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  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    flector25 wrote: »

    (Sorry if it's not the right place to post) I have a problem with my HR's damage(lv 70 archery spec), dont know if it's a bug, a nerf or something else, so I'm here hoping for help or an explanation.

    Basically, after the last patch (5/13/015) i got my damage reduced by a roughly 10%:

    Rapid shot was dealing 32xx max dmg before patch, now 29xx; longstrider was 7k, now 6.5k (showed on tooltisp) and so on for every at will/encounter.

    I obviously didnt made any change on my gear/stats/feats/boons, just logged off right before patch, logged in next day and noticed the damag cut; tried to unequip/reequip everything, tried even a full respec but nothing changed, wondering what have caused this issue...

    Any other HR got the same problem?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance

    If you use serpent its bugged and dont function correctly any more gues it would be about 10 % loss for archer but more like 25 for trapper...
  • daddygreendaddygreen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm archery spec and i'd like to know which weapon enchant is the most effective at trans lvl (and why?) between these :
    -Holy Avenger : Is it 30% damage on every hit ? at-will/encounter/ults ? The heal is worth ? Same question for the 7.5% damage, is it for every damage ?
    -Feytouched : If I hit 3 monsters will I have 54% more damage ? Someone told me it was bugged and it was increasing monsters dps.

    What is better between the 50% crit severity and the -40% def from terror ?
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    daddygreen wrote: »
    I'm archery spec and i'd like to know which weapon enchant is the most effective at trans lvl (and why?) between these :
    -Holy Avenger : Is it 30% damage on every hit ? at-will/encounter/ults ? The heal is worth ? Same question for the 7.5% damage, is it for every damage ?
    -Feytouched : If I hit 3 monsters will I have 54% more damage ? Someone told me it was bugged and it was increasing monsters dps.

    What is better between the 50% crit severity and the -40% def from terror ?

    Vorpal is starting to get effective after your crit severity in total >= 100% and high crit chance. Id hightly recommend reading http://laggygamerz.com/forum/index.php?/topic/382-kaelac%E2%80%99s-guide-to-damage-tenacity-reisistance-and-debuffs-in-neverwinter/.
    and more detailed to topic

    It is a bit old but idea behind crit vs power vs crit severity is still there. Just assume that now you have 400 = 1% constant Return of Investments.

    I d advice not to bother with Vorpal unless your crit is higher then 45%. I still run Plague fire( yeah Im cheap)

    Also tenancy now effects crit severity,so for pvp vorpal is not best choice atm.

    Terror and PF have their advantage to decrease DR of enemy by debuffs rather then by row Resistance Ignored. And it matters. Especially again in pvp where tenancy effects Arm Pen.

    I have not run Holy or Fey myself so can not tell 100%.

    I believe - all yes for Holly. Not sure about heal again.
    CW abuse Fey bugs very much atm.

    I'd go for terror in pvp among those two. Vorpal with high crit in pve since you can easily build 45% - 60% RI for pve.
  • w00trandomsnoobiw00trandomsnoobi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    discorice wrote: »
    Have you considered Longstrider's Shot for a team buff/target debuff scenario? I still use thorn ward on dragons, because there's no extra reward given for inflating the numbers of others, but if you were looking for a really solid buff I'd use Longstrider's.
    I do use Longstrider for dragons. My dragon rotation is Longstrider, Thorn Ward and Rain of Arrows (except Lostmouth, Fox instead of Longstrider there). For soloing I switch out Longstrider for Cordon.
    lirithiel wrote: »
    However, it has been pointed out (by Rayrdan I think) that TW isn't working at it should (not factoring in ArP).
    Wish I could say I'm surprised. :/
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    An archer spec might want to go power (PF, Terror) over crit (vorpal) particularilly if you want T2 PVE gear. Because you will actually need recovery. Which leads toward raid over assault sets and raid is heavier on power and lighter on crit.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    query523 wrote: »
    An archer spec might want to go power (PF, Terror) over crit (vorpal) particularilly if you want T2 PVE gear. Because you will actually need recovery. Which leads toward raid over assault sets and raid is heavier on power and lighter on crit.

    I'm going crit route on my SW Archer. In T1 Assault gear with R7 Azures in all my offensive slots my crit chance is around 43%. I have the 2% Crit Severity boon and the 5% Crit Severity boon, the Dancing Blade and Greater Vorpal (just need Coal to upgrade to Perfect). My Recovery is also around 3k.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I need advice for my Pathfinder Combat HR. She's my pvp toon (yeah I don't do FotM specs and don't like Trapper). I think I've got the boons nailed (all mostly defensive - ignored crit, took deflect, lifesteal and healing). Companions aren't important at this stage as I only run GG. I need advice on enchantments and stats. Crit has never been key for Combat in the past and I have always pretty much given it a skip. Is that still true now? I'm using the Burning Duelist set with the Executioner boots (movement on Duelist is meh). I slotted Radiants for both offensive and defensive. Elemental MH and OH ofc, Seldarine set for the healing. Perfect Plague Fire and Soulforged enchants (not going for Negation because it WILL get nerfed soon, I hope :p). Lifesteal is currently at 11%, Deflect at 43%. I use the GF artifact for on-use.

    Am I on the right track? Now I don't want to hear that I am playing the wrong spec. I have always played the underdog spec, even back in WoW (faithful Beastmaster even when it was the ******* stepchild for so long). I stuck with SW Combat until Mod 6 before switching to PF. I don't like Trapper and there are still too many bugs plaguing it.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »
    I need advice for my Pathfinder Combat HR. She's my pvp toon (yeah I don't do FotM specs and don't like Trapper). I think I've got the boons nailed (all mostly defensive - ignored crit, took deflect, lifesteal and healing). Companions aren't important at this stage as I only run GG. I need advice on enchantments and stats. Crit has never been key for Combat in the past and I have always pretty much given it a skip. Is that still true now? I'm using the Burning Duelist set with the Executioner boots (movement on Duelist is meh). I slotted Radiants for both offensive and defensive. Elemental MH and OH ofc, Seldarine set for the healing. Perfect Plague Fire and Soulforged enchants (not going for Negation because it WILL get nerfed soon, I hope :p). Lifesteal is currently at 11%, Deflect at 43%. I use the GF artifact for on-use.

    Am I on the right track? Now I don't want to hear that I am playing the wrong spec. I have always played the underdog spec, even back in WoW (faithful Beastmaster even when it was the ******* stepchild for so long). I stuck with SW Combat until Mod 6 before switching to PF. I don't like Trapper and there are still too many bugs plaguing it.

    Playstyle ? slugger stay inside or duelist flash in and out ?

    Alts what artifact to you have acces to?

    R7 or r12 enchants ?

    Race and starting stats?

    For me its always the sum of taking advantage of the sum of things working together and that is hard with out basic info to build on .

    I would never slott radiant in either defence or offence in either case as the output is far to low and you cant build synergys on it (ok hp and seldarine works and so it does with some other feats that depends on max hp but they are few and far between).

    In melee speck i go for full arpen to get the most of piercing damage so dark in offence or savage for crit/arpen but then you need at least r10 enchants.

    In defencive slott I either go for dark to build further on lifesteal from melee or add defence.

    Weapon same playstyle decide Holy has very good synergy with melee building heals and resist but plaguefire or terror is better when going for kills.

    To give some good advice we need something to work from and the information for me at least is a bit to weak to know what advice to give.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Okay some basic info. Race - Drow. I pumped all my points into Dex (25) and Con (19). Wis also 19. I think starting stats were: Str 14 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 18 Cha 11. I may reroll though at some point.

    Artifacts are: Vanguard's Banner, Emblem of Seldarine, Sigil of the Guardian and Eye of Lathander. Enchantments are all R8. My playstyle is pretty much like guerrilla tactics, in and out, quick hits. apply CA/HT, back in again. I do switch stances often even though I am specced Combat although I did take the movement speed boost from stance switching in Trapper tree.

    Marnival, you suggested Azures for Defensive slots but isn't that stat really crappy in Mod 6? Read that it's the least useful of our defensive stats.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Negation plus holy avenger for a combat build.
    No reasons to slot dot enchants since your main atwills do not proc enchantments....yai.
    Defensive slot all savage, offensive slot brutals or radiants..your not going to do damages so it doesnt really matter much.
    As artifacts i would focus on something with hp deflect lifesteal and regen so probably vanguard banner is a must
    Absolutely no defense it isnt working as it should in pvp
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    No reasons to slot dot enchants since your main atwills do not proc enchantments....yai.

    But with a fairly fast attack speed (At-wills Rapid and CA) isn't Plague Fire still effective for Combat in applying debuff?
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »
    But with a fairly fast attack speed (At-wills Rapid and CA) isn't Plague Fire still effective for Combat in applying debuff?

    Considering armor pen resistance isnt working your full debuff would be 9 percent more damafe which is meh. An holy avengers gives you 2k healing ticks and 15 percent more dr on top of negation
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As I said its about synergys if you have neg and holy avenger azur in defence with tenacity will actually pay of better then radiants together with lone wolf and high deflect.

    As i see it you will be hard pressed if not impossible to create a deadly high dps melee path Hr in todays NW. The gear you need to do that is legendary r12 all the way + lostmouth set and even with that i doubt that you will even come near a fully specked trapper.

    All i can recomend is to get as good as you can with what a melee hr can offer you and staying alive is the nr 1 thing that path with high life steal can offer hence better with Holy Avenger then plaguefire.

    As trapper you can use plague or terrro to debuff and lock peeps down but your cc ability is lacking in melee path. Terror can be a valid choise for the reason of debuffing both armor, power and the root effect but that means transcendent terror.

    If you master melee with mara +constrict(best with stam recharge from melee)+fox (cant see it replaced really) use dott well and go for neg holy high lifesteal + defence am sure you can become a pain the butt as a node holder but thats pretty much it imho.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marnival wrote: »
    If you master melee with mara + constrict (best with stam recharge from melee) + fox (cant see it replaced really) use dott well and go for neg holy high lifesteal + defence am sure you can become a pain the butt as a node holder but thats pretty much it imho.

    The encounters I use are Marauder's, Fox and Plant Growth/Cordon of Arrows. Both PG and CoA are our highest damaging encounters currently. When I'm in melee I first apply PG to root then switch stances and drop 1-2 CoA which can be pretty effective. I actually get most of my kills from CoA.

    Thanks for the advice. I am not looking to become an uber killing machine of death, I just want to provide some competition while having fun along the way. I generally make a nuisance of myself when the other team is capping a node. I'll die but I would have held them up enough to give my team-mates time to get in on the action. I cba about my own kill/death ratio - never did. I will always try to make life difficult for the enemy, even if it means jumping in 3v1 to slow them down for a few more seconds.

    Sheesh so time to start saving up I guess for Negation (although it is going to get murdered with the nerfbat) and Holy Avenger. Anyone for a Perfect Plague Fire? :p
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • discoricediscorice Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »

    Sheesh so time to start saving up I guess for Negation (although it is going to get murdered with the nerfbat) and Holy Avenger. Anyone for a Perfect Plague Fire? :p

    I use my perfect plague fire on both my paladin and my guardian fighter, as well as pretty much any toon I'm leveling. It's far from useless. Hang on to that sucker.
    Fear Of A Disco Planet
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    Considering armor pen resistance isnt working

    Is there something wrong with general arm pen resistance from tenancy atm?
    What have I missed from current bugs? )
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thedemien wrote: »
    Is there something wrong with general arm pen resistance from tenancy atm?
    What have I missed from current bugs? )

    Looks like its not working as it should test strongly indicate that.

    Tbh bugs all over so plentyful that is impossible to keep track.
    Just an example yesterday I went to iwd with my pal and guildie gf to test different interactions between gf and pal auras.
    In less then 30 min i discovered 5 different bugs where auras either can kill me party or attacker by going haywire or not working at all.

    Right now its like you have to be happy about what IS working rather then about bugged stuff getting fixed look at serpent when they *fixed lone wolf not exactly a trade we won on.....
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marnival wrote: »
    Looks like its not working as it should test strongly indicate that.

    Tbh bugs all over so plentyful that is impossible to keep track.
    Just an example yesterday I went to iwd with my pal and guildie gf to test different interactions between gf and pal auras.
    In less then 30 min i discovered 5 different bugs where auras either can kill me party or attacker by going haywire or not working at all.

    Right now its like you have to be happy about what IS working rather then about bugged stuff getting fixed look at serpent when they *fixed lone wolf not exactly a trade we won on.....

    right now Im happy playing TW3 : Wild Hunt :). And with amount of current bugs and way they fix it I might say away from this game for good.
    btw don't know if you have seen it but Slashers mark interaction with possibly aura of courage can oneshot paly. Especially HR and pally are in same party lol. Just backfires. No idea what else it interacts with - just know that i accidentally "killed" party pally couple of times - both pve and pvp.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thedemien wrote: »
    right now Im happy playing TW3 : Wild Hunt :). And with amount of current bugs and way they fix it I might say away from this game for good.
    btw don't know if you have seen it but Slashers mark interaction with possibly aura of courage can oneshot paly. Especially HR and pally are in same party lol. Just backfires. No idea what else it interacts with - just know that i accidentally "killed" party pally couple of times - both pve and pvp.

    Yep but they have other damage auras that work in the other direction killing Hr off.

    Now the fun part is that auras can bounce all over depending on Boons and reflective sources.

    Kv from GF seam to wreck havock to auras when combined with reflective damage from boons like Avalance and Fey Thistle, this becomes even worse when you add an ongoing effect like lingering dotts from the same source.
    This creates layer upon layer that interacts with eachother in a way the coder seam to have no control over.

    The very essence of auras from pal seam to have its own life when it come so coding and whoever did this should get fired for incompetance.

    As Hr class I no longer care for changes we are at the botton i refeated to pure support with Pal artifact as main and Holy Avenger as weapon HIGH HIGH CRIT for daze effect and run around supporting my team being a royal pain in the butt for the other.

    If you want to play Hr today you have to through ego out the window because alone your not a very good asset to the team but as support you can actually be rather useful.....
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marnival how does the pally arti work?
    uptimes, heals etc
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Same as Pal heal aura uptime is just 20 sec every 1 min they should do it same as banner 30 sec and its a bit smallish and stationary if it moved with you it would be of far greater value.

    If you rubble in mid put it down and fight inside it with high lifesteal+holy you will live as long as it last thats for sure ).....
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marnival wrote: »

    The very essence of auras from pal seam to have its own life when it come so coding and whoever did this should get fired for incompetance.

    As Hr class I no longer care for changes we are at the botton i refeated to pure support with Pal artifact as main and Holy Avenger as weapon HIGH HIGH CRIT for daze effect and run around supporting my team being a royal pain in the butt for the other.

    If you want to play Hr today you have to through ego out the window because alone your not a very good asset to the team but as support you can actually be rather useful.....

    I feel your pain.If somebody in my team would be doing infamous break fix for lone wolf/fox/deflect -they would not be in my team anymore. no question even about layers - this is beyond skill level of these 'devs'.
  • pipetstebepipetstebe Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    What encounters are best for combat HR and weapon enchant for Combat HR i'm having real trouble doing anything atm I have T.Holy
  • glubtalglubtal Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    pipetstebe wrote: »
    What encounters are best for combat HR and weapon enchant for Combat HR i'm having real trouble doing anything atm I have T.Holy

    Encounters: Marauders, Fox, Cordon. Open in archers mode: Cordon, cordon, fox, shift, marauders, cordon, fox, if in trouble: shift, marauders, repeat.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    glubtal wrote: »
    Encounters: Marauders, Fox, Cordon. Open in archers mode: Cordon, cordon, fox, shift, marauders, cordon, fox, if in trouble: shift, marauders, repeat.

    I'm using the same encounters on PF Combat. Despite being Combat I do a lot of stance switching though. Just wish the animation of Plant Growth was smoother - there seems to be a slight delay when I cast it, almost like Boar Charge where you just stand there and nothing happens initially. If only all our animations were as fast as Disruptive Shot :)
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm thinking about changing my ability scores for Combat HR. As a pvp toon I take it my 3 main attributes should be Dex, Wis and Con?

    Currently my scores look like this (without campfire buff): Str 16, Con 18, Dex 25, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 13. Maybe not 100% accurate as I don't have the game open in front of me (at work atm :p). I want to go with lower Str and Cha and try to boost Con and Wis more if possible. Any thoughts?
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • xeezertxeezert Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    glubtal wrote: »
    Encounters: Marauders, Fox, Cordon. Open in archers mode: Cordon, cordon, fox, shift, marauders, cordon, fox, if in trouble: shift, marauders, repeat.

    I actually use ROA instead of marauders, same as my archer but the intent being to close the gap whereas I keep the distance with archer.

    Use cordon to bunch them at a distance, roa to burst em then close and use either fox, plant growth or rain of swords depending on how the mobs are grouped/dispersed. Swords will proc flurry and blade storm which never leaves my bar. Not a fan of marauder's since it's only single target but to each their own obviously.

    For crunchier elites/lair bosses I might swap out cordon for thorn ward.
    Dragons are ruining my life.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »
    I'm thinking about changing my ability scores for Combat HR. As a pvp toon I take it my 3 main attributes should be Dex, Wis and Con?

    Currently my scores look like this (without campfire buff): Str 16, Con 18, Dex 25, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 13. Maybe not 100% accurate as I don't have the game open in front of me (at work atm :p). I want to go with lower Str and Cha and try to boost Con and Wis more if possible. Any thoughts?

    you don't need to focus on str at all this mod. Im not sure about Con even to be honest. it is pretty easy to get high HP with Radiants and gear.
    Con as far as i remember is a HAMSTER and has bugs - it does not add HP based on total HP pool from both level and gear - it only increases level based HP pool. for mod 5 where you had 25-35k Con mattered.
    But for 90k + hp from gear alone, 1-4k from bonus basic HP pool (25k) does not worse investing.

    Also I think WM is not respecting total hp pool as well. only base one.

    I would advice invest in Dex /Wis and put radiant/dark in defense.
    In theory, since have not build pure combat this mod, you would better get higher Crit with Wis to compensate Gambit. It won't really give you much in pvp due to tenancy but might compensate some lack.

    Wis also gives you control strength. So those little bits might help you get less damage and be able to move more to survive more rather then 1-2k HP pool.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Ok so I went ahead and bought a race reroll token to change my ability scores and this is where I need advice. For Drow Combat pvp focused HR I took +2 Dex +2 Wis so there are two choices I reckon:

    Str 12, Dex 18, Wis 18, Con 10, Int 10, Cha 10


    Str 13, Dex 17, Wis 17, Con 12, Int 10, Cha 11
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »

    Str 12, Dex 18, Wis 18, Con 10, Int 10, Cha 10

    why drow rather then wood or draco?
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