My friend is wearing blues and is at 12k gear score, I'm wearing full epic sets, And barley pulling 12k off. I examined him further and to my shock he's getting bonuses from his companions on a dirastic level.
I Got Epic level ioun Stone, Epic level Cantankerous mage, Epic level Wisp, Blue Wardog All fully geared out, bonding stones and level 60 epics fully enchanted r6 or higher and get 0 gearscore from my pets.
He gots pure stat boosting Pets.
I think we need to get some GS from our non stat producing pets , I got my pets purley based upon the fact module 4 needs alot of control for a CW, and I wanted to boost that as much as possible, and was considering getting the founders pack for the inturrupt pet as well to maximize my skills in this area. However, it just seems wrong to me that building this way I take such a huge cut to my gear score. I almost feel like I should get some companions just for the gearscore check at dungeons on module 4.
I've added +35% control bonus +10% chance to stun +6.5 reduced threat= 0 gs , Perhaps we need a base bonus for these to our gs to make things fair. 300-600 gs for an epic 200-400 for a blue 100-250 for a green 25-100 for a white
IDK, but I think this needs to be addressed since 13k gs and most likly other dungeons are gonna require alot more gear score to even think about. And I feel im not getting an accurate picture of my strength, And other people are getting that inaccuracy as well, and soon the game will be criticizing me for it too.
My friend is wearing blues and is at 12k gear score, I'm wearing full epic sets, And barley pulling 12k off. I examined him further and to my shock he's getting bonuses from his companions on a dirastic level.
I Got Epic level ioun Stone, Epic level Cantankerous mage, Epic level Wisp, Blue Wardog All fully geared out, bonding stones and level 60 epics fully enchanted r6 or higher and get 0 gearscore from my pets.
He gots pure stat boosting Pets.
I think we need to get some GS from our non stat producing pets , I got my pets purley based upon the fact module 4 needs alot of control for a CW, and I wanted to boost that as much as possible, and was considering getting the founders pack for the inturrupt pet as well to maximize my skills in this area. However, it just seems wrong to me that building this way I take such a huge cut to my gear score. I almost feel like I should get some companions just for the gearscore check at dungeons on module 4.
I've added +35% control bonus +10% chance to stun +6.5 reduced threat= 0 gs , Perhaps we need a base bonus for these to our gs to make things fair. 300-600 gs for an epic 200-400 for a blue 100-250 for a green 25-100 for a white
IDK, but I think this needs to be addressed since 13k gs and most likly other dungeons are gonna require alot more gear score to even think about. And I feel im not getting an accurate picture of my strength, And other people are getting that inaccuracy as well, and soon the game will be criticizing me for it too.
penalizing, not criticizing, right?
So certain pets add to GS, and others don't? That's news to me, and not good news.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited July 2014
I personally view flat stat bonuses on companions as junk, because once you have the GS to queue for stuff, adding to it is mostly just to show off. They've yet to implement a GS requirement for content that wasn't achievable by players who can realistically complete that content.
Don't play with people who only value you for your GS. There, all fixed.
IDK, but I think this needs to be addressed since 13k gs and most likly other dungeons are gonna require alot more gear score to even think about. And I feel im not getting an accurate picture of my strength, And other people are getting that inaccuracy as well, and soon the game will be criticizing me for it too.
With the GS you get from boons making 13k is incredibly easy using a T2 set with relatively basic enchants. The boons for M4 are (at the moment) all GS boosts and so simplify that even further.
Add on to that the armour reinforcement kits (up to 100 GS each at purple) and there's really no issue about making that target.
My Foundry Quests:
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
I fail to see any reason for adding GS to companions with other stats. You're free to choose between the 2 types. Play as you see fit.
Because Gearscore is what people judge you by, form groups by, and Effectivly kick you out of groups by. I just feel I shouldn't be penalized by an inaccurate ingame GearScore calculator. You know you get Gear score for Artifacts with +control with points like sphere of black ice, valindras shard, and Black ice beholder. Why not companions? Doesn't seem all that fair imo.
Expecially with soft caps, why would I want to sport more recovery, armor penetration, critical strike, when I have already hit my soft cap? It feels as if I'm being pushed into getting into a whole other set of companions just to show where I am gearscore wise.
"I personally view flat stat bonuses on companions as junk, because once you have the GS to queue for stuff, adding to it is mostly just to show off. They've yet to implement a GS requirement for content that wasn't achievable by players who can realistically complete that content."
Don't play with people who only value you for your GS. There, all fixed.
Um.... Don't play with everyone? Guilds run off a groups Gearscore to determine what runs this group can accomplish, Pugs run off gearscore to determine the weakest link in the chain to kick, Gearscore is also a determining factor in getting into higher tier dungeons. Yes I know 13k may be reach able if I stretch out some extra Astral diamonds, and some extra armor reinforcments. However, why should I be deemed the weakest link in a group based on gear score when I outgear a 15kgs person. I'm just saying its gonna really suck being penalized come 13k gs dungeons...and Everyones looking for 16k gs people, and I have to pug it in, and be repeatedly be kicked from group because of a percieved low amount of gearscore, and therefor a lowered amount of expectation to contribute.
If we're not adding Gearscore from pets, How about we Take away gearscore from the pets all together? Well I'm all for this. it would help the game All around... because People wearing green gear couldn't get into VT, and it would put us all on a more level head. IE putting more recovery in to boost ur gearscore when ur already 4k is just inflating your gearscore, Not adding to the groups chances of success at all, And would thus make more intelligent player choices. IE taking a utility companion over a gearscore boosting companion pushing you into the beyond of softcap useless stats.
"With the GS you get from boons making 13k is incredibly easy using a T2 set with relatively basic enchants. The boons for M4 are (at the moment) all GS boosts and so simplify that even further.
Add on to that the armour reinforcement kits (up to 100 GS each at purple) and there's really no issue about making that target. "
Your missing the point. Being able to que for the dungeon is only the smallest part of the issue. Being able to Stay in the group and not be considered the weakest link is the issue. Companions super boosting your Gearscore, wilst others who have arugmably better benefits for the group are valued at 0 is wrong. Even if you got 13k gearscore, the dungeon groups will be asking for 15,16,17,18k gs. And can't be bothered for a long winded explanation as to why your better then your gs says you are . lol
What i've noticed is that GS is affected by stats. Therefor if change out your enchants to better ones say r5 to r7 then your gs will go up from the + to stats, and i believe the stats differ by char. Example when i was rocking all blues on my hr i was over 6k power and my GS was around 13k, but when i changed to set items and upgraded my gems i was only at 14k gs but still about the same 6k power but all the other stats went up (and i did alot more damage), furthermore i noticed that gear with higher power vs say crit or ArP would give my higher gs maybe from the attack/healing increase. That would explain why your buddy gets better GS because it goes off raw stat numbers, sure that 2% chance to do 10% more damage is way better then the +55 power and recovery, but it won't add into the GS equation. In short if you want to you can inflate your GS by optimizing your stats then just switch your items back once you get into said party.
I think as others have said that the GS calculation shouldn't take the companions into account. Obviously they do affect you but because some companion benefits don't directly beef up the stats that go into GS. They could make the companion benefits to be like potions which do not affect the GS but obviously beef up your stats.
Indeed. Gear Score is calculated by adding all of your stats together.
This is it. It means nothing more.
The reason certain stats don't add to your gearscore is that they don't add "stats". 50% control resist doesn't count. 5% control bonus doesn't count. 300 recovery counts. Etc, etc. And it can vary from class to class, and based on what feats you pick. It's a general barometer of your power level, but far from a solid tool to tell how good a player is.
If your guild is judging you based on the size of your gearscore, you need to find a better guild. If you're having trouble with the mouthbreathers in /zone, check out the NW Legit channel. If people are kicking from groups because of gearscore, /ignore them and never look back.
Yes but some stats weigh heavier then others in the GS scheme +100 power helps alot more then +100 regen, from what I've noticed.
100 power = 100 regen as far as gearscore being calculate. How effective it makes a character is always debatable.
Assuming all else is equal, a Wizard with 3000 regen is going to have a higher gearscore than a Wizard with 2000 extra power. But who's going to do more damage in a party? The Wizard with 2k power instead of 3k regen. But gearscore won't tell you that.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited July 2014
the thing about GS-boosting companions is that in many cases they are inferior to companions with different, active bonuses. However, the same applies to gear in general - there are armor sets that are far superior to others with much higher GS.
In other words - the best build is not necessarily the highes GS one. If you play with people who don't understand that, I suggest you play with a better crowd.
Remove gear score from the game completely. It's a bane.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
edited July 2014
GS is a vague measure of how well you are likely to do with given content. Other factors, including your non-GS giving pets but especially your SKILL, determine how good you will actually be.
GS just doesn't matter.
If people you play with demand a certain gear score, type this into chat:
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community
Then start playing with very good people that don't care what your GS is.
Remove gear score from the game completely. It's a bane.
It's still in indicator that can help judge peoples levels easily. It's just that some people put too much emphasis on it. GS is a good measure of the difference between 2 people however how you use that gs (or sacrifice it for other stats) also plays a strong part. If you have too low gs for the content, you're letting your team down. If you're judging someone who has lower gs but could be able to the content, then you're kind of a judgemental so and so.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited July 2014
Join Legit, have a good attitude.. win. profit for all.
Gear Score strutting is frowned on, except for a few, who think its their job to make legit like LFG , easily done away through ignore though.
Most people have run multiple toons and know when they can contribute to a group, if not, no reasonable request is usually denied, lots of knowledgeable people who will explain how to get a T1 runnable set up cheap in the AH (30k AD, which you should at least have while leveling)
Gear score gating is ridiculous .. go to GG, want to run Fardelver and only have 9k gs? oh boy, be prepared to be totally ignored.
Whats the use of building your toon up and then NEVER helping anyone below you? There is minimal time difference, say with a group of 13k average and 14k average and scaling.. 1k averages isnt going to blow through a DD any faster for the most part.
GEAR score also doesnt take into account the very most important enchant, the weapon one. But again, Legit knows people have to eventually save up for those.. dont have one, no sweat, you can join a group.
Gear score gating is ridiculous .. go to GG, want to run Fardelver and only have 9k gs? oh boy, be prepared to be totally ignored.
There's something well...odd about the GG crowd, IMHO. I get ignored there and I have a 19k GS (nominally 19.8, 19.9 if I swap a ton of stuff around, but the stats at 19.8 are actually better--the cat "hides" more than the radiant ioun stone). Maybe it's because I'm an HR? Who knows. (and I don't even PvP -- I go to GG only when I'm *really* bored).
GS definitely isn't everything when you have an augment. If augment bonuses factored in, my GS would top 23 or 24k (all rank 10's, perfect bonding, etc.) Just play the way you like -- I get pressured to PvP with my GS, but I pushed it that high so I could mete appropriate justice to trolls and Fomorians.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
Join Legit, have a good attitude.. win. profit for all.
Gear Score strutting is frowned on, except for a few, who think its their job to make legit like LFG , easily done away through ignore though.
Most people have run multiple toons and know when they can contribute to a group, if not, no reasonable request is usually denied, lots of knowledgeable people who will explain how to get a T1 runnable set up cheap in the AH (30k AD, which you should at least have while leveling)
Gear score gating is ridiculous .. go to GG, want to run Fardelver and only have 9k gs? oh boy, be prepared to be totally ignored.
Whats the use of building your toon up and then NEVER helping anyone below you? There is minimal time difference, say with a group of 13k average and 14k average and scaling.. 1k averages isnt going to blow through a DD any faster for the most part.
GEAR score also doesnt take into account the very most important enchant, the weapon one. But again, Legit knows people have to eventually save up for those.. dont have one, no sweat, you can join a group.
I'll add to that by saying soulforged in the armor enchant is also very handy.
The other thing about legit is the average person will take the time to explain individual strategies
I'm sold. I'm going to join legit when I get home from work. I can't stand the GS gating. At 37, I most likely have more MMO experience than a large portion of those gating me and it infuriates me. I've had far too many party members with a lot higher GS than mine at 13k who are complete tards and don't know what the red markings on the ground mean.
Can't wait to listen in/contribute to /legit conversations and groups.
They are actually a decent group. I managed to get the stuff I needed from MC with them which considering my current guild is possibly dying was a godsend. Be prepared though that if you've been used to taking shortcuts through dungeons in the past, you won't be doing it here (at least very, very little). That's not a bad thing, but it was an interesting adjustment for one person that I was chatting with.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited July 2014
. . . Non-Stat Adding Companions do not add to Gearscore. In any case, the gear equipped on them does not add Gearscore. Only the base stats an Active Companion gives adds to gearscore. Even an Ioun Stone or Cats summoned stat bonuses do not add to gearscore and neither do their equipped runes.
. . . Whenever I get a fresh 60, I load him or her up on level 60 blues and Rank 5 to Rank 7 enchantments and almost always have 10-12k Gearscore right away. Gearscore should only be used as a Guide and not as a Determining Factor of Viability. What really matters is your choice of gear and what stats you're focusing on.
. . . All gearscore really does is create a false sense of elitism and confuse new players or those who don't realize that Gearscore is nothing to be concerned about. As long as you spec your character well and keep upgrading your equipment and enchantments, you'll easily get the GS requirements for any content. This latter is the only reason one should worry about their Gearscore.
. . . So, basically, a high gearscore just means, "You're probably doing something right." in terms of equipment. Still, I've seen high gearscored characters so spread out that they have really low, but spread out stats. It's nice on some characters to spread out stats but you really have to know what you're doing, why, and have a build that compliments the spreading out of stats. Otherwise, you'd be gimping yourself.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited July 2014
Flat stat bonus companion do add gear score. Like 300 power for an epic'd Sellsword.
Companions that give bonuses other than flat stat increases do not add gear score, as the OP describes. That's the difference.
I always have moments when I put away some green account unlock companion I only had equipped so I could level it, put my normal companion back, and then wonder why my gear score went down slightly.
I personally think the need to have insanely high GS is mostly cosmetic. I have a 60 of all classes and even WITHOUT any enchantments equipped, most of my toons are at least 13k or higher. My CW main just in armor and purple skeletal dog(400 LS) and no other stat companions with no enchants is 15k GS. So I wouldn't worry about GS too much. Like most people say- knowing how to play your class correctly is waaaay more than GS any day!!!!
lol remember back when GFs could hit 20k GS or more and still get rocked in pvp by a 13k?! hahaha
(I do have artifacts but they don't add too much to my CWs GS :P )
Here's the fix. Learn that GS is a trash measurement of a player.
agreed, I can be 20k GS rogue if I equip all my GS companions and artifacts but the dps will go down dramatically -.-
GS only matters till 15-16k. Any higher GS is not a measure...of course you can overwhelm the newbies with those numbers but let's be honest :P
penalizing, not criticizing, right?
So certain pets add to GS, and others don't? That's news to me, and not good news.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Don't play with people who only value you for your GS. There, all fixed.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
That's like saying "I fail to see any reason for balancing classes for PVP. You're free to choose between classes. Play as you see fit."
I think ALL companions should have GS elements removed. That would be the easiest fix.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
That's my thinking
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
With the GS you get from boons making 13k is incredibly easy using a T2 set with relatively basic enchants. The boons for M4 are (at the moment) all GS boosts and so simplify that even further.
Add on to that the armour reinforcement kits (up to 100 GS each at purple) and there's really no issue about making that target.
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified
A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
Because Gearscore is what people judge you by, form groups by, and Effectivly kick you out of groups by. I just feel I shouldn't be penalized by an inaccurate ingame GearScore calculator. You know you get Gear score for Artifacts with +control with points like sphere of black ice, valindras shard, and Black ice beholder. Why not companions? Doesn't seem all that fair imo.
Expecially with soft caps, why would I want to sport more recovery, armor penetration, critical strike, when I have already hit my soft cap? It feels as if I'm being pushed into getting into a whole other set of companions just to show where I am gearscore wise.
"I personally view flat stat bonuses on companions as junk, because once you have the GS to queue for stuff, adding to it is mostly just to show off. They've yet to implement a GS requirement for content that wasn't achievable by players who can realistically complete that content."
Don't play with people who only value you for your GS. There, all fixed.
Um.... Don't play with everyone? Guilds run off a groups Gearscore to determine what runs this group can accomplish, Pugs run off gearscore to determine the weakest link in the chain to kick, Gearscore is also a determining factor in getting into higher tier dungeons. Yes I know 13k may be reach able if I stretch out some extra Astral diamonds, and some extra armor reinforcments. However, why should I be deemed the weakest link in a group based on gear score when I outgear a 15kgs person. I'm just saying its gonna really suck being penalized come 13k gs dungeons...and Everyones looking for 16k gs people, and I have to pug it in, and be repeatedly be kicked from group because of a percieved low amount of gearscore, and therefor a lowered amount of expectation to contribute.
If we're not adding Gearscore from pets, How about we Take away gearscore from the pets all together? Well I'm all for this. it would help the game All around... because People wearing green gear couldn't get into VT, and it would put us all on a more level head. IE putting more recovery in to boost ur gearscore when ur already 4k is just inflating your gearscore, Not adding to the groups chances of success at all, And would thus make more intelligent player choices. IE taking a utility companion over a gearscore boosting companion pushing you into the beyond of softcap useless stats.
"With the GS you get from boons making 13k is incredibly easy using a T2 set with relatively basic enchants. The boons for M4 are (at the moment) all GS boosts and so simplify that even further.
Add on to that the armour reinforcement kits (up to 100 GS each at purple) and there's really no issue about making that target. "
Your missing the point. Being able to que for the dungeon is only the smallest part of the issue. Being able to Stay in the group and not be considered the weakest link is the issue. Companions super boosting your Gearscore, wilst others who have arugmably better benefits for the group are valued at 0 is wrong. Even if you got 13k gearscore, the dungeon groups will be asking for 15,16,17,18k gs. And can't be bothered for a long winded explanation as to why your better then your gs says you are . lol
Indeed. Gear Score is calculated by adding all of your stats together.
Yes but some stats weigh heavier then others in the GS scheme +100 power helps alot more then +100 regen, from what I've noticed.
This is it. It means nothing more.
The reason certain stats don't add to your gearscore is that they don't add "stats". 50% control resist doesn't count. 5% control bonus doesn't count. 300 recovery counts. Etc, etc. And it can vary from class to class, and based on what feats you pick. It's a general barometer of your power level, but far from a solid tool to tell how good a player is.
If your guild is judging you based on the size of your gearscore, you need to find a better guild. If you're having trouble with the mouthbreathers in /zone, check out the NW Legit channel. If people are kicking from groups because of gearscore, /ignore them and never look back.
100 power = 100 regen as far as gearscore being calculate. How effective it makes a character is always debatable.
Assuming all else is equal, a Wizard with 3000 regen is going to have a higher gearscore than a Wizard with 2000 extra power. But who's going to do more damage in a party? The Wizard with 2k power instead of 3k regen. But gearscore won't tell you that.
In other words - the best build is not necessarily the highes GS one. If you play with people who don't understand that, I suggest you play with a better crowd.
GS just doesn't matter.
If people you play with demand a certain gear score, type this into chat:
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community
Then start playing with very good people that don't care what your GS is.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
It's still in indicator that can help judge peoples levels easily. It's just that some people put too much emphasis on it. GS is a good measure of the difference between 2 people however how you use that gs (or sacrifice it for other stats) also plays a strong part. If you have too low gs for the content, you're letting your team down. If you're judging someone who has lower gs but could be able to the content, then you're kind of a judgemental so and so.
Gear Score strutting is frowned on, except for a few, who think its their job to make legit like LFG , easily done away through ignore though.
Most people have run multiple toons and know when they can contribute to a group, if not, no reasonable request is usually denied, lots of knowledgeable people who will explain how to get a T1 runnable set up cheap in the AH (30k AD, which you should at least have while leveling)
Gear score gating is ridiculous .. go to GG, want to run Fardelver and only have 9k gs? oh boy, be prepared to be totally ignored.
Whats the use of building your toon up and then NEVER helping anyone below you? There is minimal time difference, say with a group of 13k average and 14k average and scaling.. 1k averages isnt going to blow through a DD any faster for the most part.
GEAR score also doesnt take into account the very most important enchant, the weapon one. But again, Legit knows people have to eventually save up for those.. dont have one, no sweat, you can join a group.
There's something well...odd about the GG crowd, IMHO. I get ignored there and I have a 19k GS (nominally 19.8, 19.9 if I swap a ton of stuff around, but the stats at 19.8 are actually better--the cat "hides" more than the radiant ioun stone). Maybe it's because I'm an HR? Who knows. (and I don't even PvP -- I go to GG only when I'm *really* bored).
GS definitely isn't everything when you have an augment. If augment bonuses factored in, my GS would top 23 or 24k (all rank 10's, perfect bonding, etc.) Just play the way you like -- I get pressured to PvP with my GS, but I pushed it that high so I could mete appropriate justice to trolls and Fomorians.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
The other thing about legit is the average person will take the time to explain individual strategies
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Don't group with idiots.
Can't wait to listen in/contribute to /legit conversations and groups.
. . . Whenever I get a fresh 60, I load him or her up on level 60 blues and Rank 5 to Rank 7 enchantments and almost always have 10-12k Gearscore right away. Gearscore should only be used as a Guide and not as a Determining Factor of Viability. What really matters is your choice of gear and what stats you're focusing on.
. . . All gearscore really does is create a false sense of elitism and confuse new players or those who don't realize that Gearscore is nothing to be concerned about. As long as you spec your character well and keep upgrading your equipment and enchantments, you'll easily get the GS requirements for any content. This latter is the only reason one should worry about their Gearscore.
. . . So, basically, a high gearscore just means, "You're probably doing something right." in terms of equipment. Still, I've seen high gearscored characters so spread out that they have really low, but spread out stats. It's nice on some characters to spread out stats but you really have to know what you're doing, why, and have a build that compliments the spreading out of stats. Otherwise, you'd be gimping yourself.
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Companions that give bonuses other than flat stat increases do not add gear score, as the OP describes. That's the difference.
I always have moments when I put away some green account unlock companion I only had equipped so I could level it, put my normal companion back, and then wonder why my gear score went down slightly.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
lol remember back when GFs could hit 20k GS or more and still get rocked in pvp by a 13k?! hahaha
(I do have artifacts but they don't add too much to my CWs GS :P )
GS only matters till 15-16k. Any higher GS is not a measure...of course you can overwhelm the newbies with those numbers but let's be honest :P
WTB Class Reroll please