There is an announcement on Neverwinter's Facebook page that the PvP update is due in 3 days. Yes, just 3 (three) days.
Please have patience.
You have 0 (zero) feedback on matchmaking. There are untested features. Your 60% CW CC bonus is still not working properly, CC is not nearly sufficient. Nobody likes Healing Depression. You have tons of negative feedback on Tenacity itself. You have tons of negative feedback on the gear sets.
Kindly stop this madness.
Don't push this to live... I am not sure how to put this in more polite terms, and I know it's futile, but you should stop for a **** minute and ponder on the consequences of releasing content almost NOBODY appreciates.
Keeping it on preview brings what? There's nobody playing PvP there. Apart from the few guilds/ friends going there to test. These are few feedbacks.
Best way to get feedback is to make all live, let people play it on live, get tons of feedback and crunch tons of numbers, and see how stuff works. Then change.
People must have patience, do not rage, give feedback exc...
If there were players to PvP on preview, i would agree with you. But there's nobody there. Keeping the PvP update on preview is unuseful.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
pando, did you test this? At least once?
I tested numerous times, during all Tenacity incarnations:
- all gear sets
- at least 15-16 spec variations and rotations
- almost all weapon enchants and a few armor enchants
- 2 classes: GWF and CW
The update, as it stands now on Preview, will completely break my CW and relegate it to an idiotic DoT/single target/no CC lame build of total lameness - and even with this horrific playstyle, it's still so amazingly bad.
My Perfect Vorpal is no longer efficient. I like playing burst, not damage over time. This is why I chose Mage over Warlock in WoW. You have any idea how many CN runs it took me to get 6 millions AD for this? All wasted.
My Greater Soulforge is no longer efficient. Another crazy nerf. Again, any idea how many CN runs it took me to make this G/SF (which is fully refined and ready to upgrade...).
My life-saving Raven artifact. NERFED.
My regen, which allowed me to kite some - nerfed.
My beloved High Vizier set, full of regen, debuffing people like crazy? No longer viable - no Tenacity.
My PvP gear? No longer viable. With the new Tenacity gear, either I will play with dumb stats in PvE, either I will spend a HUGE amount of gold each time I want to switch PvE to PvP and back. Now I switch just 2 rings/belt/talisman. Soon I will have to switch EVERYTHING but underwear.
Now. Please explain to me. How can I be happy about this?
This update practically destroys the game for me to the point where I no longer have a desire to log. It makes me puke only thinking about what will come.
So again. Kindly explain to me how is this better than what we have now? And no, I'm not a rat so devs can test things on me on Live. There is a Preview server for testing. Experimental stuff should be on Preview - not on Live.
Oh yeah.
Easy for you to come with "no rage" proposals. You play GWF. Well guess what?
I tested GWF. It's still exactly as OP as on Live. Rotations still work flawlessly. You can do the same stuff, and have fun... yet again. My CW cannot however perform her rotation any longer.
So in the end, easy for you to be cool&chill about this. It's not your class that gets broken.
The matchmaking is gonna be so awful i just know it... seems like they're making an attempt to rush things but hell this is just random.
Business as usual. How many times have exploits/problems been reported on preview weeks in advance only to be taken live? Every single time. Preview server is a fallacy.
While i agree with you in most of what you say i look at it from a slightly different perspective....
Think of it like a freight train which is on a collision course. You can slow it down, but nothing you can do will change its course, stop it, nor reduce the carnage when it hits.
They have no idea how else to do things. Delaying it wont change anything. Its coming 3days or 3 months wouldnt change the result.
If there were players to PvP on preview, i would agree with you. But there's nobody there. Keeping the PvP update on preview is unuseful.
Doesn't help at least some are unable to xfer their characters right now...
Yeah, let's see how it will develop on live although I agree that this update is all but ready. This basically means playing the leavers game 24/7 until Thursday to max out glory for all those that want to get their new T2 Grim asap. After that it's gonna be lot of spawn camping until matchmaking will have sorted things out.
Business as usual. How many times have exploits/problems been reported on preview weeks in advance only to be taken live? Every single time. Preview server is a fallacy.
I know right?
And these "long-awaited" PvP updates are not even in a week's notice before the actual implementation.
We're still giving feedback and asking for balance for mod 2 changes from 3 months ago... They're not going to stop this, they will push it out and ignore feedback and issues. Business as usual.
I fully agree with him. Of course its like I said, they are going to shove this pvp update stuff down our throats no matter what really, despite how much people dislike it all together.
Currently there will not be free respecs for the upcoming update. There are many buffs and a few changes to Guardian Fighters and net neutral, bug fixes or positive changes to other classes. The PvP changes such as Tenacity and the healing depression is broad strokes across all classes.
We want to give free respecs when there has been large redesigns, nerfs and likley also when there are new paragon paths.
I fully agree with him. Of course its like I said, they are going to shove this pvp update stuff down our throats no matter what really, despite how much people dislike it all together.
But it's kind of lame when even a temporary event like Tymora's Gift has somewhat an early notice on the News Update and even a notification in the in-game Calendar, while a MAJOR UPDATE of the game which are the PvP changes just gets announced like what, hours ago? (and it's not even on the official site)
This is what they posted on the Neverwinter's Facebook page.
"Are you ready to dominate? Our PvP updates are coming this Thursday, 3/6, with new gear, a new Tenacity stat, matchmaking, and penalties for early leavers! #Neverwinter"
Persephone, no, i could not test tenacity. You know why?
Now i have a question for you: have you tried to go alone on preview and queue for PvP? To test matchmaking, may be?
You've to wait what, 1 hour to get a pug to test stuff?
And btw, how do you test matchmaking if you don't even have statistics for player rating? You think few guilds and players going PvP on preview to test stuff make a ranking? And can use a matchmaking based on the rating of their friends after playing like 10 matches?
I'm glad you, some guilds and few other players could go there with friends and test it. And i'm sure your feedback is valuable. But you guys are few, many players willing to test stuff don't have friends to go test stuff, don't have a guild (like me), and can't go on preview sitting there for 1 hour praying that someone will try to join PvP. The result is: preview is DESERTED. YOU CAN'T PVP ON PREVIEW UNLESS YOU GO WITH A BUNCH OF FRIENDS, MUCH LESS TESTING A MATCHMAKING SYSTEM WITH NO PLAYERS AROUND.
But feedback from thousands of NW players on live is way better, and DEVs being able to monitor PvP on thousands of players and really get some numbers is way better than keep tenacity on preview and make changes base don what persephone, ayroux and few other players say. Even considering how valuable the feedback you guys give is.
PvE content could be tested playing alone, PvP content is not being tested enough on preview. You can't really think that even 1 year of tests by you and few other players is what is needed to release the new content.
You want DEVs to balance stuff, you want them to make it on preview using few players as a test base. It's plain wrong.
Test matchamking more on preview before releasing it.
Is it a bad joke? How do you test the matchmaking on preview? Answer this. There is nobody to even use a matchmaking.
Last: people just need to understand that the fact they make it go live to test it, does not mean it is marked in stone and will not be changed. It's the opposite. It's to make changes that they go live and try to test stuff on a large scale. So, is it such a big problem to test it and give feedback?
Else, if you don't want this to go live, please convince like 1000x times the number of players that go PvP on preview now, to go test stuff. I'll be happy to come, queue and test stuff too. And give feedback.
Bring enough players on preview to test the matchmaking and allow players to enter preview, go queue and not have to wait 1 hour to get into a match.
You can do that, i'm all for waiting more and testing on preview.
Else, you're asking DEVs to test matchmaking with magic and make PvP changes based on what 0.5% of the total NW player base (which i think is the amount of players who could test tenacity) say.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
So you would rather see something on Live that people (yeah not many of them, but still a few) unanimously think it's bad, even though you cannot have a proper opinion on it?
Yeah testing is annoying on Preview.
But not our fault either. Nobody offers any incentive for somebody to go help&test. You even had to "pay" for the gear, instead of it being free on Preview so everybody can get it, test it, discard it whatever.
You wanna test some enchants you don't have on Live? Now you gotta start asking friends instead of getting them for free as testing material.
All in all, everybody can get a guild, everybody with enough interest can get on Preview. But don't discard the opinion of so many people that actually went through this just because you feel Tenacity is OK.
Because it is not. The concept is good but its implementation is horrific.
Testing things in order to make their own class more powerful doesn't do any good tbh. I think people are being a bit delusive to believe, that the few "top" pvp guild(s) are a huge portion of the NW gaming community, at all. It is maybe 0.5% of the entire game population and no, the developers should not listen to a small group of friends, whose one and only goal is to get other classes nerfed and their own buffed.
I tested it, i'm loving it. The best thing about the update is going to be the mini - vorpal nerf. Since that enchantment is the most overpowered thing, Neverwinter has to offer these days. It still lets people hit way too hard, a slight tone down would be useful, maybe 35% severity added instead of 50% at perfect rank. Perhaps the devs should review said enchantment a little, to get it on par with the other ones.
So you would rather see something on Live that people (yeah not many of them, but still a few) unanimously think it's bad, even though you cannot have a proper opinion on it?
Yeah testing is annoying on Preview.
But not our fault either. Nobody offers any incentive for somebody to go help&test. You even had to "pay" for the gear, instead of it being free on Preview so everybody can get it, test it, discard it whatever.
You wanna test some enchants you don't have on Live? Now you gotta start asking friends instead of getting them for free as testing material.
All in all, everybody can get a guild, everybody with enough interest can get on Preview. But don't discard the opinion of so many people that actually went through this just because you feel Tenacity is OK.
Because it is not. The concept is good but its implementation is horrific.
It's not that testing is annoying. It's that going queue on preview is a waste of time. I've been almost 1 hour wandering around many times, waiting for a match. Nothing.
The fault is of the players. Anybody can go there and go queue. But while more players would do it for PvE just to get an "advantage" in knowledge, or for plain curiosity, seems like almost nobody was interested in trying out the PvP changes.
I wanted to test it. I couldn't. I can't waste hours in hope to get 1 match on preview.
I don't have a guild cause i don't want to join a guild. But the point is: it shouldn't be a requirement to test stuff. We already have "guild only" content with GG.
It's not like i discard your opinion. I wrote it's all valuable feedback. I would give mine feedback, if it was possible to test stuff on preview. I said it's not enough to be considered a valid test. Too few players tested it. Some did like it, some not so much and wanted changes (ayroux), some hate it.
Matchmaking just cannot be tested on preview. For the simple reason that you cannot create a ranking on prevew. Few players, not playing there so much.
What i say is: obviously it will be flawed, obviously there will be stuff to change and fix. But what harm will do to have it live and have people test it? PvP will suck for a period? May be. Probably. But it will be fixed. There will be tons of feedbacks, devs will be able to crunch loads of numbers, and it will be a much more complete feedback than the one coming from few players. What is the real harm in going live? If people can understand that what they experience is not set in stone, but a kind of "beta" version ongoing testing and balancing, i don't see the problem. The lack of balance? It is temporary. The unbalanced builds will go up and challenge each Others. With time, things will be balanced and the ranking will start to make more sense. Just need to be patient and take it as an open beta testing. And use it to come on the forums and give a sea of feedbacks to the devs.
I don't think tenacity "is OK". I didn't even have a chance to test it. That's why i look forward to the opportunity i may have to test it and post feedback on it. And see the matchmaking at work on the Whole community. I think with a bit of patience and time this system will bring balance to PvP.
I do agree however, that preview is poorly implemented. Can barely test stuff there. We should have free access to the stuff we need to test, free access to gear and enchants.
Do you really want to have them stall this? Matchmaking is actually up on preview just before release, so it will get some testing. However, matchmaking is something fairly simple to implement when compared to a new stat, skill balancing, CC balancing, new armor/gear balancing, ect. That portion has already underwent much testing and has been refined. I am happy with how it is working with many people on preview shard. Overall things are more balanced as a result. Rather than trying to delay and perfect something like this 100%, it is truly better just to get it out there, get the feedback, then make any final modifications as need be. (Modifications have already been made after much much testing + feedback on the preview server already.) There will always need to be balancing/adjustments made regardless, but again, this has already been refined. We want them to embrace this PvP update and future content updates rather than trying to push them away from it or try to demand more out of it. The fact that they are now acknowledging and working so hard to provide large PvP updates is a fantastic step forward. There should not be so much negativity towards this if we want PvP updates in the future. If something truly isn't right with it on release, you know they are going to fix it in time.
Again though, they said it themselves on live stream. They do not plan on balancing this game by 1v1. From that standpoint, you need to view CW as a utility class/support class. The reason CW didn't work this way now is because it was so fragile. Tenacity fixes that and allows for CWs to provide support much longer rather than getting 1 combed to death every time the head to help. Again, just look at the skills and how many are based around debuffs or chill or other effects rather than pure damage. The class is designed with the support mindset rather than straight dps 1v1 class + they said this game is not going to be balanced on a 1v1 basis. I know I've provided this argument to you before, but that is just how it is. This isn't to say that CWs couldn't use some kind of buff, but to say that they are still effective for their utility in team settings like this game's pvp, even if they may not be the best at killing or may be easier to kill than other classes.
Testing things in order to make their own class more powerful doesn't do any good tbh. I think people are being a bit delusive to believe, that the few "top" pvp guild(s) are a huge portion of the NW gaming community, at all. It is maybe 0.5% of the entire game population and no, the developers should not listen to a small group of friends, whose one and only goal is to get other classes nerfed and their own buffed.
I tested it, i'm loving it. The best thing about the update is going to be the mini - vorpal nerf. Since that enchantment is the most overpowered thing, Neverwinter has to offer these days. It still lets people hit way too hard, a slight tone down would be useful, maybe 35% severity added instead of 50% at perfect rank. Perhaps the devs should review said enchantment a little, to get it on par with the other ones.
I think enchants need some balance overall. I also hope we will see less soulforged. I know, it looks cool, but when every player is wearing it, and the game is flooded with pitch black legged-clouds running around, and every player you meet in PvP is a zombie-mode toon, it gets boring. Same with vorpal. I'll keep it for PvE, but for PvP i'll try to craft a terror enchant and upgrade it.
It may sound weird, but what i'm looking for the most, are the improvements devs could, and should, do to the other classes to balance PvP. And i hope that all this stuff going live could speed up the balance process.
As i said, people need just to be calm and take it as a beta test.
Devs should put a big fat advice on the update when you first enter the game, and tell people that what they will try is for testing and not a final version of the changes. I think really that they are making all go live cause the preview shard is not good to test PvP stuff.
Matchmaking is actually up on preview just before release, so it will get some testing.
How do you test a matchmaking system when you have like, i don't know, 500 players going on preview here and there, most of the time just for quick tests?
How do you test matchmaking when a queue takes ages to start a match?
Just asking...
There is an announcement on Neverwinter's Facebook page that the PvP update is due in 3 days. Yes, just 3 (three) days.
Please have patience.
You have 0 (zero) feedback on matchmaking. There are untested features. Your 60% CW CC bonus is still not working properly, CC is not nearly sufficient. Nobody likes Healing Depression. You have tons of negative feedback on Tenacity itself. You have tons of negative feedback on the gear sets.
Kindly stop this madness.
Don't push this to live... I am not sure how to put this in more polite terms, and I know it's futile, but you should stop for a **** minute and ponder on the consequences of releasing content almost NOBODY appreciates.
Thank you.
Agreed. I've opposed it to no avail, but then again, it'll be the pugs that will be crying.
We could easily start a new thread and set a time for people to come PvP with a time converter link attached if you want. Could also post it on the general discussion or gameplay/pvp section to make sure it gains more attention. Could also announce it on PM vs PM chat in game since most of those people are competitive PvP players willing to go on preview to test changes. Ultimately though you are right, there really isn't a way to test it. I guess I was just thinking more along the lines of making sure it works rather than is refined, but even then I see your point. Large groups will get together and go do PvP on preview though, you just need to be there at the right time.
In the end though, perhaps that is something that simply needs to be put out there to be tested because it would require so many testers. Again though, this is something much more simple to implement than the new stat, balancing, ect. Either way, the odds are even if it isn't working well, it will still provide positive benefits of matchmaking.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Again though, they said it themselves on live stream. They do not plan on balancing this game by 1v1. From that standpoint, you need to view CW as a utility class/support class. The reason CW didn't work this way now is because it was so fragile. Tenacity fixes that and allows for CWs to provide support much longer rather than getting 1 combed to death every time the head to help. Again, just look at the skills and how many are based around debuffs or chill or other effects rather than pure damage. The class is designed with the support mindset rather than straight dps 1v1 class + they said this game is not going to be balanced on a 1v1 basis. I know I've provided this argument to you before, but that is just how it is. This isn't to say that CWs couldn't use some kind of buff, but to say that they are still effective for their utility in team settings like this game's pvp, even if they may not be the best at killing or may be easier to kill than other classes.
Please be honest, did you play a CW on Preview?
The class is heavily affected by the changes and out most important combo is no longer possible.
You think CW is fragile in Live? Might need a buff?
Please let me keep my Live CW then! Because the ones I tested on Preview are 100% worse.
Also your assumptions about how CWs function in Preview are all wrong, so yeah, I'm 100% you never played one.
Testing things in order to make their own class more powerful doesn't do any good tbh. I think people are being a bit delusive to believe, that the few "top" pvp guild(s) are a huge portion of the NW gaming community, at all. It is maybe 0.5% of the entire game population and no, the developers should not listen to a small group of friends, whose one and only goal is to get other classes nerfed and their own buffed.
I tested it, i'm loving it. The best thing about the update is going to be the mini - vorpal nerf. Since that enchantment is the most overpowered thing, Neverwinter has to offer these days. It still lets people hit way too hard, a slight tone down would be useful, maybe 35% severity added instead of 50% at perfect rank. Perhaps the devs should review said enchantment a little, to get it on par with the other ones.
"I don't have a perfect vorpal and I'm jealous of all that do".
Please nerf them so I can be happy, I don't want to buy/work for a vorpal myself.
How do you test a matchmaking system when you have like, i don't know, 500 players going on preview here and there, most of the time just for quick tests?
How do you test matchmaking when a queue takes ages to start a match?
Just asking...
You go in with friends or guild. Testing takes time yes. Better wait than have this on Live.
How hard can it be to understand it's toxic content?
The class is heavily affected by the changes and out most important combo is no longer possible.
You think CW is fragile in Live? Might need a buff?
Please let me keep my Live CW then! Because the ones I tested on Preview are 100% worse.
Also your assumptions about how CWs function in Preview are all wrong, so yeah, I'm 100% you never played one.
99% of the posts I see from you are just complain posts that revolve around CW not being up to par with other classes in 1v1 PvP. Even things such as implementing large re-balancing (which works well from my and others experience) you now want to delay b/c it doesn't make CW #1. Again though, you can say my assumptions are wrong, but you are completely ignoring the obvious signs of how the class is designed and what a game designer himself said on livestream with regards to the role/gameplay of CW in pvp. You are so frustrated that every post I see from you is filled with venom and attacking others all because of your desire to make a class work differently than its intended function in pvp when the class itself isn't quite as powerful as the others in a PvP setting. Either way, you have classes/builds that excel in PvE and PvP in all games. CW is arguably the best in PvE. Why should they be the best in PvP too?
I understand why you would be frustrated, but you are just trying to make a class work that excels in PvE excel in PvP. A class that is partially AoE based excel against 1v1. A class that is support skill based excel in 1v1. A class that is ranged based excel in damage compared to ones that are melee based.
I have a CW, but I did not get into it much because I play PvP and realize the class isn't designed to be top in PvP based on killing, 1v1, or solo play potential (which is what I enjoy in PvP).
If you want to be good at competative PvP, don't intentionally play a class that is known to be weak in PvP. Otherwise, if you want to play a class because it is what you enjoy rather than what is best, know and accept that you will be at a disadvantage, but have fun doing what you enjoy. To me, it seems like you are not enjoying it because you are trying too hard to force something to work against people that are playing classes designed to be good at it, and you are angry that they can do it better than you. No matter how skilled you are in any game the advantages of game mechanics will always provide a significant advantage in non-one dimensional PvP. If you are not enjoying it, find another way to play or another class that you will enjoy.'
Either way I am tired of the unnecessary heated forum posts in response on these CW topics. From the reply, it looks like everything I just said passed in one side and right out the other anyway, so I am not going to bother anymore. Cheers, and remember to have fun. In the end its all just a game.
Think of it like a freight train which is on a collision course. You can slow it down, but nothing you can do will change its course, stop it, nor reduce the carnage when it hits *.
* You can evacuate people And that's exactly what Persephone was talking about (quit the game, lol).
Personally, not even speaking about tenacity, I can't imagine solo players and premades playing in the same non-separated ranked ladder. This is just beyond possible level of stupidity (which is rather high for those 7*109 human beings on Earth)
If you want to be good at competative PvP, don't intentionally play a class that is known to be weak in PvP *. Otherwise, if you want to play a class because it is what you enjoy rather than what is best, know and accept that you will be at a disadvantage, but have fun doing what you enjoy.
* Yo, bro! That's one of the deepest and most constructive posts I've seen through my life. Such idea, very brilliant, wow.. I agree with you, lets just delete this unworthy class from the game. Or make it officially PvE-only (like if you play wizard you don't have a PvP queue button in your UI).
GWF - true PvP class for the win!!!
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
Please answer what I asked from you, instead of personally attacking me.
Are you informed enough to have an opinion on CW? I seems to me you're not, yet you still come with strong words.
For example, as I was getting frustrated with GWFs, I asked one of my friends to let me play his GWF (r8-9/perfects), and I did so for an entire week, including on Preview - all this because I wanted to know what I was saying.
Also, the lines below - EXTREMELY important. Extremely.
- I never asked for CW to be No1 class in PvP
- I never asked for CW to own 1vs1 all other classes
- I never asked for CW's support role to be changed to point holder, tank or whatever, I like support
Now let's see what I actually asked:
- CW should have a 50% (FIFTY) chance to kill any other class in PvP, same gear, same skill, same experience
- CW should be just as desirable as a GWF or TR in PvP; people should not leave their class to roll another, because it is weak
And that's about it.
You would be angry too, if this update would destroy your already pretty weak class. Hell, the developers playing CW with full r10 and better gear couldn't get a SINGLE kill on a certain team they faced. One kill...
*\ * Yo, bro! That's one of the deepest and most constructive posts I've seen through my life. Such idea, very brilliant, wow.. I agree with you, lets just delete this unworthy class from the game. Or make it officially PvE-only (like if you play wizard you don't have a PvP queue button in your UI).
GWF - true PvP class for the win!!!
Do you really want to have them stall this? Matchmaking is actually up on preview just before release, so it will get some testing. However, matchmaking is something fairly simple to implement when compared to a new stat, skill balancing, CC balancing, new armor/gear balancing, ect. That portion has already underwent much testing and has been refined. I am happy with how it is working with many people on preview shard. Overall things are more balanced as a result. Rather than trying to delay and perfect something like this 100%, it is truly better just to get it out there, get the feedback, then make any final modifications as need be. (Modifications have already been made after much much testing + feedback on the preview server already.) There will always need to be balancing/adjustments made regardless, but again, this has already been refined. We want them to embrace this PvP update and future content updates rather than trying to push them away from it or try to demand more out of it. The fact that they are now acknowledging and working so hard to provide large PvP updates is a fantastic step forward. There should not be so much negativity towards this if we want PvP updates in the future. If something truly isn't right with it on release, you know they are going to fix it in time.
Again though, they said it themselves on live stream. They do not plan on balancing this game by 1v1. From that standpoint, you need to view CW as a utility class/support class. The reason CW didn't work this way now is because it was so fragile. Tenacity fixes that and allows for CWs to provide support much longer rather than getting 1 combed to death every time the head to help. Again, just look at the skills and how many are based around debuffs or chill or other effects rather than pure damage. The class is designed with the support mindset rather than straight dps 1v1 class + they said this game is not going to be balanced on a 1v1 basis. I know I've provided this argument to you before, but that is just how it is. This isn't to say that CWs couldn't use some kind of buff, but to say that they are still effective for their utility in team settings like this game's pvp, even if they may not be the best at killing or may be easier to kill than other classes.
Maybe you didn't read my previous post as well. Please do not take snippets out of context. I am all for buffing a weak class. However, you cannot expect a class to be the best in PvE and PvP. You can expect them to be viable in both, but not excel at both. In addition, there is a difference between utility strength and damage strength that sometimes seems to get lost when you talk about group vs group pvp balancing (which is what this game is based on).
On a side note, I personally do not understand why that statement is viewed with sarcasm. It is common sense. It is the equivalent of going into a fight with your fists when you know your opponent has a knife.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Maybe you didn't read my previous post as well. Please do not take snippets out of context. I am all for buffing a weak class. However, you cannot expect a class to be the best in PvE and PvP. You can expect them to be viable in both, but not excel at both. In addition, there is a difference between utility strength and damage strength that sometimes seems to get lost when you talk about group vs group pvp balancing (which is what this game is based on).
On a side note, I personally do not understand why that statement is viewed with sarcasm. It is common sense. It is the equivalent of going into a fight with your fists when you know your opponent has a knife.
Please take the PvE out of this. I will admit from the start CW is most desirable class for PvE. It has NOTHING to do with the PURE PvP discussion here. While I do (some) PvE, many other PvP CWs never ever touch it.
Maybe you didn't read my previous post as well. Please do not take snippets out of context. I am all for buffing a weak class. However, you cannot expect a class to be the best in PvE and PvP. You can expect them to be viable in both, but not excel at both. In addition, there is a difference between utility strength and damage strength that sometimes seems to get lost when you talk about group vs group pvp balancing (which is what this game is based on).
On a side note, I personally do not understand why that statement is viewed with sarcasm. It is common sense. It is the equivalent of going into a fight with your fists when you know your opponent has a knife.
It amuses me, how you don't understand such simple concept: there should NOT be such a thing as "excel" in terms of MMORPG.
If you prefer an allegory: if your opponent has a knife, you supposed to have a pepper mace. Or at least a chain mail. When us, players, notice some class appears to have a shotgun instead, we should ask devs to fix that - give us shotguns too, or take it away from that class and give him a knife
Now PvP balance just looks something like this:
Please take the PvE out of this. I will admit from the start CW is most desirable class for PvE. It has NOTHING to do with the PURE PvP discussion here. While I do (some) PvE, many other PvP CWs never ever touch it.
PvE has NO PLACE in a pure PvP discussion
Ever asked to make CW best in ANYTHING.
Just equally viable.
Err, so long as skill effects changes in PvP affect PvE then yes the consequences of changes due to PvP to PvE are important. Just ask the TRs who got nerfed to the ground in PvE because of PvP concerns...
What should be done, of course, is to separate the effects of skills in PvP and PvE and allow a dual spec option. Until such time, however, bringing up concerns about the effects of skill changes in PvP or PvE to the other is not just fine, but the sensible thing to do.
someone wrote the major point why so less people playing on preview server: u need to have glory, coins, enchs, ads for trying stuff out. you need to transfer ur chars and wait several hours. thats why no one is playing on preview.
devs shooting into their own legs.
imo the pvp game right now, is nearly balanced. only GWF is over the top, but instead of nerfing him, they invent several new stuff, which will leads to new imbalanced situations.
u cant build a house on swamp but they still try it. nerfing only gwf would be the best choice but they try to keep ppl playing this game and force them to run again and again the same stuff which is already in the game (GG)
Keeping it on preview brings what? There's nobody playing PvP there. Apart from the few guilds/ friends going there to test. These are few feedbacks.
Best way to get feedback is to make all live, let people play it on live, get tons of feedback and crunch tons of numbers, and see how stuff works. Then change.
People must have patience, do not rage, give feedback exc...
If there were players to PvP on preview, i would agree with you. But there's nobody there. Keeping the PvP update on preview is unuseful.
I tested numerous times, during all Tenacity incarnations:
- all gear sets
- at least 15-16 spec variations and rotations
- almost all weapon enchants and a few armor enchants
- 2 classes: GWF and CW
The update, as it stands now on Preview, will completely break my CW and relegate it to an idiotic DoT/single target/no CC lame build of total lameness - and even with this horrific playstyle, it's still so amazingly bad.
My Perfect Vorpal is no longer efficient. I like playing burst, not damage over time. This is why I chose Mage over Warlock in WoW. You have any idea how many CN runs it took me to get 6 millions AD for this? All wasted.
My Greater Soulforge is no longer efficient. Another crazy nerf. Again, any idea how many CN runs it took me to make this G/SF (which is fully refined and ready to upgrade...).
My life-saving Raven artifact. NERFED.
My regen, which allowed me to kite some - nerfed.
My beloved High Vizier set, full of regen, debuffing people like crazy? No longer viable - no Tenacity.
My PvP gear? No longer viable. With the new Tenacity gear, either I will play with dumb stats in PvE, either I will spend a HUGE amount of gold each time I want to switch PvE to PvP and back. Now I switch just 2 rings/belt/talisman. Soon I will have to switch EVERYTHING but underwear.
Now. Please explain to me. How can I be happy about this?
This update practically destroys the game for me to the point where I no longer have a desire to log. It makes me puke only thinking about what will come.
So again. Kindly explain to me how is this better than what we have now? And no, I'm not a rat so devs can test things on me on Live. There is a Preview server for testing. Experimental stuff should be on Preview - not on Live.
Oh yeah.
Easy for you to come with "no rage" proposals. You play GWF. Well guess what?
I tested GWF. It's still exactly as OP as on Live. Rotations still work flawlessly. You can do the same stuff, and have fun... yet again. My CW cannot however perform her rotation any longer.
So in the end, easy for you to be cool&chill about this. It's not your class that gets broken.
It's mine.
The matchmaking is gonna be so awful i just know it... seems like they're making an attempt to rush things but hell this is just random.
Business as usual. How many times have exploits/problems been reported on preview weeks in advance only to be taken live? Every single time. Preview server is a fallacy.
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Still no way to queue PMvsPM any longer. Matchmaking+penalty is basically taking high-end PvP out of the game.
Why would you want to ignore the (extremely negative) feedback from your players and push an update that nobody wants or desires?
Please reconsider.
Think of it like a freight train which is on a collision course. You can slow it down, but nothing you can do will change its course, stop it, nor reduce the carnage when it hits.
They have no idea how else to do things. Delaying it wont change anything. Its coming 3days or 3 months wouldnt change the result.
Doesn't help at least some are unable to xfer their characters right now...
Yeah, let's see how it will develop on live although I agree that this update is all but ready. This basically means playing the leavers game 24/7 until Thursday to max out glory for all those that want to get their new T2 Grim asap. After that it's gonna be lot of spawn camping until matchmaking will have sorted things out.
I know right?
And these "long-awaited" PvP updates are not even in a week's notice before the actual implementation.
What a joke.
Add no free respec to that huge list of woes xD and yes , although I'm by no means a full time pvper I can see that this is clearly being rushed out .
But it's kind of lame when even a temporary event like Tymora's Gift has somewhat an early notice on the News Update and even a notification in the in-game Calendar, while a MAJOR UPDATE of the game which are the PvP changes just gets announced like what, hours ago? (and it's not even on the official site)
This is what they posted on the Neverwinter's Facebook page.
"Are you ready to dominate? Our PvP updates are coming this Thursday, 3/6, with new gear, a new Tenacity stat, matchmaking, and penalties for early leavers! #Neverwinter"
Yes! We are ready to dominate! NOT.
Now i have a question for you: have you tried to go alone on preview and queue for PvP? To test matchmaking, may be?
You've to wait what, 1 hour to get a pug to test stuff?
And btw, how do you test matchmaking if you don't even have statistics for player rating? You think few guilds and players going PvP on preview to test stuff make a ranking? And can use a matchmaking based on the rating of their friends after playing like 10 matches?
I'm glad you, some guilds and few other players could go there with friends and test it. And i'm sure your feedback is valuable. But you guys are few, many players willing to test stuff don't have friends to go test stuff, don't have a guild (like me), and can't go on preview sitting there for 1 hour praying that someone will try to join PvP. The result is: preview is DESERTED. YOU CAN'T PVP ON PREVIEW UNLESS YOU GO WITH A BUNCH OF FRIENDS, MUCH LESS TESTING A MATCHMAKING SYSTEM WITH NO PLAYERS AROUND.
But feedback from thousands of NW players on live is way better, and DEVs being able to monitor PvP on thousands of players and really get some numbers is way better than keep tenacity on preview and make changes base don what persephone, ayroux and few other players say. Even considering how valuable the feedback you guys give is.
PvE content could be tested playing alone, PvP content is not being tested enough on preview. You can't really think that even 1 year of tests by you and few other players is what is needed to release the new content.
You want DEVs to balance stuff, you want them to make it on preview using few players as a test base. It's plain wrong.
Test matchamking more on preview before releasing it.
Is it a bad joke? How do you test the matchmaking on preview? Answer this. There is nobody to even use a matchmaking.
Last: people just need to understand that the fact they make it go live to test it, does not mean it is marked in stone and will not be changed. It's the opposite. It's to make changes that they go live and try to test stuff on a large scale. So, is it such a big problem to test it and give feedback?
Else, if you don't want this to go live, please convince like 1000x times the number of players that go PvP on preview now, to go test stuff. I'll be happy to come, queue and test stuff too. And give feedback.
Bring enough players on preview to test the matchmaking and allow players to enter preview, go queue and not have to wait 1 hour to get into a match.
You can do that, i'm all for waiting more and testing on preview.
Else, you're asking DEVs to test matchmaking with magic and make PvP changes based on what 0.5% of the total NW player base (which i think is the amount of players who could test tenacity) say.
Yeah testing is annoying on Preview.
But not our fault either. Nobody offers any incentive for somebody to go help&test. You even had to "pay" for the gear, instead of it being free on Preview so everybody can get it, test it, discard it whatever.
You wanna test some enchants you don't have on Live? Now you gotta start asking friends instead of getting them for free as testing material.
All in all, everybody can get a guild, everybody with enough interest can get on Preview. But don't discard the opinion of so many people that actually went through this just because you feel Tenacity is OK.
Because it is not. The concept is good but its implementation is horrific.
I tested it, i'm loving it. The best thing about the update is going to be the mini - vorpal nerf. Since that enchantment is the most overpowered thing, Neverwinter has to offer these days. It still lets people hit way too hard, a slight tone down would be useful, maybe 35% severity added instead of 50% at perfect rank. Perhaps the devs should review said enchantment a little, to get it on par with the other ones.
It's not that testing is annoying. It's that going queue on preview is a waste of time. I've been almost 1 hour wandering around many times, waiting for a match. Nothing.
The fault is of the players. Anybody can go there and go queue. But while more players would do it for PvE just to get an "advantage" in knowledge, or for plain curiosity, seems like almost nobody was interested in trying out the PvP changes.
I wanted to test it. I couldn't. I can't waste hours in hope to get 1 match on preview.
I don't have a guild cause i don't want to join a guild. But the point is: it shouldn't be a requirement to test stuff. We already have "guild only" content with GG.
It's not like i discard your opinion. I wrote it's all valuable feedback. I would give mine feedback, if it was possible to test stuff on preview. I said it's not enough to be considered a valid test. Too few players tested it. Some did like it, some not so much and wanted changes (ayroux), some hate it.
Matchmaking just cannot be tested on preview. For the simple reason that you cannot create a ranking on prevew. Few players, not playing there so much.
What i say is: obviously it will be flawed, obviously there will be stuff to change and fix. But what harm will do to have it live and have people test it? PvP will suck for a period? May be. Probably. But it will be fixed. There will be tons of feedbacks, devs will be able to crunch loads of numbers, and it will be a much more complete feedback than the one coming from few players. What is the real harm in going live? If people can understand that what they experience is not set in stone, but a kind of "beta" version ongoing testing and balancing, i don't see the problem. The lack of balance? It is temporary. The unbalanced builds will go up and challenge each Others. With time, things will be balanced and the ranking will start to make more sense. Just need to be patient and take it as an open beta testing. And use it to come on the forums and give a sea of feedbacks to the devs.
I don't think tenacity "is OK". I didn't even have a chance to test it. That's why i look forward to the opportunity i may have to test it and post feedback on it. And see the matchmaking at work on the Whole community. I think with a bit of patience and time this system will bring balance to PvP.
I do agree however, that preview is poorly implemented. Can barely test stuff there. We should have free access to the stuff we need to test, free access to gear and enchants.
Again though, they said it themselves on live stream. They do not plan on balancing this game by 1v1. From that standpoint, you need to view CW as a utility class/support class. The reason CW didn't work this way now is because it was so fragile. Tenacity fixes that and allows for CWs to provide support much longer rather than getting 1 combed to death every time the head to help. Again, just look at the skills and how many are based around debuffs or chill or other effects rather than pure damage. The class is designed with the support mindset rather than straight dps 1v1 class + they said this game is not going to be balanced on a 1v1 basis. I know I've provided this argument to you before, but that is just how it is. This isn't to say that CWs couldn't use some kind of buff, but to say that they are still effective for their utility in team settings like this game's pvp, even if they may not be the best at killing or may be easier to kill than other classes.
I think enchants need some balance overall. I also hope we will see less soulforged. I know, it looks cool, but when every player is wearing it, and the game is flooded with pitch black legged-clouds running around, and every player you meet in PvP is a zombie-mode toon, it gets boring. Same with vorpal. I'll keep it for PvE, but for PvP i'll try to craft a terror enchant and upgrade it.
It may sound weird, but what i'm looking for the most, are the improvements devs could, and should, do to the other classes to balance PvP. And i hope that all this stuff going live could speed up the balance process.
As i said, people need just to be calm and take it as a beta test.
Devs should put a big fat advice on the update when you first enter the game, and tell people that what they will try is for testing and not a final version of the changes. I think really that they are making all go live cause the preview shard is not good to test PvP stuff.
How do you test a matchmaking system when you have like, i don't know, 500 players going on preview here and there, most of the time just for quick tests?
How do you test matchmaking when a queue takes ages to start a match?
Just asking...
Agreed. I've opposed it to no avail, but then again, it'll be the pugs that will be crying.
In the end though, perhaps that is something that simply needs to be put out there to be tested because it would require so many testers. Again though, this is something much more simple to implement than the new stat, balancing, ect. Either way, the odds are even if it isn't working well, it will still provide positive benefits of matchmaking.
Please be honest, did you play a CW on Preview?
The class is heavily affected by the changes and out most important combo is no longer possible.
You think CW is fragile in Live? Might need a buff?
Please let me keep my Live CW then! Because the ones I tested on Preview are 100% worse.
Also your assumptions about how CWs function in Preview are all wrong, so yeah, I'm 100% you never played one.
"I don't have a perfect vorpal and I'm jealous of all that do".
Please nerf them so I can be happy, I don't want to buy/work for a vorpal myself.
You go in with friends or guild. Testing takes time yes. Better wait than have this on Live.
How hard can it be to understand it's toxic content?
99% of the posts I see from you are just complain posts that revolve around CW not being up to par with other classes in 1v1 PvP. Even things such as implementing large re-balancing (which works well from my and others experience) you now want to delay b/c it doesn't make CW #1. Again though, you can say my assumptions are wrong, but you are completely ignoring the obvious signs of how the class is designed and what a game designer himself said on livestream with regards to the role/gameplay of CW in pvp. You are so frustrated that every post I see from you is filled with venom and attacking others all because of your desire to make a class work differently than its intended function in pvp when the class itself isn't quite as powerful as the others in a PvP setting. Either way, you have classes/builds that excel in PvE and PvP in all games. CW is arguably the best in PvE. Why should they be the best in PvP too?
I understand why you would be frustrated, but you are just trying to make a class work that excels in PvE excel in PvP. A class that is partially AoE based excel against 1v1. A class that is support skill based excel in 1v1. A class that is ranged based excel in damage compared to ones that are melee based.
I have a CW, but I did not get into it much because I play PvP and realize the class isn't designed to be top in PvP based on killing, 1v1, or solo play potential (which is what I enjoy in PvP).
If you want to be good at competative PvP, don't intentionally play a class that is known to be weak in PvP. Otherwise, if you want to play a class because it is what you enjoy rather than what is best, know and accept that you will be at a disadvantage, but have fun doing what you enjoy. To me, it seems like you are not enjoying it because you are trying too hard to force something to work against people that are playing classes designed to be good at it, and you are angry that they can do it better than you. No matter how skilled you are in any game the advantages of game mechanics will always provide a significant advantage in non-one dimensional PvP. If you are not enjoying it, find another way to play or another class that you will enjoy.'
Either way I am tired of the unnecessary heated forum posts in response on these CW topics. From the reply, it looks like everything I just said passed in one side and right out the other anyway, so I am not going to bother anymore. Cheers, and remember to have fun. In the end its all just a game.
* You can evacuate people
Personally, not even speaking about tenacity, I can't imagine solo players and premades playing in the same non-separated ranked ladder. This is just beyond possible level of stupidity (which is rather high for those 7*109 human beings on Earth)
* Yo, bro! That's one of the deepest and most constructive posts I've seen through my life. Such idea, very brilliant, wow.. I agree with you, lets just delete this unworthy class from the game. Or make it officially PvE-only (like if you play wizard you don't have a PvP queue button in your UI).
GWF - true PvP class for the win!!!
My videos
Are you informed enough to have an opinion on CW? I seems to me you're not, yet you still come with strong words.
For example, as I was getting frustrated with GWFs, I asked one of my friends to let me play his GWF (r8-9/perfects), and I did so for an entire week, including on Preview - all this because I wanted to know what I was saying.
Also, the lines below - EXTREMELY important. Extremely.
- I never asked for CW to be No1 class in PvP
- I never asked for CW to own 1vs1 all other classes
- I never asked for CW's support role to be changed to point holder, tank or whatever, I like support
Now let's see what I actually asked:
- CW should have a 50% (FIFTY) chance to kill any other class in PvP, same gear, same skill, same experience
- CW should be just as desirable as a GWF or TR in PvP; people should not leave their class to roll another, because it is weak
And that's about it.
You would be angry too, if this update would destroy your already pretty weak class. Hell, the developers playing CW with full r10 and better gear couldn't get a SINGLE kill on a certain team they faced. One kill...
Maybe you didn't read my previous post as well. Please do not take snippets out of context. I am all for buffing a weak class. However, you cannot expect a class to be the best in PvE and PvP. You can expect them to be viable in both, but not excel at both. In addition, there is a difference between utility strength and damage strength that sometimes seems to get lost when you talk about group vs group pvp balancing (which is what this game is based on).
On a side note, I personally do not understand why that statement is viewed with sarcasm. It is common sense. It is the equivalent of going into a fight with your fists when you know your opponent has a knife.
Please take the PvE out of this. I will admit from the start CW is most desirable class for PvE. It has NOTHING to do with the PURE PvP discussion here. While I do (some) PvE, many other PvP CWs never ever touch it.
PvE has NO PLACE in a pure PvP discussion
Ever asked to make CW best in ANYTHING.
Just equally viable.
It amuses me, how you don't understand such simple concept: there should NOT be such a thing as "excel" in terms of MMORPG.
If you prefer an allegory: if your opponent has a knife, you supposed to have a pepper mace. Or at least a chain mail. When us, players, notice some class appears to have a shotgun instead, we should ask devs to fix that - give us shotguns too, or take it away from that class and give him a knife
Now PvP balance just looks something like this:
My videos
Err, so long as skill effects changes in PvP affect PvE then yes the consequences of changes due to PvP to PvE are important. Just ask the TRs who got nerfed to the ground in PvE because of PvP concerns...
What should be done, of course, is to separate the effects of skills in PvP and PvE and allow a dual spec option. Until such time, however, bringing up concerns about the effects of skill changes in PvP or PvE to the other is not just fine, but the sensible thing to do.
devs shooting into their own legs.
imo the pvp game right now, is nearly balanced. only GWF is over the top, but instead of nerfing him, they invent several new stuff, which will leads to new imbalanced situations.
u cant build a house on swamp but they still try it. nerfing only gwf would be the best choice but they try to keep ppl playing this game and force them to run again and again the same stuff which is already in the game (GG)