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  • plaviaplavia Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    if the ground is not flat, healing word does not heal the target
    even if u stand on small rock it does not heal
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    plavia wrote: »
    if the ground is not flat, healing word does not heal the target
    even if u stand on small rock it does not heal

    Yep. Was wondering the hell was going on. Become useless on stairways like in caverns of Karr.
  • robert9004robert9004 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    I played many characters in this game starting with a tr, gwf, gf, cw and took a litle break from it because i got bored... So now im back and was thinking to start a new char a dc. I had a low level dc before and it was nice to play with and thought well lets give it a try. As i reached level 3 or 4 when i gained the healing word ability i became a litle bit surprised... the new patch brought interesting things as i begin to see (i will not use that skill... i dont care if its aoe or not if i need to tap twice to use it + the animation is broken the heal doesn't fly to the char i heal it goes into space). As i began to read this forums post i became more and more discouraged to actually continue making the character... I saw some of you guys welcomed damage boost. I ask you this why do clerics need to be on par with other damage dealing classes? Is it the clerics job to deal dmg or to be a support that helps party members? Why do you need high dmg? I would have been content on playing the old version before patch that was based on support role more or less...
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    robert9004 wrote: »
    I ask you this why do clerics need to be on par with other damage dealing classes? Is it the clerics job to deal dmg or to be a support that helps party members? Why do you need high dmg? I would have been content on playing the old version before patch that was based on support role more or less...

    Because SO much of the game is just solo nonsense the damage boost is certainly wanted and welcomed. Why make the grinds even more tedious.

    With the knowledge, the new DC is even more godly at support than before. Not just cast a boring blue circle for people to hide in. You can become much more diverse than previously.
  • plaviaplavia Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    if encounter is recharging you can still cast it in divine mode

  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    plavia wrote: »
    If encounter is recharging you can still cast it in divine mode

  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    plavia wrote: »
    if encounter is recharging you can still cast it in divine mode

    Yeah, that's not a bug. It's supposed to work that way, which I like.
  • fuglymookfuglymook Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The changes are very good! I applaud you in letting me use ALL my encounters now instead of 3 in a borefest of mediocrity. The new system triples my encounters effectively. The 3 paths are completely different from one another that you feel you are actually playing a different spec. I wish the DEVS would allow players to purchase a dual spec option to further the classes potential. People hate change even when it is good but most have yet to give it a chance before condemning the changes. I find most do not even read the tooltips to find out what encounter does what. I love it and would not change a thing!
  • herundrionherundrion Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hey everyone,
    Thanks for the great feedback. I sent it all yesterday.
    The PvE vs PvP balance is really hard to put together; in other games devs usually change the powers between the two modes, but in NW they seems to be mostly working them same. Altough, if you look at past 2 modules, they've been slowly introducing PvE/PvP differentiation to some powers (GWF/GF) in addition to tenacity/healing depression. We might be heading in that direction after all.
    It seems like a lot of folks are still getting used to the new mechanics. I can understand how it feels clunky, but, personally, I got used to the new loadout somewhat quick and I find that I use more powers than before, esp in PvE. I do still end up casting divine Astral Shield or normal Sunburst here and there by accident. :D
    Co-Founder of -Valor-
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited December 2014
    I think my biggest and only real issue now is not knowing when I am empowered. I'd suggest to add a second skiny bar to the Divinity Bar that shows your Empowered state (i.e. make it 2 columns).

    I still don't care much for divine astral shield, I'd still rather see it return to a temp ground buff/regen/damage reduction. I'm getting used to it but I do miss it.
  • fuglymookfuglymook Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah the empowered animation gets lost in certain areas and when you are standing in certain encounter effects
  • etapwastakenetapwastaken Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    What's been throwing me off has been when I have just a little bit of divinity left, but not enough for a full charge, especially when it comes to emergency situations where I just want to throw out a quick non-divinity non-empowered heal to quickly patch up someone to live long enough until I can rebuild enough divinity for full treatment. Several times in a group I've found myself trying to mash out a quick normal Bastion of Health for a couple seconds before my brain processes the "Not enough divinity" message and noticing the tiny divinity bar being blue and not gold, and having to switch modes accordingly. It may only take a couple seconds to notice usually but there's several encounters where just a two second delay can mean the difference between losing someone or not.

    It's not an insurmountable task by any means, and I do like how the mechanic plays out, but managing divinity and empowerment together is a comparatively complex task levied on an already complicated party role to fulfill. When you're already focused on watching party health as well as locating injured players on the battlefield and constantly watching for red area effects to get out of, details like empowerment effects and divinity charges easily get lost in the shuffle.

    If there's anything I specifically don't like, it's that being in divinity mode with any divinity over zero but less than one charge effectively shuts off your encounter buttons, until you switch out of divinity. I know that's how it's supposed to work but I would almost kill for 3 extra key bindings I could use from divinity mode that auto-cast non-divinity encounters for cases like having less than one charge and then setting myself back in divinity-building mode in one button press. I'm sure the predicted response would be "Just use Tab", but I like to reduce amount of inputs needed for skills that are expected to be used in reaction (like heals in response to burst damage) as much as possible in those situations. Having visible timers onscreen for empower charges would also be wonderful, as well as being able to see if an encounter is in cooldown from divinity mode.
  • aeriniseaerinise Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    My experience:
    There is no fun in playing DC anymore, because of tha lack of fantasy in the new paragon feat trees. There is no direct connection with the trees and the abilities like before. You spend your points getting passive bonuses. The separating of the playing style like HoT user, direct healer, damage dealer makes the cleric unbalanced in the other roles. In the old paragon trees were also trends which showed some siI mean if you choose faithful your direct heals are stronger but nothing more. In the old system feat treas proved bonuses and new mechanism for the powers, and you could combine your encounter powers, dailies, etc. depending on the situation. Now if you try that, you will notice, that you are weaker because your abilities didn't get stronger and you can't just swap them, so you should rely on your companion or mates. The new divine mod effects doesn't compense it as well. And I dislike the new daunting light, it's many times weaker and stranger now, and I miss the old astral shield.
    The biggest problem, I think, is in the divine mod. Soothing light and punishing light is hindering. You don't have time in the heat of a battle just stand and spam them. It would be better, if in divine mod the current divine at-will powers would get chain effect, multiple effect or something. But the divine mod buffs on the other powers are mostly correct. On the other hand, you made the paragon feat trees simplier, but with the empowered system the abilities are confusing, besides it is a very boring mechanism.
  • mour76mour76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Welcome all,
    My main is a DC and i'm playing from more than a year. I've enjoyed the cleric revamp but i think that it can be improved. My suggestion are:

    1) Remove the empower sistem, let only normal and divine. The divine version of the spell will consume all pipes of divine for a more potent spell (3 pipes as the same of 3 balls of empowered), the divine version of spell doesn't have colddown like now. Each normal encounter build 1 pipe of divine. In this we should have a more reliable system. At will stay the same as now.

    2)Make divine spells more usefull and differenziate them (break the spirit is the same as forge, etc.) i suggest:
    a) Divine Break the spirit stun the target for 2 seconds for pipe of divine consumed (max of 6 second).
    b) Divine forge master's flame deal an area damage around the target of 33%, for pipe consumed, of the tick damage.
    c) Normal chain slow enemies, divine root enemies for a duration of 1 second for pipe consumed, every pipe rise the damage dealt for 10%
    d) Normal daunting light, make the area like the divine version. Divine daunting have damage rised of 33% for every pipe consumed.
    e) Normal sunburst, convert knockback to stun for 1 second. Divine version knockback with prone (only pve) and heal over time too.
  • lyaiselyaise Member Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    mour76 wrote: »
    Welcome all,
    My main is a DC and i'm playing from more than a year. I've enjoyed the cleric revamp but i think that it can be improved. My suggestion are:

    1) Remove the empower sistem, let only normal and divine. The divine version of the spell will consume all pipes of divine for a more potent spell (3 pipes as the same of 3 balls of empowered), the divine version of spell doesn't have colddown like now. Each normal encounter build 1 pipe of divine. In this we should have a more reliable system. At will stay the same as now.

    2)Make divine spells more usefull and differenziate them (break the spirit is the same as forge, etc.) i suggest:
    a) Divine Break the spirit stun the target for 2 seconds for pipe of divine consumed (max of 6 second).
    b) Divine forge master's flame deal an area damage around the target of 33%, for pipe consumed, of the tick damage.
    c) Normal chain slow enemies, divine root enemies for a duration of 1 second for pipe consumed, every pipe rise the damage dealt for 10%
    d) Normal daunting light, make the area like the divine version. Divine daunting have damage rised of 33% for every pipe consumed.
    e) Normal sunburst, convert knockback to stun for 1 second. Divine version knockback with prone (only pve) and heal over time too.

    I'd say the empowerment system is here to stay after all the effort put into it, however much it is disliked by some. Notwithstanding the increase in output of the DC since the changes, (which could have been easily accomplished through other means), it surely cannot be regarded as a successful mechanic when it has caused such division with long term DC players, even causing some to give up the class.

    A truly awful mechanic that was unasked for, I only wish it was removed tomorrow, but fear it will be with the class for considerably longer.
    ...............vote for your favourite expansion..........
    "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
    ..............not this one then.............
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    lyaise wrote: »
    I'd say the empowerment system is here to stay after all the effort put into it, however much it is disliked by some. Notwithstanding the increase in output of the DC since the changes, (which could have been easily accomplished through other means), it surely cannot be regarded as a successful mechanic when it has caused such division with long term DC players, even causing some to give up the class.

    A truly awful mechanic that was unasked for, I only wish it was removed tomorrow, but fear it will be with the class for considerably longer.

    An accurate statement - regarding 'long time" DC players. However, many have adjusted and all "new" DC players won't know the difference at all. It's a simple lesson in attrition. Those who dislike it will continue to plain about (adapt or die scenario) - if they stop playing the class it's their loss, no one else's. By this time next year no one will care one way or the other (but the whiners will still whine).

    For others like myself (playing DC since alpha/beta) who embrace it and learn the changes: we are loving it. For new DC players it's an entirely moot point as this is how they will cut their teeth on it. It all comes down to the basic human paradigm that we don't like change. Once we become comfortable with something we turn complacent.

    Simple as that.

    With that said, in the end the changes are a massive improvement (I'm not 100% happy with everything myself, but it's a 90% improvement over a 10% detriment the way I see it). I'll take the 90% increase in fun over the old way of doing things. So with a very sincere intent I say this: the New DC is 100 times better than the old DC, if you don't like it, don't play it and whether you played it or combat against it in PvP: stop whining about it. (I'm not saying anyone in this thread is whining about it, I just mean that as a general blanket statement.)

    New DC is awesome.
  • arcanaxearcanaxe Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    You're right the new dc is awesome, the dps is excellent, the new healing is just fantastic. The way how you can spam 6 spells at once is brilliant etc. But the empowered mechanic just utterly useless, in solo pve or group pve. It's just there, make your normal spells stronger, doesn't really affect the game play by much. Been playing with it, almost everyday. My main toon is a 21k DC, been playing since almost beta, know the class through all the changes.

    I some situations the empowered can be nice, but in most situations that little bit extra doesn't really make a difference, it's just a waste.
  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I agree that the devs went too far with the changes, especially since they haven't bothered "updating" the heroic feats.
    Still, there's no denying that new/casual players are loving the new DC and the boost to soloing is noticeable regardless of which paragon path you take. No more trying to line up/squeeze mobs together before nuking them with chains/searing/daunting/etc. You can't even play the "playing a DC no longer takes skill" card with this one, the "meticulous"/tactical DC playstyle never really caught on anyway so no big loss there. I should know.

    The new DC may not be as complex, but it definitely works. There's also a lot of subtle changes that I'm sure long-time players are more than a little happy about. I personally love the extra dodges. The changes to powers like Divine Glow, Healing Word, Searing Light and Sunburst work very well. We lost a lot of our blanket/auto-mitigation buffs with the persistent effect daily nerf, but with good enough gear it is possible to overcome even that. Faster casting times on divine spells is nice. Potentially more castings to overcome/deal with enemy dodges or simply add versatility to your encounter power loadout is nice. Empowered is just a bonus.
    There are still a few major bugs, but nothing gamebreaking afaik (except maybe the lag-related ones). Given how the devs are now focusing on bringing underperforming paragon paths up to par/tweaking pvp-related stats, I am not particularly eager to see DC nerfs. This is not how they dealt with the mod 3 GWF or mod 4 CW - the Destroyer/tenacity buffs from the recent patches set a new precedent I think, we'll have to wait and see what they're trying to do with pvp/how they intend to buff other class paragons and observe those changes in live.

    Overall I'd say the results of the changes are good. I don't like with how those changes were implemented, but it's workable at least.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    tyrtallow wrote: »
    Overall I'd say the results of the changes are good. I don't like with how those changes were implemented, but it's workable at least.

    Your entire comment is well stated and I agree. Just like Star Trek it appears they are spending these first two years just getting balancing right and the order in which they;re doing it also makes sense (DC is the least-played class according to the most recent stats they release, which is, admittedly a year old, so it makes sense all the others came first. and that took so long I suspect they felt a real need to truly overhaul the DC as it was so far behind everything else.

    As for the 'tactical" DC methods - that evolved because all we could do was to work with what we had, which was;t much (or really very good) after the major nerf in Mod 1.

    If they follow the same path as STO they will now begin to focus on the PvP aspect (STO eventually just dumped their PvP - I don't think that will happen here). Then in year three they will begin to really focus on end-game content and we'll begin to really see some exciting stuff.
  • fuglymookfuglymook Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I think the DC is thee most exciting class to play now. The utility of the class is amazing. I love changing up the encounters and tailoring them to the different fights. Heal with one at will and debuff with the other at will while building divinity just awesome! Empowered Forge Masters Flame and Sunburst are incredible to use. My only issue is that High Prophet is still the gear to go to, please bring out new armor that benefits the individual trees (HoT, Direct, & DPS).
  • scammerzascammerza Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Generally i find that i only really use max 2 divine encounters and 2 non divine / empowered. Overall with the changes to DC & TR i've found the change in play style makes it less enjoyable. On DC its far less challenging and that takes away a part of what made it enjoyable to me initially. Before these changes i had to really try in order to keep a team alive and debuff at the same time on a hard boss fight. Now i'm not even sure how i heal and damage as much as i do with out any effort.
  • raist724raist724 Member Posts: 46
    edited December 2014
    Still do not understand the correlation of easy gameplay to fun. Does making the class so easy to play make it fun? Does destroying everything with little effort and healing for ridiculous amounts with not much more than choosing the right build make a class fun?

    Having a skill less class that requires no ability by the player is fun? Can play a DC in PvE or PvP with a stick attached to a helmet with my arms handcuffed behind my back and dominate. As a day 1 DC player I really don't see that as a good thing.
    Wake | Halfling | DC
    Raist Torilrocker | Dwarf | DCWaterdeep Dungeon & Salvage LLC
  • fuglymookfuglymook Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    raist724 wrote: »
    Still do not understand the correlation of easy gameplay to fun. Does making the class so easy to play make it fun? Does destroying everything with little effort and healing for ridiculous amounts with not much more than choosing the right build make a class fun?

    Having a skill less class that requires no ability by the player is fun? Can play a DC in PvE or PvP with a stick attached to a helmet with my arms handcuffed behind my back and dominate. As a day 1 DC player I really don't see that as a good thing.

    Yeah, casting Divine Astral Shield and everybody standing in it took soooo much skill. Yawn.
  • aeriniseaerinise Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Ok. I see why the most regen granting buffs were taken from the cleric spells, they were needed for the paladin. But I still missing the old paragon feats, which were directly linked to the powers, making them stronger depending which tree was chosen. Currently we have to choose a complete playing role not powers wich we want use mostly.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Personally, I rather dislike the old style of feats which revolve more around locking the player into using specific powers. I prefer my feats to work no matter what my current loadout is, because it allows you to be much more flexible.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • herundrionherundrion Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Just FYI:
    I am no longer the "advocate"/"feedback reporter." The new one is being sought via this thread. So send PMs to Akromatik with the answers to the questions posted in there.

    However, let's keep this thread going with feedback on the stuff in Mod 5/6 and whatever else.

    I'll update the OP to reflect the above.
    Co-Founder of -Valor-
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