Posted this in another thread though in afterthought I copied it here:
My list of top Foundry adventure without any spoilers!
My favorite Foundry content(in more or less alphabetic order):
Bloody Pit Unchained
Based more or less on Spartacus Blood and Sand TV series. As game rating is only Teens it has only partial nudity with slave girls however that is nice and some small elements to the fans of the TV series.
Call of the Wild(Campaign with 3 adventures)
All I can say this has good story and my favorite monsters will not spoil what it is. As challenge goes the first part felt really easy the second adventure was slightly tougher and the the last third I have not played yet. If you like good story and to read this is good. It has enough combat to keep it interesting however do not expect tough challenge.
Cloak Tower: Cult of the Dragon
Challenge is so hard it is meant for 2 players and it gives good challenge to 2 players. If you
have some 15k or more gear score character well this it the toughest Foundry adventure I have played so you can try it solo with your super character.
Ravenloft Campaign
CH1 Journey to Castle Barovia
+ Horrror theme. I will not tell major spoilers.
+ Occasionally good music.
+ Nice graphics and environment. The author has made an effort with making map good looking for the theme of this adventure.
+ Adventure was not short but not to long and did not feel boring though this is not a 15 min adventure.
Neutral: I did not find any root or stuff to help me. My 11.2k Cleric was never even near to die so I wander if those people who complain it is hard challenge have less then 7k gear?.
- I spent over 10 minutes searching for a powder keg which is necessary to continue
the plot. The fuse was easy to find but the powder keg was not nearby.
- The endfight despite the music did not feel so epic however it was not supposed to end in the first chapter.
My vote: 4/5 very good adventure.
Ravenloft The Hunger made by a different author
+ Horror and my favorite theme.
+ good story while it lasted.
+ 22 min average play time excellent!
Neutral: Average map design.
- lack of challenge and what is worse you can not even aggro on purpose many enemies to get even near decent challenge like in Scarlet Monastery
- Did I mention this adventure lacks challenge? My 11,8k Cleric never needed any healing potion
and the endfight was ridculous challenge. I will play test this with my Rogue with less gs at some
My vote: 4/5 very good!
Scarlet Library
I played almost 4 years World of Warcraft and this is a remake of Scarlet Library one of my favorite WOW Dungeons. Challenge is reduced so it fits for one player however I had very fun with my real life friend when I did on purpose get aggro from 15-20 enemies at the same time.
This is Action and Hack/Slash! Lots of it and I love it! Graphic environment is very good remake of the WOW Dungeon.
The Return to Azerothia
This is a the sequel to Scarlet Library however it had one annoying secret door/switch and not as good as Scarlet Library is to me however I did not regret playing it though wasted 15 minutes figuring out how to continue.
The Book of The Dead
Horror genre based on the very old movie the first Evil Dead movie from the 80ies. It has some elements indeed from that movie however and interesting.
The Dweomerkeepers
NOTE I have only played 2nd adventure so far in this campaign!
This is like reading a good book! The author impressed me with knowledge however interesting. I also liked to hear about Gods and no surprise since I have 2 Clerics and 1 Rogue character. As challenge goes I played with my Cleric that now has roughly 9.3k gearscore. I did not die however I did have to use healing potions. Most fights were easy though. To be complete honest I jumped directly to second adventure since first adventure does not grant dayly Foundry reward. Second adventure was good except I wasted 10 minutes searching for an item. I warmly recommend this campaign for those who like to read a lot.
EDIT: Now I have played third adventure in this campaign. One thing that comes forward in these both(2nd and 3rd) adventures that I have played is also how well and with detail maps are designed. The story is also rich. In this third adventure in the campaign the end battle was interesting and it had challenge and I needed a healing potion with my Cleric with now gearscore 9,4k+ though I did not die.
The Lair of Kheneka
Excellent challenge! I did this with one of my Hybrid PvE/PvP Clerics with gs 10.89k currently. If you go to the right from quest path you will find a trigger on the wall. It warns you that this content is not wise to do solo. I went there solo. Rushed in confident with healing potions. I got slaughtered. Second time I tried to use advanced tactics and figure out what to kill first etc. I won after a long fight. All fights after
this optional sidething to rescue were more easy.
+ Challenge
+ Interesting enemy spells. I am not going to spoil it but you and your NPC companion can be affected
by slightly funny spell.
+ 22 minutes average play time so not to short or to long adventure.
+ No annoying puzzles and 0 bugs found.
Neutral: Since my Cleric is good healer the optional fight was time consuming.
Neutral: This is hack/slash. If you want really deep story or much text this adventure will not have that.
- The only complaint I have that there could be more variety in monsters.
If you have 14k+ gear try charge to that optional room and kill them all! I rate this adventure to 4.5 stars excellent!
Note I had 8k gear when I wrote Tired of Being Hero had challenge. I have 10.89k now and I
think the optional room has tough challenge.
The Revenge of Athron'zal
This is the sequel by same author that did The Lair of Kheneka.
+ Nightmare challenge. I died 4 times(Hybrid PvE/pVP Cleric 10.89k) and used almost every healing potion of 32 potions that I had with me! More then 1 tough battle and this on Normal challenge level! I think I need better gearscore to do this on Hard challenge!
+ One of my favorite monsters. Unfortunately she was not showing much skin and had robes.
Neutral: There is a hard way to do but sometimes more easy option if you look for it and are smart.
- so tough for 10.89k gearscore I almost felt blood taste in my mouth.
- The design of the map has nothing beautiful and dull go open these seals. I have seen much better
map designs.
My rating: 4/5 stars Very Good!
Warning this map has no escape! if you enter this map with to little potions one way to leave is reguest GM help, stuck and Abandon mission to get to town.
Tired of Being a Hero?
Recommended by the Gamespy reviewer.
Do you want to play Evil? Interesting change of role however challenge felt very hard I died a couple of times and used lots of potions. You could rename this to tired of easy Foundry challenge?
Whispers from the Void
Recommended by the Gamespy reviewer. I have not tried it yet however I like horror and this is more or less Lovecraft story based horror.
EDIT Now I have played it with a Cleric gs 9k+. As challenge goes slightly tougher then Call of the Wild campaigns first adventure that said not very hard or challenging. That said it has interesting horror elements though it is more Lovecraft based Mystery then horror. Lots of text and story to read. Since I am horror fan I will keep it among my top list.
I will update this list when needed.
To players: If you post your top list then please do not tell major spoilers about the adventure.To creators: Please do not get upset if you do not see your adventure listed in the above list. I have played a small fraction of available Foundry adventures and there is a big chance that I never played your adventure.
I am not a creator however I give my thanks to the community of creators. As for my taste in Movies also I like Action and Horror. Adventures that I am less interested in are comedy or full of puzzles however it is subjective taste and I am sure many people like them also.
Happy questing!
This quest was contest entry. The contest had some rules and a time limit, so this influenced some of the design. One of the requirements was that it take 45 minutes to complete. The time estimate on the foundry page is wrong, and I have no control over it! Some people say the map is confusing, but it is an exact copy of the dungeon delve "Cloak Tower" so it is standard.
I made this quest as an example of things that are not directly supported by the foundry. This include chests, gelatinous cube,skill nodes, boss fights, levers, NPC companions that fight, object and NPC size scaling and other things. Because the foundry doesn't support this stuff, the implementation was very difficult and there can be a few glitches. Just realize that most of the bugs you may see are limitations of, or bugs in, the foundry and I did what I could with what I had.
Also the NPCs that fight with you can die. There is no way for me to prevent it. Making it even seem like they follow you around and resurrecting them after fights was very complicated. At the time I wrote this, this was as good as it gets.
So, take it with a grain of salt and laugh with me at the goofy broken parts please. :cool:
Recommended by the Gamespy reviewer. I have not tried it yet however I like horror and this is more or less Lovecraft story based horror.
Big LOL to that.
You should play it then put it on your list. Otherwise it is not your list.
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Your adventure is absolutely worth to be among the best adventures we loved the challenge with my friend and many different kind of encounters! I guess I have more then one favorite monster type. I mentioned that Call of Wild had my favorite monster type.
That said this was among my favorite monsters in your adventure:
Yes I know it is small spoiler however when it is a rare monster among many other kind of monsters I think it is not so big spoiler. I absolutely loved this encounter and so did my friend. Yes I like horror but your adventure is perfect for 2 players that have more time to play(not short adventure) and want challenge.
Ok will play it sooner or later and then write a short review. I have certainly more respect for you then some forum newbie that said do not get disappointed if I don't list it as my top adventures. For examples played Tears of Selune campaign ok/good, but got annoyed with my friend due to way to easy challenge for 2 players even though adventure stated it is "normal" challenge for 2 players.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
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You should know that I have 3 characters. 2 Clerics and 1 Rogue. Both my Clerics worship Selune. You have certainly grasped the aspect of Moon etc. However I was expecting to face a bit more enemies of worshippers of Malar.
For example when I went into the very first adventure that had your campaign name and adventure name I was completely expecting different enemies.
Selune is goddess of Moon true. However Selune is also goodess of good and neutral shapeshifters. Evil shapeshifters usually worship Malar. This is typical Malar worshipper behavior:
I am a horror fan. Yeah maybe I played your adventures with completely different expectations. Anyway I give my thanks to creating ok adventures and good luck in future adventure creating.
Heh, I was sighing about the difficulty. I have taken about half the mobs out that I put in to begin with because people were complaining it was too hard to solo.
I am trying to have different enemies in each of my quests. My first quest was kobolds, second Devils, third Shadows. My 4th quest kinda sucks you can skip it (was supposed to be elementals but there really arn't any to use and the stand ins are kind of lame), my 5th quest is Drow. My next quest is going to be about orks; the one after that is going to be about shapeshifters. Then, gith.
Yeah, sure, thanks for the stars - I'll take any I can get. I only need a few thousand more before I hit dungeon master rank 7 and get my artifax title (and the imp pet that goes with it.)
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
Today I hit 9.9k gearscore with one of my 2 Clerics(the other Cleric have 9.5k gearscore). If my friend gets to max level then I likely play with one of my Clerics. My gearscore is not good but I have 0 enchants since free player and not even Gauntlgrym gear is good enough to enchant to me. I might break my method and actually enchant with some cheap rank 5 stuff to do well in tough Dungeons like Castle Never.
Why do I have 2 Clerics? I don't want to use respec token and wanted to test 2 different builds and yeah they are more or less different.
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Exactly! Please, please, please everyone push resetting average quest duration calculation upon republishing!
Such a little tiny, easy change the Devs could make that would solve sooo many issues!
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
You can try my Into the Underworld. It was designed to be very hard for solo play so is ok with two. It's pretty short, 20 mins maybe.
My casual friend was not to happy when he was left to try it solo and he unlike me does not like so much hard challenge.
66 minutes average play time? I am a powerplayer(AD reward matters). Actually both roleplayer and powerplayer fits me. A GM told me once in pen and paper session that he does not want my character since I powerplay(nothing against the rules all according to game rules and possible) to much when I create my character. Ok I said and told him that I do not want him as my GM and I smiled and left and have never regret that decision.
As for my gear well not so good and I am free player. Both my Clerics have 10k+ gear and I managed to get a really good body armor Gauntlgrym geardrop(Dwarf King Dungeon) for my Rogue(that is still level 59 since my friend is extreme casual player Wizard level 57). I have also done Castle Never twice now all bosses 4/4, but I have been unlucky with loot in that Dungeon.
No I do NOT promise to play a 66 min average play time adventure. My sincere suggestion is try to cut it into 2 adventures and I am 100% sure much more people will play that adventure.
Don't play it then, I do not want to attract the wrong people, if you are looking for an alternative story and adventure to what we have available then play it, if you are just playing to burn through foundries I would rather those people stay away from mine!
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Aww, that is a shame, xhrit. I played your first couple quests a few months ago and remember liking that they were some of the few foundries that had some challenging combat. Been meaning to go back and play through the whole thing now that you have a few more, but haven't done lot of foundries lately. To be honest, one of the reasons I don't do as many foundries as I used to is that it seems that the combat in most foundries that I try is aimed at under-geared DCs, with isolated groups of 3 mobs and so much space in between that there is no chance of an accidental pull. I understand that this is to make them accessible to all, but since I'm usually playing either a reasonably well-geared TR or CW, I just end up bored.
This sounds like a challenge
I double-dog dare ya!
Actually a TR should probably be able to stealth by most of the mobs before the final encounter. I've got a just turned 60th CW and am still a bit squishy, I was having trouble with taking too much time to kill off the archers and guards at the entryway and the wandering patrols would make it back to the entry and join in. Then once I took care of them, they entry guards would respawn, or the safe-zone attack mob would stroll by. D'oh!
Please let me know how it goes and any suggestions/comments and which character you tried/used.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Now IF I would only be interested in rewards then I would not play a fairly long adventure like Cloak Tower: Cult of the Dragon. However that adventure was very good and me and my friend actually plan to play it again some day and we both liked it very much. If I would like to perfect optimize Foundry gaming time there are lots of adventures that are shorter then Cloak Tower: Cult of the Dragon.
It gets repetetive and boring if you don't try other adventures and stick to 15-25 min adventures only. The best time to do long adventures are during level up process. Perhaps I might try it with a new Ranger class but that would ruin the experience of testing "how good is my max level character".
Finally I do longer stuff. I would not call Castle Never 4/4 very short or Gauntlgrym. However in those there are even greater rewards then 12000 AD. Now there is a misconception that every Rogue is stealth or fairly high INT build. My rogue is not a chicken HIDE INT rogue which has become so popular. My Rogues highest score is DEX and STR and INT is the lowest score.
If you want to become a runner in Dungeons there are two types. A Stealth. B. Fast movement and survival. I have even seen a Great Weapon Fighter with 12k+ gear run through Gauntlgrym T2 Dwarf King Dungeon.
The B tactic would not work very well in Castle Never perhaps. However if compared to DPS then the high INT rogue does not do so good dps vs bosses in Dungeons.
How good is my Rogue in PvP? Well to judge that I would need to become max level and have fairly good gear. Last time my Rogue did PvP was in level 50-59 range as level 59 and he was both times supreme best player, but nothing less was expected.
Will do. If I get my new Galeb Dhur leveled up by then I'll try it with my CW, if not I'll probably do it on the TR this time around.
If you are looking for a challenging foundry to solo, you can try one of my quests "The Lair of Kheneka" (There is an extreme challenge optional in there, that may be a bit hard to solo though.) Or "The Revenge of Athron'zal" (Select hard mode on "Warlord Haetharos" and I think you will find it to be a suitable challenge, the rest of the bosses are not easy either though.) Not trying to advertise (Well, ok, I kind of am.) but I tried to make some challenging bosses in those quests, trash is super easy by design though.
if you try create 15 min adventure that to many players might play it often and reduce average play time to 14 minutes.
Average play time 42 minutes. This is on the border or limit of maximum time I am willing to try a Foundry adventure. I mean it is average time it could as well take even 50+ minutes. I think your adventure length is still ok I mean Cloak Tower: Cult of the Dragon was not short.
I will see if I can convince this weekend(friday, saturday or sunday) my real life friend who is level 57 Wizard to play this adventure with my Rogue that is level 59. During that adventure my Rogue would surely become level 60 but that is ok and my friend told me he will manage to solo to get to max level the last levels so that is not a problem. IF we play your adventure of course we will choose ELITE challenge!
NOTE! To authors. Please note that every star that I can give your adventure raises your chance to get GM reward.
This is my way thinking.
5 star Perfect or at least extraordinary even it would have some minor flaw.
4.5 star Excellent!
4 star Very Good!
3,5 star Good!
3 star ok/good.
2.5 star ok.
2 star less then average.
1.5 star bad!
1 star Very bad!
0 star unplayable example full of bugs etc.
Means please not be annoyed if I rate your adventure to 3 star. To make it to my top list I do NOT require 5 star however 4 star likely needed and remember it is subjective taste. I have a harsh way of rating 4 or more star adventures are a small minority of adventures that exist.
I do not promise to play every adventure posted here however other people also read this thread and might play your adventure.
Cool, I will check them out!
I'm not disputing your thinking but it is worth mentioning that most authors would rather 0 stars to anything less than 4 stars. The reason is because of the way the adjusted rating works. If you vote 3.5 stars for a quest you think is good or 3 stars for ok/good then you are probably actually damaging the adjusted rating and lowering the position (if any) on the search tabs. Not something you would want for a quest you think is good.
If everyone rated the quests as you do then this would be less of a problem but they don't. For example many, many people will rate a quest based on the loot they get at the end regardless of what they thought of the quest. I have lost count of the amount 1 stars I have got with a comment like, great quest but no loot at the end. Something Authors are powerless to change.
I thought I would let you know and it's great that you and others give such feedback on the forums. It is a great way to share the quests you like.