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GF buff



  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    GFs may need something but more CC is not it. How come everyone who has something good to say must always post false HAMSTER as well.. You're taking your own credibility away. GFs have the best stun-lock ability in the game, and now they also have great damage and even greater DR.. hello, those +50% on BC and LS are actually huge. Between those two, fast recharging encounters and block you can see a GF staying at DR cap almost indefinitely. Gap closers, solid burst damage, solid cc, solid DR and massive HP pool, only a troll can say that GFs need anything at this point. They are in a great spot.

    "GFs have the best stun-lock ability in the game"

    Best stun lock?You mean better than trappers?Or CWs? GF lucks in comparison of these two.Not to mention Scoundrel,even after the nerfs.

    Stun is mitigated by deflect and tanacity ,daze not.Flourish,GW are half effective ,and also mitigated in pvp by default.And are stuns.

    Bull Charge?Great encounter.You have it to land it first.And to be a IV to treat rush away and be on the fallen toon.Otherwise it is not optimal for SMs.My opinion.Bull charge against dodging enemy? HR/CW? Animation done hit 0.BNull charge in the edges of it dinstance?Animation done ,damage 0.

    You all fear it,but there is a reason why 50% of Gfs do not run it.Roll a GF and try to hit a fast class toon with it.You have a 50% miss chance.It is a very good encounter but not so great as most of the non GFs think.
    You see we do not have auto lock as your HR/CWs etc have.We have to aim.

    Try it on a Tr? or HR?


    1.25 and 6.27.Admire the "stunlock" combo of crescendo....of which..eh eh......the enemy toon broke out of it.....
    So much of the fearfull crescendo.Watch it again to see a TR breaking it free.

    "even greater DR"

    Or at 10.00 waht happens if a Gf faces his Cw with his shield dawn.-50% hp in 3 secs.
    yet you all complain.Cws got their damge buffed 100% in mod6 ,while Gfs survivability nerfed to the ground.No regen and DR lower than mod5.
    And by the way Lunging strike is bugged.It does not give 50% DR for three secs.Except if not shown on character sheet.Nvm...

    "Gap closers"

    Gap closers?Only IV.Sm has none.And most of the GFs will turn into Sms want it or not.At least the hybrid pve/pvp ones.
    IV stand no chance in mod6 pve tanking.Or it will be sub par compared to a SM( Steel Defense /Villain Meanace combo)

    "solid burst damage"

    Solid Burst damage?Sub par to Trs /Cws /Hrs.With 25% crit you cannot have "burst damage".You see our feats give us a mere 3% crit .That's it.the rest is through gear.
    You eant crit?You have to sacrifice arm pen and power.
    Not like CWs(EOTS) and TRs(stealth) that get 100% crit for free.

    "solid cc"

    As said we have only one good but unreliable prone.Boar charge of HR is auto lock and far better.Even CW/DCs have more prones than we do.Lol
    And our stuns ,as said earlier,are STUNS.Not dazes.And we have to be in melle range.And aim and hit.No easy mode for us.

    "massive HP pool"

    damnnn :( .Reality check.in mod6 GFs have only 15% more Hps than CWs.End of discussion.

    "nly a troll can say that GFs need anything at this point. They are in a great spot"

    Look.I sense that you ae a nice guy ,just misionformed.Do you have a GF?If you do,pm at any given time to meet in preview.I will give you my rank9s ,perfect elven and perfect bronzewood.And i will face you with my 11k gs no weapon enchant ,armour TR.See who wins.I am talking seriously :)

    Gf nees more hp and more DR in mod6.KV is out of the question ofcourse and long time tanking against multiple opponents is rather difficult.Gf can only tank big solo bosses.

    Edit:paladin overall damage at lv70 and after some testing will be superior to Gf.mark my words.
  • edited April 2015
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  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    "If you need lessons on how to hit ppl with Bull Charge I can dust off my old GF and show you. False feedback is not helping any class's cause."

    i don't need lessons thanks.The point was that it can be missed while boar charge not.But you said nothing about that.Selective responses.

    '"And get this once and for all - you cant use broken classes as reason to ask for "balance" changes to your own class. Period. Its the broken classes that must be adjusted to match the rest not vise versa"

    I see.So Hr (OP in mod6) ,Tr,Cw,DC must be adjusted.Ok.Gf must remain pityfull for ever.I mean ,we suck from mod2 to now with a brief exception of mod3 release.I will wait another 2-3 mods.That is aproximatelly 1 ,1 1/2 year.
    Yes.You told me so.Yes.I must wait the other classes to be adjusted.meanwhile i will die from powries in lv70 Shar.

    Thanks,i thought of your suggestion,but I'll think,i LL pass :)

    Since you think that other classes are OP ,thing is i never saw you in forums asking for an adjustment.Which class you play by the way and you want to see Gfs nerfed?
  • edited April 2015
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  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I expected you to be a CW.Searched your posts.Unfortunately you are not.You play a GWf for god's sake ,a melee fighter that has suffered as long Gf did,and you ask a GFs merf?That is your problem?Not the CWs /HRs TRs that melt your class for nearly 2 mods.

    Eagerly waiting to see your posts when you will face level 70 CWs in pvp and Disintegrate you for 81k non crit and 140k crit encounter every 5 secs.Or when you will fel the 70k Lashing Blades.Then you will realize the 15k Flourish of Gfs is not the problem.

    last post for me aswell.

    Have a good mod6 GWF.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    GFs may need something but more CC is not it. How come everyone who has something good to say must always post false HAMSTER as well.. You're taking your own credibility away. GFs have the best stun-lock ability in the game, and now they also have great damage and even greater DR.. hello, those +50% on BC and LS are actually huge. Between those two, fast recharging encounters and block you can see a GF staying at DR cap almost indefinitely. Gap closers, solid burst damage, solid cc, solid DR and massive HP pool, only a troll can say that GFs need anything at this point. They are in a great spot.

    Ps: If any class needs increased dps capability that would be the Paladin who has literally none ( and pls dont get me started on Tenebrous )

    You guys should think a little more about what you are saying before you say it. It makes it impossible to figure out what your point is. You open with "GFs may need something but more cc is not it". You close with saying "...only a troll would say GF's need anything at this point..." what about those who say they "may" need something, like you? Does that mean they "may" be a troll? A demi-troll?

    Best stun lock in the game? That isn't even worth taking seriously but god forbid someone that matters sees that and takes it at face value. GF has adequate CC, not comparable to CW or TR or HR. GF has adequate CC, adequate dps, adequate defense. And finally, finally, all three specs appear to be viable in pvp.

    Lets not jump the gun and start with "best this or that or anything" in the game because GF has the best of nothing except perhaps the people who have suffered with this class for so long.

    These kinds of posts are precedent for future QQ'ing by people who do not know how to play their CW's or TR's, "QQ...but cryptic the evil simple turtle man put me on my back and made me dead, I'm a wizard qqqq". No, really. That is going to happen. Lets not give it an early start or throw any fuel onto the fire.

    And as far as Paladin dps goes.....it's nice to have a friendly little healer side kick that dresses like my GF. It's cute and together we hold nodes forever, so they are good to go as is. Ok, that last bit was :B , but we can't take ourselves TOO seriously here after all, right?
  • edited April 2015
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  • ofnieslafofnieslaf Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    GF class is, except for some small details, a good class and is almost fine. The problem is all others classes: classes under performing (GWF, SW) and classes OVER performing (HR due broken feats, DPS DC or Inmortal DC, CW and TR classes) . THOSE are the real problem and must be adressed ASAP

    how is cw overperformcing in pvp??? u put it in the same tier as HR and TR u serious??

    even with shield, cw in the 2nd class that dies the most after cw

  • edited April 2015
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  • rain727rain727 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    "If you need lessons on how to hit ppl with Bull Charge I can dust off my old GF and show you. False feedback is not helping any class's cause."

    i don't need lessons thanks.The point was that it can be missed while boar charge not.But you said nothing about that.Selective responses.

    '"And get this once and for all - you cant use broken classes as reason to ask for "balance" changes to your own class. Period. Its the broken classes that must be adjusted to match the rest not vise versa"

    I see.So Hr (OP in mod6) ,Tr,Cw,DC must be adjusted.Ok.Gf must remain pityfull for ever.I mean ,we suck from mod2 to now with a brief exception of mod3 release.I will wait another 2-3 mods.That is aproximatelly 1 ,1 1/2 year.
    Yes.You told me so.Yes.I must wait the other classes to be adjusted.meanwhile i will die from powries in lv70 Shar.

    Thanks,i thought of your suggestion,but I'll think,i LL pass :)

    Since you think that other classes are OP ,thing is i never saw you in forums asking for an adjustment.Which class you play by the way and you want to see Gfs nerfed?

    @hypervoreian,i was reading the post and you do provide a good point . you are correct. You are my idol. you and the one just like one of the great GFs in the server Azrael you two are the greatest. I saw Azrael earlier being mob in GG by 2 trs(one is me) and a CW and still killed us three. :D
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    If you need lessons on how to hit ppl with Bull Charge I can dust off my old GF and show you. False feedback is not helping any class's cause.

    And get this once and for all - you cant use broken classes as reason to ask for "balance" changes to your own class. Period. Its the broken classes that must be adjusted to match the rest not vise versa

    PS: Sorry man, its a long post an I just saw your claim that a SM GF has no gap closers. LS ? BC ? Those are what then? Potatoes? I discontinue this discussion at this point

    The SM does pale in comparison to the IV in terms of mobility. Only a fool would argue against that.

    You need ENCOUNTERS to close the gap as a SM, an IV can use an at-will.

    The windows are indeed small to get to your opponent. As an IV I even respecced and took a point out of Bull Charge to stop hitting the target so far away. Reductions to prone duration, tons of deflec on certain classes and tenacity ensure that you are working with very small windows against good players. Add in the fact that the GF is the slowest class in game and it is clear to see that one does not simply knock a target 30 feet away and get to him quickly and easily.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rain727 wrote: »
    @hypervoreian,i was reading the post and you do provide a good point . you are correct. You are my idol. you and the one just like one of the great GFs in the server Azrael you two are the greatest. I saw Azrael earlier being mob in GG by 2 trs(one is me) and a CW and still killed us three. :D

    ^^Stop trolling!!! :P
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    thestaggy wrote: »
    The SM does pale in comparison to the IV in terms of mobility. Only a fool would argue against that.

    You need ENCOUNTERS to close the gap as a SM, an IV can use an at-will.

    The windows are indeed small to get to your opponent. As an IV I even respecced and took a point out of Bull Charge to stop hitting the target so far away. Reductions to prone duration, tons of deflec on certain classes and tenacity ensure that you are working with very small windows against good players. Add in the fact that the GF is the slowest class in game and it is clear to see that one does not simply knock a target 30 feet away and get to him quickly and easily.

    Yes Staggy you are correct.And unfortunately the tier4 Bull Charge adds another 10feet away :(.

    By the way,after the damage buff, i am seriously thinking to change to your old gamestyle IV Tact. :) I am thinking of it i will decide when i will be level 70.Nvm :)

    Greets ,friend :)
  • cyencecyence Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Please don't nerf the GF. PLEASE! I think people just have to get used to the GF not completely sucking. The fact that some consider it as good as some of the "good" classes now means it is just right.
  • edited April 2015
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  • canmanncanmann Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    cyence wrote: »
    Please don't nerf the GF. PLEASE! I think people just have to get used to the GF not completely sucking. The fact that some consider it as good as some of the "good" classes now means it is just right.

    LOL i was thinking this as well. We have been the forgotten class for so long we finally get to a point that feels fun and we get on everyone's radar. Now it is nerf them to the ground threads.

    Folks will now have to fear us killing them rather then just slowing them down for a few rotations.
  • edited April 2015
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  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    thestaggy wrote: »
    The SM does pale in comparison to the IV in terms of mobility. Only a fool would argue against that.

    You need ENCOUNTERS to close the gap as a SM, an IV can use an at-will.

    The windows are indeed small to get to your opponent. As an IV I even respecced and took a point out of Bull Charge to stop hitting the target so far away. Reductions to prone duration, tons of deflec on certain classes and tenacity ensure that you are working with very small windows against good players. Add in the fact that the GF is the slowest class in game and it is clear to see that one does not simply knock a target 30 feet away and get to him quickly and easily.

    I play old school GF and thought the whole paragon sharing between GF and GWF to be forced and cheesy and plagued with balance problems from the very first IV Sent GWF builds. That said, after playing a ton of CW, Bull Charge is like a better version of CW's Repel. The target doesn't go quite as far but it prones them and basically allows you to position them where you want. So for me it is bullcharge>lunging>anvil. Its not necessarily easy to catch someone in that full rotation, but if the bullcharge isn't dodged, its lights out.

    The class is almost where it should be.
  • ofnieslafofnieslaf Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I play old school GF and thought the whole paragon sharing between GF and GWF to be forced and cheesy and plagued with balance problems from the very first IV Sent GWF builds. That said, after playing a ton of CW, Bull Charge is like a better version of CW's Repel. The target doesn't go quite as far but it prones them and basically allows you to position them where you want. So for me it is bullcharge>lunging>anvil. Its not necessarily easy to catch someone in that full rotation, but if the bullcharge isn't dodged, its lights out.

    The class is almost where it should be.

    almost? what more do u want. u have the 2nd best single target damage, more cc than post (chain stun/prone) and very good survivability.

    its more than enough

  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ofnieslaf wrote: »
    almost? what more do u want. u have the 2nd best single target damage, more cc than post (chain stun/prone) and very good survivability.

    its more than enough


    Almost as in everything except any certainty the class won't be nerfed back into oblivion when enough people cry about it. So ya, almost enough.

    My wallet stays shut till the next major patch later this month. Hell with investing in something and then having it torn apart a couple weeks later.
  • ravenanravenan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well after yesterday maintenence i noticed big drop in dmg. Or it was my lvling up. Its a pity we cannot stand on lvl 60 and destroy everyone :). Its good that i have 2 more pvp toons with lvl 60 to fool around. CW is new tr, 1 hit 1 kill. GWFs with negation and 40k ibs are shining also. Its a mess, but its kinda intresting :)

    And guys could you stop talk HAMSTER before lvl 70? When this ret. arded scaling wont work will see whose on top.

    Ofnieslaf your info is false. Biger single target dps have tr, cw, hr,gwf,dps dc, sw. We got shield and prone encounter (most class have). Without shield our survivability equales 0, when shield up we have dangerous for us to use atwill and thats it.
    Main : GF - Lord Kruk
    Steel and Magic
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ravenan wrote: »
    Well after yesterday maintenence i noticed big drop in dmg. Or it was my lvling up. Its a pity we cannot stand on lvl 60 and destroy everyone :). Its good that i have 2 more pvp toons with lvl 60 to fool around. CW is new tr, 1 hit 1 kill. GWFs with negation and 40k ibs are shining also. Its a mess, but its kinda intresting :)

    And guys could you stop talk HAMSTER before lvl 70? When this ******ed scaling wont work will see whose on top.

    Ya, me to, a big drop. Geez, just when we thought we had somethin good. Oh well! Nothing to see here folks, move along just the same old GF you know and love :D
  • raistlinmajere00raistlinmajere00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    it's good, great gf is not HAMSTER anymore. really great i'm happy for them and don't nerf. everything perfect... BUT gf having way better burst damage than gwf is kinda awkward isn't it? what is gwf's job in the game now?
  • ravenanravenan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You used IBS latetly? :o
    Main : GF - Lord Kruk
    Steel and Magic
  • raistlinmajere00raistlinmajere00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ravenan wrote: »
    You used IBS latetly? :o

    yes I did. we are talking about pvp right? cuz in pve, i just wear my avatar set and use vorpal then it's great! in pvp it doesn't work like that unfortunately. well at least for me...
  • edited April 2015
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  • raistlinmajere00raistlinmajere00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Believe it or not, GWF are supposed to be AOE semi-DPS (not burst damage/all damages in 1 - heroes, at all). GWF has more constant DPS than a GF can have high burst values. In the end the GWF surpasses the GF by miles, in terms of damage. - fact.

    Sure, the cheesy cagi spec does not deal tons of damage anymore, but that's also the reason, why it is a tank spec with higher DR. If you want DPS, go destroyer, if you wants some better aoe dps/utility, go instigator.

    then i change my question, what does gwf do in pvp? :)
  • edited April 2015
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  • ravenanravenan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    yes I did. we are talking about pvp right? cuz in pve, i just wear my avatar set and use vorpal then it's great! in pvp it doesn't work like that unfortunately. well at least for me...

    RLY? 36% tenacity, 46% DR, got hit on pvp for 43k by IBS.

    FS->TD->IBS works for almost all classes. It can fail with TRS, HRS, GWFS ...

    FS should remain stun but TD should be prone.
    Main : GF - Lord Kruk
    Steel and Magic
  • raistlinmajere00raistlinmajere00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ravenan wrote: »
    RLY? 36% tenacity, 46% DR, got hit on pvp for 43k by IBS.

    FS->TD->IBS works for almost all classes. It can fail with TRS, HRS, GWFS ...

    FS should remain stun but TD should be prone.

    well i didn't really come here to complain, like I said I'm happy for gf. but lower geared gf's (compared to me) do a lot higher burst damage as far as I've seen.
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