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New Refinement System



  • redyummiredyummi Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    My two cents on the new refining system. I personally think it sucks and is an AD sink.

    Old Method:
    Fuse four rank 5 dark enchants to a rank 6.
    Use some preservation wards to ensure success.
    Result..a rank 6 dark enchantment.... repeat for a rank 7.

    New Method:
    Use four rank 5 dark enchantments, or one and a combination of others or special stones to achieve full enchantment bar.
    Use preservation wards as before.
    Buy a required special stone (mark) for 25,000 AD from the AH or Bazaar, or farm like crazy to get one.
    Result... a very expensive rank 6 dark enchantment

    Am I missing something here, or do we now get screwed out of more AD to rank up our enchantments ?

    Sorry, NW, but if this is what you did to the enchanting system, you can keep it. I purchased Hero of the North Pack, so obviously I'm not cheap, but this is a screw job to the players.

    I hear RIFT call my name, so I can go cool off with a few hours of fishing.
  • stabbathstabbath Member Posts: 350 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bendalek wrote: »
    That's what I'm referring too = How did you arrive at it costing *85* coal wards? I haven't bothered doing 'the maths' for every enchant, but only IF you use a Coal ward for EVERY upgrade could it possibly cost you that.

    I'm a relatively 'new' player to NW, but I haven't spent 1 single $, Z or AD on a Coal. ward yet, and I have many (read:dozens) of 7, 8 and 9 Runes/Ench socketed and bagged on 5 different toons. I've used one and only one, Coal. ward which I got from envoking to make the lvl 8 the rest is probably all up about 500 Z on Pres. wards.

    Wow. I play about everyday, since March (I've rerolled a few times my main) and do not have a single rank 8 rune yet. And I have used blue wards. Do you farm runes a lot? What's your secret man?
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,983 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    My secret? I just spend hours and hours running up, down and around Sharandar and Rothe Valley, then more hours fusing. You lose a lot in the % success gamble but you can get there eventually. i also used AD from dailies to buy stacks of white/green gems that ppl sell on the AH for next to nothing, at least, I used to. but with the new system they are probably going to be valuable now.

    You used to be able to get a carp-tonne of low lvls for a few AD, and only use wards if I'm running low on 6 and 7's and 8's of a certain type, otherwise I might burn 10 lvl 4's but eventually get a 5 and after a while you have 50+ 5's, so lets try for some 6's.

    Rinse and repeat, it's time consuming and may be considered wasteful BUT, it is virtually free! Maybe it's because I'm old and spent a good deal of my childhood/younger years playing P'n'P, but I'm more used to, and more tolerant of, random dye rolls, and I don't get the frustration or need for instant gratification that the current generation seems to have/need
    Is it finally a T5/U/T6 KDF Science Ship?
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Nope, just a McKrenim Happy Meal toy.
    IMPERIAL AUSMONAUTS - STO Klingon & Rom-Klink Fleet.

  • giggliatogiggliato Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Just have us pay AD to upgrade, no need for some convoluted interface.
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Special refining stones can also be obtained from skill nodes and the coffers from invoking.

    You can also use mismatched runes/enchantments for refining, but receive no bonus for doing so. You get bonus points if they match.

    Marks of potency are supposed to be findable in various places. Their item descriptions say where, but drop rates are still uncertain.

    The drop rates are almost nonexistent for all reagents.
  • saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    giggliato wrote: »
    Just have us pay AD to upgrade, no need for some convoluted interface.

    If the AD cost was reasonable, I would love it if they went this route. This system is just a PITA.
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    bendalek wrote: »
    I'm not feeling the pain as others seem to be, I LIKE the new system! As others have said, I just cleared out 3 bags of low rank Runes/Ench to upgrade XP on the ones currently socketed. Took me all of 20mins this morning before work, now when I get home, I can jump back in and start looking for reagents.

    One thing I did notice is that it's near impossible to find certain level Runes/Ench on the AH now, but at least finally I can maybe get a decent price for all those Lesser Serenes I've got laying around :)

    I also love the so called "maths" that people do, when talking about upgrading, it's complete cods wallop! I have a lvl 8 Eldritch on one of my pets, and all it cost me was (obviously) a lot of farming, and all up (that is, in complete and total) 17 Preservation Wards. You DO NOT have to buy a Coal. ward for every upgrade, you can (as I did) run the percentage gamble. I would only buy Coal. wards for perhaps 8 ->9 ->10, so claiming it will cost 85 Coal Wards is nothing more than hyperbole! It could cost that many IF you used one for every upgrade, which would be a complete and foolish waste.

    People are confusing upgrading weapon enchants and stat enchants. weapon enchants only take 15 coal wards now, this is an actual improvement. the other enchants don't need coal wards but a whole lot of reagents which drop very rarely or can be bought for outrageous sums of AD.
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    The blue level reagents drop from Epic dungeon bosses. I ran two epic dungeons today and the second boss on one of the runs dropped a blue mark of potency. I didn't get it with my 20% chance.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mod note: this discussion is being closed as it is just a rehash of the official feedback threads while shadowmantle was on the preview shard. if pwe hasn't already heard (or read) the contentions from there, adding them again here isn't going to change anything. early in the first discussion, one of the designers stated that based on internal metrics, the old system in its then state had failed as it was not being used as intended. they later decided they would remove an extra AD cost from the new refinement process. but just like the old system, if this new one doesn't work, the numbers will show it and it could be fine tuned at a later date.

    we are working on a very simplified explanation of how the new refinement system works. we will also provide information on how to get the best out of it. we can understand some peoples frustrations, however it did seem clear to us that some of these posts indicated that a lot of the frustration is from not really knowing how to make it work for you. we can't make you use it, but we can at least do the best we can in providing good information. thank you.
This discussion has been closed.