to get to 60. The Tyranny of Dragons stuff is a nice little extra to get me to do some quests before 60.
    The other zones should have some kind of neat reward at the end of the questline. A unique companion, boots of swiftness, a trinket pet, etc....
    Just something a little more than XP and silver.

    Regarding XP:
    I know the majority of people complain about the grind but I gotta say this game levels so fast the only real grind I've seen isn't for XP, its for boons and astrial diamonds.
    But this is my opinion. After all I do enjoy the journey to the level cap while most people seem not too.
    Heh, with the amount of paying people who complain about the XP grind I often wonder why this game just does away with levels altogether and just have boons. LoL.
    (don't do that, the good thing about neverwinter is that it trys to cater to many play styles, some enjoy leveling, some enjoy end game, etc...)

    Just expand it. I mean honestly you can only get so much fun out of fighting AI dungeons before you have 'beat it'. PvP offers some great end game content.
    You can expand pvp in sooo many ways. why does PWE ignore it? I don't know, maybe the people who pvp don't put money into the game? if so then that's fair, no point putting development time into stuff that's exclusivly for free to play people.
    Its not that hard to make some maps. Heck you can make one in the foundry in 15min. They don't even have to be balanced.

    Personally I think you guys should charge $5 to buy neverwinter. This would eliminate alot of bots and farming.
    I've quit twice for like 3-6 months periods because bots were in PvP and Skirmishes.
    Also I turn off almost all chat options due to spammers.
  • torontodavetorontodave Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 992 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    user4035 wrote: »
    But you guys totally overlook one of the number1 defining features that every game review has talked about with Neverwinter - the Foundry.
    You know it doesn't take much time to grab the best rated foundry quests and integrate them into the main game. Dead Ring, Sharandar, IWD getting stale? Well then try out some of these equivalent foundry quests. But they gotta give the same rewards as the normal dailies. You can still have a max of 3 quests per day for rewards or whatever.

    When I start a new character I basically only do 3 main quest arcs.
    That's it. Then I basically PvP, Skirmish, and invocation for xp to get to 60. The Tyranny of Dragons stuff is a nice little extra to get me to do some quests before 60.
    The other zones should have some kind of neat reward at the end of the questline. A unique companion, boots of swiftness, a trinket pet, etc....

    I've quit twice for like 3-6 months periods because bots were in PvP and Skirmishes.
    Also I turn off almost all chat options due to spammers.

    3 great points.
    Foundry needs more love.
    Giving title/trinket rewards to completionists is a great idea.
    Bots are hella annoying.
    NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
    NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
    Thanks for all the fish.
  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Here are a couple things I think would help Neverwinter.

    1. The chat window - Change this so we can have multiple chat windows open. One for guild, one for zone, one of trade, etc.. It is easier to read and your windows does not scroll faster then you can see what is going on. Let us set up the windows with what we want to be displayed in each open chat window.

    2. Enough with the story line... One of the most boring parts of this game is the fact that you have to follow a story, complete the same ol quests in the same zones over and over again (depending on how many toons you have). give us 15-20 zones where each zone's level vary so we have different places to level. It truly does get old repeating the same quest for the same gear. EX: Everquest has 50+ zones to level in. 4-5 zones for level 1-6, same for all other levels. You do not get bored as easy as on NW.

    3. PVP - This really bites me hard. I want to PVP but when you have people playing that can kill you before you can even try to hit them, I just do not even want to try it. WHY bother dying nonstop. There should be 2 type of PVP so everyone is happy. First type is Nerfed PVP everyone entering the PVP area/QUE will be nerf to equal stats and damage (Yes, have dodge and damage vary a little so you might get lucky and hit someone a little harder or block a little better). This will make the PVP more fun knowing everyone has an equal chance.
    Second type is NO HOLDS BAR. Nothing is capped or nerfed. If you want to purchase PVP gear to be the best tweaked PVP this is the area/QUE you will want to go to. IF that means a level 1 enters the area with no gear that tweaked level 70 can own him or 2 tweaked can go at it.
    These 2 types of PVP will satisfy everyone who wishes to PVP.

    4. Online GM's - This is so helpful in other games that I do not know why it isn't in NW. NW players that know the game could volunteer to be online player GM's. They can help with issues and answer small online related problems. If someone's quest did failed or they are stuck because of a bug; an online gm could help by resetting the quest or fixing the problem. Online GM's can also talk to the players who summited a problem and they can get better detail to forward to the official ARC/PWE GM's. Less work for PWE. You can pay the volunteer GM's with AD's, special GM mount or GM companion. Mounts and Companions could be rewards for helping out X amount of users or even being a GM for X amount of time. Just takes giving the player one extra Toon Slot and making it a GM toon slot. They can receive User summited tickets on all toons (or toggle off if they just wish to play at that time).

    I have a long list of ideas that would improve Neverwinter, but I think these are the major ones I have issues with.

  • gabbagulgabbagul Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Scott Shicoff - Thank you for your recent apology regarding the many issues the game is currently facing. This is a rare thing to see from a game team, admitting things were not done correctly. I applaud this honesty and look forward to any and all improvements. This goes a long way toward restoring my faith and patience with the powers that be. I'm sure the many things I could list that might need worked on have been mentioned already, or submitted by myself in bug reports and crash reports. Just wanted to say thank you.
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