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New character faces...



  • truelokastertruelokaster Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    I don't think olf faces will be back. mainly because the old system was different, the options were chosen in a different way.

    Actually, there should not be anything that impedes as those options could be grayed out. Also, all characters that were created with the previous models are still there. I wasn't the old options back, also, the new versions have the face way to low in the character's head, which make them look dumb.
  • truelokastertruelokaster Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ghoulz66 wrote: »
    The old heads were fine then they had to rush this out before fixing everything, removing the ones that worked fine entirely. Now they feel inclined to never finish now that it is out.

    Agreed. Why change what was working fine in the 1st place?!?

    Again, why remove the old ones instead of just adding the new ones. Elven male characters and NPCs in Protector's and the boss Dungeons look ulgy, misplaced faces and with no chin (for some reason the ones in Sharandar, Dread Ring and IWD were kept with the old templates, luckly).
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Yea. That's the one really annoying part. If these faces are so much better. Why are none of the NPCs switched to them? It's not like they haven't taken the time to update NPCs once before.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I don't think old faces were okay in many cases, male elves looked horrible with the huge cat alien eyes, I'm glad to see them gone.
  • kuskusgilakuskusgila Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 42
    edited May 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    Yea. That's the one really annoying part. If these faces are so much better. Why are none of the NPCs switched to them? It's not like they haven't taken the time to update NPCs once before.
    Actually they did. IWD NPC use the new faces, and today I noticed they updated the NPCs in Dread Ring. Some NPCs in Sharandar and Protector Enclave started to use them too.
  • eiagraeiagra Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I can only really speak in regards to the male half-orc and male tiefling and male hairs so far...

    1.) Male half-orcs seem decent in terms of face. My only complaint would be that the texture on the "rough" versions has some odd lines around the eyebrow. It looks a bit like someone just put lines a bit at random rather than add/deepen the natural creases of one's face.

    2.) Some of the male half-orc tusks appear to be attached to the upper lip, making those specific new faces unusable. They're not attached, as when the lower jaw moves the tusks move as well, but they are placed so high up that they have that appearance. If you have a way to change the angle of the tusks, that would be optimal.

    3.) As was mentioned, tiefling horns wiggle at the bottom when the brow moves. Mesh error, happens when you've got to rush for a deadline, but should be reasonably easy to fix.

    4.) Also, as was mentioned, the new hairstyles are too shiny. It looks acceptable in the creation view, but once you get outside in sunlight you end up losing all the detail on the texture. The specularity map is either missing or needs to be toned down.

    Finally, I would ask that you follow CCP's example for EVE Online. When a major change to character appearance is coded in, they mark your character with a free redesign. I have 6 characters, and I bought character appearance tokens for all of them to try and take advantage of the new appearance. I'm mostly satisfied with the results (I'm not too happy about the shiny hair after getting into sunlight), but I would rather not buy them again. Considering the outcry of discontent with the new system, it would be a diplomatic move on your part if you granted a free character appearance token to every character on everyone's accounts. I know the first-time-buyers pack had one, but most people have more than one character that needs some plastic (pun intended) surgery.
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Most my characters will probably never go into the character creator again in fear of losing their appearace.
    I have one that might but its mainly because... She was a unicorn changed into an elf by a diety...
    so plastic will work for her shes supposed to be abnormally glossy, also I could never seem to get her the way
    I wanted her anyhow.

    But I have a drow girl with almost catlike features, never can change or remake her. (unless class change tokens become a thing ..yeah right) I got a male moon-elf that looks like a cross between Snape and woody from toy story, never can change him, I really don't want to even get near tower of changes with my Halfling.... Just...no..... my human has been told she is "perfect" looking so cant change her no matter how much I like the hairs, and my half elf looks a LOT like my city of heroes/champions char of the same name so cant risk her.

    And its a shame if they had not changed the face/body so much id probably have dropped 1000z on hair changes.
  • isoplethisopleth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    But I have a drow girl with almost catlike features, never can change or remake her.

    Yeah I have a drow too and I like the cat-like features, I gave her exaggerated eyes on purpose. I like that she doesn't look like a dark human - she's obviously a different thing.

    It doesn't bother me, or probably anyone else for that matter, that there are people who prefer the new faces over the old. (I think you're strange but you don't bother me! xD) I just wish those of us who prefer the old look still had access to them, in a way other than just having characters that are frozen in time.

    I played CoH too and when I said that Cryptic understands that more options are always better, that game is what I'm referring to. But I'm becoming concerned about how long we'll get to keep our insects preserved in ether. It makes sense that someday the change with be forced on all the characters - don't need those extraneous lines of code floating around.

    You guys can extoll the virtues of the new faces (and new halfling bodies) as much as you'd like. You want to make sure us meanies aren't hurting any artist's feelings, that's fine. But it's not going to make anybody say "oh hey you're right I just had to let my vision blur and cross my eyes, now I love the new faces!" I just need to re-iterate that many of us are very, very fond of the original look.

    Hopefully this will be my final plea. I don't want to be fixated on this any longer. The only thing I have left to say is that if I log in one day and my toons got "facelifts".. then I'm very sorry but I'm out
  • sokolnichiysokolnichiy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Lads. i've dug up some more stuff. Now it is more then clear that game is moving towards D&D 5th edition (or D&D Next) look.

    We got some more going on abot thayans and turami. And most sertain thing that plot of the Neverwinter online fallows steps of "The Sundering". We in game are part of it. The only way to go is to embrace the change of art style.

    The only thing that was done wrong by Cryptic is that they were sertanly in a hurry to make changes to models and the are bugs here and there but they'll probably fix it in a month. And ofcourse it is bad to force change existing characters (and they new it, so the left all as it was before. for us to decide) but. Change appearance tokens should be given to any existing character now. cause there will be time when old fashion way of a character model look will be not only rear but will not fit the whole concept of the world around, and is where token will come in handy.

    Here are some more concepts of D&D Next 5th edion:
  • sokolnichiysokolnichiy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Here's also an article for all those hwo complain about halflings:

  • sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited May 2014
    The fingernails are gone! Why?

    On another note - I changed my wizard's look to the new one. Her name is Lolita so it seemed fitting.
  • isoplethisopleth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    Thanks for posting that link. (Actually everything you post is helpful.)

    The halflings I'm familiar with do look like micro-humans, essentially, except with slightly elongated head and facial features, and small pointed ears. For example NWN 2 and DDO both had, imo, good looking halfling models. I'm no expert on the evolution of D&D halflings but I do know that neither of Cryptics before and afters look anything like what I'm accustomed to. (I just happen to think the before halflings look better. Neither of them look accurate.)
    Her name is Lolita so it seemed fitting.

  • truelokastertruelokaster Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    To all the defenders of the new looks, please know that they are not the issue, but removing the old ones is the actual complain here. We should always have more options, not less.

    They left the players that preferred the original game looks and templates with no choice of ever remodeling their characters/avatar to their liking and that is, in my option, terrible and stupid.

    Give us more templates, faces, eye options, new beards, but don't take back what we had already.
  • czarnamimozaczarnamimoza Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 36
    edited May 2014
    I'll try to summarize my complaints, as well as some of the other players'. When we asked for new options for the heads and bodies (and new sliders), we didn't want them to replace the old ones. We wanted to have more variety, that's the key word here. Most of the problems we encounter are because of lack of this variety.

    Many of us want to make strong-looking women (half-orcs, for example) and it's impossible with baby faces. Lots of us want to create more Tolkien-like elves. Or dr. Spock-like ones (I always thought of him as of a space-elf) and we can't, because the chin is too compressed (the face looks like a triangle with one vertex at the bottom, especially the head version 2, 3 and 4). Some of us don't want their halflings to have big, long, gnomish noses and a body that looks like a barrel with stick limbs. Variety!

    This is why many of us would like to have the option of using the old face (or body) and some new parts like hair. Because people like mixing different things and creating unique characters! That's one of the joys any game should offer, if it allows us to create our own characters and not play premade ones. And even in real life, people are so different, even though we are only one race!

    Oh, and instead of getting new sliders, we got one less (nail length). :(


    And I don't know if it's because the Devs actually fixed them, or if I'm just getting used to them, but the new halfling faces don't bother me so much anymore. Sure, they're glossy, but they're not so bad (aside from giant noses that I can't shrink to any acceptable size). The body, on the other hand, really disgusts me. I'd gladly spend real money on the Change Appearance Token if there was an option to use the new hairstyles and make-up with the old body. I have to confess, I often get tired of my character's design and change it, spending euros, since I'm not a good player and can't farm ADs easily. I do it approximately once a month. That's happening right now, I'd like to change something, but I can't, because I'll end up with a cartoonish, comedic-relief (as someone said before me) body. I don't care if it's the default 5e body, you shouldn't do that without leaving an option to have the old body. I can easily get over the design in tabletop RPG, because everything depends on the Dungeon Master (and my DM despises the new design as much as I do). But here, I am limited to what I get from the game, so I, of course, would like the game to give me an option.

    Ah, I have spent too much time writing and proof reading this post. Truelokaster essentially said what I wanted to say. :)
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The faces have a better shape to them, but at the cost of too many issues that need addressed by the Devs.

    It's really a downgrade, not an upgrade of the system. Less head shapes, a lot less complexions(now just young/middle aged/hag). They simply mixed the head shapes and complexions into one to cause an illusion of variety.

    Sliders that are too one sided to offer choice. Lowest setting on eyebrow slider is beyond horrible, magnifies the blinking issue tenfold. The face is too low on the head to begin with so you must nearly max the height of the eyes, nose, mouth.

    Removal of the nail slider made no sense.
  • junichiroujunichirou Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    As a friend said, make some kind of switch so we can create our character using either the old or the new models/customizations.
    Later you could work on making both available at the same time, with the same customization options, or not.
  • whatevermangwhatevermang Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    At the end of this week we will have had two months of players providing feedback on this issue and we still haven't heard a single word from a dev on it. If nothing else this shows some serious flaws in communication. Even a simple statement like "we're aware of the issue and discussing it internally" would do a lot to reassure players.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I think another reason to not have the old models anymore is from a art direction viewpoint. if they want to change how players look, there's no reason to keep up the old system.
    Not saying it's a good thing, but maybe that's another reason.
  • kirkcaldykirkcaldy Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I think the old dwarf faces were better, for me personally.
    They fitted more what I imagine dwarfs would have looked like.
    The new ones just look like shrunk down, normal people.
    The faces are too angular for my taste and even though I tried for over half an hour,
    I couldn't get the face to look anything like I wanted, in the char gen.

    I have 11 chars, 10 of which are female dwarfs.
    The only one I don't like is the new one, created since the update.
    I try not to look at her face. haha

  • naicalusnaicalus Member Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I almost wonder, seeing the cover art for the new edition today, if the devs haven't said anything because the answer is 'WotC made us', in which case I'd actually be even more disappointed. WotC has seemed pretty determined to sweep everything 4E under the rug, IMO, so...
    Largely inactive, playing Skyforge as Nai Calus.
  • sokolnichiysokolnichiy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    naicalus wrote: »
    I almost wonder, seeing the cover art for the new edition today, if the devs haven't said anything because the answer is 'WotC made us', in which case I'd actually be even more disappointed. WotC has seemed pretty determined to sweep everything 4E under the rug, IMO, so...

    There is more to this then just rug to zero.

    U see, D&D Tabletop games, Book Novels, D&D Games, they all start to form one whole D&D experience the all lead us to D&D Next (5th ed) it i not about WotC or Hasbro or Cryptic. It's about idustry itself, making more deep and chalenging products to stand against other franchises, like Everquest for example.

    Book Authors get together and deside future of Faerun in novels and so do game designers, they listen to what FR Authors say and act accordingly.

    So it's not just money or else.

    Changes must be made cause we enter kinda new era for D&D, but this changes must be made in a more soft way...

    We have our old character appearances untouched, so that was a soft measure. But when the time comes we will decide to change their look as the whole game will look different (kinda same thing happens in WoW, and nobody gives u a chance to keep your old model, u are forcechanged to look another way however the same at the same time)
  • illyrian2008illyrian2008 Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2014
    Here's also an article for all those hwo complain about halflings:


    In short "I made a crappy design nobody likes, now I will bend over backwards to prove how I am right and everybody else is wrong."

    It is still a crappy design.
  • illyrian2008illyrian2008 Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2014
    There is more to this then just rug to zero.

    U see, D&D Tabletop games, Book Novels, D&D Games, they all start to form one whole D&D experience the all lead us to D&D Next (5th ed) it i not about WotC or Hasbro or Cryptic. It's about idustry itself, making more deep and chalenging products to stand against other franchises, like Everquest for example.

    Book Authors get together and deside future of Faerun in novels and so do game designers, they listen to what FR Authors say and act accordingly.

    So it's not just money or else.

    Changes must be made cause we enter kinda new era for D&D, but this changes must be made in a more soft way...

    We have our old character appearances untouched, so that was a soft measure. But when the time comes we will decide to change their look as the whole game will look different (kinda same thing happens in WoW, and nobody gives u a chance to keep your old model, u are forcechanged to look another way however the same at the same time)

    WoW revamped models look great and probably with less poligons than these, also what does character look has to do with changes in the game mechanics?
  • sokolnichiysokolnichiy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    WoW revamped models look great and probably with less poligons than these, also what does character look has to do with changes in the game mechanics?

    U got changes in game mechanics where? Here, in Neverwinter? I see no changes in mech at all...

    Yap WoW got them look great but has another art style. We got the new one going in 5th edition, the game is moving to 5th edition and so it is natural. I just cant understand those who complain about new char models. All show barrel like halfling bodies and stuff but there are few who show cool models of their characters after style change
    I can not show u my HR old look but i spend a couple of time to make my half-elf HR look even better with new CC. I promise i'll create some character models in near future to give proof that new cc can provide normal looking characters. Yes cc became maybe less individual creative but u got tons of gear and transmute to be individual.
  • violetcrayonvioletcrayon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Lol when you make a new character the presets don't even match what you get. Old hairstyles are shown in the presets but a new hairstyle shows up on the character every time. Don't worry Neverwinter I won't tell anyone else they should try this game until these embarrassing problems are worked out. You're welcome.
  • illyrian2008illyrian2008 Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2014
    U got changes in game mechanics where? Here, in Neverwinter? I see no changes in mech at all...

    Yap WoW got them look great but has another art style. We got the new one going in 5th edition, the game is moving to 5th edition and so it is natural. I just cant understand those who complain about new char models. All show barrel like halfling bodies and stuff but there are few who show cool models of their characters after style change
    I can not show u my HR old look but i spend a couple of time to make my half-elf HR look even better with new CC. I promise i'll create some character models in near future to give proof that new cc can provide normal looking characters. Yes cc became maybe less individual creative but u got tons of gear and transmute to be individual.

    Yeah, right, go on and make a female Drow that looks like an old model female Drow.

    Say like one on this promo picture in another thread:

    Funny how they used old model Drow for that.

    Go on, I am waiting.
  • illyrian2008illyrian2008 Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2014
    Lol when you make a new character the presets don't even match what you get. Old hairstyles are shown in the presets but a new hairstyle shows up on the character every time. Don't worry Neverwinter I won't tell anyone else they should try this game until these embarrassing problems are worked out. You're welcome.

    That is what really cracked me up, my long-faced Drow suddenly turned into this round-faced Iowa farm girl with an overbite and wiggling eyebrows.
  • sokolnichiysokolnichiy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Yeah, right, go on and make a female Drow that looks like an old model female Drow.

    Say like one on this promo picture in another thread:

    Funny how they used old model Drow for that.

    Go on, I am waiting.

    What for am i supposed to make an old way looking drow? I can't do such a thing cause the game art style changed. so does CC function set.
    Get over it already. U get game update u get new CC. U do not have old model faces anymore. Now it's new one and if u are interested u just need to spend some time exploring it. Me interested, i find it at least OK..not perfect, not even awesome, but it is hard 4 out of 5....imho...

    And u keep on blaming developers fo posting old model as an advertisement in the new reliesed patch...that's a complaint with no point seriously.

    I'll make all characters with new CC and post em here, just to prove that it's ok to go with it and leave old model sets behind.
  • czarnamimozaczarnamimoza Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 36
    edited May 2014
    new cc can provide normal looking characters. Yes cc became maybe less individual creative but u got tons of gear and transmute to be individual.

    That's right, new character creation can give us decent looking characters. That's how I'll make my halfling look like when/if their bodies get fixed:

    But the options are very limited, you have to use one head shape, make face as narrow as possible, make chin as long as possible, etc, etc. Also, it's the bodies that I can't stand, the faces are acceptable.
  • sokolnichiysokolnichiy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    That's right, new character creation can give us decent looking characters. That's how I'll make my halfling look like when/if their bodies get fixed:

    But the options are very limited, you have to use one head shape, make face as narrow as possible, make chin as long as possible, etc, etc. Also, it's the bodies that I can't stand, the faces are acceptable.

    Adorable! So soft on her lips, make me wanna kiss her :)
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