Perhaps they changed the announcement? I thought they said player strongholds as well but now it shows:
On the horizon for after Module 6: Elemental Evil are modules with highly requested additions including guild strongholds and well-known characters from Dungeons & Dragons lore.
Marble lobby, candlesticks on the walls, individual lockers, guild vault, a ladder to the watchtower to see a possible incoming siege. A backyard where you can park and feed your various dragons used for defensive purpose, a gate to teleport anywhere except PT (who wants to go to PE), NPC traders, salvage post, mailbox, firecamp, an alter alley with statues of all the gods, outside fence, moat, catapults and flag mast
ToD = ..........
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
I really liked the concept of the "Clan Dojo" (equivalent of the Guild Stronghold here I suppose) in another MMO.
It allows guild members to construct guild buildings, corridors, hallways, etc and certain weapons are only unlocked via the guild buildings.
It unites the guild as we come together to strive toward unlocking these cool items.
There was also a 1 v 1 PVP room that we can construct to allow guildies to duel and test out their build, weapons, power loadouts, etc against each other. That was cool too.
Hope the developers could take into account of some these cool features offered by guild halls (or the likes) in other MMOs and slowly introduce them into NW.
My guess is twill be similar to STO where u can beam to urs ships deck and invite other players even. Used in some quest lines too, with a light decor options. Not saying it were of much use and 100% working that time i was trying STO.
A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
"Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
dragoness10Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 780Arc User
edited January 2015
When thinking of a Guild Stronghold I am thinking of things everyone in guild can use - multiple players.
There should be a check firstly if a Guild DOES have the minimal requirement of individual accounts. (I'd say players, BUT let's give a teeny leeway here. Expecting it to be perfect is unrealistic.)
- If a Guild Stronghold is going to cost AD like Guild Bank Slots then please make a "Donate to Stronghold" button on the Guild Roster OR Bank window where any Guild member can donate to it rather than make it the responsibility of one player alone.
- A Professions Storage Chest would be good so we can pass on Professions Supplies to other guildies as needed. It can work like the Guild Bank if you need it to so certain ranks have certain restrictions on them for withdrawals.
- Make it buildable in Foundry with an expected time window after publishing (2 weeks?) for it to be reviewed before installation into the server. This will have it checked for an exploits, conflicts, loot drops, mobs, or size requirements to ensure it is fair for everyone on the same standards for strongholds.
- Key it with a Bound to Charecter Key that the Rank 5-6 may give out to Guildies. This sort of key should be revokable as well in case somebody for whatever reason leaves/ is kicked out of guild. (That may be a line of scripting that auto-removes the key once the character leaves that guild.)
I would say Bound to Account, BUT with people being in more than one guild the Guild Leaders may not want others from other random guilds in their particular stronghold. Even inviting people in via Party may end up being an exploit.
- If the Stronghold is not built in Foundry then "Furniture perks" such as sittable chairs, lay on beds, or other items that can automatically use an emote when clicked on should be purchaseable via a Furniture Store for Gold OR Astral Diamonds. Rank 5 of 6 only has the required ranking for placement of Furniture, but any rank below them can buy it where it's held in the Furniture Storage until placed. This can also include the wall hangings, pictures, trophies, plants, etc.
- If the above two methods are not employed for selection/ building of Strongholds then please ensure the purchaseable "models" each have a theme based upon the areas/ races we have already. A Forest, Volcano, Underdark, Farm, House, etc models to address each taste.
I'm sure there's more I can think of later... maybe.
" I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
When I picture a guild stronghold, I like to think it would have a big eating hall with a long table that my guildies and I can actually sit at while we eat/drink and discuss important matters or celebrate something. If this were to happen I would like a "bang fist on table" emote. Would be cool if we could design an emblem for our guild and have it shown on banners/flags in the guild stronghold, or at least be able to have a banner with our guild name somewhere. NPCs we can higher to clean/cook.
A library where we could put various amounts of information, guild history, what the ranks in our guild mean, builds we share, whatever else that can be written even if it's just a forum type game. A stable where we can put mounts for sure. Maybe even a garden to grow the food. At least a garden would be cool (if we could design it) because the one in PE is so blah. Definitely give it its own chat. Rooms to sleep in, or living rooms with fireplaces at least since player housing might have some of these things. I'd like to actually be able to sit in these chairs like an NPC instead of cross-legged. Also a combat room where we could 1v1 each other without hassle.
I still dont get why someone would waste resources on housing.... i see it as pointless but maybe you can enlighten me on their functions
I don't see the point of it either after reading the comments.. I rather have new dungeons/pvp maps etc so I can play the game, not a house with a bed where I can sleep when I'm not playing?!
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
edited January 2015
For the people who don't get the point of guild housing: Do you have a key to the Protector's Garden in PE?
In one place, you have a invocation fire, portal to all zones, a vendor, tradebar merchant, salvager, auctioneer and mailbox (which doesn't dismount you). Everything but personal or guild bank - which you can jump to in a matter of seconds.
You can log in, pray, sell junk and check on auctions in a matter of seconds - without being assaulted by cries of "Leeches" etc.
I envision guild housing as much like the Protector's Garden, with customizable furnishings. This would make a peaceful place for all your guildies to log out in, even if they missed the Protector's Jubilee last year.
As for extras I'd like to see:
training dummies
1v1 arena
access to guild bank
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited January 2015
It was a typo as "player housing" and "guild housing" are interchangeable in most MMOs and "player" probably rolled off their fingers by mistake, as guild housing is in effect, player housing too. I don't know what caused them to type player instead of housing by mistake, but it was corrected quite quickly. So quickly, that only one of us Mods even noticed it. Nothing shady here.
Never said it was shady. It's just sloppy. Again. And it presents things in a different manner than is expected. Again. Some decent proofreading would do wonders. Again.
Besides, there's a HUGE difference between the two, even if the technical process behind it is the same. It's not the same to the players. A private house has many different requirements and player demands than guild housing.
Well it didn't say private housing and guilds are made up of players. Regardless, I wasn't saying the two are similar, only that they are both player housings. When that is realized, it's easy to see the mistake and easy to overlook even when proof-reading. No need to continue to bash them for every typo.
Please don't respond on this anymore, you may use Support for that and future typo complaints. Thanks!
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl PWE Community Moderator
I think of the options that are available in the DDO guild ships would be cool, such as temporary buffs. Accelerated healing. Options to increase run speed on a more permanent basis.
Mount storage.
Allow players to purchase extra bank space from the guild, such as a 16 slot locker.
Just thoughts.
Considering they never mention guild strongholds, it's a bit of an odd topic to discuss. They only mention player strongholds, whatever that means in their dictionary. In mine it means the following:
- an environment fitting for the class you build it for that can be expanded on by doing quests and/or professions
- storage, either directly into the bank or purchasable extra slots.
- a bed that, when logged out while resting on it, gives you a slight bonus for the first hour the next time you log on. (min resting x hours before buff applies) based on your class.
- a stable where I can drop off my spare mounts without destroying them
- a wardrobe for my fashion sets
- a storage for idle companions which may or may not start to roam around the place doing whatever.
- a mailbox.
- a trophy room, listing all your achievements.
- an arena/practicing area
- no zone chat if the place is to be in PE
- a reasonable upkeep price.
I like this;
..and maybe have to buy a monthly key from the zen store as a form of upkeep/rent unless you own it..which to buy would require some other semi-significant form of action...
If you have done what was necessary to build/buy a home, maybe that comes with an elevated value in refinement points per unit..
It does introduce gameplay. It also helps to stabilize the economy. And for those not interested, you can make massive amounts of AD selling the items needed to upgrade to those who are interested. I've made no less than 5 topics on this since beta.
To summarize, if you don't like the idea; then sell your items that are needed to those that do like the idea. It's a win/win for everyone, even the folks who hate the idea.
Considering most guilds are now "my cool guild in which I paid people 5 gold to help me make" I don't see the difference between player housing and guild housing.
I envisage a lot of forum posts once this is implemented: "someone just kicked me from my house".
I for one would prefer player housing, with a stables where I can see all my mounts, a common room where I can see all my companions, and a test dummy so I can test my powers (do GF's actually have powers?) without getting some buff from some random TR running around the trade of blades HAMSTER up my damage.
I can invoke in peace without a spinning mount, TR spamming duelist flurry bot, gold spam, or that annoying fire breather in the garden.
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
But is something that does not introduce any type of gameplay really necessary?
It is not "necessary", but neither is PVP as far as I'm concerned -- and I fully support development of PVP because some people like it.
Guild housing lends itself to roleplay, which is a type of gameplay. It also can be a great convenience if it contains the practical items found in the Protector's Garden.
And, importantly for Cryptic/PWE, it can be monetized. From small charges for a fancy wall texture to large charges for a 1v1 arena, guild housing can be a great zen/AD sink -- and many, many people will be happy to pay it.
if we had guild strongholds I would love that we could create them with the foundry, and place some useful npc's in it, like vendors, a bank, a guild bank, a mailbox.
So anyone in the guild could design it from scratch if they want to.
I wager it will be similar in principle at least to STO fleet bases. I wish Cryptic would create some sort of guildmaster forum that would solicit input from those of us with experience running large guilds... I was under NDA for alpha, I'd be glad to go under NDA for this if I knew my suggestions were at least being heard. In STO, the fleet base release (season 6 I think it was??) was a major improvement to the game, perhaps the most important game improvement they ever made in fact, this will no doubt be similarly important to Neverwinter. There are A LOT of things that could make it even better, especially on the guild management side. If they're putting effort into improving the guild experience, making it easier to manage would be a huge checkbox toward doing that......
cybercyanideMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 66
edited January 2015
Player or Guild housing; either way, I'd like to see operate much like Super Group bases did in City of Heroes.
Playing in "SG Mode", each player contributed what was called "Prestige" (the bases' spending currency). There were different achievements each member contributed towards, also, which unlocked bigger and better things for your base. Pretty much *everything* everyone did contributed towards something better being unlocked so that with more and varied players the bigger and better your base ultimately was.
Even my solo bases were fairly well set up being the alt-aholic that I am. It just took a little longer and that was fine with me.
Many MMOs have guild halls or strongholds and it is something many players enjoy. I am looking forward to the day that Neverwinter willl have that option available. Here are ideas others have posted that I particularly like and some of my own.
Guild vault
Ability to travel to other zones
A training room where players can test moves or spar with each other.
A way for players to donate gold or AD for future expansion of the Guild Stronghold
Possible quests that contribute gold or AD to the guild
Furniture that players can sit on or lay on, fireplaces, hot tubs, a Dining room or hall.
Some form of personal storage for players different from bank vault where they can keep clothing and mounts
A separate chat with no zone chat (separate from the guild chat as well).
Additional to a Guild Stronghold, it would be nice to be able to design and display our guild heraldry.
Also an option to display guild heraldry on characters cloaks in game (PvE and PvP).
Also an option to display guild heraldry on standard in game (PvE and PvP) with def or a/p type bonuses for players near it.
Vendors that sell common as well as guild-specific merchandise of all sorts. The quality and type can be upgraded using guild contribution projects.
Open PvP sparing area (with a GG-like healer so we don't have to use kits all the time)
Common area for gatherings, including chairs etc.
Guild-Rank specific areas -- that is, spaces that you can only enter if you are of X rank or higher. These should be more than empty rooms! Place the mail, for instance, in Rank 2+ area, place the banker in rank 3+, place the vendor in rank 4... whatever. Plus a special conference room for Rank 6 or 7 only.
Guild-only content - guild DDs/skirmishes related to the stronghold.
(aside from strongholds)
Raise guild member limit from 500 to 2000 (or more). This way, my guild can be collapsed into a single group rather than span 5 separate guilds due to it being well over the limits of a single guild.
Fix the horribly broken UI for guild bank permissions
Provide better reporting features for guild leaders: List of members inactive for X days, provide an easier way to identify (and kick) inactive members. Provide officially supported APIs (perhaps via gateway) so we can build out our own reporting interfaces (guild roster, membership changes over time, guild event and bank log histories over 3 days past <!-- THIS, etc.)
Promotion Triggers: Automatically provide promotions to members who meet certain criteria. Also a configuration to allow leaders to make exceptions (like: never autopromote this character).
BANS -- allow leaders to permanently ban by @handle.
I came from RAGNAROK my last 2nd to the last MMORPG since 2006 after Ran Online(which is probably not famous here on North America)
******Ragnarok is the last game I enjoyed very much specially the Guild Housings or Guild Wars******
******So Im hoping that there will be at least almost some mechanics that are the same******
===Such as Protecting a TREASURE which is an EVENT that RUN every ..for example... MWF every 30 of the hour... === ===Destructible palace === Which Requires constant GUARDING === === Treasure Hunting === which requires constant farming === ===Guild Activities such as Guild Mobs or Boses === which requires constant co-operation with Guild===
===of course==== Dont forget the === PRIZES big PRIZES :DD===
like top 5 GUILDS ))) where they EARNED items or PRIZES which can only be obtain through GUILD SUCCESS
===limited pet, mount, weapons, fashion, artifacts===
Hopefully its coming this mod 6
yeah I have a Question when's MOD 6 coming out
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
It allows guild members to construct guild buildings, corridors, hallways, etc and certain weapons are only unlocked via the guild buildings.
It unites the guild as we come together to strive toward unlocking these cool items.
There was also a 1 v 1 PVP room that we can construct to allow guildies to duel and test out their build, weapons, power loadouts, etc against each other. That was cool too.
Hope the developers could take into account of some these cool features offered by guild halls (or the likes) in other MMOs and slowly introduce them into NW.
Exciting times ahead!
There should be a check firstly if a Guild DOES have the minimal requirement of individual accounts. (I'd say players, BUT let's give a teeny leeway here. Expecting it to be perfect is unrealistic.)
- If a Guild Stronghold is going to cost AD like Guild Bank Slots then please make a "Donate to Stronghold" button on the Guild Roster OR Bank window where any Guild member can donate to it rather than make it the responsibility of one player alone.
- A Professions Storage Chest would be good so we can pass on Professions Supplies to other guildies as needed. It can work like the Guild Bank if you need it to so certain ranks have certain restrictions on them for withdrawals.
- Make it buildable in Foundry with an expected time window after publishing (2 weeks?) for it to be reviewed before installation into the server. This will have it checked for an exploits, conflicts, loot drops, mobs, or size requirements to ensure it is fair for everyone on the same standards for strongholds.
- Key it with a Bound to Charecter Key that the Rank 5-6 may give out to Guildies. This sort of key should be revokable as well in case somebody for whatever reason leaves/ is kicked out of guild. (That may be a line of scripting that auto-removes the key once the character leaves that guild.)
I would say Bound to Account, BUT with people being in more than one guild the Guild Leaders may not want others from other random guilds in their particular stronghold. Even inviting people in via Party may end up being an exploit.
- If the Stronghold is not built in Foundry then "Furniture perks" such as sittable chairs, lay on beds, or other items that can automatically use an emote when clicked on should be purchaseable via a Furniture Store for Gold OR Astral Diamonds. Rank 5 of 6 only has the required ranking for placement of Furniture, but any rank below them can buy it where it's held in the Furniture Storage until placed. This can also include the wall hangings, pictures, trophies, plants, etc.
- If the above two methods are not employed for selection/ building of Strongholds then please ensure the purchaseable "models" each have a theme based upon the areas/ races we have already. A Forest, Volcano, Underdark, Farm, House, etc models to address each taste.
I'm sure there's more I can think of later... maybe.
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
A library where we could put various amounts of information, guild history, what the ranks in our guild mean, builds we share, whatever else that can be written even if it's just a forum type game. A stable where we can put mounts for sure. Maybe even a garden to grow the food. At least a garden would be cool (if we could design it) because the one in PE is so blah. Definitely give it its own chat. Rooms to sleep in, or living rooms with fireplaces at least since player housing might have some of these things. I'd like to actually be able to sit in these chairs like an NPC instead of cross-legged. Also a combat room where we could 1v1 each other without hassle.
Trickster Rogue
I don't see the point of it either after reading the comments.. I rather have new dungeons/pvp maps etc so I can play the game, not a house with a bed where I can sleep when I'm not playing?!
In one place, you have a invocation fire, portal to all zones, a vendor, tradebar merchant, salvager, auctioneer and mailbox (which doesn't dismount you). Everything but personal or guild bank - which you can jump to in a matter of seconds.
You can log in, pray, sell junk and check on auctions in a matter of seconds - without being assaulted by cries of "Leeches" etc.
I envision guild housing as much like the Protector's Garden, with customizable furnishings. This would make a peaceful place for all your guildies to log out in, even if they missed the Protector's Jubilee last year.
As for extras I'd like to see:
training dummies
1v1 arena
access to guild bank
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Please don't respond on this anymore, you may use Support for that and future typo complaints. Thanks!
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
PWE Community Moderator
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Mount storage.
Allow players to purchase extra bank space from the guild, such as a 16 slot locker.
Just thoughts.
I like this;
..and maybe have to buy a monthly key from the zen store as a form of upkeep/rent unless you own it..which to buy would require some other semi-significant form of action...
If you have done what was necessary to build/buy a home, maybe that comes with an elevated value in refinement points per unit..
To summarize, if you don't like the idea; then sell your items that are needed to those that do like the idea. It's a win/win for everyone, even the folks who hate the idea.
I envisage a lot of forum posts once this is implemented: "someone just kicked me from my house".
I for one would prefer player housing, with a stables where I can see all my mounts, a common room where I can see all my companions, and a test dummy so I can test my powers (do GF's actually have powers?) without getting some buff from some random TR running around the trade of blades HAMSTER up my damage.
I can invoke in peace without a spinning mount, TR spamming duelist flurry bot, gold spam, or that annoying fire breather in the garden.
It is not "necessary", but neither is PVP as far as I'm concerned -- and I fully support development of PVP because some people like it.
Guild housing lends itself to roleplay, which is a type of gameplay. It also can be a great convenience if it contains the practical items found in the Protector's Garden.
And, importantly for Cryptic/PWE, it can be monetized. From small charges for a fancy wall texture to large charges for a 1v1 arena, guild housing can be a great zen/AD sink -- and many, many people will be happy to pay it.
So anyone in the guild could design it from scratch if they want to.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Playing in "SG Mode", each player contributed what was called "Prestige" (the bases' spending currency). There were different achievements each member contributed towards, also, which unlocked bigger and better things for your base. Pretty much *everything* everyone did contributed towards something better being unlocked so that with more and varied players the bigger and better your base ultimately was.
Even my solo bases were fairly well set up being the alt-aholic that I am. It just took a little longer and that was fine with me.
Guild vault
Ability to travel to other zones
A training room where players can test moves or spar with each other.
A way for players to donate gold or AD for future expansion of the Guild Stronghold
Possible quests that contribute gold or AD to the guild
Furniture that players can sit on or lay on, fireplaces, hot tubs, a Dining room or hall.
Some form of personal storage for players different from bank vault where they can keep clothing and mounts
A separate chat with no zone chat
Additional to a Guild Stronghold, it would be nice to be able to design and display our guild heraldry.
Also an option to display guild heraldry on characters cloaks in game (PvE and PvP).
Also an option to display guild heraldry on standard in game (PvE and PvP) with def or a/p type bonuses for players near it.
Vendors that sell common as well as guild-specific merchandise of all sorts. The quality and type can be upgraded using guild contribution projects.
Open PvP sparing area (with a GG-like healer so we don't have to use kits all the time)
Common area for gatherings, including chairs etc.
Guild-Rank specific areas -- that is, spaces that you can only enter if you are of X rank or higher. These should be more than empty rooms! Place the mail, for instance, in Rank 2+ area, place the banker in rank 3+, place the vendor in rank 4... whatever. Plus a special conference room for Rank 6 or 7 only.
Guild-only content - guild DDs/skirmishes related to the stronghold.
(aside from strongholds)
Raise guild member limit from 500 to 2000 (or more). This way, my guild can be collapsed into a single group rather than span 5 separate guilds due to it being well over the limits of a single guild.
Fix the horribly broken UI for guild bank permissions
Provide better reporting features for guild leaders: List of members inactive for X days, provide an easier way to identify (and kick) inactive members. Provide officially supported APIs (perhaps via gateway) so we can build out our own reporting interfaces (guild roster, membership changes over time, guild event and bank log histories over 3 days past <!-- THIS, etc.)
Promotion Triggers: Automatically provide promotions to members who meet certain criteria. Also a configuration to allow leaders to make exceptions (like: never autopromote this character).
BANS -- allow leaders to permanently ban by @handle.
I could go on and on...
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Nah, those ideas are too good to come true.