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Official Feedback Thread: Devoted Cleric Cap Raise



  • skinlikewinterskinlikewinter Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    FEEDBACK: AoE Auto Target
    Not bad of as an extra for DCs. It can be great for distance targeting but absolutely awful for targeting a specific location to a specific in a heated battle in PvP. Glad you placed a way to turn Auto target on/off.

    Alss just to repeat what i had previously posted...

    FEEDBACK: Living Fire
    This feat is a waste of points. I spend the majority of the time, when under 30% HPs playign defensively. I"m either sliding running around defensively, and/or waiting for healing potion cool down to end. I'm not even attacking at all.

    Allow this feat to work all the time but change the damage gain to something like 4/8/12/16/20%

    FEEDBACK: Weapons of Light
    I also agree that his should also apply to the Cleric Himself. This is a DPS tree mainly to help the cleric to dish out damage.
    I show player support, by only playing Neverwinter as F2P
  • shadowbladegrshadowbladegr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Bug: Sunburst

    It completely lost its knockback,even on targets that are not cc immune.
  • skinlikewinterskinlikewinter Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    Sunburst should be able to go through all CC immunites. DCs can be continuosly CC'd buy just about any other class except SWs.
    I show player support, by only playing Neverwinter as F2P
  • umt1982umt1982 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Type: Feedback, Final Acts and Living Fire:
    For lower level/geared Clerics this could come in extremely handy. For higher level/geared Clerics it is an extreme waste (and extremely useless especially when considering you can not get this as a low level). Right now I have a gear level of 2200+ on preview and have not reached lower than 50-60% health. I have 12% lifesteal and 19k power so before I get even close to 30% health my lifesteal will proc and I am full health. I am mostly a DPS DC. For those who heal the same concept applies except regarding all the HOT effects. For those who actually get low enough for this to come in to effect then they will get a very brief increase in power/damage as they will heal themselves before it helps heal allies or to damage enemies.

    Type: Feedback, Gift of The Gods:
    Another useless feat. With only 3 pips for full divine it takes 4-6 casts of lance of faith to fill. Anything faster doesn't help as we will be waiting for our normal spells cooldowns still in order to maximize divine use for empowered.

    Type: Feedback, Weapons of Light:
    To have this in our DPS tree seems fairly useless seeing how it does not increase our own power. Therefore it does not help us maximize our own DPS. Granted if I was to use it as my stats stand right now on preview then allies would get 1900 power boost from me. But using the Righteous tree, for me, is so I can do damage and still heal (with 19k power my healing spells still work pretty good, 11,200 power pre-mod 6 and my healing spells still heal a ton). And with Bear Your Sins and Condemning Glaze the Righteous tree has enough buffs already, imo.

    Type: Feedback, Gift of Haste and Gift of Life:
    The only tree that seems to have decent to good new feats.

    Type: Feedback, Hastening Light and Light of Divinity:
    More useless feats. I will not lose Foresight or Terrifying insight for either of these. Light of Divinity can in some ways replace the aspect of regen everyone is losing in mod 6 but not enough to make any real difference. As for Hastening Light, to make it as a daily use feat, it leaves the same problem. It isn't enough to make any real difference.
  • umt1982umt1982 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    Sunburst should be able to go through all CC immunites. DCs can be continuosly CC'd buy just about any other class except SWs.

    SW's have the CW's strangle hold in mod 6. Also, I forget the name of the spell (haven't been on my SW in ages) but if they use it on the same target twice it throws the enemy in the air. So, now by all classes lol.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    Sunburst should be able to go through all CC immunites. DCs can be continuosly CC'd buy just about any other class except SWs.

    Suburst: the knockback effect must be subject to CC resistances and immunities like any CC ability in game should be
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • skinlikewinterskinlikewinter Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Updated List

    Currently the description says "Brand of the Sun reduces the targets damage out put and their chance to crit by 1/2/3/4/5%." This is a the DPS tree for DCs, it's current way of working has no place here. That should be more for Virtuous buff/debuff tree. Here are an suggestion on how Power of the sun would more fit the DPS tree of righteous.

    Power of the Sun Increases the damage to Brand of the Sun sunburst by 2/4/6/8/10%. At five points invested in power of the Sun, Sunburst can ignore all CC immunities.
    Again this makes the feat fall in line to the DPS tree. Again righteous DCs are squishjy, classes can one rotation kill us, can outlast our slides and still kill us, we need something to defend ourselves. I would also move this feat down to Tier 5 ( next to Capstone) of the Righteous Tree so it would mean a DC would need to invest heavily in the Righteous tree, in order to get the final power for Sunburst.

    FEEDBACK: AoE Auto Target
    Not bad of as an extra for DCs. It can be great for distance targeting but absolutely awful for targeting a specific location to a specific in a heated battle in PvP. Glad you placed a way to turn Auto target on/off.

    FEEDBACK: Living Fire
    This feat is a waste of points. I spend the majority of the time, when under 30% HPs playing defensively. I"m either sliding, running around defensively, and/or waiting for healing potion cool down to end. I'm not even attacking at all and using this feat. If i were to stand and fight I'll most likely be dead very quick and only able to utilize a feat for an instant.

    Change this feat to work all the time, and reflect 1/2/3/4/5% of damage taken, back to the attacker.

    FEEDBACK: Weapons of Light
    I also agree that his should also apply to the Cleric Himself. This is a DPS tree mainly to help the cleric to dish out damage.
    I show player support, by only playing Neverwinter as F2P
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    I need to reiterate something here. Feedback is not limited only to that of DC players. Feedback also consists of the experiences of other classes with the use of those powers against them. Remember that other players are going to be facing these new powers against DC's and their opinion on how they perform AGAINST them is as valid--and necessary--as that of those who are reporting feedback on how those powers work FOR them. Therefore, as long as feedback fits the guidelines stipulated in the opening posts of this thread (e.g. pertinent to one's experience on the preview server and not on pure speculation/conjecture) then it is permissible regardless of the "main class" of the poster. Attacking another poster's feedback at all, let alone based on the class they main, is not permitted.

    Also, please adhere to the format for feedback and bugs outlined in the opening posts of the thread.

    Do not respond or otherwise reply to this notice, as such is not allowed. Instead, use the PM system to address any questions or concerns.

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  • thestiathestia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Bug: Divine Glow

    Still not apply weapon enhancement to target.
  • shadowbladegrshadowbladegr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Double post removed
  • shadowbladegrshadowbladegr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Feedback: DC Powers and Feats

    In this post I will try to pinpoint a few issues with the DC,based on both Mod 5 and Mod 6.


    The problem with righteousness is this: If the dc's heals are strong enough to keep him/her alive,then +70% healing for allies is too OP (pretty much the current state) .If healing is low enough to make the heals barely enough to keep allies alive,then the dc has trouble surviving (which was more or less the pre-mod 5 state).As things are right now,I think righteousness should be decreased to about +40% bonus.


    -Sunburst: I stand by what I said during Mod 5 Preview.In PvE,the knockback is bad,as it scatters adds.In pvp,an aoe knockback on such a short cd is quite OP.However,it used to ignore cc resistance,while now it doesn't knockback at all.I'd recommend replacing the base knockback with some other form of cc,such as a short daze,while the empowered version upgrades the daze into a knockback.This will keep the power's usefulness and remove the issues in PvE and PvP.

    -Healing Word vs Bastion of Health: The way I see it,healing word is supposed to be a heal used in quick short bursts , as it has 3 charges,a lower cd and faster casting animation.Bastion of Health is the slower but stronger alternative,used for saving someone that has taken a lot of damage.This is true for the normal version only,however.The empowered version makes Bastion far more potent,as the bonus healing bastion receives is much better than the bonus healing word gets.The largest issue,however,is the divine version of bastion of health.The heal that it does is close to that of healing word,except it takes only 2 seconds to build up a pip to use it,while one healing word charge takes 15 seconds (base) to recharge.This makes bastion of health the better heal both when burst healing is required and when sustained healing is required.I think bastion should have healing word's temp Hp,as its cd is longer and the over time TempHp would provide some,but not great,sustain,till it comes off cooldown.Healing word could provide the heal instead,though the problem in this case is that having 3 base charges becomes almost pointless.Therefore,it would be better if the divine version would instantly restore one charge to HW,to improve the sustained healing it does.Alternatively,HW's divine version could leave behind a trail of holy fire.Standing in that field grants healing over time.

    -Astral shield: The empowered version is quite OP in PvP,as it absorbs most attacks fully.Only high damage burst hits can actually harm a DC and his party while standing in the shield.Therefore,if the other team has no dc and very limited ways to knock the dc out of the shield,they are gonna be at a disadvantage.In my opinion, empowered AS should absorb only 2% of dc's max hp per stack in pvp,instead of 3% (pve).

    -Divine Glow: This power still doesn't get increased duration from empowered stacks.

    -Break the spirit: The empowered version still doesn't seem to do anything.


    Heroic Feats

    The rework of DC Heroic Feats is probably the most commonly requested thing DCs have been asking about,yet we haven't gotten one yet.DCs have 3 types of feats:
    i)The decent feats: These are absolute must-haves for any build,because they are the only ones worth having.These mostly include the universal feats,such as Toughness and Weapon Mastery.
    ii) The "nice idea,but..." feats: These are feats that can be quite useful,but have some issues.One such example is Holy Resolve.While it acts as bonus safety,the 5 minute cd is extemely long.It would be nice if each point reduced the cd by one minute.Similarly,cleanse is quite handy,especially in PvP,except removing only 1 debuff every 8 seconds is not that amazing...It doesn't have to proc more often,but it would be nice if it removed all debuffs when it procs.
    iii)The "nopenopenope" feats: These are feats that noone takes,because of how pointless they are.Initiate of the Faith and Domain Synergy are 2 such examples.Domain could add a flat cd reduction on encounters,while Initiate could add progressively more crit chance on hits that fail to crit and reset on successful crit (like the old archery HR feat,but a weaker version,maybe up to 2/4/6%).

    Paragon Feats

    -Virtuous and Faithful:

    Both trees are healing trees,except Virtuous is the HoT tree,while Faithful is the burst heals tree.Yet,virt is rarely chosen by DCs.The reason? While both are effective at what they do,faithful has advantages that virtuous lacks,while nothing virt has is as significant of an advantage.This is because of 2 reasons: a) damage types and b) feats

    a)Damage types: There's 2 types of damage,small,constant damage and less frequent,hard-hitting attacks.Faithful is great against burst damage thanks to gift of faith,which will instantly heal the damage.Virtuous has issues with burst damage,as it would require a few seconds for the HoTs to restore all the missing hp.On the other hand,sustained damage is where Virtuous shines,as the HoTs can keep your party alive with ease.Faithful,however,doesn't have as much of an issue dealing with sustained dmg,as virtuous has with burst dmg,due to frequent heals from divine encounters that make up for the loss of HoTs.More importantly,even if the heals get outdamaged by the enemies,small amounts of sustained damage are 100% guaranteed to proc gift of faith,as there's no way to lose 45% of your max hp instantly from a series of small,fast attacks.As a result,faithful is amazing against burst damage,but also good enough against sustained dmg,while Virtuous is horrible against burst damage,but so good against sustained damage,that it's typically an overheal.Even worse,while feats in Faithful work towards covering its weaknesses,Virtuous feats enhance the overheal even further,but do almost nothing for its weaknesses (excluding purity).

    b)Feats: For faithful,gift of faith works towards burst healing,along with multiple healpower boosting feats,while feats such as shared burdens and test of faith,along with frequent divine heals,help with sustained healing.Yet,I'd like to talk about:

    i) Chaplain's Strength: This is a T3 (now T4) feat,that adds as much healing as a T1 does,yet it also requires the presence of an enemy nearby on top of that.This feat should instead add 12.5 % incoming healing to you and your allies when an enemy is nearby.That would make your heals more effective,but also the heals of your allies (if they have any),as well as lifesteal procs etc

    ii)Test of faith: While this is very useful for improving sustained healing,it would be nice if it would smart target the person with the highest % of missing hp,instead of being random.This way,it will be more reliable.

    iii) Agent of the Divine: The description says that you build up gift of faith through healing spells,but everything adds to it,including feats.Is it intended? Also,some people have suggested that it should respect LoS,similarly to KV.While I don't think that it should do so,as it is a buff and not an aura,it should have a timer on it,which refreshes when healed by the dc.So,if it were to be a 30 second buff,it would provide a benefit long enough even after the ally has left the area where the dc is,or the dc gets killed,but not indefinitely.

    As for virtuous,the issue lies with the last 3 tiers.

    i)Unbreakable devotion: If this is active while you're taking weak sustained damage,it doesn't help,it simply contributes to overhealing,as your HoTs would have healed the damage anyway.If,on the other hand,this is active when you take a big hit,the amount absorbed is very small,so it it offers very little support.The only time this is useful,is at the sweetspot where your party is taking constant damage,but the dps slightly outdamages your hps,so the shield absorbs the excess damage.Even then,however,it only lasts 6 seconds every 20 seconds,so it's not reliable.This feat could be reworked to a buff that lasts 6 seconds every 10 seconds,absorbing 12.5 % of incoming damage.This way,it has more reliable uptime and actually helps with healing; if the damage is low,it will absorb little,but the HoTs will take care of the rest.If the damage is high,it will complement the HoTs better,making it easier to restore health.

    ii) Virtue's gift: First of all,this is similar to the new T3 feat,gift of life.Additionally,this is feat also contributes to overhealing when heals aren't needed,but does nothing for burst damage.My suggestion is to rework this into something like: "When you or a nearby ally gets damaged by an attack for more than 20% of their max hp,they heal 10/20/30/40/50% of that damage over 5 seconds.This effect does not stack.This effect can only happen once every 15 seconds". This way,Virtuous gets the equivalent of test of faith for faithful.It gets help against big hits,without being as powerful as gift of faith,while also maintaining the "flavor" of the path (HoTs).

    iii) Shield of the Divine: One issue with this, is the short range (30'),especially in PvE. It's difficult to keep everyone so close to you,especially when some are melee,others are ranged and everyone is dodging to random directions.You -have- to be next to them when they get hit for this to activate.Because of this,it would be better to extend the range a bit.Another issue is the amount of healing it does.It's extremely low and very slow.Chaotic Growth heals you and all allies within 50' (instead of 30'),without requiring to get hurt and heals for 250% of your weapon damage every 0.5 seconds (instead of every 2 seconds) for 10 seconds,for a total of 5000% of your weapon damage.So,that HoT is 10 times more powerful,has no requirements,has a larger range and ticks 4 times faster.However, shield of the divine also comes with another feature,converting burst heals to HoTs.Additionally,chaotic growth is only one of 3 possible buffs,making it less reliable.Taking all the above into consideration,shield of the divine should be a 50' aura,that heals you or allies that take damage for 1250% of your weapon damage over 10 seconds.Tick rate: once per second.


    i)Fire of the gods: I think it should deal 125% of your weapon damage per second (up from 100%),but only for 10 seconds (down from 15). This would reduce postmortem kills in pvp,which is currently an issue.

    ii)Avatar of the Divine: Since crit is so important for this tree,it would be a good idea for the capstone to add crit chance(~15%).In turn,reduce the other bonuses to make up for this addition.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    We are so close to mod 6 and not even one pass through to fix the DC stuff.
  • shadowbladegrshadowbladegr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »

    We are so close to mod 6 and not even one pass through to fix the DC stuff.

    Yeah,though that's for a reason...look at the views per class thread

    Paladin -> 29.5k (understandable,it's the new class and stuff)
    Gwf ->28k
    CW -> 17.5k
    Gf -> 12k
    Hr ->11.5k
    Tr -> 11.5k
    Sw -> 11k
    Dc ->8.7k

    There's a severe lack of interest and posts for DC.Surprisingly enough,tr thread is also not that popular,even though it's one of the most played classes atm.More importantly,there is a huge interest in gwf.This probably means that,despite the increase in numbers of trs and dcs since last mod,those players were originally gwfs.After the gwf era ended,players that enjoyed insane amounts of dmg switched to tr while those that preferred "immortality" jumped to gf or dc,during Mod 5.Now,with Mod 6 on the horizon,ex-gwfs showed interest in their old class,hoping to get buffs to return to it.DC thread has the least popularity,because DC was,till Mod 5,very unpopular,so most of the current DC are just temporarily playing the class and therefore don't care much about it,if they can get their old class back.

    Im not saying this to flame anyone for jumping classes to be "op" (even though it's a habit I don't particularly like...).Im just saying,if there's little interest to a class and devs have limited time and resources,it's natural that they will invest it in what will please largest % of players possible.That's why gwfs and gfs have been getting the most changes the last 2-3 patches on preview.Because gwfs have the most popularity and because gfs are voicing concerns about paladins being better tanks and "replacing" them.DCs showed little interest on their thread,as well as almost no concern of being replaced by Devotion Paladins,so they are lower priority.It makes sense :P
  • cococyacococya Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Personally, I have nothing to say about the new DC stuff, as I find the new class feats and encounter useless for me, personally, and will not enter my rotation at all.
    I do hope, but am quite doubtful, that I could skip the new extra paragon feats completely as you can atm on preview, I'd rather use the new points in a different paragon all together.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    It shouldnt matter how many views, it should only matter about the feedback that is posted.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    cococya wrote: »
    Personally, I have nothing to say about the new DC stuff, as I find the new class feats and encounter useless for me, personally, and will not enter my rotation at all.
    I do hope, but am quite doubtful, that I could skip the new extra paragon feats completely as you can atm on preview, I'd rather use the new points in a different paragon all together.

    Here is the issue though, since none of them actually help the DC out, why did they bother? It should come down to hard choices, but its not hard, skip everything new if you can and you will do ok.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Yeah,though that's for a reason...look at the views per class thread

    Paladin -> 29.5k (understandable,it's the new class and stuff)
    Gwf ->28k
    CW -> 17.5k
    Gf -> 12k
    Hr ->11.5k
    Tr -> 11.5k
    Sw -> 11k
    Dc ->8.7k

    There's a severe lack of interest and posts for DC.Surprisingly enough,tr thread is also not that popular,even though it's one of the most played classes atm.More importantly,there is a huge interest in gwf.This probably means that,despite the increase in numbers of trs and dcs since last mod,those players were originally gwfs.After the gwf era ended,players that enjoyed insane amounts of dmg switched to tr while those that preferred "immortality" jumped to gf or dc,during Mod 5.Now,with Mod 6 on the horizon,ex-gwfs showed interest in their old class,hoping to get buffs to return to it.DC thread has the least popularity,because DC was,till Mod 5,very unpopular,so most of the current DC are just temporarily playing the class and therefore don't care much about it,if they can get their old class back.

    Im not saying this to flame anyone for jumping classes to be "op" (even though it's a habit I don't particularly like...).Im just saying,if there's little interest to a class and devs have limited time and resources,it's natural that they will invest it in what will please largest % of players possible.That's why gwfs and gfs have been getting the most changes the last 2-3 patches on preview.Because gwfs have the most popularity and because gfs are voicing concerns about paladins being better tanks and "replacing" them.DCs showed little interest on their thread,as well as almost no concern of being replaced by Devotion Paladins,so they are lower priority.It makes sense :P

    I play every class, I just call them as I see them, this whole rework was a downgrade to the DC.

    TR needs no feedback, it was pretty awesome, CW as well, HR trapper is also ++. All three of those strong classes got skills/powers/feats near on par with what they had, good job for those design teams thats how it should be, tough choices to make going forward.

    Now if you want to run a HR combat, your screwed, but its always been the case that one line is way better then others.

    GWF has been improved, but its not back yet, so thats why its so heavy on feedback.

    SW is getting a nerf, which I think everyone saw coming for TT, it was one daily that was more powerful then anything else in the game. It was a little weird they touched other powers though, as SW really boiled down to a couple of powers. (ran a Elol with my DC last night and the SW on hand with similar gear to my DC had 16 million damage to my 4 million ((I was second)), I really dont care if Im dead last, but to have THAT far of a disparity, is just weird. Thats why some of thier items are getting adjusted probably.

    Im not testing paladin, ill play it live.

    GF.. meh, its been a meh class had a few weeks of less meh, mine sits at a camp fire. Not boohooing those who play it, but in this game.. its not my favorite. Even with new content, you might want to drag a semi healer around, but its not like you need tanks still. Tiamat still doesnt need it thats for sure, so they are a buff bot, but they cant compare to the DC buffs, so I prefer to play that class.
  • skinlikewinterskinlikewinter Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    7 patches for the mod and nothing for us DCs. Why bother testing a class that isn't even given the time of day. Might as well lock this thread as feedback is just ignored.

    I'm done testing the class for them. I can only hope no one else bothers testing DCs again as we all can see it's pointless. Hell only way any real change for the good can be done is to boycott all cash purchases for zen. Hit the company where it hurts and maybe they will listen.
    I show player support, by only playing Neverwinter as F2P
  • two30two30 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,168 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Bug: Divine Glow
    Divine Glow still can't trigger weapon enchants.

    How to replicate:
    1. Make a Devoted Cleric.
    2. Slot the Divine Glow encounter power.
    3. Enchant equipped weapon with Plague Fire, Terror, etc.
    4. Cast Divine Glow at a Target Dummy.
    5. Notice that the weapon enchant has no effect.
    Neverwinter Tools for evaluating boons, mounts, dyes, etc.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    two30 wrote: »
    Bug: Divine Glow
    Divine Glow still can't trigger weapon enchants.

    How to replicate:
    1. Make a Devoted Cleric.
    2. Slot the Divine Glow encounter power.
    3. Enchant equipped weapon with Plague Fire, Terror, etc.
    4. Cast Divine Glow at a Target Dummy.
    5. Notice that the weapon enchant has no effect.

    go and do it to regular mobs and see the logs.

    dummies are not the best way to test.
  • two30two30 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,168 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    go and do it to regular mobs and see the logs.

    dummies are not the best way to test.

    Bug: Divine Glow
    Divine Glow still can't trigger weapon enchants.

    How to replicate:
    1. Make a Devoted Cleric.
    2. Slot the Divine Glow encounter power.
    3. Enchant equipped weapon with Plague Fire, Terror, etc.
    4. Cast Divine Glow at a pack of enemies.
    5. Notice that the weapon enchant has no effect.

    Please don't waste my time, Silverkeit.
    Neverwinter Tools for evaluating boons, mounts, dyes, etc.
  • dwaumakdwaumak Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I think that Burning Guidance doesn't proc with astral seal, bastion of health and healing word (or the proc rate is incredibly low and I'm unlucky).
    I didn't try others healing spells but I suppose it doesn't proc at all.
  • dwaumakdwaumak Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Maybe it's time to change Initiate of the Faith (Your Crit Stat is increased by .2/.4/.6/.8/1% of your power stat).
    With 20K power (Oo), if we use 5 Heroic feat points, we gain 0.5% critical chance.
    We can't keep this......thing.
  • sethr4sethr4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As a righteous cleric i would prefer the following changes:

    In general, at least as a class feature, divinity should recover

    a) when the dc left the battle
    b) by 1 stack when using a dodge (infight)

    This should help in PVE as well as in PVP.

    Then the casting times should be reduced (Bastion of Health, Hallowed Ground, Chains of Blazing Light, Break the Spirit). The delay of Daunting Light as to be reduced as well.

    The dc´s new righteous feats needs to be reworked in general. It is (and needs to be) a damadge/debuff-tree.

    Exept of soloplaying, the dc has to use astral shield (or bation of health) for a good partyplay, but that destroys a good damage rotation. The main damage sources of the cleric do not pulse (tick) often, especially if you look at a controal wizzard. So damage over time is another lag in the righteous tree es well.

    I think one T4 feat has to be like this:
    „Astral Shield and Bastion of Health cause a Areaeffekt doing 20/40/60/80/100 % weapon damage over 6 seconds, stacking up 2 times.“

    This would have a nice synergy with ohter feats, like Bear your Sins or Condemning Gaze. It would help the dc to keep his damage and debuffs up while doing his leader-job in the party. And doing 100 % weapondamage over time wouldnt burst players away in PVP.

    Furthermore the righteous tree needs another offensive debuff like that:

    „With every pulse (tick) of DoT the targets defensive reduces 1/2/3/4/5 % per pulse to a maximum of 15 %.“

    This is needed to compensate the loss of the high-prophet-set on higher level (endgame) and to keep the dps up. With more tanks in game (almighty paladin) and more DR (damagereduction), this will be needed in PVP as well as in PVE.

    P.S. The Fire of gods damage has to come harder in a smaller amound of time.
  • br00tall0rdbr00tall0rd Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    sethr4 wrote: »
    As a righteous cleric i would prefer the following changes:

    In general, at least as a class feature, divinity should recover

    a) when the dc left the battle
    b) by 1 stack when using a dodge (infight)

    This should help in PVE as well as in PVP.

    Then the casting times should be reduced (Bastion of Health, Hallowed Ground, Chains of Blazing Light, Break the Spirit). The delay of Daunting Light as to be reduced as well.

    The dc´s new righteous feats needs to be reworked in general. It is (and needs to be) a damadge/debuff-tree.

    Exept of soloplaying, the dc has to use astral shield (or bation of health) for a good partyplay, but that destroys a good damage rotation. The main damage sources of the cleric do not pulse (tick) often, especially if you look at a controal wizzard. So damage over time is another lag in the righteous tree es well.

    I think one T4 feat has to be like this:
    „Astral Shield and Bastion of Health cause a Areaeffekt doing 20/40/60/80/100 % weapon damage over 6 seconds, stacking up 2 times.“

    This would have a nice synergy with ohter feats, like Bear your Sins or Condemning Gaze. It would help the dc to keep his damage and debuffs up while doing his leader-job in the party. And doing 100 % weapondamage over time wouldnt burst players away in PVP.

    Furthermore the righteous tree needs another offensive debuff like that:

    „With every pulse (tick) of DoT the targets defensive reduces 1/2/3/4/5 % per pulse to a maximum of 15 %.“

    This is needed to compensate the loss of the high-prophet-set on higher level (endgame) and to keep the dps up. With more tanks in game (almighty paladin) and more DR (damagereduction), this will be needed in PVP as well as in PVE.

    P.S. The Fire of gods damage has to come harder in a smaller amound of time.

    1. You gain divinity fast enough
    2. Casting times add "skill check" component to the gameplay and they were reduced enough in module 5
    3. Righteous feats are fine, you don't need neither another debuff through feat tree nor astral shield weapon damage stuff
  • sethr4sethr4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    1. You gain divinity fast enough
    2. Casting times add "skill check" component to the gameplay and they were reduced enough in module 5
    3. Righteous feats are fine, you don't need neither another debuff through feat tree nor astral shield weapon damage stuff

    Yes, yes. The dc needs nothing. and guess what. he gets nothing.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Tommorow is the final day, I cant believe they literally havent adjusted or fixed one item on feedback.

    What was the point of us feedbacking at all!

    If nothing else PLEASE do the following tomorrow.

    Final Acts :30% hp is ridicolous, you already know the reason, like literally this will never pop for a healing DC, what was the point?

    CHANGE it to 15% increase at all times. (2/4/7/11/15 or whatever)

    Living Fire oh for goodness sake, another 30% mechanic, are you guys daft, at 30% you are only thinking of living for a few more nano seconds 25% extra fire damage is useless.

    Weapons of light.. What to you have against this class? CHANGE it to allow the DC to get this same effect.

    Light of Dvinity, you need to INCREASE this heal, HP pools are huge, the smallest increment you placed on this makes it worthless.

    I wont even get into the 100 bugs reported on our powers.

    Please listen to the above, what the heck guys, you finally reworked the DC then literally gave ALMOST nothing for this entire update.

    (PS. the encounters you gave us ARE WORTHLESS, remove them, give us a mid mod update with actual useful powers)

    That is not a Jest, Im serious, do not give us those powers, if you cant figure out how to give us something besides WATERED down versions of what we already have, I just don know what to say.

    This is really troublesome, that you refuse to listen to one feedback AT all.
  • n4ujan4uja Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    silverkelt i totally agree with you, on this game you won stuff if you cry allot, almost all class's got damage increase or something useful. And for us? its frustrating we are only few dc's as main characters, we were almost dead until this rework on mod5 and now again on mod6 dc going to die again, or is because you got 2 class's that can heal a party like a dc (paladin warlock (well played)), or because all other class's got more damage overall, ok we can "still" debuff lol.

    About new stuff?
    well class features that dont work for you only for party (yes sure im gona take out ap or divine gain class features for that -.-)
    New encounters that are just a remake of exaltation or banish from paladin (that instant break)
    feats humm lovely dont wana talk about it, they just suck.

    about 100 bugs DC well they never listen to us they dont read or dont care, but some of them like that heroic feats (horrible work) are here since BETA

    Overall DC is just for fan ppl that like to play it, becouse we are not good at nothing and we are easy replace by all other class's.
    At least i express my frustration about DC, and the way this is working for mod 6.

    Cumps N4uja
  • meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    At the very least they could change the three worst heroic feats that we have asked to be fixed since open beta: Domain Synergy, Initiate of the Faith, and Templar's Domain. Please. These offer absolutely nothing because of ridiculous cooldowns (Templar's Domain) or minimal increase (Domain Synergy & Inititiate of the Faith).
  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    A CCed mob is one that can't hit back : which everyone knows, translates to a 100% damage reduction. With the added bonus of turning the table around to allow player to keep dealing damage freely on the CCed target during the entirely of the CC duration. One 'special' thing to note is that dealing damage to a CCed target doesn't break the CC. Most CC encounters of other class follow such behavior.

    DC do not have many CC options nor CC breaks. Instead CC is DC's bane.

    With mod 6, many classes have upped their CC and dps. With that context, now let's compare a real CC to Geas which only gives 90% damage reduction and can only work on only 1 target at any one time. And dealing damage breaks the Geas. A 'GEAS'ed player can still use encounters and do damage. Huh? Wait what?

    Just replace GEAs and give us a REAL CC. Give us a daze-like, stun-like, choke-like, smoke bomb-like encounter that truly fits a level 65 power level. GEA can't even compare to Chains of Blazing Light which is level 15.

    Warding Flare is even more rubbish. You don't need me to spell it out for you (or do you?!). I'll just pretend it's a placeholder for something better to come since this encounter reeks of the lack of any reasonable consideration put into it.
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