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a new rank board in PVE

yolohahahayolohahaha Member Posts: 39 Arc User
edited January 2015 in PvE Discussion
Recently a lot of ppl (including me, wont refuse that) are too much into the PAIN-GIVER board.
Why is PAIN-GIVER something so important?... Yes, the truth that can be denied is that the board is really some kind of showing-off, ppl (including me) feel good to be at 1st on PAIN-GIVER board.. Players feel like they are the most effective player when they are at 1st... C'mon guys, This MMO game is not just about DPS...

Its really some kind of losing the play roles while everyone is just so much focusing into DPS.
Many players are trying to boost thier DPS instead of staying in thier play-role.

For ex:
- Control wizard: supposed to control the mobs, not to deal such a huge DPS like they are doing now.
- Devoted Cleric: supposed to heal players, not to deal dps.
any many many more...

My idea is that we should have one more rank board which I call ''THE EFFECTIVE BOARD''

As the name, this board should be shown up at the first place when u hit ''X''. This Board rank players after how much ''EFFECTIVE'' players are in the run... I mean that players can score by do a lot of CC, healing, tanking,... not just DPS!

So at the end, this thing still let u to ''show-off'', to prove ppl how good u are, but u dont have to be so much into dealing DPS...

What do you guys think about this?
Post edited by yolohahaha on


  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    pve leaderboard in NWO? gods give me strength ;)
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have to disagree, while some of the things you mention are important at low gear levels, concentrating on such areas at high gear levels means you are less effective not more.

    At high GS a cleric absolutely should never be healing as with high ls it's not needed as it would all be overhealing. That means every bit of hps as oppossed to dps is a wasted action.

    CC at high GS can be just as pointless as why not kill them with the same number of keystrokes.

    The devil is in your groups details, and all such measurements including the ones you suggest are equally flawed. Take paingiver for what it is. How much total damage you dealt and only take it to mean that.
  • yolohahahayolohahaha Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    loboguild wrote: »
    Let's be honest, there are tons of things that factor into a run that doesn't show up on paingiver and as nice as a metric would be that actually could measure those things, the chance is zero that the devs will assign any manpower to it.

    I didnt mean that we had to pick up all these factors, just some of em is enough. For ex:Team Healing, CC, Tanking, that's all, so all the classes would be able join the race by playing well in their supposed play-role, and then we can avoid the case that ppl are too much into dealing DPS..
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    They said they are unable to incorporate buffs into the HE score in Mod3. If that's impossible, kiss a solid metric for "efficiency" goodbye.
  • yolohahahayolohahaha Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    I have to disagree, while some of the things you mention are important at low gear levels, concentrating on such areas at high gear levels means you are less effective not more.

    At high GS a cleric absolutely should never be healing as with high ls it's not needed as it would all be overhealing. That means every bit of hps as oppossed to dps is a wasted action.

    CC at high GS can be just as pointless as why not kill them with the same number of keystrokes.

    The devil is in your groups details, and all such measurements including the ones you suggest are equally flawed. Take paingiver for what it is. How much total damage you dealt and only take it to mean that.

    You are really into the problem that I mentioned..
    Me as a CW, its pretty cool, I can deal a lot of DPS, but that is not the way it is, some classes are deserved to deal more DPS than CW, CW class is supposed to control, not to kill..
    dungeons are too easy, class balance is bad, designer need to tone up the classes' play-roll not to give just DPS boost all the time!.. cause when ppl have nothing but DPS what do they do?, they kill everything and give a **** about the play-role...
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    yolohahaha wrote: »
    You are really into the problem that I mentioned..
    Me as a CW, its pretty cool, I can deal a lot of DPS, but that is not the way it is, some classes are deserved to deal more DPS than CW, CW class is supposed to control, not to kill..
    dungeons are too easy, class balance is bad, designer need to tone up the classes' play-roll not to give just DPS boost all the time!.. cause when ppl have nothing but DPS what do they do?, they kill everything and give a **** about the play-role...

    Roles only work in trinity games. Since neverwinter was setup to not be a trinity game and that you were suppossed to be able to do you own healing (harder before powercreep) this will never work. Trying to force roles on people is trying to force this game into something it's not. This is not wow. Also if everything is dead that means the run is successful. Not really sure why you are made about that unless it's an RP issue. In which case you have to understand that 99% of players really couldn't care less about RP.
  • aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The object of the game is to kill mobs. To kill mobs, we must damage them. CWs deal damage as they control, buff. and debuff. DCs Heal as they do damage, buff and debuff. Generally speaking, nothing in this game requires control and players don't need healing. To take the damage away from these classes is to make them unneeded and unplayed. Dead mobs are controlled and they don't harm players.
  • wimpazoidwimpazoid Member Posts: 504 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I don't have a problem with people focusing on Paingiver.

    I'm actually happy to see the armies of SW and CW in Tiamat, skirmish or dungeon.

    Their popularity balance out the players playing the less popular classes, and running them won't end up a waste of time.
  • hmdq#4491 hmdq Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    simple fix REMOVE the paingiver party leaderboard and make this individual no more "ego racing" and change all machanics of mobs for sure lol
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I've always used those Boards to gauge my performance compared to the Population in general. As I tend to favor Hybrid DpS/Survival style playing I actually tend to aim for the MIDDLE of the boards, but to end up in the 2-4 range on most of them, rather in the #1 Slot on just one. If I always end up in last place in everything then either I am doing something wrong or I'm running Content that I am not really strong enough to be running yet and I need a party to carry me. Or else I just happened to end up with a whole mess of uber End-Game players in a random PUG (which does happen surprisingly often with some Skirmishes).
    Anyway, it is a useful tool if you use it as such. Just don't get obsessed with it and it is just fine. Of course this IS the internet. I suppose we should just be grateful that no one is posting Slash/Fics, featuring the Board itself as a main character, to the General Discussion Forum.............................

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    wimpazoid wrote: »
    I don't have a problem with people focusing on Paingiver.

    I'm actually happy to see the armies of SW and CW in Tiamat, skirmish or dungeon.

    Their popularity balance out the players playing the less popular classes, and running them won't end up a waste of time.

    ORly? A GF holding a mark on a dragon head and hanging out in DT or KC (A freaking T1 set) does more damage than a DPS class when 20 people are attacking the same target.

    But to answer the overall issue of PainGiver. To the OP there are other scores that display these other effects. Immovable Object tells how much aggro you pulled. Field Medic displays how much healing you provided. The critical fault with PainGiver is that it does not demonstrate effective damage done. For instance it does not count the damage done due to buffs/ de-buffs which can be very signifigant. See above. Second it does count Over Damage. If I use an AOE that hits for 50k and strike 5 targets with it it counts as 250k HP for Paingiver. Even if most of the targets only has 20k HP left so I only actually did 100k HP. So builds that have very high single-target damage ( good at killing dragons and bosses) will score much lower than builds with a lot of AOE damage (trash sweepers). Perversely Field Medic is the only other stat that suffers from distortion due to overdamage because you can Life Steal for more HP than you actually have. In the example of the AOE above I have LSed 39K HP on my 35k HP HR.....
  • sprawlfxsprawlfx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Don't really care about this much.. but I'd like to know what I did. I do not care what anyone else did, and I do not care if they know what I did or not. I guess if I had my choice, pressing X would tell me:

    YOU placed first in X
    YOU placed third in Y
    YOU placed second in Z
    YOU scrood the pooch in W (Kidding)

    One screen. Not showing me what others did.

    That just tells me what I need to work on.

    (In fact, I really wish I had the option to be excluded from the list that exists. I have actually had people complain to me because I did too much this or that, per that list.)
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    And if I use a power that causes an enemy to take more damage from other players, then I should get the credit for it, (at least partially)... :cool:

    The same should be considered when a player uses a power that causes their teammates to take less damage, gain more health from lifesteal, and so forth. In short, buffs and debuffs aren't tracked back to the one that applied them, only to the person that directly benefited from said buffs/debuffs.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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  • str8slayerstr8slayer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 715 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    I say get rid of it and only display the rankings at the end of the dungeon, it's too distracting for self-interested types...
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    hquadros wrote: »
    simple fix REMOVE the paingiver party leaderboard and make this individual no more "ego racing" and change all machanics of mobs for sure lol

    I don't think it's ego racing, it's people knowing that their character is in no real danger and clearing the content as fast as possible. It has nothing to do with ego's in most cases and instead it is all to do with the fact that the content holds no real challenge after 13-14k.
  • linoge63linoge63 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    magenubbie wrote: »
    How about no PvE boards at all? PvE as it is now, is basically a DPS race, that's true. But it is not about competition, it's about team work.

    Exactly correct

    Additionally...competition is aka "Misery loves company" why? Competition presupposes you are a loser...and you are trying to be a non loser by placing another in that position instead of you. Yet..we all know that "winners" always go back to try and "win" again and again and on and on; why? The inner agreement of the loser status was a self generated one and thus can only be changed by ones own mind with oneself as a reference point, not an external one that engaging competition attempts to do. Its a myth that competition is healthy.

    Co-operation on the other hand..is on an entirely different bandwidth of beingness. In this field of activity, the only thing that can result is gain and refinement who's result is on the higher 3rd that a pair of opposites (win -loss) can obtain.

    Predator consciousness is akin to the results of co=operation, ie, they do not consider anything as a competition, or a battle or winning or losing...it is a hunt and they are always the hunter...and whatever happens, they gain from the act be it with wanted results or refining of experience. Only loser based awareness engages activity with any possibility of losing.

    When you truly cooperate with others in the truest sense of the word, you genuinely feel your power and capability as you work in tune with the powers of others... Appreciation of the differences in another presupposes and requires the appreciation of self. It's only when one does not appreciate self, do they engage in depreciation, combat/conflict/competition with others.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    I like to see what I did in Delves and such, however I don't see any reason for being able to see the rest of the party's scores. Such just encourages griefing and ridicule, as well as elitism and other rudeness.

    I say to make the PvE scoreboard only show that player's last 5 runs in that delve/cta/skirmish/etc, instead of only displaying the party's run for that one. There's no real need to see the entire party's stuff.
  • wimpazoidwimpazoid Member Posts: 504 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    query523 wrote: »
    ORly? A GF holding a mark on a dragon head and hanging out in DT or KC (A freaking T1 set) does more damage than a DPS class when 20 people are attacking the same target.
    Really. Most GFs you can easily come across are decked in Profound, Black Ice or something or rather that gives plenty of GS. (Goes for any class nowadays on average, common to see most stack GS like it's the most important thing.)

    I'm not too concerned with the minority I encounter.

    Conversely, you can throw a pebble and hit a handful of the Paingiver army from 13k-15k on SW or CW with random gear that provides enough to good dps for any purpose.

    If it saves everyone time and effort, I don't personally mind what their focus is. Everyone plays their own way. Paingiver doesn't get to me for me to want to abolish it.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    linoge63 wrote: »
    Exactly correct

    Additionally...competition is aka "Misery loves company" why? Competition presupposes you are a loser...and you are trying to be a non loser by placing another in that position instead of you. Yet..we all know that "winners" always go back to try and "win" again and again and on and on; why? The inner agreement of the loser status was a self generated one and thus can only be changed by ones own mind with oneself as a reference point, not an external one that engaging competition attempts to do. Its a myth that competition is healthy.

    Co-operation on the other hand..is on an entirely different bandwidth of beingness. In this field of activity, the only thing that can result is gain and refinement who's result is on the higher 3rd that a pair of opposites (win -loss) can obtain.

    Predator consciousness is akin to the results of co=operation, ie, they do not consider anything as a competition, or a battle. or winning or losing...it is a hunt and they are always the hunter...and whatever happens, they gain from the act be it with wanted results or refining of experience. Only loser based awareness engages activity with any possibility of losing.

    When you truly cooperate with others in the truest sense of the word, you genuinely feel your power and capability as you work in tune with the powers of others... Appreciation of the differences in another presupposes and requires the appreciation of self. It's only when one does not appreciate self, do they engage in depreciation, combat/conflict/competition with others.

    I think your philosophy is naive and hopeless optimistic on human nature. Every action a human being takes is a competition, with others, with themselves, with time, with the natural order. Our nature is to scrap and fight every second of every day and there is no way to avoid that. No one can avoid that not a single soul. Even your beliefs are a competition to influence others to view you positively as someone that is non-competitive.
  • linoge63linoge63 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    I don't think it's ego racing, it's people knowing that their character is in no real danger and clearing the content as fast as possible. It has nothing to do with ego's in most cases and instead it is all to do with the fact that the content holds no real challenge after 13-14k.

    The content holds no challenge? Hmmm

    The Devs must have missed my account then when they programmed it that once you wear a certain level of gear you cannot gear down.

    If you truly wanted the challenge rather than be fed new mental stimulation then you would simply just wear the approriate level of gear to make it a challenge. The mobs you and others claim are not a challenge cannot gear up. Players ride in with their BIS gear and enchants etc etc etc ...and point fingers at mobs that cannot do the same...Its no different than a hunter swooping down with an F15 screaming eagle fighter jet and blaiming the white tailed deer that its no challenge. How about...using the in game freedom to choose and making it a challenge...hmm? Instead of the F15 jet, how about, walking in on foot...and using your own bare hands...guess whos of no challenge now :)
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    linoge63 wrote: »
    The content holds no challenge? Hmmm

    The Devs must have missed my account then when they programmed it that once you wear a certain level of gear you cannot gear down.

    If you truly wanted the challenge rather than be fed new mental stimulation then you would simply just wear the approriate level of gear to make it a challenge. The mobs you and others claim are not a challenge cannot gear up. Players ride in with their BIS gear and enchants etc etc etc ...and point fingers at mobs that cannot do the same...Its no different than a hunter swooping down with an F!5 screaming eagle fighter jet and blaiming the white tailed deer that its no challenge. How about...using the in game freedom to choose and making it a challenge...hmm? Instead of the F15 jet, how about, walking in on foot...and using your own bare hands...guess whos of no challenge now :)

    It's a game who's whole purpose is to grow more powerful and to then face more powerful threats. If it finally comes to a choice of gimp myself intentionally or uninstall, it will be uninstall. I still have some hope that this won't stay this bad forever especially with the level increase coming up. Your advice on that is a game killer for many many many players and is a great way to drive off customers.
  • ucanthandleucanthandle Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I just think they need to make a way for fights to last longer and be more complex. Not just AOE dps/cc. Have mobs with high single target damage. Increase players hitpoints by 50% and increase damage of monsters by 50% so that lifesteal is less effective. High single target damage mobs combined with having mobs that are immune to CC would make tanks much more useful, while having increased mob damage to match the increased player hitpoints means that lifesteal would not longer be able to heal a player to full in 1-2 seconds. This would make a healer needed as well. People would pay more attention to tanks/heals instead of "OMG DAMAGE!" I find it odd that a game adds tanks/healers when the game does not need them. People would not overlook those classes and only judge a person based on paingiver.
  • sprawlfxsprawlfx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    linoge63 wrote: »
    The content holds no challenge? Hmmm

    The Devs must have missed my account then when they programmed it that once you wear a certain level of gear you cannot gear down.

    If you truly wanted the challenge rather than be fed new mental stimulation then you would simply just wear the approriate level of gear to make it a challenge. The mobs you and others claim are not a challenge cannot gear up. Players ride in with their BIS gear and enchants etc etc etc ...and point fingers at mobs that cannot do the same...Its no different than a hunter swooping down with an F15 screaming eagle fighter jet and blaiming the white tailed deer that its no challenge. How about...using the in game freedom to choose and making it a challenge...hmm? Instead of the F15 jet, how about, walking in on foot...and using your own bare hands...guess whos of no challenge now :)

    totally agree. party naked, if yer so baaaad. lol
    ya got two types of people hollerin' 'too ez.'
    dudes who -finally- got some gear/statz
    and dudes who hang out with other dudes who have gear/statz
    I got gear/statz, but will run with anyone on anything, and jimmy crack corn. you will not hear me complain about anything being too hard nor too easy.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    GF Templar gear has pretty good stats with a 30' 5% debuff. But getting back around to my point: why PG is an awful meaningless metric. If a GF is using mark, a debuff set, and buff/ debuff encounters (or DC with that sort of build) they can efectively boost everyone's DPS to a degree that is greater than any individual players DPS. It just gets recorded otherwise for PG purposes. If you are in a party with a good buffer and they earn 15% of the DPS on paingiver that means that they out-DPSed everyone in the party so far as actual damage is concerned.
  • aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I've often used those charts to adjust my playstyle (my mod 5 DC never seems to top the healing chart). I just wish they'd add one for buffing and debuffing.
  • lucifron44lucifron44 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    yolohahaha wrote: »
    the PAIN-GIVER board.

    I heard the Tiamat chart is not only about giving pain.
    Russian leaderboard first page. The proof.
  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    The real problem with the leader board is it false especially the dps part. Why is it false, simply because when you run alone and that where dev do equilibrate thing, party boost, boost you alone. So when it come to count your DPS alone, class are balanced but when they run together, the one using party boost end with less DPS than the one not using it.

    Let take an exemple to understand. tomorrow DEV create a new campaign bonus, the first choice is 100% more solo damage, the second is 100% more team damage (included you). two same exact character, same build classe etc... the first one take first bonus, the second take the second bonus. If they run alone, they are exactly same DPS damage. but when they run together, the second will also double the first one damage. it end that it look like taking the first bonus provide twice more power than the second.

    It's end that even if you have the same output DPS than all your party, at end the more you give party buff, the lower you will be in DPS rank. Where is it wrong, because on the opposite the more every one use party boost, the more total damage the team will provide and the quicker you will run. That why, some path look like stronger but also when you only use dongeon leader board some armor set bonus such as HV CW or HP of DC look way weaker than they are.

    That why for exemple a CW THAUMA without HV set look this strong on the leader board. because it provide 0 party boost
  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    IMo pangiver chart is a bad influence in dungeon run..especialy PUG. I remember playing as DC, i chain a group of mob and a HR rain of arrow on it..the mob die almost instantly till a gwf knock them off the area..i was thinking "hmm ok..that was counter productive". I totally miss those days where player actually cooperate to mow down mob..cw singularity and everyone just focus aoe and attacks on that particular area..knocking off mob down the clift..etc etc..everything is cooperation between team member and it was really fun. Till at some point, things changed. People get dps oriented and all kind of counter productive action began to appear..i sometime feel dungeon run and skirmishes got really mundane...its just another dps war among dps class..
  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    lucifron44 wrote: »
    I heard the Tiamat chart is not only about giving pain.

    I think tiamat board is the sum up score for all chart..paingiver, executioner, heals, etc etc
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    kangkeok wrote: »
    I think tiamat board is the sum up score for all chart..paingiver, executioner, heals, etc etc

    And it's even more worthless than paingiver as you can get mid rankings if you hold down w till you run off the cliff, respawn and do it again.
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