Dear Whac-A-Mole devs: thank you for revamping GF into something fun and viable after a long time in the dark. Thank you also for recognizing that said revamp created issues that needed to be looked at. Thank you for addressing some of these issues with your usual HAMMERTIME! approach rather than trying to achieve some semblance of balance. Thank you also for repeatedly listening to the PvP players wherever they stop their whine train, attemtping to appease them by applying the changes they clamor for equally to PvP and PvE without recognizing these are two different animals. Finally, thank you for taking alot of the fun out of GF again, I enjoyed the six weeks of PvE relevance I had and will now either resort to hiding in the shadows again or play a dumb meat lump who's only group use is to buff damage resistance as high as possible while spamming Into the Fray.
so much qq over gf changes i am loling. Why should a class be allowed to spam a daily that can do a lot of damage, also the lag created with this up all the time drove me nutz.
a) No one is arguing against the AP generation of KV/SoS being over the top.
b) The damage of SoS is already being addressed, and is only an issue (I'm assuming you're PvP focused based on your eloquence) with a 100% uptime (see a)) unless you can't figure out not to hit while it's active.
c) The engine/graphical issues created by a certain skill or combination of skills is not, has never been, and will never be an argument towards the buffing or nerfing of said skill.
The part about the lag is a personal issue not something I have been basing my arguments on. And yes I am pvp focused, and get lazy when typing sometimes. Also if you look in the class forums thread some people are defending this build to the bitter end.
The double nerf to SoS is pretty overkill. The damage wasn't really an issue; the main issue was that it had near 100% uptime so that you couldn't fight back without losing a good chunk of your health in the process.
zankardMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
So have the display issues where artifact belts show up in your loot window but don't make it to your inventory been fixed? I see that the keys have been fixed but several of us have 'won' artifact belts at HE's just for them not to make it into our inventory, these aren't items worth a few thousand AD , they are worth millions and for the loot window to show you won one only for it not to make it to your bag is very disappointing .
^ Thousand times this. There has to be some kind of priority for game breaking bugs like this one. Duh. Flies away.
please check again fix for doors of Castle Never. last door bugged after latest patch when 2 ppl in my party tried to open it.
Hahaha this bug... This had been true since the beta, while CN was the most famous dungeon for more than a full year, exploited to death while at it (because there were more bugs than just the sticky door, ofc). There had been only 2 attempts to fix that in this huge period, both of which failed. I'm trying my best to be polite, but there's no better word than FAILURE.
So have the display issues where artifact belts show up in your loot window but don't make it to your inventory been fixed? I see that the keys have been fixed but several of us have 'won' artifact belts at HE's just for them not to make it into our inventory, these aren't items worth a few thousand AD , they are worth millions and for the loot window to show you won one only for it not to make it to your bag is very disappointing .
They really need to address this issue, received a belt of wisdom from the HE in Rothe valley, was very excited. Look in inventory bag, and it was not there, I didn't receive the item at all. So what is the point in farming HE's when you check what you got, but you don't receive the items that you won.
So currently their is no point to farm HE's at the moment, even if you get an Artifact belt from the prizes, you won't get it in your inventory with this bug.
Items and Economy
•The Tyranny of Dragons vendors (both the one located in Protector's Enclave and the one available via the Campaigns window) now feature two new items. Give them a try!
•Potion of Dragon Slaying
•Scroll of Protection from Dragons
While I appreciate that there is finally some sort of sink for the dragon coin currency, please seriously consider adding a Bounty Master to Mod 5 that converts Dragon Coins to other items.
In Mod 2 you can convert the blood currency into Seals, Crescent currency, Potion, or Cache bags.
In Mod 3 you can convert the onyx into script currency or Seals,
In Mod 4 you could convert Kessel Sigils into Seals, CK Coin, Salve potion, or Cache bags.
In Mod 5 ......
This would both standardize this module to the rest and removes some of the pain of having to farm all 5 dragons each day for 20 days to unlock either the 4th or 5th boon (which should be well received by most players). Please realize that this still leaves the pages as a throttling device for players progressing too quickly through the campaign... it only minimizes the burden of dealing with the 5 timers on each dragon heroic encounter.
luthandroseMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2014
•Scourge Warlock: Tyrannical Threat: This power now correctly only echoes the Warlock's damage (rather than all targets who are attacking).
It's the one skill that made the SW class even remotely worth playing and it gets a nerf because CW's, an already over powered class, complained about it in the forums. I would have expected some interest from the Dev team implementing a new class to the environment, to keep some tabs on how it performs. But why pay attention to a class everyone is ignoring anyway? No noise from the user group allows you to keep your head in the sand I guess.
Please take the time to review this class and it's roll in PvP and PvE, along with how effective it is at what you intended it to do. I would bet if you surveyed the user community the overall feedback on SW would be negative from experienced players on the viability of this new class.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
While I understand where you're coming from (the Challenge of the Gods event), worshipping multiple gods is standard in Forgotten Realms lore. Most people don't devote themselves to a single deity, and even most clerics respect the gods that aren't granting them their spells. Most people worship the entire pantheon instead of a single god. In fact, worshipping a single god exclusively is extremely rare.
This fix is a reference to some naughty things players were doing, nothing remotely to do with events or roleplay.
Wait, does this mean no AP gain *from* SoS damage or no AP gain at all while it is active? Because in the former case I can live with it, but in the latter case it's 10 seconds of AP lock, the longest AP lock on any power on any class ever AFAIK. This is huge and really really bad!
TRs don't gain AP during Lurker's Assault and have not since it was reworked waaaaayyy back when, if this wasn't also true of the old version (I barely knew what I was doing back then and don't recall).
They really need to address this issue, received a belt of wisdom from the HE in Rothe valley, was very excited. Look in inventory bag, and it was not there, I didn't receive the item at all.
The thing that really annoys me is that if this was the other way round they would probably do an emergency maintenance to fix it but because it is only affecting players they don't , it seriously needs to be fixed as a priority , to see you won an item worth literally millions of AD after days and days or even weeks of farming just to not get it made me feel like giving up completely.
The reason for the SoS change to prevent AP gain is that we don't wait dailies that act as persistent buffs allowing you to gain AP while they are active (Lurkers Assault is a great example here). If SoS is unviable given that change, then we probably need to buff it separately to make it feel more rewarding in a reflect scenario. Also, Armor Penetration should totally affect it now, if it is not, please let me know so we can get that fixed.
Additionally, the Icy Rays change is to make it respect Orb of Imposition. With Orb equipped at R3 you will actually have a slightly longer base root (2.1875 seconds) that your foe can now resist correctly. This is one of the central reasons for the adjustment to the timing on a single target. Hitting two targets is even more beneficial for that control. This also means that Tenacity will properly act on it and make the difference between Wizards who use Orb of Imposition and Wizards who use two damage features feel more obvious and differentiated.
Thank you all for your continued feedback!
Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
The thing that really annoys me is that if this was the other way round they would probably do an emergency maintenance to fix it but because it is only affecting players they don't , it seriously needs to be fixed as a priority , to see you won an item worth literally millions of AD after days and days or even weeks of farming just to not get it made me feel like giving up completely.
Holy Santa Clause ****!!!! I had no idea this was actually going on! That is freaking crazy! I'm not sure if this is the place for that post, but you guys need to keep spamming these posts, again and again until something happens. It would clearly be logged that you won a roll, and that the item did not go into your inventory. I'm sure if you guys supplied the dates and times, it would drastically improve your odds.
- About GF's.
- SOS was not broken. KV was not broken (the AP was but that is their fault). Guarded assault combined with KV and SOS and protector was a freaking AWESOME synergy. It worked, it reduced their damage a LOT, and it would barely do ANY damage lol, it was enough to make you a bit better than a meat shield. Combined Glyphs and you get a 300% increase in damage. From 1 million in an hour long pvp to 3 million total. Seriously, and your idea of a fix is the abilities?
- You fix the glyphs, but only for GF's?! I hope you are checking out the preview server, and watching the 1v1's, I'd rather not saying what is still OP on the forum as it won't be fixed and people will use it, and then it will get nerfed, and then PVE players will be punished even more.
- I am a 10000000% PVP player. I 100000000% agree in separating PVE and PVP entiiiiiirely. You finally separated some moves prone/stun ability, so why not separate these other moves!!!! PVE players make up a LOT more of the community, and probably pay Cryptic at least a ot more than the pvp players.
- You add an ICD to the red glyphs, and you'll see them drop off overload slots faster than you can even imagine. Which I believe is why you nerfed the blues, you then noticed they dropped off the hot bar, so instead of nerfing the reds you decided abilities that are most complained about to be a better idea so people will still buy the other glyphs.
There has been zero logic if any of this. PVE players are getting severely punished for no reason. PVP players will figure out another way, but sometimes those other ways don't work in PVE and may end up with GF's no longer welcome in dungeons. I'm not sure what else there is to say, but those are the facts, take em or leave em.
The reason for the SoS change to prevent AP gain is that we don't wait dailies that act as persistent buffs allowing you to gain AP while they are active (Lurkers Assault is a great example here). If SoS is unviable given that change, then we probably need to buff it separately to make it feel more rewarding in a reflect scenario. Also, Armor Penetration should totally affect it now, if it is not, please let me know so we can get that fixed.
Additionally, the Icy Rays change is to make it respect Orb of Imposition. With Orb equipped at R3 you will actually have a slightly longer base root (2.1875 seconds) that your foe can now resist correctly. This is one of the central reasons for the adjustment to the timing on a single target. Hitting two targets is even more beneficial for that control. This also means that Tenacity will properly act on it and make the difference between Wizards who use Orb of Imposition and Wizards who use two damage features feel more obvious and differentiated.
Thank you all for your continued feedback!
Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
Ah okay then. Well the patch notes mention control strength (which isn't on the character sheet) not duration (what the tooltip on orb says), and nothing indicates that that's the same stat. That was confusing to say the least, thanks for the heads up.
There has been zero logic if any of this. PVE players are getting severely punished for no reason.
No reason? No daily should have a 100% uptime, that's how the game works. Pick any class but the current GF on live and the daily is the spell you use the least. Not because it's bad but because it's supposed to be an "ultimate" spell you use at the right time. The change probably didn't happen for pvp reasons, pvp players probably made the issue more blatant, that's all.
Please stop blaming pvp when there's no reason to do so, this is getting old.
The reason for the SoS change to prevent AP gain is that we don't wait dailies that act as persistent buffs allowing you to gain AP while they are active (Lurkers Assault is a great example here).
good example is Tyrannical thread from SW BTW. in DD run it allows to regenerate like 75% of AP points. Perfect example is Spellplague Caverns. just putting Tyrannical , Warlock bargain, death-rays on boss allows to it to 75%-80% extremely easy. Almost 100% uptime. It maybe fixed by Tyrannical not proc from other party damage. but as far as I remember Warlocks gain AP from using encounters rather then raw damage. Still respect t1 feet though.
Now I'd like to ask a question about SW. Given our lack of control, and overall squishyness due to no immunity frames from dodge, teleport etc and the incoming change to TT, what exactly do you see us doing for a group that would make us wanted over another CW? Yes, I can heal the party but another CW can just control stuff and make healing not needed anyway.
And finally, thank you for the idol fix, I was the person who posted on forums (along w lots of others before I am sure ) a few weeks ago about the new issue with them xD
May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
how hard is it to fix the glyphs? sure you fix it on gf's but is it going to fix it for the hr's and cw's? is stormspell getting looked at? sure looking forward to mod 5 when my tr become op for a few months (but given how much tr's are nerfed quickly, they probably wont leave us op as long as they have left gwfs, cw's, gf's and hr's)... poor clerics
GentlemanCrush posted in one of the topics on Gameplay that he has read about HR's piercing blades complaints and decided to not fix it in the near future.
I disagree with it and hopefully he will change his mind.
That is 100% opossite of what he sad. He actually fixed it locally and it will be in patch. He also found IR issues - above those in patch- but they will be fixed later - with all DC and TR changes. Stop speeding lie. Dev tracker
good example is Tyrannical thread from SW BTW. in DD run it allows to regenerate like 75% of AP points. Perfect example is Spellplague Caverns. just putting Tyrannical , Warlock bargain, death-rays on boss allows to it to 75%-80% extremely easy. Almost 100% uptime. It maybe fixed by Tyrannical not proc from other party damage. but as far as I remember Warlocks gain AP from using encounters rather then raw damage. Still respect t1 feet though.
Nope, definitely a bug. I have fixed it locally here, although not sure when it will hit preview.
nwnghostMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2014
To be honest, I'd like you to consider making WIS and Active Companion bonuses provide more Control Bonus and Orb of Imposition less Control Bonus.
Adding up every single source of Control Bonus still grants overall slightly less Control Bonus than simply slotting Orb of Imposition, which makes it rather pointless to invest in Control Bonus.
You'd end up with much higher damage output/utility by ignoring Control Bonus altogether, slot only damage boosting equip/companion actives and just add Orb of Imposition.
No reason? No daily should have a 100% uptime, that's how the game works. Pick any class but the current GF on live and the daily is the spell you use the least. Not because it's bad but because it's supposed to be an "ultimate" spell you use at the right time. The change probably didn't happen for pvp reasons, pvp players probably made the issue more blatant, that's all.
Please stop blaming pvp when there's no reason to do so, this is getting old.
Yeah! PvP has never caused nerfs to the PvE side of the game..... /s
Nope, definitely a bug. I have fixed it locally here, although not sure when it will hit preview.
Well Good.But Now you need to decrease CW pve damage. Make them finally controller or damages. Not both.
And make HR finally worsy in pve.
Just to note - last week I run on my newbaby temp SW with 14k GS. Done more damage then 20k GS HR from my guild -one of the best pve HR i have seen.
Also later we run SP duo with 18k gs CW. easy mode really. Cause damage of TT from SW and Control+damage from CW is insane. You really don't need any other classes now. Maybe GF for KV and agro - that is it.
I do understand that this are buff and nerf. So please make them pve wise and not make it pvp braker again. PvP may feel better after small glypth fixes but removing those entirely, like companions, would work way better in domination.
zhaofuoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 129Bounty Hunter
The reason for the SoS change to prevent AP gain is that we don't wait dailies that act as persistent buffs allowing you to gain AP while they are active (Lurkers Assault is a great example here). If SoS is unviable given that change, then we probably need to buff it separately to make it feel more rewarding in a reflect scenario. Also, Armor Penetration should totally affect it now, if it is not, please let me know so we can get that fixed.
I think the best example would be hallowed ground, not lurkers assault.
Persistent buff allowing you to gain AP should not work but by all means hallowed ground is also a buff and yet DC is allowed to gain AP while doing so.
So if you are tying to compare apples to apples it should be that, now the argument is why are you turning it off completely why can you just reduce the AP gain while SoS is active don't just turn it off.
No, it does not. WMS has buff for encounter powers through feat, lowers damage resistance for at-wills, has no cooldown and does great damage. And on top of that you want marking!? Are you fragging serious here? There's a reason why Threatening Rush does such low damage and has such a long cooldown.
I think the best example would be hallowed ground, not lurkers assault.
Persistent buff allowing you to gain AP should not work but by all means hallowed ground is also a buff and yet DC is allowed to gain AP while doing so.
So if you are tying to compare apples to apples it should be that, now the argument is why are you turning it off completely why can you just reduce the AP gain while SoS is active don't just turn it off.
Also a bug, also getting fixed soon . As part of the Cleric Rework actually.
Well Good.But Now you need to decrease CW pve damage. Make them finally controller or damages. Not both.
And make HR finally worsy in pve.
Just to note - last week I run on my newbaby temp SW with 14k GS. Done more damage then 20k GS HR from my guild -one of the best pve HR i have seen.
Also later we run SP duo with 18k gs CW. easy mode really. Cause damage of TT from SW and Control+damage from CW is insane. You really don't need any other classes now. Maybe GF for KV and agro - that is it.
I do understand that this are buff and nerf. So please make them pve wise and not make it pvp braker again. PvP may feel better after small glypth fixes but removing those entirely, like companions, would work way better in domination.
Given the changes to TT that probably wont be true anymore. Basically unless the new version does a lot of damage too, sw will not be wanted anymore really by pugs. Most pugs will just do what the current meta is if they can, ie gf,dc, cw cw sw. The only reason SW is on that list atm is the live version of TT really. Will need to test when the changes go live on preview to see how much damage it will do of course, but at the moment its not looking good.
May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
Given the changes to TT that probably wont be true anymore. Basically unless the new version does a lot of damage too, sw will not be wanted anymore really by pugs. Most pugs will just do what the current meta is if they can, ie gf,dc, cw cw sw. The only reason SW is on that list atm is the live version of TT really. Will need to test when the changes go live on preview to see how much damage it will do of course, but at the moment its not looking good.
I agree with you. Problem with CW kings will remain. Too much of control and damage at the same time.
Except that you can still replace DC with temp SW. I still find my 14k-15k GS SW more useful in DD run then my 20k gs HR or any DC/TR/GWF. SW does enough damage to keep party alive in dungeons where burst heal is not required even without TT(did it couple of times since did not know about TT bug first) . But this is a bit of topic.
Also a bug, also getting fixed soon . As part of the Cleric Rework actually.
What?, Wait, do you really think this is ok?
DC only buff/heal the party and debuff enemies but it will be hard to do it if our AP gain is damaged this way.
What?, Wait, do you really think this is ok?
DC only buff/heal the party and debuff enemies but it will be hard to do it if our AP gain is damaged this way.
More testing need it.
Remember that this is coming with the Cleric rework, which is a pretty major overhaul of how they perform.
a) No one is arguing against the AP generation of KV/SoS being over the top.
b) The damage of SoS is already being addressed, and is only an issue (I'm assuming you're PvP focused based on your eloquence) with a 100% uptime (see a)) unless you can't figure out not to hit while it's active.
c) The engine/graphical issues created by a certain skill or combination of skills is not, has never been, and will never be an argument towards the buffing or nerfing of said skill.
^ Thousand times this. There has to be some kind of priority for game breaking bugs like this one. Duh. Flies away.
edit to add:
Hahaha this bug... This had been true since the beta, while CN was the most famous dungeon for more than a full year, exploited to death while at it (because there were more bugs than just the sticky door, ofc). There had been only 2 attempts to fix that in this huge period, both of which failed. I'm trying my best to be polite, but there's no better word than FAILURE.
They really need to address this issue, received a belt of wisdom from the HE in Rothe valley, was very excited. Look in inventory bag, and it was not there, I didn't receive the item at all. So what is the point in farming HE's when you check what you got, but you don't receive the items that you won.
So currently their is no point to farm HE's at the moment, even if you get an Artifact belt from the prizes, you won't get it in your inventory with this bug.
•The Tyranny of Dragons vendors (both the one located in Protector's Enclave and the one available via the Campaigns window) now feature two new items. Give them a try!
•Potion of Dragon Slaying
•Scroll of Protection from Dragons
While I appreciate that there is finally some sort of sink for the dragon coin currency, please seriously consider adding a Bounty Master to Mod 5 that converts Dragon Coins to other items.
In Mod 2 you can convert the blood currency into Seals, Crescent currency, Potion, or Cache bags.
In Mod 3 you can convert the onyx into script currency or Seals,
In Mod 4 you could convert Kessel Sigils into Seals, CK Coin, Salve potion, or Cache bags.
In Mod 5 ......
This would both standardize this module to the rest and removes some of the pain of having to farm all 5 dragons each day for 20 days to unlock either the 4th or 5th boon (which should be well received by most players). Please realize that this still leaves the pages as a throttling device for players progressing too quickly through the campaign... it only minimizes the burden of dealing with the 5 timers on each dragon heroic encounter.
It's the one skill that made the SW class even remotely worth playing and it gets a nerf because CW's, an already over powered class, complained about it in the forums. I would have expected some interest from the Dev team implementing a new class to the environment, to keep some tabs on how it performs. But why pay attention to a class everyone is ignoring anyway? No noise from the user group allows you to keep your head in the sand I guess.
Please take the time to review this class and it's roll in PvP and PvE, along with how effective it is at what you intended it to do. I would bet if you surveyed the user community the overall feedback on SW would be negative from experienced players on the viability of this new class.
This fix is a reference to some naughty things players were doing, nothing remotely to do with events or roleplay.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
TRs don't gain AP during Lurker's Assault and have not since it was reworked waaaaayyy back when, if this wasn't also true of the old version (I barely knew what I was doing back then and don't recall).
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
The thing that really annoys me is that if this was the other way round they would probably do an emergency maintenance to fix it but because it is only affecting players they don't , it seriously needs to be fixed as a priority , to see you won an item worth literally millions of AD after days and days or even weeks of farming just to not get it made me feel like giving up completely.
Additionally, the Icy Rays change is to make it respect Orb of Imposition. With Orb equipped at R3 you will actually have a slightly longer base root (2.1875 seconds) that your foe can now resist correctly. This is one of the central reasons for the adjustment to the timing on a single target. Hitting two targets is even more beneficial for that control. This also means that Tenacity will properly act on it and make the difference between Wizards who use Orb of Imposition and Wizards who use two damage features feel more obvious and differentiated.
Thank you all for your continued feedback!
Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
Holy Santa Clause ****!!!! I had no idea this was actually going on! That is freaking crazy! I'm not sure if this is the place for that post, but you guys need to keep spamming these posts, again and again until something happens. It would clearly be logged that you won a roll, and that the item did not go into your inventory. I'm sure if you guys supplied the dates and times, it would drastically improve your odds.
- About GF's.
- SOS was not broken. KV was not broken (the AP was but that is their fault). Guarded assault combined with KV and SOS and protector was a freaking AWESOME synergy. It worked, it reduced their damage a LOT, and it would barely do ANY damage lol, it was enough to make you a bit better than a meat shield. Combined Glyphs and you get a 300% increase in damage. From 1 million in an hour long pvp to 3 million total. Seriously, and your idea of a fix is the abilities?
- You fix the glyphs, but only for GF's?! I hope you are checking out the preview server, and watching the 1v1's, I'd rather not saying what is still OP on the forum as it won't be fixed and people will use it, and then it will get nerfed, and then PVE players will be punished even more.
- I am a 10000000% PVP player. I 100000000% agree in separating PVE and PVP entiiiiiirely. You finally separated some moves prone/stun ability, so why not separate these other moves!!!! PVE players make up a LOT more of the community, and probably pay Cryptic at least a ot more than the pvp players.
- You add an ICD to the red glyphs, and you'll see them drop off overload slots faster than you can even imagine. Which I believe is why you nerfed the blues, you then noticed they dropped off the hot bar, so instead of nerfing the reds you decided abilities that are most complained about to be a better idea so people will still buy the other glyphs.
There has been zero logic if any of this. PVE players are getting severely punished for no reason. PVP players will figure out another way, but sometimes those other ways don't work in PVE and may end up with GF's no longer welcome in dungeons. I'm not sure what else there is to say, but those are the facts, take em or leave em.
Ah okay then. Well the patch notes mention control strength (which isn't on the character sheet) not duration (what the tooltip on orb says), and nothing indicates that that's the same stat. That was confusing to say the least, thanks for the heads up.
No reason? No daily should have a 100% uptime, that's how the game works. Pick any class but the current GF on live and the daily is the spell you use the least. Not because it's bad but because it's supposed to be an "ultimate" spell you use at the right time. The change probably didn't happen for pvp reasons, pvp players probably made the issue more blatant, that's all.
Please stop blaming pvp when there's no reason to do so, this is getting old.
good example is Tyrannical thread from SW BTW. in DD run it allows to regenerate like 75% of AP points. Perfect example is Spellplague Caverns. just putting Tyrannical , Warlock bargain, death-rays on boss allows to it to 75%-80% extremely easy. Almost 100% uptime. It maybe fixed by Tyrannical not proc from other party damage. but as far as I remember Warlocks gain AP from using encounters rather then raw damage. Still respect t1 feet though.
First off let me say, Nice changes!
Now I'd like to ask a question about SW. Given our lack of control, and overall squishyness due to no immunity frames from dodge, teleport etc and the incoming change to TT, what exactly do you see us doing for a group that would make us wanted over another CW? Yes, I can heal the party but another CW can just control stuff and make healing not needed anyway.
And finally, thank you for the idol fix, I was the person who posted on forums (along w lots of others before I am sure
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
That is 100% opossite of what he sad. He actually fixed it locally and it will be in patch. He also found IR issues - above those in patch- but they will be fixed later - with all DC and TR changes. Stop speeding lie. Dev tracker
Nope, definitely a bug. I have fixed it locally here, although not sure when it will hit preview.
Swordmaster paragon path- Weapon Master Strike needs marking ability
Adding up every single source of Control Bonus still grants overall slightly less Control Bonus than simply slotting Orb of Imposition, which makes it rather pointless to invest in Control Bonus.
You'd end up with much higher damage output/utility by ignoring Control Bonus altogether, slot only damage boosting equip/companion actives and just add Orb of Imposition.
Yeah! PvP has never caused nerfs to the PvE side of the game..... /s
Well Good.But Now you need to decrease CW pve damage. Make them finally controller or damages. Not both.
And make HR finally worsy in pve.
Just to note - last week I run on my newbaby temp SW with 14k GS. Done more damage then 20k GS HR from my guild -one of the best pve HR i have seen.
Also later we run SP duo with 18k gs CW. easy mode really. Cause damage of TT from SW and Control+damage from CW is insane. You really don't need any other classes now. Maybe GF for KV and agro - that is it.
I do understand that this are buff and nerf. So please make them pve wise and not make it pvp braker again. PvP may feel better after small glypth fixes but removing those entirely, like companions, would work way better in domination.
No, it does not. WMS has buff for encounter powers through feat, lowers damage resistance for at-wills, has no cooldown and does great damage. And on top of that you want marking!? Are you fragging serious here? There's a reason why Threatening Rush does such low damage and has such a long cooldown.
Given the changes to TT that probably wont be true anymore. Basically unless the new version does a lot of damage too, sw will not be wanted anymore really by pugs. Most pugs will just do what the current meta is if they can, ie gf,dc, cw cw sw. The only reason SW is on that list atm is the live version of TT really. Will need to test when the changes go live on preview to see how much damage it will do of course, but at the moment its not looking good.
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
I agree with you. Problem with CW kings will remain. Too much of control and damage at the same time.
Except that you can still replace DC with temp SW. I still find my 14k-15k GS SW more useful in DD run then my 20k gs HR or any DC/TR/GWF. SW does enough damage to keep party alive in dungeons where burst heal is not required even without TT(did it couple of times since did not know about TT bug first) . But this is a bit of topic.