1. Introduction
Hi all! I finally overcame my laziness and decided to describe my current build. It's a "glass cannon" build for those, who can dodge red circles.
2. BuildRace: Tiefling, Human, Sun Elf or Moon Elf
Initial stats roll (STR/CON/DEX/INT/WIS/CHA)
10/8/10/18/13/13 or 10/8/10/16/12/16
Choise between this 2 otions is 2 INT and 1 WIS or 3 extra CHA. Or in numbers 2% damage, 3% recharge, 1% AP gain or 3% crit chance and 3% combat advantage bonus.
I use thaumaturge paragon path, cause it gives maximum stabile damage boost both for you and your party. Here is a screenshot of my feats.
Heroic feats
Tier 1
Weapon Mastery: 3% chance to crit.
More crit more damage.
Toughness: 6% extra maximum hitpoints
Just a filler. But it better, than Controlling Action, believe me.
Tier 2
Fight On: Reduces your encounter cooldowns by 8%
Usefull feat, but there are not so much feat points to take all sweet feats.
Wizard's Wrath: 6% extra AoE damage.
More damage - good.
Tier 3
Blighting Power: Your Cold powers deal an additional 9% extra damage to targets effected by chill.
One of the options of this build is full frost mage, so +9% damage from frost spells are really usefull. But if you want, you can switch it with Arcane Enchancement.
Tier 4
Learned Spellcaster: Increases the bonus damage intelligence provides by 5%
It's near 6% damage boost for all your spells (depends of your INT).
For humans only. Take one of following
Focused Wizardry: Your area effect powers deal 9% more damage.
AoE damage increase for PvE.
Prestidigitation: You and your allies gain 3% increased Stat Ratings.
For PvP and party buffing.Paragon featsThaumaturge
Tier 1
Tempest Magic: When your target is below 30% maximum hit points, you deal 10% extra damage.
Nice execution ability.
Malevolent Surge: When you kill a foe you gain 10% more damage for each foe you kill. Stacks up to 3 times, lasts 4 seconds
Nice boost for you damage, when you kill enemies.
Tier 2
Nothing to do there.
Tier 3
Frozen Power Transfer: Chilling Cloud now grants 5% bonus damage for every target you strike with its third strike. (This bonus lasts for 8 seconds and is reset if you cast the third strike of chilling Cloud again)
Core damage increase for my build. Increases your damage up to 25%.
Tier 4
Transcended Master: Shard of Endless Avalanche deals an additional 15% damage. Icy Rays deals an additional 20% damage if cast on the same target twice.
Nice boost for Bowling Ball damage for AoE and Icy Rays for single target fights and PvP.
Elemental Empowerment: Your Cold Encounter Spells also deal 30% of your weapon damage over time to their target. Arcane Encounter Spells weaken a target's defenses by 10% for 3 seconds.
Quite optional feat after Chilling Cloud fix, but increases your burst damage in PvP and increases AoE damage via 10% debuff. You can easily replace this with Destructive Wizardry (don't forget to take Storm Pillar), Nightmare Wizardry from renegade or Bitter Cold from oppressor.
Final Feat
Assailing Force: Your Conduit of Ice power now reduces the Mitigation of affected targets by 15%
Core thaumaturge feat. Increases party damage for 15% on target and nearby 5 enemies.Renegade
Tier 1
Critical power: When you land a critical hit you gain 5% of your total action points. 10 second cooldown.
Very useful feat for tier 1 feats. Can give you up to 25% extra AP, when crits with AoE power.3. Powers*Here's screenshot.
*you can take Ray of Enfeeblement instead of Shard, if you don't want to use it and take one (or more) point from Icy Terrain to Storm Pillar for charging AP out of combat and Destructive Wizardry build.Rotations
(Bold - spell mastery)
Dailies: Opressive Force and Arcane Singularity
At-wills: Chilling Cloud and Ray of Frost
Encounter set 1:
Conduit of Ice, Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Shield
Classic AoE rotation. Less popular after shield nerf.
Encounter set 2:
Conduit of Ice, Icy Terrain, Sudden Storm, Steal Time
New AoE rotation. SS gives tons of damage, but more difficult to strike all enemies in pack. Frost-based.
Encounter set 3:
Conduit of Ice, Shard of the Endless Avalance, Sudden Storm, Steal Time
New AoE rotation. Arcane-based.
Class Features: Evocation is essential, second is for your personal preference: Chilling Presence, Eye of the Storm or Storm Spell. All of them are very good and near equal.
Single Target
Dailies: Ice Knife and Opressive Force or Arcane Singularity (
in some rare occasions)
At-wills: Chilling Cloud and Ray of Frost
Icy Rays, Shard Of the Endless Avalanche (or Repel, if it's difficult to use Bowling Ball), Conduit of Ice, Chill Strike
Class Features: Chilling Presence and Storm Spell.
B*tch duty (singularity bot)
Dailies: Arcane Singularity and "doesn't matter"
At-wills: "doesn't matter" and "doesn't matter"
Entangling Force, Conduit of Ice, "doesn't matter", "doesn't matter"
Class Features: "doesn't matter" and "doesn't matter"
4. Gear
High Vizier set is the only option of t2 sets. Gives a lot of damage boost to you and party. Effective both for PvE and PvP.
Stat priority:
Armor Penetration 24% (2540 rating)
Recovery ~3000 (
easy to get: HV set and Ancient set of weapons gives A LOT of recovery)
Critical ~3000
Vorpal - best option
Lightning - for AoE
Terror - party buffing
Plaguefire - cheap and cheerful
Pet: Ioun stone of Allure or Cat.
5. Notes
This build isn't an absolute truth, it's mostly a description of my playstyle. And sorry for my English, it's not my native language. If you find some mistakes, please, PM me them.
AoE rotation
Dailies: Opressive Force and Arcane Singularity
At-wills: Chilling Cloud and Storm Pillar
Conduit of Ice, Shard of the Endless Avalance, Sudden Storm, Steal Time
Class Features: Evocation and Storm Spell or EotS (Storm Spell preferrable)
Single target
Dailies: Ice Knife and Opressive Force or Arcane Singularity (in some rare occasions)
At-wills: Chilling Cloud and Magic Missile
Encounters: Icy Rays, Ray of Enfeeblement, Conduit of Ice, Chill Strike
Class Features: Eye of the Storm and Storm Spell.
Shield taken only for pushing stuff in plague or CN. If you won't go there, feel free to max Ray of Frost, Ice Storm or Chilling Presence.
I run with your Encounter 3 set up and without a doubt it is the highest damage setup that we have.
I made a few different choices in my feats, at-wills, and slotted encounters, but your build is alright. I wouldn't make these same choices, though.
I really like Transcended Master for single target and PvP. I think that is a great choice. I haven't tried it with SotEA yet. Too bad Renegade can't get this feat, that would be great.
I feel like Destructive Wizardry will be a lot more reliable for you than Malevolent Surge, but only if you slot Storm Pillar for PvE of course.
That's how it used to work.
Do you have some test results?
This testing was conducted at 26 intelligence.
Comparing the median values of 200 Magic Missiles attacks at 0/5 Learned Spellcaster versus 200 Magic Missiles attacks at 5/5 Learned Spellcaster, there is a 6.25% damage increase.
Comparing the median values of 200 Ray of Frost attacks at 0/5 Learned Spellcaster versus 200 Ray of Frost attacks at 5/5 Learned Spellcaster, there is a 6.12% damage increase.
Current as of 8/26/13 Mimic test shard.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
It's actually really easy to use. Just alternate the at-wills during AoE. For single target you'll still want to use chilling cloud anyway as its stronger than ray of frost and boosts the damage of your other attacks.
I did not say that at all, I said that's how it USED to work back when I originally played during Open Beta...
Nowadays it gives the correct bonus, thankfully... in Open Beta it only gave 6% increase on the bonus that Intelligence provided. Now it works wonderfully by providing 6% on top of the bonus that already comes from Intelligence.
^on a sun elf with the initial roll 18(+2)/13/13(+2) INT/WIS/CHA?
And if so would you say 26/15/21 and power>crit>arp>recovery>defense would be a good ideea?
If not what would you suggest?
And maybe some rotations, I mean the solo I could probably discover that myself.
(This game is more complicated than Wow but that's why I'm on the forums :P)
As for feats, I dislike Nightmare wizardry. In my expirience this buff procs quite rare even with EotS. Maybe this is karma and you would be more lucky. The rest of the feats are fine.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Btw at level 60 I should have 3k rec but what about the others?
Bitter cold works only after applying chill. Here's currently a bug with applying chill on bosses.
Transcended master taken for single target.
Anyway an awesome, straightforward build.
I also respecced after feywild back to Thaum.
I still preferred Controlling action over fight on though, and I am not contesting into a debate which is better, I already know your answer (yeah, AP from this feat is horrible lol, but still there is, and I want that)
I regret that I have put my 5 points on bitter cold instead of transcended master. I forgot how Icy Rays would be so powerful in PvP and Karrundax boss fights. Hope I get enough AD for a respec again.
May I get a suggestion from you?
here's my stats. 4k power, 1711 crit, 2225 Arp, 3600 recovery, 1500 def.
Which class feature combination would you suggest if Im going to use the CoI on tab, Steal Time, Shield, Icy terrain combo? (basically what copticone used to do)
Will Storm Spell + EotS be better than Storm Spell + Chilling presence? I have low crit as seen above. Thanks man.
Lvl 60 Control Wizard (Tiefling) - Spellstorm Mage [Thauma-DPS]
Philippines' <TANGINA MO PO KOYA> Guild
Mindflayer Server
With your current stats and classic rotation they will be near equal. With higher crit ChP will be better. On single target boss fights before bug fix with chill EotS will be better.
BTW, you can take evocation. On my tests it works on all your spells in rotation.
In copticon'es thread they stated there the powers affected by Evocation, not all. Can someone prove this? Anyway great advice, I'll try this. Its hard to squeeze in more crit and less recovery though , I am using High Vizier and CN orb+talisman, so I get more recovery and less crit. If I'll be going shadow weaver though, That will be a possibility.
Lvl 60 Control Wizard (Tiefling) - Spellstorm Mage [Thauma-DPS]
Philippines' <TANGINA MO PO KOYA> Guild
Mindflayer Server