I've said it before and I'll say it again - The solution is to be more transparent about the loot results - things like "You rolled a 100 and got an artifact item!". Also allow us to view the entire loot table for a given boss/event, and now players can get some better data as to what's really going on.
I think that's part of the reason they dont give us those numbers. Not so much to keep us in the dark. But to protect their internal coding.
I also speculate open world drops or zone drops like the dragons do work on some internal global timer. If all #s were plainly shown. A clever person could possible discern a pattern and work it to his or her advantage.
So I started to wonder more and more about this belt-and cloak-drops, in both SoT, LoL, Well of Dragons and even the Dragons in Whispering caverns and Rothe.
First I went through the whole of mod4 with zero belt or book-drops anywhere.
Now since mod 5 came I have gone through Well of dragons, Sot, LoL and 3-4 dragons daily. Thing is, I am hardcore player. I truly farm both the dragon and the events in WoD every day.
Still, I am yet to see any drops.
Through both this mods I have information from many friends about their drops. I quickly started to see a pattern form up, and it was only comfirmed more when this mod came out.
Some players got belts on a regular basis in mod 4, from any of the drop-places. Also they got some books. Others got absolutely nothing.
When I saw the same pattern on the same players in mod 5, I started to wonder.
Therefor I started to talk to people, both those that farm a lot, and those who only play a few hours a day.
I asked this people how much they farmed daily, how much drops they got and so forth. Then I expanded this to whispering people in zonechat that was complaining about no loot OR saying Huzza about new artifacts in their inventory.
I wrote this down and I have talked to a lot of different people, even people i know and and a lot of complete strangers from zonechat.
What my paper in front of me clearly say is this:
- Some people get artifacts constantly. Most players are now in WoD and are getting belts and artifacts from there. This players also got drops in mod 4.
- Some people have rinse and repeat from mod 4 - absolutely no drops.
What also is clear is that the amount of time they farm isnt all that important. And it clearly show that great success or not dont matter as much as players think. Many say that they get drop either way, sometime on great success, other times on just encounter complete.
-I see players who basically live in WoD all day and tell me they play almost all their time they are awake. And a huge group of this people never get any drops, and just end up with stacks after stacks of potions, enchants and coins. This was the same for them in Mod 4. The non-drop-players-group ofcourse also include people who play just a few hours a day and those who play a average amount, wich ofc will result in a lower droprate, but we are still seeing a big group of players who farm all day without drop.
- Then we have another group - the group that either - farm all day and are swimming in belts, artifacts and books.
Then we got the group who just poke their head in for a few dragons and events a day. The strange part here is that this people also get a lot of drops. I have heard of players who have done 4 events and gotten 3-4 drops, and some even get 4-8 drops daily. Some get 1-2 a day. The examples are a mixed, but the result is the same; a lot of drops compared to time played/compared to constant-farming unlycky ones.
It is also worth mentioning that this players had the same experience in mod 4.
I have followed the progress for a while now, and I have always made sure to ask those I talk to about their experience with mod 4 for a comparison. I felt it was time to ask a bit on the forum about this, because as I see it, this is not likely being a conisidence. I am wondering what this is all about.
How can a player who play all day, farm all day, get nothing, while others who play less or the same get endless amounts - week after week and month after month?
The thing that im not surpriced about is that a lot of the unlycky people said the same thing:
"I dont know how long I will be staying in this game. The effort and time doesnt make up for it, its demoralizing to never get any payment for your work, while other who work much less get rewarded almost daily for just showing up. I gotta admidt, even tho i love this game and play all day - is also basically my feeling about this at the current moment.
One of the people I talked a lot too quit the game 2 days ago. It was that who made me want to write on the forum.
Are the Devs aware of this? And why is it like this? Is there some error in the drop-system on the accounts?
Ofcourse some will say; hey, mod 5 hasnt been out long, youll get your drop - and yes, that is true, it hasnt been out long. But what about mod 4 with same results for all those months? The same pattern?
I am not the only player out there who is wondering about this. Some of those I have befriended know I am writing here now, and they are wondering the same as me. So, is there a answer to this question for all of the bad-luck-players out there? Will the answer simply be - you just havent gotten the drop yet?...for the last 6 months...? Doesnt add up...
I am expecting this post to be stopped for reply, but before you do - this isnt a attack on you Dev`s. This is a serious issue and we simply would like to know if there is something you havent noticed with dropbugs on accounts.
Speaking for many, there is only so much farming we can do and smile just by getting potions and coins...
And we would love to hear if anyone else has been noticing this pattern.
Thank you
create a two man party...
farm he for 3 hours...non stop
open all your rewards at the same time in town next to the shop keeper
we obtained 4 artifacts black ice cloak belt.. imperial cloak belt...
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
My point is: this is what we do often, me and my group. I always farm a lot and open it up all at once. Altho open them close to the shop keeper seems a bit like supersticion to me, tho.
In this cases we do farm together, its always the same players who get the drops. Its not uncommon for some of the players in my group to get 3-4 artifacts, while us that never get drops, we get none.
I do not think this is about location, how you zerg the dragon and so forth. Looking into this for quite some time now, and the lucky ones get drops no matter the amount of players on a dragon, if they are alone, in group, alone on dragon, tons of players on dragons and so forth.
The system still stands: if you are lucky, the rest dont matter.
Trust me, some of my unlucky friends and myself have tried all kinds of combinations, to no prewail.
hundetrenerenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 35
edited November 2014
I have noticed something that I guess arent suppose to see the light of day, but im gonna spill it anyway. We are all entitled to our opinions. No Developers have answered this post (why? Seems people are wondering about this..hmm) I have a feeling they will now, OR more likely,stop the thread. I HOPE NOT.
Instead, Dev`s, answer it instead! This concerns a lot of people. You might wanna do something about this drop system, unless you want to loose more players... Just saying, dont shoot the messenger. So far I have lost 2 friends over this problem, and I dont wanna see more of my friends leaving the game for this,when this can be fixed in a fair way. Cause face it, things arent fair at the moment. I feel that bitterly on myself. I know I shouldnt be pissed at the lucky dudes, its not their fault, but still... its annoying to see loot-links constantly and you yourself have to scan the AH for something you maybe can afford in the future.
Anyway, my point is: I have seen that those who have bought zen, are those who dont get the phat lootz.
Those who dont buy zen, GET the phat loot.
It has been like this in a lot of the cases i have looked into. Same with me, I have bought some zen, not big amount, but I have bought some + a fey pack. I am one of those who farm and farm and has never seen a drop.
I had a discussion about this with a guildie a few days ago who is in the same situation as me. It was he who brought it up, and when i started to ask around a bit, that was often the case, zen-buyers, VS non-zen-buyers.
It might seems a bit backwards, you might think the zen-buyers would be rewarded, but lets be honest: If you have bought zen at some point, ofc you are likely to buy again.
If you have NEVER bought zen, maybe youre not likely to do it later either.
So, is it then logically to make the non-zen-buyers get the loot and post on AH, so the zen-buyers will have to purchase zen to buy it?
Its just a theory, id love to hear your experience. So far this system seems to be correct in a lot of cases, but feel free to correct me if im wrong, its not like I have asked the whole server.
Cause face it, it is a reason behind all this. We are talking about a timespan of many many months here where the same people get the loot, and the same people dont. And the amount of dragons, encounters, elols, esots ect, its in the hundreds. When you never see the loot you tend to try absolutely everything OR you just give up.
Thread-starter is correct. If this is the case, the Devs are not loooking into the psycological aspect of it all. As he said; rewards gotta come in a game. When you gotta buy everything to keep up with the development in the mods, you need to buy your stuff. This doesnt feel like a reward. As I said, I have also seem people quit the game cause of the bad luck. They loose interest. So instead of the ppl buying zen, as maybe Devs hope, we get quitters. Can you blame them?
Now, as I said, this is just a theory that some of us have noticed might be the case. Feel free to prove me wrong, I am really hoping I am wrong tbh.
All this is not a coincidence. Something is broken... (or working as intended...?)
truelokasterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1Arc User
I do appologise, im not from a english-speaking country ^^
It's all good, I can be a grammar freak sometimes. And English is not my native language also. Just wondering if you can edit the initial post/topic and change it once it is created.
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited November 2014
i see the opposite. zen buyers get loot in game often. not zen buyers get nothing or almost nothing. this isnt the case
The only pattern is being lucky or not. Sometimes you farm for hours and there is nothing and sometimes you just go there, kill one of the dragons and get a drop.
We are thinking creatures so we love theories but RNG is like understanding women (no offense). Few have a clue.
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited November 2014
no offense but random rng means that in the medium range majority gets something and only a few get nothing or lots. but that doesnt seems in this game imho
What if drops were limited over a certain timeframe. Example, only 6 artifacts can drop per 6 hrs play time. In this case, the first 6 ppl to roll and achieve and artifact would be rewarded and everyone after the 6th would not be able to receive an artifact no matter how hard they tried. This could possibly explain the amount of "bad luck" the player base has experience. Thats right folks, all item drops have ICDs and timely limits.
Now if we could figure out the limits and when they reset, you could possibly cheat the system. Some have done this by saving their boxes over a play session and opening them all at once at a later time. It might not be in your best interest to open your herald boxes right away, esp if chat spam after the event ends has ppl saying "Wow I just got a belt, woohoo" and such. It just might be your chances have plummeted since someone else got an artifact already.
Not the case at all I have had um, 3 belts 2 capes boon book and lostmauths artifact drop. (2 belts were in m4). And I have bought zen, a fair bit to be perfectly honest. Added to which I don't farm as I don't really find that fun.
May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
I think there is a lot of bad science and hoodoo in this thread.
People's perception of their luck is not a reliable guide to anything because their expectations. Some expect stuff to drop every mob, others are happy with one drop per week. Some, like the chap with all the coffers, think they are unlucky because a particular thing has not dropped and conveniently ignore all the other drops they get that others do not. Most of those folk who tell you they "got nothing" in Mod 4 have selective memories.
As for the concept that the game imposes a particular level of luck on each character when it is created.... no.
RNG is RNG. If you looked at it objectively your luck will even out across the whole game.
I think there is a lot of bad science and hoodoo in this thread.
People's perception of their luck is not a reliable guide to anything because their expectations. Some expect stuff to drop every mob, others are happy with one drop per week. Some, like the chap with all the coffers, think they are unlucky because a particular thing has not dropped and conveniently ignore all the other drops they get that others do not. Most of those folk who tell you they "got nothing" in Mod 4 have selective memories.
As for the concept that the game imposes a particular level of luck on each character when it is created.... no.
RNG is RNG. If you looked at it objectively your luck will even out across the whole game.
Im afraid I do not agree with you. There are many on my friendlist i have daily contact with, and i have followed them for almost a year. I would have known if they had "forgotten" about a drop.
As for myself, im afraid it wont work very well to try to brainwash me into thinking i forgot drops in last mod, sorry.
I belive you are one of those who do get drops, quite classic reply. But trying to dumb down other people or call them liars isnt really appropriate.
For those people who has gone through all this months with frustration its a reality, and youre message really doesnt make us think; oh, thats right, i forgot, i got 5 belts last mod - while they really didnt.
Coffers... i really dont care about coffers. They drops steadily but slowly, and its fine, as it is for everyone.
The only thing you are right about is: "If you looked at it objectively your luck will even out across the whole game."
You are absolutely right. Cause if you look at the lucky people VS the unfortunate ones and meet in the middle, sure, you get a even result. To bad its not in the right way.
Sorry to say, but there is nothing even about this in any fair way. It is either you get constantly, or you never get. And a FEW in the middle that get some drops sometimes. Id be perfectly happy if i was in that group, id pe perfectly happy to get a drop even if it was just once a months. Problem is; it is a drop that never comes.
So now with double refinement comming up I am one of those who will have to buy artifacts on AH and give more AD to the lucky players, while they already have their artifacts on max.
Thats the reality of it all.
I'm not trying to brainwash anyone and I'm not calling anyone a liar, I'm just observing your bad science.
If you took your toon (or account, it makes no difference) and considered every single use of the RNG across your whole time in the game you would have pretty much the same "luck" as everyone else. And by "every single use" I mean every need/greed roll, every petty drop from every enemy, every event reward, everything. And, yes, maybe you have had more than the average coffer drops. In fact, your comment about coffers kinda proves my point. You think they drop at the same rate for everyone.
You are only looking at a tiny part of the RNG use and nowhere near enough dice rolls to see the true picture. The concept that some players are unlucky in every aspect of every dice roll is ridiculous and just spreads unhappiness. RNG is RNG.
pretty simple if u think about it!
ppl who repeatedly converted their real money into the game are rewarded better because cryptic want them to stay!
don´t come with superior theories. cryptics has never been good to the community. it´s just logical and fits perfect into the rest of their behavior. its like the great success mystery... ppl are fooled!
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited November 2014
drop in previous modules? i remind now my black ice gloves, still has no on my GF .....
. The concept that some players are unlucky in every aspect of every dice roll is ridiculous and just spreads unhappiness. RNG is RNG.
At least youre right about that. It spreads unhappyness to get **** rolls month after month and year after year. Did I mention I have never won a roll on anything of value since I started this game? But ofcourse that is just me forgetting, yes.
It was good times when CN was the place to go with good friends who shared AD after the loot was sold. Since that has stopped I have not had any income personally.
But thats not the point.
The point here being: Artifact-drops are something different. It is no problem for developers to fix those rolls, and it is being fixed, but how, thats the question. See how no devs have answered this yet?
Sthgodchilla has a valid point. Not everyone close their eyes to the obvious just cause you are one of those who are happy about your AD-stream. Its a no-brainer that this people want to keep it as it is.
I have been an active player since mod4. I have never got any remarkable loot from anywhere. Some low end purple HAMSTER and thats all. I hav never been a serious farmer though. But still I play a lot and never find anything. I do maybe 6 dragon runs in a day in the Well and rarely see anything more then a coffer a or a cheap epic item. Also I have tried to start alone at red or green dragon to ensure great success - doesnt seem to make any difference. The same applies for the HE s and the shores of Tuern skirmishes. It is really getting frustrating by now.
PS - I have bought zen.
I really dont get this seeded RNG thing - should I make a new account for better luck or what?
pretty simple if u think about it!
ppl who repeatedly converted their real money into the game are rewarded better because cryptic want them to stay!
don´t come with superior theories. cryptics has never been good to the community. it´s just logical and fits perfect into the rest of their behavior. its like the great success mystery... ppl are fooled!
I have bought zen a lot, about $140 worth. This is the only game i have ever spent that much and i have never once gotten a artifact gear drop or ever a artifact for that matter. I grind dragons in WOD almost all day every hour at 45mins. Sometime if i play later at night i will get in 5-10 dragons at a time. When im not doing WOD im doing Rothe and still nothing. Zen has nothing to do with it.
I really dont get this seeded RNG thing - should I make a new account for better luck or what?
Its really sad that it has come to that - players considering creating new accounts for a chance for any reward.
I have thought about the same, but the amount of time and resources i have put into this game with 10-14 hours playtime a day i really dont feel like starting all over again. I have gotten endgame gear, not through normal means by getting drops from chests in dungeons, cause that seemed to never happen, but having to buy all the gear and all i needed from AH. Its sad, really.
I WOULD REALLY LIKE A COMMENT FROM DEV! If you dont want to answer, maybe do something about and keep it quiet?
As you clearly see here, you are loosing players, and thats the oposite of what you want - earn money. You dont earn money on players leaving cause of your strange setup.
Give something back to all those who have spend so much time on this game of yours. Random the loot, cause when you hear from one of your friends that they have 145 million AD atm that they have gathered since mod 4 started, you can clearly see that this it completely off the scales. Someone earn millions, and others earn zero. Really? I really gotta consider if this is something I wanna spend more time on. And specially now that I have seen the difference on people. This is NOT RNG; this is messed up.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
edited November 2014
I totally agree with the OP. Allways sustained the theory that the artifact drops and books (since kessel artifact) are working very suspiciously. I play a lot, did more than 500 great success and nothing. My first drop was in mod 5 (Int belt ) when they changed the drop chance.
Some frieds that play very casual, get kessels artifact regularly, and belts near 1 / day they play. My theory was that devs did this to help players with less ADs or gear, but maybe is other thing like real money invested in the game for example (this is only a theory but is scary only to think that can be true)
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited November 2014
i dont think is a matter of some player groups of any types get more drop. its complete random in it, but the difference that someone get a lot and someone almost none is big. i play since december last year and never sold anything worth more than 250 000 ad. my way is about no black ice bracers on my Gf. never see eye of lathander which i farm daily on 2 chars since mod 3 IWD. lose my faith on turn the Wheel almost...
i see the opposite. zen buyers get loot in game often. not zen buyers get nothing or almost nothing. this isnt the case
I have purchased a decent amount of zen since beta, in the $300-$400 range, and I made my most recent $50 purchase the day that mod 5 went live. I have also farmed the Dragons a LOT. I figure, on average, that I kill 9 Dragons each time I do the HEs. I do about 4 dragon runs a day. So, 36 dragons a day for at least 10 days (it has been out for 10 days right? if not I will adjust my numbers). That gives me about 360 Dragon Kills. Not a single Belt or cloak has dropped. I don't think we get better drops because we buy Zen. And I think my luck SUCKS.
Also note: I usually am running with guildies, often 3 or 4 of them. For the same number of Dragon kills. 2 of them have each received a drop of a belt and 1 person got a cloak (and the Cloak was from a regular HE, not a Dragon). So i am not all that impressed with the drop rate.
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited November 2014
yes, i write above, it is nothing about zen. players around me are more - nothing for freebies, drop for payers. everyone has different view. its about SOME MATH BEHIND RNG, WHICH COUSE ISSUES LIKE DOUBLE DROP for example (like in two skirmishes in a row and two drops. Or new things like drop from boss and then from chest in one skirmish)
I think there is a lot of bad science and hoodoo in this thread.
People's perception of their luck is not a reliable guide to anything because their expectations. Some expect stuff to drop every mob, others are happy with one drop per week. Some, like the chap with all the coffers, think they are unlucky because a particular thing has not dropped and conveniently ignore all the other drops they get that others do not. Most of those folk who tell you they "got nothing" in Mod 4 have selective memories.
As for the concept that the game imposes a particular level of luck on each character when it is created.... no.
RNG is RNG. If you looked at it objectively your luck will even out across the whole game.
Whilst I agree with much of what you've said I don't really trust that what we have is a true RNG, particularly since this game is f2p and monetisation is probably a decision factor in much of the design but that's my cynical side coming through. I also know that when it comes to games not everything works as intended and I've seen plenty of examples where gamers have found a rare issue that developers swear is working fine.
I WOULD REALLY LIKE A COMMENT FROM DEV! If you dont want to answer, maybe do something about and keep it quiet?
As you clearly see here, you are loosing players, and thats the oposite of what you want - earn money. You dont earn money on players leaving cause of your strange setup.
Message the community manager or one of them directly, don't expect an answer in this thread. It happens occasionally but not reliably.
I also believe you over-rate the significance of the loss of players due to this. The reality is likely to be that players come and go all the time for a variety of reasons and the devs won't know why. You can't please everyone all the time.
I'll also add that IIRC drops rates were increased in the mod 5 patch, belts at least are a lot more common in the game even if they're not dropping for everyone. Whether this is the result of forum complaints or a metric tracked by the devs we will probably never know.
I think that's part of the reason they dont give us those numbers. Not so much to keep us in the dark. But to protect their internal coding.
I also speculate open world drops or zone drops like the dragons do work on some internal global timer. If all #s were plainly shown. A clever person could possible discern a pattern and work it to his or her advantage.
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
create a two man party...
farm he for 3 hours...non stop
open all your rewards at the same time in town next to the shop keeper
we obtained 4 artifacts black ice cloak belt.. imperial cloak belt...
I do appologise, im not from a english-speaking country ^^
In this cases we do farm together, its always the same players who get the drops. Its not uncommon for some of the players in my group to get 3-4 artifacts, while us that never get drops, we get none.
I do not think this is about location, how you zerg the dragon and so forth. Looking into this for quite some time now, and the lucky ones get drops no matter the amount of players on a dragon, if they are alone, in group, alone on dragon, tons of players on dragons and so forth.
The system still stands: if you are lucky, the rest dont matter.
Trust me, some of my unlucky friends and myself have tried all kinds of combinations, to no prewail.
Instead, Dev`s, answer it instead! This concerns a lot of people. You might wanna do something about this drop system, unless you want to loose more players... Just saying, dont shoot the messenger. So far I have lost 2 friends over this problem, and I dont wanna see more of my friends leaving the game for this,when this can be fixed in a fair way. Cause face it, things arent fair at the moment. I feel that bitterly on myself. I know I shouldnt be pissed at the lucky dudes, its not their fault, but still... its annoying to see loot-links constantly and you yourself have to scan the AH for something you maybe can afford in the future.
Anyway, my point is: I have seen that those who have bought zen, are those who dont get the phat lootz.
Those who dont buy zen, GET the phat loot.
It has been like this in a lot of the cases i have looked into. Same with me, I have bought some zen, not big amount, but I have bought some + a fey pack. I am one of those who farm and farm and has never seen a drop.
I had a discussion about this with a guildie a few days ago who is in the same situation as me. It was he who brought it up, and when i started to ask around a bit, that was often the case, zen-buyers, VS non-zen-buyers.
It might seems a bit backwards, you might think the zen-buyers would be rewarded, but lets be honest: If you have bought zen at some point, ofc you are likely to buy again.
If you have NEVER bought zen, maybe youre not likely to do it later either.
So, is it then logically to make the non-zen-buyers get the loot and post on AH, so the zen-buyers will have to purchase zen to buy it?
Its just a theory, id love to hear your experience. So far this system seems to be correct in a lot of cases, but feel free to correct me if im wrong, its not like I have asked the whole server.
Cause face it, it is a reason behind all this. We are talking about a timespan of many many months here where the same people get the loot, and the same people dont. And the amount of dragons, encounters, elols, esots ect, its in the hundreds. When you never see the loot you tend to try absolutely everything OR you just give up.
Thread-starter is correct. If this is the case, the Devs are not loooking into the psycological aspect of it all. As he said; rewards gotta come in a game. When you gotta buy everything to keep up with the development in the mods, you need to buy your stuff. This doesnt feel like a reward. As I said, I have also seem people quit the game cause of the bad luck. They loose interest. So instead of the ppl buying zen, as maybe Devs hope, we get quitters. Can you blame them?
Now, as I said, this is just a theory that some of us have noticed might be the case. Feel free to prove me wrong, I am really hoping I am wrong tbh.
All this is not a coincidence. Something is broken... (or working as intended...?)
It's all good, I can be a grammar freak sometimes. And English is not my native language also. Just wondering if you can edit the initial post/topic and change it once it is created.
We are thinking creatures so we love theories but RNG is like understanding women (no offense). Few have a clue.
Now if we could figure out the limits and when they reset, you could possibly cheat the system. Some have done this by saving their boxes over a play session and opening them all at once at a later time. It might not be in your best interest to open your herald boxes right away, esp if chat spam after the event ends has ppl saying "Wow I just got a belt, woohoo" and such. It just might be your chances have plummeted since someone else got an artifact already.
Not the case at all I have had um, 3 belts 2 capes boon book and lostmauths artifact drop. (2 belts were in m4). And I have bought zen, a fair bit to be perfectly honest. Added to which I don't farm as I don't really find that fun.
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
People's perception of their luck is not a reliable guide to anything because their expectations. Some expect stuff to drop every mob, others are happy with one drop per week. Some, like the chap with all the coffers, think they are unlucky because a particular thing has not dropped and conveniently ignore all the other drops they get that others do not. Most of those folk who tell you they "got nothing" in Mod 4 have selective memories.
As for the concept that the game imposes a particular level of luck on each character when it is created.... no.
RNG is RNG. If you looked at it objectively your luck will even out across the whole game.
Im afraid I do not agree with you. There are many on my friendlist i have daily contact with, and i have followed them for almost a year. I would have known if they had "forgotten" about a drop.
As for myself, im afraid it wont work very well to try to brainwash me into thinking i forgot drops in last mod, sorry.
I belive you are one of those who do get drops, quite classic reply. But trying to dumb down other people or call them liars isnt really appropriate.
For those people who has gone through all this months with frustration its a reality, and youre message really doesnt make us think; oh, thats right, i forgot, i got 5 belts last mod - while they really didnt.
Coffers... i really dont care about coffers. They drops steadily but slowly, and its fine, as it is for everyone.
The only thing you are right about is: "If you looked at it objectively your luck will even out across the whole game."
You are absolutely right. Cause if you look at the lucky people VS the unfortunate ones and meet in the middle, sure, you get a even result. To bad its not in the right way.
Sorry to say, but there is nothing even about this in any fair way. It is either you get constantly, or you never get. And a FEW in the middle that get some drops sometimes. Id be perfectly happy if i was in that group, id pe perfectly happy to get a drop even if it was just once a months. Problem is; it is a drop that never comes.
So now with double refinement comming up I am one of those who will have to buy artifacts on AH and give more AD to the lucky players, while they already have their artifacts on max.
Thats the reality of it all.
If you took your toon (or account, it makes no difference) and considered every single use of the RNG across your whole time in the game you would have pretty much the same "luck" as everyone else. And by "every single use" I mean every need/greed roll, every petty drop from every enemy, every event reward, everything. And, yes, maybe you have had more than the average coffer drops. In fact, your comment about coffers kinda proves my point. You think they drop at the same rate for everyone.
You are only looking at a tiny part of the RNG use and nowhere near enough dice rolls to see the true picture. The concept that some players are unlucky in every aspect of every dice roll is ridiculous and just spreads unhappiness. RNG is RNG.
ppl who repeatedly converted their real money into the game are rewarded better because cryptic want them to stay!
don´t come with superior theories. cryptics has never been good to the community. it´s just logical and fits perfect into the rest of their behavior. its like the great success mystery... ppl are fooled!
At least youre right about that. It spreads unhappyness to get **** rolls month after month and year after year. Did I mention I have never won a roll on anything of value since I started this game? But ofcourse that is just me forgetting, yes.
It was good times when CN was the place to go with good friends who shared AD after the loot was sold. Since that has stopped I have not had any income personally.
But thats not the point.
The point here being: Artifact-drops are something different. It is no problem for developers to fix those rolls, and it is being fixed, but how, thats the question. See how no devs have answered this yet?
Sthgodchilla has a valid point. Not everyone close their eyes to the obvious just cause you are one of those who are happy about your AD-stream. Its a no-brainer that this people want to keep it as it is.
RNG is not always RNG.
PS - I have bought zen.
I really dont get this seeded RNG thing - should I make a new account for better luck or what?
I have bought zen a lot, about $140 worth. This is the only game i have ever spent that much and i have never once gotten a artifact gear drop or ever a artifact for that matter. I grind dragons in WOD almost all day every hour at 45mins. Sometime if i play later at night i will get in 5-10 dragons at a time. When im not doing WOD im doing Rothe and still nothing. Zen has nothing to do with it.
Its really sad that it has come to that - players considering creating new accounts for a chance for any reward.
I have thought about the same, but the amount of time and resources i have put into this game with 10-14 hours playtime a day i really dont feel like starting all over again. I have gotten endgame gear, not through normal means by getting drops from chests in dungeons, cause that seemed to never happen, but having to buy all the gear and all i needed from AH. Its sad, really.
I WOULD REALLY LIKE A COMMENT FROM DEV! If you dont want to answer, maybe do something about and keep it quiet?
As you clearly see here, you are loosing players, and thats the oposite of what you want - earn money. You dont earn money on players leaving cause of your strange setup.
Give something back to all those who have spend so much time on this game of yours. Random the loot, cause when you hear from one of your friends that they have 145 million AD atm that they have gathered since mod 4 started, you can clearly see that this it completely off the scales. Someone earn millions, and others earn zero. Really? I really gotta consider if this is something I wanna spend more time on. And specially now that I have seen the difference on people. This is NOT RNG; this is messed up.
Some frieds that play very casual, get kessels artifact regularly, and belts near 1 / day they play. My theory was that devs did this to help players with less ADs or gear, but maybe is other thing like real money invested in the game for example (this is only a theory but is scary only to think that can be true)
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Ive never got anything better than 2xcoffer (inside WoD), and outside the best i ever saw was a draconic set part that dropped in eLoL.
The RNGesus is, in fact, Satan, and he hates you.
I have purchased a decent amount of zen since beta, in the $300-$400 range, and I made my most recent $50 purchase the day that mod 5 went live. I have also farmed the Dragons a LOT. I figure, on average, that I kill 9 Dragons each time I do the HEs. I do about 4 dragon runs a day. So, 36 dragons a day for at least 10 days (it has been out for 10 days right? if not I will adjust my numbers). That gives me about 360 Dragon Kills. Not a single Belt or cloak has dropped. I don't think we get better drops because we buy Zen. And I think my luck SUCKS.
Also note: I usually am running with guildies, often 3 or 4 of them. For the same number of Dragon kills. 2 of them have each received a drop of a belt and 1 person got a cloak (and the Cloak was from a regular HE, not a Dragon). So i am not all that impressed with the drop rate.
Whilst I agree with much of what you've said I don't really trust that what we have is a true RNG, particularly since this game is f2p and monetisation is probably a decision factor in much of the design but that's my cynical side coming through. I also know that when it comes to games not everything works as intended and I've seen plenty of examples where gamers have found a rare issue that developers swear is working fine.
Message the community manager or one of them directly, don't expect an answer in this thread. It happens occasionally but not reliably.
I also believe you over-rate the significance of the loss of players due to this. The reality is likely to be that players come and go all the time for a variety of reasons and the devs won't know why. You can't please everyone all the time.
I'll also add that IIRC drops rates were increased in the mod 5 patch, belts at least are a lot more common in the game even if they're not dropping for everyone. Whether this is the result of forum complaints or a metric tracked by the devs we will probably never know.