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Concerns regarding artifact-drops



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    hundetrenerenhundetreneren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 35
    edited December 2014
    My account is 1 year old. I have CW and DC as shared mains, its the same non existing drops with both, and i heal AND dmg on DC, and i take dmg, cause im standing close to the dragon/encounters.
    I have also run with TR, gwf and GF.
    No loot on any of them.
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    lostdaywalker565lostdaywalker565 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If it was real RNG (or as close as we can approximate,) The results would be somewhat even across the board on average. Some a little higher, some a little lower.

    Started in the beginning of July. No belts, no Artifacts, no books from ToD and I've killed hundreds. Had to buy the gem from the AH just to get my main hand. Nothing from WoD except lots of blues, and 6 cheap purples. I was over a hundred when I stopped counting. At least one or two Great successes each time.

    I have only ever seen one epic rare drop, that was one of the boon books from a boss a few days ago. Everyone rolled 80's and 90's. I rolled an 11.

    Some people have a problem with trying to decide which belts to use for there main, and which ones to give to alts, and which ones to sell.

    Grinding is part of gaming. By doing it, you always get closer to your goal. More grinding is not the answer. With the way it is now, you can grind for another twelve months, and still never see it. Maybe by then I'll have enough coffers to get one.
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    herbe420herbe420 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 35
    edited December 2014
    I feel your pain, I'm playing from first day of live, survived true all kid of heavy
    exploits, bugs, lags and no drops. I'm a grinder and farmer by (preper) I do so many
    HEs and SoTs, E LoL, dragons, dailies it would make your head spin but ZERO luck.
    I experienced different feedback from ppl not getting loot and ppl getting all the loot.
    Like some ppl that get all the loot and now only go online for the new content (because they have
    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> load of AD an legendary and ppl getting no loot and rather still try or just log for new content.
    Me personally gonna give it sometime till I see how Tiamat will play out.
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    bronto111bronto111 Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Im the same playing nearly 2 years and not one single belt drop in mod 4 or mod 5,and yet i repeatedly get crappy purple items for "great success".
    The problem is that with the introduction of artifact gear (which starts as green uncommon quality)purple items are no longer the desired prize for doing well,everyone wants green or rarer blue artifact equipement.
    it seems to me that the server has never been changed to set artifact equipment as a higher quality drop than purple ,so you do extremely well the server "rewards" you a purple item,while the average and sucky players that do poorly get a green item (which includes artifacts in that list).
    My Proof such as it is:Epic lair of loastmouth final boss i got one shotted almost as soon as my party was in and spent the entire time watching from outside while my 4 teammates finished the boss,for their effort they got <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> blue and purple items in the chest...for my trouble as a consolation prise i got from the chest the horn of blasting artifact(green quality),
    Anouther occasion in wispering caverns dragon i died 3 times barely got any hits in before dying and basically just barely ran back before the dragon died,for my complete lack of effect vs dragon i was rewarded Rod of atos artifact(green quality)while others there at the time all got blue or a few with purple <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Now i know thats not much to go on but lets face it i get purple items allllll the time,never ever do i get a single green item let alone a green artifact belt.
    I believe the system needs to change in any event/quest etc that has a posiblity to drop artifacts,instead of a single loot roll ,upon acheiving great success there should first be a roll (1 chance in 10x D10?) and winning that roll rewards an artifact only,but losing that roll then goes to normal loot roll to determine quality of reward but excludes artifacts,in this way there would then be a reasonable chance of getting artifact instead of purple <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>,
    and if you do get blue or purple <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> at least you know that you lost the artifact loot roll.
    Also i believe that the chance to get a particular artifact (say a belt in ELol) should decrease each time a player gets one,while players that dont get one should increase until they get one ,then continue decreasing,in this way it would deter the players that are online all day every day from grinding the quests/dungeons etc causing massive lag to everyone else and hogging all the artifact drops.

    lets face it if theres a 1/100 chance to get a belt in ELol the player that does it 100 times a day will get the belts while those like myself that work and only have a few hours to play each day will miss out.Becuase the all day player grinding it has already received the daily quota of drops.
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    thelirondthelirond Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    jondbx wrote: »
    I could care less what the drop rate is since I'm still not getting any drops.

    Their buggy code is to blame. I too see the same folks over and over getting 2-3 cloaks a day. I know they aren't lying as I see them up on the AH.

    I do the same # of HE's as them and never get a drop.

    At the end of the day, their methodology is broken as it gives different people a completely different game experience. Those who get 2-3 drops a day have fun, those who get no drops ever, don't have fun. Each failure to get a cloak or belt should increase your chance such that you are guaranteed to get one after farming x encounters.

    This would go a long way helping out the situation. I typically run with the same groups and there are a few who are consistently lucky with the drops from day to day and week to week.
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    They have made this game braindead and skill-less. No challenging content. No rewarding content.

    Drops are based mostly on RNG and that will infuriate a lot of players as well as make players think: "Why would I even invest in this game when they do not reward progression or skill?"

    Well of Dragons is a big zergfest and running around in mounts. The Tiamat fight is a complete joke and yet another zergfest.
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    hundetrenerenhundetreneren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 35
    edited December 2014
    bronto111 wrote: »
    Im the same playing nearly 2 years and not one single belt drop in mod 4 or mod 5,and yet i repeatedly get crappy purple items for "great success".
    The problem is that with the introduction of artifact gear (which starts as green uncommon quality)purple items are no longer the desired prize for doing well,everyone wants green or rarer blue artifact equipement.
    it seems to me that the server has never been changed to set artifact equipment as a higher quality drop than purple ,so you do extremely well the server "rewards" you a purple item,while the average and sucky players that do poorly get a green item (which includes artifacts in that list).
    My Proof such as it is:Epic lair of loastmouth final boss i got one shotted almost as soon as my party was in and spent the entire time watching from outside while my 4 teammates finished the boss,for their effort they got <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> blue and purple items in the chest...for my trouble as a consolation prise i got from the chest the horn of blasting artifact(green quality),
    Anouther occasion in wispering caverns dragon i died 3 times barely got any hits in before dying and basically just barely ran back before the dragon died,for my complete lack of effect vs dragon i was rewarded Rod of atos artifact(green quality)while others there at the time all got blue or a few with purple <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Now i know thats not much to go on but lets face it i get purple items allllll the time,never ever do i get a single green item let alone a green artifact belt.
    I believe the system needs to change in any event/quest etc that has a posiblity to drop artifacts,instead of a single loot roll ,upon acheiving great success there should first be a roll (1 chance in 10x D10?) and winning that roll rewards an artifact only,but losing that roll then goes to normal loot roll to determine quality of reward but excludes artifacts,in this way there would then be a reasonable chance of getting artifact instead of purple <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>,
    and if you do get blue or purple <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> at least you know that you lost the artifact loot roll.
    Also i believe that the chance to get a particular artifact (say a belt in ELol) should decrease each time a player gets one,while players that dont get one should increase until they get one ,then continue decreasing,in this way it would deter the players that are online all day every day from grinding the quests/dungeons etc causing massive lag to everyone else and hogging all the artifact drops.

    lets face it if theres a 1/100 chance to get a belt in ELol the player that does it 100 times a day will get the belts while those like myself that work and only have a few hours to play each day will miss out.Becuase the all day player grinding it has already received the daily quota of drops.

    Its interesting theory, altho there are things that make me doubt it. Many of the guys i know that get drops constantly are completely maxed out gearwise. (and why not, cryptic has rewarded them with all they desire) They talk about great successes - altho they say that they get drops either way, great success or not. I have gotten detailed info about "i just poked it a bit" and i hear about great success.
    Personally I got 22k CW and I do quite a lot of dmg. Altho great success or not vary, dragons is so zerg that if you get agro from the small annoying dragons around it and cant mount, the next dragon will be close to dead before you reach it - meaning a lot of varies in success and amount of nuke i get to do.
    Concerning encounters its the same, it varies, depending how long I get to hit stuff.
    It all result in the same: no loot.
    I also got a DC with 20k gs - also a lot of dmg + healing, but still the same here, big variables in nuking.

    When it comes to eLoL and eSot its maybe a bit different. My CW is always top dps (close at least, depending if there is a imba SW with me in the party ^^ ), altho it has happened at times that I have been unlucky with dodge and looked at the spectacle from outside.
    - Unfortunately I cant remember if the group has been able to finish the dragon or if i always had to kill him again, so I cant say for sure.

    But what i CAN say is that my DC, wich I run with almost the same amount of times (we are now talking about before the DC got boost, so the dmg was low, and I often do little healing with my party and instead forus on debuff and buff = not much action from my part that is being registrered.
    Now Im often top dps with my dc + I heal in elol with dc, same result.
    All this examples has all given the same result. No Lootzor. I can add that I ahve poked a few dragons with my newbie, low GS alts too to check, and they are horrible gearwise. Same result.
    I can add that the hundreds of dragon i have taken in zones for dailies has also had different outcomes, most of the time great success, but it has happened that I have died ect. And then again we can take the DC as example - not much dps from that one (before this mod hit)
    SO if we add all this up, both the story about myself and the blessed-from-cryptic - friends i got, Im not sure it add up. I think it can be a coincidence. Ofc I dont know, but thats my thought.
    All i know is- im **** frustrated - and also a tad frustrated that the Dev`s are pretending that this thread dont exists and look the other way. There shall be no answer, nop.
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    vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    guys on the other hand, there is almost none pricey loot in game anymore a will not be in next many weeks i presume. so we can cool down :-)
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    herbe420herbe420 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 35
    edited December 2014
    That is not the point of these post's, for it has happened before and will continue to happen.
    So do we just wait till lucky ones get all they want then get super rich with selling items and
    then after prices go down we should buy them of AH, dont believe that for sure is mot my idea
    of enjoying a game.
    Peace out
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    herbe420herbe420 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 35
    edited December 2014
    O and yeah I would like to use this opportunity to invite a team of devs to run 100 runs of ELOL with me to witnes my testimonies regarding dumb RNG.
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    silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    vortican wrote: »
    I don't believe there is anything wrong. I received 2 belts within 3 days when the zone went live. Since then, no more artifact (and I could really use artifacts, not artifact gear). However, I get epics pretty consistently a couple times per day if I'm farming most hours. Great Success doesn't matter very much.

    There's no conspiracy or magic here. RNG is RNG.

    All of this ^

    Got two belts on the first weekend of Mod 5, epic gear since then.
    I aim to misbehave
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    thelirondthelirond Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    After 53 days played, I have seen three artifacts drop. 2 crowns in VT, 1 dex belt in elol. Nothing during all the campaign grinding up to this point or in the new content farming 25-30 dragons per day. I don't believe there is any conspiracy but I do think there is something more to the RNG "luck" than I understand. 1 belt, cloak, something would at least keep me interested.

    Regardless, perhaps it is simply time to move on. Tomorrow will tell.
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    blacksladdiblacksladdi Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    mod 4, seen 2 belts - won one. Mod 5 seen many won none but gained some doing dragon heralds

    you are just unlucky. there really is not pattern as i see no facts or stats just words which to be honest i stopped reading after the third paragraph as it just looks like whine whine i get nothing whine whine others get lots and i get nothing whine whine.

    Like in all games, you may be lucky with lockboxes, boss drops, heroic reward drops etc you can't have the luck everywhere nor the same luck as the guy beside you. Find out where your lucky and farm that.
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    hundetrenerenhundetreneren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 35
    edited December 2014
    insert text here...
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    longstrider7longstrider7 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    mod 4, seen 2 belts - won one. Mod 5 seen many won none but gained some doing dragon heralds

    you are just unlucky. there really is not pattern as i see no facts or stats just words which to be honest i stopped reading after the third paragraph as it just looks like whine whine i get nothing whine whine others get lots and i get nothing whine whine.

    Like in all games, you may be lucky with lockboxes, boss drops, heroic reward drops etc you can't have the luck everywhere nor the same luck as the guy beside you. Find out where your lucky and farm that.[/QUOTE

    Quite clueless
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    laughingbirddddlaughingbirdddd Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Player A:at least 2 belts per day
    Player B:0 belt everyday
    Hi RNG and it will never be fixed :)
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    djjinnndjjinnn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    to open a dead thread is trouble, but after reading this no one has ever mentioned which blessing you have. I don't open boxes, etc. now except with Gambler's Fortune on a couple different toons and notice a remarkably different drop rate from when i open with righteous blessing, or others.

    Also, just going out farming for rp with dragon enchants seems to be better with Gambler's fortune. Dunno.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Make no plans on winning the RNG .. never seems to work.

    My best bet is wait a month or so after when million ad prices get into the couple hundred thousand AD prices, those I can mostly afford.

    So just save all of your AD for that month and buy what you need instead.
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    lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Please don't post to old threads. Thanks!!

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