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Official Feedback Thread: Control Wizard Changes



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    loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Just came back from soloing Rescue Prospectors (Hammerstone) with a Thaumaturge build and finally the T4/T5 feats contribute to your DPS output significantly. Assailant came back as No1 DPS in ACT and was only topped by Elemental Empowerment, because Assailant still doesn't benefit from debuffs correctly (HV, FPT).

    Assailant still doesn't benefit from debuffs (HV, FPT)

    Because I was impressed with the Creeping Frost performance, I switched to an all Cold build with RoI on tab, Icy, Steal Time and SS and was very surprised how much control the CW is able to put out even without SotEA between Daily, Freeze and Steal Time. If this stays the same, I think people will probably still wanna run with 2x Thauma instead of 1x Oppressor and another DPS class of choice.
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    v1rus89v1rus89 Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2014
    Feedback after 3 hours on preview after patch. (PVP)

    Feeback : Shard of endless avalanche.

    For the 2000 time.

    Put a max target limit on the MASTERY version of this encounter (from 3 to 5 max targets) and give us the live server damage back.
    This encounter hits for 1/2k crit on preview server and the 1 second prone time added doesen't compensate for the huuuuuge dmg loss.
    I am full rank 9, perfects and legendaries and my shard on preview in open world when deflected hit my opponent for 400dmg. (multiple times and he was a TR too...)
    Rework this encounter damage because this is straight up overkill.
    Make it viable for PVP again.

    Ps: Plus the armor pen. worked on this encounter correctly already, so there's absolutely no cut to the nerf on preview in any way.

    Ps2: Overall i like the other changes, only thing i would make the radius of icy terrain larger with every point put in the spell.
    Virus, Enemy Team.
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    gabryelgabryel Member Posts: 542 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014

    Since the Renegade capstone utilizes magic missile, it pretty much locks someone who chooses this path to be their main at-will. And because of how the damage is already being reduced, how about moving the reduction to the capstone so that those who choose to be in this tree will have the SAME effect that it has now on live. So essentially, a buff to keep it the same as now, to include the cooldown and damage.

    They're also reworking the capstone to not require Magic Missile. They should probably just rename the class to Cold Wizard.
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    ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    v1rus89 wrote: »
    Feedback after 3 hours on preview after patch. (PVP)

    Feeback : Shard of endless avalanche.

    For the 2000 time.

    Put a max target limit on the MASTERY version of this encounter (from 3 to 5 max targets) and give us the live server damage back.
    This encounter hits for 1/2k crit on preview server and the 1 second prone time added doesen't compensate for the huuuuuge dmg loss.
    I am full rank 9, perfects and legendaries and my shard on preview in open world when deflected hit my opponent for 400dmg. (multiple times and he was a TR too...)
    Rework this encounter damage because this is straight up overkill.
    Make it viable for PVP again.

    Ps: Plus the armor pen. worked on this encounter correctly already, so there's absolutely no cut to the nerf on preview in any way.

    Ps2: Overall i like the other changes, only thing i would make the radius of icy terrain larger with every point put in the spell.
    Its target limit is already 5.
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    v1rus89v1rus89 Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2014
    Make it 3 then and buff the damage to live server or slightly less. (= not over performing in pve because of the high density of mobs /viable in pvp and not completely destroyed)
    problem solved.
    Virus, Enemy Team.
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    charkanramoncharkanramon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Bug - Orb of Imposition

    Orb is not working. That was for the Shatter Strike last some 9 seconds but a Yeti stands still for 3 seconds only. Do not tell me that monster is considered a player.
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    yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Bug : Twisting Immolation

    Twisting Immolation doesn't give the appropriate(it gives none) daze effect time, of 4 secs at rank 5, to the Furious Immolation Daily power. This is a very well confirmed and tested bug.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
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    ahsherahsher Member Posts: 208 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Renegade Capstone? Powers have reduced casting time by 20%
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    yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Bug : Orb of Imposition

    Orb of Imposition doesn't increase the duration of control effects at all. The stun effect of shatter strike isn't affected as is the steal time spells , stun effect. A 75% increase of control duration means that stun and prone times should almost double , which clearly doesn't happen.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
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    isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Assailant force hits way to hard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV4mD_jc840&list=UUhPmvoFXVyxAI3gv30-z4tQ
    personally i fought the control wizards sometimes and although i won like twice. i would block hits attacks but asailant force would keep hitting me for 10k. Also the passive a control wizard has that makes it extremely difficult to combo on a control wizard because you keep robber banding backwards. Plague fight makes assailant force proc also.
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    yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Bug : Wizard Orbs

    After latest patch on preview ,enchantments(Tested with plaguefire) cause a double image of wizards orb weapons. There is one image of the weapon and a duplicate of the weapons effect. These effects intersect at a 90 degrees angle. As a result wizards are running around with two weapons on their shoulders which is very annoying(to me at least.)
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
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    kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I've played my primary toon since open beta as a Renegade Spellstorm CW:

    Renegade Wizard - What's the point of being one - As a Renegade Wizard you should bring some unique advantage to a party that is different or better than a Thaum or Oppressor. I just don't see a reason to take a SpellStorm Renegade Wizard in modules 4. Thaum and Oppressor do more damage, Oppressor provides both more control & more party utility (and don't mention Nightmare Wizardy, many non-Renegade PVE wizards already feat it). Our capstone feat is mostly ignorable if you are a reasonable well equipped PVE wizard with a full set of PVE boons (we've mostly have enough armor-piercing to not care if we get more, we mostly have enough life steal + Endless Consumption so we don't really benefit from the heal, so what remains is that we have a chance at a 1/3 chance of approx 10% more damage or a 10% bump to our Critical chance) - compared to the Oppressor capstone, it's pathetic.

    I've looked at the ACT parse of a couple runs on Mimic, compared to a similarly geared/gs oppressor, so I have a fairly decent idea of what I'm seeing.
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    yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback : Assailing Force / Renegade path

    With the Internal cool down having been reduced,upon testing it seems to be a small but noticeable icd of 2-3 secs,assailing force feels and looks very nice.Thaumaturge had always been a cws damage paragon path and assailing force puts it right back in the game.Having to make conscious decisions between control or damage is very sensible. However , the Renegade Path is still lacking. Perhaps its boons should be made team wide.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
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    relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    With all these changes, it's sad how renegade (my one and only since Open Beta) is put to waste.

    Adding to renegade capstone party-wise buffs plus reduced casting time and no ICD on freats (and I mean EotS) would at least allow renegades do some damage. And would save at least one end game skill for Spellstorm Wizards (since nobody really uses Maelstrom and Shard does less damage then many skills acquirable earlier in the game). No ICD on EotS for renegade build will not make them OP in anyway. It will only make choice between Thauma and Rene a bit harder. I still think Thauma will outdps any renegade. With party buffs renegades will also be more team-friendly. Phantasmal destruction could also be a party-wise buff. At least that would make Renegades of some use.

    Thaumas see now rise in DPS, Oppressors in control... I don't see anything appealing with Spellstorm Renegade any more. If things don't change, there won't be many renegades around.
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
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    hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    I think it's okay if they make you be able to block/dodge it. Just don't nerf the damage due to PvP.

    Also I don't think it's supposed to ignore tenacity and hit for 9,6k. 800% of 800 weapon damage is 6,4k.
    (´・ ω ・`)
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    kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    relativity wrote: »
    With all these changes, it's sad how renegade (my one and only since Open Beta) is put to waste.

    Adding to renegade capstone party-wise buffs plus reduced casting time and no ICD on freats (and I mean EotS) would at least allow renegades do some damage. And would save at least one end game skill for Spellstorm Wizards (since nobody really uses Maelstrom and Shard does less damage then many skills acquirable earlier in the game). No ICD on EotS for renegade build will not make them OP in anyway. It will only make choice between Thauma and Rene a bit harder. I still think Thauma will outdps any renegade. With party buffs renegades will also be more team-friendly. Phantasmal destruction could also be a party-wise buff. At least that would make Renegades of some use.

    Thaumas see now rise in DPS, Oppressors in control... I don't see anything appealing with Spellstorm Renegade any more. If things don't change, there won't be many renegades around.

    Honestly, our feats should not be a party wide buff (hey, we're renegade spell storm, not party-charity spell storm like the Oppressor tree ;) ). But because we are tied to Nightmare Wizardry & Phantasmal Destruction the changes have basically completely broken the synergy in feat tree. Our capstone has always been of questionable utility, but we put up with it because of the rest.
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Some observations from experimenting in PvE and PvP zones last night:

    Feedback: Shield

    I initially thought shield might be too strong with the changes. But after testing it is probably right where it should be. With the damage changes to the GF I needed every bit of that shield on tab to make it a competitive fight. Most fights were close. When I stopped using shield I got slaughtered. Neither of us was PvP specced.

    Feedback: Orb of Imposition
    I haven't done thorough testing but initial impressions are that Orb of Imposition is inconsistent. When I was doing PvE Entangling Force lasted for around 9 seconds on some enemies (long enough for the power to almost come off cooldown) so I could perma-choke and enemy if I felt like it. Also the stun from Steal Time was increased. However, I did not notice any difference on Shard of the Endless Avalanche or Shatter.

    Once I tried some of these powers out in PvP things got strange. On a GF with no tenacity Entangling Force would sometimes choke them for 2-3 seconds, but sometimes barely over a second. That shouldn't happen if Orb of Imposition is working properly.

    Could you possibly give us a list of which control powers Orb of Imposition should affect so we can test if it is working properly? It's too hard to for me to know if it is working as intended or not.

    Bug: Shard of the Endless Avalanche

    The stun from Shard of the Endless Avalanche can be reflected. There were times that I dropped a shard on a GF and my shield popped and we both got stunned for 2.5 seconds. I can understand reflecting damage, but stuns too? That seems wrong.

    Bug: Shard of the Endless Avalanche

    Shard can pass through other players without damaging them or proning them. When I drop a Shard of Avalanche on another player in PvP it prones them. Then they get up and run around. Then I push the shard so it rolls over them and instead of damaging them and proning them again it harmlessly passes through them. I push it so it hits them again and the same thing happens - no damage and no prone. This can't be intentional. It would make tabbed Shard of Avalanche worthless after its initial drop.

    Bug: Shard of the Endless Avalanche

    There were several times in PvE where the Shard prone time was completely ignored by enemies--they would get back up immediately after the shard exploded. In the Dread Ring I pushed the shard into a group of zombies. It exploded and half of them would lay on the ground prone for 4 seconds, half of them got up and stated moving toward me with no prone time.
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback: Shatter

    I also have a question for the developers: What is the probability of a stun occurring after Shatter? I froze the GF I was experimenting with 5 times, they were hit by Shatter 5 times but were never stunned afterward. Stuns are all an PvP Oppressor have to defend themselves (damage sure isn't an option) if they are unreliable and have a low probability they won't be viable in PvP. Your internal testing may show otherwise, but I doubt I'd be much use in PvP with an Oppressor spec.
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bahaha i was there for that one yeah i was getting hit for 10k+ after icy rays even with 20% teneacity assailant force is ridiculous 10k+ dmg that procs on plague fire and icy rays i literally got killed in like 2-3 seconds im guessing assailing force is not being mitigated by tenacity.

    Feedback: Assailant

    Assailant looks to have a pretty bad imbalance between PvP and PvE. The problem is with, as always, the internal cooldown. Against a single target over 1 minute, Assailant can proc 12 times for (guessing from the video) around 110,000 damage. That is 1,800 dps which is pretty nuts for single target damage from one feat. However, against a mob of 15 enemies Assailant will still proc 12 times in a minute for 110,000 damage or about 7,200 damage per target per minute (120 dps per target) which is wimpy for a feat.

    Assailant is far too beastly on single targets and still too weak on large mobs. The internal cooldown mechanism is the problem. You can't balance the damage for PvE and PvP at the same time. Tuning it properly for one wrecks the ability for the other by making it either useless of overpowered.
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback: Storm Fury

    This class feature should be removed and replaced with one that can buff single target damage spells by 5/10/15%. Storm Fury is dowright awful. It's damage is so low that it is of no use whatsoever. Give us a class feature that will help offset the single-target DPS we are losing (which was not that great to begin with). This won't cause any overpowering problems because it won't synergize with any other class features or feats. It will just be useful for PvP and boss fights.
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    hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Feedback: Assailant Force

    Make this feat be like Elemental Empowerment (applying to the enemy, not the player), but instead of giving a DoT it will deal direct weapon damage. Also take the ICD away.
    (´・ ω ・`)
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Suggested re-work to assailing force to make it viable in PvE without making it overpowered in PvP:

    Feedback: Assailing Force

    Make it so that the damage of assailing force hits all enemies in a 20-30 foot radius around the enemy that it triggers on but reduce the damage by 2/3. That fixes the PvP imbalance as it will only do 3,000ish damage every 5 seconds without making it worthless in PvE.

    Alternatively you could make Assailing Force do less damage to other characters than it does in PvE.

    One other option would be to make Assailing Force do less (or no) damage to targets that have already been affected by it once.
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Bug: Assailing Force

    The damage for Assailing force is not being calculated correctly. I parsed a run of the Heroic Encounter Rescue the Prospectors (Chilltooth) in the Dwarven Valley. Below is the parsed data. Assailant peaked at 22,635 and on average did around 16,000 (the parse shows an average of 5,484 but that is including triggers, only 1/3 of those are actual damage). Assailant is supposed to be capped at 800% of weapon damage. My max weapon damage is 827, so 8*827 = 6616 so clearly that is not working as intended.

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    hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Bug: Twisting Immolation Feat

    Player targets are NOT Dazed when the daily is used.

    Bug: Repel

    The push effect of this power can still be deflected.
    (´・ ω ・`)
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    seventhpillarseventhpillar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Dear Mr. G.Crush, et al.

    I know there is a massive call for nerfing the CW. Trust me I get it. And all the while dialing these damages have been a lot better compared to before, the few and very proud Renegades have been falling to waste and soon if it doesn't change, they will be in the ways of the dodo. What I propose to make renegade the way it is, not a party buff guy because that is not what a renegade is. It's a peaky and risky tree. Instead of nerfing the feats off the renegade, why not just rearrange the tree that you have to be deep in to get phantasmal destruction and nightmare wizardry? Make it to where the capstone is PD and before that, put NW and then just keep them as they are now. The problem is that keeping these low enough allows other trees to pick from them and generally makes nothing unique for us in this tree. Not only the selection for this tree is slim picking, the daily attached to it is completely worthless and no utility.

    If this happens, it will make it very competitive and would make others decide they want constant damage (thaum), risky but peaky damage (renegade) or full control (oppressor). To me I think that makes sense. Now if you want us to be a buff providing bunch, rename the tree altogether and prepare to lose all the renegades as I don't think anyone would chose that path. Why not just roll a DC?

    I feel like whatever we (renegades) put forth here seems to get ignored. I hope you please, please, please. Read this and reconsider.
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    mfgamesysmfgamesys Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback on Assailing Force

    Currently on preview I fought 2 different cws with similar specs and with just at wills were killing me after 4 procs of this feature for 10k damage each this is utter overkill(this only took a few seconds to accomplish with dot weapon enchants). Even with entangling force this was going off as well with dots doing 10k damage as well this needs a serious tone down in pvp.

    Shield giving a perm 50% dr buff is also way over the top as well, this needs to be toned down cws have the dr of a prot gf

    my perspective as a gf
    Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
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    niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    There's no "cap". The 15%/800% is the base damage of the ability, then you get anything that would normally boost your damage added to it.

    Shield rework...awesome
    Assailant rework...awesome sauce

    Assailant title...would be priceless!
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    isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
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    yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback : Shield

    After testing it on preview i must say that i'm pleased with it,it has increased my survivability to the point that i now feel like i have a chance and don't need to dodge all the time. When placed in the Mastery slot the sacrifice in Dps is quite a lot but i feel it's worth it since now we can have a chance in pvp. Good rework which i approve of wholeheartedly. Cws don't have good defensive stats and that boost was badly needed.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
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    yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback : Assailing Force

    After testing it further i have come to agree with a previous post,which stated that it is underpowered in pve and quite powerful in pvp. In pve its damage output isn't significant because it is a single target power with only a percentage chance of activating. But in pvp it does significant amounts of damage,that are refreshed. To be honest i hate internal cooldowns so i would suggest to not go down that path since it will make it unusable,like Eye of the storm. An alternative would be to change it so that weapon enchants,such as plaguefire, don't activate it with their dots.Also make it so that only encounter powers activate it. That way no cw will be able to kill other players by just spamming icy ray. Another alternative would be to reduce its damage output by say 30% but make it an Area of Effect feat with a target cap of say 5 to 10 which,again, cannot be activated by weapon enchants and at-wills but by encounter powers only.

    Edit : It has been mentioned in other posts that Assailing Force is Bugged and has a much Greater Damage output than intended.If that is the case then simply fixing it ,in order to conform to its tool-tip, will solve all problems without having to resort to nerfs and internal cooldowns.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
This discussion has been closed.