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NEW PvP Release = TR Gimped



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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Edit to add:

    5. Forgot to mention sponging Duelist Flurry is nuts: 12 hits x 400 (-resistance) all from reflect damage. Barring bleeds, if you and I DF each other and I'm in ITC, trust me you go down faster.
    6. I find myself chasing the big red area boundary of PoB when they do it. Instead of getting away, I just chase them >:[
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    zokirzokir Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Personal feelings aside for this post.
    I run kind of a hybrid build for my TR. I stack HP, regen, and defensive stats, but I use vorpal and armor pen to deal high amounts of damage. The build is designed for being able to survive against and burst down any class, the one exception- bilethorn TRs. I'll be the first to admit that bilethorn TRs completely destroy my build, but that's fine because it's not made for 1v1s. This playstyle has worked great for me in premades.
    ^The point of that, is that there are always more alternative builds.
    dersidius wrote: »
    And this is why I say the class is gimped. If you want to hope to win now, your forced into this type of playstyle with no alternative as a TR vs TR to counter it on top of the issue that it's COMPLETELY SKILL-LESS.
    Why is this different than how the class was before? Nearly every single TR that wanted to 1v1 another TR was using SS, IS, and ITC with a bilethorn and stacked up HP. There will always be a bandwagon build for every class.
    dersidius wrote: »
    Now I know a lot of you probably don't care about it because you run a "Combat TR" but because of Healing depression Path of Blades is now a really OP ability, since you can't regen the PoB ticks back. I say this has become a skill-less play-style simply because with this patch the TR class has indeed become a gear race. whoevers gear is stronger/ whoever has More HP has a supreme advantage when using pob to those with lesser stats. And with the impact shot nerf, and being that Lashing blade is very hard to land, it's complete lunacy to try to use burst damage as a mean of counter acting path of blades.
    Gear has always been an important factor in PvP in this game, especially since artifacts were released, but gear alone will not determine a match. Obviously skill will be involved still.
    dersidius wrote: »
    So they've reduced us to this

    Stack the MOST HP and AP gain you can get

    Drop PoB

    Wait around till someone dies

    if they arent dead you, drop SE

    Good game.

    No skill, No aiming, No timing, No worries.
    This I agree is a horrible playstyle. Effective now, sadly, but terribly boring and spamming SE is cheap af.
    dersidius wrote: »
    Now some of you may say "Well why don't you just run away from the PoB"

    Simple explanation, Our PVP is based on node capture, that means if I want to do the best to help my team I'm going to have to eat all that PoB damage, to capture the node... and Hope my gear is better then his.. because if worse comes to worse and his gear is better then mine. He can just kite all my Melee at will's ITC through my CoS and just wait for PoB to do the dirty work and win for the sole reason that he has more HP then I.

    I hope all the people saying we didn't get a gimp enjoy the new play-style

    Because IMO, the true nerf, is taking all the fun and skill out of a class.

    And even they nerfed us already, I'm all for Cryptic nerfing PoB into oblivion.
    I've actually been trying out PoB in some PvPs and for the most part, people will actually run off of the point when I use it to get away from it. Free point ticks.
    With impact shot nerfed so much, there really isn't much choice for TRs now when it comes to a main damaging encounter. At-wills do the main amount of damage atm. Lashing is always good against GWFs and GFs, but when it comes to classes that can dodge more easily, PoB seems to work the best.

    Basically, TR has been pretty messed up in terms of Impact Shot and Shocking Execution- I think most people can agree on that. TR has been one of the most nerfed classes since beta. It's constantly changing, and people always find a way to adapt. If you don't want to run around using PoB and being cheap af spamming SE, then do some testing and find a new build/playstyle that works for you. There are so many different ways to play TR that most people don't even consider, because they only focus on the "top builds" out there that everyone is using. There are always complaints initially about the TR nerfs, but we eventually always find a way to adjust.
    Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    As you guys may notice there's quite a few posts no longer in this thread.

    Sometimes people won't agree with you. That's just unavoidable in life.
    That doesn't mean you take out swords and say 'let's duel!'

    Agree to disagree and let cooler heads prevail. :)
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Ummm call me crazy,
    but ......
    Isn't The whole point of PvP
    "to take out our swords and Duel???"
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    Keep the PvP in game and off the forums.
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    dersidiusdersidius Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Rehasing an old topic

    DF being affected by CC

    I truly think this bug or (Ninja nerf) is an affect

    Had a couple guild vs guild premades this weekend and the biggest issue I've had is with dazing arrow not only interrupting, but also dazing a TR in the third swing of DF - this is not limited to dazing shot but also includes, Lunge feat from GF- dazing strike from TR -, and although this is an old bug it also completely interrupts a TR even if they're in status immunity ITC

    Edit: Divine Sunburst now also interrupts mid third flurry

    Also the timing on the CC immunity is completely off now, It seems like that ifI get hit roughly around the time my toon turns orange to indicate the third strike, I have no cc immunity and can get blasted by a prone.

    I'd still like to have some clarification as to if this is a bug or indeed new changes working properly

    TR stat allocation still suck!

    I spent the whole entirety of last week testing power and TR, hoping that you guys gave us a power set because you may of added some scaling...

    Well, I was dissappionted

    300 Power (the equiv of a rank 10 radiant) only scales a TR's damage by .4 ... .5% ish more damage so in all (thats before defense, and before tenacity affect the damage). The new 800 power you gave us in the sets only scale our damage by around 1.5% if we somehow had tons of armor penetration

    where as the ability to crit more often (which we lack now) would've increased our DPS by a relatively higher mark

    Also on the defensive side

    My guild and I have tested the tenacity stat to its very depth trying to give it a real EHP (Effective Health Points)

    Now I won't go into details, but the results were pretty cool

    but regardless, the addition of the stat is no reason to give us useless deflection and take away our basic HP from the sets that we hav been using since beta

    ABSLOLUTE 16px-Cross_within_circle_2.svg.png RANK SEVEN
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