I have to agree with several of the posters here. Gold spamming has become almost unendurable. When in PE, i would say 90% of anything that comes through Zone or Trade chat comes from the spammers (with the exception of during DD). Something really really REALLY needs to be done about this, I cannot spend my entire game day reporting spam if nothing comes of these reports and I just have to scan through the trash to find "actual people" chatting.
Sooo true today i just saw with my own eyes 14 k GWF and 14k TR with artifact off.h and neck spawning some www.gold stuff in feywild.
i cant bind any of my function keys... they're all bound to the first 12 items in my first bag.
my numpad 1-0 are all bound to tiamat STOP or channel switch or recruitment macros
Pick another key, then. /bind shift+h gotocharacterselect or whatever key is most comfortable to you. I use my Fkeys for my binds, because that's what I am used to doing in other games. (Example: I have F6 set up as my follow key. /bind F6 follow It works like a charm when I need to afk to help one of my kids while playing with my Husband.)
which is why i have a hard time understanding why people ***** moan whine complain and just generally waste time when there is a simple resolution to the problem. even if you invo in the morning... invo at night.
hell any time i can i invo. free ad potions and buffs.
I'm the same, as many times as I can, it resets the 30 hrs without resetting the time you get coins. First thing when i wake up, and b4 I go to bed. I have 20 toons, do my professions in gateway, then a quick 5 min to invoke all of them. Have never lost coins due to to maint problems.
i'm the same, as many times as i can, it resets the 30 hrs without resetting the time you get coins. First thing when i wake up, and b4 i go to bed. I have 20 toons, do my professions in gateway, then a quick 5 min to invoke all of them. Have never lost coins due to to maint problems.
As far as I'm aware, the profession is available all the year round. You won't be able to get any more winter festival resources of course (apart from light pods), but you should be able to craft what you have at your leisure.
I sure hope so, anyway. I have stacks upon stacks of fish in my bank, and portable altars are dirt cheap in AH.
(Example: I have F6 set up as my follow key. /bind F6 follow It works like a charm when I need to afk to help one of my kids while playing with my Husband.)
There's a follow option in Neverwinter?!??
Also, for the people who are complaining about invoking times expiring because they cannot login: try your invoke being undone because of a rollback :P (caturday anyone ?). I myself had just finished invoking for about half a minute at the moment they had rolled back to :P
Sooo true today i just saw with my own eyes 14 k GWF and 14k TR with artifact off.h and neck spawning some www.gold stuff in feywild.
Pick another key, then. /bind shift+h gotocharacterselect or whatever key is most comfortable to you. I use my Fkeys for my binds, because that's what I am used to doing in other games. (Example: I have F6 set up as my follow key. /bind F6 follow It works like a charm when I need to afk to help one of my kids while playing with my Husband.)
I'm the same, as many times as I can, it resets the 30 hrs without resetting the time you get coins. First thing when i wake up, and b4 I go to bed. I have 20 toons, do my professions in gateway, then a quick 5 min to invoke all of them. Have never lost coins due to to maint problems.
me either.....
-Pah- Not amused....
and I have a mess of materials left....could have given us a couple of days
There's a follow option in Neverwinter?!??
Also, for the people who are complaining about invoking times expiring because they cannot login: try your invoke being undone because of a rollback :P (caturday anyone ?). I myself had just finished invoking for about half a minute at the moment they had rolled back to :P
same here! I got em all in time!
It keep failing with errors and does not even allow to select char