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Call to Arms: Garrundar the Vile Now Live!



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    mungsumungsu Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ruphail wrote: »
    just got shamen followed by cruio after 150 runsss. feels really good when you finally get it

    I got the shaman and curio back to back too on the first day and then nothing for the next 45 runs. Seeing other people report the same back-to-back drop makes me wonder if it's designed that way. At least I have lots of enchants to use for refining artifacts.
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    trexslayer5trexslayer5 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I got 1 companion and 1 Ancient Curio on the first day of the skirmish event within 2 hours of pure CTA. I say I am just super lucky, but I'm not proud of this cos I got nothing after 3 more hours of CTA...

    I don't know it's just my connection or it's for the majority out there as well. When I try to run away from the massive red circle of the dragon, my blue circle is completely out of the red circle and I still get blown away and damage are still dealt to me. Is this the mechanic or is it lag or what else?

    This skirmish is not enjoyable at all after not getting much from it and while in skirmish, everything just lags and I can barely aim properly...
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    placuuuplacuuu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    i wonder what this CTA is for? if drop rate is so low....
    just to make CTA for itself?? ok you can make it 5-10 times... afterwards it is boring.... anyway i made over 70 runs and nothing..... good job NW team... you are the winner...
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    seitredici wrote: »
    (BTW, since I had over 600 medallions (left over from previous CTAs) on my main, I got the orb transmute for him. I like the look of the skull, but it's frozen in one spot and looks bizarre just stuck like that. I know that's been mentioned, but figured I'd say it again.)

    The transmute skins are account bound, so your CW could have bought the bow for your HR.

    re: CTA in general
    I did 27ish runs of it over the course of the weekend, just enough to fulfill my old Rhix daily on all characters that hadn't done it (might have gone over by 1 or 2). This was always during the skirmish event, so that was basically 6k AD per character. I got the Ancient Curio on my very first run (whew!) and bought a shaman for cheap before the AH price controllers got involved. I didn't really expect to get a companion drop, but I will say that my participation level was similar for CTA: Battle for the Bridge and I got *four* fire sprites.

    None of the groups I was in kicked anyone except for campfire-sitting leeches. It's unfortunate that some people cop the attitude that you can't play if you're not a big gun, but not all 60s are like that, I promise. I might take a look at a group and determine that I'll probably have to carry them, but I'm mostly ok with that as long as everyone does their best.

    I had fun, but I didn't grind it and get burned out.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    mareatlanticummareatlanticum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 202 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    No even single companion in my hundred runs. That pretty much makes this worst event ever in my books...
    Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Complete waste of my time, TYVM Cryptic...

    Already had a stack of rank 5 enchantments and CTA currency. I only wanted the companion, but you had to nerf the drop rate even lower for my already non-existent luck.

    The green slime could be purchased and guess what, it still sells for the same amount as the sprite and some other previous CTA drops. Utterly disappointing.
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    colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The transmute skins are account bound, so your CW could have bought the bow for your HR.

    re: CTA in general
    I did 27ish runs of it over the course of the weekend, just enough to fulfill my old Rhix daily on all characters that hadn't done it (might have gone over by 1 or 2). This was always during the skirmish event, so that was basically 6k AD per character. I got the Ancient Curio on my very first run (whew!) and bought a shaman for cheap before the AH price controllers got involved. I didn't really expect to get a companion drop, but I will say that my participation level was similar for CTA: Battle for the Bridge and I got *four* fire sprites.

    None of the groups I was in kicked anyone except for campfire-sitting leeches. It's unfortunate that some people cop the attitude that you can't play if you're not a big gun, but not all 60s are like that, I promise. I might take a look at a group and determine that I'll probably have to carry them, but I'm mostly ok with that as long as everyone does their best.

    I had fun, but I didn't grind it and get burned out.

    Heh, the best CTA run we had was with a team of lower lvl chars ranging from 14-17 (not ours) and two lvl 60 GF. They were not even bots, just new players trying to enjoy the event. Why would we kick them, it takes maybe 2 minutes more to finish the dragon off.


    Regarding the Shaman - auction manipulation... I am starting to believe that this (auction/economy manipulation) should be a bannable offense. Where i am coming from, one does not play with money or other's earned goods in order to gain a huge personal profit from it.


    On topic, i enjoyed this CTA the most of them all, minus the drop rate(s).

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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The real funny thing is, to me, the drop rate seems improved. I've partisipted in every CTA to date. And I've only been able to see a pet drop in half of them. I've never done a CTA event with less then 100 runs. And I've considered myself lucky to even get a pet, at all, for any event. Put simply, my luck in past events has been abismal. This event I managed to score both the pet and the curio in less then 10 runs.

    So either I'm an odd outlier or rumors of odds being changed. Are simply that, rumors. I personally enjoyed this event and the current odds.
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    mareatlanticummareatlanticum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 202 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    This wouldn't have been that bad CtA if the drop rates were right, especially with the companions but the token drops too.
    Also they should remove the discussion part, making it possible to teleport straight away and there shouldn't be any delays between the enemy waves. Also another CtA with faster and stronger dragon and completely without the henchmen would be nice.
    Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
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    mareatlanticummareatlanticum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 202 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    The real funny thing is, to me, the drop rate seems improved. I've partisipted in every CTA to date. And I've only been able to see a pet drop in half of them. I've never done a CTA event with less then 100 runs. And I've considered myself lucky to even get a pet, at all, for any event. Put simply, my luck in past events has been abismal. This event I managed to score both the pet and the curio in less then 10 runs.

    So either I'm an odd outlier or rumors of odds being changed. Are simply that, rumors. I personally enjoyed this event and the current odds.

    If this were true and the drops would have improved, the pets would be much more numerous in the AH and their price would have touched under 20k AD, like for example with the druids, which I got 6 in total with about 100-120 runs. The AH price is good marker how good the drop rates are, as when they are scarce, the prices are high and when not, they plunge to really low. I never got the slime drop from the Marvelous Game (bought it though from the shop) and then the prices were high too, about 100k in lowest. With every CtA this far I have seen, the companion price has been on AH atleast under 30k AD, except this time.

    My guess is they are testing the drop rates and trying to find a sweet spot, but this certainly wasn't the one.
    Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    AH prices for this one were subject to serious manipulation. I think it wouldn't have been possible without low drop rates keeping the number of available companions on the low side, but they kept getting bought out so the price of them actually ended up inflating over the course of the event rather than deflating. It started out practically normal on Thursday and reached ridiculously high prices by Sunday. It was weird.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yea there is more going on here then just drop rates. Actual evidence of any changes are hard to come by. I honestly find it doubtfull that Cryptic would alter things to reduce drops and therefore trading. At the very same time they are running a massive AD sink event.

    I believe this is simply a poor combination of perception leading people to believe in a reduced drop rate. Mixed with market manipulation and at a time when AD is at its lowest perceived value. We see these drop complaints each and every CTA. I see no reason, yet presented, to prove anything had actually changed.
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    I honestly find it doubtfull that Cryptic would alter things to reduce drops and therefore trading. At the very same time they are running a massive AD sink event.

    I don't know about the companion drop rates ,it probably feels nerfed to me just because I ran so many times and never got one but they have definitely reduced the amount of medallions per run. And yes I also read on here a couple of days back that the companions were being bought up as soon as they were put in the AH so somebody is trying to manipulate , seems weird though with such a lacklustre pet or maybe it is because it is a green healing companion ,I dunno whatever lol.
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    relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I have been reading this topic and another one dedicated to last CtA (here: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?685311-Over-100-CTA-s-and-not-one-shaman-drop/page6) and it struck me how many times lucky players got companion and curio shortly after. Could Devs elaborate on this a bit? Is it only weird coincidence or RNG has some serious flaw?
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
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    reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    i usually find the ctas enjoyable but this was grunt work and no companion and the lag was painful sometimes i couldnt even get to garrundar till everyone had left the party
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reilz1981 wrote: »
    i usually find the ctas enjoyable but this was grunt work and no companion and the lag was painful sometimes i couldnt even get to garrundar till everyone had left the party

    Way to much CC immune AoE spam for me to tolerate 100 times over. God I hate trappers and Mystics SOOOOO much! Why can they endlessly spam those OP gas clouds and be immune to CC all at the same time.
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    l3g10nna1rel3g10nna1re Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    141 runs in total

    No curio
    No companion

    Yeah..... very nice event.....

    How about an Event that is rewarding please? and not a Grind vrs the ever Cruel RNG ?
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    vattaravattara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    130 runs in total

    CW - 67 runs , 1 pet and then 1 curio in the run immediately following
    DC - 63 runs and no pet or curio
    Dyes every run
    Used enchants to level up my artifact and sold refiner's caches on the AH

    I think the event would have been improved if the players could have bought bound to character pet or curio for medallions at the end.
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    valencayvalencay Member Posts: 431 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    I got companion and curio in 2 following runs, so maybe it is true that rng has a flaw. Anyway this cta was absolutely terrible, if defend the temple or respen were a 7 or 8 this would be a 2, I only did it because I wanted to open some refiner's caches
    Aset Xharran, Oppressor CW
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    qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I saw 2 (of 2) friends get the companion and then the curio on the following run. I never got my companion, but the "joke" was if I did we would have to go 1 more time (uggh).
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    mareatlanticummareatlanticum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 202 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    Yea there is more going on here then just drop rates. Actual evidence of any changes are hard to come by. I honestly find it doubtfull that Cryptic would alter things to reduce drops and therefore trading. At the very same time they are running a massive AD sink event.

    I believe this is simply a poor combination of perception leading people to believe in a reduced drop rate. Mixed with market manipulation and at a time when AD is at its lowest perceived value. We see these drop complaints each and every CTA. I see no reason, yet presented, to prove anything had actually changed.

    There definitely is enough proof of altered drop rates. I always run around 100 times the CtA (I actually have other things to do too) and can quite much compare how many times I got the companion. With Respen and this CtA I got none and the best was with the Moonshae Druids with 6 drops. Others have been between 2-4 (2 being the first one and then I did only less tyhan 80 runs), so you could say before the drop rate has been between 1/40 runs (2.5% drop rate) to 1/20 runs (5% drop rate), but now it was 1% (1/100 runs) or even less.

    The market manipulation is also self-evident about the low drop rates, as when supply is lower than demand, prices tend to increase. Normally every market player (including myself) buys at the low price point, but if the supply is low enough, it is wise to buy anything lower than average fast and immediately resell it for immediate profits. If the supply is large enough, there really is no point buying everything short, as the pricess will still fall and it is always best to buy at low point or atleast when the prices have started to grow again. This way you don't need to tie that much capital for long periods to make profits.

    Third point is the fact that so many people are complaining about the low drop rates. If the drops were plenty, there would still be some complaining, but now if few days have gotten multiple threads about the topic and numerous pages of posts, this is also marker that something is wrong.

    You may choose to "believe" or not whatever you wish, but the facts state quite plainly that the drops have been lower. Same holds true with the token drops.
    Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
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