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Dungeons bosses are too hard for parties (Lvl 60) with low level gear



  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    There's a point here - you have to learn teamwork sometime. Without teamwork, even good teams fail.
    Just a philosophical note, without teamwork, a team can't be good, no matter how skilled the individuals are.
  • groarkgroark Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    [QUOTE=chaoscourtesan;7456131]A -lot- of people are forgetting how difficult these were when they were new to them and their characters were not so well geared.
    These dungeons are in fact, hard. They are in fact, harder than they should be. Mad Dragon isn't even in distant sight of what a T1 should be.

    They mostly require certain tactics to defeat them, and if you don't know those or don't figure them out, you are going to fail. With pugs, this is very often hard or impossible to do, because everyone is the star of their own movie, and people don't listen all that often when someone tries to pull things together.

    T1's should be trainer dungeons. They should be a little more forgiving than they are, and the tactics needed to beat them should be a little more obvious. Reason is, people jump in these, no one wants to look bad. So they are concentrating on staying alive and trying to perform, when they should be observing and making adjustments. And communicating.

    I think they need to be reworked so they are more beneficial to lowbies and new players and much less useful to well geared and experienced players. Maybe base that on a team average so it would be worth the experienced, well geared player's time to lead a team of lowbies into them.

    Lots of people boosting their own ego's by shouting how easy everything is.. T1's should not be as frustrating as they can be. It's really simple. Do I have a hard time with any of them? No (Well maybe Mad Dragon gets annoying sometimes, depending.) But it was definitely not always like that for me.[/QUOTE]

    That. I couldnt put it better myself.
    People forget easy indeed the time when they were new to the game. Many say: use this tactic, use coordination, etc., but they forget that for new players everything is new. A party of 5 lvl 60 new players is very likely to get wiped out at the end of any dungeon. They are just too hard for newbies (most of them with low gs). As Chaos says they concentrate on performing and staying alive. That's the truth. Newbies (me included) have barely time to communicate because they are too busy. I agree with Chaos that dungeons need to be reworked to avoid frustrations and ragequitting.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    groark wrote: »
    That. I couldnt put it better myself.
    People forget easy indeed the time when they were new to the game. Many say: use this tactic, use coordination, etc., but they forget that for new players everything is new. A party of 5 lvl 60 new players is very likely to get wiped out at the end of any dungeon. They are just too hard for newbies (most of them with low gs). As Chaos says they concentrate on performing and staying alive. That's the truth. Newbies (me included) have barely time to communicate because they are too busy. I agree with Chaos that dungeons need to be reworked to avoid frustrations and ragequitting.
    Use voicechat. Yeah you can't type and play at the same time, that's why people use voice chat. Also the dungeons were completed when the game was in beta, there were no boons, and blue gear was hard to get. That kind of goes against that they're too hard for newbs as they were beaten back then even by non exploiters.
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    1) coordination is everything. It is easy to clear if you are overgeared CW (I am now), but I remember clearing spellplague in a 9-10k team, without artifacts, pets, etc... We got on raidcall, coordinated our pulls and strategy, planned out the encounter and it was smooth.

    I too would have to agree with this,

    Honestly I started playing this game back in July before any expansions when there was no such thing as boons or artifacts. The high end GS was still 12k. I completed almost all of these dungeons in an 8600 - 9000 gs. Only exceptions were Karra and Dread Vault Tier 2.

    But these boss fights require some real coordination and a cool head.

    These days the team I run with admittedly is highly geared. 13k-15k. And we still grab newbies and bring them along with us. We give them the tactics, and still end up three manning the boss mob anyway. Last one was in Spellplague where we specifically gave them roles, one ignored what we asked him to do and was subsequently slaughtered while trying to do Crowd control which we had well in hand. The second, did not understand it for some reason when we told him to get off the platform when they crack and turn red before they disappeared, and was subsequently dumped into the drink.

    It was the second Boss mob that day we'd had to 3 man because of that. Which of course takes forever.

    Now, we were highly overgeared so we could pick up the slack. But when you have that kind of thing where no one wants to listen when you tell them things, you will end up with a total wipe in those minimum gear scores. You will have to be perfect in the minimum GS.
  • groarkgroark Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Use voicechat. Yeah you can't type and play at the same time, that's why people use voice chat. Also the dungeons were completed when the game was in beta, there were no boons, and blue gear was hard to get. That kind of goes against that they're too hard for newbs as they were beaten back then even by non exploiters.

    Lol, reading that it's like we play different games because in my experience people dont use voicechat. At least in the parties I have been people didnt use it so I thought that maybe something didnt work properly or that people just didnt like it. It's a pity because it would facilitate the communication. I suppose that clans use voicechat more often. I imagine that parties with vets also use it but as they usually only invite 'experienced' players I never had the opportunity to verify it.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This is how I did Mad Dragon and it was a snooze fest. With my first character, my DC..at the ripe ol' GS of 10k back then.

    My favorite group comp for this place was: DC, 2 CW's, 1 TR, 1 GWF or GF(I preferred GF).

    Enter Dragons Lair. No one does anything at all..except the TR and the CW.. They agro the dragon, and pull him to the farthest left. We'll call it 9 o'clock.

    If it takes 30 seconds..or 5 minutes...doesn't matter. This fight isn't a race, get him to the 9 spot and keep him there...

    Once hes there..the best spot to hang out with the group is directly in the middle of the zone..close enough to the Dragon for Seals from the DC(helps tremendously pulling spawning imps to group), and close enough where the cleric can toss the CW, or TR focusing the Dragon a heal if they screw up and get hit by the AoE(Don't get hit by the AoE..its OK if you have to move around and NOT attack for a bit, in order to avoid being hit).

    As a DC in this fight, I put seals on EVERYTHING once it spawned, and stayed (generally)in the center of the room. Having the CW, and the GF/GWF pull the new, incoming mobs to the group. Its very important for the trio to stay close together, and not waste the DC's Astral Shield. You will be fighting multiple mobs the entire fight. Towards the end of the fight(usually around 20%), if your GS of your team is low, you wont be able to finish off the mobs.(that's ok, keep fighting them and trying..you are just a distraction)

    The NPC's that spawn: Healers, Melee(imps and the big dudes), and the pure casters. All the mobs hit decently hard. Don't underestimate the imps, they hit extremely hard and fast on low geared people. Melee and Healer npcs hit like any other elite in the dungeon. The casters. They will cast AoE's on the ground..very easy to see, but a fairly quick spell. IF YOU GET HIT. You will be stunned, and the Mad Dragon will cast an ability on you(cant remember its been a long *** time). Morale is..don't get hit by the casters easily seen ground aoe's(you'll probably die if you have crappy gear, or a new/bad DC). Sometimes you cant help it however, because as the fight is going on, the dragon will be casting his AoE silence/stun ability, and if the casters are up during this time, you can be they are going to be casting there own stun right on top of you(probably killing you).

    Key Points:

    Having 2 DPS on the Dragon(1 melee, 1 ranged), I have found to be the best.

    It is NOT a DPS race. That means if you have to stop attacking and move out of the way to avoid aoe's...you do it.

    It is very important for the Trio fighting the adds...to stick closely together, so the DC can put heals and seals on the 2 DPS fighting the Dragon.

    The CW in the Trio, I have found that Icy Terrain, Shard, Steal Time and Shield/Entangling Force/Chill Strike on Tab is best. Remember its NOT a dps race...the more you are able to control and lock down these adds the easier it will be on the GF/GWF and DC bringing the mobs to the group.

    It "is" extremely easy to avoid the Dragons ground FX if the TR is even half-a$$ competent in his class.

    The DC WILL have to be giving his Dragon dps'rs heals. One, it helps with aggroing imps and any other mobs that may spawn close to the 2 DPS and 2, they "will" get hit by Imps a couple times because they spawn right where they will be fighting.

    This is actually just about the only PvE boss fight I enjoy in this entire game.

    If the OP is still reading these comments. I encourage you to try out this strat, it makes it a very manageable fun fight. It only gets easier once you really get the start down.

    You could bring in a group of bare minimum GS players, do this strat..if they are competent you will win with no deaths.

    Hope this helps!
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    munkey81 wrote: »
    This is how I did Mad Dragon and it was a snooze fest. With my first character, my DC..at the ripe ol' GS of 10k back then...

    Great tips and very nice of you to write it all up. I hope the OP and anyone else in a similar position reads this carefully.
  • demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    munkey81 wrote: »
    This is how I did Mad Dragon and it was a snooze fest. With my first character, my DC..at the ripe ol' GS of 10k back then.

    the thing is pugs r so bad at teamwork that it is just silly.....even when u tell them what to do.

    most rogues seem to have difficulty dodging the poison aoe and don't even use ITC for it. kinda funny since i never had trouble tanking the boss on my rogue.

    the group seems to have difficulty staying near the cleric despite being told to stay close, which forces me to spend the entire fight running back and forth throughout the entire room trying to reach everyone in their own corners. ultimate irony is that healing gets so easier in those types of groups after 1-2 people die. i do like how some loners fighting on the other side of the room finally feel the need to run towards me when they r being killed by a horde of imps. oh well, this at least teaches randoms to actually stay near the cleric if they want to live. i think even 1 group kicked me after failing multiple times when it wasn't even my fault for the fails since they didn't dodge the 1-hits.

    the real issue with mad dragon is finding a group of players that know how to fight as a team
  • arcticblitzarcticblitz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'd like to echo some of the other posters, Joining a guild is a good way to go benefit from their experience, Most members would have been through a similar situation and are happy to pass on their learning's and run you through dungeons. Just be polite and look for the right type of guild for your level, find out how many members are online the same time as you ect
    Blitzy : PVE only Barbarian
    Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger

    Guild Founder: -HunterS-
  • kralmoekralmoe Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    the thing is pugs r so bad at teamwork that it is just silly.....even when u tell them what to do.

    most rogues seem to have difficulty dodging the poison aoe and don't even use ITC for it. kinda funny since i never had trouble tanking the boss on my rogue.

    the group seems to have difficulty staying near the cleric despite being told to stay close, which forces me to spend the entire fight running back and forth throughout the entire room trying to reach everyone in their own corners. ultimate irony is that healing gets so easier in those types of groups after 1-2 people die. i do like how some loners fighting on the other side of the room finally feel the need to run towards me when they r being killed by a horde of imps. oh well, this at least teaches randoms to actually stay near the cleric if they want to live. i think even 1 group kicked me after failing multiple times when it wasn't even my fault for the fails since they didn't dodge the 1-hits.

    the real issue with mad dragon is finding a group of players that know how to fight as a team

    That's more or less what I was going to answer. The real issue with Dungeons in general is indeed to find a group of players that know how to fight as a team. And for that you must have some experience. And to get that experience you have to practice it first (theory is not enough) with exp. players that tell you what to do. And here we have a problem because with low GS nobody wants you in their party. That's why many new players try to use the queue and that's why they fail over and over. So then they disconnect or ragequit.
    As somebody else pointed out the solution could be to make the dungeons -at least the final boss/mobs- more doable for low gear parties -just a little less hard- so that ppl can learn teamwork and get some better gear. A bit like the foundry where the degree of difficulty goes up as you level up.
  • tangodiotangodio Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0
    edited March 2014
    I will have to disagree with a few here about changing T1 into training dungeon because we already have training dungeon. In fact without counting the mini in the Dread Ring and Sharandar we have 11 training dungeon... You know the one you are quested to do while leveling...

    If people they these before trying do to the epic version it would help them a lot. No people race ahead and arrive at the end without knowing what to do...

    Players who want to learn can join any non epic version (easier while the DD is in progress). Just travel to the zone of the dungeon they want to learn and look for players looking for group in that zone. A lot of players will very happily accept a lvl60 players to help them trough the dungeon since they do not scale... at least it used to be but i no longer visit lower zone since the 2 new zone one came out so thing might have changed a bit but they can ask trough the chat and find a few players to joint up and do it. When i did that i did not bother with the loot but learned a few thing. I also tried and did a few alone (the first 4 dungeons, non epic version).

    Some here say that the one that say the dungeon are easy it's because we are to well geared... duh!!! Many who started when the game came out had to face the same thing like many other are now complaining... We had to learn the dungeon and do it without being ultra geared. We also did not have artifact or the Boon from the 2 new zone. Since blue gear and purple did not drop that often (now the blue are so easy farmed from Sharandar and the Dread Ring) I used some AD to buy a few blue gear in the AH and I farmed Glory and got the T1 PVP set that i still have and use now with a GS of 13k (CW)...
  • aonariusaonarius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Mad Dragon is too makeable with non T2 gear.

    Boss 1: If you drag him away from his place no other adds will spawn.
    Boss 2: Kick the bigger adds over the edge.
    Dragon: Tank stay before him and the other behind him. Stay allways together and kill the adds. The caster should be the first to kill. The hardest part if at 25% HP 2 erinyen, 2 devil and 2 caster spawn. For low dps groups should it be possible to kill the 2 devils the other is too hard because the erinyen heal all. One from the group prefered a melee should aggro the remaining adds and kite away. The other can kill the boss. If you stay together this is not too hard. The adds would come to you to get killed.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    aonarius wrote: »
    Dragon: Tank stay before him and the other behind him. Stay allways together and kill the adds. The caster should be the first to kill. The hardest part if at 25% HP 2 erinyen, 2 devil and 2 caster spawn. For low dps groups should it be possible to kill the 2 devils the other is too hard because the erinyen heal all. One from the group prefered a melee should aggro the remaining adds and kite away. The other can kill the boss. If you stay together this is not too hard. The adds would come to you to get killed.

    Definitely doable. I tried this strat when I was a new player and found it to be very difficult however, because everyone was spread out around the dragon too much. Mobs end up being spread out all over the place, people are being stunned alone and nailed by the imps/casters and Dragon.

    My personal opinion is its near idiot proof to fight him to the far left..with the add group in the center. The battleground is free of clutter and everyone can see everything, its very easy to pull the mobs and the DC can toss heals to everyone in the group without having too move more than a 30' range.

    I wouldn't recommend your strat to any new player...or even a seasoned player really, it just makes things harder being so spread out.
  • krimbarbarrojakrimbarbarroja Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    groark wrote: »
    Well no, I don't agree with some of you guys. They are not that doable. For experienced players might be the case but not for newbies. You assume wrongly that everybody knows the right tactics and the right spells. Sorry but no, that's not the case.

    Bollocks. Cragmire crypts requires no strategy whatsoever. Idris, as long as you distract the hulks you are fine, details, being up to you. Wolf den only need some skill to avoid the attack that generates shadow wolves. Only Mad Dragon needs, admitedly, strategies that need some experience and run counter to intuition.
  • krimbarbarrojakrimbarbarroja Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Just a philosophical note, without teamwork, a team can't be good, no matter how skilled the individuals are.
    If you don't have teamwork, you are, by definition, not a team. Are you? ;) .
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    kralmoe wrote: »
    the end boss+mobs seems to be too hard and after being wiped out 10 times people gets angry and start disconnecting.

    It will happen many times, and even when your gs will be higher than your current 10.8k
    Many times, irrelevant of gs, the fight cannot just be won. Usually the reason is the lack of one, two or three CWs.
    Be aware though, that many threads in the forum are about the dungeons final fights being...too easy.
    NW is not Diablo where you can choose the difficulty of the farmed dungeon, here we all play the same ones.
    English is not my first language.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    vortix44 wrote: »
    Many times, irrelevant of gs, the fight cannot just be won. Usually the reason is the lack of one, two or three CWs.
    Be aware though, that many threads in the forum are about the dungeons final fights being...too easy.

    Oddly enough many of those threads are started (and most warmly welcomed) by CWs. Might not be coincidence...
  • bullgodzbullgodz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think the best option for finding a decent group is to find and join a guild. Most guilds from my experience have vets that are willing to help with strategies and walk throughs. Joining a random dungeon que is a lot like flipping a lit cigarette in an ocean of gasoline and is also for those looking to get the "walking dead" title ;)
    Lazerous - CW
    Ladyhawk - HR
    Nighthawk the Pink TR
  • kralmoekralmoe Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    bullgodz wrote: »
    I think the best option for finding a decent group is to find and join a guild. Most guilds from my experience have vets that are willing to help with strategies and walk throughs. Joining a random dungeon que is a lot like flipping a lit cigarette in an ocean of gasoline and is also for those looking to get the "walking dead" title ;)

    Yes, I think you are right. I have been trying to avoid joining a guild because I like my independance but I see that without it I cannot advance properly or access the Gauntlgrym quests. Any thoughts about what guild(s) should be better for a mature player?
  • bullgodzbullgodz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kralmoe wrote: »
    Yes, I think you are right. I have been trying to avoid joining a guild because I like my independance but I see that without it I cannot advance properly or access the Gauntlgrym quests. Any thoughts about what guild(s) should be better for a mature player?

    I actually just started looking for a guild myself so don't really know different guilds and their play style, but there are lots of them recruiting in-game, there's even a forum here to sift through. Personally guilds are fantastic and you can only benefit from being in one.
    Lazerous - CW
    Ladyhawk - HR
    Nighthawk the Pink TR
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    More established guilds are usually going to have a fairly mature player base. The recruitment forum isn't a bad place to start scoping them out, and I'd say you actually can learn a fair bit about a guild based on their recruitment threads and the posting styles of the guild officers/members.

    Recruitment threads that run to multiple pages are a solid indicator for guilds that have been around a long time and continue to be actively updating.

    You can also learn important details like peak playtimes and whether the guild is PvE or PvP focused, to better find one that matches you.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    A good guild ends up being like a group of friends that you play with. If you feel limited by your guild or anything of that nature you are not in the right guild.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The game is a faceroll, but you have to use cookie cutter builds and spell bars (with a clue on timing).
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    1) Teamwork is everything

    2) I think there are some great guilds out there, but in general they don't do open recruitment. I am _never_ starting an open recruitment thread. The crazy personalities you get when you don't have an interview process is just intolerable to me. However, we are more of an endgame guild and don't run T1 except to rolfstomp them

    3) teamwork is everything. Did i already say that?

    4) see points 1 and 3
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